Unreal Engine 5 Environment Tutorial for Beginners - Creating a Crystal Mine

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learn how to create game environments in a real engine if you're a beginner and want to create a level for your game then this video is for you i will take you step by step until you create an environment from scratch in unreal engine 5 creating game environments can be a daunting task here i will show you my workflow from scratch to create a small scene for games you will learn all the tricks and foundations to create believable game environments learn how to create modular parts how to add more life to our scene by blending objects and apply art fundamentals like color theory and composition until you have a really nice environment for your game if you want to support the work we do make sure to check our website to access to premium and free tutorials project files and our unreal marketplace products and if you want to learn even more consider becoming a member on our channel to access all our tutorials library so let's start creating our environment the first thing we will do is to create a new level so i will go to file new level and then i will choose the basic one here i don't really need any other one so we will hit on create and we will have just a big cube here that we can use to put our ground so let's start grabbing some assets and to do that i'm just going here to control space and then i will go at the quick sell content okay here you will be able to download any asset you want you just need to click here download and you're done okay and there are other ways to do it and i already download a bunch of files you can feel free to download any asset you want in my case i already have some here as you can see i have like my minecart you can just search for them like just typing mine and you will have a lot of assets related to mine such as materials props and everything in my case i already download them so you don't need to watch me download it okay and let's crack some rocks so it's very easy i can just drag this here okay i i will put my screen here so you can take a look at what's going on and i will make this a little bit bigger let's drag this out just like this all right so just like this i can just scroll down and try to get a nice rock that i can use for our environment for example we can use this one so we will just drag this like this okay and there you go now we have a rock here and it's working okay so we can do the same here by dragging different rocks for example we can we can track this one just like this okay and different rocks will have different sizes okay so the first thing i want to do is to lay down my environment so i will start with some bigger rocks here for example something like this we can just put it here just like that let's take a look at all the rocks we may have here in the content browser okay so um maybe this one okay let's download the nanite one and if it's not ready i will put it here and you will see that it will be loading okay and if i don't have it it will just download that automatically and we will have something to play with so let's start by dragging other meshes here such as this one okay so let's move this thing here let's first lay down the foundation of our rock environment and maybe maybe we want to use another type of rock here so we can we can we can use this one for sure okay so we can just scale this by pressing r let me put this here so it doesn't block the way so i will just scale this just like this and i will move this around and i will just basically drag until i create the walls of my environment okay if you want to make your environments look more natural make sure you disable this so that when you duplicate all the values will not be a snap so you will be able to just modify anything you want and the values will be you know not snap here so it will feel more natural and i will just use the same meshes here to block this environment i will do a very small one okay just like this and i can just rotate this around just like this until we block our environment let's take a look at the bridge to see what we can do for example we could use something something like this let's track the knight we only have the high quality uh it's okay we can just drag this one here and we can just put it here just like this okay and you notice that this doesn't match so let's try to use the same rocks for for this one and the good thing is that you may think hey this is the same rock but no it's not if i rotate this every side of the rock will be different and i can just scale it like this i can just put this one here and put it just like this so i can have different rock formations now if i play from here uh i don't have a really good idea of how big this cave is okay so what i will do let me delete this first because i don't want them you don't look really nice on my thing now i will just go to content browser at feature or content pack and i will just create a third person okay so just like that add project and we will have the files that come with a third-person character okay last thing i want to save my map like rock map something like this okay and we will go to the word settings and put the third person game mode right click play from here and there you go now you notice that my rocks are a little bit small so what i will do is basically let's kill them okay and just one by one just like this just like that okay there you go let's kill them a little bit right and maybe this one not fitting really well let's delete it and we can always go here and rotate this around okay and looks like this size is nice it's good enough so what we can do now is to move this meshes just like this okay and we can start creating a kind of roof so we can just go here rotate them scale them up just like this okay and just by doing that we will have the boundaries of our cave we can do the same here we can do this just rotate here by holding alt click and just put them here okay and let's just say this will be the entrance so we will put something like this okay let's just just put something like this and we will open this up just like this okay great so now when we play our game like we start from here and we have you know we have something going on it's really small so what i will do is to go here and move them just like this okay and of course i will scale this up and i will scale this up too okay the idea is to have the boundaries of your environment first let's just use this asset and as we progress we will add more and more assets so let's just go here and then we can rotate this and let's just scale this up okay there you go let's play again so let's play from here and okay this is working nicer so the next thing i want to do is to make the roof for my cave so in order to close our cave we just need to duplicate these things so we are going to rotate this and we will make it super big just like this okay and we will start from big to small okay so here i will i will start putting like this okay and the idea is to block the light that comes from the top this is very typical to do when you're blocking out cave uh you want to first block out the boundaries of your cave so first we start with blocking you know the the corners now we will duplicate this and put this here and then you can put this here and just like that we can just rotate this put it like this okay something like that and i want to play and see if i feel a little bit claustrophobic and i do a little bit so i will just go here and rotate this like this just so the roof is not like hey this is like like a cube you know now this looks much better for me so what i will do is to do the same here i will i will rotate this around here and actually if you want to make more variations make sure you go to details here and in the scale i'm going to open this log up and then i will multiply by pressing the asterisk and minus one just like that and with that we have another version of a rock okay so we can just come here and scale it and it will mirror all the values you can see how far i can go with just one it's amazing so i will just rotate again and put it around here just play with it the idea is to is to have fun so don't be too picky it's only art not no one will die in this process okay so i noticed that this thing can be a little bit bigger so let's move it around okay just like this and we will also make this bigger okay and look what i found here is our little asset that we just import let's just delete it we don't need you for now just just drag here start peak start start big forget about this the small ones we put at the beginning let's just start big and block out as fast as we can so we can have an idea of how big our cave will be let's go here and then let's just i don't know multiply by 1.5 okay you can also duplicate like this you can rotate and put it like this make sure that your forms look right they should be blending really nicely actually just by using mega scans all the details from nanite will make your sink shine so let's just rotate this around bear with me for a moment it's just part of the process okay so good good good so let's just put something like this here and this one will we will just move this around okay now look at that now we have something something's going on here we have a big rock here so what i want to do is to close this by just rotating this around okay just diagonally i will just put this one here and this one let's let's close the cave by just rotating this we can just put this area here just like this you don't need to worry about this part that it won't be shown just worry about the parts that you will be seeing in your game okay so just like this we can just go back to this view and scale it like this okay and we can do the same here okay and we can make it bigger just like this okay and you can also rotate you can look at different shapes i find that this one will work fine okay this is what you want to have when you have a hole here do you want to create an interesting silhouette that you can put here for example like this okay something like this this will be our focal point guys uh do not forget about this this will be the path the main pad that we will be creating for our cave so be aware of that okay um last thing i need to do is to block this part it will be very easy i will just duplicate this and just put it here