#UE5 Series: Intro to Landscape System in UNREAL Engine

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hello everyone and welcome to another unreal engine tutorial in this video we are going to discuss the landscape system in unreal engine 5. we'll start by setting up our scene and by creating our very first landscape throughout the process we discussed the technical considerations you need to know about when you create your very first landscape system in unreal engine 5 including the editor we clarify the difference between components and sections we also talk about height maps and what makes a good height madmen of course recommended landscape sizes by epic games we also learn how to apply landscape materials using set and make attributes via the material graph and all the considerations you need to be mindful of before you apply those materials at the end i will demonstrate also how to bring an external height map from a software package like world machine to save time on sculpting just like any other videos i have time stamps for each section we have a lot to cover so let's jump right in [Music] all right let's uh launch unreal engine just like any other videos we are going to start with clean slate now unreal engine is loading i'm gonna go to games this time and a blank and let's specify the folder i already have ue5 lessons ready to go so i'm just going to select that folder and for my project i'm just going to call this landscape and we're good to go starting content on ray tracing off and hit create now we're starting with a brand new scene and obviously uh in the scene unlike the film industry for games industry we don't get a completely blank and brand new scene i already have the bridge loaded up we are going to talk about this amazing edition but for now i'm just going to close the plugins update and you can see blank scene in games you do get some assets because of the starter content but at any point of time we can just go ahead remove them replace them so on and so forth we don't need this we need to create a new level brand new level so i'm gonna go to a file and create a new level just so you know create a new level it's like creating a new scene um n for new control n does the exact same thing and that's kind of my preferred way of creating a new level we're going to create a empty level with nothing in it i really don't want to have anything in here so empty level and i'm going to go create and as you can see it's completely dark we've got nothing in the scene now we did talk about modes in the very first session and by saying modes that's what i'm talking about where you can toggle between your select mode and landscape mode and foliage mode and mesh paint mode for now just try to memorize shift to shift one because we do toggle between select and landscape a lot for now i'm going to press shift 2 and now we're in landscape we haven't started with anything alt left mouse button you can see i'm sort of moving around i can go left click and go up and down with this q e i can go in and out with w and s and now uh gradually but surely i'm starting to reveal my landscape now if you look at this landscape closely you can see um although it's completely blank but we have a few attributes in here and we've got some colors in here so a yellow color stroke a green color and if i zoom in we get a slightly darker color so let's discuss what these colors are and how they can play a role in what we do i'm just going to bring the camera speed a bit higher right click and s just to go all the way out zooming out and bring it to the center and the reason that i'm explaining this right now is because once you create your landscape you're probably not going to see this so let's clarify what we have here so the yellow color is the landscape edge that we have light green shows individual components and these components um define how big your landscape is and within each component we've got medium green color and those are sections you can see you've got section per component if i kind of bring this a little bit to the right you can see per component now we have one by one you can go two by two and all of a sudden you can see those medium green color and then we have number of components and we already defined number of components you can see we've got one two three four five six seven eight eight by eight you can go seven by seven so on and so forth so you can actually tweak this land escape however you want to do now why i'm talking about this because that plays a huge role in how you define or manipulate these numbers you can see in the manage rollout you can create a brand new landscape you can remove sections you can move the landscape you can add spline to the landscape so many things you can do at the moment they've been grayed out because you need to start from new now when you start from new you have two options you can create your own landscape which we will talk about first or you can bring a height map from a file which we will talk about after we finish this section you can give the landscape a material at the moment we do not have a material we're not even sure what type of material we want to give to this landscape so usually you leave that off and you've got location rotation and scale and to be honest with you i tend not to touch these three at all so when it comes to translation i'll leave these intact and i tweak things later now we have um section size and you can see section size says 7 by 7 quad 15 by 15 quad and if i change that you can see our landscape gets bigger or smaller so if you're planning on having a continent or a very big landscape make sure to specify a reasonably big landscape and of course number of components and overall resolution will help you to add more defined details add sharper details now one