Learn how to make VFX Fire Thrusters in Unreal Engine 5 with KitBash3D

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does your Starship lack that extra power when it's ready for takeoff is it just flying away maybe you want to create fire but you don't know how to make good Distortion materials then this tutorial is for you you will learn how to make meshes and materials to make our thrusters look stunning we will also learn how to make amazing Distortion materials and all of the Skins required to make some amazing fantasy-like trusters along with dust originated from the thrusters hitting the floor so what are you waiting for we're gonna learn a lot of things together in this tutorial I'll see you so let's get started with downloading our assets from kitvash3d.com and in my case I will pick mission to Minerva but if you browse through here you may be able to see other assets you may want to pick but again for the purpose of this tutorial we will just use this one and because there is a contest going on right now the price is just zero but don't worry if you're watching this from the future then we have coupons for you in the description so don't worry so we need to go into the software click unreal then go on render and pick native press add to cart and then you are ready to unload so once that's done you can click on view my kids and in this case I have two but of course again we pick Minerva then we choose software then once again choose native and the resolution should be in this case just 2K 2K for now is fine and then go on download and once you download the project from kitvash you will see a folder that contains and that contains an Unreal Engine 5 project so if you click if you right click this and then switch unreal version you will see I'm using the 5.0 in the future there might be other unreal versions so make sure that you're always using the latest then you can just click on OK and I'll click and open the project welcome so before anything we're using this big ship from Kid Flash 3D all right and for these effects we are already providing some textures and also one mesh so what we're gonna do we're gonna be doing I think four effects or maybe more depending on what we exactly need first one is gonna be like a big propulsion uh fire for when the engine turns on and this fire is gonna be our energy is going to be hitting the floor and it's gonna be generating some smoke and some particles those are two effects and then we're gonna be having some uh some constant uh propulsion for when the ship is just flying and uh also if I don't know if the ship is just preparing to to sale can you say it like that to sale we're gonna have some constant smoke here and some that something really simple right okay so let's start so we shall start with the main part of the the explosion of the proposers I always forget that word so just make your material folder and let's create our first material so right click material M underscore this is going to be named thrusters hello I'm thinking that we may have two types of thrusters so let's enter this we want it to be additive and also unlit okay and for our main texture I would like this one the sword player 2 which is a little bit wider than the other one what we want to do with this material or well with this texture to distort it because if we look at uh at the mesh let's just select it and then click on this little icon so we can preview what's going on oh and of course hook this up we can see that well okay yeah it beats it's looking like an like an engine fire sure or will almost but we would like like some Distortion going downwards right to help us sell the effect okay oh what am I doing all right so let's just make the Distortion quickly uh just some some really simple Distortion let's create the fire this fire mask and we're gonna distort it so we probably want this to pan will be left click connect it on the UVs and just set one like this yeah that should be fine let's multiply it on the red Channel by 0.1 so it is really uh a really soft effect we don't want uh a huge assist distortion and let's add it to a texture coordinate if we see that the Distortion is stored in the texture too much to the point that it's skewed to a side we can just modify it but I think this is looking nice though I see no issue with this although it should be on the inverse right the fire should be going downwards so the banner needs to be minus one yep okay so that's something right now this is looking like PS2 though but uh for now this is this is good okay so the next part is we want to hook this to uh derive HDR from ldr sure we want the alpha on the input and we want the RGB on the tint okay I may change my mind later I'm not sure okay so particle color because we want it to interact with our Niagara effect and let's say you're gonna multiply this and multiply again here and let's just put it like this am I overdoing it probably we shall see and we can just hook this one directly on the emissive all right now we want to multiply again in here you probably want to make uh hold one left click the value is 2. so we make this uh Stronger and we probably just want to hook this here okay now it is a little bit more intense all right yeah yeah exactly okay so now we should probably do these yeah so just multiply again we got the opacity here we're gonna tie it with this and this we should just put it to the opacity but there is one thing so my main issue is that um let's just test it with the mesh on the map so bring the mesh here okay let's just pull it up to this side okay we can just try and pegas if this is coming from here because it's gonna so okay this is here let's put the material on this and if we start panning around it you can see the edges way too much right and these are obviously again looks like I'm old Tech effect right you can see those hard edges way too much so we need to do a couple of tricks to hide that a little bit let's go back to the material and for the opacity we want to do a couple of things so first let's just bring a camera vector now let's bring oh sorry vertex normal World position okay now let's make a DOT product let's put them both we need an absolute so apps all right now we want the power of that spanner so power okay now for the exponential we just want to hold three plug this in and this is the key of our effect or well we're gonna be modifying the The material through this one so for this I want eight and eight and let's leave r on 8 as well okay so 888 fine now let's clamp it it should remain like that that's fine now we want to multiply this or actually no maybe we multiply this at the end okay so let's just grab this here and now finally just multiply it by a depth fade and now finally we can just put it on the opacity so okay we are clearly overdoing it here if just press apply and we check it out okay now we can see any hard Edge but it's almost as if it's disappearing right if you're watching it from the front you cannot see the underside or any of Earth of the other sides right so let's just modify this red Channel we can just say this is two and press apply so now the hard edges are way softer now this is a little bit more believable although from this angle not so much we can just keep on tweaking it if we increase it it starts to disappear right so sure maybe we can just do three and apply it although once we see the full effect we can continue tweaking this yeah that looks better so for now let's just say this is two one zone with our material we should just make dbfx now so let's create a new folder Niagara let's enter right click Negra system new system and let's pick a simple Sprite burst click on the plus and finish we're gonna name this NS trust span and let's enter so the first thing that we want to do is just place it on the map I just wanna see it on real time on the on the Thruster so I can know if it's looking good enough right so let's just go up here maybe that place is fine okay maybe it's fine so we want a mesh we do not want a Sprite we can just uncheck it and grab a mesh renderer in here we are going to put the cone okay there are plenty of cones so let's just pick the one that we chose okay SM cone there we go now we need some materials so enable material override click on the plus expand expand again and let's place the material that we just made like that okay so how does that look okay let's uh just to be able to tweak this I wanna I want this Loop Behavior to be multiple maybe it just Loops 10 times and I want to rotate this and it's not listening so this needs to be local space activated there we go let's just place it a little bit deeper maybe that place is fine yep it seems like that place is fine there we go okay that that's gonna have to be right okay so we should now tweak some some values like we want this to grow over time right like again like a big explosion so we should do that with scale mesh but for now let's let's say that okay maybe this is did leave this leaves for 0.8 this leads only for 0.8 sure let's undo what we hit before okay once still operation can be on one it's it's just three ordered at least that's it for me this right size this can be maybe 200 wait is it changing oh this is bright size my bad it needs to be mesh scale mesh mode so this we want it to be non-uniform because we're going to modify the three directions and 1.9 yeah it's