Crazy In Miami // A Conversation with Pastors Rich Wilkerson Jr & Michael Todd

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they think i'm crazy something call me crazy i just follow god and now i'm sitting at the table i think i'm crazy somebody call me crazy i don't follow trans i'm just doing what he made me to do to think i'm crazy somebody call me crazy i just follow we are we are welcoming everyone tonight to crazy in miami and i don't know if um i don't know if transformation's gonna do these all over the place hopefully they will but i'm glad that they're starting the first one here in miami i i felt like we should have you know you know loco in miami is what we're talking about tonight so but um there's something really special about tonight this is um very easy and very very natural i know we've got lots of guests we welcome you but something powerful is taking place tonight because you got two different churches but the same heart and you maybe have two different styles but man i'm telling you what it's the same spirit that's represented tonight and hopefully you know the devil is not afraid of a big church he's afraid of a united church and tonight we're bringing two churches together and i believe god's gonna show up in a mighty way welcome everybody there at transformation youtube everyone at vue church youtube we are grateful that you're here do me a favor uh if you're in the room here in sow me i want to welcome there's a whole bunch of people sitting outside in our courtyard people in additional seating can we make some noise while do i don't have a chair tonight everybody has city is crazy do me a favor take like four seconds high five three or four people and just say tonight is your night online let us know where you're tuning in from right now let us know where you're tuning in from put it in the chat box what's up blue friends and family what's up tc nation can we make some noise for tc worship tonight just wow if you can't if you can't encounter god with those guys i'm scared for you um the amount of energy coming off this stage is pretty beautiful pretty amazing just want to take a moment tonight uh and just welcome everybody my name is rich i have the privilege of leading vue church here in miami florida and it is our high honor tonight to welcome really our friends but really our family and uh transformation church is not just touching the world it's touching a local church right here in miami called vu and i think sometimes we can talk about the bigness of something but how many know it's those that have those that have the biggest impact usually are also really really focused on small things and transformation church has been so good and so kind to so many churches but i get to speak on behalf of vu and we're just so grateful for mike and natalie todd and everybody that makes up tc nation you will always have a friend in us and so we honor what god is doing we honor you we honor you and we're just glad that you're in our house tonight and so whether you're a guest or this is your home church we welcome everybody and today is a special day because we are celebrating the launch of the brand new book by mike todd crazy faith and uh we're we're gonna make as much noise as we possibly can tonight to make sure that we launch this book with with steam and we bring the right energy around it because i want to see this message get out to so many people because there's so many people that are living bound and held up and this book is going to set some people free and i know the story is just beginning one of the things that i've so admired about transformation church is that god has immensely blessed them tonight i'm going to host a conversation with mike and i'm going to ask him some things and we're going to actually just kind of get deep tonight we are very very good friends and at sort of a no-holds-barred conversation just the heart behind the project the heart behind the book but one of the things that i've loved so much about mike and natalie and everyone at transformation is that it's awesome to see what god is doing in their life and it's awesome to see the blessing that's come there in tulsa but i think what i've been more inspired by is their great revelation that as god blesses them they understand that they're blessed to be a blessing this is a this is a big concept this is gospel stuff here this is the way of jesus that you would realize that god hasn't just prospered me so i can be large and in charge god has prospered me for a purpose and crazy faith is this beautiful message that we're going to talk about tonight but i wanted to make sure that you're hearing some stories of individual lives that are being impacted because of this message and i think you're going to be inspired and so tonight to kick the night off i wanted to share with you evan's story if you're here in the room check out the screen right there on youtube here it comes to you right now this is evan's story my name is evan dugud founder of a local non-profit here in tulsa called be heard movement and what crazy faith means to me is to see it before you can see it's a daily decision to see something you're believing for before you can see it and so i know that decisions um they matter i know that people they're born looking like their parents but they die looking like their decisions and so each day um i have to wake up and make a decision i'm a living crazy faith i'm a believe for something even though my bank account says otherwise my driveway says otherwise and it's just bleeding for something before you can even see it so on my crazy faith card i put down that my debt of 34 000 will be released and that my non-profit will be blessed with a mobile shower trailer um and we ended up getting the mobile shower trailer and i was released from my debt and so i was very excited because i know that in my family there's been a generational hold up of funds and that there's been a lot of divorce a lot of death in my family and number one thing that is causing divorce is finances and so i wanted to steward over my single season well by also having crazy faith well and so another thing that we believe for was that mobile shower trailer and then we were blessed we got it i was crying on stage that day because i know that other people will be blessed and people wouldn't have to shower in storm drains and sewers um and and nasty rivers and that people would uh have a safe warm shower but there's more to that crazy fake story we had to have something to pull our mobile shower trailer and i know that we ordered the shower trailer in um january but it's supposed to be delivered in july and so our team was