Dr Joe Dispenza - EVERYTHING You Visualize Will Come TRUE!! This Is So POWERFUL ( POWERFUL MESSAGE )

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if you teach people how to create from the field instead of from matter they will shorten the distance between the thought of what they want and the experience of having it between the cause and the effect now think about three-dimensional reality many people can develop the skills to become successful they can make the right choices they can study real hard they can practice they can get trained but they're going to follow certain rules of Newtonian physics it's just going to take time you do that for a while and sooner or later you're going to say is there another way if it's not matter that's emitting the field it's the field that's creating matter if I can change the information in the field I can change the expression in three-dimensional reality so if you can teach a person to become nobody no one no thing nowhere in no time to become pure Consciousness and disconnect and dissociate from everything physical and known in their three-dimensional reality we have data to say that people can do this now all of a sudden if they become aware that they can actually connect to that field with their awareness and they're not at mylet any longer their Consciousness their awareness and infinite emptiness in space it would be like the illusion is the virtual reality headset you're taking the headset off you can't get the upgrade from inside of it if you could have a coherent heart and a coherent brain and create from the field instead of from matter every thought in the quantum field produces a frequency if you can feel the frequency of that thought and you experience it you're shortening the distance between the thought of what you want on the experience of it and you're creating coherent patterns of energy in the field that actually change the Hologram in three-dimensional reality hey it's Evan Carmichael and I make these videos because of my first business I quit I'm a business partner I struggled to keep going I was making 300 bucks a month and felt like a complete failure and the thing that saved me that pulled me up was studying the stories of famous entrepreneurs I got the motivation from them I also got the strategies of what to do next so that I can go off and achieve my dreams and quite honestly I still need the stories today myself to continue my motivation to take it to the next level so today let's learn how you can visualize with Joe dispenza enjoy so for me personally I've done a lot of the matter the matter stuff got really good at it and then I just said there's got to be another way so demystify the process I don't care what you want I don't care if it's a trip somewhere or a new life or a new car or whatever people who do this what do you think they feel when they see that first synchronicity you think they'll be like oh I don't want to meditate tomorrow I'm going to do this are you kidding the synchronicity happens in the energy the surprise wakes the person up and they go whatever I'm doing inside of me is producing some effect outside of me and I better pay attention to what I'm doing and keep doing it and every human being's had some glimpse of this at least some point in their life the point is that this can be happening on a regular basis for you the real irony of all of this is this idea of changing from matter to matter and then moving into a higher space where it's energy to matter the truth is is that when you get there if we're going a little bit deeper is that the very thing that you think you want to create in matter you don't really need to create it no because because listen when you get to when you start connecting to those greater frequencies you're moving closer to source and what is Source pure love what is it Oneness wholeness whatever you want to call this it's right there the whole time it's inevitable it's like it's the most familiar unfamiliar feeling you'll ever have and we came from that place you know we came from there and so you're in an experiment called three-dimensional reality Consciousness in the never-ending process of self-discovery right and so now the person who has the synchronicity who has the coincidence there this is what I love about our community more than anything else they do the work they're not philosophers they're not theologians they're not academic they are out of the bleachers and they're on the playing field every day they're creating rule number two reconnect with the source what are the things that disturb or disconnect our Awakening and connection to the Divine what are those that that Source or that power that Consciousness that you are speaking about what are the things that then disturb or disconnect us from that once we become connected because I'm sure many people feel connected they get it they they get a breakthrough yeah yeah but then yeah you know well this is a great question also I mean I mean um wow I think a lot of times when people they hit that point they try to reproduce it the same way as we talked about and you can't yeah you can't do it the same way because that's redundancy but also many times uh we have the experience and we start to try and because trying is matter trying to change matter and and so we're forcing we're controlling we're predicting and and then the uh and when we do that then of course we're in separation and we're waiting for the event to happen to feel the emotion right and I've done that long enough and is actually have to lay down the very thing we used our whole life to get what we want for something greater to occur and it takes practice of surrender right so that's one element I also think that our response is emotionally like uh uh uh let's just say that a person gets connected to the Future like it connected to the energy of their future they feel it it's really great and then they start their day and then two hours later they're they're feeling something else because some person or some circumstance altered their state well they just disconnected from the energy of the future and now they're back to the energy of the past don't expect anything to change in your life because it doesn't work that way so then then when they get back to that old self again then they say what's wrong with me I fail they didn't do it right no that's all the program you show up again and you go after it again so familiar feelings uh cause us to no longer see through the lens of the future we're seeing through the lens of the past and and and we color reality that way so um I think I think familiar emotions uh get in the way as well and then of course there's always belief and a belief is just a thought you keep thinking over and over again until you hardwired in your brain and all beliefs are based on past experience a person has an experience the stronger the emotion they have from that circumstance the more they pay attention to the cause and the brain freezes a frame takes a snapshot and it's called the memory the moment they draw a conclusion about that experience they'll think neurologically within those circuits and they'll feel chemically within the boundaries of emotion thinking and feeling thinking and feeling belief becomes an unconscious or subconscious state of being they don't most people don't even know they have beliefs about things about God about relationships about money because it's it's not a conscious thing it's a subconscious thing yeah so in order to change a belief or a perception about yourself and your life you got to go all in it's not like you go 50 and you got to go all in you got to make a decision with such firm intention that the amplitude of that decision carries a level of energy that causes the body to respond to the mind that the choice that you make becomes a moment in time you'll never forget and you would say I remember the moment I made up my mind to change and the stronger the emotion you feel the more you'll pay attention to the decision and that's a huge Stone you drop in the quantum field Big Splash big waves and in essence we're giving the body a taste emotionally of the future we're aligning to a new future now how many times do you have to do that I don't know I've done it over and over again until it becomes uncompromising and people say I remember when I made up my mind to change I remember I made up my mind to heal I remember the moment I can tell you where I was who I was with what time of day it was it wasn't like 9 11 something outer world