How to Model in Unreal Engine 5 - Modeling a Japanese Torii

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I will show you how to model a Japanese Shrine inside Unreal Engine 5. if you want to learn to model inside unreal then this tutorial is for you you will learn the most common operations to model and how to manipulate polygons you will also learn some new features from 5.1 to create more complex patterns you will learn how to deform objects and how to add UVS and finally you will learn how to create your own blueprint to add ropes learn to create an action game in a real engine 5. start the first lesson for free at so before we get into anything we need to check the reference and I found that there are some different kind of stories like you have like this for example like this like this like they're just different types I don't know why it's like I don't if someone knows the reason just let me know in the comments because I don't know why they design different or it's uh I know it's some kind of like entrance for a temple or something like that but um in my research I found that there are basically you have like two cylinders here three boxes basically and we're gonna do this thing uh it's a little bit I'm gonna show you how to do it in a real do it looks a little bit complex so we're gonna do that uh looks like a nice challenge so we're gonna do this one um I don't feel like I'm going for something like this because it's a little bit too simple uh so we can do something like this I don't think I'm gonna do the the letters but let's see uh the other thing they all have a rope um and the Rope gets thicker so maybe we're gonna create a blueprint for that uh where we can just create a rope and this kind of thing um let's see if we will make it or not otherwise we can just make a simple simple story uh like this one for example looks pretty nice this one too this one looks really nice too uh maybe we can go for something like this so before you start modeling anything it's always a good idea to find some reference otherwise you don't know what to bottom right if you want to improve your modeling skills is not only about like uh you know what button to press or something like that it's mostly about you know what model uh you know what are the forms what are the shapes and then you just copy that that's all you need to do so now that we have this uh let's jump right into unreal so we can start modeling so we're in unreal now so we're gonna create a new level let's go to file new level and then go here to basic okay you will see that I just have an empty space so if I if I play here like nothing happens but I can go here to my world settings I don't know if you see but just in case uh go here to the game mode copyright and here you can just put that third person game mode I already added a third person game mode I just go to app uh picture content pack and I just use a third person add the project and that's it now when I hit play this green icon here you can just basically run and this will be good to test the scale of oratory that's basically what we want so let's start with the big shapes like if we check our reference here uh you will see that I have like a big big tubes here like big cylinders and they're a little bit taper so we're going to create that and the first step is just to check the scale so first let me say Ctrl s here use a map like 30 map something like that let's just go to selection mode go to modeling and now I'm gonna go here to the cylinder and just like this I can just leave it like 16 license I can put 24 if I want it to make it like more high definition if I check without two you will see the wireframe you can also check the wireframe here if you press it so if I change the slices to 32 for example I will have like much more definition um it's okay we can do that so let's just click accept and now let's play our game and you will see that our cylinder is just too small compared to the reference here so what we need to do is to basically make it bigger and we're gonna do that by clicking here and go to poly edit and inside poly edit you have a bunch of the stuff okay uh I'm gonna go I'm not going through all of them uh you can check my modeling tools tutorial in the channel I put a link in the description I got through all the tools here there have been some changes in the user experience that's why I'm making this video so what I can do here is basically use the Gizmo just clicking on a face and you can check the filter here if you don't want to select faces you can just select the vertex here in my case I want to select all of them so I can just select this one for example and just make it tall just like that okay then just click accept and let's just play our game press f11 if you want to have a like a bigger screen this looks okay to me uh but let's check on reference look at the human here like they this is huge so like the human is like here right so uh let's go for something huge let's let's see why not so the human is here uh let's just make it just a little bit taller so let's just go back to the poly edit and let's just put something like this and this should be uh good enough okay so how do I create the base um it's gonna be very simple I'm gonna duplicate this by holding alt and click and if you make changes here like for example I decide to make this one smaller and accept you will see that both of them are updating okay so let me undo this so the reason is we're updating this by pressing Ctrl B I can find it here in my folder so you will see that I only have one asset so instead of going here and right click and duplicate the asset and drag it into the work I can use the modeling tools to use do that I can just go here to mesh duplicate just by clicking here I can just click accept and now when I change this for example to something like this okay now when I accept um my story uh the base won't get affected now I have two different objects now I can just put this one here and try to make it like in the center but I can align them with the tools so what I can do is to First select this one then select another one and then you will see that as I select two objects here more options are available if I only select one some options are only available for one object if I select two of them notice that the selections that were only for one object are disabled and I I have new ones in my case I want to go here to the transform and click align and what I will do is to I can align in different axes for example I can align in all of them and by doing this by combining this I'm already aligning them to the center now in my case I want to align to the last selected object which means this big object here will stay in place and this small object will go here if I don't want to align to the C axis I can just leave it like that so I can just click accept now you will see I have my cylinder here now if you have a problem selecting uh your your objects here take a look at the at the alt liner here you you will see that I have my ceiling there on my cylinder tree what I can do now is go to details or press F4 I can just change the scale here or I can just press R and with the scale here let me put turn on the snapping I can just do something like this okay so great uh now that we have this