thing you need to be mindful of i'm just going to reduce it to the default which the default which is a 63x63 i'm going to go 2x2 but one thing that you need to be careful about with overall resolution is you can't just put in a power of two resolution i mean you can but you may run into artifacts as a matter of fact i will do that at some point in this tutorial just for you to see what type of artifact we're running into and how we can fix it but it's best to use what epic games recommended and all the recommended landscape size can be found here i'm going to put the link in the description so you can see the overall size the role it's playing is to maximize the area while minimizing the number of landscape components allows you to run your game more efficiently and knowing what number to put in um is going to be a huge time saver for example if i want to go one up from a 1009 my peak would be 2017 so that's how you increase or maximize the landscape size while you're keeping things efficiently so again the reason i knew this because of this table and i highly recommend you to kind of take a peek at that before you put in a random number in there and that gives you how many uh components you have in total so enough with that let's go ahead and start probably i'm going to lower this to 1009 because i feel like this is way too much especially right now i just want to demonstrate things so i probably don't need to have a super big landscape to begin with so with that out of the way i'm just going to zoom in a little and let's go ahead and create as soon as you create you will get a landscape of course that landscape has nothing in it and you get a height map that height map is a 16-bit grayscale map which you can paint on and every time you paint a white color that defines the raised areas and every time you paint black color that defines shallow areas the way that you do it with this brush here and now all of a sudden we switched from manage to sculpt automatically and you get this sculpt tool where you can just sculpt things and create mountains create hill we can have brush size you can increase or decrease this brush size you can increase and decrease the falloff have a super hard brush or a very soft brush and of course hard brush is to just draw something really well defined with crisp edges may not really work for landscape unless you have a very specific scenario in mind and of course we have total strength how much the points are going to raise once i draw a stroke on this canvas so we can change that as well we get the change the profiles we get to change the brush type and get a different type and before we actually get ahead of ourselves let's have a look at how we can actually set up light for this because right now if i just switch to select you can see this landscape of ours has nothing in it we remember that we started with just a clean level with nothing in it so obviously we need to bring in something all right let's quickly go through the lighting part of this tutorial we've already talked about lighting in three separate videos so feel free to check them out but for now i'm just gonna go and use environment light mixer to create my lights first things first what i need is a directional light so i'm going to go ahead and create an atmospheric light that directional light is there using this window allows me to put things right at the center you can see x and y at the center which is good um i kind of like that accuracy right now i have nothing in the scene so i don't need to worry about where i angle it and of course every time we create a directional light you would like to go ahead and create sky atmosphere fantastic i'm going to create my sky atmosphere now i have clear blue sky the only thing that you need to now be mindful of when you create a directional light is you need to make sure if i scroll down all the way on their atmosphere and clouds you need to make sure that atmosphere sunlight is enabled so these two guys can react and uh connect uh the second thing well i should say the third thing that you need to bring of course after these two is to create a sunlight now this sunlight allows you to have some indirect lights in the scene just so you know if i delete this sunlight for now and bring an object into the scene let's say i'm just going to bring a cylinder into this scene i'm going to make this cylinder just ever so slightly big so that allows you to see the impact of the skylight right now you can see the other side the shadowy side of our object is pretty dark right so we know how to fix this the way to fix this is to create a skylight so i'm going to create a skylight and as soon as i do that you can see that it's getting the job done you need to make sure that they're set to movable so your skylight should be set to movable and your sky atmosphere should set to movable and of course your directional ledge is set to movable if you're not getting any light building warning then it means that you've done this correctly now this allows me to press ctrl l on my directional light so if i just move my directional light up so i can select it pressing ctrl l you can see i can simulate day and night now the funny thing is if i go complete nighttime my scene is still bright somehow i'm still getting the blue sky scattering into my scene and again if you have watched my tutorial on lighting you know that this happens every time that skylight forgets to recapture the environment either you do this manually or a much better solution when your light set to movable is to just click on real time capture as soon as you do that your skylight captures the environment in real time so um well the environment is pitch black so that's what you get in the scene i'm going to press ctrl l on my directional light so i'm just going to