changing your inner World your inner world is changing your own world which is ultimately going to change your outer world so I mean people say well I I I I believe God Lives within me the vine lives within me okay you sit them down to do a meditation 10 minutes goes by and they're hungry and they quit if you knew the Divine lived within you you you wouldn't quit you would not you would you would be like I'm here yeah and you're gonna go a little deeper a little further you're gonna get past your hunger you're gonna get past your pain you're gonna you're gonna go a little further because like you want to know right if you knew it was there so that's a belief that you're not aware of right so we all have them I I face them every day so people have beliefs that like that the Divine has a has an opinion about them it's it would never it's impossible to judge it would divide itself it can't do that so as we start having these experiences I think then our Paradigm shifts many times at least for me I mean I can't tell you how many times I've had a transcendental moment come back to Joe dispenza and looked at looked out in this world and I said I got this all wrong this is not about abstaining from Life who's the opposite it's about going all in and really engaging and really living and really experiencing and tasting and smelling and eating and loving and have export here for that we're here for all of that so you create the experience and then when it gets predictable or it gets boring let's change it up let's create another one and then how far can you go with that it just goes on rule number three unlock your true Freedom or when you talk about you know living in the future and keeping your eye on the future and and not you know and turning within and and and not being you know a victim or at the whim of your external circumstances that's the goal right that's the first step to Freedom um but then you know as all the enlightened Masters teach us that you know Awakening our Enlightenment is bliss is in the present moment uh eventually I would imagine and you could explain this better as we start to keep focusing on the the vision of the future and feeling those feelings eventually we do collapse both and we're in that present elevated emotional present conscious State at all times and there's no future to go for it's just now yeah and imagine being so whole uh that you no longer want anything we've measured this so imagine feeling so connected to the emotions of your future you've conditioned your brain and body into that state if you feel like your future has already happened you wouldn't be separate from it in fact you wouldn't even be looking for it why would you look for it if it felt like it already happened that's when the magic happens that's you when you move closer and closer into the present moment and if that Singularity point that Source energy that the all in all the the Universal Mind whatever you want to call it pure love as you move closer to it then then the process of creation the process of healing the process of of doing uh having a mystical moment would be an arousal also but the arousal wouldn't be fear the arousal wouldn't be paying the arousal wouldn't be aggression or anger the arousal is actually ecstasy and we've actually caught this on so many brain scans that if you're in that state why would you want to leave the moment you just and then that's you're moving closer to source and when that happens you experience Oneness and Oneness is when your Consciousness actually merges with the consciousness of the all in all and and that should be an arousal and that should be an Awakening and and the amount of energy that we capture in the brain when this occurs the amount of the amount of um information being exchanged between the brain and the Heart Is way way way outside of normal so getting to the Sweet Spot of the generous present moment takes a quite a bit of awareness and energy because most people wake up in the morning and they their brain is a record of the past they start thinking of their problems those problems are associated to people that they know the things that they have to do places they have to go at certain times and if you believe that your thoughts have something to do with your destiny and if you're waking up in the morning and you're recalling your past and you're thinking in the past those are memories that are etched in the brain now every one of those problems has an emotion associated with them so the moment the person feels unhappy or feels desperate or feels fear now their bodies in the past because thoughts of the vocabulary of the brain and feelings are the vocabulary of our bodies and how we think and how we feel creates our state of being so a thought and a Feeling an image and an emotion a stimulus in response and you're conditioning the body subconsciously to being in the past and when we live by familiar emotions the body's so objective that it's it's it's believing that it's living in that same past experience that created that problem it doesn't know the difference and if the environment signals the Gene and it's and the end product of an experience in the environment is an emotion we're we're signaling the gene without the environment and and if those stress hormones dysregulate or down regulate genes and create disease now you're headed for a genetic future right but then people can get up after they get caught up in the way they feel and reaffirm their identity then they get up and do a series of routine automatic behaviors if they'd done the day before and we could take their yesterday 90 of their day looks a lot like their tomorrow and they become habituated into a predictable future and if the familiar past is the known and the predictable future is the known and that persons lost their free will to a set of programs but there's no unseen hand doing it to them there's no room for the not anything new to happen in their life then if the familiar past is the known the predictable future is a known there's only one place where the unknown exists and that's The Sweet Spot of that generous present moment and people do meditations Kelly and they say oh I can't meditate you know they go oh my mind's all over the place oh I gotta get up I gotta check my emails I gotta I got things to do I get a baby I got kids I got I got a job and and they they buy they they buy into the thought that they can't meditate or it's too hard or something's wrong with them I need a brain scan whatever and really that's just the thought that's causing them to stay in the known on the other side of that thought is freedom and when a person is saying oh my God it's uh eight o'clock in the morning and I'm sitting meditating this is normally when I get in traffic and I throw a tantrum the body's used to that don't you think that at eight o'clock in the morning the body's going to be looking for that arousal and if you're not getting it from your outer environment it'll call up a memory so that you can feel that emotion and if you catch yourself doing that and you settle the body back down into the present moment that's the moment you're telling the body it's no longer the mind that you're the mind and that's a victory and there's a liberation of energy that happens we're we're settling the body down from its animal nature and then it says I gotta get up I gotta check my phone I gotta do this I gotta go there I gotta there and you catch yourself doing that and you settle your body back into the present moment now you're executing a will that's greater than the program and that's a victory as well and it turns out if you just give people enough time to sit with themselves we've done this in 30 week long retreats uh a person that has to disentangle from the hardwired thoughts from you know the habituated actions and the emotional conditioning that keeps him in the past and it's if you gotta if you can pay attention to those thoughts if you can notice how you're feeling and acting you're no longer unconscious now you're conscious and you're outside the program and it's the act of doing this that causes us to disentangle and it takes energy and it takes constant awareness and it could be a vegetarian you could be young you could be old you could be gluten free you could be a wealthy you could be poor you could be white you could be black you could be yellow it'd be any anybody you want you could be whoever you want everybody once they learn how to do this when they can settle into the present moment the unknown