there you go and you know i can just go here and move it around it really doesn't matter if i block some areas if i put it like this you will see that the light is coming through and i don't want that so i will just come here and then i will go here like this and i will move it around okay so there is some light coming from here which is okay and some light coming from here and here which i don't want so i will just lock this out just like this and this part i'm going to block it again just like this i will just move this around i want to make it very clean okay so this is our cave and here we can also uh move this around like this make sure you don't have any hole here you don't you don't want to have the holes here yes you exactly that's what you want uh you only want to have like uh everything close okay like this i think here you can do something like this right now that we have this let's play from here and look what happened i cannot see anything but if i take a look at here i can see something okay uh that's the power of global illumination we are getting the light from here the last thing i want to do to make our life a little bit easier is to put the sun here so what i will do is go to my directional light here in my outliner type directional light and then we will just with ctrl l we will be able to move it and we will put the light just here there you go this is exactly what you want and you can move this around if you want it will increase the light okay and there you go now we have our little cave a little bit small but enough for it will do the work for us okay so let's play from here notice that everything is just flat and we lay down on environment the next thing we need to do is to add more elements to our cave to make it look more interesting so let's do that next so let's add more assets to our environment when creating an environment is very important that you have a focal point in our case this will be our focal point because it creates a really strong silhouette such as this one okay and we can modify the silhouette in the future but in any case we want all our assets to work towards together that this will be the main character in our scene and everything will be secondary okay this is the first thing now let me move the light a little bit just like this so i can have yeah maybe something like that so i can have some interesting lighting here like that okay there you go so now that i have this what i want to do is to go to my bridge and add some assets here and what i have here it's basically this one's this large nordic cliff let me and let me take a look at how it looks like if i put it here you will see that uh it's loading okay it will start by using the low resolution okay or sorry i just download the high quality make sure you cracked this downl here it's my nanite asset by pressing alt2 i can check the wireframe so what i will do is to scale this just like this and what i will do is to create some verticality because everything looks really flat here like this part is like this okay and we want something like here and here and here and different eye level for our environment so we will do the first one here so this is how we will do it you go to our bridge and create another grab another mesh here create this one okay just like this and let's scale this up okay and you want to put it up okay and this one will be like this okay and and we can just move it like this you don't really need to worry about duplicating objects here we will take a look at that later but for now we can just go here and duplicate this one let me go to altri okay there you go much better okay and we can rotate this around okay and then come back here and do the same thing here but this time we will make it a little bit bigger okay just like that there you go okay now we we need something here to cover this area uh we could use this um let me see if there is a better one okay uh we can use these ones here i think it will work so let's grab this again i believe it's the same one we use use so we will just put it here and just like that we will cover the areas that are floating here just like this okay we can you can put something like this and we can even go here and multiply by minus one and drag this like this and we can grab another one if you are worried about the variation you can just maybe come back here and then bam and we have something here okay and we can do the same here okay we will take a look at the colors later colors are really important but we're gonna deal with them in the future so just like this we'll just come back here and then kill this fill this up like this and let's make sure that this is like rotating in an angle that is pointing towards our environment and it's working okay uh this looks a little bit unnatural so what i will do is to drag this here and just put it here just like this okay and i will rotate this and just rotate it like this so that it feels a little bit better there you go okay let's go with out five detail lining okay and now what we can do actually it's grab another one here let's grab like this one for example um we already grabbed this one let's see if we have another one this one is actually pretty good we're not gonna use it maybe this one okay let's let's try our lag here okay so this will add a lot of detail to your environment you want to put it as you might have guessed in the corner where our focal point is okay so if we go here and we put it here and then just make this one a little bit bigger you will see that i'm adding more detail to my environment just like that okay and by doing that i can also come back here rotate this okay and move this like here and we can just move our light around and also here we can also make it like this okay we can also put it here okay because why not where okay and let's increase the size of this one okay like this and what we will do is to put another asset here let's grab for example uh this one looks okay let's let's grab this one okay so we will just put it here and yeah just like this and we will rotate this until we get to that focal point here let's put this into local so we can duplicate easier and you can see what's going on here is that this lining is creating a invisible line that it's guiding us towards our environment here so let's just come back here just like this okay and we can just rotate this too there you go okay beautiful so now that you have this we can just block this area just we can use the same assets we had here okay we can just put it like this okay or we can also grab this and the idea is just to try and see how how would look like you can be a little bit creative with your assets and you know have some interesting results not like this one just rotate this around and just play with this a little bit just like that okay and then duplicate this one let's go back to our color mode and here what i will do is to instead of putting it like this i will rotate them and i will make sure that everyone everything it's in an angle like this okay just like that and also this one this one will be in an angle here okay let me do the same here okay and the last part will be like this okay rotating your object can really help your scene to look nicer so i feel like this part it's a little bit close to each other so let's grab all of this assets and let's just move them here to see if we're missing something and i think we don't so let's just go back and we can just move something like this or we could ctrl g to make a group of it and we can just put it anywhere we want for example like this here we can play with this a little bit okay this looks much better okay let's just leave it like that okay one thing i want to do is put some elevation here and we will do that by putting our typical asset here okay and then we will duplicate this and we will rotate this around alt 3 to check the colors okay just like that um you don't really want to put this like this but you want you want to put this here okay something like this you can of course scale it up or down depending on what you want okay and the beauty of this is that we can move around these things and play with our light to see how our environment will look okay all right beautiful so the next thing i want to do is to play with the ground a little bit and a little bit of elevation here so let's add some ground to our environment we're just going to put some ground here for example like this one and just put it here and let's start big again and we can just duplicate this one and without tree i can take a look at how it's looking so just like this and i will just duplicate like this beautiful and if you want more variation remember you can always rotate in different directions now this ground is really flat and i don't really want that because in real life grounds are not exactly like that so what i will do is to maybe grab another asset for example this one we can just drag it here okay and it would load a little bit if it's the first time especially if it's a nanite asset okay it will just take a while but the idea is that your ground is not entirely flat like this okay it will have some transition like this just like this okay and you can notice if you take a look at the reference here you will see that the ground is not really flat okay this you just have like you may have some flat areas but you actually have some transitions here uh or as it's ready so it's like just some transitions here and then the ground is flat and you really want to capture that so in order to do that it's very easy we're just going to rotate this a little bit okay just like that okay there you go keep rotating this keep rotating this like this okay and just by doing that you have this transition that is much more natural than this one like let me unhide this you will see that everything is blending nicely so what i will do is just do the same for this alt drag this out just like this drag this out like this okay let's take a look at we don't really need to make it perfect okay some areas like this and then we can just duplicate this one put it here and do the same with this one and that's it i don't think i will decorate this area too much another thing i can do is maybe let's look for another ground let's see let's see let's see um okay this one looks really nice so we will just drag this we'll put it here and just like this we will have even more variation