select my directional light pressing ctrl l and create the light the one last edit i would do is just to get rid of this black area right underneath the sky atmosphere and the real way you do it is very easy i can actually use my light mixer you bring exponential height fog from your visual effects menu or you just create exponential fight from here and done you need to make sure that the fog in scattering color is set to black and of course you need to make sure that directional in scattering color is also set to black and mine is set to black by default just double check all right uh lighting side of things is done we now can successfully go shift 2 and switch back to our sculpt tool and explore what these options do and how we can benefit from them before i do that i'm just going to bring a character into the scene just to understand the scale of this scene so i'm just going to go to content drawer go add and create add feature or content pack i'm going to bring a third person shooter so i can kind of replace that with this cylinder of ours so i'm going to bring this guy into the project adding this guy into the project you can see it added a blueprint into our content folder which is fantastic i can go ahead and close that and i can close that i can go to content drawer and you can see we have a third person with a blueprint on it and we have characters now with mannequins now we've got two type of mannequins mannequins ue4 which is the white guy and mannequins in ue5 which is a more fancier looking type of character for now we need that guy to be static i'm just going to bring drag and drop this mannequin here so we get a better understanding of the size and i can switch back to select for now we can just hide our static mesh the cylinder guy which we don't need now this guy basically what this guy does um gives us a benchmark a scaling benchmark i'm gonna zero her out really quickly and move her up pressing the end on my keyboard to plant the character on the ground and we are ready to go so let's go to the next chapter and sort of explore how we can benefit from landscaping tools that we have inside the landscape editor now let's explore this sculpt mode which allows you to sculpt the look of your landscape height map before i do that i need to do some organization in here because we're getting too many folders and we don't even have our own folder which is so uncharacteristic of reza so let's create a folder i'm just going to create the like a parent folder called this one landscape we need to go in there and create three folders i'm just going to create one maps or levels another one can be materials because we are going to assign some materials and another one is going to be textures because we are going to bring some really cool textures so in the in maps we are going to save this very level so let's actually do that right now save a current level as and i'm gonna go into landscape i'm gonna go into maps i'm gonna call this my very first landscape bit of a lie but go with it save so we have the landscape saved in here that's good we are going to bring some materials in there um very soon but for now let's just go ahead in the landscape and see what we can do again before i do that i'm probably going to get rid of this cylinder i really don't need that cylinder i'm going to zoom in ever so slightly so we have this character in here and now let's go to the landscape the first one is skull and that smooths the landscape within the brush that you have so you can see the brush size is massive so i'm just gonna move that the total strength how powerful the brush is you can see i can just go ahead and create the landscape around the character i can kind of hold and as i hold i can just add to what i have right so shift is going to push this down so normal brush is going to raise and if i press shift it's actually going to push things down and create some interesting results now this is a really really really manual way of working obviously i can at any point of time reduce this fall off bring the brush down and that allows me to add a little bit of detail in here so i can kind of go in there and gradually but surely add certain details in there um and that's why i will be showing you my preferred way on that later on but for now i'm just creating sort of a a template you can of course go in here and smooth out certain areas flatten is quite an interesting one so if i go ahead and increase my brush size and create something really big i can go in here with flatten and reduce my brush size again and flatten certain areas you can see how this area is now quite flat so that's another thing that you can do and you can go ahead with smooth and just smooth out some of these areas and come up with some really really interesting shapes and basically that's kind of it really so you can kind of go ahead and um with your wacom tablet obviously you get a much better result we've got ramp in here which is pretty cool you select the first point and second point and you go add ramp and if i select a way you can see we kind of created that ramp here now you can go with smooth and start smoothing out some of these areas so everything kind of blends better and you just um add detail gradually but surely start adding details with this falloff brush brush size and the strength of the brush and that's how you basically add details erosion does a really good job at um kind of creating the erosion effect as the name suggests which is kind of useful you can kind of create big dips in your environment like so um noise is another useful one i can kind of increase the strength of the noise and bring the brush size to a reasonable amount and you can see that kind of adds a little bit of detail in there oh that's way too much i can kind of scale it down and you can see