and nothing dangerous or bad happens that provokes Adventure it provokes novelty it provokes the craving for a new experience a new possibility and that's where all possibilities exist in that in that Eternal now and that's when you go from the realm of space-time you know space time the three-dimensional reality where there's an infinite amount of space we experience time moving through it to this realm called time space where there's an infinite amount of time if you have time as Eternal you can get a lot of things done there's not a lot of possibilities equal to your imagination now when people finally can settle into the unknown without a name without a face without a social security number without a budget without a profession without kids and just be aware of themselves aware of nothing that has anything to do with the known physical material world and they create from nothing that's when something begins to appear because nothing is the fundamental ground for everything physical and um and three-dimensional also to make sure you're actually taking action after watching this video I've designed a special free worksheet just for this video the worksheet will highlight all the Lessons Learned in this video as well as pull out our three favorite learnings and quotes that will inspire you to actually do something the worksheet will also give you space to write down what your key takeaways are and your specific plan of action to make sure you're getting results if you want the worksheet designed specifically for this video absolutely for free there's a link in the description below go click on it and start building the momentum in your life and your business I'll see you there rule number four learn the skill of self-regulation how often do you find yourself in reaction mode code when someone throws you under the bus whether it's someone honking at you in a car and you say ah this how often do you get back to that place and like because aren't we conditioned to kind of react dude I react every day oh my God I react every day but the fundamental question is so shortening the refractory period of your emotional reactions is that kind of intelligence where we're keeping ourselves out of the past Justified valid or not the only person that that's affecting is you and then you have to ask yourself is it loving to me well if you can't control that emotional reaction then you're a junkie and you're on a bad trip and you're overdosing but if you know that you're overdosing you got to get beyond your rational mind because you'll say why are you this way oh all right by you doing that is it making more of those chemicals yeah why well you're doing that to make you feel more like it's it's Justified so then this takes unless I excuse myself many times in one day because you'll be I'm in a reaction I'm like are you like I'll be like are you kidding me what who what did they do and then I'll be like oh we're not going to make a decision in this state so give me a minute oh wow I go take a few breaths get out of that state remember my future where I'm going it's so much more important than the present moment I just got to condition my body into that future and now it takes sometimes a Herculean effort I have to tell you my staff I'll be in my I'll be in there 15 20 30 minutes sometimes I'll say I work it took me an hour but to go back to a piece in in the expanse of all eternity if I don't overcome that emotion then I'm in my past and that's Karma because that emotion is gonna drive my behaviors and thoughts and I'm going to be predictable my past is going to look my future's gonna look a lot like my past so if I'm soulfully on the journey then what matters the most is being able to learn the skill of self-regulation so in our in our events when we see people that can do brain and hard coherence they know the formula well I look at their brain scans and I'm like Lewis Great Brain hey you got you can I I see you can hold that hard coherence for 45 minutes great now let's put you on a poll at 55 feet in the air let's get a heart rate monitor on you and let's see what you're gonna do up there do you want to be able to self-regulate there because if you can there it's not like I'm trying to give you an adrenaline rush actually I'm trying to do the opposite I want you to settle your brain body back down go against thousands of years of programming like fear and teach your body in that moment how to regulate I guarantee you if you go a little further than what you did and you stay conscious instead of throwing in a program and rushing through it and trying to get it over with you start breathing you start getting back in your heart you start getting sent and you work against those chemicals I guarantee you when you walk into your life you're gonna the moment you see something you're gonna catch on right away You're Gonna Catch yourself now that that saves you a lot of energy and a lot of time because if you're able to change it then instead of four hours later where you're just yeah gone or you've already reacted yeah and and you've done things you said I you say I should have never done that I should have never said that that's what those emotions do because those emotions make us really primitive rule number five have a purpose bigger than you what's the most important thing based on your experience in life in work in in general to be successful in life whatever success means for you hmm I think that when people reach the point where they and this has happened to me and it's happened to many people in our community where they reach a certain level a certain status where they have everything they need the fundamental thing that happens to those people is that they start thinking about how am I going to make a difference in the world what Legacy what what am I going to leave how am I going to make a difference or change the world in some way so so we think we want all those things but really what we want to do is really contribute so I think when we have a purpose that's bigger than us it's the highest form of motivation Mission motivation Duty motivation purpose motivation when we have a selfless Vision that's bigger than us I think we're wired to be that that the living organism called the species of human beings it is a living organism then these in this current ERA the age of selfish individuality has to die that we are a species and the species of a living organism takes care of one another they heal one another they educate one another they teach one another they Inspire one another they give to one another they they serve one another that's that's what a living organism does they they cooperate communicate collaborate with one another that's uh that's what it does and so we are we are wired to be communal we are wired to create common Unity community and that Community is built on the frequency of love and when you come from love you you come from a different Consciousness it's no longer about you you feel so amazing you feel this feeling that isn't going away that the only thing you want to do is have other people feel what you're feeling and the only way we do that is to give we say I feel so amazing I want you to feel the way I feel so I don't need this here take that that kind of community is goes counter to the current situation in the world where everything's breaking down but this is a Time where we have to demonstrate what that new community looks like so when you have connection when you have Community when you have true friendship the person's really just giving because there's something unusual about them and you're worthy enough to receive and you feel that feeling of receiving that you want to give to somebody else you how you create a very different Consciousness you create a common Unity or a community that's bonded and connected in the frequency of love and then when love is the common frequency it's very difficult to break that Community up because it's the glue that holds them together so that's my vision of where I'd like to go with this work I'm rule number six the last one before some very special bonus Clips is use the power of meditation how can the power of meditation change past traumas experience and memories yeah well that's a great question well think about this a memory is just where neurons actually connect and so you learn a bit of information right you learn you learn you learn how to ride a bike you read a book about it you read a book on how to cook uh Mandarin Cuisine you read a book on how to dance the salsa all