Creating an Environment in Unreal Engine 5 using Megascans

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[Music] so we are live apparently we should yeah more life more alive than ever all right so um so for this live stream we want to create an environment hopefully we want to create something nice and have fun along the way while showing some tricks here and there that you can use inside unreal engine 5 to create environments so if you have any questions or anything just let us know in the chat um ram is with me our programmer who is programmer who is trying to learn hard how to how to do art hello more than learn just understand it really helps with communication knowing some of the terminology that the artists use so yeah like learning understanding or learning to understand yeah so if we manage to make you create an environment that doesn't look like jojo we we have accomplished our mission yeah real success if that happens all right so for for this environment i will be using a real engine 5 because it's awesome and why not and we're going to create a cave uh not surprisingly a lot of people are creating cave with a real engine five week of we have a lot of assets so we are going through some cool things to to show uh not only in a real but maybe outside unreal and some cool blueprints we can we can use to to create our environments faster so um let's get started uh i have the default map here created and file new level and then just choose a time of day so that we can have something and i'm just gonna delete some of those things here and i'm having my reference on on the other on the other monitor uh actually the other computer that's why i cannot share it but it's basically a cave from vietnam and i'll be using that as a reference i'll put a link in the description later but i think one of the hardest thing at least for me when i started environment is like when it's empty i feel a little bit intimidated and i don't know where to start so the best thing i can do first is block out the big shapes of the environment let's say the surroundings and then i can know when when it's about to finish and by doing that i don't have this big space where i have unlimited possibilities to create an environment so if i'm gonna use my third-person game mode to just play here in my game oh let me delete some assets blueprints i i had here for the bring quick since this quick self-drippings uh i tried to use them uh are actually available for 4.26 and i tried to copy them but unfortunately it didn't work out so i have my own blueprint for creating ropes we may use it later so the first thing i want to do is to create a floor here and to do that i'm gonna use my modeling tools if you don't have the modeling tools just click on edit plugins and then click on modeling tools here modeling tools editor mode and where we are going to create a floor here so uh very easy we're just going to this mode activate modeling tools and then let's create our rectangle we can create many different shapes here like a cone a rectangle which is basically a plane a terrorist an arrow very very useful so we're going to create a rectangle here and right now it snaps to the surface or a snap to the grid so what this means is like for example if i have a box here and i click here i'm snapping to the grid but if i snap to the surface i will snap to the normals of this one that's that means that if i choose the box here i will snap to the normals of this one so both methods are valid depending on what kind of thing you want to use in my case i will just snap to the grid and i will create a rectangle and i click ok and then click complete and now i have my rectangle and what i'm going to do is to scale it like press shift f1 to remove the modeling tools tool set here and then click the grid mode to let's just put it on zero zero zero and then let's just scale it by maybe 20 or maybe let's just delete this one for now maybe 30 i don't know let's just start with 20. so what i want to do is to put some material here so i can have my ground material so i went into my quick cell content if i press ctrl space here i have all my content here and i can go to my quick cell here bridge i have some services i have bring into my content browser already so i don't don't download them right now which is my internet's pretty bad actually this is not recording from my screen this is recording from skype that is yeah sharing my screen yeah first world problems i guess three words i don't know what to call it we have this plane so what we're going to do is to go to our materials here in mega scans and then choose my material instance here and we're gonna choose the surfaces so we can play with it to see what kind of surface i want to create for my ground this one looks really nice for the ground but the textile densities are a little slow actually you can check it here if you go to optimization require the texture resolution and you go to here and you can choose which texture we are using in this mesh in this case i can choose a diffuse and you can see if i go close like this it goes red and the reason is the resolution is not high enough i can either import a higher resolution or i can scale it down a little bit or make it tile both are okay in my case i'm gonna scale it maybe like this i can have a smaller surface or maybe five okay maybe okay five looks okay i think and it's snapping to the grid everything works perfectly and what i want to do is to put some displacement here to have a ground that i can use in my environment so very easy i'm going to go to my modeling tool set and the first thing i want to do is to add some triangles here and the way i'm going to do this is go to my mesh operations and click remesh here and by default is five dozen triangles you can change like which kind of smoothing method you want the mix by default works perfectly and of course we're having the edge constraints here so this looks like a fair amount of polygons to work with so let's just click accept okay and what i want to do is to create some geometry here and i'm going to do that by using the displacement options if i go to here to deform i'm gonna have the option to displace and by default it will load a little bit because i'm having four subdivisions here and you can see what it's doing i'm going to reduce this like to have less subdivisions okay all right you can see how many triangles you have and this looks fairly okay and the reason it looks like that is because you are using a parallel noise we can change the type of noise here by sign something like that very interesting results you can change the wave like 0.5 0.4 extremely interesting actually you can play with this too or you can have something very small to have like a something like that if you want but that's not what i'm looking for and you're gonna also have like random noise which is basically random noise and the burling noise uh it's very common so you can add different frequencies like 0.5 here or 0.05 0.01 like the big shapes and then go to the next one and then see put one here or 0.01 and intensity maybe 0.2 you can have something here and you can have some noise the problem of this thing is that the noise doesn't really match our texture so what we're going to do is to use a texture 2d map and by default we don't have any texture so what we're going to do is to choose the texture that comes with our surface so if i can if i go here and let me put this up and i go here click browse to check my material here i have some textures here i download the 4k let's see if this one has displacement actually because this one looks like it doesn't okay so let's try to download a super high quality one or maybe we can try to find something that has a displacement texture here so let's go to our quick cell bridge which one are we using rocky cliff okay maybe i'll work using this ones and we're going to download the okay so for the newer quick newer versions of quick sale you have high quality and highest quality so the highest quality is obviously the most updated textures that are available let's see if one of this has the highest quality which i didn't download so let's try to find one and actually let's just go through these ones all this is like the ambient occlusions and we're not using the displacement anymore this could work as a displacement actually but not really we could try but let's let's just see so if i go to my rocket cliff click this one and then go here yeah you can see it really doesn't work as expected so let's just try to choose another texture which is has the displacement available and let's go to home services and maybe choose one of this okay so let's just try this one downloading highest quality not only high quality 900 megabytes clearly everyone is talking about buying a new hard drive or ssd these days because it's just not enough anymore yeah also download this one the highest quality yeah actually i already have it i think yeah let's let's put the highest quality here with rock cliff so let's see if we have it here are these having the same names here let's just put the materials oh reset filters we're going to put the static mesh and then materials material instance okay none of those come with the displacement let's just use this one which is very strange because the displacement is the most important texture wink that you want to have in your in your arsenal okay so this is a cliff but it doesn't matter let's just check how it looks like material instance which one can you spot it maybe this one so apparently we don't have any displacement