bigger it's 1.92 so it is round and for Linked we will have to see 1.6 Maybe okay so I have an issue because whenever I do this I use my two screens so this is gonna have to look I'm sorry okay infinite all right I think this size is besides is not bad I mean again we're gonna be scaling it over time but this initial size is not bad I believe it's not that okay so let's continue the next thing that I want to do with this I'm not sure if I want to animated just yet what if we make it rotate too so mesh rotation mesh rotation Force and for this one you should we probably just want something really simple maybe maybe just a two it just rotates slowly so it doesn't remain static you know okay if we put it in a little bit more actually that yeah okay now okay yeah I just delayed it but let's just do this scale mesh so scale mesh size and in here we probably just want a curve so go for a curve back there from curve is fine now the X and the Y need to be the same I just want to disable this C okay I just wanna group them up together and the first one probably just at Zero this is one they are the same size at zero sure but then I want them to grow really fast in really short time so I'm gonna take with my mouse wheel to create a new point for both lines group them up and say that at point one this is gonna be 1.3 so it's it's gonna grow really fast almost as soon as it's bounds but I don't want it to shrink at the end so maybe for the end uh at one we just maybe say 2.2 okay this is way too much and it feels like it is way too much because we haven't modified C at all okay so let's modify C now let's uh height x height Y and place only C and for this one let's say that when it's Bounds at zero this is not its normal length it's maybe 0.6 and when it dies or actually maybe right when it's bounds like at point one this is two and it never goes past that point by the way if you certainly find high values on this curve and it starts to become way too big press F so it fits again let's check it now okay that's that's a little bit more valuable I like how that's looking I wonder is well we still need to modify the color and I believe that we need to go back to the material and in here just want to hook up the saturation the saturation and plug it here and click on apply now it's gonna be white and we need to put our own color there probably something emissive for sure maybe something orange so here we just wanna oh look I have the premise colors here but so on gray and red I will put the tree so it is already emissive and probably around here is fine maybe that maybe that's good okay but actually we shouldn't have modified that first I think I'm just going to erase this okay I'm gonna play this color here so I can save it and we want to create a color a color on update now you can see okay it's white again and here we want to make a curve color from curb okay and for this it probably just starts like really bright because it's an explosion right it it starts at its full strength and then slowly it fades away so maybe we can do that for here okay this is the same color a tree but let's just say it's 30. it's really strong don't click it to check because sometimes it backs yeah it's 30 okay fine now let's create another point maybe this point is at 0.5 and this is gonna be three so it it becomes softer right and I'm doing that with right click and at the end it's the same color it's this right for the alpha it just remains normal oh it's changing the color in a pathway so we put this okay that's nice so how is that looking so when it just explodes it is really strong and then it starts to fade away but it is still emissive okay I like it that's looking good let me check it out yep okay so I think that we are done with this spawn with only this one and let's uh let's make the next one the next one I'm thinking it's gonna be it's gonna be longer although before moving into these I still see that this has some mistakes if we go inside we don't see anything so we should just select two-sided click on apply and it already looks way better okay and also I prefer this side a little bit more rather than this one I would like them to switch sides so here on mesh renderer go on index and on rotation on the c-axis put 90 and enter okay that's way better and also the colors I don't like so much so the ones that I already saved it's just yeah this Stone here on The Middle it's this tone of three fine and last it's this one okay that's looking nice a little bit whitish I like it now let's just rename this let's say this is low low thrust let's copy sorry let's copy it paste it with Ctrl C and Ctrl V and this one is going to be high Trust no trust I trust so this one I want it to be longer and the color I have already saved the Sun so it is this this orange more towards the jello okay same pattern three and at the end yeah like that if we isolate it yeah it's it's yellowish it's not that different but it is still different when you combine them both so let's change the the mesh for one uh I want the C at zero three point six sure that's fine but once it reaches one or well once it once it reaches its maximum shape at point one I would like this sweet longer let's just say three let's just do it three and for the X and the and the Y it remains at one and it here maybe just 1.1 I really low difference how does that look okay that's that's looking way better I don't like how it expands this way though I would like it to stay a little bit thinner a little bit thinner so oh of course it was because of this one we never erased this so just erase this last point like that exactly okay it's looking good although I feel like this is a little bit too um it feels a little bit straight here we're gonna have to check that after um yeah we're we're gonna have to check that after Maybe so let's continue we now want to make some kind of inner cluster and this one could be like a a different color like a stronger one right that the big side of energy okay so let's uh honestly our old Thruster materials should be fine we just want to change the texture and we probably want to take away these so well click on apply view hand let's just duplicate this and say this is going to be the inner and for this one we just want to change the texture and also we want to um yeah this sort there they're almost identical but I want to get rid of all of this because this is just gonna be a Sprite right and we can just hook this here okay there we go so it looks like this click on apply let's go here and let's create a new emitter right click addameter same thing simple Sprite burst and let's put our new material this one you can isolate it it's loading the shaders fine okay can we take a look at it now yep so compared to what we're doing this is really small we need to crank up the values by a lot to make it look good so first we can start by the lifetime this is going to be random or you know you just Direct 0.6 not much that should be fine and let's say this is fine the the Sprite size mode should be non-uniform you want to modify the X and the Y separated so maybe 60 here maybe so it grows really big although how big is it though oh and it should be um rotated because our our effect is going towards the bottom right so uh initiative particle spread rotation mode we can say direct angle 180 now it's rotated sure let's make it also be infinite so we can continue previewing it okay it's taking longer to appear because of our Loop duration we can just say this Loop is also one although probably ah it's fine so okay sure it's appearing like that but I would like it to well go lower right so initially this particle position offset local if you put it like this yep it goes down okay it's nice so maybe 250 could be and now we need to play with the scales bright size and just make it really huge to match our previous explosion right so Sprite scales bright size oh I just modified the mesh Ctrl C maybe so here on particle update Sprite size scales bright size wait did I modify this one okay no foreign so probably if this has 0.8 maybe this should have 0.82 okay now let's make it bigger so scales bright size we do not want this to be uniform because we want to modify X and Y so non-uniform curve okay so for y this is just going to be something somewhat straight we just want it to be what always three I think oh sorry like that always three perhaps a little bit bigger we we will see after and for x let's say that this starts at three two sure but it grows to what something huge could be 10 could be six let's try certain this may be a little bit too big huh that and it is not following the same way as our mesh and that is because of well a lot of things first of all we can also see that there is some Distortion here the material is uh is a little bit broken we need to fix it sure let's make this go lower but 300. wait this is the size I'm not doing this right so Ctrl C again and on the wait okay I know what's happening was timely find the position of I was modifying the position of the high Trust no wonder this was starting to look a little bit weird Okay so the high trust it needs to be zero no position offset it's just like normal but this this inner trust that we need to change the name this one needs the position opposite okay on local a c200 it goes up so it's minus minus 100. okay finally no wonder that was looking really up okay so