let's play from here right click play from here um you will see here that now I have the base of my story now it's a good start uh we're gonna we're gonna stop right here and let's see how we can make this look a little bit prettier so the next thing we're going to do is to add a little bit of a bevel here and it's very easy to do in unreal as you if you see the reference here you will see that it goes up and then goes like this and then goes like this right it's like a shape like this and right now we have something like this that is very boxy you don't really want that in games and it looks ugly we will avoid this at all costs so how we will do this we're gonna do the bevel so we're gonna go here to modeling okay and now I'm going to the poly edit and what I will do is just select this face here and I will do a bevel and just by doing that you will see that I have something like that I can increase the level distance to have something like this for example right and this will basically give me what I want I can increase the distance a little bit more just like that and click accept and now what I can do to make this transition a little bit nicer I can just go here again and do another bevel or I can go to the edge edit I can select uh Edge Loop here by clicking here and then go to Bevel and you will see that I can make another variable here now I want to select for both Edge Loop so I'm going to poly edit and select this Edge Loop and shift click and select this one and then I'm going to Virgo now you can always use the face it's just that I wanted to show you how you can select different uh Edge Loops right if you click on the face it will be the same so let me just look for something like this just to add a little bit more definition here and just by doing that click accept and now when we play our game here you will see that we have a nice bevel going on now uh we can move this thing here we don't really need to make it exactly in position right um this size looks okay to me we can do the same here we can just go here go to modeling and here you can just go to to the face face selection and go to the bevel here let's find it face edit bevel and you will see that you have a bevel here let's do something like that uh so far I haven't find any way to do like a multiple bevel at least in the modeling tools maybe you can do it in your geometry scripting so what I will do is to basically increase the level of this because in real life nothing is uh to strike uh everything has like some uh variation here uh so what we will do um is to duplicate this thing so now these are instances I'm just holding alt and click to duplicate this so let's play our game to check how it looks like okay great so now I have my story it looks like the space could be a little bit wider so I'm gonna pose for something like this and look at that now we have like a nice Pebble in our cylinders which makes them look much better okay so next thing we're gonna do uh we're gonna work on the details here because I'm going to show you a super cool feature that can help us to create this kind of detail let's take a look at these details here that you see here it's basically a shape uh like this let me draw it for you with my super trial and skills I can just go up and then go something like this and then go down it's kind of like a flower and it's like in the cylinder and it's like bended a little bit so if you take a look at the side view it will be something like this maybe um this is use personal preference I think it's a great opportunity to show you a new tool that came with a 5.1 and it's going to be great now each part is divided into like like different segments like kusabi shimaki kasagi and uh we're gonna go into different elements but for now usually I leave these details at the end but I want to show you how to create this mesh so let's go back to unreal and now what what we will create is a cylinder it's always a good idea to analyze your shapes so we're going to create a cylinder here and we can leave it at 32 it's okay I think it's okay so let's just click on this one and click accept and what we're going to do is to go to poly edit select the face and move it down just like this so we can have like uh let area now we're gonna do is to do a plain cut here in that tree tray model you can just do a playing card and by default it's gonna cut to the top you will see a gizmo here I can just rotate this into the white axis and make sure it's 90 degrees okay so now I have something like this which is great right so let's accept and now what I can do is to basically move this part here a little bit to the right and we're gonna do that with the lattice so let's go to the lattice here and you will see I have a bunch of controlled points I can change this for example by three by three by three and by doing that basically uh I can just select these points but before doing that make sure you don't have the linear I will show you what the linear does if we do this you will have something like this now this may be something you're looking for let me control C if you go to cubic cubic you can just do something like this and have like a smoother result now if we check a reference uh you will see it's a little plenty right so what I will do is to just go here this a little bit and then go to the linear and then go back again here do so that I can have something like this and because we have enough resolution we are supporting this shape so let's go back and let's just create something like this this looks good enough to me let's click accept and now what I'm gonna do is just to extrude this part I'm gonna go to the poly edit I'm going here and instead I could just goes for something like this to make this shape look a little bit more Roundy in my case I'm gonna go a little bit more and then I'm gonna go here to extrude okay if I extrude here you will see that I'm adding another face and Extrusion it's I just um a very common operation you extrude polygons and then you can just screw them along the normal here and we can just do something like this notice that how unreal already give you like a um if some UV is the worker so that's great now we have something like this uh what we can do here is put some Edge Loops so we're gonna go here to the poly edit and then I'm gonna insert each Loop here and I'm and now I'm gonna just find an angle where I can see my Edge loops and I can just go here and go here just like that okay so now that I have this I can use accept and now I can go here to my lattice and I can go here I can just scale it something like this and I can do the same here actually I'm I'm gonna leave it like this okay and I'm just going to scale it a little bit just like this you saw that we have a like a little curve here okay uh click accept or enter let's do a lattice again this time we're gonna do a five by five by five and we're gonna do that cubic one let's go back here and let's use scale this thing a little bit and then go back here and scale it and that's that looks nicer let's just go back here and try to try to put it like this okay great so let's accept one thing I'm gonna do before um basically finishing this I'm gonna change the pivot point because if I drag this here you will see that I have the Pivot Point here and when I rotate it