because we can rotate this around remember that rotating your objects will help you a lot to break the cg feeling nothing is entirely straight on real life neither your environment should be so just keep that in mind when doing this uh you can always rotate around to play with different heights okay like for example this one you can just rotate just a tiny bit and just by doing that you are adding a lot more believability to your environment okay now um what i want to do now is to put some smaller assets so let's drag this for example and i can just put it here okay and i can just put it like this okay let me go to my detail lighting and i can just in the zigzag mode we will be able to jump around our environment for example we can you can use this trick to make your environments look better start here and then you go here and there you go here and then you go here okay so let's create something interesting in each corner by adding assets by adding some noise in these assets we will be able to catch the eye's attention so we can just grab this for example we can just put it here okay and if you want to put some lights let's go to place lights and put a point light for now we will just put it here momentarily you don't want to use it like that but for now this will help to take a look at our environment and if you want to save this camera just press ctrl 1 and when i press one i will come back here to the one i save uh let's just say i want this shot ctrl two so when i move around move back again let's just move things around here while i have my camera just like this okay i you can of course rotate and remember to rotate in this axis too nothing is entirely straight in real life and neither your objects should be just rotating them a little bit can go really far okay i can just do the same here and rotate this around just like that okay just put this here and then this one this one we could put it here okay just so we can have some interesting lining going on so what's happening here is that this area is full of light and shadow and you want to have this in order to catch the eye if this area is full of shadow the detail won't be noticed but this one has a lot of detail so it's very important that you catch all these details by putting assets that have interesting forms like this one to catch some light and shadows for your environment for example here i can see a rim light going out here which is which is great as actually okay um let's remove this and let's remove this to take a look at how it looks like i really want that let's just put this like this and this looks like a good first pass for our ground all right so now that we have this let's start adding other man-made elements but before i do that let's rotate this a little bit just like this and you can see how nice it works when you just rotate things a little bit and it will just give you a nice edge to your environments just like this okay there you go there you go something like that beautiful okay now we have more verticality in our environment feels a little bit better so i have in bridge some wooden assets you can find a lot like i have this wooden beam wooden pallet and you know wood and whatever and i have a lot of them and what i did was just to bring them and drag them like this okay so what we're gonna do here i already have them here we're going to create an asset that we can reuse in the future multiple times so we are going to create a wooden platform it's going to be very easy we're just going to maybe grab this okay we're going to duplicate this we're going to scale it a little bit and we're going to play from here to check the scale like this one should be a little bit bigger so let's scale this just put it in the wall there you go just like that okay let's try it again play from here okay this looks like a nice size so we can just a tiny bit more and what we're gonna do is just to create a small platform or player good walking so let's just rotate this a little bit and then rotate this again okay just like that rotate we we can also use like this ones if you want for example like something like this there you go now you can scale this in different directions if you want and also like this one could be like this and this one and put it something like this now if you want to make this a little bit more interesting we can change the pattern and by the pattern i mean we can change the direction of this meshes so when you're creating something again everything has a pattern in this case the pattern is something like this or it's just something like this but what if we change this a tiny bit something like this right and so instead of making everything straight we have something like this where not everything is straight and we have some variation this will make our environment much more interesting so we're gonna do that now we're gonna put here rotate a little bit rotate a little bit with this and we can also change the size of this just like this okay you can do something like this or we can just move this one here and then go here and of course put this one here we want and another one here and we will rotate this okay and looks good enough for me like we can rotate them a little bit just like that okay now this looks much more natural so the next thing i'm going to create the base for this so we're going to duplicate this rotate okay and we're going to come back here rotate again and just put it in position okay just like that all right and we can rotate this like 90 degrees or 180 no one will notice is the same wood you can see how much we can get using the same asset same asset here same as it here everything is the same as it but not the same really if you rotate it okay so just keep that in mind let's check the size of this so if i walk here um looks like the size is fair enough be careful to step into this thing okay and that's it this is our first asset okay so what we're going to do is to make this a single asset so we're going to select all of this okay select all of this okay duplicate it okay so we don't really want to lose our meshes here so we're going to modeling and we're going to use merge mesh merge if you want to know about more more about mother modeling tools we have a complete tutorial over two hours it's insane on our youtube channel uh go free it's free to watch go and learn all what you can do inside real to model new objects but in this case i'm just going to show you the mesh merge we're going to create a new object okay and yeah we're going to delete that input so we don't see this meshes anymore append click accept and now we have a new mesh if we double click this you will see that we have a mesh here now there are a couple of things i need to do first i need to type here into search type complex and put project default okay i can also add some collision so i can go to collision and put a box here so my player can walk into this now and lastly i will add nanite support like this okay apply changes and this will create an unlike mesh and there you go okay so now that i have this i can rename this i can press ctrl b to check where is it it will create a new folder and if i want to save this asset i can create a collection here and i will type local collection and i will call it my wooden assets okay and here i will go to the one i generate and then just grab it here you can change the name if you want for me it really doesn't matter now but i will put all of my assets here all right so now that we have our wooden planks it's time to create some kits for us okay well you can either create one of those or multiple of them if you want in my case i only have one so i will just come back here duplicate this and let's start creating some platforms here that i can use okay so maybe something like this okay and i will just duplicate this and rotate this like 180 or 90 degrees okay and we can just put it here just like that okay uh we can do the same here like we can put something like this okay and you know that's it that that's your platform and that's all you need to that's all you need to do actually and if you want to create this asset you can just select all of those duplicate we're going to create another one now you can see how we can actually reuse this so let's delete this okay and if you want to even create something more complex and you can just you know duplicate this and let's put it here oops let's duplicate this and put it here and now we can actually uh maybe we can duplicate this part something like this okay and we can even create like a small platform for us something like this okay something something like that and um even maybe here we could remove this and put this one here okay and this this one's we can make it taller just like that okay great so now we have like different types of assets that you can use what we're going to do is to create a level instance blueprint and what is it uh is nothing else than magic that you you will see how i can just create variations by just clicking on those then right click go to level and create packed level after by default uh you don't really need to put the external actors um if you want you can do it but for now put the axis in the center minimum c okay and let's click ok we will create a a new folder here let's call this like math okay and here we'll be called my b uh mass um platform a i don't know this is my platform a click okay and then go to here let's call it a new folder my blueprints and let's call this bbp mass platform a and that's great now we're going to do the same for this so let's grab all of this this is already a mesh and you can see how helpful it is to create our platform mesh because we don't really need to click all these wooden planks that will drive anyone crazy so let's just grab this and then we just go to right click label pack level instance actor do the same thing click ok we're going to click here and then we will change the name to b save and then go to blueprints save again and that's it now we can keep creating multiple variations and but first i will show you what you can do let's grab this and let's duplicate this and if you hold out you will duplicate but also if you hold shift you will move the camera with you so um pretty neat to have alt 3 to check the colors so we don't see any lining or almost there okay we need to go here there we go we found our cave now we can actually let's put this lining is actually