Unlocking the Gunslinger - Enter the Gungeon (Part 1)

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all right and this is where the fun begins because i've beaten the past of all four main characters now when i'm playing as paradox i can get joint down into this deep dark dungeon of the sixth floor and here we go [Music] i feel like i just brain farted i'm just sprinting into a couch oh my goodness all right down the dungeon we go and the stupid guns like a little sassy boy that was okay i guess like come on be a little bit more respectful would you [Music] boom okay how did that guy just die i did not see him die i'll have to look back in the recording that was so weird he just like dropped dead poor thing just vibing out and then all of a sudden he's boom down on the ground it is fighting the bird time big bird booty wait big germ judy big bird judy judge judy i don't even know [Applause] big swole gatling goal oh that's pretty good big swole gatling i like that one a lot better than the other ones it's always so funny people on the internet like they always go into streamers chats or on reddit and they're like how do you get better at these games and the answer is always the same just go play the game like i don't know i'm just realizing i've gotten so much better this game just just from playing it wow the dodging skills are on point right now wait did anybody just see that the the little guy just went into the wall wait can we make him do it again come here he's just going into the wall wait what oh my gosh i guess that's the curse of doing a 2d game things like that can happen hello baby burb goodbye baby boar bye all right it's gonna be medusa i'm calling it right now oh it's the door oh my goodness i think i've only fought this guy like two times before this dolor the hidden threat him and his tongue classic wait what is this got a beamer it's being a beamer kind of like being a boomer except beams instead of booms i never really understood what boomer even means oh that's a nice shot it's not christmas time [Music] okay i just don't i don't know if you can hear it but the sound effects of this guy are like the most hey what is this what is this what is this attack he just going for an absolute spin attack oh my goodness that was ridiculous you're just you're just spinning all over the place how was i supposed to dodge that that's that you just tipped over backwards the guy's like nope nope not doing it today i'm not doing it just vibe straight off the cliff that was hilarious you know this game actually teaches you some very valuable lessons for example when you're on fire stop and roll you know we should mark this for kids because they can learn things from this game genius truly a genius i should be on a marketing team i would say you know what this obvious thing that you already did i think we should do it again and then everyone would say you were so smart i'd be like yes i am this room has got something weird going on in it it's like this weird thing on the wall here and something that's what's glowing look at this [Music] what is this wait only this gun shows it wait does this guy do it on all walls maybe i'm just stupid oh it does it on all walls i just never noticed it before that's boring it's time to fight the big roly-poly guns in the deep wait aren't we all guns in the deep because we're playing a gun and it's time to become a wrecking ball my tracking skills are just so good i says i just like ah see i've got screen shake turned off but i can still make my screen shake you know what i'm saying hey bud how's it going all right that's cool didn't didn't want to talk to you anyway it's okay this guy's like no we're not going to chat we got we got places to go speed runs to win [Laughter] [Music] i don't understand why these spider webs keep catching on fire like do normal spires just like poop fire out of their butt is that something that happens it's like have i just not paid attention in the classes of like during during the bill nye documentary did i not pay enough attention or something don't be alarmed guys everything is under control i know there's a bunch of creepy guys popping out of the darkness but everything is completely under control no need to worry look at that see what did i tell you easy yay okay i've got a question when you see something like that like that says colon d in my brain my brain's like d i just like c d like that's like that's what i think in my brain i understand there's an emotion behind it and that's what i feel but what i what i think is just the letter d like how do you read that all right so there's gonna be a boss right here or not all right it's gonna be a close one guys it's gonna be a hard hard fight but we'll see how it goes it's not choke now oh the burb you i swear the birds in this game are just like so friendly except for the big bird that attacks you but don't worry about that guy oh yeah no damage right there guys no damn look at that they they know they just know that we deserved it look at that oh yeah kind kinda just clutched up i'm not gonna lie i'm not gonna lie to you that just saved the run right there that one fight okay look at this bed she's got like cinderella sneakers a fancy pillow and then just like these sharp edges and she lives in a room with lava and these weird portals what a strange place to live in oh my gosh we didn't have to reload if we didn't have to reload look how much lcs look at that he was literally two touches that's ridiculous all right and this is where the fun begins because i've beaten the past of all four main characters now when i'm playing as paradox i can get joint down into this deep dark dungeon of the sixth floor and here we go and then the three part three tier three level i don't wanna say three person three life fight wait is this timmy's father she's back for round three there are a lot of enemies in this room yeah that's 20 timmy's father look at this look at him dude you're looking fine dude you're looking very fine and rip wow that was quite the fight and i got 11 cut 11 for it eleven what is it called monies of some sort i don't know what it's called so this this very nice run is about to come to a close if we don't clutch up here what's with tongues i swear someone at the studio must have really liked tongues because the door lord and that door they both really like their tongues it's kind of kind of weird oh wait can i shoot faster i can shoot faster if i click i'm so mad i didn't realize that wait oh if you click you can shoot faster oh well that puts an end to our 40-minute run rest in pieces thank you for watching if you enjoyed the video please consider subscribing it helps me out a ton if you want to meet some new friends and fellow gungeoneers you should check out my discord server link is in the description i stream live every wednesday at 7 pm pst at twitch.tv slash rudidy i usually stream enter the gungeon but i also play a variety of games including celeste hollow knight and chess thank you again for watching and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Strutity
Views: 5,280
Rating: 4.7985611 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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