around it's just like this we don't want that so what we're gonna do is to basically um change the Pivot Point by clicking here on paper and then maybe choose one of the presets let's choose the right the bottom the top the left one of these should be okay the front it is the front so let's accept and now because if we drag the mesh it's gonna be like on the floor just like that uh we can just rotate this around right now rotating this doesn't mean that your mesh when you drag it next time it's gonna be rotated just like we did before uh we need to um make sure these are the original values if you checked here you will see that I have my rotation in 90 degrees and if I drag the object here like this one you will see that the rotation is like zero so uh what I want is to make this 90 degrees the new zero and I'm Gonna Bake the rotation and scale just by clicking here in the transform uh you don't need to change anything here use bake rotation big scale if you want to make the scale you can do that too so click accept now look at that now we have changed the rotation here and now when I drag this you will see that I can just put my mesh here now uh what we will do now is to put this mesh here to add the detail to our column now to make this uh feel like it's like in position I cannot just drag here duplicate you know scale it put it in position rotate it put it again it's gonna take a long time and it's gonna not look nice so what we're gonna do is a new tool that they put called pattern here so let me just duplicate this okay and when we go to the pattern here you will see that by default I'm using a line just like this okay I'm using a line so I don't I don't want that uh what I want to use it's not a grid it's a circle and you will see that I have my meshes here now um I can reduce the radius and basically make them tighter just like this depending on how many of them I want for example if I want more of them like 12 or 13 or maybe let's just go for 13 or let's just go for 12. I need to decrease the increase the radius a little bit so just so that they don't Collide okay so let's leave them like that okay this looks like a nice number of measures let's take a look at our reference here yeah one two three four five six actually it has a little bit more so let's just go for 16 and let's just reduce their increase their radius just like this there you go so now that we have this let's click accept now uh you notice here that uh we didn't add more detail here well basically this instance here it's actually um an instance of this so if I if I change this for example I I decide I just move this one like this you will see that all of them are updating that's the neat part of this a couple of things I will do first I'm gonna do a bevel okay so let's go to poly edit and I'm gonna select the edge Loop select all of this chip click and select all the edge Loops just like this and what I'm going to do is to go here to the bevel Tab and I'm gonna put something like this there you go that's nice we're gonna leave it like that click accept okay next thing we're gonna do is to make this thing um actually uh we can do this later uh instead uh we can either do the lattice here okay go three by three by three and then just go forward like this just a little bit okay and then just go here actually it's on the other side so uh instead of doing it like that uh I'm gonna add some UVS so let me go here to the UVS and I'm going to Auto UV and you will see that by default I have something like this which looks nice I can just put initial patches like four or five it's basically like the number of uh patches you will have you will see here that I have my patches here so if I put 100 um I think this kind of thing works right for me to give feel free to play with the with the settings I I can just put five or six yeah six looks nicer let's go for seven yeah it's okay so let's accept and now everything has UVs uh let's do another uh another pattern so we can just click here and now if we don't see this because it's in the same position we can just increase the radius or something like this to 280 290 at 290 looks like a nice number so I can just change the start angle for something like -90 and go for 270. then you will see it's in the same position I can just change the angle shift and then just go for something like 30 or 35 it's like a nice number it looks like it is so let's go for it uh let's accept and now you will see that I have my mesh here what I can do now is just go here Ctrl click sorry uh yeah control click sorry and then alt click this now I will create a new mesh here go to mesh merge new object click accept and because I still have this backup I can go here and change some settings if I want it I haven't lose anything so now I have everything in the middle let's meet let me click this and then click the other one and then just let's just click align and just by doing that we have aligned our mesh so let's go back here remove our scale here the snapping and then just go for something like this and let's try to put it into position here something like that let let's put like zero point one eight 0.8 sorry zero point one eight uh something like that it's fine what you can do now because I added some extra polygons you can see that I can just go and do some um lattice okay and I will grab the points in the top it's like this and make sure you grab everything now what you can do is just to scale them like this because if you checked your reference here you will see that you have like uh it is a low resolution image but you see that these things are bended and you will see a silhouette here at least something like that something like that like it's if you're assuming it's like this right it's not like part of the cylinder like this it's like it's it pops out and then come back right so uh if you want to take your art level two the next level um you're gonna make sure you have you make the silhouette right so let's just go here and we can exaggerate things a little bit if we want you still have something like a little bit more stylized well let's just go for something like this and now that I have this I can use alt click and I can use Ctrl click on this one and align it click accept and now I have look what I have here now remember to save go to file and then save all or control control chip Edge I can just click from here and you will see that now my column has the decoration elements now I know it's a little bit overwhelming but this is the hardest part the next parts are going to be a little bit easier there are more simple shapes but I wanted to take this moment to show you this new feature in Unreal Engine 5. I think it's super good so you can create like different patterns and create complex shapes like this one so let's go um let's start creating the next part of our story it's time to create this large box you see here that connects the two columns uh it also has a name that new key so if you want to call it like box or Nookie whatever you want so let's create it let's go back to unreal and we're just gonna check here I have another angle for for this or this thing I believe yeah something like this it's nice to have reference like from these angles you can see that the width of of this box you can see like it's in the middle