two problems right this is not following the same axis as our as our other trusters so what do we fix first I think first let's fix the material that is it's it's really annoying me so we need to make a small configuration here on this Distortion as you can see it's this Distortion that is playing with our texture a little bit too much so let's unplug this let's go over here over here actually so let's go component mask Ctrl C Ctrl V this is R only this is G only plug both okay now add again and I want this to be -1 I want this to be also -1 and another add another add and I forgot this is sorry this is uh this is r or sorry when am I doing this X Direction X this is Direction y EP got both of those now we need to append both of these and finally just hook it here okay now we should apply it and make a material instance out of this okay double click to enter now let's enable both of these and this I think this is fine we should not move it but we should move the Y EP probably that is fine yeah we need to move this one I think so just revert it oh actually okay there we go this should be fine okay save it just in case and let's use this instance on our meter now there is no break action at the bottom perfect let's rename this this is the inner Trust and again if we take a look at this this Sprite is just following our camera and it shouldn't so we need to add another module here on this bound let's click on the plus and go Sprite facing and alignment let's enter it and in here we need to say this is zero this is one C on one we want to enable the Sprite alignment and this is one and that should be it okay so it is still not following us and that is because we haven't modified our renderer here the alignment needs to be custom and now it still does not follow us so we need to check exactly what is going on there maybe we left something on yeah we left this one on so that one is zero and it is still not calling us most likely it's oh okay it's probably it's because this particle is not local spaced checked so once we do that there we go okay but we need to make this lower and make it way way thinner so lower let's go maybe 330. could be minus 400. okay a little bit less okay that's it 2 30. and it cannot grow so much it should not grow so much so this is okay same zero zero zero one one whether oh I just create what created two okay it's the same thing it's the same thing and this bright size the X should not be growing so much what five it's still a little bit too distracting right because it's overpowering the base of the of the thrusters so three and perhaps the power should not be so strong it should be something softer for sure so right now this is overpowering our effect way too much and we could modify the color a little bit but I think that the the material is way too strong so this modification probably just put it on one and we do not really want to change this color so the saturation we erase it and we just hook this I'm sorry we just hook this like this is that way softer it does not look way softer at all but uh let's keep checking here okay well it is it's certainly softer but we can still make this a little bit softer like that okay let me watch it a little bit more it's too strong still this is too strong we probably need to play with the alpha a little bit and make it just softer so sure color over here but the alpha 0.3 0.2.1 oh we have scale color here okay so 0.3 0.2.1 it is not working I did not see any update 10. okay let's see update sir but this trusts are perhaps we make a point two here 0.1 okay like this it looks nice now it's way too soft so back to one okay yeah perhaps something like this it's dying too too slow though so let's modify that these Florida dies earlier seven and the size weight both X and Y are are like this and I don't think that's right we need to modify the eggs a little bit to okay don't let it start a tree starts with two so it has at least some kind of Animation right 3.5 oh sorry okay um let's make it go up a little bit more so let's undo a little bit of what we've done 280. okay I think this is looking nice now we can put it a little bit up okay all right this is way better now we should make some kind of distortion for this effect because after all this is a a lot of power coming off right so we shall make some kind of heat wave or something like that let's make a new material for that so let's go on materials right click material M underscore um distortion I hope I wrote it I wrote it right and for this one we want it to be translucent and also I think default lead is just fine so the configuration is going to be somewhat similar it it's not going to be that much different let's bring our our water texture and this just hook it on the normal it's not gonna be available yet uh I'm gonna do it after okay so this material needs to have no opacity fold one left click let's put it there sure now let's hold L for a lerp and click it on refraction now we can put in our normal and this lyric um let's finish this one first so Banner let's hook it here and let's put it that texture coordinate okay the coordinate is fine uh but the panel maybe just slowly moving 0.5 well not that slow right but still okay and we want again to distort our sword flare so let's just bring it sort there here we drop it and actually we are making the same configuration we did on the thrusters inner so let's just copy all of these and paste it here we saved so much time with that and let's just hook it here on the UVs we got the same Distortion we're gonna make a distortion that that looks the same as as this shape so now let's multiply this here on B let's make another gradient and I would like to copy in here the values that we had before so for X we copy this sure and oh sorry and for y we copy this one so it is a little bit a little better line right okay we have the radial gradient we'll need to move anything there now we need a mask so component ask it's only filter the r and this finally we can apply it like this the alert goes for the alpha and we're multiplying it by a particle color so and this one is to go oh sorry this one goes here all right so that's done and well we can still see the hard edges so now we're on our material and we do not see this shape at all well we sort a seed on The Middle so here on the layer we just need to change this to 1 and 1.6 and now it's going to be a little bit harder to see but over here for example you can see the shape of of the texture now so now we have a refraction with no edges okay click on apply and we have it I think that we want to copy this inner trust and we want to make this distortion so rename it to Inner trust distortion and let's put the material of it in here okay let it load the shaders let's see once it's on how it looks is it done it's done okay we cannot see it much if at all right now it's isolated okay we can see it here but we need it to be bigger of course right otherwise it's pointless we cannot see it so let's uh on scale Sprite size the X let's make it a 3.5 Maybe okay sure it's a little bit bigger and maybe also a little bit longer so for y let's create a point and at one sure no no no maybe at 0.3 this can be like five how does that look is it too long maybe a little bit wider don't you think so on X once again and 0.3 let's use the 4.5 that's I think too much but let's make it 0.1 so it is really quick okay maybe this is better can we check it with the whole effect well you can see it here at the bottom sure you cannot see it much over here so let's make it even bigger initially it's particle let's just make this 150 it's way bigger is that too much no that's good we can see it on the edges yeah I like that it's not too over the top but is it me or the Distortion is on the inverse so the speed of this uh this Alpha needs to go on the opposite direction that's it or is it this one yeah I think it's this one let's see one and apply let's see the load yeah okay that's fixed now okay nice I I just want to make sure that it isn't too big though yeah I guess it's fine I guess that's fine uh I would like maybe the um the scale she's fine the scale is good yeah this is fine okay so we are done with the um with distortion we are done with the uh with the main thrusters let's make some Sparks although I feel like this should be a little bit bigger but maybe if we combine both this is just fine so let's do sparks now so let's get on the Niagara um system and you know actually if we take a look at this effect right now I'm gonna take a screenshot there we go we can see that this mesh is a little bit too noticeable and this one two to some degree and we have two choices we can modify it through the materials on that Vector tree constant that we saw that we are modifying earlier or we can add more elements work well we are adding more elements right but if after adding those elements we still see that things are too straight too squarish then then we do need to modify the material right for now we can just keep this in mind but let's add these parts so we don't want any fancy material for these Sparks we just want something normal so at a meter again simple Sprite burst and let's say this is speed Sparks okay it's the same basic material you could change it if you want and maybe make a more interesting material but I think that this is good enough so we want this to repeat so we can check