Spore To Flush - North Spore Boomr Bag Season 2 | Complete Beginner's Guide To Growing Mushrooms

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thank you [Music] yo yo yo what's good rookies bass drop keys your friendly neighborhood negro and a rookie Mycologist in today's video we're gonna do season two of the Boomer bag kit from norseport this will be the entire sport to flush for this season and I do want to thank norseport for sponsoring me and the channel if you want to try any of the great northbor products for yourself use the code bass drop keys to get a 10 discount on any order at norsport.com all right so the first thing that I'm going to show you is me inoculating the grain bags the footage that you're looking at right now is actually from October the 16th that is the first day that I ever inoculated a grain bag and you're watching the footage right here now I've already covered how the inoculate a grain bag is super easy so I'm not going to go over that right now the reason I wanted to show you this is because this is the second season of the north Spore Boomer kit series but the grain bags that you're about to see me Spawn to bulk are not the Millet grain bags from norseport I wanted to explain to you why that is the reason why you're not seeing a norseport grain bag in this series is because Norse four hadn't sponsored me yet whenever I inoculated these grain bags I started the channel on October the 3rd and I inoculated these grain bags on October the 16th Norris Sports started sponsoring me the first week in December but I have grain bags that's already fully colonized that I need to use so that's why I'm using the grain bags that I'm using right here so I just explained to you why you're not seeing the Norse four Millet grain bags in this video now let's keep it moving all right so now it's March the 31st and the first thing that I'm gonna do is I'm going to clean my work area I have the 70 ISO alcohol I'm spraying the table and cleaning everything also this is something that I want to point out if you look right here you can see that I inoculated this on October the 16th I've already told you that earlier in the video you can also see here that I did the break and Shake on November the 30th today is March the 31st and I'm just about to use it now so that's a question that I get often in the comment section do you have to use your color nice grain as soon as it colonizes and the answer is no this was actually fully colonized about the first or second week in December and so you guys can see that it's just been sitting on the shelf for months waiting to be spawned to bulk and that's what we're doing right now but at any rate you guys have seen me Spawn to bulk a lot because in the first season of the north Spore grow that's actually still going on right now I just showed you guys the second flush from it five or six days ago and right now I'm trying to get a third flush from it so you guys have already seen me Spawn to bulk quite a number of times because I had to spawn the bulk four times in order to get it right in season one so basically for this spawn to bulk I'm gonna do it pretty much the same way that I did it the time that it worked in the first season although there is a little difference and I'll show it to you right now so you should know that I'm using one three pound bag of grain spawn and I'm using one of the five pound substrates from norseport last time you guys saw me put the grain spot in here then I put the substrate on top and that was pretty much it what I'm gonna do this time is I'm gonna put the grain spawn in my liner inside the max Shield bin you guys know that you get the max Shield Bend and the substrate and everything whenever you get the Boomer kit off of North Spore so head over to northsport.com to get you one but at any rate I'm gonna put the grain spawn on in the bottom of the liner I'm going to take the five pound substrate from Norse bore and I'm gonna put some of it inside of here but I'm gonna hold on to some of it as well this time what I'm doing is I'm going to mix the substrate with the grain spawn with my hands and then once I had that mixed together I'm gonna use the rest of the substrate that's still in the bag that I kept to basically pour on top of it and make a pseudocation layer with the substrate also whenever I got it right in the first season I didn't use the burger press or the scoop or anything I just use my hands and so I'm replicating that all I'm using is my hands to do this and so with my hands as I'm doing the pseudo casing layer I'm just trying to make it somewhat flat and so now that I have that done all I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take the colonizer lid and I'm going to put it on my Mac Shield bin now the colonizer lid does not come with the Boomer kit from North Spore I actually went to Max your Ben's website and got the color nozzle lid but that's an additional accessory that you don't have to buy you can just use the lid that comes with your Boomer kit whenever you get it you can just use that lid right there well all right we got that first one done now I'm about to do the same thing that I just showed you previously and I just walked you through I'm about to do the same thing again but this is a different strength than the one that you just saw you guys know on my videos I don't mention what strain I'm growing if you want to know all about the strains and all of that kind of stuff come over the Instagram and I talk more freely on Instagram oh and speaking on that just recently here Instagram has started removing all of my reels that I'm posting so I'm actually educating myself on how to form a Discord server I've been on Discord before but I really didn't understand what was going on and I still don't really but I have been researching how to start a paid Discord server and so people that really want to be down in the community and have have access to me all the time I think I'm going to be setting up a paid Discord server where we can all kick it and everybody can share with each other instead of me just posting something and then you guys replying to it like in patreon or Instagram or whatever else I really been looking for a platform where you guys can post just like me and we can have a cool community and I don't want to be on Facebook anymore and so as I've been researching it seems like Discord is where it's at I just really got to get familiar with how to do everything but let me know in the comments section if that's something that you'd be interested in I just started putting everything together so give me a week or two and that's something that I really think that I'm gonna start doing I'm gonna try to get all my people from patreon to join as well so that way I can close down the patreon because with patreon it's the same thing I can post and people can comment but other people can't post and we can't really have a good Community I think on Discord that's something that we can do but let me know in the comments section if you'll be down with that but at any rate as you can see I got the second Max Shield being done as well I'm gonna put the colonizer lid on this one as well and put them back in my incubation box or tint in my case all right so it's 12 Days Later April the 12th and both bins have been in my incubation tent for the past 12 days the temperature that I have inside my incubation tent is 70 degrees Fahrenheit 70 is where I keep my house at and so I just keep the tent at room temperature I have not opened up the max Shield bin at all until right now let's do it well everything's looking beautiful look at this we have a lot of great mycelium growth inside of here and we're at a