of this so um we're just gonna create a boxes it would be super simple I'm sure you can do it without me you can just go to modeling uh you can just go to box and then let's just put it here right and just like that um what you can do is to basically increase the size of this so I can just move it into the middle right and then just go for something like this and then go for something like this now let's see if that's the site we're looking for it should be it looks very uh very thin so we're gonna go for and we're gonna go for something like that okay so now that we have this uh make sure you put this um shoot like this okay now let's take a look at this uh if this thing should be like you know in the middle of this so we can just go here and let's just go back here and yeah something like that now this is a perfect opportunity for you to adjust the proportions if you see this uh reference the proportions are not right so what we will do let me put the reference in my other windows I can just take a look at this and I don't continue to bother you with the with the reference what I can do is to basically I I need to decide whether this thing is too white or this thing is too short and I feel it's too short so what I'm gonna do is to put this one here and then I'm going here uh I'm going to drag this go to the poly edit then select all of those these two here and I'm just gonna put them here just like that now let's accept now you will see that I have two columns now now this looks much better in my opinion so we're gonna we're gonna keep it um let's see if the width of this is okay looks fine to me what we can do is to actually put it in the middle uh can be something like this now why I don't use the mirror modifier is because in real life things are not like perfect uh a good thing is just to train your eye and try to see if this is exactly like the same you could go back here and then you can put a mirror object just like this to have it like perfectly symmetrical in my case uh I like to things to feel more organic so uh I wanted to show you the mirror but maybe for for another one uh but let's just keep it like this it looks okay from my side so guess what now let's let's add a bevel so we can just go to poly edit and we can just go back here and select all these faces here and now we can just do available so let's just go back to Bevel here and let's make sure everything has available and it does so let's go and put something like who maybe now you see it's stretching out a little bit uh maybe it's because our scale is not it's not right maybe but in this case let's just put it like this okay yeah it looks okay so let's click accept and now we have available now this box haven't changed a bit so if we go to control B and then drag the box there is nothing but the bevel here and you see like the bevel is even wrong here so what we're gonna do is to Ctrl C let's remove this bevel and before doing the Bible make sure that your scale is right so we're gonna go here to the base rotation and scale click accept and then let's go back to the poly edit and let's click on all these faces again and now we can do available nice much better now if we go here we will see that I have a bevel here okay I'll make sure you select all of those otherwise you can just select the the edges that you want to put the bevel something like this and you can select all of those basically basically all the edges here in the case you don't find your available I find it's a little bit not too intuitive to put the bevels inside this tool so yes bear with me so let's go to the available and now it's much better now we can just go back here and make sure you have enough bevel so that from distance you will see like a small little ring light okay so let's just go back here we can we can leave it like that awesome so now that we have this um we can create the next one so uh let's do that now so to create the next Cube it's very easy we're just going here and let's duplicate and then we're going to move it like this just like that now uh if you check the reference you will see that it's like this we can just put them here in position just like that and there is some stretching in the bevel if I do it like this way uh I really don't mind from this angle I really really don't mind so we can just go back here and put something put something like this okay um these are all at the same height so what we're gonna do is to basically duplicate this one one more time and this time we're gonna mesh duplicate and click accept and we're gonna have another duplicate of this mesh okay so I don't know why this scale is like this let's just be like one oh okay um okay let's um you can just scale this or just duplicate this one too okay uh you don't want to you don't want to mess with everything let's just make the scale and let's just bake the scale here okay so now that we have this uh we can just scale it a little bit just like that and also this one is a little bit wider just like this it's a little bit wider okay so let's take a look at the auditory it looks fine to me so if you see the reference I'm gonna show you here they all have like a small curve here and this is a great opportunity for us to use the deformation modifiers we have been using we don't really need to model this so before doing that we need to add some edges so first let's just bake the transform as always let's use always work with the scale of one it's always good practice okay um and we will just add some edges here so let's just go to poly edit insert Edge Loop and we're just gonna add a bunch of those like this you don't need to be exact just something like this you said you saw that we have enough resolution just make sure they look kind of even they do so what we're gonna do let's check the let's check the reference um it's basically like a little curve here so what I can do is to go to the ffd modifier and let's go to two by two by two and let's drop these two and actually we can just move it let's just put that snapping so we can have like something like this yeah something something like that and let's do the same here something like that let's accept and now we can just go to another modifier go three by three by three and now what we're gonna do is to grab all these points here make sure you grab all of them and now you can just go back remove the snapping here you don't really need it and do something like this and you can do the same here to make it like more stylized you can do something like this yeah some something like that okay let's just go back here move it a little bit to the left and this one also a little bit to the left and just like that we have the the top of our story which is great uh now it's a good idea to use prior game let's just move these things out of our way okay let's save it Ctrl shift s to save and now you will see that I have my query here now uh we have most of the main elements we just need a couple of more elements to three each base but they're also a problem with the scale this feels like it's just thick for no reason right so in reality we need to fix this by putting some smaller elements this thing is actually helping us because if we remove it you will think that this is too sad Victory right but if we put this thing it's like oh actually it's