working is it okay it is working okay let's just put it like this for now okay so now what we can do is actually put something like this we can create platforms and we can actually put something like this now you can keep creating here you can duplicate okay something something like that you can keep creating your platforms okay and you can keep doing that like this here and then this part you can put something like this it's like oh this is floating like no worries let's just grab one of this rocks here like for example this one and just put something like this here okay it's no floating anymore as far as i'm concerned it is in place so now we have something we can use um if you want to make adjustments for this it's very easy you can just go to level go to edit and you will see that everything turns gray i can just for example i can just move this a little bit or i can just rotate this around if i want it if i want to make it a little bit more natural i can even do something like this for example okay there you go and now i can choose i can even go to edit here go to modeling okay and then go to triangle selection and here in my selection mode i will put instead of brush i will put all connected and i will just click on this one and you will see that i click on all my meshes if i want i can just delete it i can click accept and you will see that all my meshes are actually updating here now i don't really want that so let's use ctrl c it was just to show you what you can do and then right click label commit and now all our meshes here are changed now uh the next thing we're going to do is to decorate our environment a little bit so let's do that next so now we're just going to move the platforms and you know try to create something interesting out of this so let's just copy here and let's just maybe just move it here yeah there you go i think this can be a nice shot uh maybe i guess yeah something something like this could be a nice shot like here just like that i'm going to save it by ctrl 3 okay so next i'm just going to grab all this and i can just put it in position here i can just start using this like try to have some skull folding i will just rotate this around okay and i can just maybe put it here i don't know if that makes sense but okay maybe something like this yeah maybe something like this cool will work okay and whenever you feel like oh this thing is floating you say no you're not and you just duplicate this okay and just duplicate again here rotate it so no one will notice like this path is blocked and i can even just scale it like this okay so something like that when you add this kind of props this kind of props are called kits or modules okay the kids are meant to be procedural or sorry modular which mean they repeat over and over and over over again so to break the modularity you need to add some props like for example some barriers here some props here some other breaks that can help your thing look much better so in order to add props it's very easy you can just come here and let's just search for a barrel let's just try to look for it i don't know if i have it around here i should okay hey this ah there you go okay so we can just grab this only high quality you don't need to go night you can just put it here okay and just like that we have our bar heel and what we can do is basically duplicate this around rotate it scale it up up and down and basically create like different groups for example here i can just do something like this okay another thing i can do is to grab one of my meshes here for example this one and this one okay and i can just copy move around keep moving around okay and try to put it in a position where it will make some things more interesting for example this part i can put put it here for example like we have something here uh usually this kind of thing will be very useful for things like putting some candles to illuminate the environment and this kind of thing well it's basically just to put some stuff here like you know like this kind of stuff okay and basically group them a little bit okay so what you can do actually is group those by ctrl g and just rotate them around and just play with them and just like we did before as as we duplicate stuff we won't be able to notice the difference so we can just put another one here and we can just alt click and shift and we can put another one here okay just like that and we can always remove the group and you know maybe delete this and this one we can just put it here okay just like that and then rotate around like this like this thing is kind of like this okay and here we can do the same here like duplicate put it here okay just like that and we can of course uh rotate this around this one we can put here and here if we want and we can even add more assets for example let's just say i want something like this which i already have this should be around here let's go to our mind let's let's type mine here okay to 3d assets just go to static mesh and this one like for example we can put something like this okay maybe here okay and let's go back here but we also have some wood assets that's beautiful we can put the same here right what else we have you can see how nice it can be when you use at like assets so this one is like that high poly one okay what about this one oh this is a low polygon ah i don't want you oh we want this one we want this guy okay this adds a lot of color to your environment because if you take a look at this asset like it looks like this look at this color like it really pops out so we can try to put it more often like here we can put something like this we can move this around like this we can just put it here okay just like that and we can we can put it like this great what else we have um let's see this one okay so this one can be can be put here another thing you want to put is the the wooden all the this this bridge here we can just drag it up let's just put the nani version which we already have i think and we can just put this one here for example and let's go ctrl b and we can just keep dragging those for example this one let's put the snap button here so let's just grab again here just like that and then grab another one here and with the snap button these assets will snap perfectly so for example i can just go here and i can just put it in position there you go okay and i can do the same here i can just duplicate this one and i think i can have another variation here which is this one okay and just put it here and try to snap it press alt 3 there you go perfectly snapped let's put this one here and this one we can duplicate it again we can maybe put it here if we want it okay and just like that we can have like a railing here that is you know kind of working let's hide this okay okay just like this and we can even rotate this around let's rotate by putting the snap button here and then move it around and we can even rotate it if we want it let's see if it works maybe something like this and what we can do is to actually make this one just just not like this just a tiny bit it's just like that so here we can just come back and do something like this and because we're in local here we can just go ahead and just put it again here there you go now we have something going on in our mind and the next thing we can do is just to put some elements like this like the vertical wooden planks here for example something like this verticality will add a lot to your elements so don't be afraid to play with it uh something something like this can uh you can rotate it nobody wants to see the same asset over and over and here you can just rotate it like this okay and we can put some cloud here but i really feel like i want to do that so we just go grab here let's just move this around okay great just like that now the next thing we're going to do is to fix the directionality of our elements so we can take a look at our focal point so let's do that now so let's fix the directionality all our meshes need to have some kind of flow that projects into this area in this case we're having something like this like this part is going here okay and this part is kind of like going here okay so we're gonna fix that little by little so the first thing i want to do um maybe is to put a little bit more assets here remember we talked about the zigzag i think we can do the same here by adding this asset here and then putting it here okay something like that and we can even group assets these assets by themselves uh they don't really work that well so what you can do is to actually put them here just like that okay and actually create some groups so it's not like this one is a law like you have other assets that are around it so just like this we can just put something like this okay just like that there you go now this feels much more natural that just a couple of assets here floating so we're just going to do the same here and we're going to fill this area that looks a little bit empty so here what i'm doing here i'm rotating and i'm checking the light so basically if you check our light you will see that in this area here it has some light and in this area has some shadow however if i rotate this everything is shadow and i lose the interesting part of it so i can just put something like this okay and i can just put it here i can move things around just like this okay and i can do the same for this one and actually it's much better to see it in the detailed lining mode so that you can have an idea of you know the lines that are you are creating here so here we're going to put another stick here and i'm sorry if this tutorial is getting a little bit longer but actually it is very very very important here okay so you can put something like this like that okay now you can put something like that and here you can actually make it stick together it's like this okay and this one is blocking my view so i'm not going to use it here i'm going to use it maybe here okay that's much better i don't want to block the air the area here and here what i will do is to put some assets here in the ground just like this okay i can just make this one bigger if i want it just like that okay and just rotate this just like that okay okay so and another one here maybe maybe a couple of barrels here next to this thing okay you can just duplicate it make it a little bit bigger okay and here i can just you can just rotate it a little