how it sort of adds some details to what i have so basically that's it you need to constantly be mindful of the camera angle that you have if you're in a game play i would suggest that you kind of bring your third person and kind of walk around the environment and see how you can kind of explore it is that going to be useful or not is totally up to you i'm just going to go ahead and i'm just going to add a little bit of detail to this because right now i feel like there's not much details in there so i'm gonna speed up the video and add a little bit of detail just to have a little bit of fun [Music] so [Music] [Music] so as you can see um i'm kind of trying to add definition to this but again there is a it's a very time consuming task and there is a not much that you can sort of do to get what really works of course this is very low resolution and because of that i need to add to the resolution you can see by these checker boards how low res this landscape is and it doesn't matter how hard i try um you really need to understand the terrain creation set up to be able to pull this off that's why manual working or manual approach to landscape can be very tedious and risky for lack of better word that's why what i suggest is now we know how this landscape gets created through manage and new and we can create a new one uh you know just like that my suggestion is to bring one from a file now how to bring landscape from a file is a different story so if i go in here and for now i'm going to minimize this this application is one of the application packages that you can use to create your own landscape so it's a very easy to use application i may actually um put together a tutorial on this you won't believe how simple it is to create terrain with a few clicks and get landscapes like this so world machine is what i really prefer to create landscapes i've already gone ahead and if i go into miscellaneous folder height map i've already gone through the process of creating a few ones this is a lake this is a landscape that i made this is just a mountain and it's a really kind of rocky steepy mountain and these are the one height maps that i generated inside the world machine and i make them available to you guys i put the link in the description below so whatever you would like to use you can just download them and you can use them so let's see how we can make use of height maps importing a new height map inside unreal engine 5 and put that into practice now we know how to create a manual landscape through um the editor manage and new let's go ahead and select this landscape i'm just gonna press delete on it and let's create one from scratch but this time using an import button i'm going to go import from the file and it says height map file and i'm going to click on the browse the three dot button i'm gonna go to miscellaneous and i'm gonna go to height map and i'm gonna actually get this landscape that's the first one i created now right off the bat you can see that it brings all the details automatically so it's actually a very big landscape that i made inside world machine it's 127 section 227 section um and number of components are 17 so it's pretty big however the overall resolution is 2160 power of two but not what unreal engine recommends if i go ahead with import i just want to show you what happens if i import something with wrong resolution i'm just going to go ahead and import everything looks good but as soon as i zoom back you can see the stretching that is that is happening actually around the map so you can see all this stretching that is happening around here around here around here and around here so not a fan to be honest with you so what i'm going to do i'm going to press delete and i'm going to show you a trick to fix this so i'm going to bring the exact same map actually again but this time i'm going to reduce only one so going 16 component to 16 component and i'm going to press import and voila it actually fix the issue a bit of a hack kind of works um well actually not kind of but actually works and does a pretty good job this little fella is um way off probably the position of this guy so i probably need to bring the character down so i'm just going to try to plant the character on the ground now the only thing is i feel like this landscape is massive and the fog height is really really high so what i usually do with this landscape the first thing i'm going to do in here is to reduce the z scale i try not to touch the x scale and y scale and just reduce this z scale to i don't know something like 40 percent uh the fog is massive so i'm just gonna go to select bring the density of the fog down ever so slightly i'm gonna press end on the keyboard to kind of plant the character on the ground and now you can see how beautiful this uh environment is so in in no time at all really by importing uh just a simple map we managed to create this amount of detail inside our environment and that's why i actually um i'm a huge fan of the second way of creating landscape creating the height map and bring that in and the reason that i manually started modeling the landscape or generating the terrain was to kind of show you that it can take a really long time and the reward at the end is not really there whereas with just bringing the height map you can get a really really really neat result in no time at all all right that's the modeling part of the landscape generation so let's go to the next chapter and let's talk about now we have this how we add material to this [Music] all right let's see how we can set up our landscape material so we can make use of the third tab in our landscape editor in order to do that i need to set up my materials first so i'm going to go to content drawers and of course we have maps where we stored this level speaking