Dale Jr. & His Uncle Danny Discuss The Tragic Day in Daytona

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[Music] hey what's the coolest thing you got that belonged to your brother that's good question yeah you got anything cool that you're hanging on to that means a lot to me you got a hood what is the hood a good ranch hood all right do you like that do you like that sort of stuff i'm not a collector no you're not like most of my stuff i've got rid of because it's in the attic rotten you know what i mean it's just not good you don't want it sitting around you want somebody to enjoy it right is it something you wish you had like an old fire suit or something not really no no you wouldn't hang it out if you had one you wouldn't put it out no no see when dan junior was little we put all them posters on his walls and stuff but when he moved out he just went away yeah i got a lot of them but fire suits and all that stuff the only place you got to put them in the attic so they're going just right away up there you can put them out to show right there look i don't have that big house to put them out all right it's just a regular house i know but even the regular house can show a uniform off hell this is how it got blown you got a tiny regular room with all this stuff in it i know you don't want your house to look like this sherry probably has something to say about that yeah she don't want she don't want to race and stuff she don't i don't think racing much is what he'd give me i got it what i give you my helmet from where what do you know what was that what was the helmet of the baseball car baseball card and there it is we were looking for that that's hilarious we just were looking for that weren't we yeah but there's more to the story because he gave it to me out there probably on the grass at the rate before i went to detroit in victory lane he'd give it to him oh you gave it away before you even get to victory so i give it to dan junior he's 11 or something i give it to him and his base with him he's carrying it around so we go to the truck well who shows up to baseball people wanting the helmet because i guess they were supposed to get it or something probably some reason maybe wouldn't give it to them so i assume there's a another one somewhere they had to remake or something you got the real deal well i got the earphones and everything with it the actual oh yeah i mean yeah if he gave it to you in the grass he probably just there we were wondering where it was i told you that before i know i know well he they come asking me the other day they're like we're trying to find this one one item we can't find it i'm like what is it they're like the baseball hat i'm like somewhere it's in a box somewhere it's for the like we were looking for hall of hall of fame for his corner of the hall of fame when he's inducted we might borrow it wait a minute i don't know if he'll let it well it's his it's his i know but you could donate it to the hall of fame for a moment look at his face how long would it be there mike i don't know but i can tell you one day it's gonna be two minutes look at his face wait a minute all right all right you don't have to you don't have there's plenty of other things no no no i want you to finish your thought here what are you thinking is there is there a possibility at all is there a scenario in which you would let the hall of fame on his induction ceremony for you know let's just call it a month okay if dale asked him see if i'd do it as long as i get it back yeah it's danny's so he needs to get it back well it'll be danny juniors sooner or later yeah but it's not even a case or nothing it's just sitting on top of a cabinet see how people do with the houses when they have something special they show it off you've got i can't believe you got right i can't believe it's not in the ad i can't believe you got room in your regular house you don't i don't i still don't have nobody can see it because i don't have many visitors either so wait you've got it out but it's hidden away you know yeah it's in dangerous whole room oh it's nash's room now gotcha hopefully it's out of reach from little nash it is wild right on top of the gun cabinet yeah yeah okay i have danny senior's uh old dining room table in my house oh you do don't you i thought you done sold that thing a long time ago shoot no man it's your table i kind of can't hang on to that i actually value the things that people you know belong to others and i like to show them off anybody comes to my house and say you know whose table that was the danny senior's table so um i don't want to end on this conversation i want to talk about um that the dad's death in february in daytona so and i don't even know that i want to ask you anything but um do you me and you rode together to the hospital yeah do you remember getting in the car yeah i don't do you remember how me why me and you why not why wasn't do you well it's weird how that happened because i i went i actually went back i i was in the pits the bubbles are pit tiring the pit down and something just told me i think i asked i might ask you already do you probably remember i might have said hey as is you're dead all right or something like that or it's dead all right or something and you said something i don't know what you said but i went back to work and i i was sitting there and i'm like something ain't right so i took off i started running and i ran to the garage and running towards the hospital i guess and there y'all come on the golf cart soon and i got with you and then we got in a van and went over there i always kind of wondered how how we found each other uh because it was you know i was i was in another i was i went to the infield care center and then um then next thing i know i was at the hospital but you were with me and i didn't know how we got together we rode over to the hospital in a car by ourself and we got pulled up and they pulled us up to the emergency room entrance and me and you got out and walked in there and as soon as we walked in there there was um that the the room dad's in is like right there and nothing uh nothing stopped us from or stopped me from walking in there and taking a look you know and looking in there and uh i mean it was all just i mean there's a lot of people right i mean there was 30 people in that entrance way either there because of dad or they had their own personal reasons if another family member in that unit