πŸ„ My Spawn to Bulk Process with Uncle Ben bags, unmodified shoebox tubs of #CVG - #ubtek #mushlove

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[Music] [Music] all right everybody welcome back so i'm considering this on being a new segment maybe the mush report i don't know if you guys got any good ideas just hit the comments below but either way i like to do some new videos of the medicinal mushrooms i'll be growing and like i said from the last video if you made it that far that i would be explaining what i did up until this point so basically just a rundown these are ben's original whole grain brown rice bags these are the only types you want to use brown rice being you don't have to have bends you could use other options so basically what you want to do is get yourself some way to inoculate this and this is pretty much the cheap easy way for most people to get started like myself so this will be my second time around doing this so basically i ordered a medicinal multi-spore syringe and whatever your medicinal choice is you can look for that and i'm sure they'll have it but anyways what i did is you want to get your syringe and you want to sterilize it and use a flame so if this is my syringe i stuck it in the bag i inoculated like one cc stuck it in another spot one cc now every when i took it out i flame sterilized the tip and put it back in so over the two holes on the last bags i put the micropore tape but these bags i just did one shot in there okay and last time all i did was a couple holes here and put micropore tape over for gas exchange because it's going to create co2 and it needs to vent and this time around i did the uh cut off the corner option and you secure the tape here but don't pinch it you want to create like this little like uh pocket where air exchange can occur or the co2 so these ones didn't puff up like the last bags the last bags didn't have big enough air exchange holes and they were puffing up and i was trying to squeeze them had a lot of problems i inoculated two bags last time one was very contaminated when i opened it so here i got four as you can see this one is very white i'm ashamed of myself they should have i should have opened these a long time ago so i don't know what to expect you know i had the two tents going everything growing but here i'm just gonna i sterilize these i'm just gonna give it a cut open i want to be careful because last time i had trichoderma spores everywhere and it wasn't a good situation so cut this open carefully give a little peek in here now i'm not seeing any green but also this time around i didn't squeeze the cake and mush it around in there to get it spreading to get the mycelium spread so that's one difference this time i think last time from squeezing it and manhandling it too much i may have introduced some type of contamination but this one i'm not seeing anything in here but mind you i'm still new at this so there's quite a bit of rice here but what i'm gonna do is i'll dump this one out in a second but what i really want is to put two in each one of these and this right here is the cvg stub i just made a pit so when i break up the spawn i'll put it in here and i'll mix it all up but we'll open another bag and we'll see what happens so there's no editing on this so you'll see it first hand so yeah i didn't do a break and shake so you never know holy look at this bastard oh my lord this is something else right here boy this whole thing is freaking ready to go see some metabolites in there the yellowness oh wow all right so we'll get this one in the tub first i'll show you how we break it up all right so another indicator that it's not contaminated at least so far is it has a very strong earthy smell smells just like the forest floor like fresh mushrooms and this right here is going strong so this should be a very good outcome so i may just oh yeah it's real hard so we'll try and get this out of the bag i don't know if that's contamination on the bottom or not but i kicked myself in the ass because i i inoculated these at the end of january so not a good thing i hope it's just bruising [Music] whatever it is that's a that's a freaking cake holy all right so some people do this with their bare hands but i really don't have the confidence of doing that i really don't want anything contaminated so basically you just want to break this up oh oh yeah this is amazing so very very tough it's like freaking leather so i'm gonna get this broken up and we'll dump out the other bag see how that looks [Music] all right as you can see i got it very well broken up for the most part it's pretty tough i shouldn't let it go that long but either way if you do cut open your bag and you do it like this and you get a smell that doesn't smell like earth doesn't smell like mushrooms and it's bad when i cut open the contaminated bag it smelled sweet like it was uh fermenting smelled like wine it wasn't good so you don't want any weird smells so this one's got a pretty decent smell so i dump out some rice let's get this cake out of here from the first bag we opened and see what it looks like actually pretty white too not all the rice was eaten and metabolized but either way we got some good spawn going and we just break this all up just like i did the first one and we'll mix it all in with the substrate now when you use a substrate like this you want to aim for a good field capacity and field capacity is pretty much like how much water content is in your substrate and you don't want it really wet so the idea is to pick it up squeeze a handful of it and see how much water drips out i had a few drips but if it's a steady stream like that it's too much water so you're going to either have to kind of get that water out of there somehow or add more cocoa or whatever it is you're using so we're going to break this all up this this shoe box i have a feeling if everything goes well it's going to be freaking crazy it's going to be insanity the other one was pretty slow i had it sitting and fruiting for quite a while but you know what we'll do is we'll get this all mixed up we'll put the cover back on and let it all start respawning inside all the substrate so essentially we're just gonna make it do what it did already in the rice but in a larger container so then it's just even bigger and then when we fruit it it'll just be so much but anyways what i'm gonna do is make sure this is broken up good so now what i'm going to do is i'm just going to mix it in with my substrate it's going to be easy we want to get it thoroughly mixed i'm glad i have that big heat net from mars hydro over there because uh i got to warm up the