anymore is that is that true let's go to files yeah i was gonna ask is there any way to know inside the bridge before downloading there used to be a way to check the the textures but they change the bridge so let's just check if one of those has a displacement apparently none of them [Music] let's just check one of the older ones maybe let's go to surface maybe this one and then download the highest quality again so apparently we don't have a displacement texture for this one so there's no way we can use it [Music] let's just try with this one and see if this one has a displacement now do you have a previously downloaded material just to know how how it looks uh displacement [Music] texture well what the one well the one you want downloads as you have in another project so let's just cancel this one and yeah very very sad we don't have the displacement now so let's just what's highest quality at let's just check the content browser rocky's hand i have a feeling that this one that's it yeah i remember the okay this one doesn't i remember they used to have a mask for this and they come with a mask anyway so i feel you can use a quick cell mixer to to actually export the displacement of this one let's just check i think i could just open another project where i have some textures here like this one content mega scans surfaces yep those are 2k but it could work uh i'm not sure if it's gonna work because it's like this has a different asset and they may have updated it so i'm gonna just copy hopefully it works speed level content mega scan surfaces okay so let's just put this one apparently it works huh it doesn't doesn't have a parent mesh let's try to find the parent for this one apparent we're gonna choose this one i'm gonna put it here and then for this one we're gonna choose the parent surface material okay so this one is 2k but just to show the example you can go to the modeling tools and you can displace and in instead of using this one we're gonna use our displacement here so we just put this one here and just by doing that all my rocks are actually displacing along the texture surface and not just some random noise so i can change the displacement to be like five or something like that more subtle or i can put like eight so that's something really really really cool and a good cool thing about this is like let's just we can click accept and let's let's nanite this enable okay looks ready so the cool thing is like you can just duplicate this once and then just duplicate those and all this will match perfectly because of the vertices are in the same position so if i create like a collision here can put something like this then i can play my game here if i can find it okay here it is nope not this one yeah there is the part that is really early access yeah this is really early access so let's just open it again some chinese message telling me i shouldn't use this version okay it happens but that's really a that's really a cool way to to create the the meshes so let's just open our level here because we didn't lose it actually okay so now that we are here actually we can we can play whoops let's just play here with the camera location we hit play and now we have a ground here and it's very nice i mean you don't need to model anything another thing you can use is to i'm not sure if this is gonna work actually but i can try to use my blueprint for the splines i have a blueprint here i like to use to create ropes so if i go here blueprints i have my rope here by default i'm using this asset that i also created using the modeling tools it's just a cylinder and what i can do is just drag here and just create a rope here and i can move into different directions it's like very very cool blueprint so what i'm gonna do is to use it but let's just try to use this one so i'm gonna go here and maybe maybe change the name to ground okay and maybe it works but let's see let's just change the the mesh i believe i need to go to my blueprint and change this spline mesh i can actually put it as a variable right yes but here right promote local variable is it like the right way to to use it um let's plan you would need instead of adding a component that component should be in the component step because your that oh well you could also just drag a set a static mesh instead of a variable and so this one no no delete that from the return value okay yeah from the return value drag and drop yeah from there put set static mesh okay yeah that's one but actually this spline message using a static mesh here yeah but you want to set up another one right yes yeah so no you need to put that first yeah there and the new mesh there you can make it a variable that yeah that one oh i see i see so promote to local variable and this will be uh let's just put it mesh bear not my new static mesh okay let's just delete this variable and for this one i will use my ground well actually i have a lot of ground so i will just put this one maybe great so i guess i need to put the forward asset axis to x okay and the other thing is that this mesh is not using this material so i'm gonna go to the static mesh editor and then i'm going here then i'm gonna put this one like that okay so now i can have something first i can scale this like maybe three or maybe five i don't know and we can actually use the the mesh to to create like a path it's not exactly working exactly nice here but yeah well let's explain meshes deform that way and i want to make this sure this static meshes public which where is the eye oh right um you need to scale pure like give it a little more space no to the right oh if it's not there then it's in the details panel just the details panel yeah the dropdown arrow the the last one the last one the the after category that that arrow oh okay yeah it's called oh it's not early access i guess no it's called instance editable but but it's not there yeah it's not there that's ah anyway uh i'm just gonna use my old rope here and click ok and then my follower axis c and let's just not use it for now but in any case like if i want the ground i can just duplicate this one and just continue doing this i can actually group it oh there was a question in the in the comment section well in the live chat it said how can we achieve that natural randomness in the environment should it include the hand placement of assets or should it be more procedural well obviously you get the best results by hand place assets but for hand placing assets i think uh we'll do this later but normally you just want to use like this old trick that is like big medium and small so let's say you have a rock like this uh to in order for this to look naturally you need something that looks a little bit smaller so i'm gonna use another color maybe something like this okay next to it and maybe some others around it and then you want other ones that look even smaller like this ones like pebbles or something and you can put it here or here to sell the scale and then maybe you want your material in the ground to be even smaller something like this nice around here so by using this formula you actually get a very natural result of everything uh if you hand place the stuff so that that's a good way to that can be a good way to do it and obviously if you use the scatter notes you don't get control but also you can get very happy accidents a lot of them so i will use a scatter as much as i can and if it doesn't really make the job then i can just go back to my you know go back and place manually but i will use the scatter first and then use the manual placement because it takes a lot of time to place all these assets another method that is i find is the best of both worlds is just using the blueprint here i showed this in another video but if like if you go to blueprints i have some blueprints here for the ground and some for for the walls something like this where it's easier to hand place and have control over where you want your assets to be something like that and then you can edit the blueprint and you can have like very a lot of variations to populate your level and you can do the same with the ground like something like this like a platform here so if i play here you can already have something here and you can even like create other variants of this so if i go to my platform i can duplicate and this will be my platform too i can go to my viewport and all of this let's just see which one we're using here probably this one nope i believe i call the platform yeah okay so you could duplicate this once like platform 2 and then maybe scale it something like that rotate it have some variation here and then scale it a little bit here and then you have another variation actually let's just not rotate it because it's using some things here let's rotate a little bit just like that okay you can have something like this and this one you can actually scale it nope not this one let's go find our platform then let's get like this maybe not just just like that and then with this one it's very easy to create another variation of this ones like just put it here and then and if you see a hole don't worry you can always put another one here okay so basically what you want is to speak medium on small pieces on everything your textures your meshes everything for some reason my computer is very slow now i don't know why but yeah let's just try to open a new level okay let's play okay so let's start with the with the fun part so when you create an environment you want to block as fast as possible some some things and let's just use some meshes to keep it simple