Fruiting Conditions To Flush - Shoeboxes With No Liner | Beginner's Guide To Growing Mushrooms

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thank you [Music] what up guys bass drop keys your friendly neighborhood negro and a rookie Mycologist in today's video we're gonna find out what happens whenever you grow mushrooms in a 12 quart shoe box with no liner but before we get into that I do want to invite everybody that's on Twitter to come follow me at rookiemico I know you guys want to know where you should get your spores from and I always get the question of what mushrooms am I growing if you want to answer to those questions come follow me at the rookiemico and look at my latest post I made a post on Twitter telling you what type of mushrooms I'm growing in this video and also giving you my recommendation on where you should get your spores so come follow me on Twitter at rookiemico all right guys so the growth that I'm gonna show you in this video is going to be over the course of two months the footage that you're looking at right now is from March the 13th and this video is going to end on May the 13th I'm going to be showing you the fruiting conditions to flush as I just stated previously in the video this video is all about what happens whenever you try to grow mushrooms in a 12 quart shoe box with no liner so as you can see right here this is the first shoe box I've already inoculated the grain did the spawn to bulk now that's colonized now it's time for me to put them in the fritting conditions so that's what I'm doing the substrate that I'm using for this grow is the CVG that I made myself that stands for Coco coir vermiculite and gypsum if you didn't know that I do have a video here on the Channel showing you how to make bulk substrate if you need that video check it out to put this shoe box in the fruiting conditions is super easy first of all you can see that when I spawn to bulk there is no liner that I use to put it in the fruiting conditions all I did was open up the container made sure there wasn't any contam that we needed to worry about it wasn't sprayed the surface of the medium with my flairisol bottle now what I'm going to do is I'm going to put the shoe box inside my fruiting chamber and so when that water starts evaporating off the surface of the substrate that's what's going to induce our pinning and that's what's going to cause mushrooms to start growing all right so it's four days later March the 17th and you can see that we have pins that's starting to form on the top also at the bottom you can see that we have pins forming in between the shoe box and the substrate this is exactly why we use a liner and if you don't use the liner this is exactly why you see people paint their shoe boxes black because if you have light going inside of there and the airflow going through the sides that's going to induce side pins and that's what we have right now that's what we're trying to avoid that's the whole purpose why you use a liner or a black container at the bottom so that you don't have side pins you can see them right here all right so now it's March the 20th and it's been a week since we put these two boxes in the fruiting conditions you can see that we're having more growth with the mushrooms on the side right there a bunch of side pins you can see that the top has some but it's not as much as the ones around the sides you can also see how because there are side pins and those mushrooms are growing on the sides how it's pushing against the side of the shoe box and against the substrate which is making the substrate even smaller allowing more air down there so we're getting even more side pins it's just like a continuous cycle you know what I mean all right so now it's March the 23rd three days later and at this point I'm thinking about harvesting the mushrooms but because the variety of these mushrooms you never know exactly when to do the Harvest where at least I don't it's not like these mushrooms have a traditional Veil that you're watching for it to break or something like that so I've seen people actually just squeeze the mushrooms and if it's tight they let them keep growing and then once they become a little softer is when they harvest them and so really I didn't know exactly when to harvest them so what I was doing was I just came and started looking at them every day and whenever I started seeing a decline in the mushrooms is really when I started to harvest you'll see it in just a second here so today is the 23rd and actually did the Harvest on the 27th so make sure you're taking a good look at what the mushrooms look like now needless to say obviously there's so many side mushrooms right here that you can see but we're gonna go ahead and fast forward four days to March the 27th and let me show you how they look right before the Harvest here we go all right so now it's March the 27th just as I stated before and if you look at the Caps of the mushrooms you can see that instead of them being smooth they're kind of like shriveling up a little bit that's what I was talking about I'm waiting for the mushrooms to start declining a little bit to harvest that's what I meant also if you look at some of the mushrooms you can see that there's a lot more color in a lot of them now so I figured now would be the perfect time to do the Harvest maybe this is a late Harvest I don't know but I'm just telling you exactly how I determined when it was time for me to do the Harvest also if you look at the bottom of some of the shoe boxes you can see that the mushrooms are actually pushing the substrate up quite a bit so right now I think that we got the answer to our question what happens whenever you grow mushrooms in a 12 quart shoe box with no liner well you can see it right here we have a bunch of mushrooms on the sides that I'm gonna have to dig out you can see the amount of side pins that we have which is just incredible although those little mushrooms and all those little mushroom caps that you see on the sides I'm gonna have to get those out so that's why you see a lot of Veteran mycologists they do everything that they can to avoid the side pins because whenever it's time to do the Harvest like I'm doing right now it's just a big hassle so what I'm gonna do right now is I'm actually going to harvest these two shoe boxes while I'm doing this I'm gonna give you guys a little