much bigger than what it looks like and we actually have something to reference from so we're gonna keep adding some smaller elements that are important from auditory to make this thing look nicer so let's create the other elements I'm sure you can do this one it's just a box right and we're going to put a bevel on it and here we're gonna reuse the thing we put in the top okay and this will be basically our story so what we will do is to just go here to the modeling tools create a box put it here accept now let's just try to put it in position here and let's just go to poly edit and make sure you select the faces like here move it around move it around here and make sure like you have like a nice site for this okay let's just go back to the top and put it here something like that and also go back here and make it like this okay so now you have something like this uh I'm gonna make it a little bit wider just like that looks like a nice angle so I'm just gonna click here and click here and then I'm gonna align this uh remember that last selected I'm not gonna align in C axis so I'm just going to click OK and this will be perfectly in the middle so that's one thing uh next thing I'm gonna add a bevel so I'm just gonna go here I'm gonna select these two which are the only ones I I'm seeing let's just go for a bevel and do something like this nice so now we're gonna add this thing here uh if you don't want to call it thing it's called kusobi okay and it's just pretty much like this it's exactly the same it's just a smaller okay so we're gonna just duplicate that the one we did uh so let's just alt click and then go to meshed up click accept and now we have another mesh so we don't need to worry about making any changes we can use scale this thing like this okay let me take a look at my reference here I will put it here on the right so I can take a look at what's the size of this so basically I need to make it a little bit shorter and a little bit taller okay this looks okay to me and I don't really need to do anything else I can just go to make the transform tools uh Vape rotation and scale click OK and now this will be your new one now so now what you can do is use duplicate this thing and you will have something like this okay um we have pretty much um covered the main elements let's go and add a small detail here so let's add one less detail here which is this little tubes here I know the image is a little bit blurry but it's basically like a tube here like it's supporting this stones or I guess there are Stones they look like one so let's just go and create a cylinder here let's just click accept and now we're gonna go to the poly edit and we're just gonna make it really thin here something like that okay now what we can do is basically make it a little bit like this and then you're gonna click here and then go to align okay uh you're gonna click all of them and go to the last selected and let's use align integers for this time so we can see it so we can go here and we can move it down and let's see if this is uh enough size looks like so we're gonna beta transform make the transform here and we're gonna go here and then duplicate this one here so now what we can do is to go and add a bevel so we can just go to poly edit click on this one click on this one and then just go here to actually let's just click on it here we don't really need to click on all of them and then let's just go here to Bevel and let's just not put a very wide distance use something like this okay then click just accept and now you have a small little detail here now what you can do now is to make it a little bit more a little bit nicer you can just go here and go to the um this is the deform tool and go to lattice and let's just put two by two by two now let's put that cubic one now what we can do is to basically change the scale a little bit just like that so it have like a taper here which is nice uh it's more irregularities but they actually make a big difference so if we accept now you will see that auditory looks much nicer um I think that's all the details that I will add here uh let's play with a light with Ctrl L you can just play with the Shadows here uh let's add some materials into this so we can you know at least not have this default great material so what I will do is just to add some Mega scans here so I will just go here at pixel content and looks like it's like painted wood but I didn't find it so here basically I can browse through different materials I can use right um You can use like for example like click on this one and then I can just download the medium quality one and click download and after it's finished it will basically appear in my local folder just like this one okay so let's use wait a little bit loading so basically here are all my the textures that I download I find that you know maybe something like this could be nice for our our story so I will just add this thing okay so just by doing this let's click save everything let's just put the material here so what we can do is to control space to open the content drawer go to Mega scans folder go to surface and then you will find here uh let's just go here to the filter and let's just put materials material instance and let's just see how it looks like like is it this one uh maybe this one okay so uh what's the problem with this is that the UBS are wrong so we need to fix them uh how are we gonna do that well it's gonna be very easy we're just gonna go to modeling and we're gonna go here to the UV tools and we're gonna project and we're gonna project here not a play we're gonna create a cylinder okay and if you want to see how the UVS really look you can just go to the checkerboard and you will see it's a a little bit long you want all the other checkerboards to be like a square so if you check the original material you will see it's actually the stretch so what you can do is to change the C axis value to something like this it doesn't have to be perfect but yeah just like that you see you have a nice squared pattern now you can go to the original one and you will see that you have something like this which is great now click accept and because this is a instance uh basically you have the same if you don't want to see the same texture very easy just rotate it that's it you can rotate it like 30 degrees or I don't know whatever you want and it won't be the same let's do the same for this one we're gonna do the project and we're gonna do a box and let's go here and check the checkerboard and now let's click here in the dimensions by default it does a great job actually so let's let's save it okay let's do the same here let's go to Project Dimensions reset property to default value uh this looks like a little bit dense uh so we're we're gonna go for it I'm gonna show you how it looks like it looks okay actually it has pretty much like the same textile density we're gonna do the same here we're just gonna put this one here let's let's just put it everywhere okay so now let's just go here and do another project uh where is it ubis project go back here accept go here project you know repetition is everything for a game development If You Think You're Gonna Be original the whole time you got the wrong industry uh let's go back here this one already has the UBS but this one