we can actually create a blueprint and all that but that will take some time so i have some ground here i can is it because of my mesh or unreal because it's really really slow actually and i try to open a new level and it's still slow so i'm gonna i'm gonna reopen it otherwise an a new level yep yeah it's still slow oh i know what maybe the i'm using a laptop so let's just put full speed here and oh yeah that should work yeah that was it okay so when creating an environment let's you want to the reason why this looks boring is because it's very flat and you want to add some verticality elements into it and to do that let's just start with some big shapes so i have a collection here that i can use like here i have my big cliff it's like if i drag this one i will have some big shapes here and i can just duplicate this one and block out how how big i want my environment to be so let's just say i just want to use this area for now and let's just keep it like that bigger the environment the longer it takes unless you use like some kind of procedural stuff to place elements so let's just block as fast as possible our environment we're gonna have some meshes here and actually i'm going to use some kind of yeah i'm gonna use like a reference on the other screen to try to copy that and if you have no idea what to create let's just create another another mesh and i mean copy copy another mesh from other 3d model and try to imagine how it would look like in your environment so you can do that okay so you have something like this and then you can keep blocking we can close it like this actually if we want maybe okay so you can add another one this one these clips are amazing actually a really really nice addition to the to the tool set so let me let me delete those this one looks nicer and actually i'm not going to use this ones let's just delete those and if you're worried about like you're duplicating meshes and people are gonna notice what you're using uh it's just the beginning that it's like that right now we're having many duplicated meshes but as i add more things for example i can add this one here just as an example we're breaking the repetition here so it's easier for for us to not get notice of this issues so here just gonna do something like this and then duplicate it just as fast as possible and actually i'm gonna narrow this okay make it narrow i can have something like this and what i'm missing here is i'm missing some verticality every time create environment you can have something like this so okay you place your big elements here and you have something like this and the reason is not looking good is because i don't have other vertical elements everything is too flat and this goes along with other like other principles of level design like if you have your player here and you have like this and this is the goal this is boring but if you make something like this just a little bit and this is the goal and here's your player then this one is much more interesting than this one so adding vertical elements is what give a nice look into our scene so we're gonna do that now and the way we're gonna do that is just have some meshes here let's just have our medium cleave maybe one of this actually this one is very big so what we're gonna do is to scale this one's to be even bigger so that the other one looks smaller it's like the episode of the simpson that says like he wants like strong people and weak strong works guards and weak guards and they one next to each other so that the stronger ones look stronger and the weak ones look weaker so this is what we're doing now so this one if i hide this one okay this is big but if i have something like this it may seem like bigger so what i want to do is to create a path like this like a vertical pad and i'm gonna do that like this okay just like that and we can actually add other vertical element here in this area if we play something like this we can have something like this and we can duplicate this one and we can have a shot like this where we can see from the up view and what we can do here is actually make this one bigger to follow the same sum strategy and this one's because the group is easily we can just duplicate it just like that okay so this one we're gonna move it like this and we can actually keep extending this one something like a this bit of overdraw but if you check nanite and then just check overdraw it's not as bad as as it looks so and again we're just doing this for the looks and actually this one that the reason it doesn't look like as good as it should is because i have been using the a very low resolution one so if we want we can actually download the high resolution so we can actually do that right now bridge and it's called massive coastal cliff just like that um i'm gonna download the night version which happens to be very heavy again we will replace them later while we wait we had a question um it says runtime virtual texture is it supported in unreal five uh yeah actually i haven't [Music] used it here enable virtual texture support is a heavy feature that it goes along with nanite and this method where it's heavily used in valley of the ancient is that the name of the super huge project that no one can download these days and it's using virtual textures to it goes along with the nanite they work perfectly it's like everything works perfectly with lumen nanite and the virtual texture is like using uh because nanite is virtual geometry and it's just faster so actually for every project i will highly recommend to enable this one uh i think it's one of the reasons why uh you know you should use on a real five uh just use the virtual texture let's go to bridge so it's downloaded let's go to our locale then choose the nanite and click add um very easy like if you want to if you're creating a game um you are like the rest of the normal people that doesn't have too many uh disk space too much this space just go here uh yeah did i download the same one okay so i download another one i guess oh man or no no is it this one should be oh yeah it's this one so let's just right click enable nanite i'm not sure if it's the same one but if it's the same one it will work like a charm like you can just use the low resolution version all the way and wait until the end to choose the nanite and just replace all of those with the with the static mesh we had another question it says i use gaian world creator for making the large scale terrain but then placing assets or just making the natural randomness doesn't seem to be possible so can you do something similar or well how would you try to resolve that issue the problem with terrain is that it doesn't give the all the all these solutions so normally when you have your terrain let's just put a green one here you have something like this let's just put another example this is terrible uh something like this this you say this is your terrain uh usually these areas are very low poly this transitions and while this part may be okay because the player will walk here this plateaus are nice but this this area is not so nice so what you do normally is just to put some assets here to to blend the terrain the terrain by itself won't do all the work this is why virtual texturing is so important so that you can blend your assets easier so if you have your terrain then putting some assets on top of it will make the blending much easier okay let's let's check if this is the same same one okay it's not the same one let's just let's try to find it okay i believe it's this one i saw the grass for sure is this one apparently i have more than one massive nordic costa cliff one two three you really like those nordic coastal cliffs everyone is using them so why not we had a question in russian it said well you're translating right yeah good translator says that the question is and if you use these mega scans in games how will they affect performance uh well as far as unreal engine 5 the performance is going very well even with the high resolution meshes this one is not high resolution but we will change it the only problem is that this disk space of the game will be higher so eventually everyone will have more disk space but just consider that the amount of time that takes to render a surface that very very few triangles with one with a lot of triangles is basically not there it's not a difference anymore i mean that night solves all those issues so do not worry but i'm not sure if my answer can be translated into russian i mean hopefully most of the tutorials on the internet on most of the information is in english so yeah we we aren't even native speakers so yeah i i believe we're all in the same bag that if you want to learn a lot you need to know english for now and then maybe chinese if you really want those secret tutorials i remember i thought it was a joke where i hear in the university that you need to learn chinese yeah i totally regret my decision well uh someone asked what what is your hardware ah i remember there was a way to check it i have i7 uh blah blah blah with 2.6 something chinese characters yeah and 32 gigabytes of ram and rtx 2070 i believe okay so it's finished so now this is the magic watch this notice that this space for this one is huge so if you want to replace all of those one way to check it is just select and select all with the same material and i will select all of those and then i'm going to replace it with this one click this and then replace and look at this now we have the hybrid solution model in all my meshes here so i can make justice to unreal five before