point where we can go ahead and put this in the fruiting conditions so that's what we're gonna do now to put it in the fruiting conditions it's pretty easy I just take my Flair salt bottle and spray it just a little bit on top of the mycelium now we're going to change the lids out I was using the colonizer lid as you guys just saw now I'm going to change it out for the lid that came with the max Shield bin this is the lid that has the self adhesive filters on there that way we're getting Fae fresh air exchange and that's what we need in order to induce the pins the water evaporated off the top of the mycelium along with the fresh air exchange that's what induces the pins and starts the process of our mushrooms growing so now I have the lid on there and I'm just going to put it inside of my fruiting chamber now we gotta check out the second container and see if it made it all right well this is the second bin the same thing goes for this one I have not opened it at all until right now let's check it out yeah oh yeah this is some nice looking mycelium right here check it out so I believe the first one was colonized more than this one but I think this is in great shape for us to go ahead and put in the freedom conditions so that's what I'm going to do the same thing spread a little bit with the flare saw bottle after that put on the correct lid which is the lid that's going to let in our fresh air exchange and there you have it both bins made it I'm super happy about that if everything goes right in 12 days to two weeks we should have some beautiful mushrooms all right guys so now it's April the 21st nine days later and whenever I went into my fruiting chamber tent I looked through the lid and I thought I seen something so now anytime that I suspect that there might be any contam inside one of the bins I bring it outside to open it because I've already purified the air inside the house and I want to make sure there's no more contaminated spores inside the house but at any rate as you can see I opened up the max Shield bin and you can see that unfortunately that first one that we spawned to bulk this is the one that got contaminated now if you're somebody who watches my content regularly then you know whenever we have contamination I always immediately double bag it and take it outside and put it in the trash previously I told you that if you have somewhere that you can plant it in your backyard to go ahead and plant it and you might just get you some mushrooms anyway so I decided with this cake that's exactly what I'm gonna try you guys know that I was looking for another house to buy but now it looks like I'm gonna be at this house for the remainder of the year so I decided to go ahead and give it a try now my backyard is nothing but a cement slab except for the corner over here there's a corner that's open and what I've done is I have some old growing medium because you guys know that my primary job is a 420 crater I have some old medium and I poured it out here in this little cutout of the cement and since this is out here I said I'm gonna just bury the cake out here and then we'll see what happens so you can see all I did is I just poured it out I covered it up with that Medium then I took my water hose because obviously the mushrooms are going to need some moisture and I wet it down with my water hose if you're interested in knowing what happens with all this make sure that you subscribe to the channel because I still don't even know but whatever happens you guys know that I'll show you right here on the Channel alright so now it's April the 27th or today 15 days since we put it in the fruiting conditions let's check out the bin and see what we got well damn look at all these beautiful mushrooms and as you can see on those big ones the veil has already torn and if you look I don't know if you can tell by looking at the footage but on most of them the veil is just about to tear so this is a perfect time to harvest the mushrooms if you guys been noticing my progression I am getting Fuller and Fuller canopies it seems like each Harvest or each flush that I have I'm starting to get a fuller canopy each time so I'm very excited about that now I've already gone over how to harvest the mushrooms I'm using my scalpel in order to cut the mushrooms toward the base also I'm using the pull and twist method which is take the mushroom by the base twist it a little bit and Pull and a lot of times you can get it that way I know some of you guys probably would have waited probably another 12 to 24 hours and let more of the mushrooms open up I've done that before and by the time that happens those big ones that you see in the top left corner they would sporulated by then or drop their spores so I'm gonna go ahead and do the Harvest right now after I did the Harvest on the base of each mushroom I cut off all the bottoms that had substrate on it because I didn't want to have to clean up my dehydrator after the fact but check out the mushrooms don't they look beautiful so now that I have that done I'm putting them in the dehydrator and by me having more and more practice with the dehydrator I found that it actually does a lot better for me if I do a lesser temperature for more time so I was doing 148 or 156 degrees Fahrenheit for four hours four or five hours what I do now is I dehydrate my mushrooms at 120 degrees Fahrenheit and I do that for eight hours I found by doing it this way it holds the shape more and it doesn't dry out all the way and kind of make it really really shriveled up for me that's the sweet spot now there is a good amount of mushrooms here so I did have to use a couple of the racks in order to do them all but after I did that I'm going to set the time and the temperature for my dehydrator I told you 120 degrees Fahrenheit and I actually did it for four hours and then I always come back and check after the four hours and then I do it for another four hours now both Cycles are over and what we need to do is we need to weigh up how much dried mushrooms did we get for this first flush so you can see I have my scale here I have a nice jar that all the mushrooms will fit in as I'm filling up the jar with the dried mushrooms I want to tell you guys thank you very much for showing so much love to the channel I really appreciate you guys taking this journey with me to learn how to grow mushrooms but okay I have all the dried mushrooms in the jar now and you can see that the final weight for the first flush is 54 grams oh yeah that's almost two ounces so I'm happy about that definitely happy two ounces man that's a good amount right there especially just coming from this one bin so I'm super happy about that if you want to know where to get the spores from come over to my Instagram account the Ricky Mycologist Instagram account click on the link tree Link in my bio and you'll see my recommendation on where you should get your spores from but guys that's going to do it for today's video I want to thank North Spore one more time for sponsoring me and the channel use the code bass drop keys to get 10 off any order at northsport.com if you want to support me in the channel come over to the rookiemycologist.com I have some great merch on the site that everybody is loving I want to thank everybody that's already put in your orders so if you're looking for a hoodie t-shirt slide stickers we have a lot of great merch on the site I really appreciate all of you and until I see you guys the next time much love rookie out
Channel: The Rookie Mycologist
Views: 35,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gTrf7noY5Qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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