of which i may actually go and save all then we have material in that folder i'm just going to right click and create a material i'm going to call this m underscore landscape m for material and i'm going to create an instance from that mi for material instance and landscape in case if you're unfamiliar with instance ink and how to parameterize your attributes feel free to jump into my unreal engine series and find the parent versus instance material where i explain all about it now with my landscape material we need to set up our uh main attributes for this now i'm not going to assign that material just yet i would like to make some progress in there uh parameterize some attributes and at the end drag and drop the material in there so i'm just going to double click on it bring my material landscape and with that i can probably go into my landscape and go to textures and best is to bring some textures in so i'm gonna go to import to games landscape go two levels back and i've got some textures ready to go so um ground textures i've got some textures i'm gonna bring that in feel free to bring in your preferred textures or some textures from the starter pack you can see that unreal engine identified those normal maps great and that reminded me to have a quick look at the color space so i'm going to click on the ambient occlusion in here you can see srgb is on we want this to be off and save um the grass the green part has to be srgb so that's good normal has to be normal which already been detected roughness needs to be linear so i am going to save again we talked about this in our material video srgb4 ao nope we don't want that we want this to be linear for the ground srgb is on and normal is normal we already talked about this srgb should not be turned on i'm going to fix that ao for the mod needs to be turned off the srgb channel should be turned off srgb should be on for color normal it's already been set and linear should be set for the roughness for the mod texture now we have everything ready to go you may say resolve we know this part we just bring everything and connect it to this landscape material but i'm going to show you a different way of creating a landscape material and that is by turning this to an attribute basically collapsing this window to a single input um which accepts the incoming data from make material attributes and all the landscape attributes that we have available now in order to do that i'm just going to turn off the content drawer to make ourselves more space in order to do that i'm just going to select this main material and i'm going to go into use material attribute and i'm going to turn this on as soon as i do that as i said we're getting only a single channel and that single channel gets connected to a landscape material that allows us to blend different materials so bear with me it gets actually quite easy in a second so in order to connect these textures to something so if i go to textures i've got let's say a green which is a color map we have a ground which is a color map and then we have mod which is again a color map where we should connect this well there is a node since we've already lost if i turn off use material attribute since we already lost metallic specular roughness at anisotropy so on and so forth there is actually a material that can bring these attributes back that expression is called make material attributes and you can see make material attributes bring all of these attributes back the attributes that we missed as soon as we collapsed the main material node now this is called landscape node that's the parent node that everything gets connected to and we can have as many make material attributes as we can so i can have three make material attributes like so and just go in here and say all right srgb to base color srgb to base color and srgb to base color okay well should they all go in there then if i go and connect this in here and connect this in here you can see one is going to disconnect the other one so how can we blend them together now while there are ways to use typical expressions in unreal to do so and we've already looked at some like multiply or lerp note there is actually a node that is just the right node or expression for landscape texturing and that node is called landscape blend expression so i'm gonna bring layer blend expression and that's the job of this expression to blend any material that you may have so i can just hold down alt and disconnect and go in here first things first i need to define how many layers i would like to blend so the input the number of inputs are important i'm going to select this go to the details i've got layer and i've got the array elements where i can just add any layer that i want to connect so i've got three materials i need three layers layer 0 index 0 index 1 and index 2. you can see we've got layer none layer none layer none representing these three index values i'm going to expand one of them and i'm going to call this green and that represents this green um map in here and sure enough the first one is called now layer green i'm going to very quickly do that for the other ones i'm going to expand index 1 and i'm going to call this ground which is a brownie color layer ground and of course i'm going to go to the third index and i'm going to call this mod now i have three inputs for three materials that i have and rest assured i can just drag and drop them in here how simple is that and the output of the blend goes directly into the landscape that's it i can go apply to compile the shader and that will have an impact on the instant shader that i've previously made however this although it's quite valid and it's working and from now on i can go in here and bring in more channels i've got roughness i can bring roughness in here i've got