um you know it's true this one has the UVS but it's the same texture every time so what you can do is to go to Project and you can go for a cylinder look if you want and click like this and now when you check the original one you will see that all of them have like different values okay which is nice uh you can actually change the the scale and for example change the scale to two by two if it's this is too small for you and let's just click accept and now everything will have like its own UVS it's it's a little bit stretch but you know it works let's put the same here actually not the same here let's go back to this one it's like this and let's let's do the project again and we're gonna put a cylinder we're gonna put the default values by putting the default values you are already putting like is getting the the size of the object and it's gonna give you the most optimal result for this so let's just click accept and if you don't want the picture to look like the same you just rotate around now this is great uh I could uh make some changes here because it's like super white so I can use control space and go here to my material and here you will see that I can have the elevator tint I can just put something like this color for example if I want to match my reference so if I want to have something like red I can definitely do that right now what you can do is to save this thing you can just grab it here to the Color Picker so you have like a palette of colors that you can use and you want to put this into you know different um different objects different colors so you can just duplicate this one and let's just double click on this and we're gonna we're gonna put it here just to try it out right we're gonna put it here in the bottom and we're gonna use if you want color Harmony in your scene in your things just change the heel a little bit just like this just a little bit or if you want you can just change it here like it's five point something you can go for six right or you can use just use your eyes for this and then just uh decrease the saturation or the value a little bit under saturation to have something like this there you go so now you have something that looks you know it looks nice let's just go for something more red something like that there you go something like that and if you want you can put the same core or other things uh I just saw that we didn't duplicate this meshes here so we're just gonna put it in position very easy just gonna go here and something like this there you go and now we're gonna select all of them and click here now we have it's great so let's take a look at our reference and you will see that this one has like different colors if you want you can go for something like black so for example I want to put this one here it's up to you like for example you can you can go here and change that thing to something like darker if that's something you want to do uh you can definitely do that right so now we have our story uh it's nice it's I hope you uh you'll learn how to model things inside unreal it's uh it's simple but you can see how you can use these tools to create like uh not so simple objects like we have some uh some complex shapes here um just by adding some materials they are already like adding a lot of variation here so we're gonna try to add this rope here and we're gonna do that by using a blueprint because making ropes is kind of hard and you need like splines to make the shapes you want so we're going to do that by using blueprints so let's go back to unreal okay let me put this one in the other monitor so I can I can check my my reference so what we need to do is to create uh first we need a mesh because without a mesh we cannot extrude the spline so we're gonna go here to the bridge and if you type a rope you will see that you have a bunch of ropes here okay wait you can just download this one uh let's download the high quality okay and once it's finished it's going to finish very fast uh let's just add it here and by the way if you don't see this here okay let's add it and it's done so let's click add okay and now it should be in our 3D assets and you will see that you have like a no sorry not the another 3D assets there you go we have a we have a texture here let's just save it so now uh what we can do is to create a cylinder here let's just go back to modeling go to cylinder and what we can do is to actually preview the material here so we can just go back here and put this Arrow here okay and just by doing that what what we can do is change the radius for something like 10 for example yeah this looks like a it's very thick actually so let's go for something like five or maybe something like two that's two things so let's go for something like let's just let's go for something like five okay so five looks like a nice number uh let's go for something like four maybe okay let's just leave it at four so let's click here and accept and now what we can do is to delete these faces here I can go to Triangle selection and select this delete it and go back here and delete the faces here okay next thing I want to add is some some Edge Loop so I'm gonna go to poly edit I'm going to insert Edge Loop okay and let's see how we can do the edge Loop here actually instead of doing this we're just gonna go to the remesh okay and now that we have this we can just go back to put something like 500 or 1000 yeah something like that and you see that the silhouette is changing that's okay so we can use like shape preserving or uniform or something like that uh when you put 5 500 or maybe let's just go for one thousand and maybe we can uh change it later so now that we have our rope we can just create a blueprint here we can just duplicate this and you see uh making the Rope like this is not exactly the smartest way so we need to create a blueprint so we're gonna just right click if you save everything right click create blueprint class and we will create an actor we'll do BP wrote okay let's save it let's just double click on this and if you're very new to blueprints I recommend you to watch more tutorials we have we have complete tutorials in blueprints blueprint communication how to create games and everything for me I'm just gonna give you some very simple steps you can create a rope the first thing is you're going to add a component here and you're gonna type spline are you gonna type the spline you don't want the spline mesh you want the spline now that you have here now you have a spline so if I drag my blueprint here I can just drag here and see if you don't see it make sure you put that game mode here with G like right now is disabled if you don't see anything it's because you have the game mode on just press G and you will be able to see the spline so what I can do here is use select the spline points and I can just click out to duplicate and I can just keep creating different points just by pressing alt and duplicating the points so what this spline needs it's a mesh so we're gonna go to the construction script which is basically what will run when we drag the actor into the editor so we're going to grab the spline and we're gonna get the number of spline points get number of spline points this will give us the number of spline points we have and then we're gonna add a loop here we're