praying believing for a truck we fundraised we did all we could um however it was two weeks left before the trailer came and we had no truck and so i made a decision made a sacrifice to trade in my vehicle that i put on my crazy faith card to be released of debt to trade it in to be back in debt and that was a tough decision for me because every time i saw my car i saw god's grace his provision and they released me from my debt and so it was very it was very tough to trade in my own personal vehicle and be back in debt uh we got the truck but i was believing god for uh our truck we paid off and in my mind i wanted the truck paid off by end of the year and our first payment was august 31st and then i got a phone call um a couple weeks after we got the truck from a church they asked me to come to their service and they ended up calling me on stage and paid off our whole truck before our first payment and so um i was screaming i was jumping i was crying just because um the trailer was provided by god and the truck was provided by god and i know that if god brought us this far he is faithful promotion comes from him he is faithful to provide us with the funds so we're believing god for bigger we have a crazy faith once again to believe god that he will provide us with a mobile laundry trailer free laundry for those who are experiencing homelessness here in tulsa i know that we see often in our outreach experiences that people are throwing away their clothes because they don't have no access to laundry people who have jobs are wearing the same clothes that are dirty that don't have access to laundry so we really want to um you know meet that barrier and or anybody struggling with crazy faith i just want to say hey i've been there i know that growing up and um and i was in high school i was believing god for basketball scholarships at one point i was ranked in the state at one time and i just was going through my parents were divorced i was couch surfing i was kind of wondering where my next meal was coming from at times and i was just god i'm believing you for a basketball scholarship just one so i can play college basketball and get out my situation long story short um that didn't happen and so i call it crazy faith trauma when you believe god for something but it doesn't happen and it took a toll on me it was hard to believe god for for things and it's hard to leave god for crazy faith one day i heard pastor mike um he was doing a sermon called planting under fire and um he said that there was three guys in a bible got thrown into the furnace and they said hey god can save us but even if he doesn't i'm still gonna serve you my faith my love for him was based on what he does for me and so now it's like hey god you know i'm leaving you for basketball scholarships but even if you don't i'm still going to serve you so now i believe in god for a laundry trailer but even if you don't i'm still going to serve you that's your mindset that's your stance of crazy faith it's just even if you don't see it your response is hey god even if you don't i'm still going to evan's serve what a beautiful beautiful story incredible well hey if you're just tuning in right now wherever you're at today we are celebrating the launch of mike todd's brand new book crazy faith anybody excited about this book and i just want to encourage people right now from the very beginning of this night wherever you're tuning in from books like this i actually think are tools in the hands of believers um i think sometimes we can kind of get around something and it can be a whole lot of hype that's really really cool and then like we can talk about it for a day and and there it goes but it's up to you and i to put legs to this message now i don't think this is a message for one night we're gonna have a great night but this really is a message that i think an entire generation needs so i want to encourage you right now if you're watching online go to amazon don't buy one copy buy 10 copies buy one for you buy nine more to share with the people in your life maybe you can't get them to come to church maybe you can't get them to tune in online but something tells me if you put a book on their desk at work this week or if you share it with someone it's going to be a meaningful thing that's going to make a big big difference and so all throughout the night mike mike's not going to do it but i'm going to do it because i'm a good friend i'm making shameless plugs all night long don't just come and hear him talk about it go and support the project buy a book can we get a little bit more noise from our studio audience go buy the thing go buy this thing well tonight i am so excited because um i've been looking forward to this uh mike todd is not just a world-renowned pastor influencer author but he's an incredible incredible friend father husband and i think his life is a walking talking message and tonight we are so honored on this day this special day this day when he's releasing i think this book that's going to touch the world that he'd be here with us in miami florida so wherever you're at even if you're in your living room can we just give honor where honors do can you stand up on your feet with me and can you welcome to the stage come on from tulsa oklahoma from transformation church come on pastor mike todd ladies and gentlemen let's go in two years y'all got me hyped how you feel man look at this guy i can't even sit down miami i love you food church i love you transformation nation i love you let's give god one big shout of grace i'm gonna all right we're gonna sit there everybody sit there i ain't been in front of people in two years and so you get me in front this is the first room and then you gonna bring me the blue church and it's gonna be a live room like this rich there's grown people sitting in the aisles grown like i know this is like well if you're going to call it crazy in miami you can't just like say that you got to do that and uh there's some grown people going loco in miami tonight and i i love it i love it i love it i love it well we are uh just so so honored that you would make the trip and thank you so much for taking time out of your crazy schedule um i just think this is so cool i mean this is awesome number one what you're doing is so cool but i just love that we get to do this together tonight and i'm so loved that you're giving me the opportunity to put you in the hot seat for a little bit so the first thing everybody needs to know like me and dj richie rich are friends friends like we we we talk on random mondays and tuesdays for an hour and a half and like have to push meetings back because it's like i was talking to pastor