it and after once we're done we can just put everything to once for now infinite fine and we can see it's spawning here on top all right so we want this found like plenty so but first I think it's it's better if we just modify the size of it and the location so let's say that this is going to be random uniform QV one and three so they are really small we just want to spawn a lot of them right so they should be small and the lifetime should we short to what about 0.2 maybe 0.7 uh for the color let's just do like ah okay so it resets let's just put here a tree so it's it's a blue that is emissive we can sort the seed here although it's really small now let's make a shape application here shape location it's going to be a sphere that's fine we can just say this is probably 80. uh we don't want any of these okay now let's just put the 1500. okay and it's not spawning because we have uh parameters State Loop duration to two let's just put it to one there we go okay it's spawning a little bit too high so let's move the sphere let's move it receive transform offset mode let's just put default and let's put Here Local minus 200 no minus 100. there we go that's good all right so now we should add some kind of velocity and then as an update we should probably put an acceleration force or something like that so at velocity here it should be linear linear is fine but in here we need a random range vector like this this is good so minus 500 sure minus 300 this is 200 making sure oh let's you want this to be oh apparently this is fine okay so 500 here 500 here okay so where is this oh we need to do it on the on the inverse okay so minus here and here minus two so we see that it's going downwards fine how is it looking on the big picture okay but we need some extra forces to help us sell the effect and also if you notice and we can pause this here when it spawns they are just round Sparks maybe we want this to to be uh elongated right as if as if they were really real Sparks with speed so we can do that in a little bit yeah but this is is helping a little bit sure let's first add the extra Force here on the particle update so let's probably just do acceleration force just something simple nothing to pass at least for now we just want them to accelerate minus okay so they go even faster as time goes by and currently we also put a small drag on it maybe a drag too okay so it's looking like it has some speed some some strength but wait they are they spawning a little bit odd no it's fine okay so now let's add here in the particle update we need a scale Sprite size by speed this one here and in here well what about something a little bit too extreme so what about 10 what about here 0.1 uh one two this is fine so if we look at them they're not really following along so it must be on the renderer here is camera no alignment velocity alignment there we go okay I think this is looking fine the color may be a little bit too exaggerated it may be a little just a little bit too strong we can modify that a little bit later though I would like to add some Collision as well so here on particle update position you just put two on the particles on the radius scale and substitution probably just 0.2 so you don't bounce too much yeah these bounce a little bit it's fine if you want you can make them live longer we should just fix now the size because they are just way too big so in here probably we can just put them even smaller so what about 0.4 and here 0.6 are they way thinner now they're way thinner yeah I think this is way closer to what we want okay let me make sure that the forces are on local yeah of course okay local makes more sense and this velocity is also yeah this is fine too okay yeah I I had a feeling that these Sparks were going on a weird Direction okay so when this bursts okay it looks fine maybe they can leave a little bit more so some leave 0.9 can that work all right so now I have an issue with this my issue is that this spawn is just happening out of nowhere right there is no energy building inside it's just appearing out of nowhere and I don't really like that I would like to have some kind of a cue that is telling us that oh something is about to happen it does not need to be um slow it can be fast but something needs to happen before this main big effect happens you know so we should do that and I'm also thinking well if we add some some other color Sparks okay first let's do that initial spawn now what I want to do before starting any of that I want to have some kind of loop delay so you have some time for uh those extra particles to spawn right now there is no time right it's just instant it's just spawning every single time so I want to go on a meter state and sure this is infinite for now but I would like a loop delay of probably 0.4 on everyone so for each one of them 0.4 Loop delay 0.4 delay 0.4 NWA also 0.4 okay so now it starts there's a small pulse right if I just press spacebar here well it is true that it doesn't bound right away but I feel like maybe we need a little bit more more Loop delay well it's fine let's start checking that that new spark or that new effect that we're planning and then maybe we can put more more delay we'll see for now um what if we just clone those Sparks so just Ctrl C Ctrl V I'm still not sure what will make um just gonna name it build up Sparks and what we can do with this maybe since these are um blue Sparks that are playing away at really high speeds maybe this could be yellow Sparks and they are the initial ones right so okay so zero on the loop so how does it look now okay so it bursts and then the other one right all right it looks a little bit wonky right now because of the infinite loops and whatever will be way easier to visualize if I could show you both of my screens right and I just put Niagara on the other one and then just preview this one right but uh we'll have to do it this way okay if I just press again if I press spacebar on the window it just restarts right that shows me the real um uh startup effect okay is there enough time I think there is enough time you know this is fine okay so what do we want to do with this effect especially I think spawning a lot of them is just fine and truly they won't live so long as the other one not by much though sure we're putting maybe these Sparks need to be um more emissive so probably a 10. something way uh Stronger sure the size is just fine I think we just need to play with the timings and that's it pretty much so the velocity it's fine okay uh maybe it needs to have a little bit more drag probably a tree so they don't fly as much the acceleration force we can definitely reduce it a little bit so probably just 800. that could be okay so it's like a it's just small Sparks and now you can kind of see the motion right okay now we need something on the base we just need something on on the ways that fills this effect let's save and we're gonna probably just clone this once again and make something small out of it let me preview this effect a little bit more I'm thinking before we do this this disorder build up I want a smaller set of Sparks appearing I think before this main one but if this one we just put it on oh this has no Loop delay yeah what about Point here I really like this motion like first explodes and then the other one okay all right so let's build this one this time and this one is gonna be different not by much but still different so we are spawning again a lot of Sparks oh we made a mistake this should not be CPU this should be GPU so let's start changing it GPU fix bounce I think we add one zero is fine if the particle is not appearing at the at the distance that you want you probably want to increase it up to you so again GPU I should have done this before copying but well it happens so again what's zero one more zero another and this is the last one yes so GPU fixed rounds one zero another another oh okay so this one I think we want this to live way less so 0.4 is something really small 0.4 this size well this size should be just about the same that's fine this feed I think maybe this needs a lot more drag I I want them to stop like halfway halfway this this current distance so well what 10 yep something like that something like that and I wanted to have a different motion so what about the vortex Force vertex Force let's make this video okay okay that's very nice serverless Source it has Collision let's see how everything looks now hmm I don't like that it that it has the same color of the of the other um yellow Sparks so let's make something a little bit more probably just back to tree this is looking very good now I think we need one more element maybe some different Sparks on the very top that are going maybe for a different direction like going inside of the of the um of the thrusters or something like that like as if it is accumulating energy that and probably I don't want this size by speed on these ones how does that look yeah okay let's just Brazil aligned unaligned yeah I think this is nice so how does it look okay so now a last one and it's this energy uh Sparks that are going inside it's actually something really simple I okay so this one is gonna be okay small Sparks Maybe okay I wanna copy this one I think so copy paste that's not pasting so copy and paste again there we go and this one is going to be absorb Sparks all right and what can we do with