The End The Final KFC Recipe Video - KFC secret Ingredients revealed - Glen And Friends Cooking
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Channel: Glen And Friends Cooking
Views: 640,742
Rating: 4.8414106 out of 5
Keywords: Glen & Friends Cooking, recipe, The Final KFC Recipe Video, glen and friends kfc recipe, kfc recipe leaked, kfc original recipe chicken, kfc original recipe, how to make kfc at home, kfc fried chicken at home, kfc secret recipe revealed, kfc secret recipe 11 herbs and spices, kentucky fried chicken copycat recipe, kfc fried chicken recipe, cracking the kfc recipe, figuring out kfc recipe, kfc at home recipe, taste testing leaked & copycat kfc recipes, secret kfc recipe revealed
Id: 7WJYOgzFydc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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KFC: He's too dangerous to be left alive!
In descending order of amount
Various forms of pepper (black, white, etc)
Allspice or Summer Savory
Love that channel!
The recipe is not that secret. The real key is a pressure deep fryer. That’s how KFC does it.
yessss, I love glen and friends
This is not the same recipe as the uk discovery for those wondering.
he finally posted it. i was gonna start bugging him it had been about a year sine his last video on it.
heck of a story on how he corroborated it.
thanks for the hard work on it though.
It's people. KFC is made of people.
Where can you buy the spice rub?