we were not using that so yeah let's let's let's continue um so you can see that now that i have this vertical element my scene looks much better even if i you can see i hide those i really lose a lot of things looks very flat but once i put them here it starts to looks much better so what i'm gonna do is to keep adding those vertical elements so i'm gonna go to this huge cliff here and maybe put this one here is it the same one if it's not the same one it's very similar okay so i'm gonna put this one here i'm gonna scale it a little bit here and i'm gonna put it like that later on we can worry about the ground and what we can do is actually select this move them here and rotate them just like that and i would put them here just to have some verticality and then i will duplicate this one and then duplicate this one again here just like that so i'm going to select this ones and then just like that you can have something there what i can actually do is go here and duplicate this one like that or this one looks like a little bit off so i'm going to move this one like this okay so now that now that i have this is much easier for me to have more vertical elements in in my thing and i can keep going actually i think i'm gonna move this one here just like that just rotate a little bit i think it's too too much rotate like 180 oh someone asked if you're a level designer i am a level artist i do i do level art for a living and right now i'm working in ubisoft since the last two years so yeah um i've i think i've been using unreal for 2012 since a realtree and then just study many many things when i when i just start and then just at the end i choose the focus of level art to have it as a like as a specialist but actually like if you're going indie or something like that then i will advise to learn more things like going aaa is not the only option yeah i'm learning a lot of stuff makes you well exposes you to more knowledge and it's easier to know which part of developing a game do you like the most and it's easier to specialize if you want to go around yeah there are some people that love to be a specialist uh so other people like to do many many other stuff uh but i'm more of the philosophy that specialization is for insects so like if you if you learn more things you are actually more viable like in a smaller company but if like if you go to ubisoft or any other big company then you will need to do very specific things and you need to be very fast at doing them one of my favorite artists using unreal is victor oma from quick cell i think i follow him since several years like five or six he's always had a very nice he's very fast with unreal something that i admire a lot and that's that's what you will call a very nice specialist he's he's very he's very good at what he does and now and now he works at epic right so uh what i have now is just like like a small environment like i can have some verticality here uh i'm lacking some elements of focal point and normally what you will want to have in your environments and what i'm thinking about this one is every time you create an environment you want to you want to use lines lines that guide the player to go from one objective to another these lines are actually not real like in 3d lines are usually the distinction between different surfaces for example this part is light and this part is shadow and we can see a line here which is actually a shadow so what we do actually is create those lines by using using lining so you can have control of your lining but if you don't you can try to find those lines with the surfaces now you can clearly see them here like every time you create an environment check the forms and the shapes they form not actually the real object so you can see i have a line that goes like this and i have another one that goes like this so if i check my map here if i put it here or if i put this one here i want to create some lines that guide my eye to go from one objective to another i have this one i have this one i have this one and i stop here and i want to stop here because i want to put like a focal point here for example i want to put like a statue or i have some assets here that i can share in the description and some like alien or something like sculptures and actually you can use many things so what you want now your objective as an environment artist is to guide one player from one objective to another you use this by lines and by putting a focal point so for example i already have this somehow but i have these lines here that are pointing to this direction like this so it will be very easy for me to put my focal point here so that the player always see here and i can obviously emphasize that if i rotate this and make it more extreme or if i make this one bigger just like this i i can create like a floor here let's try to create something very fast maybe something like this we can can put it here by the way this is not a good way to to create games uh this is just to show off some like some pretty environments but it's not really it's not really something you want to do when creating a game when creating a game you want to use more level design tools and test more things before going here i don't even have collisions so uh just keep that in mind and i can just this piece here to let's check if this one works i can actually if you want more variation i can scale this by negative one and i will have a the same piece but mirror this is very cool uh maybe this works i don't know for me it's too noisy so something like this might be better okay and even if it's the cool thing about lumen is that you can just hide things and the lining will update automatically like this one here all the lining updates on real time this is really great so right now i have a very symmetrical composition where all my sites look almost the same so what i want to do is to vary it a little bit later but for now we're going to use uh i have some assets here let's just open another window content browser here and i'm gonna use my monster pack which is uh i download for free in our station i put a link in i'll send a link to ram here actually where i can have my library creatures free view details i will send to you so you can put it in the description here yeah uh this is for free these are some really cool sculptures that you can use i already use nanite on this ones and i apply some textures into it so maybe i can use this one here maybe this one and i can put it here and i can scale it maybe by 10 or 50 and i can put something like this put maybe a little bigger 25. and i can move this one here and i can move this one here so this gives me a really nice focal point in this area and let's just try to move this one here so we can actually we can actually see this verticality like this something like that just this one here to have some variation and the way i create this this one is very easy let's create one from scratch um so i already activate nanite for this ones let's just try to find one that looks really nice there is one that looks amazing and let's see if i can oh this one looks really cool actually you know what actually now that we're checking the horns let's just put them here let's just kill it by 25 maybe something like that let's just put it like this maybe thanks very cool so what you don't want is to craft this cool shape and put it here like this you see what the problem is here is that we we don't have the silhouette why this one stands out so much it's not because it's a super cool creature but because we can actually see the shape here like this and we're creating shapes it's like we're painting but this one is blended with the environment so the big shape is here and this one is being lost so if you want to put this one like this make sure you put it in a place where you can see it you can put something like this maybe and you can move it here like this and then you can see the silhouette or you can put it like this and you know just just play with it so you can have something like this very cool in the distance that you can use just make sure anything you put make sure it serves the purpose of looking at here so if this one is too distracting just delete it so i'm going to create one of those let me find something really cool must be someone that looks really nice i remember it looks pretty cool but we're not gonna use it okay oh this one this one must be great now we can actually let's just choose this one for example and when you grab this mesh if you want to try to follow along this mesh by default doesn't have any uvs and the pivot point may be wrong so what you can do is go to the modeling tools i'm going to save all okay so now that i save all of them i can do some things if the pivot point is not in a position i really want i don't need to go outside the unreal to change it i can just use the modeling tools if you don't have it remember just go to plugins modeling modeling tools editor mode enable then you will have it and i go to my transform and i'm going to change the pivot point and here i have some options i can put it in the center i can put it in the bottom top left right back origin i can actually move it here i can put it in the left or i can adjust it i can put it anywhere i want so to the left looks like the most obvious place for me to put this one so i will click accept and it will take some time actually after i've been using the modeling tools since 4.26 extensively and it just takes more time to do it in a real five every time you accept uh maybe it's because of the density of the mesh