bit and this one too okay now this feels much better we're going here and here and then this area we need maybe we can put some rocks here so let's grab one of this or maybe it would be better to grab something like this okay which we created before we can just put it here and rotate it just like that let's try to play with it with the position of this okay okay something something like that and or we can't it's uh there's no no all um just put it like here like this and then we're going to go to our rocks here maybe this one we're just going to play with it here just like this okay there you go great now we can try to put the entrance so i believe i have like a modular tank here like ah there you go modeler mine kit so if i just drag this see that i have my modular mind that's going on here so what i can do here is to actually put both of them just like that okay and let's try to create the entrance can just put it here and this part of course we will duplicate this and put it like this in position just like that there you go so this part is actually seed with lights just put it here uh you know what never mind let's use ctrl c let's just not put the entrance i mean it will be like a nice framing here but um we don't really prepare the space for this let's just put this thing here and look what happened to our textures is that our texture streaming is actually getting harmed so it's okay uh we will deal with that in the future but for now let's just keep keep it like this just put some rocks here okay great let's see what else we have uh we can try to drop this one to blend the environment so these assets are great like to blend small assets like you can put it here just like this okay now you can do the same here and you can do the same here you can just put it like this there you go do the same here yeah just like that be careful do not you don't want to show any seams and this one we can just put it like this and of course this one we can just rotate it just like that okay and you we want to put more smaller elements around this it's like this rotate around make sure it's not floating yeah just like that and do the same here actually it's really great to be able to you know just see everything without color it makes everything just more clear here it looks something like this and now with by adding those smaller elements were just getting everything nicer we can add this row for example here we can maybe put it here okay and we can scale it and put it in position although we don't have any rope in our environment but you know it's okay rotate this a little bit there you go it doesn't need to be exact but it will help for the set racing of our environment so let's just even put this one here like it fall down like that okay and you can just put it here rotate it a little bit be a little bit patient for this kind of things okay actually not here let's just reset the rotation and let's just put it here okay there you go perfect and here we will also make it this one a little bit bigger notice that every everything turn blur that's about because my text texture resolution it's getting really really heavy with all this assets here but it's it's helping a lot actually like by putting assets in our environment you can see that it's actually working really nicely like you can rotate this around and everything and you can have a nice environment which we're kind of having here okay so let's adding some other elements when you don't find what you want here it's time to go to other secret websites to get our assets so let's do that now when quicksort is not enough we just go to sketchfab and sketchfab is a really nice website where you can find all sorts of 3d models and some of them you can download so for example i can find something like crystal here and some of them will all be be able to view and some of them you can download for example i want to download this one i can just click here into download download the original format and there you go as you can see i already downloaded it okay and that's it now you there you have it uh i want to import a bunch of uh crystals here so what i will do is maybe this one i will download okay download skier i already download i won't download it again hard drive is suffering a lot this age these days with unreal engine 5 and also this there is concrete junk you can feel free to just basically download anything you want so for my case okay so for my case i once i'm going to import the asset i just import so we just go to here new folder let's just call it the scan assets okay and then import here and here is the strange crystal i just download i just need to unzip it so let's use source import this import textures yeah you can create a material if you want do not build nanite yet okay so import and there you go now ignore this for now the material went without the texture so if we drag this here you will notice that this crystal is very small if we play from here you will be able to see that our crystal is extremely small and we can change this by just scaling this up go to our modeling tools go back to transform bake rotation and scale and notice here here that my scale is 3.9 if i click this and i accept now my original scale will be one which is what we want because now we will build nanite now this is very important because if your mesh is too small nanite won't work really well so now this material that we created came like this we don't really want that so we're going to import some textures here if we go to our folder you will have two one two folders source and textures textures will come with all the textures necessary for your crystal so just go here in the roughness we will go here compression settings put this to grayscale okay and a srgb off okay that's one opacity we will do the same we can just put mask here and this will take care of it okay so now that we have this we can just drag all of those into our material here just like this we can delete this we don't really want it so this is the base color it goes here if you want more information about materials and how you can create yours we have a complete tutorial on how to create materials over one hour for free in our youtube channel so make sure to check it out okay so the roughness goes here and the opacity we will leave it like that for now okay now this looks like a pretty messed up texture if if you ask me but we can't complain because it's free and it actually looks good let's see how i would look with our texture okay not bad actually not bad we just need some tweaks but for now we what we can do is to import the next the rest of our of our meshes here so i i won't leave you alone i will just import here and let's go back to our texture wood uh i guess it's this one okay and we can we can create materials import textures uh we won't build the nanite for now just import okay let's wait a little bit this one is a little bit heavier so be a little bit patient with this wait slumber and while it imports i already download this there is concrete junk make sure to right click extract here okay i cannot really feel this one will be very heavy so let's come back here again there is concrete where are you extract ah there you go okay so this is the source extract again some of them have like extraction of extraction it's like oh my god okay there you go so now that you are here go to our content browser this is our way waste lumber take a look at this now there you know you're talking so now the first thing i want to do is to scale this down like this okay so if we play from here ah this looks like a nice scale so we're going to do that we're going to go to modeling go to our bake transform accept okay and just wait a little bit and the next thing you're gonna do is to activate the nanite mesh for this one which we will do here enable nanite support by meshes and that's it beautiful and now we have our mesh turn into nanite hey let's just wait a little bit three two one okay i'll tell you i'm amazing so let's let's go let's go here to check what what's going on so it looks like we have a lot of things going on here we can just uh we can ignore the normal actually um let's see if it it does come with a normal map so let's just import this okay let's just put the normal there okay and all of this turn into a normal map okay okay okay so here in the uv one i'm going to grab my u1b one and put it here i will just put it here in the roughness and in the roughness we're just going to here multiply go back here and let's just put it sorry this one goes to normal and this one can put like 1.3 okay and two i don't know uh let's just start previewing the note okay so we can just we can we can always add something here at at 0.2 0.1 there you go and then when you multiply it it's it's okay i think it won't be so shiny uh i don't know why it's so shiny but let's apply it okay so let's take a look how it looks like okay there you go so we're gonna do the same for this and this so very quickly just wrap the material put it here put it here again multiply at 0.2 okay multiply by 2 i guess okay we can clamp this so that our values won't be higher than one okay so let's just put something like zero point max one and three 3 0.5 i don't know that's better we can copy this if we want okay so the next thing is go to our latest material we can paste copy copy the roughness and then go back here and put this one here okay and [Music] that's it actually this will make our assets ready to use in our in our game okay uh we will make this one a little bit better later but for now let's start from that on my side i will import the debris and do the same for the next asset uh if you don't want me to leave you alone let me know in the comments oh i don't want you to leave me alone i can't do this by myself and i will know that next time otherwise i will feel uh like this is the right choice because it takes a lot of time okay so i will come back with a new asset okay so now that we have our scans it's time for us to put our crystals here now if you don't know where it is you i will show you another way you can find your asset just by pressing ctrl p i can type crystal just like this and i can just drag it here okay and just like that i can have my crystal here and i can just play with it like let's remove the snapping here i can just play with some options and i can just duplicate this and i will start from big to small okay