Korean Fried Chicken: CRISPY Fried Chicken Recipe + Pickled Radish (치킨무) 후라이드치킨 레시피

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[Music] today I'm going to show you how to make super crispy Korean fried chicken and I'm also going to show you how to cut a whole chicken into pieces that you can fry and I'm also going to show you how to make pickled radish this is called chicken mu or tuck moon it is super refreshing and it is a must when you have Korean fried chicken Cheers hi everyone this is Helen and welcome to modern pepper a new Natalia Reuben Madame pepper Helen meda so for those of you that are new to modern pepper channel modern pepper channel offers instructional Korean cooking lessons for authentic Korean dishes as well as Korean fusion dishes so please to consider subscribing mats and enhancing Yaya Han chic fusion would either your dopinder Gua Yamato hump ki gets me that utopian community sale so here is our star ingredient I'm using a young bird is slightly less than four and a half pounds and I highly highly recommend using a young bird that's less than 5 pounds because anything that's a bit too big it tends to be drier but young birds on the other hand tends to be sweet and taste and very tender so that is my recommendation I'm also going to show you how to cut your whole chicken the reason why I recommend buying a whole chicken and cutting it yourself is one it's cheaper than buying pre-cut pieces of chicken to you could control that you are buying a very young chicken that's going to be sweet and tender 3 it's so good to taste all different parts of the bird as opposed to just a drumstick and the thigh and the in the chicken breast I mean there's just so much more and today we're gonna use the entire chicken we're gonna use the back where we're gonna keep - ooh stirs and if you don't know what a stirs is I'll show you that is like the best part of the chicken in my opinion now for those of you are not interested in seeing me take this chicken apart then just skip to the timeline that you see right here so before you start you always want to make sure that the knife you're using is super sharp you're gonna give yourself more probability of making accidental cuts or perhaps even hurting yourself if you are using a dull knife make sure to sharpen your knife like so literally just pick up the wing just cut around it and then you flip it back and you'll see where the joint is and you just cut right through it easy as that you could keep the tip on but I like to cut mine off some people like it but I don't like it so there you go and then we're gonna cut our drumstick just cut along just a skin like that and it kind of already pre-cut basically for you and then same thing on this side you just cut the skin and then just open like that pick up the legs and then just flip it back like that now the oysters are right here this is the best part of the chicken in my opinion we're gonna use the entire bird and basically fly the back if you don't want to do that you need to cut this along with the thigh but we're not gonna do that so we're basically just gonna cut the thigh off and just basically it's all pre-cut for you you just have to kind of follow and this excess fat I always like to trim off and this is the backbone so we're gonna cut right by the backbone you see the line here this is the fat line and you want to cut on the side of the drumstick right here like that easy as that so there's your thigh and there's your drumstick and then taking your scissors this is the chicken breast and you see the fat line you just follow it like so and same thing on the other side follow the fat line here with your scissors and then I'm just gonna stop this off like that this is the oyster part right here the lucky purse is going to eat this so I'm just going to cut it right down the middle anytime there's excess fat or skin just cut it off same thing here and this is the butt this is going to get extra crispy and yummy so pick up your breast turn it over and you'll see this hardened part of the bone and what you want to do is take your knife and just go down the middle and then just split it open like that and take your knife and it's just like divides itself for you it's that easy then just cut the skin like so and now again this is the extra fat I like to cut it off and just cut it off so it's important to keep the bone on your chicken breast when you're deep-frying them and this is a little too big so we're gonna cut this in half so we're gonna go in from the top cut it in half or maybe in two thirds even if it's that big and then from the side there you go like that we want to go in from the top down the middle cut the flesh off put the bone on the side and they just kind of go in like that and that's it so here we have the chicken thigh and drumsticks right here and then we have the back bone this part is going to be so good and then we have the chicken breast with the bone attached and the chicken wings and the tips are right here you could leave this on if you like and this is the excess fat that we trimmed rinse your chicken under running cold water and then especially the back part make sure you kind of wash out any of this red bloody mussels and just continue washing your chicken this part you have to do you have