I'm gonna isolate this again and this should probably be very few Sports what 100 something really small like that 100 and maybe they leave even less 0.1 0.3 the color should be softer as well probably a tree around here that's good the size I think I would like the size to be bigger and I want to disable these scales right size by speed I want them round unlined yeah and I want them bigger so here early five ten yes yeah something like that although now I think of it um maybe not maybe we do speed okay never mind I'm gonna enable it again yeah okay let's try it so this fear is fine although maybe just a little bit smaller could be and the velocity should also be way different so I don't want it to go everywhere this time just up so zero and something really extreme like minus 4K something like that yeah something like that and let's see why is this going in a weird Direction though it's not going straight oh it's because of the acceleration force isn't it but it shouldn't local it's on zero is it because of this sphere how's it looking here though repeating it's infinite yeah it's it's really weird okay I need to check that so what did I do oh this is this is still scaling here so maybe yeah it's velocity alignment isn't it it's repeating yeah okay okay never mind I got scared for a second all right so what were we doing yeah this speed should be different sure acceleration force we probably just want something incredibly extreme what about like that so first it is going down at high speeds and then it's going up yeah something like that although it it's looking a little bit wonky and we probably want more drag so like 10 it has Collision sure I think that this fear needs to be way lower because we can't see anything here so let's move it minus 100 minus 300 maybe yeah it needs to be tighter though I'm not enjoying this so much needs to be tighter and minus 20. okay just keep in mind that this is relative to where I put it on the on the map so it may be different for you this real quick looks nice but it needs to be again tighter so the speeding which it's going down it's way too much minus 2K yeah I'm liking that so shall we try the full effect now hmm this should not have any delay this should be what are these oh these are the very small Sparks this should also a little delay I just want this absorb to happen first okay I'm gonna put the Niagara window on my other monitor and just press spacebar so we see it updated on the screen yep something like that I do not see the blue spark so something happened there I'm gonna have to check that so I went ahead and just on every emitter I just put um not infinite but once on the loop Behavior on every single one of them so it finally behaves the way it should and we still have the issue that uh that these Sparks aren't showing and at first I thought maybe this is um just the condition module that we set uh receipt here that we set the Sprite bounds to it way too big but looking at it better if our Sparks have Collision enabled they're colliding inside here because they are spawning way back so we either move the emitter a little bit or remove the whole particle a little bit you can just keep previewing you're gonna only see a few spawning so let's try moving it a little bit like you like this now we see all of them spawning and it looks quite nice but uh it's we need it to be a little bit more up like here that is looking fine so what if we have two of them like that let's disable that is looking quite nice and what do you say we still do we still see this straight mesh I think these Sparks have managed to um hide it a little bit um but it still does not look so good so I would like to check that a little bit more Okay so it's a shame that it's not constant anymore but that's a little downside okay but we can still make these two to be infinite we only need these two anyways I know that these Sparks are definitely masking it a little bit but still so exactly where should this start Maybe maybe like here is fine okay and from this side definitely is looking a little bit too straight so let's check it oh and one thing I think that the red mesh is looking fine but the yellow one isn't is it because the yellow one is just way brighter no that's not the case they're actually somewhat similar they're the same color oh it's not here it's here so this one is 30 they're about 30 aren't they they're about 30. okay what am I gonna do is just modify the material but I'm going to make this one a copy and say this is thruster what was the name of this one hi thing I can remember okay hi it's gonna be you can name it the right name please and I'm gonna apply this material to this Thruster it was named hydras yeah okay raspers 5. and this we should probably do a four and see how that looks let it load okay that's that's a lot better actually okay right now we can see yeah it's still a little bit straight here but now it has darker shapes inside and it kind of camouflages it a lot more before it was completely straight and very bright so maybe that was a good addition okay this is looking very nice all right now now that this is done by the ones and here once as well are these parts still getting stuck do we need to lower the yeah they're still getting stuck I think so let's lower the um the emitter a little bit for both uh both Sparks so it's here it's this it's the it's the build up to these small Sparks are fine aren't they let's look at each one of them okay this one is spawning just fine the absorbed ones are fine too and these do not need Collision just in case these don't need either so how are those looking now okay perfect and this one Perfect Two now this one huh but this is looking fine too what about the blue ones makes me think this is not the whole okay let's see it again nope I don't I don't think they're all spawning I just did a control C so it moves back to its spot okay I'm gonna move this a little bit lower just a little bit lower so shape location sphere minus 120 probably hope that doesn't break it yeah this is better okay so now they call effect now we have a small build up and then it explodes this looks very nice maybe if you want you can make it bigger that's up to you that's looking very good you can have you can see the full motion right it goes in and then it goes out really strong I really enjoy this okay so our next step is to make a well we still have three more particles to make although those three more particles should be way more simple than with that than we all learned than what we have just made so what we do first floor lady dust let's just make some really small dust because again this just um appears right and since it has so much heat and so much power maybe we could have some dust just moving um backwards right and maybe a little bit to the sides keeping in mind that for example the map in where this ship is it's probably just a desert you know now you should probably see Mouse map then if you haven't um so yeah we can make some really quick dust now for the Dust We want this texture that comes from Epic we just wanna material and let's say dust and let's enter in here this type of material should be translucent and also unlit you can live with this Society to say it off it's fine since the cloud is going to follow our camera to bring in uh both uh oh sorry both Cloud textures so the normal cloud and also the smoke sub UVB okay let's put it like this so I wanna subdivide this cloud in the same shape as these ones so like when I grab I want to hold s left click let's say x s left click okay let's append them all right now let's add these to a texture coordinate make that perfect now let's multiply this by a floor and another constant and this one is going to be oops opacity all right that shoe be eat or this well we can't see anything here let's just preview it so yeah nothing you need to modify some things first of all the opacity probably 1.1 or maybe 1.2 okay now we can see something and now on these uh directions clearly 1.2 and what about here two point nine nothing is changing so just put it on zero zero we need to multiply Percy texture coordinate and then we can do more things so 8 and 8. because this below is eight by eight as well okay and we can see eight of these here and we're probably gonna use this later to modify the position so they match perfectly together not yet though so now when I add them together here and also here now when I drag a particle color so we can control it on Niagara and we want to multiply this the alpha and this Alpha we want these to fade whenever we are close right we don't want it uh to have a texture on our faces right so we want to put the pixel depth we want to create a sphere mask and on B we just want the constant of zero okay and for this sphere mask apparently just to 30 and here only 10 hundreds let's invert it and by the way I have a lot of tutorials explaining materials more in depth if you want to check them out okay perfect now we need to multiply this by the opacity of the particle color like this now again the slide is by adapt fade like that now we just want to clamp it that's the last step for the opacity okay perfect now for the Practical color it should be a simple just multiply this with this I just put it on the music and finally that's it we get close it appears fine and now well I don't want this to disappear right now I want to