something like this now this really will make everything look uh have a little bit of more personality actually so let's just make it smaller just like this okay or maybe you can put it like this but also rotate a little bit there you go just something like this you rotate it okay maybe not too big you don't want to be the center of the attention so let's put it back here let's put it in position here and environments usually take a long time so be aware of that um i wish i could make like a smaller tutorial but i wouldn't be showing you all the steps behind creating the environment and that's not what this is about this is about showing you the fundamentals of creating environments and by putting some assets like this we are adding another element to rsync which is basically another material so you have rocks you have wood or man-made elements and then you also have crystals like this one okay so the crystals will make a third element in your sink which will really make it pop up a lot so just like that we can just duplicate it like this okay something like that and of course we can always come back here and put it in the background if we want something like that and also we can put a little bit more here in this area we can just start putting the smaller ones now the question you may ask is how do i decide where to put the assets well um this is not a science but actually what you need to be aware of is that your thing looks a little bit balanced okay so one is you want to put smaller assets next to the big ones okay for example here we have some big assets i can just put some smaller ones here just like this okay just like that and i can also rotate and look at them at the look at here i can just rotate this one and i feel like this area has a lot of noise because it's just going too much so i can just come here i just put it there okay and i can also put it like this remember our zigzag option we can do the same here we can go here go here to look and finally go here and do the same and we can also try some crazy things such as this one we can put it here there there we go something like that it's at the top and we can also rotate it let's let's rotate by local angles just like this okay and this is how you can make your scene a little bit more interesting by adding a third element now this crystal doesn't really stand out that much and the reason is the material not really shining it's just a white material and we don't really want that so we're going to play with the material a little bit okay but for now what you want to do is to just place them here where you want to show the crystals sample like this you can always rotate it something like this okay and try to put it here so that you can see the silhouette of your crystals happening here from different angles okay so if i just put it here my silhouette will have the crystal here okay just like this but if i rotate this like here i lose the silhouette and makes my thing much less interesting so uh just i'm gonna put a bunch of them just a little bit here and there and after we have this uh we're going to work on the material of this because this color is very white and our scene is actually very a little bit monochromatic like it can be a little bit better so we're we're going to try to go for a little bit of a colorful look for this one and there here we can try to play with the size and put it here just a little bit here and there i for example especially like in this area you don't want to block everything you just want to put some things here and there also here a little bit you can rotate things around and also here you can just rotate and also change the size of this you can always put smaller and smaller assets as you continue to add more assets because the idea is to have big medium and small elements in your thing so that it can come out as you know something more believable it's a very old trick in game development where you basically in art you need to put smaller elements and big elements you're seeing so that your scene can look better and have a sense of proportion otherwise everything will look big and nothing will stand up that's why we're putting these smaller elements if we don't put these small elements then it will be very hard for us to distinguish the size of our objects and therefore this is the small difference that you know it makes a difference i feel that's enough for me um i'm gonna put a little bit more here just because i want some smaller ones here here and there especially like in this area maybe here i want a little bit more for example like here i can just rotate this and i just put it here just like that there you go something like this now we have our crystals now it's time to color these crystals now we have our crystals however we need a different color so that our crystal can look lengther so if you want to modify the material go to the static mesh editor here and double click on the material and this is what we had before so what i want to do now is to basically change the properties like the roughness and the metallic so let's start with the roughness the roughness will use this mask roughness okay and then i will multiply it by holding m drag this ink press one and right click here and convert roughness well convert the parameter and we will call it roughness one by default click here and then you can just connect this to the roughness okay so let's apply here and let's see what happens so nothing looks like it happened and that's because we haven't really changed the roughness yet so what we need to do is to create a material instance for our crystal so right click here create material instance and we will call it mi crystal just like that okay so now that we have this we can just come back to our crystal here double click and we will type crystal in the material and now we will choose our material instance and yet nothing will happen and that is because we haven't modified the values so if i double click my material instance here i just created you will see that i have a parameter here called the roughness and what i can do is i can reduce the value like this something like 0.5 for 0.2 and everything will start becoming more reflective if you want to take a look closer look just assuming if i put one you will see that it's not very reflective if i put zero everything is much more shiny okay so let's put something like 0.2 for example and now what i want to do is to change the metallic so let's move this here let's close this we don't really need this and now we will put the metallic here and the metallic would drive from this one from the base color and i will hold alt and this will create a lerp i will create the red channel here and what this will do is create a grayscale mask okay this looks good enough to me so i will just connect this to the metallic output click apply and now we will see that our crystals are actually more shiny which is great this is what we want okay now we want to add some color to this so one way to do it is to multiply the color but what i actually want is to put different colors so i will drag the same mask here and i will put a lerp uh sorry i will hold l and then i will type this here okay and then by holding v i will create a parameter this will be my color one okay ctrl c ctrl v and this will be my color 2. just like that we can just connect these two and now we can connect this to the base color okay press apply and now we will go to our material instance and everything should be black but now if i change this for example i want to change the color one it will change one part if i change the color to everything will change okay so let's put something like a you can really try any color for example we can try something like this like reddish or something like green how to decide what type of color you want to use i will show you now if you go here to lead go to buffer and go to base color you can sample this color here sample here and you will see that we are using this range of colors okay this part if you want to have a nice composition you want to balance your scene if you use this color these two colors are opposites which means our scene will look heavier but if we use these colors the neighbors are seeing will blend better so it really depends on how many crystals you have like if you have one that looks like blue it will stand out compared to the other ones okay so let's try that now let's put here and put the color i like blue just like this okay this is one blue one type of blue and we will put another type of blue and you will see that our scene is really breaking this is too much so what we can do is actually come back here maybe some neighbor colors such as this one maybe the purple one can work and let's come back here and maybe maybe something like this just like that okay great so now we have different colors and it's actually more balanced okay you can try different colors if you want for example you can try this one like the yellow one uh the idea is to try the neighbor colors and see if you find something that actually works for you now you can feel that our scene is flooded with colors now and that's great but what we actually want to do is to balance our thing if we come here you see that we have these colors everywhere and these colors are very heavy it's like creating a balance here like this it's like you want to balance one color and another as like maybe something like this and maybe this one is too heavy and it's like this okay because this green is too much color and the other colors are you know very neutral so what you need to do is to balance it out how you can do it you can just hide some of those for example something like this and instantly the eye feels that it feels a little bit better so i feel like if i delete this and then i also delete this i will feel like my scene is working much better in the left i have more um you know saturated colors and in the right i don't have much which make it much more balanced okay so uh let me play with the colors a little bit so let's come back here and let's let's try something like this actually like maybe like this and then maybe something like this and you can see that our scene is blending much more either way like you don't really want to go full just try to pick a color okay and then you know just stick with it and you can always change it if you want so i feel like the yellow one