that can also be so what we're gonna do is to put some material so i have one color material here can use this one and the reason doesn't look like this is because i don't have uvs so i can actually you do the uvs inside i can click project uv is here and now you can see i have my uvs and i can scale this and if you can see if you want to check check the checkerboard you can just like this or you can use keep original you can change like a cylinder or a plane or a cube in my case the key works okay for me so i don't need it and i don't need any other i can actually scale this one like this if you want to change the uvs but for now uh for our purposes this one just works just fine and you can just change the checkerboard checkerboard density or whatever so now that i have this just click accept and i can actually put any kind of material i want i can prove my cliff here if i want uh let's try to look for something very cool like surfaces material instance maybe i don't know maybe this one something like this that blends with the environment so you can go here and you can have something like that okay and i can use the same here actually i can let me try to do something crazy what i'm gonna do is to i'm gonna duplicate this one i'm gonna use the modeling tools for that i'm going to transform it used to be in transform i believe mesh operations uvs volumes it used to be in transform where you could duplicate these meshes so what what you can do actually is just like the lattice or you can just choose these points and actually you can change the number of points you want to change and you can actually modify these ones like check all these points so you can move it something like that or you can have more extreme angles probably how you want to to do your your meshes another thing you can do is the wrap you can actually bend it which have some artifacts in unreal engine 5 i believe at the preview mode you can bend it like this and you can have some different options so let's just try to stick with this one for now let's choose just world beer then do something like this yeah that looks great okay so uh another principle we can talk about here is uh blending so to illustrate this better it's like let's just say you have a mountain here like you have like uh mountain here you have the grass and everything and here you have some trees something like this right you have some trees now you will say that okay i want to put a house here so let's put our house so we put our house here and there is a problem with this frame only the house has a man-made element our first element let's just say is nature and the second one is let's just say man-made elements so the problem with this one is that i don't have anything to blend between these two it's like there is no correlation between this one and this one and the reason is i'm just putting the house there and it's just like it's just there it's just like nothing here and how i blend this is just put other man-made elements i can put some wood here i can put some other small houses here or other man-made elements here and now this work together and you want this for every kind of asset you want to have in our case we have like the alien type of thing that we have here and we also have like the rocky elements okay so we have the alien thing here going on but we don't have it here so what we're gonna do is to blend these two between the alien one and the rock one and the way we're gonna do it is just putting some assets that are very similar for example we can we can try to put this one here and we can put a smaller one so that we don't we don't have like a something that grabs the attention too much i can put it here but actually this one doesn't work so i'm just i'm just going here and let's just try to guess that this kind of element grow in the here it's like they put some eggs and i don't know whatever reason just put them here you can duplicate this one and put it here like that to have some some elements here and we can do the same when we duplicate it and just put it in another place like this maybe and now our environment is blending much better yeah you see that the start has some elements of the alien things and the end has a lot so this is very cool so let's just keep adding more of this i think i have a very cool one here that we can use i'm not sure if i already uv this but if not we can do it very fast we can just put this one here and then use the uvs and let's just put the cow material actually i did euv this one so i'm gonna go here i'm gonna click the cow okay now what i'm gonna do is to place it like this it's like you don't want to come here and you can actually scale it like that actually let's just put it somewhere else and we can try to put it here maybe let's just try to scale everything uniformly again and let's just try to put it here yeah just like that could work and we can actually have it here so one of the problems that you can have when you create an environment is that when you put something that looks really nice and have a very unique shape like this um you may find that it's very unique and it's grabbing a lot of attention and you don't want that so the way to fix this is to repeat the elements for example if i'm painting something unless you say this is my canvas and i have everything is square and suddenly i have a circle here the circle stands out the most because it has a different shape but when i put other circles here it stops having relevance and it's not unique anymore like you're not the coolest kid in the school anymore just just one guy same as the other ones and that hap that can happen when you place assets like this so when creating these things just make sure that when you put them try to duplicate them this will also help you help the player to understand that this is not very unique and can not there is not much importance here so let's let's keep going let's just add more alien elements before moving into the next part maybe maybe this one here so let's put it here we have some more questions one of them is can we sculpt the mega scans meshes in an engine so we can make flat surfaces for example uh i believe it's the same one the same method i use here right like we use the texture here and we use the displacement in the modeling tools to to create the ground or artena alternatively you can use use the blueprints and you can have like a ground blueprint like this to to populate the ground using instant static meshes so these are meshes these are not unique textures i mean there are unique textures but they are not tileable but this is stylable so when you duplicate this one this one will go much perfectly and now now i have the displacement but if i have like if i scale this to let's just say 1 or 0 0.1 this is like the flat version it still works i mean of course it won't tile here because it doesn't match the same height but here it will just work just as nice but you know too many polygons can have some issues here but this is the this is the idea uh you can use landscapes too which is what i would recommend if you're making a game on the next the next question was something like that uh the next question was so i guess a small call of duty map could be made with nanite and mega scans but not an adventure game like drake's uncharted i mean mega scans are just assets they're used tools you can use to to create your own environments you are not forced to use mega scans to use unreal of course you can and that will save you a lot of time but these are just some high quality assets made by professional artists that they don't only scan the surface they actually polish it and make it game ready that can take a lot of time to create this is why quicksilver has a team dedicated for doing that but if you're making like an adventure game or something like that you can use any kind of tool and actually you can use nanite for you should use nine night for every kind of opaque surface like this which happens to be like 90 percent of the whole map is surrounded by this type of meshes that are static like maybe 90 percent so uh you can use use nanite if you want uh well you should use nanite but you you're not forced to use mega scans you can use anything actually nice oh there was a tutorial request also there are requests converting megascan assets into stylized look uh we we could do something like that but i believe there are a lot of tutorials for that already one thing about the stylus i can make a very very quick tip just look at this high frequency noise here for stylize you want to minimize as much as possible so what you will want is to make the albedo flat uh i even if i put a flat surface here like if i create a material very quickly let's just go to materials test and i create something like this like base color like this metallic zero and roughness like 2.9 if i go here and then just apply this material here automatically looks more stylized of course i don't have the normal map but i can actually use it very fast here let's just go to my content browser materials open the test material and here i will grab the normal from this one i'll just put it here and now i can put a test here let it compile a little bit there you go you have something that looks more more stylized because you don't have all this high frequency data well of course you don't want to do like this but you want to paint replace the alveda and also the roughness here the roughness you want to be this is very high frequency a lot of details you want to keep it more simple for stylized assets so just keep that in