ambient occlusion i can bring it to the ambient occlusion channel and i've got normal i can bring it to the normal channel although this is valid it leaves me with lots of unused attributes and that's a rather a very long list so um i've got a note that i would like to introduce to you guys which um serves the same purpose as make material attributes and it allows you to define a set of material attributes and pass them on to a bundled data as a single wire in our case a layer blend expression uh the only thing that you need to be mindful of is you need to know what channels you're going to target before you create it well in our case it's actually fairly straightforward we know that it's ambient occlusion color normal and roughness but if you're still playing around with the idea and not sure you may add a refraction later you may add specular radar best thing to do is just to stay with this make material attribute now the one that i'm going to introduce is called set material attribute so i'm just going to press the tab i'm going to go set and the first thing that comes up is set material attribute right off the bat it doesn't give you any attribute and you may say reza you said it's a replacement um that's the main reason we created this make material attributes to have access to these channels after all well the good thing about this is you can actually specify how many channels what channels you would like to have on set material attribute pretty cool huh so you can go to details attribute set types and i need four arrays one for color one for normal one for roughness another one for ambient occlusion so click on this plus sign four times so one two three four and we already have base color we already have roughness i can actually go in here and pick roughness and then go in here and pick normal and go to my third index and pick ambient occlusion and there you have it now all i need to do is to replace this node with our new set material attribute i'm going to go and plug base color to rgb nothing has changed we're still dealing with the same material attribute but just look at how much clutter we have with this guy and how efficient and clean this this expression is so i'm going to get rid of this and i'm going to get rid of this and very quickly get rid of this and replace them with this new set material attribute so base to base and material attribute to layer ground and i'm going to create another one ctrl c ctrl v rgb to base color and output of the set material attribute to layer blend and we're all sorted now the easy part all i need to do is to bring the ambient occlusion bring the roughness and bring the normals for each set material attribute and plug them in [Music] now that is done i've got um all the materials set up i would like to have access to their tiling as well and parameterize them so i can use them in my instance material so the process hasn't changed you can definitely use texture coordinate so if i go and type in coordinate you can use texture coordinate your advantage and use it in conjunction with a normal constant and i'm going to press m and left click to bring in multiply and basically do that and parameterize this guy as your tiling and that goes to your uvs what i suggest is instead of texture coordinate use landscape layer coordinate so i'm just going to plug that in now you only need to use this once because well the these guys can be repurposed so i can actually select these two control c control v bring them one for the ground and ctrl c ctrl v bring one for the mod now that goes to these uv so i can just select the uvs and every uv gets plugged to this multiply because if you're changing the tiling for your color map obviously your ambient occlusions it should follow your normal map should follow and your roughness should follow that's why we're repurposing this same in [Music] it's like here you're just gonna walk into my room i hate how you assume the pleasure and the pain [Music] cause you are the only one [Music] now that's uh way more organized i actually quite like um the way that this is coming along all i need to do is to parameterize rather that so to parameterize that i'm going to go to convert and i'm going to call this green underscore tile so now this shows up in our material instance as a value a parameter that i can play around with without compiling i can do the same thing here convert to parameter and can call this ground underscore tile i'm going to move down and right click convert to parameter and i'm going to call this mod underscore tile so i'm going to go apply and i'm going to go save just out of our own curiosity if i go to content drawer and go to material double click on the landscape but the instance one you can see i have the tiles in here ready to go so at any point of time i can turn them on and get to work now just being very mindful of the fact that right now there is absolutely no tiling and usually the default for that is one so i'm gonna set that to one i'm going to save so there is no surprise always check the default value you can set your default value of course but right now the default was set to zero and we don't want that all right now everything looks uh set ready to go let's see how we can apply that material that we made to the landscape the process is actually fairly simple all you need to do is to drag and drop landscape material in there now first glance you would be like hold on a second didn't we all of this to see something in here what's going on well first things first i'm going to save and apply right now the process is you need to go to paint as soon as you go to paint under layer you see these three materials you need to create your base material and paint whatever material you would like to have on top of your base material now let's get to work we