works pretty well okay something like the greenish this is a little bit too much i thought actually this can work this could work okay this blue with this yellow actually is working quite well you don't want blue with blue you can have something like this okay this yellow actually feels really nice how do you know if your color feels really nice you just feel it while you watch it and you feel i really like what i'm seeing and you just trust this feeling so now that we have this now we have four colors working to our advantage one thing i want to do is to multiply this with this rgb here ctrl so that way we have the texture happening also so let's let's see how it looks like if we multiply it it should look a little bit more realistic okay it's a little bit darker but depends on what kind of look you want okay so i feel like i don't really need this so i will just right click here and connect to the base color and delete this one i i feel like the previous one was working quite good we don't really need it so now what we can do is to do a final set dressing for our environment and then we're going to work on the lining so now that we have our crystal in place it's time to set address the scene as our final tweak so we will come back here and fix some things like move this part around and this area like we can just put this rock here okay and if nobody noticed like it's okay and just put it like this just like that and then we can just put this one here there you go and of course you can always rotate it to make it look a little bit more real now i will show you something great if you go to bridge i will go to my favorite ones okay my favorite 3d assets are here now usually it takes a lot of time to download these assets but you can actually use track from bridge here for example this one i have in download um i will download the high quality for now because i don't feel like i need the nanite for this but i can just go here and then click on the map and just put it in position for example here and just like that just like when i start dragging you will see that if i check the wireframe with alt 2 the wireframe is extremely low detail this is low quality asset but it does start like that because as it continues to download it will update and i will have a high quality asset now i can continue to do this like for example i can just come back here and let's look for something else for example this dragon sword let's just put it here and let's just make it really big okay this is our focal point our our time to shine has come where we will put the sword here and it will be very very magical magical bomb itself it's like a giant sword going here there you go uh i don't know how to feel what feel about that but now that we put this in place our asset already download and it's actually very high quality this is a high quality version is that not the nanite one i don't want to download the nanite for this but i can continue to do these things for example i can put a candle here i can just put it like here for example this is where i will put the candle and i can just put it in position here for example something like this and if the camera goes too far too fast you can change this to tree here in the camera speed and just maybe put it in position and this is where the candle will be and this is where our lights will be maybe who knows okay and you can see that it will download as i continue so i don't really need to wait for anything here i can just come back here and you can see that there was a campfire here that no one is using anymore it will download eventually i don't need to take care of it and i can do the same for this for example i can put some assets here and i can just rotate this around put it in position okay i can do the same here just like that you can see how it's doing all the work on the background i don't need to take care of everything okay so let's focus on one shot maybe this shot here will be really nice so let's come here and let's duplicate it and let's put it in position just like here press end to snap it to the grid and we can start putting this here for example can put a barrel here okay just like that let's see what else we have um [Music] rocks full of rocks actually um maybe this one i'm not entirely sure about that uh maybe a campfire oh this one could be could be a really nice one actually like if we change the colors here let's drag the 981 let's not be too cheap with this one okay so we already grabbed this one and we can try to put it here let's increase the size of course something like 15 or 35 okay there you go and we will try to blend the colors of this one with the with the environment okay so let's try to put something like 50. create something like that great so it will eventually download and we will take care of this so we will come back here and do the same here but this time we're we're just doing it here it's like it's blending with the environment like this this part you don't really need to worry about because if you you don't see it you don't need to take care of it so let's just rotate here okay just like that actually it looks really nice the only problem is that this color is not matching but it will eventually let's just wait for it to finish download another thing we have is the stone rubble this is extremely nice so let's just drop this one and we will put it here okay we will start putting it here in the stones just like that so we can have some nice assets blending with our rocks here just like that okay so we can start putting it here for example like that okay and rotate a little bit okay let's try to put more acid here i remember that all our assets are downloading in the background you don't really need to you know sacrifice everything now this really doesn't match uh this this part so let's try to look for something more green uh let's put like maybe this one this one looks like a nice one so yeah we can try but let's just go back here and we will start downloading and let's see how it looks like once we have the material okay not bad actually not not bad we can just come back here a little bit a little bit of moss here here and there okay and also here in this area i believe we can put more loft to this area which is like the beginning of our environment just like this okay there you go great so let's see a couple of more assets that we could use um maybe we could try to use this one or this one or less let's try to look for some props let's put historical and 3d assets and here you will see that i have a lot of things happening here um let's try to look for some not some wood actually old top classic old tombs someone died here very classic now notice that i'm trying to put the things like this is the fun part of it where we don't really want to put things over all over the place because it will be like it has a lot of noise we want to blend it a little bit we have a lot some here we have some here we have some here and some areas are just a little bit flat that's okay okay you don't really need to put everything everywhere okay so let's look for one more maybe this barrel can put a high quality here okay something like this and we can even make it bigger and maybe we can do the same here at the bottom here just like this okay another thing i want to do is to put this one here maybe just like that okay i don't know how this will hold up without the rope but let's just put it here just like that and this will help us to block the view when we have you know when we have a shot this will serve as a line here that will help the player check hey check here but actually you cannot go here okay this is blocked you go back to see here now i'm not really sure if we're gonna like put the sword here so let's let's check our old friend here great like this guy is working let's just try to change the color so let's double click here in the material and we will try to match the color here let's go to alvido color tint and put something like this okay and we can try to play play with the lightness something like that and this will make the scene look blend much better save it and now this will look like it's part of the same stone and this silhouette is actually working really nice i wonder how it will look like if i put like something like 75 actually looks really nice i kind of like it so there's one thing i want to put here perhaps a tree perhaps something like that grabbed my attention um let's see what we can put okay let's let's just leave it like that okay looks like a solid pass for doing like our environment here let's go back now and try to put some lining here because really we don't really want to use this one but if we hide it everything turns very dark and we don't really want that so let's go back here and we will add some lining now okay so let's play with the lining a little bit uh one thing i want to do is to grab this guy here okay let's just put it in position here and let's try to put it here in the in the back so let's put something like 50 it will be like super big and let's wait for it it will download eventually maybe not to be maybe 35 okay something like this maybe maybe 40 okay uh look at that now it will eventually have the nanite version we will forget about this guy for a minute but for now uh what we will why we want this guy here is because it will add a nice silhouette to our environment if you take a look at this you have something like this okay this makes it look much more interesting than you know just having something like this which no it's it's not bad but you know it's the silhouette can be much more interesting and just by doing that we are adding a lot more storytelling to our environment this will eventually be ready do not worry if we check the downloads it is downloaded it downloading it will finish sooner or later okay so what we will do now is to oh it's preparing the message sorry black attacking okay this guy is very big actually so uh what we will do we will delete this one we don't really want this and we will put our sun into place so let's go to directional light and take a look here and what we will do is to change here the light shaft we will open the light shaft occlusion we want that and we will put that light shaft bloom and just like that you will see that all my light is coming through here like a god ray okay now let's move the light a little bit we don't really want to make it so extreme