unplug this for a little bit okay now I want to modify these directions so this is probably again 1.1 .2 well I I want all of them to be different right so this one probably 2.9 they look enough all right so this should be it for our Cloud material it's something fairly simple that looks quite nice and of course it's it's epic Dexter so they look really good too so let's now create uh our our effect should we way more simple than what we've done with the thruster so just right click Niagara we want purely just as always a simple Sprite burst maybe I'm just too used to that one NS let's name it dust as found yeah that's really fine although just to be ordered okay test spawn let's open it up let's look our material like that when it loads okay it loaded we see it's 8x8 so on the Sprite renderer we need to so maybe a oh no no eight by eight not ninety eight and we're always seeing the same Sprite so on the update we need to type animation and select sub UV animation we don't need to change anything here it's just changing smoothly okay we're almost on this one is really simple so again we just wanted to spawn once like one quick um burst probably just 10 and we want a shape so shape location um maybe a cylinder is fine and we don't want it to have any kind of height and the radius is probably fine we can see them spawning like that well I like that so much but for now it's fine the distribution random although we could make something else here but you know it's all right let's just place it on the map and see how awful it looks so this should be right below or our thrusters right in here or more like in here right because where is our trustor I'm gonna put it on my other screen and I'm just gonna press play you're not missing anything yeah so maybe around here of course I'm just moving it like this to preview it right you should just put in on a blueprint and yeah you know the drip Okay so all right yeah this is I think this is fine just want to check something quickly this is distortionating okay it's fine so the Dust uh where is it let's just make it small Okay so it is certainly really small the these the radius may be a little bit too small but first let's play with velocity and with sizes so on initialized particle the most basic thing let's just make it random sum 0.3 some one that's good we need to play with the transparency later on and uh for this Sprite size what if they're all 300. they're not small anymore huh they are way too close to each other this is causing a lot of overgrowth unnecessary overthrow right for now it's okay so let's put here a little a little bit too low like that okay so if this is dust and there has been a huge impact it should disperse right so we're going to add some velocities to it okay it spawns now we should just add a velocity from point so at velocity from point and is what 500 yep something like that so it just this process really quickly in one second they're gone okay now we need to allude into several things like scale this bright size uh maybe add some Gravity Force let's start with the early with the scale Sprite size okay so it should be something fairly simple so scale Sprite size and when this starts let's say this is 0.5 okay and when it dies what two yep so it grows over time right I'm just gonna put this on infinite so we can preview it it's a little bit annoying to work like this okay the color is a little bit too strong it's this person too much there are several things wrong with this okay but the size I think is fine at least for now so now let's put some kind of acceleration then acceleration force and this velocity from point I think it's fine all right so we received acceleration force this we want some random range Vector So Random range vector spell only is fine but we do not want it on world we want it in local and you know just put this like this I think because after all um I'm gonna put the screen here after all this is hitting like this right so I'm guessing that it should have more dust this direction rather than here here or here right I see it running on the wrong direction okay oh um we should probably make this GPU too so GPU bounce maybe just 1K okay and it's flying on the wrong direction I feel so acceleration force they just put the minus here yep so now mostly it's going backwards supposedly right let's see if I put here minus 300 they there should be known there okay I think this is working fine all right so let's put this back to maybe minus 100 is fine let's add now some drag a lot of drag this will help us visualize it a little bit better too so 10 drag okay I like it then rock is fine let's add now some kind of gravity force but some force that instead of pulling it downwards it pulls it upwards so Gravity Force let's say this is just 200. okay I think this is looking fine we just need some color and maybe a bigger radius so let's see for the color though we probably want something that is just barely visible I'm just gonna erase this so it should be around here like that and the alpha should be like 0.2 yep so you barely see this something like that I feel like let's just lower this tone a little bit this one too like this yeah yeah I think this is this is going in the right direction hmm so okay this is constant I'm gonna be spawning the Thruster and see how that looks oh I almost had it one more there we go not convincing enough I feel no not convincing enough so I wonder what else can we do to make this look better maybe we just increase the size of this 150 perhaps a little bit more and perhaps a little bit more um ores minus 2.2 or do we make it linger or more time that could be it as well Let's test that and see how how that looks so what two seconds and 1.2 Maybe yeah that that's looking a little bit better but you know there's an issue because as soon as these thrusters are spawning they're going to be constant so we're gonna have another particle for that which means that this initial uh dust spawn I don't think that it should linger for much longer so we don't do uh moreover droughts you know so let's see let's just go here let's say we we bring it back to 100. and the velocity I think we dial it up but the acceleration force we dial it down um I feel like it should have a force downwards and then pull upwards yeah so let's and well what if we add some rotation to it too does it break it let's check it so spread rotation mode random that's looking a little bit better already but let's have the gravity pull upwards eventually and uh and have some kind of acceleration that pulls it down too let's see how those two interact this is only a spawn anyway so let's see if we put 1K here okay that's good so let's test minus 1K I'm enjoying how this looks this looks very nice and it's very soft too we look it from up that's fine I don't want to put more particles to be honest let's now add some dust though I'm I'm pretty sure that that dust is gonna help us mask a lot of things at a meter single Sprite burst you can name this however you want okay for the sake of consistency I'm gonna name this and this is uh impact smoke and this is going to be impact dust all right and this test once again fairly simple we'll go we want to put GPU bounce one one one one one there we go now for the burst clearly just 200 not too many uh for the initialization that I pronounce that pretty weirdly huh so 0.31 we want this to be um uh a little bit darker as well why can't we oh okay there we see it and we don't want this dust to be an infinite anymore just once okay now we can see them together sure the size random one and five it's probably fine you want a shape location this shape should probably be a sphere that's fine 100 should be okay this seems like a good radius it's the same one as the as the impact smoke so that's fine and let's add again from point velocity and this velocity is from point again maybe 500 so it goes everywhere but we put a drag which we should have just copy paste this uh dealer um stack to be honest uh drag ly just 10 again yeah so it stays still and then we have some kind of acceleration force that just pulls it everywhere right so acceleration force local we want uh random for inspector 1K so how is this looking oh I keep doing this don't I okay it's taking it on the wrong direction so we just want to put minus here but still it should have more spread I don't like this so much and also you know the impact shouldn't make them stay in the middle and then move the impact should be making them start going towards a direction and then slowing down so probably the from point is a bad choice probably just linear and we make this uniform okay it's fine and what minus 300 300 300 300 or made from point is just fine right I just made a mistake don't I didn't I mean no this is this is actually fine but let's put more velocity towards uh no I can't see anything of this okay never mind let's put more velocity towards um towards the back so in this it's minus X I think so minus 2K yep yeah this is quite enjoyable let's make the radius bigger though raise bigger and uh more Sparks towards more directions so minus 600 upwards that does not need to be 600 and um this fear what 200. maybe is that too much I enjoy that can we make this have like uh a curl like a Vortex Force or is it curl I think it was curl noise works like I can't recall um I think it's girl let's just put a little bit more