Pan Cyan Substrate Made Easy!

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[Music] hi I'm happy high and today I'm going to show you how I make substrate for Panola species the supplies you will need are one qu mason jars oven bags to pasteurize in a food thermometer to know the temperature a pressure cooker or a pot to do the pasteurizing in field age cow manure or any kind of manure from grass-fed animal vermiculite and a bucket to do the mixing in the first thing you want to do is fill a 5 gallon bucket halfway or 3/4 full of straw next you want to cut the straw into 2 or 3 in pieces so it's more manageable when you start making your trays when you're done chopping it up it should look something like this take 3 quarts of vermiculite and dump it on top of the straw now add the 3 quarts of manure next mix it all together finally add 3 quarts of water now you want to mix this up as good as you can before you put it in the oven bag here it is once I've mixed it up you want it to be slight slly wetter than Field capacity if you need it to be drier you can add more vermiculite if you need it to be wetter just add some water what we're going to want to do next is pack this substrate into the oven bag next you want to tie up the bag and put the tie on that came with the oven bags now I take a pair of scissors and I poke two small holes in the bag and then cover it with micro tape so that way if any pressure would build up it could still get out now it's ready for the pressure cooker fill up the pressure cooker with water about halfway up the bag take your food thermometer probe and stick it in the middle of the bag so it's in the center so you'll get the temperature in the middle this thermometer you can set to a certain temperature we want it to be reaching 140 before we shut the stove off now turn the burner on high and take the weight off the the top of the pressure cooker if you're using your pressure cooker and just set the lid on top we're not going to turn it tight you just want the lid to be sitting on [Music] top and now whenever that reaches 140 it will go off and that's when you'll shut the burner off it it'll still rise to maybe 150 or 160 but the burner will be off when doing this if you're using your pressure cooker you want to make sure that you don't screw that on tight we're not trying to pressure cook this we're pasteurizing it so we're trying just to get it up to 140 or in between 140 and 180 and then letting it cool down um so just make sure that you don't Crank that tight now that the core temperature has reached 140 you can just turn the burner off and let it cool down and then the substrate will be ready to use that's how I make my substrate for Panola species there's many other ways to do it that's just the way I found to have the most success and I hope you do too [Music] thanks
Channel: Happi
Views: 8,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Panaeolus, pan, pancyan, cyanescens, substrate, Panaeolussubstrate, grasslover, happi, Hyphae, happihyphae
Id: K2oMTl5Kiwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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