mind a stylus is just the simplification of things all right there's one more thing i want to add to have like my scene look better we have let's just say we have two three elements we have the rock we have the alien thing which is very organic and we need another one and the reason is tree is a magic number to have really nice let's just say materials in your environment as you say rock the alien and maybe some some wood or man-made elements so what i'm gonna do is just create some scaffolding or some wood assets that we can use to say that okay let's just put some wood elements here i'm going to my mega scans 3d assets and i'm going to look for some wood here it's just like wood i have some wood planks here i can use any one of those let's just check how they look like okay this one not really convince me uh this one could be but a little bit too polish this one looks perfect okay so let's just grab this one uh let's just create some skull folding really easy and the way we're gonna do that we can use a blueprint or we can just just create this in the editor i highly recommend to use the blueprint so i think that's what i'm gonna do okay let's just create a blueprint anyway so let's create a blueprint and let's just call it uh create an actor bp wood scaff folding i don't know if that's right but good idea so in my blueprint i'm just gonna add like a static instant static mesh and i'm gonna create put my wood here which is this one and the reason i don't see any is because i haven't really add any instance here so i'm gonna add it here okay and uh way i'm gonna treat it is i'm just going to add more of this and let's just like 10 100 then rotate it a little bit just like this and maybe i can how do i duplicate i forgot haha oh there you go duplicate you found it and then i will just do something like this uh gonna go crazy actually it's gonna take some time doing this to create the scaffolding so let's just do it on engine i'm just gonna duplicate this one and put it like this rotate a little bit you don't want all the assets to look like the same and you can let's just hide this one for now we can actually create a blueprint after we create this one but i believe it won't be insta instance static meshes so we can just rotate this once and then it can do something like this and change the scale of this one like this you can put it like this and remove the scaling for now we can put something like this and rotate a little bit just like that and we can just duplicate here move it a little bit scale and then use the same one here to add more we just want to add some noise uh for now we can refine later but for now for the purpose of this demo we're just going to make it very quick and dirty okay we can have something like this and actually we can move this one like this to have like more assets let's just keep this one so right click here select and select all with the same material which happens to be this one and let's just put it somewhere here like maybe here and we can group this one and duplicate it and rotate it a little bit here just like this i have some wood here and we can put the same one here like we can of course you can create so many things with this and you can be creative and just duplicate those and create like different different structures you can you can use that's the problem of using uh groups is that the scale doesn't work as nice so just keep that in mind and we can do the same here rotate it so we can have some wood assets here that look really nice okay and continue to do this more noise let's just say there is a structure here that there they want to build so let's just add the rotate like this you can duplicate like this to add some noise this is just to add noise so here you can just duplicate those like this to have something nice and of course it's better to use it in the blueprint do it in the blueprint so that you can modify this mesh and you can have like all the instances modified at the same time so let's just scale this like this just like that this one we will put something like this okay i believe we need like more assets here like a good thing about this is that we can have some different shots like we can have a shot from here and a shot from here and we can showcase this map uh like from different angles so let's just and move it here okay and you can add more chaos like rotating this a little bit so another thing we can we can do is to use our our splank here the bp rope we have we can add our rope here and actually i'm going to put a character here to check the scale so i'm going to eat my unif knight meshes let's schedule mesh i'm going to put this guy here okay looks like this one is on a scale actually so what we're gonna do is to connect these two and have some lines that point into this direction remember it's all about lines it's not really what you put it's how you put it and in what direction you put it so if i want this i want this one to go from here to here just like that and i'm just gonna add some points here at the spline point add another one here another one here and of course you can move this ones like this you can add another spline point here not here but here and you notice that my texture is stretched it's because i don't have enough points but as long as i once i do this then i have all my points here so what i'm gonna do is to put them down like it's it's being affected by gravity just like that and let's just put this one here too maybe another one okay just like this and let's make sure it doesn't collide and we can put more assets here to add more resolution you can put something like this and we can actually connect this part with this part with another spline so let's go to our blueprints we can use my rope here let's just say it starts from here and just move it here to the final position let's just say this too one just move this one here okay this one looks like a looks enough so what we're gonna do is just add spline point like this and you can already see how much it adds to your scene it's super nice way to add different elements just put it down like the gravity is affecting it okay we can you can add another point here to check the resolution add another one here okay i'm not sure if this is like naturally accurate where it looks like the gravity is affecting it a lot uh also we need to do some connection here we can do that super fast we can just go to our modeling tools and we can create a torus here just like this and we can change the radius like 15 or maybe this one to 35 40 maybe something like this i'm going to put the snap to grit stop to grid sorry not aligned to normal okay and yeah we can just put this one here so click ok click complete and we can just put the rope material here we can actually do something like this to create my rope and if oh it's combined so okay so let's just combine those and we're gonna scale it for sure so let's just scale this one and let's go to our transform and bake scale you can see that my scale here is 0.1 so if i click accept everything will go to 1. that means this is my original scale now just by using the modeling tools so what i'm going to do now is go here and change into sm group attach to save everything let's just put this one here this is just very minor detail but the connection adds a lot to the to the you can scene it here like this okay this one looks like it works so you can just put it like that and there you have your connection with the with the rope here and the wood uh very fast just using unreal we don't need to go to any other 3d modeling application or something we can just do it here very easy i won't do the same there because just will take more time uh what i don't like about this rope is that it's conflicting with my with my other focal point so what i can do is either scale it down like this place thinner it doesn't hurt as much and actually if i'm gonna do this list just put it again because i'm just going to create all the points let's go to blueprints uh rope we'll put it here let's let's move it here to the right position here where it was before ropes are always nice ways to add some verticality to your scene and some really cool variation um what i'm gonna do here is select the blueprint and just scale this one like 0.3 make it very thin and now i'm going to put it in position here just like that okay and then i'm gonna add points here add another one here add another one here just like that and now looks much better i feel like the scale feels better it doesn't interrupt with my with my main point of view so i can choose this one here actually it's very low resolution but we will never see this from this angle and if we do we can just add another spline here and we will add the resolution okay and actually we can make this one smaller it's a little tiny bit you can check the overlapping later when you polish your game and we can have uh a nice way to use these ropes is like you can use them like this like put them here actually let's just start here let's just put it here and then just just move it like this you can have some nice variation okay so there is a problem with my spline here so let's just delete this point delete this point let's just go here just keep in those let's do it little by little have any artifact like this it's okay just a little bit and here i can move this one a little bit here like now you notice why games take so much time to make like my spline is not working right you can try to rotate this one a little bit just just try to get something here and then just go down and then here like add