whatever right there was it was it was a busy spot um but i remember going in there and then me and you and then the next thing i know me and you're in this room remember that there's some kind of room with waiting room a bunch of people in me and you just sat there wall people yeah and we just sat there i don't know why he's waiting for something i don't know why because you know i remember going in there when we first walked in teresa was there i think yeah and i think she asked i know she asked me on what she said to you but if i wanted to go in and i told her no yeah so i didn't go in but you did i guess yeah just for a second i just remember picking my head around the corner and looking in there ready but uh you me and you sat in a room together a bunch of people came in and out of that room over the next 20-30 minutes there while tripping a couple other people and then they took me and maybe you into a smaller room and we sat and talked some man came and it started explaining to teresa uh in us i guess about like what next steps were uh what what the rest of the day would look like what we were gonna what what they were gonna say to the public right or what i was about to happen next right and teresa's getting this information maybe for mike hilton or somebody or i don't know who it was um but uh i got out there and back to you and then i said remember i looked at you and i said you ready to get out of here i probably said yeah because i don't i don't remember even coming back to i remember getting back to the track yeah but i see it i looked at you and i said you want to get out of here and you said yeah and then because we knew dad was gone and there just wasn't no reason to be there i think i called kelly from that room really at mama's house they were all up there and told her everything you knew mm-hmm yeah bad bad time it was tough we get in the car and we rode back and i remember we went to my bus and tony and tony junior were there do you remember that i don't remember yeah we went back to the track and went in my bus and that's when tony and tony's senior tony junior and tony senior were there and we told them everything we do and then i don't remember anything after that i don't i'm getting on the plane i don't remember getting on the plane i don't remember going home that was a long ride home it was and then i remember i remember then we all ended up at mama's house i think it was the same night you remember that yeah i think so the whole whole family was there yeah you know the one thing i mean we kept racing we went you know we went back to the racetrack and we kept working you weren't working at dei at the time so you go back to the meal when you're at the meal i'm sure everybody that knows you is coming up to you yeah right and for a long time too long yeah i know you didn't get to dei until 0-4 but um did you have any thoughts about like did that make you want to be in at the shop did that make you maybe think maybe not about going to the racetrack at all no i still wanted to go to racetrack because i don't know i just i didn't know nothing else to do i don't reckon but go to the racetrack and that probably made it better yeah at the track being in the truck yeah with you and everybody else yeah because we're still a group yeah you know i feel the same way i didn't want to be anywhere but at the track no where else would you be yeah so did it make you want to go full time that make you know you're working we got to remember you're at this meal you had worked there for 25 years you know and that was that's hard to walk away from yeah i wanted i wanted to get in for racing full-time yeah what was the moment i guess for you i know what i felt like in different parts of the year and after that win at daytona and all that but like as his brother when what were what was the moment for you where you felt some closure that race in daytona yeah like it was for everybody i think yeah what did harvest win at atlanta do for you did that make i mean i could especially if you guys if for you guys it would be mixed emotions i don't like i can imagine i don't like anybody seeing is somebody else driving that car yeah it was mixed for me yeah and the other thing that's mixed and i don't have really hard feelings about it is putting three back on the track because richard said he would never do it richard told mama he wouldn't ever do it but he did yeah um but that's fine it is you know i i had an opinion about that and uh thinking about harvick's win um i know how the i know how the july win felt for me you know and you know how it felt for you i imagine that win in atlanta felt the same way for richard and those guys chocolate and all those guys you know all those people that were working and plugged into that car um and so it was a weird feeling for me to see them we had just won though at rockingham right we had just won with park and we had just celebrated a win and so it was like a continuation of that when harvick wins it was like yeah that makes sense that's the next thing right park wins harvard wins richard childers celebrates di celebrates when richard called and said hey i want to bring the three back so there's if we're doing double digits we're not doing triple digit numbers you can't really retire numbers you can't retire the 43 and all that and there's these kids that play sports austin dillon yeah wore a three on the back of his jersey when he was playing t-ball his eight-year-old kid right i'm just making up but you know he's he's wore this number three on the back of his jersey all through his childhood and to deny him the chance to continue to do that it means something you know to him correct so i kind of felt like it was fair i thought they should have maybe changed the font all right guys i know a little bit about cars so believe me when i tell you that tire pros they're the real deal they've got great people great service and they can take care of all your automotive maintenance needs plus their sponsor this show so you know they got great taste in podcasts so check out tire pros follow them on facebook and tell them that i sent you
Channel: Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s Dirty Mo Media
Views: 185,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dale Earnhardt Jr., Dale Jr., Danny Earnhardt, Dale Earnhardt, NASCAR
Id: ym6-e7Ut1IM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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