to pat down your wet chicken that you just rinsed off make sure that the water is off the chicken gonna make the dry spice rub for our chicken just enough for a chicken that's five pounds or less [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we're gonna make a wet marinade that we're gonna add our chicken into one critical ingredient you must have is Korean red pepper paste so we're kind of making it similar to southern style fried chicken where you add beaten egg with hot sauce but instead we're gonna use Korean red pepper paste and no it is not going to taste spicy at all the gochujang is just gonna bring the chicken to life so the gochujang is literally just gonna give it flavor and take the gay meanness away any Korean supermarket will have these guys now if you don't live near a Korean supermarket go to my website at modern pepper calm slash store and you could order this guy online or check the description box as well [Music] into our egg mixture [Music] smells better [Music] and we're going to let this rest and then refrigerate for 12 hours or if you're in a pinch at least let it marinate in the refrigerator for three to five our chicken radish in Korean it's called chicken mu or tack mu mu is radish and chicken and Korean Dastak so it's a very simple pickled radish that you eat sort of as your palate cleanser because you know you're eating greasy fried chicken and also it's supposed to be light and refreshing not at all salty just slightly vinegary and just slightly sweet so easy to be so so easy so what you want to do is use Korean radish now if you live in an area where you cannot get creamy radish it could also just always get those round radish that you can find at any local supermarket so that'll work to just peel the exterior skin off we're going to peel with our peeler we're gonna cut about enough to make three cups of half inch cubes of Korean radish [Music] this is optional more for color so altogether this is about 3 cups of $2 you radish and some peppers and then mix until the salt and sugar dissolves completely mix with our hands to coat the vinegar mixture transfer this to an airtight container put it in your refrigerator and let it rest for 24 hours and I have another one that I prepared yesterday so what I want to show you is when you open it you're gonna smell this like kind of strong radish smell don't worry that's all gonna subside that's just the gas of the radish kind of pickling in there as you can see there's a lot of water that extracted from the radish and we're gonna have a taste mmm it's so good every time I go to eat Korea fried chicken I'm one of those customers that asked the waitress for waiter at least three to four refills of this chicken move it's that good it's that good okay so here is our chicken that's been marinating for 12 hours and before we go any further we need to make sure our chicken cups to room temperature so let it hang out for about good 15 to 20 minutes there are a couple of tools that I highly recommend when you are frying your chicken at home one is a deep fryer thermometer it's also called a candy thermometer that is to ensure that we start our oil at 370 degrees because when we add our chicken the temperature is going to drop and we want to make sure we maintain our fine oil temperature at 350 degrees so that your chicken comes out crispy on the outside and cooked on the inside because no one should be eating sort of cooked chicken or medium-rare chicken that is a no-no another item that I highly recommend is a fine mesh ladle to scoop up all the residue of batter in between your first and second batch meat thermometer to make sure that your chicken is fully cooked to at least hundred and seventy degrees internal temperature and another item that I highly recommend is a cooling rack so that when you pull out your chicken from the hot frying oil it's been properly drip off all the excess oil so that you end up with super crunchy chicken instead of just putting your deep fried chicken on a plate with like paper towel then I'll just soak is sit in that [Music] so while our oil is heating up to 370 degrees we're going to now start so exciting start breading our chicken what I like to do is kind of move all the batter mix to maybe like two thirds of this side and then here's our chicken pull one out shake off the excess liquid [Music] Pat it down and make sure you get all in between the crevices everything on this chicken needs to be collated so what I like to do is kind of shake off the excess and leave it on this side and continue dusting your chicken I know some of you are asking what is the best frying oil for frying chicken I think in my opinion it's peanut oil I can't use that in my household because we have peanut allergy so I'm using soybean oil also using a cast iron pot that's gonna retain the most amount of heat now if you don't have a cast iron pot make sure that you are using a pot with a very very heavy bottom so what I like to do now is just let these guys rest for about five minutes as is just like let them be let them hang out now the other thing is if you don't want that extra super crunchy crispy fried chicken this as is is good but what we're gonna do next my secret tip we're gonna pick up half a cup of our liquid mixture and then we're gonna pour