of that information is stored in your thinking neocortex right so it's philosophical so a person has a trauma right the stronger the emotion that they have from that event the more altered they are inside of them the more the brain freezes a frame and takes a snapshot and that's called the long-term memory and that image or those series of images are embossed neurologically in the brain so the stronger the emotion the more we pay attention to the cause and that's what creates the memory now here's the problem the problem is that when we think about that problem when we review we remember that that that past event we're producing the same chemistry in the brain and body as if the event was happening now the body's so objective it doesn't know the difference Alex between the real life experience that's creating the emotion and the emotion that the person is experiencing by thought alone so the body's believing it's living in the same past experience 24 hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year and so now the person can't think greater than how they feel so they feel sadness they feel guilt they feel pain they feel suffering they feel hostility and those emotions tend to drive the same thoughts for them to remember the reason why they feel this way and so people get caught in these Loops of thinking and feelings so that creates a state of being right so thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body and how we think and how we feel creates our state of being so without the person knowing this by reviewing and remembering the problem they're taking a thought and a feeling an image and an emotion a stimulus and a response and their conditioning their body emotionally into the past now the trauma does not only exist in the brain the trauma now exists in the body too as an emotional memory so if the person can't think greater than how they feel and they believe that their thoughts have something to do with their destiny they're thinking in the past and if you're thinking in the past you create more of the same life so we started noticing that when people are altered when they're angry when they're frustrated when they're stressed when they're fearful when they're suffering when they're in pain the arousal of those emotions switches on our primitive nervous system that causes the brain and body to go into stress or survival and when we're in stress and when we're in survival we're always trying to predict the next moment based on what we've learned in the past and stress is Created from the loss of control the inability to predict what's going to happen and the perception that things are going to get worse so seventy percent of the time people are living in a state of stress and living in survival it's not a time to create it's not a time to open your heart it's not a time to be vulnerable it's not a time to learn it's time to run fight or hide yeah and also all the inflammations in the body and all the life diseases they want to grow that way exactly so so now we were looking at to see what happens to the brain well when we're in stress and that person's in trauma and they're trying to control everything in their life they're shifting their attention from one person to another person to another problem to another thing to another place to another object and every one of those elements has a neurological Network in their brain so the arousal of the stress hormones causes their brain to fire very incoherently now when our brains are incoherent we're incoherent when our brains aren't working right we're not working right so so the the obsession of the stress hormones causes us to narrow our focus on whatever is whatever the causes so when we're in stress we obsess we we Loop we overthink we narrow our focus on something so we thought my goodness there's some research out there that shows that if you teach people to broaden their focus to begin to instead of focusing on everything material and physical that's causing the stress everything that's known broaden their focus and put their attention on space on nothing and the act of doing that causes the brain to begin to synchronize to begin to unify to become more coherent and what sinks in the brain links in the brain so the person's brain starts functioning normally and starts to improve without any medications without any therapies just a simple Act and the more they do it the more order that creates that's created in their brain the more they can focus their attention and move into a more creative state what do I want how successful do I want to be how healthy do I want to be how much love do I want in my life you can ask the bigger questions by the same means when the person is gripped by those hormones of stress and they're not running from that Predator they're not fighting and they're not freezing and hiding but the chemicals are running their heart is beating because it's in an aroused state but it's beating against the closed system and the Heart starts beating incoherently when that happens energy leaves the heart and we stop trusting we stop believing in ourselves so we teach people how to create brain and hard coherence and what we discovered just in the last couple years is that when this heart starts beating orderly and it's a skill just like anything else you do like dancing in the South like you when you understand all that information and now you're in the application of it once you start to experience it and you get the feeling of what it feels like to be in the state it turns out that when the heart is coherent it starts informing the brain you'll see it the brain's starting to change because the heart is telling the brain it's time to create now it's safe to create it's the creative Center so the person all of a sudden can see a possibility that they never could see before and they can embrace the emotion of the event listen closely before the experience happens now this is fundamentally important because most people are waiting for their Wells to feel abundant and worthy they're waiting for their success to feel empowerment they're waiting for the new relationship to feel loved they're waiting for their healing to feel gratitude that's cause and effect that's waiting for something outside the change to take away this feeling of emptiness or lack or pain or guilt or whatever we found out that when a person can actually embrace the emotion before the event they can begin to condition their brain and body into a future experience and the brain and body don't know the difference so all of a sudden a person who was traumatized and had their had their experience now all of a sudden they're teaching their body emotionally how to live in a new environment and the body doesn't know the difference between the real life experience and the one that they're fabricating so in a sense thereby creating brain and heart coherence the stronger the emotion they feel for their new vision of their future the more they're going to pay attention to the picture in their mind and they're literally remembering their future and now there's biological changes in gene expression in neurological circuitry and brain coherence and immune regulation in digestive balance in microbiomes and all the things we measure show the bodies now out of survival it's time for growth and repair so the side effect of that is we see people with those serious health conditions that were actually initiated because of the trauma all of a sudden when they feel that elevated emotion it's like they've taken their body out of the past into the present moment and now the body all of a sudden recalibrates and if the quotient of their excitement for their new life for their new future the emotional quotient of their dream is greater than the Betrayal or the shock or the trauma there's immediate reorganization in the brain and an immediate change emotionally in the body and now the person looks back at their past and we've interviewed enough people to know this is the truth and they say I don't want to change anything in my past I I all of that brought me to this moment and that's the moment the past no longer exists so people can have a brutal past where we've had people that have had an abuse physical sexual um emotional that have gone through all kinds of abuse where suicidal had all kinds of health conditions and in one instant in one instant one inner experience from the meditative process begins to change everything about the way they see their past or seeing it from a greater level of Consciousness