Unmodified Monotub CVG TEK: The Simplest way of Growing Mushrooms at Home, With Open Air Inoculation

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foreign [Music] modified mono tub is that it makes harvesting the mushrooms extremely easy you just float them up and chop them down this method works great for perfectly ground mushrooms or extreme side pin grows so this will be the next step pretty much after you've colonized your bulk substrate which I've shown in previous videos how to do that and then you put it in fruiting conditions and let it colonize the entire substrate this one this one tub especially I know I showed two here but the one on top I love sitting in the sun probably for like five days or so I wouldn't just leave it there static I'd rotate it check the temperature make sure it wasn't overheating but it definitely dried out a little bit but it did colonize faster too at least I thought it colonized faster uh I was surprised one day I looked at the tub just giving it a misting I thought it was colonizing well and there was already all these side pens like not just a couple it was like solid side pins all along every side of this tub and I think it was a result of laming it sitting in the sun not so much the light exposure like a lot of people will say but the actual heat would have led um would have increased colonization around these areas and taking moisture away from the surface too because I would have to crack the tub when I'd leave it sitting in the sun so that it wouldn't overheat so as a result of leaving the tub the way it was and cracking the lid so it wouldn't overheat it also allowed the whole substrate to shrink and pull away from the edges creating a great micro climate for this to happen I decided to harvest here because I was hoping to correct the growth I probably should have let them grow at least until it looked like the veil started to tear so for this method you'll need a hose for siphoning and uh you want lukewarm water you don't want it to be too hot or too cold it should just be comfortable on your skin and also some knives these were not these are not great knives these were pretty they were sharp very sharp it was more the actual width of blade they grab kind of like cutting Tomatoes can be hard so yeah I decided to harvest all these side pens I just use a clean towel to put the mushrooms on as I harvest them you can use paper towels too if you like make sure you've got kind of warm water not too hot not too cold and just start filling from one corner you'll usually find there's one Gap somewhere more than another on this substrate between the tub and obviously on this tub I have all the Gap in the world with the pins grown up on all sides so that was not an issue you do absolutely want to make sure that you do not flood the top of the substrate though the water should just be coming from underneath of these mushrooms will actually start soaking up the water pretty quickly in this situation too so if you are going for a specific weight you might find that's a little skewed by this method I suppose I just take it pretty much right up to the top because especially for this one with all the side pens primarily made it way easier to reach them all and I thought I was gonna be cutting them off the side pins but the way that they grow they kind of curved around the substrate a little bit so it made it tricky to just get straight in there with a knife so I harvested most of them by hand and then occasionally got in there with a knife too I was hoping by just kind of ripping them off I'd leave less of a stump and it would be less likely to do it again if you've watched my other video you've probably seen what I tried to do to stop future side pins and it seemed to work out pretty good it's just basically filling the Gap with Coco choir and vermiculites but using only vermiculite or only Coco choir would also be fine and of course to reach the other side no reason to reach around just turn the whole tub very carefully so you don't uh flood your kitchen or anything you can see the tubs I'm using that's they're pretty angled I have wondered if it would be better to use ones that have less of a taper from top to bottom maybe that's also part of the issue but I'm not too worried about it it's still decent fruits to harvest and it was a pretty good harvest too ultimately yeah the only thing I feel like I still could have done better with this tub was actually letting these side pins grow longer I probably Harvest them pretty early but at the same time if you are on the early side rather than the light they should be higher potency too ideally you would wait until you start to see the fails Terror and that's pretty much the ideal time for size and psilocybin content I suppose using that knife a little more and actually cutting off some of the substrate would have helped prevent future side bins too but it was really easy it could even reach around to the bottom and kind of feel if there was any big ones there well let's move on to something that's far more interesting than side pins and that's harvesting ones that grow where they're supposed to on the top of the substrate so exactly the same process as I showed you previously and this crop is obviously much healthier growing on the top out on the sides I'm also currently on these mushrooms as I narrate this video because why not so this first knife I used like I mentioned was not great you want to start from the outer edges of the tub or the substrate just because they might pull a lot of water in the mushrooms so you can actually start to see the whole thing sink but if you just keep working from the edges first then you can maintain some buoyancy from the edges yeah the other knife was also not great as I previously mentioned we're getting to the best knife that there is pretty soon I hope because it's painful watching this it's actually like a serrated I think they're tomato knives you used to see these marketed a lot but it's absolutely perfect for this just cut right through them made it so easy so I'm I suppose maybe any serrated knife might actually do this but this one especially was just kind of razor sharp and serrated just made it's very very easy and the benefit of cutting them this way is for one it's faster a very very clean you don't have any substrate stuck to the mushrooms so as soon as you cut them off they're basically done ready for whatever your next stage is and uh the stumps Left Behind actually create a perfect microclimate for new pins to form also you may have noticed the one problem with filling it as full as you possibly can is that you might start to splash some water out the other thing is this uh substrate is actually pretty thin as far as that goes it could have been twice as thick and then obviously it would be a lot more rigid and this probably would have been even easier to do but still it's really quite simple if you ever harvested mushrooms yourself you know it can be kind of tedious getting every single individual one foreign that's about the last Clump there so next we move on to siphoning the water out of the tub I went ahead and used a bucket rather than just dumping it down the drain so I could take the water out water trees Garden whatever probably would have balance yeah so there's a lot of different ways to start a siphon uh I don't actually like hold my mouth on the end of the hose I kind of create a gap using my hand like making a fist around the end of the hose and then it's just my mouth to my hand and pull the water in if I'd used slightly shorter or more flexible hose you don't even have to use your mouth at all you can basically the same like you've done all your life playing with water in a straw you could just fill the hose up with water put a hard kink in it or close the end with your thumb and then pull the water up and that'll start siphon too obviously the greater height difference you have when you're siphoning the faster it'll go because water pressure is created by the heights more than anything it's engineering the higher you are the higher the water pressure okay it does not matter I think that was the only time I shook on water maybe not so we're almost there come on though once we get to the last little bit it helps a lot to just prop the tub up with something and then yeah you could still get a siphon started no problem I was kind of surprised myself and you really do get it right down to the last drop depending on your climate maybe you want to skip a few days of misting and Fanning but that's it that's it for harvesting it made a really cool pattern on the top seeing all the bruises from the stems and stuff yeah if you enjoyed this please like subscribe whatever see you next time
Channel: floki-man
Views: 38,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mushroom growing, monotub, pf tek, pftek, growing mushrooms in jars, growing mushrooms, grain spawn, coco coir spawn, cvg spawn, cvg tek, mushroom, tek, medicine, mushrooms, medicine man, mycelium, mycology, mono tub, fungi, Growing mushrooms, Mushroom king, Ukraine, I stand with Ukraine, Substrate, Bods tek, #bodstek, Easy mushroom cultivation, Paul Stamets, Dub tub, North spore, 4K, Video, Videos, Monotub, Indoor garden, bods Unmodified mono tek, BOD's Easy AF
Id: L2pJ-49Rsqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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