gonna go to for Loop you don't want four each you want for Loop okay and now that you have this uh the first index is going to be zero if you're not a programmer you won't understand this but if you do you already know that in programming numbers start from zero so in our case we have like uh one two and three spline points so in this case if we want to go through we want to go to this 5.1 we want to add a mesh then we want to go to the spline Point too we want to add another mesh and we want to go into this one by three and another image that's why this Loop is here um so what you need here is to subtract just by putting them minus here subtract and you can just put minus one and there you go now you're counting from zero and if you have three the last one will be the zero one and two so first thing is ADD a spline mesh component and here sorry you you can put the Rope here that we created so in this case I can use go here I rename this uh as SM rope okay just go here click compile now you will see here that it's up it's not really in the right direction so if you don't see this I'm gonna remove the camera for now uh you're gonna have the Rope here and the element okay so you see here that you have the start position and the start engine and the end position and the you know the end tangent right so uh we're gonna set this we're gonna use uh first we're gonna change the forward axis to C because this is what our mesh is looking it's looking forward to the C axis okay if our mesh were like this and we make the the axis it will be power to the x-axis but it's not it's going to the C so we can only change this to c and you see that this one is already changing now it's not going along the spline because we need to set the start and end points so what we're going to do is to go here and then uh set and start and ends and you will see that you have the same the start position the tangent and the end position and the and the end tangent here which is uh exactly what you have here uh but you're gonna put it here so it's gonna be very easy we're just gonna you we're just gonna grab the spline Ctrl C and Ctrl V and now we're gonna go here and get spline location get location at spline point okay and then you get a get tangent at a spline point there you go so the first index will be the zero which will be this one now I haven't compiled this because uh this one has a problem here okay now the start Position will be like the hero for example here and one will be you know the next spline point so what we need to do is just duplicate this one and let's connect these two here instead of putting that index we're gonna put a Plus and we're gonna plus one here and we're we're just gonna connect it and this will be the end position and the end tangent and now the target of course will be this point mesh component here okay so don't forget otherwise the target will be self which is the blueprint and we don't want that okay we need a Target here to display my point and now we have it we have our spline point now we're gonna put it in position here oh let's delete this one and let's delete it we don't really need this let's just try to grab the blueprint here we just created and let's just put it here and according to my reference like if you see the reference here you will see that you have the Rope here and it's like this it's on top of this thing so I'm gonna put my reference to the right so I can take a look at the at the Rope so now what I can do is to basically uh move this and basically wrap this thing around so I can use um disable the snapping so it's a little bit easier to work with and I can just out click and rotate and I can just move the spline points wherever I want I can just go back here um I can just actually let me let me move this up a little bit let me go to the blueprint and just go like this now we can just go here and I'll click rotate I'll click and rotate and now we can be more precise here we can just put it here in position we can do the same here alt and click okay and then alt and click rotate and then alt and click and just close it there nobody will see it so it really doesn't matter if you if you see like there is like a small little thing here we can always connect it with another another mesh we create so let's just go here and let's just put it in position now if it's if I see my reference you will see that this one is actually going like down like this right we can do the same here and actually we can add a point here is something like that okay so now we have like our spline point we can click it and now duplicate it and put it into position now we can just make it a little bit different you saw that we had more variation here there you go and now we can just connect these two splines by adding another blueprint here rotate it and now we can just go back here and this scaly okay and duplicate this one duplicate this one and duplicate this one and we're gonna put it in position here so let's rotate this and just connect this one here and this one is already connected so let's see how it looks like it looks okay to me I like it we can even move it like more down you have like more like gravity effect don't that's great I think I I like it a lot let's just play our game to see how it feels like but you see that just by adding this rope we are already adding a lot of variation to our story now this concludes our modeling part of the of the tutorial uh I wanted to add this blueprint here so that you can take a look at how you can add more uh details to your assets very easy so by this point we just finished the modeling tutorial but I didn't want to just leave you here um what if you want to have a like a little seeing some small things something quickly you can do well it's very easy um we can go to bridge here if you don't have it go to at and then go to add quick cell content and in my local I download some Japanese asset you just type Japanese here and you will get them and for example I can get this Lantern um these floors this wooden ornament so I already imported them you just need to click add and sorry Mike my face was here um do you just need to click add and there you go so now now you can see them and now what what you can do is just go here and for example let's use try to find the ornament there you go so this is our Japanese Parliament what we can do is to try to put it in position so for example here and we can just move it let's put the snapping here and actually let's just move it like 90 degrees in y-axis okay and then we can just go here there you go let's just go a little bit like this move it a little bit great so now that you have this uh you can go here and do the same here you can just duplicate you don't need to be exact in the same position as I do but let's just try to click here and then move it and then put it in position here and then do the same here you go now you have some nice ornaments you can put what else you can put uh where there is a lantern here uh let's see if I can find it uh should be around here yeah there there you go you can play with this uh this is not accurate um I believe but it's nice so we can just try to put a lantern here you see it's very small so what I'm gonna do is just to increase the size of this not too not too big you don't want to uh mess