strength then yeah now for the panel touch let's just make them be uh darker like that very faint which is the idea right we don't want them to to be so big they should also fall like have some motion towards the side right because suppose leads wind just taking them right so lastly some Gravity Force not so much maybe like that is that good enough a little bit more but yeah it sits towards the right direction like that yeah although the dust is going Bottom and the the little notes are going bottom but the smoke is going upwards so let's just follow along this Monk yep okay this is looking good enough you know for the for the impact I really enjoy this now we need to just make the constant version of each one of them and that's I think that's fairly simple that that's not gonna take us much time let's just save all of this let's make the constant trust service this time so I just really want to duplicate this so we don't do all the work again so let's just name it constant and let's enter so the first thing that I want to do sorry the first thing that they want to do is just place this on a map so here right on the thrusters okay we cannot see anything right now so for now just put it here and let's modify some things so we can finally see something first of all this was only on the build up so we can erase these two I think no I think no yeah we can just erase it I'm not sure if we're gonna put this one we'll see but uh for now let's focus on the first module so this one we do not want this to be uh once uh loop anymore just put a infinite it Loops forever it's fine and now we can finally preview this so here let's make it a little bit lower okay maybe like that is just fine oh what did I do oh I pressed hide okay you can just leave it there for now I think for now it's fine okay back to this so we do not want this to be as bound bursts anymore this should be a spawn rate so it is constant and let's say that it's bounds two okay so I want to see it I don't see it spawning anything okay that's weird the burst appears oh there we go it was bugged I think or compiling or something or no actually it's okay it's the shaders no wonder so we have this and we see that it's constantly growing so we need to get rid of this scale mesh okay now we see that it fades away and we do not want that so we'll get rid of this scale color okay I need to steal like going away oh this color should be there we go now it's constant and you you see a a brief cut I wonder why oh okay it's because of this it dies at 0.8 and it restarts at one so we don't want that let's just say this is random and it's going to be random between one point okay one and maybe 1.3 that's looking better it it's still a little bit weird but we can fix that so for the size of this you can just say this is a little bit smaller on the sides and in here just a little bit bigger how is it looking okay it's a little bit bigger it's nice okay let's not begin that okay sometimes it's like shutting down and we need to address that and see what's happening with that but here on the initialized particle yeah I think yeah this is fine it's 5.9 1.6 this is just fine yep so what is going on here why is it overlapping and dying like that it's pretty weird because we do have a color but it's not fading away and it's just spawning just gonna burst on one and spawn rate one limit only one okay so how is that looking no it cuts we need to figure out why this is happening I think well there are a couple of things that are coming to mind and first of all okay so this is rotating with the mesh rotation force and when a new one spawns do you have the same position so then it looks weird but I think that it's possible the issue is that on our Meter State we still have this Loop delay that we had from the burst so just put it on zero and now it should not stop appearing yep there is now some slight over uh overlap and that's because of the of the rotation so let's just take it out now it should be fine but now it looks a little bit too static so I will say just leave the rotation on let's probably just put something softer probably just on local just put it on one yeah there is some overlap I can see it but let's keep going and see if it's such a big issue once everything is put on together so we can say okay this low trust is now done let's go on the high one this time and we are gonna be doing mostly the same right so put this on infinite take away this Loop duration put it on zero just in case we don't want the spawn burst use one spawn rate this spawn rate 2 should be fine and for the initialized particle let's say again random 1 and 1.3 let's hit one pointer here yeah fine no scale mesh no size no color here we well I do want my preset color which is here fine and I wonder if the rotation Force bugs us too much no it looks somewhat fine here okay but we do need to make it uh longer for sure so 1.9 1.9 should be fine but here on the mesh renderer yeah we should probably just do 0.7 0.7 and here 2.3 so how is that looking let's just preview both of them who is having this big Style you see it I don't think it's this one it's the big one isn't it yeah I'd say it's having a huge Tire I feel like we can work it out but let's keep going for now let's preview them together isolated okay this is looking nice I like it now I wonder we should have both of these yeah local space I wonder what's going on with that rotation Force we can figure it out out in a bit I guess so now for this inner trust now let's see I don't see it spawning there oh it's way below right okay so once again with this let's just make it sorry here let's go with infinite here infinite zero no Loop we want a spawn although what if we just just test it without a spawn rate but if what if it's it's just one and this leaves exactly for one is it the same let's take away the scale color oh and without scale Sprite size how is it looking though yeah that's exactly the same okay we can do it either with uh this pound rate or with the uh I mean with the burster with the spawn rate yeah okay so now we need to make it way bigger so for the initialized particle we can say what maybe 60 oh it's just like that and maybe about 300 here that is still very small though oh no that's actually not bad so if we just preview this tree together I think that's that may be good enough although what if it's only a little bit longer maybe wider too okay so 100 . it doesn't feel like I modified it that's it okay 300 okay now it looks alright so 200. okay I would probably like this to go a little bit higher so let's just put it a little bit higher on initialized particle minus 350. oh actually on the inverse so minus 200 minus 100 minus 150 okay maybe around there yeah I think that looks that looks good a little bit towards here though okay and I feel like the motion is on the wrong side and I and we never noticed that it's gonna go inside this here yep the fire needs to be panning on the other direction so just one here there we go not sure how we didn't realize it before like that maybe a little bit thinner ah we'll see I'm not sure if you if I want this on the base or a little bit more here so it peels it maybe so it feels it right so maybe even longer initial is particle 150 and what 500. and this can be -300 yeah I think this looks way better okay so next step what is which one is the next one and I kind of just wanna erase this and say spawn burst one and it feels almost the same conversed one does it still stagger though yeah this is staggering I feel like I've broken something like this so I don't see this one anymore oh there we go oh it just disappears it's because it's not exact is it yeah it's one I'm just gonna put it on one and one and one and this one that's one way it still Fades away is it something that I'm missing why is it working on the on the Sprite and not on the others oh because we set the loop count limit yep look down limit one zero is it better now it has a small flicker I don't know it's it's perfect okay all right we are solving this together okay this is good now let's see what if we just continue with this Distortion should not be uh growing neither so again infinite one no Loop and check the verse now we see that it's just fine so just leave it with burst and with the initialized particle probably just leave it at one so it never Loops right this is fine the position offset I'm not sure if it's fine this may be a little bit too big for sure yeah it's definitely a little tweak so 100 of this yep that's better okay I think that we can just leave this like this huh no scale color no skills bright size either okay now it's really small okay so we need to crank it up again so 280 still way too small wait but how long is it not long enough so 380 and 220. that should not go higher yeah that's fine that's good enough let's see how these two look together actually yeah they're looking pretty nice you can make it longer if you want just don't go overboard with this Distortion thing right now we just need these Sparks and it's just the same thing really Sparks let me see do we just make it well this needs to be a a constant so spawn rate and this spawn rate is gonna be what 900. you need plenty I guess that that's looking nice you want it on infinite no Loop delay like this how is it looking I think I don't think we need to make any verification that's freaking nice they are