they're seeing it from a place of Love they're seeing that all of that had to happen it makes sense to get to this point and now they're no longer victimized by their disease they're no longer victimized by their past you get your ass kicked along the way things go sideways things go wrong people let you down Partners don't work out money falls out all these things happen but I want you to reframe it in your mind success auditor success tax auditor is looking looking and going okay let's put another obstacle in front of Wendy's way let's see if she can get through that oh she saw the obstacle turn around went back I don't think she's going to be the one that reaches her full potential but she could just live life like everybody else and she'll be okay let's see about liberio let's see what's up Liberia let's throw some crap in front of him let's throw some fears in front of him let's throw a massive obstacle wow he fought it he was a little sad it was a little tough a little stressful a couple sleepless nights but he's still going okay check that box let's wait about three months and throw some more in his way and that's what I believe success tax is I think we have to go through the trials and tribulates we have to build the grit we have to build the wisdom or else we don't deserve it I teach my daughter she's killing it in softball I said you win when no one else is watching you have to pay your success tax by practicing all the time when no one's cheering no one's excited no one's doing it over the summer she's down here in my office pitching because she's paying her success tax but guess what in the fall when she plays she's gonna kill it when she comes out and all her friends will be like oh my God everybody's admiring you you got the game ball I wish I could do that you wish you could do it pay success tax if you're not willing to pay get out of the freaking game don't think it is listen everybody wants to be on stage in front of 50 000 people jamming and singing with everybody going crazy in the crowd singing their name but you know what everybody's not willing to do is play in their room until their fingers bleed to pack up an old van and drive around to Gig to Gig when two people show up most people aren't willing to do that everybody looks at the Beatles on how amazing they were right you know the Beatles paid played like 10 000 different uh over over the years they played almost every night like six nights a week sometimes two gigs a night for years and years and years never being noticed sometimes one person in the audience they paid their success tax and then all of a sudden they were an overnight sensation they weren't an overnight sensation so think of it that way frame it as success tax is part of the journey and if you could say I'm not saying you need to like the crap I'm not saying you have to like the journey not saying you have to like when somebody screws you over the deal goes sideways but what if you could go wow if I get through this I get another check box from the success tax auditor you start looking at life that way things change and you realize you're here because you're learning those skills to get through them easier and quicker most of the world most of the world sees a wall and they turn around and go back they're not deserving of the success you are the type that will pound through it get under it get around it climb over it or blow it up with dynamite and that's who wins the game so with that said let's take it a step further because I can talk about this until I'm blue and like I could talk about this every moment of every day when it comes to my business because I've crushed it in my business those fears that I had of being a broke kid I didn't I didn't have the right education I didn't go to college I didn't have money I didn't come from the right Town my parents both worked to make you know probably 35 Grand combined separately and we always stressed about money and I lived in a bathroom with my dad I lived in a trailer park with my mom until we got evicted I mean crazy stuff right in business I overcame all those fears I failed miserably Winston Churchill said the definition of success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm well I I did that before I ever read that quote when I kept going I paid my success tax I failed miserably and I made it and in business I can make those decisions I can I can fail miserably I can lose millions of dollars on a deal and I can be over in a day I could I could have faith in someone I'm working with and they let me down and it hurts and I'm over in a day I can rebound fast learn from it and go I have trained my body I've trained my my my insides I've trained my physiology I've trained my words I've trained my subconscious that we are freaking Unstoppable nothing as a combined body and unit nothing can stop us have you ever spent any time wondering how does everything happen how does everything happen why does the night follow the day why doesn't the day follow the day like in some places it does but I spent a lot of time thinking about this after times it almost drives me crazy the like right outside of my studio here is a Japanese maple tree and there's times of the year it's absolutely beautiful in the spring of the year it has buds on and then the buds cologne and leaves pop out and the leaves generally in the spring are a very deep greeny Brown they're not a pretty looking leaf but then they start to change and over time you don't notice it happening just one day you look and it's a different color and by fall the leaves are crimson red they're the most beautiful it is the most beautiful tree and it's right outside in my studio I'm sitting here in my desk and cameras around me but oh there it is that tree and you know every fall the leaves turn red Every Spring there are greeny brown they're not greeny brown in the fall and red in the spring they're always red in the faux and greeny brown in the spring think about it did you ever wonder why the tide goes way out the tide comes way back in I spent some time in the Navy in Canada I was down on the East Coast for a while and I was near the Bay of Fundy do you know the Bay of Fundy has one of the highest and lowest tides in the world it's absolutely amazing it goes way out and then comes way back in same upper on Prince George on the West Coast you go onto a ship and you might be walking up a plank just right straight up and you go off the ship sometimes you're going right down that ship goes way up in here and it comes way down very high very low tide now some place the tides not very big they do have a time but not too high not too long why is it so different in one place than another you know why does the leaves change color why do they change color you know why does the grass keep growing wouldn't it be so much nicer it's a grass just you know just stayed at a certain length you wouldn't have to cut it but it would always look pretty you know do you ever think about this do you know that everything in this universe happens in an exact way and exact way not by chance but in an exact way when John Kennedy the president of the United States acted asked Dr Warner Von Braun who was The Mastermind behind the space program we asked him what would it take to build a rocket that would carry a person to the moon and bring them back safely to Earth Von Braun answered him in five words the will to do it that's it the will to do it he knew he didn't have to know how to do it he knew he had to learn how to do it but he didn't have to know to make up your mind you were going to do it now why did he say that because he understands the laws Vine brown one time said after years of studying the spectacular Mysteries of the cosmos he was led into a firm belief in the existence of God and he said the natural laws of this universe are so precise that we don't even have any difficulty building spaceship we send people to the moon and we can find the landing with the Precision of a fraction of a second now he said these laws must have been set by someone I see the laws as God's modus operandi but I'm going to tell you something everything happens by law when you and I get in harmony with the law I never do that odds are pretty good we should understand them but when we get in harmony with the law then I'm going to tell you it's just smooth sailing success happens probably be a good understand good idea to understand the laws wouldn't it think about it your life is governed by laws that are not man-made so they're not