sneak preview into some music that I'm working on if you guys haven't noticed I think it's been about 10 days since I actually posted a video a edited video I have done some live videos and some shorts but as far as posting edited videos I think it's been about 10 days or so what I've actually been doing is and I'm still doing is I'm working on the rookie Mycologist mixtape I'm also working on the grow House 2 mixtape and so you guys know there's only 24 hours in a day and I'm under a lot of contracts as a 420 Creator so I have to fulfill those contracts and the other time that I'm not working I'm actually working on the music so give me a minute let me do this Harvest this is part of the title track of the mixtape it's called the rookie Mycologist I'm a fun guy eat me three grams then I swim across the sky eat three more grams then I open my third eye three more damn grams I'm in the ocean trying to fly [Music] [Music] six grams in my smoothie got me feeling like the hope all right so I got the mushrooms harvested let's take a look at them you can see how great these albino mushrooms look and if you like this song make sure you come subscribe to My Music Channel and follow me on Spotify the links will be in the description but now what I'm going to do is I'm going to spray this substrate with some water with my flower salt bottle and then I'm gonna put them back in the tent now that I have that done it's time for me to dehydrate the mushrooms you can see I'm using my Presto dehydrator I'll put the link in the description for you I got it from Amazon but all these mushrooms fit on one tray and so I put them on the tray I'm gonna dehydrate these this was during the time when I was trying to find out what's the best temp in time for me to dehydrate the mushrooms so for this time I decided to do 150 degrees Fahrenheit for four and a half hours after the four and a half hours was done I did dehydrate them for another two hours the great thing about this variety of albino mushrooms is they don't shrivel up a lot whenever you dehydrate them so that's one of the great reasons I love growing these type of mushrooms but at any rate the mushrooms are finished dehydrated now I'm going to weigh them up you can see that I'm doing that right now and the final weight that I got for this flush is 22.6 grams 22 grams basically take a look at them in the jar all I'm going to do now is I'm going to put some dry packets inside of here seal up the jar and Bam we got that flush in all right so let's fast forward a couple days now it's April the 1st and after I do the first flush I always spray the substrate and give it a couple days to see if anything else is going to grow nothing grew so we're gonna go ahead and rehydrate the cake the first thing that I'm gonna do is I'm going to flip over these substrates and I'm gonna pick off all those small mushrooms that's on the bottom of the substrate you can see them right there whenever I did the first flush I got the ones on the top and all the ones on the side but I did not flip them over to try to get anything from the bottom so I'm doing that right now so now that I got all the little mushrooms off the bottom of the substrate I'm gonna rehydrate them all I'm doing is I'm filling up the shoe boxes with some water this is just cold water out of the tap I'm using another shoe box as a weight on top of the cake to make sure that we rehydrate the entire cake and I want to keep it submerged in the water and so you guys know that I do this for 24 hours now anytime I rehydrate the cake it's going to be for 24 hours so it's 24 hours later you can see that I poured out the water this is how it looks and I'm gonna wait to see if we have any more mushrooms I'm gonna put this back in fruiting conditions and we're gonna see if we can get any more mushrooms alright so now we're fast forward a month it is now may the 1st and as you can see here I did not get any mushrooms at all nothing else grew so I was gonna throw these two cakes away but I decided to give it one more chance it's a month later and I'm gonna rehydrate them again the same way that I just did I'm gonna do it again I rehydrated them for 24 hours and also on one of the cakes I did break them up a little bit to see if we get any more mushrooms that way because I did have a mono tub that I accidentally spilled out you guys probably seen that in the video and in that model tub we got a tremendous amount of mushrooms when that happened so on one of the cakes I broke up a little bit or just let crack basically and we're gonna see if we get any mushrooms all right so now it's May the 13th and you can see here that we did not get any more mushrooms at all ever since that first flush that's the only mushrooms that we got for this entire growth we did get a couple more little mushrooms that was on the underside of the cakes really that was only a couple grams to be honest with you so the total dry weight for this entire grow was 25 grams what I'm gonna do with these two cakes now is throw them away it's been a month and a half and we haven't had any more mushrooms growing so I ended the girl right here on May the 13th and threw these two cakes away if you guys don't know I just recently started a paid Discord server it's called shrooms and trees and right now let me take this time to invite you all to come join we currently have 60 members and the Discord just started on May the 1st a couple days ago we just did a cash giveaway so if you're somebody who wants help with your grows daily no matter if it's 420 or mushrooms come join and you can get help from me and the community every day or if you're just looking for a place to kick it with like-minded people come join the shrooms and trees Discord server it's twenty dollars a month or 200 bucks for the year if you want to support me and the channel come over to the I have some great merch on the site that everybody is loving I want to thank everybody that's already put in your orders so if you're looking for a hoodie t-shirt slides stickers we have a lot of great merch on the site I really appreciate all of you and until I see you guys the next time I'm out guys much love Ricky out
Channel: The Rookie Mycologist
Views: 49,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vzsJ0jeSqW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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