scaling down as they should they have drag Collision that's fine let's do the same for the for these ones I think we will keep them zero Loop now here so spawn rate probably just fewer than the on the other ones this is fine okay let's see how the whole picture looks now um too many colors and it is way too small so let's fix that first thing that comes to mind is these color is is perhaps way too soft it if you look at the whole effect this looks ridiculous compared to the big explosion we had at first so I'm thinking this spawn burst is not doing um this is not looking correct it's looking way too static so we need to make this rotation Force work just gonna check it okay and you can see it's tiger right so what we're gonna do is just mask it the way that we're gonna do that is just erase the spawn burst remain with the spawn rate let's put two of them and let's make always one last more than the other so one and two so these is a little bit more masked it gives more variation more rotation and more color we may have to um may have to make it a little bit bigger and maybe change the color a little bit you know perhaps what six a little bit more strength and more on this side Maybe yeah maybe around there could be yep that's a little bit stronger I like the variation too irritation force is there fine this particle is also fine one and two and that's how it should be I think it's Foundry 2 and emitter state is one no delay okay fine now let's do the same thing with this emitter so no burst on its pound rate of two duration is one in the meter is one and two so yeah that helps it come up late a little bit too that's very good the color is too soft as well so once again let's increase these two perhaps six let's make it perhaps over here maybe that's good so let's see both of these in action okay that's already way more impressive that the ridiculous thing we had before this is looking way better okay good let's keep going now with this inner trust I think this one is just fine it's not uh but I really want it to be longer so we're gonna be modifying it once again minus 100 that make no that makes it higher minus 250 that makes it lower a little bit maybe 80. okay that's a little bit lower and I want it to be thinner slightly and longer so thinner slightly maybe this and longer like that yeah now let's watch this string combination that is looking better [Music] um I feel like we like something I feel like we perhaps are lacking something uh if we put it here that's looking already better but maybe lagging something I want this blue thing to be even longer so let's just keep pumping up the the numbers for this 650 wait are we making it this longer or no okay yeah we're all right 650 and let's make it go lower minus 300. okay a little bit more I hope you're not bored with this uh small tweaking yeah okay finally I think this is good enough it's it's long enough now how is that looking with the Distortion included this is Distortion doing long enough are we seeing it at all it doesn't feel like we are oh we need to refresh it oh we're not seeing it or at least I don't see it it needs to be bigger we just need to exaggerate everything 250 450. okay how long is it though oh it's not as as long as I thought it would be so it should probably be the same length as this previous one this is 650 so 650. and the position should probably be the same so minus 350 minus 350. okay all right this is better already okay now let's also isolate these ones okay there could be a smoother transition between these two colors for sure yeah right now they are way too different so let's do that yeah because like they they they should look like they belong right so I think that I'm gonna modify this yellow one slightly closer yeah that's looking a little bit better let's look at a little literally okay very good now let's work with these parts then and for these parts I think they they were fine but the two colors I didn't like how they mixed and matched together you know I wasn't really enjoying it so maybe this will make the colors be softer perhaps a little bit more on this side maybe a little bit more whiter even less of them let's see the whole picture now the radius is too big too compared to everything on our effect the radius is way too big so the sphere shape A50 or 40 yeah 40s 40 is the key I think 40 here too that's looking way better are we getting enough Sparks though are we getting the same error no this is fine just in case I'm gonna put a 0.2 on the bounds for the Collision yeah just in case okay now we could even make this bigger the scale of this effect to be bigger so this low thrust and high thrust let's just modify it only a little bit here on the MS render let's just say 1.1 1.1 plus a little a little bit bigger or maybe it's a lot let me check that 0.9 0.9 I don't want the difference between these two to be that much so one one I think this is looking quite nice already although these Sparks are flying way too um away from the location we could just put this a little bit here and that's oh they're colliding with the with the um with the entrance of the uh proposals okay here we go let's make them be a little bit more straight on their um under the direction so minus 300 minus 300 okay that should make it a little bit better there we go okay that's way better all right so now if we let's say let's just I want to disable this okay and I want to put one over here perhaps a little bit shorter yeah I think that's looking pretty nice for both of them we could make them bigger but the holes are not that big too so I think this is a good a good size we should now make the um the constant dust on the floor and then we should be done let's save and one last thing because I'm really stubborn is I want this inner trust to be way way bigger so 200 and 700. okay that looks better I also like how it's blue here on top this is looking way nice now finally let's make the test so that's bound just again we duplicate it and we say this is dust constant that's for when the ship is hovering you know so let's open it up and save the truss constant and when I save this just in case and let's put this on your app so here in here probably yeah probably dislocation is fine so for this that's constant we only want to make a few modifications right again emitter state this should be infinite and the loop duration just one second now we want to have both the ads found burst and uh and it's constant so we um so we never have those spots free you know so spawn burst okay 10 is fine maybe five and spawn rate we can just say this is 10. and okay you could say hey that's Amazon and you will not be incorrect maybe we don't want the disaster fly that much uh further because the initial power from the thrust is gone right now it's a a much softer Trust so okay not that much uh velocity the cylinder I think this size is just fine the scale Sprite size is fine acceleration force though it should accelerate way less so -7 00 and in here just put it on one that's okay and let's see if that's fine yeah let's move it a little bit here yeah I like that maybe we make it a little bit bigger the radius so is it 200 is that too much yeah I think that's fine this is looking quite nice now we just need to modify the dust impact well now it's no longer impact but I mean you can modify this if you want as always infinite deliberation probably just one we can leave this set without as a burst we can just say spawn rate and this is 500 spawn rate we we can be generous with this and probably we don't want this initial force of this shape can make it smaller the velocity should be way different not linear anymore just from point that's fine 500 is good too the drug I think it's cool um let's see it should not go up never because uh the force is constant here right so the gravity now it should really be minus acceleration is fine curved force is fine yep now a little bit more radius and and speed so okay never mind we always end up increasing the radius A Little Bit Stronger downwards and uh maybe some Collision too do we want to have pollution no no probably when I'm doing a completion but we don't want them to go downwards and uh and resides they are way too many right now I think too so spawn rate probably just 300 and uh velocity from 0.1 k and the Gravity Force oh sorry everything Force should stronger minus 800 I enjoy that but for this constant dust the modes I feel like they should be way smaller you know 0.3 and 2.5 okay so this should beat this should make your ship be ready you have a the enzymes with a constant power for when they're flying and for when it's Landing you have this dust let's actually before leaving take a look at how this looks and take a look at how this looks so just wanna understand trusts boundario okay yeah I can imagine two of these okay this is gonna look awesome so I hope that you had fun that you learned a lot again and a big shout out to kidwash or giving us this kit to make some really cool effects with and I'll see you in the next one thank you so much [Music]
Channel: UNF Games
Views: 17,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unfgames, unreal engine beginner tutorial, unreal engine 5 tutorial
Id: LzsYnMCxcr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 35sec (8435 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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