need to decide which material gets to be the base i would like the mud to be the base now you go in here you create layer info and you go wait blended layer as normal and it asks you where do you want me to save what i'm about to do it's usually it creates a folder under your map folder or levels folder wherever this levels currently resides and usually don't touch it usually don't remove it don't rename it just leave it as is i'm just going to go save and as soon as you do that you get the base layer working for you now if i zoom in you can see we need to really do something about this tiling because it's just ugly well lucky for us we have access to the material instance tiling attribute uh we actually made this for this reason after all so i'm going to go to mod and i'm going to set this to 0.5 yep looks definitely better 0.2 maybe 0.1 and now we start getting some really good results i'm actually going to take this to the next level and maybe go really big on this something like that so looks a lot better actually with the correct amount of tiling now it's time to go ahead and i'm just going to move that to the next monitor that i have now it's time to go ahead and just start painting on the areas that we want so let's say i want the sort of raised areas to get more of a ground and in between crevices i would like to get green so i can select green and i'm on paint right so you can see i've got brushes here ready to go i can actually move in here and i can start drawing but before we do that again we need to make sure that we create that um layer info if you don't do that this is what you're gonna get so you're gonna get this layer has no layer info assigned to it so that's your cue to click on this plus to create a layer info wait blend it so you can actually blend this with other layers and i'm going to save and now if i click with the of course i need to select the green you can see i'm going to let this compile and now you can see i'm getting some results now brush strains is one thing brush fall-off size all of these are going to sort of apply i can go in there and in between crevices i can just or the base i can just get some green um and again how you are going to tweak this how much blend you're going to um apply it's totally up to you obviously if i zoom in you may realize i'm just going to zoom in really quick you may realize that what you have again does not have um the tiling that you want which is sort of a problem so let's go in there into our content door into our material and landscape and start tweaking what we have so i'm just going to tweak the size of this to something like this oh that's way too yep something like that should really do the trick and you can see how nicely this now blends if you don't want to get any fall off totally up to you really so for example i just want to kind of minimize the fall off and increase the intensity and you can kind of get something like that and you can go with smooth and sort of smooth the edges out a little bit there are a lot of smart materials out there by the way then these materials do help you to get a much better result but for now i'm just gonna go ahead with a few tweaks [Music] so that really should do the trick for this example you can see that we are actually adding bits and pieces to this and just you know your artistic discretion your artistic decision how you would like to create something like that at any point of time you can just jump out of this into scale select your directional light and start rotating it so i've got my directional light and start rotating my light to see if i can get a a better result and i can select my mannequin and have a look at it and basically look at the environment i can go to exponential height fog and just increase or decrease the height fog just to add a little bit of personality to my scene and all of these changes go hand in hand and obviously and it's based on the reference that you may have but that's basically it that's how you create material using everything and anything we've learned so far so if you think about it we're actually using material instancing we are using what we've learned in material starting with color space how to plug things how to unplug things the only difference is we use landscape coordinates as opposed to texture coordinates we use a very useful expression called set material attributes and of course a very useful note called landscape layer blend and we also learned how to make use of material attribute so a lot of new things that we talked about which is going to add layers to what we already know about material but this time for landscape now i hope you found this video useful and i hope you use these tricks in your own projects but that should do the trick as an introductory session in the next stop we are going to talk about quicksole mega scan actually a very very nice addition to unreal engine 5 which is now embedded inside the application so let's go to the next video and see what's in store for us when it comes to quiksil mega scan thank you very much for your support and stay safe see you in the next video
Views: 21,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5 tutorial, unreal engine 5 beginner tutorial, unreal engine landscape layers, unreal engine landscape master material, unreal engine make material attributes, ue5 landscape, ue5 landscape tutorial, ue5 landscape material, ue5 landscape tiling, ue5 landscape painting, ue5 landscape blend material, ue5 landscape texturing, ue5 landscape grass, ue5 landscape heightmap, ue5 landscape master material, ue5 landscape material blend, ue5 landscape tool
Id: Rfvl0QF6nzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 43sec (3583 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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