How To HARVEST And DEHYDRATE Your Mushrooms

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hello everyone and welcome back to the Google girls YouTube channel where today we're going to be showing you guys how to harvest and dehydrate your mushrooms so you can store them for long-term use these next few Clips are going to show you guys the growth over a two-week period it is also to note that it took exactly one week seven days to see pins after we transferred our bin into fruiting conditions [Music] okay and this next clip is 12 hours after the last one and I'll be showing you that there is absolutely no stopping the side pins no matter what you do you can use a liner you can paint the bottom black you're almost always going to have side pins it's just something you kind of have to deal with they're really not as big of a problem as some people might make it out to be but uh yeah I just wanted to show you guys that thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] something else I wanted to know is that it might feel like absolutely forever to see your first few pins form once you've transferred into fruiting conditions But after those pins start to get big it could be just a matter of a couple of days before they are ready to harvest here you can see it took about three to four days before their veil has torn and they were ready to harvest [Music] thank you okay it is approximately two to four hours after the last clip was taken and you guys can see a couple more of the mushrooms caps have started to open up and more veils have torn none of them have really dropped spores except that big one on the right there and take note of him because in the future we're gonna be using him for a Spore print and a clone and the fact that they have not dropped spores yet is a good thing when mushrooms start to drop their spores they tend to be telling the mycelium that they have completed their life cycle and they no longer need to produce mushrooms so if you can get them before they drop their spores you're more likely to have a better second and third flush and it won't be doing anything too special here I'm going to use the pull and twist method to harvest most of the mushrooms you can use a scalpel if any of them seem to be giving you trouble I prefer not to as it tends to leave the base of the mushroom stuck in the substrate and you could have problems with that rotting in the future and causing contamination while you're trying to get your second and third flush I'm gonna go ahead and speed up this footage because it is like 13 minutes of me just sitting here picking mushrooms so once something interesting happens I will be back foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign these ones in here for another 12 to 24 hours they aren't fully ready yet so I'm gonna go ahead and throw this lid back on and put it back into fruiting conditions okay and this is what we pulled from the first half of the first flush you guys can see the purple spores on the top of the Caps there they look really cool and I pulled this one aside for the cloning video that's coming up I pulled it aside because it was the first pin as well as the biggest mushroom in the first flush okay and for the next step we're just gonna cut the bottom of the substrate off from the mushroom and these ones in particular seem to be kind of a pain in my ass honestly especially compared to the second flush they were they came off much easier from the substrate but you don't really want to eat that considering there's like in it um but yeah so we're just gonna cut that off and when I'm done I'll see you guys again [Music] foreign [Music] okay so it is actually just eight hours after the last couple clips and you guys can see that most of the mushrooms their cap is starting to open up the veil has torn and they are ready to be harvested [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] okay and it is worth noting that all of your mushrooms are going to be done in a similar time frame especially when it comes to the flushes so for your first flush like you guys saw I just harvested those all in the same day some in the morning and then the other ones at night with that being said once you think most of your mushrooms are ready to harvest that means you should take off all of your mushrooms so all these little mushrooms that you guys see on the surface I made the mistake of leaving them on there thinking that I was going to get away with heavy misting to have them continue growing but that is not the case they turned out to be a boards and it was just delaying my second flush [Music] perfect perfect [Music] foreign [Music] Ty I probably did not even need to add this clip in here since you guys have seen plenty of mushroom picking but I did add it because some of these mushrooms are absolutely massive and I had to show you that I mean look at this donger right here absolutely insane [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] and boom check out this side pin he's a grower and he's a shower and he's pretty massive for a side pin so you can't always hate side pens friends [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] look at this massive mushroom this is by far the biggest mushroom I've grown when I waited out wet it didn't even fit on my scale but I think it was around like 34 grams 35 grams wet and when I waited out dry it was about 4.1 grams in one mushroom so that's pretty epic but yeah I honestly wish I cloned that mushroom over the other one I cloned which was the first pin of the Harvest it was also what I thought to be the biggest mushroom at the time that's clearly not the case anymore but you guys will see that in the upcoming how to sport print and how to clone a mushroom video it should be out in a couple of days here anyways I'm going to finish picking the rest of these mushrooms and then I'm going to re-dunk the cake for my third Harvest [Music] okay and moving on to how to dehydrate your mushrooms so you want to dehydrate them for long-term use you guys may know that your mushroom is only going to last a few days in the fridge maybe five days maybe a week but when you dry them out you can store them for a year two years maybe even longer so what I like to do is I take my air fryer by the way it's not a dehydrator but it does have a dehydrated mode so I just go ahead and use that and I bring it all the way down to a hundred degrees for eight hours but I recorded this pre-learning my mistake which was that some of the bigger mushrooms on the second flush actually didn't dehydrate all the way eight hours at 100 degrees so I turned it up to 110 Fahrenheit for nine and a half hours and that was good for all the mushrooms but I'm sure it's going to vary depending on what type of dehydrator slash air fryer you have hope you guys enjoyed this video If You did leave a like comment subscribe and I will see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Goomba Grows
Views: 185,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #mycology, #mushrooms, #goombagrows
Id: w3xeIdi2FYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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