going to be man changed and if you study them and work in harmony with them I'm going to go shock yourself with the good you can do now I've been doing that for the last 58 years I'm starting to get a really a reasonable grip on them but I don't understand them as well as I want to or would like to but I'm going to study a little more today you know I get my trusty book out here I'll have to talk to you about this part that'll be another talk study the laws find out what they write what they're like what are the laws and then study them you'll win before you can be a painter who can paint what's beyond mere memory you you have to inculcate that discipline skill and a lot of that is painful repetition and hard grinding work it's the sacrifice of the present for the future but once you manage that then things open up and virtually everything you learn of value is like that's very very very difficult to learn to write and there's arbitrary arbitrary rules that you have to follow and bind yourself to and while you're learning those rules the probability that you have any creative freedom to speak of or any facility with the rules is very low you're you're a rank beginner and and even to some degree whatever creativity you have is going to have to be stifled while you're passing through that that Keyhole but if you pass through it then something massive opens up on the other side and it is definitely the case that disciplinary institutions universities are exactly that is there places of guidance and and their places to encourage people to develop the discipline that's necessary to see beyond the discipline I mean that's why we have disciplines right I mean the words aren't there by accident you have to narrow yourself first and then you can broaden outward and so that's and that's part of the process of maturation that part of the that's part of the sacrifice of childhood say in childhood you're nothing but potential but it's not realized and you don't know how to realize it and so then the question is well how do you get to a point where you realize the potential and the answer is you sacrifice almost all of it to a single Direction This is Nietzsche's commentary on the Catholic Church he's a great admirer of the Catholic Church despite the fact that he was also a radical critic critic of Christianity said the cat see the thing about the Catholic church is that it forced everything to be interpreted within a single explanatory framework and that was a disciplined and once that discipline was established then the disciplined mind could explode in every direction which is precisely what happened and so and and and that's the thing about growing up is that when you're a teenager and a young adult you have to sacrifice everything you could have been as a child to be the one thing that you're aiming at but then that opens up and and the universities are part and parcel of that process and you need the guidance because the the the library is too large to wander through it unaided your personality literally ad is made up of how you think how you act and how you feel and how you think how you act and how you feel is your personality and your personality is intimately connected to your personal reality your life so then if you want to change your life your personal reality you got to change your personality and here we go again you got to start becoming conscious of your unconscious thoughts you got to start noticing how you act how you speak you got to pay attention to how you're feeling some people would live in guilt their whole entire life and don't even know it's guilt because at least it feels like them so then when you start doing that you begin to objectify your subjective self so so then when you begin to make small changes back the thought a new thought should lead to a new Choice a new Choice should lead to a new Behavior a new Behavior should create a new experience and a new experience should create a new emotion yes and that new emotion is teaching your body chemically to understand what your mind is intellectually understood now your body is embodying the truth right so then the new emotion should Inspire new thoughts and that's called Evolution so how do we get stuck it's really simple the stronger the emotion you feel from some event in your life be it a betrayal or a trauma or whatever yes the more altered you feel inside of you the more you pay attention to the cause outside of you so the brain takes a snapshot it freezes an image and embosses that pattern neurologically in the brain that's called a memory so we create long-term memories from strong emotional events okay so is that true that I just want to understand the maybe the larger the event in terms of its emotion to you the stronger of a hold it has over you yeah well the more it's embossed in your biology so some certain people have a strong experience in their life and it catches all of the brain's attention so now they think neurologically within the circuits of the past experience and they feel chemically within the boundaries of those emotions and so how you think and how you feel creates a state of being now here's the problem that if you don't know how to mediate or control your emotional reaction to that event and you keep that refractory period of chemicals going on with extended periods of time so that the event produces a chemical change and the body needs to return back to homeostasis or balance but if it can't then the elongation of that emotional reaction for weeks say for days or weeks is called the moon so you say Ed what's wrong with you I'm in a mood why are you in a mood well this thing happened to me five days ago and I'm having one long emotional reaction so then what you do is you keep telling the story about it keep firing and wiring the same circuits and you keep conditioning the body into the past so then you wake up in the morning you look for the emotion so then now all of a sudden you keep it lingering for for for weeks or months that's called the temperament well why is he so angry I don't know let's ask him why are you so angry well this thing happened to me eight months ago I'm having one long emotional reaction I'm memorizing my emotions you keep it going on for years on end that's called a personality trait so then a person then is memorizing themselves by living in the past and so then you say to them well well tell me the story now the latest research on memory says that 50 percent of what we talk about in our past isn't even the truth so we make stuff up about the past in other words people are reliving a life that they didn't even have just to reaffirm that they can't change right wow so then what's the significance of this where you place your attention is where you place your energy period yes so then the stronger the emotion that you have the some problem or condition or person in your life the more you're paying attention to them so they captured your attention so you're giving your power away to that person right because they're capturing your attention so then there's an energetic connection to every person everything everything in your past present reality has your energy connected to it so now this is the significance when a person really decides to be defined by a vision of the future instead of the memory of the past the hardest part about it is all of a sudden becoming conscious and not making the same unconscious choice so then if you lower the volume to your frustration to your hatred to your anger if you truly knew how to do that if you lower the volume to that emotion you would take your attention off that person which means you would begin to break those energetic bonds and now you're taking your power back yes you're calling energy back to you and we've measured this and all of a sudden it builds this bigger electronic magnetic field around the person's body that's energy to heal that's energy to create a new future with right and then if you didn't want to lower the volume to the emotion then just take your attention off the person and every time you take your attention off the person if you became conscious of that you wouldn't feel the emotion now the body though it's been addicted to that emotion because you're using that person to reaffirm your addiction to hatred or frustration and if that person died you'd find another one so then here you go now so now you're in a position now where you begin to lower the volume to that emotion and the body's going wait a second you've been you've been doing this for the