up with the scale right so let me just make it smaller and just like that we have our Lantern here now we can put it a little bit to the left if we want there you go and we can rotate it a little bit just so that it's more appealing and let's move it like here there you go look at that so now that we have this uh we have added more props to our environment uh you see that adding these little props we are not exactly modeling but we're adding more details to our story so the next thing I want to do is just put some lore here I can play with so let me just delete this I really don't need it delete there you go so uh let's add some floor uh excuse me there should be some floor around here so let's just try this one um not this one although it could help right we can put something like this uh what else we can do we we can try this one this one is a little bit too small let's try another one uh this one's to uniform okay let's just try this one so what I want to do is to basically create a I'm going to create a grid so I can basically just let me put this one here for a moment um I can just duplicate things around and do this kind of stuff but I'm going to show you something uh much more fun okay so what I will do uh let me just delete this for some reason I cannot delete things there you go uh I will just go to the modeling tab and then I'm just gonna use the pattern and as you can see here by default is a line I want to put a grade here and I want to put that count by yeah 10 by 10. it's okay but I will make sure that all my assets are like in there yeah there is something like that and also like yes use something like that so they're like evenly space uh what else you can do you can change the rotation for example you can change the wire rotation to just be something like this if you want or the C rotation if that's what you want um the translation too like for example you can have something like this which is uh very cool actually if you ask me you can have endless variations um and scale like I will put something like 1.2 1.2 or 1.2 something like that so we have like different heights um I'm just gonna leave it like that okay uh but I would but what I will do is just click here on separate actors and click accept and what this will do is to create basically separate actors okay um let me go here to the one I created uh I don't need this anymore okay so uh if you play from here basically you will fall down because there is like no Collision right so what I will do is just double click on this one and I can either add the Collision here just by hitting apply okay but there is a another thing you can do and I think that's uh it's worth showing I can show you how to make collision with the modeling tools uh since we're having the extras here I might as well give you something different uh what you can do is to put mesh to Collision and once you click on this um it's gonna it's gonna take a while because it's a nanite mesh once you click on this uh you will be able to see some of these options by default of course it's the square okay but what you can do is to put something like convex hole and you will get something like that uh you can increase like the size of the hole to make it like more have more variation or things like that it really will depend on you um for me I will just accept and now if I press alt C you will see that I have my Collision here with I'll see I can just check the Collision so I can just play from here now you will have like your floor now let's break it a little bit okay uh enough with the with the magic tricks uh I will just go here um you know just replace some of those with some of these assets here and we can also rotate this around rotate some of those just so that you don't have like a lot of different patterns you can rotate them you can move it up do something like this um or what you can do also is to grab one of this and then just put it like here in position we can always delete one of those and we can use like put it here um we can do the same here having the green ones here will actually help us to for our environment this is something something like that let me see at this something something like that and I can just delete this one and I can just duplicate this rotate this let me put it in position this is part of level art so don't worry if you don't uh we're gonna do another video uh we're gonna create environment for this so really a stay tuned uh it's gonna be nice it's gonna be something uh it's gonna be different Okay so for now let's just put things like this there you go now you have some variation uh it works for me um one last thing um I wanna add here it's just some props so I can just go here and let me see if I can yeah it's something like this uh probably like a bucket here I can just go here I can just scale it and I can use duplicate this thing I can go back to one here I can make sure it's like rotated like this something like that and I can just move this around there you go and let's put the local mode here here on the top I can put the local so I can rotate the object around this area actually this looks fine to me so now by adding these objects I'm already having like more um you know a little bit of dressing more scale and I can keep adding more things and more things but we're gonna do that uh in our next environment tutorial for me I just want to show you um Let's uh let me remove my face a little bit uh let's just put the sky here and go to the sky atmosphere and let's go scroll down until you find the sky luminance factor and we can try something like this color like this is very animated right uh that's nice let's let's just go for it okay let's just go for it and you can try to play with the settings a little bit if you want um in my case I'm going here and type 4 and I'm just gonna change the like the fault density or the secondary fog data but before that let's scroll down and make sure you have volumetric fog Okay so this is the second Fork density it's okay it's okay so let's see the extinction scale there you go a little bit of Extinction scale not too much view this sense not too much if you want to play with the emissive you can definitely do so something like that if you want uh I won't do that so I will just go here and I will basically put like something like this okay so now that I have this I can just take a screenshot of this like for example I can go here and I can go here I'll do high resolution screenshot and I can capture this there you go and now when I when I click on this you will see that I have a screenshot um so that's it uh thank you so much for watching this tutorial if you enjoyed make sure to subscribe uh like the video and comment below which kind of video you would like to watch now remember we have a lot of resources in our website so make sure to check them out and if you want to learn more tutorials just check our YouTube channels you will find a lot of information I'm out and I will see you in the next time bye
Channel: UNF Games
Views: 11,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unfgames, unreal engine beginner tutorial, unreal engine 5 tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 14sec (4814 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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