it on our batter right here [Music] and then just break up the crumbs like so with your hands and lightly coat this check it off and then bring it back here and then press it down press it down like that and then shake off whatever doesn't stick doesn't belong on this chicken fine done with leather dark meat and then just keep on going drench it lightly and cover with our crumbs [Music] that and you want to do this right before he goes into the fire and we're gonna cook the dark meat first okay so this guy is our first batch of dark meat that we're gonna cook this is our second batch of white meat we're not going to do our second coat on our second batch until this is already cooked and whenever you add your chicken to your fryer make sure to shake off any excess and don't drop it in here you want to make sure it goes in like that about two-thirds and then you let go and you should see that kind of bubble around it if you don't your boil is not ready it's also important to not overcrowd your pot so you always want to make sure your chicken has enough room to kind of swim and move around if the pot gets too crowded instead of flying your chicken you're gonna have steamed oily chicken okay so as soon as we added our chicken the temperature dropped to 350 degrees and that's the temperature that we want to maintain to fry our chicken turn down your heat to medium and adjust accordingly so that your feet remains at 350 now as far as how long you'll take for the chicken to cook is somewhere around seven minutes it could be a little bit less or more depending on the size of your meat and again like I said earlier dark bean will take longer to cook so what we're gonna do it is take it out and use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature and if it's at 170 then it's ready [Music] this is the part that no one tells you especially when you're deep frying you have to clean in between each batch of fry if you don't do that the residue will continue cooking and you'll end up with blackened specks of batter on your second batch of fried chicken and who wants that right if you look here kind of our crumbs have disappeared so we just need to make a little more and this time maybe just less than maybe a quarter cup and then pour it in here like that and just make the same kind of crumbs again for our second batch until you have crumbs like this this is our second batch going in our chicken breasts and two back pieces make sure to space out the fried chicken on the cooling rack so they're spacing between and let it rest for at least five minutes before consuming all right time to eat why don't we do drumsticks what do you think you want drumsticks yes okay I know that's your favorite go ahead take it I'll do it drumstick Cheers all right so we're gonna bite into it mm-hmm it's so moist and the batter is so crunchy what do you think yeah you can't talk right now so I had a coaching job but it doesn't taste spicy at all does this taste spicy to you it does not taste spice mm-hmm it's like perfectly seasoned so it's like slightly salty hmm mm-hmm what I think one of the big pieces cut it open well look at that piece future mmm the extra crispy batter this is amazing mmm and the inside is so still moist I'm eating the chicken breast right now mmm I mean I don't really have a favorite part they're all so good I love the white meat for it's sort of cleaner juicy taste and then I love the dark beef for it's like extra juiciness we have people right now stand you over there in my house they're very jealous of you that you get to eat and then they're just like staring at us so cuz they want to eat this but anyway before we go I'm gonna taste the radish do you wanna try one so this chicken move is a must that's always served at any Korean chicken restaurants it's a palate cleanser it's just so refreshing I mean it goes so well with fried chicken look good mm-hmm another one sure I mean I could snack on this radish all day so that of course when you have fried chicken you gotta have some light beer to go with it another palate cleanser James slow down you're eating so fast no no no happy Korean fried chicken at home everyone Cheers it's really yummy this together so you drink up a little bit of this and then take another bite okay I want to thank you so much for watching and if you enjoyed today's video I would totally totally appreciate it if you would click on that like button jerilyn over to Jamie Kip was just announced cold so I'm a loser so I will see you in one of these videos everyone so when I petits and happy fried chicken at home all right did I become anything now [Music] you
Channel: Modern Pepper
Views: 767,603
Rating: 4.8901014 out of 5
Keywords: 치킨, 양념치킨, 후라이드치킨, 한국치킨, 치킨종주국, 치맥, chicken, friedchicken, yangnyeomchicken, koreanchicken, 집밥, 백종원 레시피, KFC, Korean Fried Chicken, Korean Chicken, Fried chicken, Korean Food, Seoul Chicken, Korea Chicken, Chicken, Korean fried chicken recipe, fried chicken recipe, Aaron and Claire, erwan, heussaff, thefatkidinside, korean drama, korean recipes, kdrama, crash landing on you, fried chicken, chicken recipes, easy chicken recipes, captain ri, deep fried chicken recipes
Id: S5Z7LnCU3Q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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