last 20 years and all of a sudden you're just going to stop hating and the body says well I've been conditioned this way and conditioning is based on the past so when the body feels the the lack of that emotion just like a drug addict it says hey you're off schedule here so now the body starts influencing the mind to think about experiences that are embossed in the brain that are based on that emotion so the emotion now is causing you to think in the past if we teach a person then how to trade that frustration or that hatred for an elevated emotion and they'll say yeah but you know it was my ex's fault or I got betrayed by my partner in business yeah yeah we know that okay so let's take your partner in business or take your ex let's duct tape them put them in a cannon and shoot them to the moon now what are you gonna do sooner or later you got to reckon with yourself and change right so then teach a person then how to trade that emotion for an elevated emotion now trade the emotion for an elevated emotion right so you're going to give that up and you're going to practice feeling gratitude for as an example yes the person says well I can't feel gratitude and I say absolutely you can because you don't practice feeling it you practice spending most of your time feeling hatred and frustration so now it's going to take a little time to cause that heart of you to bloom or you're part of yours to bloom once they're able to feel even the smallest measure of gratitude where they start feeling appreciation thankfulness gratitude its emotional signature when you when you get something when you're receiving something when something has happened to you uh or when something is happening to you you say thank you because you're receiving something so the emotional signature of gratitude means the event has already happened or it's happening to you so the moment you open your heart and you feel gratitude well that emotion then is telling the body that the experience has already occurred and the thought then can make it into the body because it's consistent with the thought so now you're beginning to program the autonomic nervous system into a very specific Destiny you got to maintain that modified State of Mind and Body your entire day independent of the conditions in your outer environment independent of your body's Cravings of those emotions and habituations and independent from time and if you can get ready because something weird or unusual some synchronicity some coincidence some opportunity is going to land in your lap and you didn't have to go and get it yes it came to you now you're the vortex of creation so if you say to me well I was feeling gratitude but then there was traffic or my co-worker sent me a nasty email that I would say oh my God God you mean you're allowing your environment your outer environment to control how you feel and think you're back to the unconscious program that you're the victim to your life you got it but when you start producing those outcomes in your life you're going to pay attention to what you did inside of you and you're going to believe more that you're the creator of your life and less of the victim of your life consistent action is the cure-all whatever problem you have whatever issue you're facing whatever big life you want to create for yourself the way to get there is not some giant short burst of effort it's the daily consistent grinding action that will help you accomplish your goals people look at my channel and a lot of new people have joined over the past number of years hey welcome board great to have you welcome to believe Nation it's a positive happy place it's great to have you here it's an honor to be a part of your daily routine if you go and look at my my channel my main channel in the history it took so many years guys so many years of just making content and not seeing any results I took I forget what the number is it took five years to get to 9 000 something subscribers and another five years to get almost two million subscribers now sitting over three million subscribers Etc I haven't missed an upload every single day for I don't know eight years something crazy like that every day I've made videos through travel I've made videos through elect electricity electricity outages I made videos through breaking my neck I made videos through my tour I made videos through vacation I made videos I made videos I made videos I made videos I made videos I made videos and you can plan you can prepare you can get ahead you can you can batch them but I don't think your goals count until they're hard it's when it gets hard when when you get tested that's when you have to show yourself What You're Made Of even little things like I remember filming at my dance studio in Toronto and I have my camera guy and my assistant and we're filming and the electricity goes out and then there's a fire alarm they go I guess we can't film like the first thing that that my camera guy says is okay well I guess we can't film I can't film with this like electricity outage and then fire alarm fire alarm you can't film with that it's like I'm I'm filming today so I took my phone it was freezing outside I took my phone went outside and just started filming because videos have to go up they have to go up I've I've made videos with my broken neck I broke my neck in two spots had a concussion and I next week I'm making videos they weren't as long they weren't as good I'm wearing a neck brace if you look at the old videos I'm wearing this giant neck brace I got this giant scab here on my forehead because I smashed my head against the wall when I fainted and that's how it led to the concussion broken neck I'm still making videos not making videos is not an option and so if you look at someone like me who is introverted is shy who doesn't like the camera who always thought that people who were famous had a big ego who I still don't like being on stage I still get nervous every single time but I still have a message and I still want to serve how does somebody like that have this kind of Channel well because of every single day making videos you've done over 10 000 videos I've done over 10 000 videos that's crazy not all of them are public but even just on the main Channel let alone this channel on the top 10 channel the other channel 10 000 Plus videos over 12 years why how it's just a consistent action I think most people lose because we overestimate what we can do in a really short period of time and underestimate what we can do in a long period of time you think by putting in three weeks of hard work you're gonna crush it but really if you just stayed on it like guys you've had ideas you have enough you have had an idea that you'd love that you gave up on too soon that if you just kept doing it this is an idea that you had maybe three years ago that if you just found the way to keep doing it even part-time even on the side even on the weekends if you just kept at it you'd be in a different place right now something would have happened something would have paid off but we're too frustrated to get something to happen right now and I get it I'm there too I'm I'm impatient I want immediate results I want things to happen I'm putting my best I want this video right now to be the best one I've ever done and I put my effort to try to make that happen and I fully recognize at the same time that it's a long game that you have to keep going and that it's your purpose you can't give up on it most people just quit too soon you just quit too soon and that's you quitting on your dream and if it's your dream and you want it to happen it's a daily consistent action to make it happen so how do you do it let me give you some tactics so that you can not just get motivated from a message but actually apply it to your life number one you have to create a calendar these videos happen because you're in my calendar I'm filming this on a Tuesday is my YouTube day I always film on Tuesday I block it off in my calendar I just came back from vacation and on the Tuesday of my week I was still making videos people say well we still work on vacation first off it's not work like I like this this is fun for me this isn't this isn't oh I have to go make videos if that was my mindset I would I'd be out I wouldn't do it anymore but also if you're on vacation you're making videos or you're doing a little bit of work spend three hours of a 24-hour day doing something is totally achievable somebody one of the people that I invested into yesterday's like how do I take a