another one add another one and very easy i have my my spline here i can actually scale this one smaller just to have some variation here okay one thing we we need to do and with this one we will finish this thing is that we're going to add some small elements because we don't have i mean uh small elements actually add a lot to your sync so i have this small assets that i already had before and i can just use them here try to use something that actually matches my environment better i can use this once here to add more small elements in my scene just like that and of course with the virtual texturing this will look much nicer and i can maybe i can use this ones you can add some vertical elements here just like that and just a little bit so we have some verticality here going on same thing here and we can do the same for this area here yeah and not everything looks like you know the speed leveling videos you see on the internet where everyone finish one level in like 10 minutes it takes time every time it takes time it's just the nature of things this is why companies will hire a lot of artists to to finish one level it's just not real to finish very fast but actually in the big scam scheme of things like if we are around two hours doing this two hours you have something like this in your game uh like man i can't wait to see what you have in one month or two we just received a question that it touches on uh kind of that subject it says what a skill according to you an environment artist or level artist should develop to work in big game companies uh well that depends on a lot of things actually it depends on the kind of company and it depends on the demand for these things for example if you were to [Music] learn houdini now you will have an easier time to get a job in the industry because everyone is looking for houdini people and you can see what is trending and you can go to follow that it's a strategy it doesn't necessarily follow do what you love but it works and one of the reasons i recommend this is that you can actually change your specialty later even if you choose like to be an environment artist first you can change it later so i think one of the skills that cannot be transfer and it's the art skill i will focus a lot of a lot of my time in training art like art fundamentals like learn how to paint learn how to learn how to see how to do all these things will come very handy in your job so regardless of what kind of specialty you want to go if you want to go in the big uh in a big company you must have an art skill for an environment artist and this will help you a lot in the job it will help you to solve all these things that we have been talking about like verticality uh contrast composition lines these are just little things that you repeat over and over again and you just learn how to apply these things naturally this will help you a lot to get a job there because they will see you can see the work of a guy who uses unreal but doesn't have a very uh high skill level in art and another one who maybe doesn't use unreal that much it's not very technical but his art skill it's very nice so i think art skills like traditional art skills will help a lot and of course for big companies just show the best you can look what you can have in our station look what is trending what is popular what's getting the most amount of likes and try to match that quality and once you get that quality you will get it for sure nice advice the frost also says huge fun huge fan of you of your work oh no huge fan you're so good at this bro thank you thank you there's nothing out of this world really uh i have some sometimes i have the impostor syndrome which in my hair a lot which is i see my work and it's like man i suck but i learned to love myself more like just oh and also they ask how are you not lagging what pc is this what what is this i'm using a laptop uh uh alienware i think i showed my specs before i7 32 gigabytes of ram and rtx 2070 yeah so very powerful a lot of chinese symbols uh do not recommend if you don't speak chinese so uh what i'm doing here is just adding smaller elements to to my thing to populate this is actually the finest part where you just populate everything with things that you know just look i'm not sure where i'm gonna take this like which shot i'm i want to have for this one but uh one advice if you are creating like a if you are starting to decorate keep following the same advice like big medium small assets like can really go wrong with that it just works so nicely ah connecting somewhere i feel like i don't talk anymore well we have been going like two hours and one minute all right so yeah it's it's i know it is exhausting that's why the next week is your turn actually i think we i've been thinking about this and i think it will be really nice to cover some actual game thing like for example a top-down shooter or something like that and maybe you can do one part one week and then the next week we will maybe do an art pass on it to decorating your top-down shooter or something like that to have some small small mini games that we can showcase how to use unreal to make games that's actually a great idea yeah essence i don't know what i don't know what you guys think but i like the idea okay uh one last touch uh before we wrap it up i want to play with the camera a little bit on the lining so if i if i go here to create i have a i have a camera here uh it's scenic camera actor you can see uh i can see what it's looking at now and if i want to possess it instead of perspective i just just choose my new actor here and this will give me more options to select my shot i can have many shots actually just the beauty of unreal like you can have so many nice shots in in one just doing doing it once you don't really want to like limit yourself to only have one shot and just leave it like that so for the details i can just choose my scenic camera actor not in my worst settings here my senior camera actor and i ca i have some settings here i can play with one of the most important ones is the focus so if i change this you can see i already have my focus here i can draw the debug here and i can choose this one and now everything that is behind it it will be like blur so i can actually move it here and if you check it i will have like a shot like this very cool you can play with this and to have like a really nice tip of field and another thing you want to play with is the focal length you want to put like 62 or something like that let's just put something like this here and then when i get here i want to check my environment i i can have other kind of angles to check my my views so that depends entirely on what you want to do in my case for now i will just use the default camera because i still want to show some things like the post processing and some lining so for the lining you want to have something that of course it's interesting right but there is a concept in painting that it's called your design design matrix i think i i better use this one in photoshop so when i create something like this i can paint something let's just say i can put it mostly black or dark here i can let me use one of my my chinese brushes here this one is nice so what i can do is just paint this like this okay and i can do some kind of variation like this and you can see that my painting is mostly mostly black here okay so what this means is that you want to have some contrast here like if you see my contrast here you want your painting to go from white to dark but you want to have like maybe like 70 is dark and only 30 percent is white and to have something interesting for example if i were to paint something bright here you can immediately see this and you can see that my design design matrix is mostly black but i have something white here and this is what you want to have here of course is lining in a real is amazing so it's easy to fall into the trap where just any lining can make the job which in this case it does really but uh let's just go into detail lining or lining only both are okay so if i go here i can control l and change my lining for example this is a this is an example of a lining that is very flat and you don't see much contrast here and even if i go to my color here like i just cannot see the lights and the shadows i want to have the lights and shadows so i want to put it in a place where i can have interesting lining and shadow something something like this maybe this is very flat for example but if i go here i have those highlights or i can have something like this okay maybe maybe like this another trick you can use let's just check where our sun is should be around here there it is you can use some some of these meshes to cast shadows like to has interesting shadows like for example i can use this one i can put it here maybe just like that and what i can do is to grab my shadows and try to put the wood here so you can see the wood planks here uh actually not really working because i cannot really cast a shadow here but uh let's just delete yes and you want to have interesting shadows so just play with it until you have interesting shapes for example it will be really cool to have these things in shadows so if my song goes from this direction i might have a chance to have it just like that or you can have some string lining here where it goes from one direction what you don't want is everything right you want some parts lit and some parts not lit this is very interesting actually very interesting shot you want this but you may want to have something like this let's