Unpacking Darrell Waltrip's old NASCAR hauler

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tennessee virginia cities of bristol and virginia tennessee food family race night 97. wow that's cool that's awesome there is a wealth of really cool stuff in here dw i'll snap some pictures of it yeah we're gonna we're gonna go get you some plastic bins and we're gonna clean all this stuff up and we'll put it up in the shop for you oh okay that's a good idea yeah i don't even know what's in that truck i mean we we parked it down behind the shop up there you know i've been throwing this set there for 20 years damn damn i knew people didn't like jaws at one time but damn getting shots at [Music] look at that doubles as a maraca what happens is it's activated by air so what happens is you get up to highway speeds and suspension when it locks down this kicks back when the air catches does this right here and that keeps you awake better than rumble strips [Music] look at that 94. jefe gordon won that one i'm spud from the garage shop and we're here today with stapleton 42 mitch is here with us to take a look at daryl's gmc astro we're going to go spelunking in this thing because there's some pretty cool artifacts in there y'all come with me come on this ain't spelling d man i ain't good at the letters spelunking is where you go through abandon or old things adventuring and you find cool things i'm pretty sure i'm not webster my name's spud but i'm pretty sure it's pretty close this one will go with it's my story anyway not many people can say walking darryl watch him shoes but spud can you want to wear it dude i was a volunteer firefighter put it on oh man i mean the plaque makes it kind of hard to see but i think you could probably still get at least one use out of this daryl probably doesn't even remember everything that's in here but we're gonna check it out i think he inadvertently and created a pretty cool time capsule for us yeah he did it's gonna be awesome do you know what splunking means i don't what does that mean what i figured people knew that word my people what does that mean no just people in general not my people okay so spud finally got everything ready we got the tarp laid out i'll just be here at nine it's 1004. we're opening the door better late than pregnant i always say okay this is so much better here with the easy up and there's not all this stuff here now [Music] this is cool look at that 1981 nascar championship more bush paul plaques poll winner i looked up after the last video he won 11 poll awards in 81. well there's two of them daryl was fast man real fast look old young daryl look at that hair mm-hmm that's daryl rico suave-esque this is a proclamation by the governor of the state of tennessee lamar alexander as governor of the state of tennessee do hereby proclaim friday december 4th 1981 as darrell waltrip day so mark that down your calendars december 4th is daryl day daryl day this is pretty neat make sure i do this right daryl i thought you'd like a copy of winning the do crew way does it say warm so i assume that this is a mountain dew car wind dye guard wind which is pretty awesome kevin you're the guy that knows how to process film we are gonna do that we need to i'm gonna put this in the cool pile with everything else it's cool oh license plate what is this oh that's sweet look at that that's freaking awesome what daryl waltrip motorsports how much beer you think daryl drink out of this thing this coup what's in it open it up i don't care if there's an ancient beer i'll shotgun that thing right now nope nope nope just memories just memories finding stuff like this is the only way that i will ever be able to partially experience an era that is gone that's why this stuff is cool to me like you can you can read about it you can hear about it people can tell you stories but stuff like this is it's artifacts that like it actually happened like i'm holding it it was there it makes it real think about the last people who put eyes and hands on this stuff before i got put in the truck like how long has been sitting here just collecting dust not being uncovered in early 90s i think is when this truck went out of circulation but who knows how long this stuff has been in these boxes just want to thank daryl for letting us go through his stuff and just you know get all up in his goodies because stuff's really cool man and as a race fan as a country kid from southeast north carolina it's like a dream check that out that's hand painted somebody must have built that for him and sent it to him yep i don't know where the i don't know where the hood's at it was in this crushed oh wait here it is king of beers i drink two kinds of beer budweiser and free yeah let me make sure that gets separated that is sweet look at this it's unpackaged boxes of raisin bran what that is so freaking cool i wonder if you coupons are still daryl and michael this is coupons are still good michael and daryl can we send away for these hats and stuff on here still i think there's no expiration date you know what maybe we should keep this as a legend and we might find some of this stuff in there keep one out for a guide they must have like made this deal and sent him a a bunch of these for his own keeping so he didn't have to go to the store so you're telling me daryl wore vans what daryl look how old these vans are i wish he was here right now yeah i want to see him wearing shoes back put but he's got tread on him he ain't even doing kick flips or nothing man i do the iggy shuffle boom that's old school cool right now daryl's having second thoughts as he watches this video so not only does daryl have his own day daryl's got his own week because daryl waltrip's just a man love you there d.w what's happening my man hey uh we got the guys in the shop over here we're cleaning out your truck found the winston briefcase the winston briefcase what do we see is it on the front does it say something on the other side so it says it's got his initials on it and it says the winston dlw oh is it heaven maybe you just have to try harder yeah might be it four numbers oh mama sorry wiley x do you think there's anything on this camera we could only hope right we've already got some film what's this a winston cup series lanyard for your hard card let me pop this thing open i'll pop that down binoculars binoculars wow these are bushnell too these are high dollar i can't get out of these things that was funny my buddy mine's here he's interested in the truck tell him that little story about the truck you told me oh my god it takes all day to tell a story about that that truck was it was a terminal transport line truck and uh i needed a truck to tow my car with and i had no international that i got nothing on bro and it was a big old truck but it wasn't worth it damn so my father who was the president of texas gas they owned terminal transport he called him up said i want to get my son-in-law a truck so they rebuilt that that is all brand new new motor everything about it was brand new they gave it he brought it down gave it to me it didn't have a box on it it was just a tractor and um about the same time i signed a deal with diego and i so i didn't need the truck and so the truck just set and uh then i sold it to bud moore and bud moore used it for every towed uh dale's car with it i think a wrangler car i don't know he used it for a long long time and then i i sold it to bud for 15 000 i bought it back from you for 25. [Laughter] look at that fna battle flag baby this is a letter to rick hendrick from goodyear where they're talking about tire prices and um the last line is my problems have returned to what they were before i e money in place of hoosiers so this is like a letter from the tire wars march 22 1990. this is a go-kart trophy from 1961. we got to keep all the pieces of this because he might want this where can we put this where it would be safe and not get lost uh miss usa what 81 daryl daryl congratulations to the dew crew 1981 winston cup champions kim seal breed i think that's how you say that she's pretty cute back in 81. oh she could get the business back in 81. i don't know what she look like now but she was kind of cool back then but this is all you right here buddy pontiac golf tees and a ball marker [Music] crap i'm just appreciating the moment appreciating daryl first of all for letting us even get close to stuff like this this is i mean as far as like not only a fan but you know someone who has always wanted to be in the sport his entire life it's amazing because it weren't for guys like daryl and donnie allison and bobby allison and guys who built a sport there would be no opportunity for you know people like me or anyone here at the garage shop to be able to look and do what we do every day so just to be able to appreciate it and clean it up and get this stuff back to daryl where it's supposed to be it it means a lot man this is really cool this is history it's all history look at this scrapbook [Music]
Channel: The Garage Shop
Views: 197,194
Rating: 4.8744698 out of 5
Id: bDppXJGlcp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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