vacation on my business like how do I my wife wants to know how do I go on vacation and run this business like you can still you can either plan ahead and get ahead with all your clients or you can still do some work do you not have personal time are you going to be around your wife 24 hours a day does your wife not want to go to the spa or spend some time on the beach it's not about the three hours that you spend working it's about the other hours at 21 hours you get to sleep but whatever all the other hours that you have the day it's about intentional time most of most people's life is not intentional most of your vacation time is not intentional either if you were to spend 21 hours a day with your wife intentionally creating an amazing relationship then the three hours a day you're going to spend working as easy as nothing she could take time off but you have to put in your calendar you have to create a calendar that makes sense for you schedule in when you're actually going to make your dreams happen because otherwise it's a dream I could say I want to make YouTube videos but if it was never my calendar guess what it would never happen and this applies for life too every uh every afternoon at 2 30 I spend time with Nina with my wife we spend time in the morning I take an intentional break at 2 30 we go to the park we take we take the dogs with us we we stay inside and just be together if it's raining like we'll spend time every day every weekday at 2 30 because I want I wanted to spend more time with Nina during the week weekends we're basically all in on on the relationship but the weekdays can be crazy you know so we spend time in the morning we spend time in the evening and I wanted to spend 2 30. it's 25 minutes together but intentional 25 minutes that intentional 25 minutes is worth more than three hours of just sitting in front of a TV that's not time together you have a lot more time than you think just not being intentional that's the problem if you feel like you got to the end of the week and you were so busy but you got nothing done and everything's falling apart you're just not intentional with your time so you schedule it in whatever you want in a life whatever your dream life looks like whatever your goals Ambitions motivations are put in your calendar two be the person who follows through on their calendar stop letting yourself off the hook for not following through on your calendar I'm a little tired today because we just came back from our trip I'm a little jet lagged from coming out from the West I'm still making videos I'm still videos have to be made they're going up like when do you let yourself break if it's in the calendar it has to happen videos have to happen today I don't care if I'm lying in bed I don't care I don't care if I'm in the hospital I've made videos from the hospital I don't care where videos have to come up I don't care if they're the best videos the best with what I can make right now if I'm tired they might be lower than my standard but it's the best of what I can make right now if I'm in the hospital it's definitely lower than what I can make out of the hospital but I'm gonna make the best of what I can make right now be the person who follows through on the things that you say you're gonna do because the next time you put something in your calendar the next time we see you're gonna get that goal or do this project you're gonna the next day wake up and say I'm not I can't do that I'm not doing that you're starting to build the identity either way of the person who follows through or the person who doesn't follow through and every time you say yes to yourself every time you do it when it's difficult you start to build up that identity a little bit more I follow through I follow through I follow through so then the next time you put something in your calendar the next time come up with a goal you start to believe that it's actually possible for you to do it because you're building that identity of you being the person who actually follows through and every time you let yourself off the hook every time you give yourself a break every time you say it's okay I'm not going to do it today every time you say that you eat away at that other identity and start to build a new one the new identity of the person who doesn't follow through you start to believe yourself a little bit less the next goal you write down is a little less credible you don't think you can do it you're going to realize the next day that you're not going to follow through it says it's a very slippery slope to fall down so step one is you build a calendar step two is you become the person who sticks to your calendar who follows through on the things that you say you're gonna do that's why it's important to create a realistic calendar don't tell me don't tell yourself you're gonna make 100 videos a day every day you're going to make a thousand phone calls a day every day you're not you're gonna write a hundred love letters to your wife every day you're not you're not it's not going to happen make it a realistic plan for something you can actually stick to because again if you just stick to it guys you will hit your goals if you stop quitting on yourself if you stop letting yourself off the hook that idea you had three years ago should have already come to Creation because you just stuck with it just stick with it step number three so create a calendar one stick to your calendar number two three the environment around you really matters videos like this really matters why I create the inspressor to be with you every morning to give you the Boost to bring you people like John asraaf and Oprah and Elon Musk and these people who lift you up who inspire you hopefully that's the intention every time join a group like movement makers be a part of a community be around other entrepreneurs who are doing things we're chasing their dreams we're trying to make their thing happen when you're when you create that environment and you start to shift it it inspires you to want to play bigger it inspires you to want to stay consistent when you are feeling at your lowest low when you're about to quit on the thing that you said that you want to do that's in your calendar you see it you see it today I'm supposed to do that like I don't want to do that what brings you out of it it's the habits it's the environment it's the routine watch another video join our group like movement makers get a mentor coach have an accountability buddy you have to be around the people who constantly fill your cup who give you light who lift you up who make you believe and help you feel like it's possible when you do those three things your life will change create a calendar that mapped your actions to your ambitions be the person who follows through on their calendar and then be around the people videos resources environment that encourages you that lifts you up and makes you feel like it's possible [Music] no I I want to celebrate you most people start and don't finish most people never actually follow through most people say they want something but they don't ever do the work to actually get it but you're different you are special believe Nation you made it here all the way to the end and I love you so as a special celebration if you put a hashtag believe down in the comments Below on this video I will showcase you and celebrate you somewhere on the screen in a future video because you are awesome to learn how to manifest 10 times faster check the video right there next to me I think you'll love it continue to believe and I'll see you there you'd have to become aware of your unconscious habits and behaviors and even what you say and modify them and then you'd have to look at those emotions that keep you anchored to the past and decide if those emotions belong in your future
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 180,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, evancarmichael, evan carmichael, believe, success, motivation, evan carmichael advice, how to manifest anything you want, the law of attraction, law of attraction, manifest anything, visualizing wealth, turn visions into reality, manifest fast, reprogram your mind, the ultimate law of attraction hack, law of attraction technique, law of attraction money, law of attraction explained, how law of attraction works
Id: EjukvUnKV_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 27sec (4167 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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