just play with it a little bit more okay it could work let's just try to play with it a little more okay something something like this could work what i want here what i'm seeing here when i'm choosing the lights is some kind of interesting shadow like this one's the wood here to have some kind of silhouette and actually i want the focal point to be here so what i want to do is to more light and shadow in this area like that that's something maybe something like this could work yeah maybe but again you can have many shots so let's just choose one for now okay we already did a nice job with the environment so we're we don't really need to care much about uh we cannot look so bad uh the another thing you want to do is to play with perspective and one of the things very often we use this so if we put like exponential hate i can already see that i have some really nice here and i can change the color to make it more alien-ish something like that maybe something like this could be cool and i can actually put my volumetric and i can just change this change this one just like that you can see how much it can add to your environment where you add here i have a very mysterious look we can have something like this and then we turn it down a little bit actually change the color color is something very very subjective actually you need to go to follow your gut for this i feel like this is fine so i'm gonna leave it like that and actually change the opacity here okay so before wrapping it up uh one way you can took nice screenshots for for your environment we delete the wrong mesh it's okay let's just put it again in position you go nothing happened so what you want to do is to go to create a post-process volume visual effects post-processing volume and everything you have inside will change for example i can search for saturation and i can put it black and white and if i change the volume i will lose it this is very cool for games when you want to have different moods and fields in different areas but for us we're gonna change the unbound settings this will extend to all the environment so i'm gonna keep it black and white for now and i'm going to my some effects here that i have for the film and i'm gonna play with this i'm gonna play with the slope and the toe so for the slope you can see as i put this one down we can increase the contrast the more contrasty your image the more appealing it will be but actually if you do something if it's less contrasty it will look more real so if you are going for a very realistic look then for sure uh keep the contrast low so for this one we're gonna go back to put our saturation where wait we can see them you can type film and here we can put the original one we can increase it to increase the contrast or we can decrease the contrast completely to have something like more realistic you can see if i put this one too much it will break so i just want to play a little bit with this one you don't want to overdo it and you can change the tint of course of your slope another thing you can you can use is the bloom you can increase the intensity of the bloom this will make it look very fantasy actually but it's nice i have the convolution bloom but let's just try something crazy yeah okay let's just not use this one it's a little bloom and then for the exposure you can you can change it like brightness this will change a lot you're seeing like you can change the brightness and how your thing will adapt when you go from one dark place to another will look brighter so another one here chromatic aberration you want to put this just a little bit you don't want to overdo it and actually i think my roughness is very strong on this one with me yes my roughness here uh for some reason the materials from quick cell that are very old uh don't work with the new material so we're gonna change the roughness here uh we're gonna change this to memory 0.8 so now it's not shiny anymore which is what we want okay unless of course you want it shiny but let's just go back to our post process and you can just play with this and have something really nice of course the depth of field you can change the the distance or you can increase the grain intensity of the big net intensity to have something like this more like film look and grain like this maybe 0.1 0.2 0. you don't want to overdo everything everything you want to do just a little bit saturation you may want to over saturate this or just put more saturation or go to the more realistic look where you just desaturate it that depends what you want actually but increase the contrast this will make it look more fantasy actually and the gamma basically the brightness okay and of course the shadows and you have a lot of settings actually for global illumination you can change the quality for example two or one uh and of course we're using lemon uh you can use screen space but uh we like lumen so we just use screen uh instead of screen space and ray tracing uh by default is one if you put like four it will be much heavier but will have more quality uh recreating look level illumination i think this one we're not using anymore i believe now their reflections are reflections you want to put like four like if i put water here it's just try to find something like a like meshes i remember i created some water here and if you cannot find your folder just go to the one you want and just change the color here to just another one and you will find it easier so yeah i have my water lake here so i can go to my modeling tools and maybe create a rectangle like this and do not align to normal click complete okay then scale this one like this and we can apply our leg material this very simple one nothing fancy and then we can have something like this and if you have want to have more high quality reflections then you go to your post process volume to to change it this is a really nice way to add water to your scene just be careful you don't want to make one notice that it's a plane you can just put it there okay you can actually put your sphere reflection capture which is very important special effects then go to sphere reflection capture and for this one do you want to have one big one big reflection capture for your thing and then for more high quality shots like i don't know for example here if you want a more high quality shot here for your scene reflection capture you just need to make it slower make it smaller and it will have more quality here but it will be more costly so other things you can play with is the directional light or you can actually use window and go to environment light mixer and you will have all the options to change like the lining the exposure can change like the amount of brightness for example this is without uh in directional light you can put like 10 or maybe 60 10 000 it will break so maybe 65 something like that uh that depends on you if you want to go crazy but for now let's let us put it in 10 you can even change the light color to be something like more warm more bluish or you can change the sky like the intensity noise skylight and skylight one or zero one point two or one and indirect lining you can have like one four four just change your sky color to the color of the sky something like that we can really play with this and to have something very unique something like that maybe and atmosphere clip clouds of course you can change all of those and distance fiend zambian occlusion we're not touching those for now it won't change much it's just the distance between those meshes if you want to optimize it then this one is the right one to use and of course planet like albedo scattering this looks very annalish very cool stuff so i think that's it for now let's let's wrap it up uh if you want to take a screenshot you can choose something like this maybe let's just move it a little bit let's just use it like this if you want to screenshot just click here high resolution screenshot by default is 1k like 2k uh you can have like this something like this and then it will take a screenshot and then you can see it here very nice and crisp so you can just take this one here looks like it's taking a screenshot from another angle but anyway early access okay we will we will wrap it up yeah it has been a good session kind of long one probably you you should be in the mood for resting yes finally all right so uh if you got any idea of which kind of live stream you want to see next just let us know and we may we may do a live channel about it we will wrap it up here yeah thanks for watching thanks for joining us and this is a stream for creating an environment it has been quite a journey and a lot of tools that you mentioned i i didn't have an idea what to do with them or how to use them so at least for me it was really helpful all right [Music] let's wrap it up okay bye everyone
Channel: UNF Games
Views: 74,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5, how to install unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 tutorial beginners, tutorial unreal 5, tutorial ue5, how to use unreal engine 5, unreal 5 tutorial fast, learn unreal engine free, download unreal 5, how to create a game with unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 fundamentals, ue5 tutorial series, unf games, unreal sensei, unreal engine 5 early access, download unreal engine 5, download ue5, introduction unreal engine 5, intro unreal 5
Id: ExS7LzrkdQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 20sec (8840 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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