maybe something like this something like that maybe and also the bloom uh it can be a little bit smaller like zero or 0.05 something like that okay now um also the shaft occlusion can be big or small remember you put the bloom like this it will destroy it so let's go back here um what i want to do is to put some lights maybe this uh this can be a little bit fantasy so these crystals are emitting some light so what i would do and because of my light here is showing like it's a little bit brighter we can just go back here go to basic but the lights point light we can put one here and what we can do is to go back to our properties and we will play with a source radius something like 15 maybe okay and the soft one with 15 and what we will do is to put a light color like this okay just like that so that our scene like it's getting late by distance something something like that okay there you go and what we will do is just basically put it here and we will increase the attenuation radius just like this but we will decrease the intensity something like one or two two looks like a nice number let's increase the attenuation radius and we can also increase the indirect line intensity if we put something like 50 it will lead all the environment showing the indirect lining of this one if we put something like two it will be a little bit better five if we put zero you will see that everything turns black we don't really want that so let's put something like four or two but we will change this later but for now what we will do is to go from one light to another here just like this what we want to do is to put the lights where our shadows are okay so this is another one we can just put it here there you go one here we can put another one here like that okay nice nice and clean now this will create some shadows okay and i can also change the radius and the intensity example i can put something like three or four something like that let's go back to our directional light and let's try to place it in a really cool place for example something like this this will lead more of the environment and let's try to look for the bloom uh let's put something like 0.1 or 0.08 0.05 is what we had before i believe and actually we can also change the light color of this we don't really want to put something like this it will break your environment but you can try to put something bluish like this something like that or you can also play with the temperature here use temperature and we can play with the temperature here here is like very blue here it's like very cold outside maybe i want something like this now what i want to add is some and i don't know if i have it so i will type and there you go i do have it so if i come here i will make sure i have volumetric on and i will play with the to see how it affects my environment so i can play with this fog density and the second fog data i can also play with the density here okay i can also play with my albedo here uh scattering distribution we can play with that but also play with alvido you can change the colors a little bit for me this thing works really nice so i can just uh play with the extension scale not too much maybe something like that okay and also we can try with a sky atmosphere that we had when we created the environment and try the absorption it will change the colors the sky luminance factor of course it will also change the colors here looks very artistic i guess you can play with the any settings you want here and also here this can also change this can also change this can also change and of course this one can also change the sky so make sure to play with this uh it has some it has some nice settings that it can make your environment look a little bit better there you go something like that see the previous one okay the previous one doesn't look too bad let's go back here what i want is to put the lining here and i can just rotate it a little bit if i want just just like that yeah just like that okay so now that we have our lining uh let's try to play with uh post-processing values so before we play with the post-processing let me add another light here so let's go to lights point light and i will put a light around this area just so that we can see the shadows of the statues we put because looks like they're not really showing up and just like that when you see i just put it i create some nice shadows and i really want that otherwise i just see the silhouette so what i will do is to increase the radius something like this okay and also i can't really change the color if i want it but let's just play with it something something nice or like we can just put it white if we want now these point lights are between a little bit too much green to my taste so i can just change it i can just put blue if i want it and i can just change all of them like this just like that okay and not to you don't want to green you don't want to blue you just you just want something light something nice yes something like this okay you don't want completely white so just a little bit of blue here to balance our same okay the next thing is i want to go here and i can increase the attenuation radius or i can just leave it like that i feel like it's working really nice like five if i put like 15 it will be very obvious so you can put like 10 okay it's like you don't really know this light is coming from here so there you go and also i want to move the directional light a little bit just like this yeah just like that and also this one can be rotated if if i if i can i should be able to find a nice angle for now this looks okay now let's go to our post processing go to here go to visual effects uh it should be here or cinematic or volumes yes volumes then go to post process volume and the first thing is that if we want our post process to work we need to make it bigger okay but there is also another way if i go to my profilers here and i type unbound you will check here and this will help you to apply the post processing to all your environment now there are a couple of things i like to play with one is the bloom i can play with the blue so this one can be like a little bit more um uh how would you say it like more fantasy okay or you can decrease the bloom at like every day uh i find a hard time deciding which one i want just a tiny bit it's a good idea to play with the bloom to basically do any kind of property here just to change the settings just a tiny bit you don't want too much like chromatic aberration really cool but you don't want too much just like this just a tiny bit okay camera not really local exposure maybe this will change let's change the details strange that's too much just little okay so contrast we can decrease or increase the contrast if we want i find that with a piece like this if we want more contrast then it will look better if we decrease it not really not that much okay just a tiny bit just like this okay lens flare of course uh this will apply lens i don't really want to do that pick net intensity this will help a lot actually okay just like that great and depth of field we can try to play with a radius like for example we can try the focal distance the here let's let's try this one just like this okay 0.1 0.2 something like that okay and 0.1 0.05 it will blur more thanks 0.0601 it will blur more things i don't really want that 0.08 0.09 yeah something like that it can't work so let's leave it like that oh go to here to post processing and let's check the temperature the temperature can actually change a lot the same compare to the directional like this will change the whole thing look like it really can affect a lot of things so let's just try to play with the temperature a little bit i feel like this can be a little bit hotter maybe something like this something like this not too much subtlety is the key for this kind of thing saturation you don't really want to desaturate but it's a good way to check your composition if you check it black and white you will see white values and black values and you will see if it's interesting or not so let's go back here let's just play with it a little bit like you decrease it if you want to make it more realistic or if you want to make it more stylized you can increase the colors for me i find that one can work quite well contrast we saw it before the lower the contrast the more realistic it will be so let's put it like 1.8 that's too much maybe 1.8 one put it one um yeah you know what i will go for the contrasty look maybe not too much just a tiny bit here gamma will actually increase the lightness so if i do this everything will be a little bit brighter so one should be good the next is the film this one is a little bit important so if the slope you can increase the contrast or decrease it if you want and just try to play with this a little bit okay you don't want to change the values a lot just a tiny bit uh global illumination we will just leave it like that okay and then ambient occlusion we can increase or decrease actually it doesn't really help that much with lumen um the film grain intensity we can put a lot and we can also change like the grain textile size a tiny bit just a little bit here i find like just having a little bit of this can help and that's pretty much it okay um let's take a look at our scene in the big screen so we did a lot of things we learned how to block our environments we look into how to create modules for our game how to set dress color theory lines dressing lining post processing we check materials we check a lot of things actually and we came up with this and i believe is under two hours i'm not exactly sure but i believe it turned out really nice uh the next thing of course will be to add some collision to these things i'm not sure if i will do it but in any case thank you so much for watching if you want to see more content like this make sure to subscribe to our channel to see more tutorials and consider becoming a member to check our premium tutorials so you can have access to all the library and i'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: UNF Games
Views: 191,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unfgames, unreal engine beginner tutorial, unreal engine 5 tutorial, ue5 environment tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 13sec (7513 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2022
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