substrate nice it's in the 70s low 70s so it won't be all cold and and it'll help the mycelium grow better just like your plants your roots everything gets cold it's slow growth but as you can see i didn't really measure out this substrate too well this is exactly what i had left i have another bin and i put aside a separate container so i can do a case layer so a case layer is a finishing layer over the top of everything when it's mixed kind of like the forest floor and everything will be below the casing layer it also acts as protection to the uh spawn as well and that help hold that moisture so i'm gonna get this all mixed up we'll get it all packed down and we'll put the casing layer up all right so i got all that spawn mixed in the substrate i've got it packed down really well in all the corners now last time i did this i use a a liner you can use a plastic little plastic trash bag or what have you and what you normally do is you would lay it inside the bin and then trim it out so it's like a nice little uh layer of plastic in there and then you put all your substrate with your spawn in there so what that does is it helps reduce the risk of side pinning coming out of the sides some people sometimes you get air pockets or if it's not packed well and though the mushrooms will grow up out of the side so to prevent that you basically put a blocker in there which is a liner so here i pack this down really well it's very spongy it's very tight and now i'm going to add a casing layer now you can add a casing layer of like a quarter inch or so i guess it's preference but basically this is the same stuff same substrate it's the coco coir vermiculite and gypsum the gypsum acts as uh food of course the vermiculite is going to help retain some moisture and the cocoa makes up the majority of the substrate so i'm just sprinkling this down and i'm gonna make sure i don't have any spawn showing any of the the rice that was all white and fluffy so you basically do this you can look through the sides of the bin to see how thick the casing layer is but i'll get this all on here set up and show you what we do next all right now i got the casing layer on here i have no visible spawn showing i'm going to give this a nice mist before i put the cover on what you want to do is what's very helpful is you get one of these little fine mist pump sprayers this is exactly what you need now everything i'm doing here i've learned from 90 seconds mycology youtube channel and philly the golden teacher now if you really want more in-depth walkthroughs and explanations you should check out their channel so i'm just learning and i did harvest my first go-around but here i'm just trying to double it up i've got my lid some moisture on my lid and put it on that's it i'm going to do the same thing with the next tub actually i'll open those bags on camera for you just to see what we're working with but essentially this is it mini shoe box tub all misted moist ready to go i'm gonna have that inside the tent on top of that little heating pad so we can keep it nice and warm all right let's do this again with the rest of the bags because i'm sure you may be as curious as i am i don't know i'm seeing some green on the bottom of this bad boy but it could be bruising not sure so let's just be careful all right let's see what we got holy we got we got a mushroom growing already yeah they've been in here way too long so essentially you could actually just cut an x in the bag or cut the top and they'll grow right out because once they get to this fresh air they'll start fruiting conditions and they'll start coming up and all those water droplets in there are perfect that's another reason why it's probably pending so anyways let's get this out of the bag [Applause] make sure it doesn't stink it's one big chunk this is a good sign but there was some color on the bottom i want to look at all right so that right there is no good that was a mushroom that was growing and right here so it's been in there a little long it's got a little bit of a stink to it so i'm gonna put that one aside and not deal with it and i'll put some new gloves on all right so a reason for this other bag getting some contamination i isolated it in this bag but you know i'm sure you could pick it off but i really don't want to mess with it it was in the bag too long i really screwed myself here so what you can do with this is you can go bury it outside somewhere i can go put it in a garden somewhere you know where it is and keep an eye out because you know there's no reason why this can't sprout outside people do it so don't throw it in the garbage so this one probably white on the bottom too careful cutting this open the first time i cut open a highly contaminated bag there was lots of spores wasn't good [Music] so just want to be gentle this one i could see a mushroom started going in there too so it's all nice and white and fluffy it's very very healthy signs so get this sucker out of the bag we'll see what we're working with hopefully it isn't a bust [Applause] look at that so i got new gloves on keeping it clean there was a mushroom growing look bruised i'll pop her off [Music] now this one's got a stink on it too you know what let me just stick it in there all right so i got the one stinky bag which is most likely contamination when it smells something other than a nice clean foresty smell this is one bag with slight contamination in this tub these are unmodified tubs meaning i don't have any holes drilled anywhere for the fresh air exchange for fruiting and this here is the same b-plus multi-spore syringe spawned to bulk 3 14 22 2 uncle ben bags in here so this is the first time doing two uncle ben bags i did a case layer in both of these stinky box got a case layer i misted them down the moisture in there you already see there's some nice moisture on the lids i'm gonna let these go for like a week or so and just periodically check them just looking through the tops now you put these covers on and you do not open them once you open them it's putting them into fruiting conditions so keep them on let them stay warm humid moist in there and you want the tops you want the top to look like all white like it was inside the uncle pen bag so we'll come back do an update on what it looks like in a week all right all right y'all thanks for watching this dirty old how-to with spawn to bulk 90-second mythology ub tech peace [Music]
Channel: Mars Medigrow
Views: 313,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheMushReport, S2B
Id: 8qPluKXJSPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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