rich and then your team is like oh it must have been important and i was like nah we was talking about our minivans and and and our wives and all these different things but um the fact that you would allow uh us let me say it like this who you have as friends when you're believing god for crazy things is very important and i and i know you haven't asked me a question yet but you're one of those friends that make me believe and and when i called rich i'm gonna tell you the real backstory he's like and we invited you and all this other stuff i called him and i said bro my church is shut down i said we can't do an event at our own church because the city won't let us and this and that the third the fourth i was like can i pull up he said pull up and i mean vu can we give it up for the team and oh no d.c rich ali everybody at blue church at the other location thank you we love you we love you is something wrong with his mic because i want to make sure we're going to send oliver up here what's he going to do i love this make some noise for oliver yeah yeah yeah yeah oliver is uh two weeks married mike two weeks two weeks he uh he uh he read relationship goals and finally got it a wife he got a wife out got a wife out of it it worked i don't know i don't oh this is see this is you you you went and you haven't been in front of people something's going on it's that junk in the trunk check one two i think yeah is that good whatever check one two do i need a handheld too check one two check check oh i'm good i'm good all right we're good um so i was i was thinking like there's so much to talk about and i've got i'm excited to chat for a little bit but just for a moment like when did you and me first meet like i'm trying to think like because there's kind of like some funny stories i feel like with that that you told me one time that i don't know if everyone would know so um i was a youth pastor um and that was an accident like it was a complete like fluke how that happened and we were having uh our first youth conference and it was called culture shock in tulsa oklahoma shout out to so fly sold out free life youth that was the name of our youth group and yes our mascot was a fly but it was tight at the time now a little unsanitary and you know what i'm saying a little gross but uh we invited like what year would this be so you're running a youth ministry called so fly 2012 2012 2000 your church is called so fly so fly no you just take off the whole first half of the word and you just make up something food church oh yeah okay so our youth and young adult service was called so fly fire and uh and we invited uh pastor rich to come and speak and he said yeah and then at the last minute you had to cancel see yeah i don't believe that i've heard you say this yeah like name on flyer like that's pretty like everything and it was like he ain't coming and uh and so at the at the last minute we had to find somebody else and i want to thank you because that's how i met our oversight pastor now tim ross and tim ross actually came and spoke and that's where we met and then we met probably three or four years later at in dallas at ed young's church yes and you preached and you were headed on a private jet out of somewhere i'm not true i'm just playing but i ran up and i was like bro we're brothers and we've never met and uh you got out the car and we hugged and from that moment it was like i found somebody that's going to be my friend and uh i think i think maybe five months later your pastor was having a conference and he just invited me to the conference not as a speaker he said i just want you to be here i just feel like you being around is beneficial and nobody knew who mike todd was at that time it wasn't like a a thing yet and you came and you you you acted like we were important before we had a platform again if you don't have people in your life who value the potential on the inside of you it will be very difficult for when god elevates you for them to celebrate and um you celebrate it before there was anything to celebrate and me and matt came and spent the whole weekend uh with you guys and uh then that next year would be my first time speaking at vu conference and uh the rest was his and and we are living in the aftermath of that that was an amazing amazing time with you i was just no i was just thinking on the way over here today because for me i i feel like the first time i saw mike todd was somehow like a clip of some sort and i so loved i mean there's so many clips going around and god bless that's awesome but i remember the content of what you were sharing it so moved me and impacted me that like i immediately like like clicked on the thing like who is this guy where is this place and it's like tulsa oklahoma and i'm like looking at stuff and i'm like yo this is like tulsa but like there's a vibe coming from tulsa and the only person i know in tulsa is a mutual friend of ours named paul dougherty and so i call paul i'm like yo who is mike and he like gave me your number but then i thought it was going to be weird if i text you not like hey man i'm i like you like i don't know what to say and so i held the number but i knew i was supposed to reach out to you and then somehow we met in dallas and so i remember that day seeing you and it totally i got out of the car and we hugged but i remember it being a very very important moment for me going that's somebody that i need in my life i had no idea what was going to happen in your life and the way that god was going to use you but the way that you were going to steward that the way that you were going to handle that the way you continue to handle that with such grace and ease and it's it's been a great joy of my life than to call you a friend so i love you um i love you i i want to start there a little bit because you know like so much has transpired in your h in your in your life over the last five years but i think it's fun for those of us here in the room tonight those watching on youtube to like kind of go back to those early days because today we we heard the news this week and we're going to chat about it i mean you know transformation towers and the arena and and and yeah come on we can thank god this is these are great miracles but i think the things i always get really interested in is like is like the guy before the miracle you know like like the man before the moment like what was he doing and who was he and so i just love going all the way back to that moment because people see you today it's like oh that's easy for mike because i mean like everything he touches it's like it feels like it's blessed and it's awesome but crazy faith doesn't start there crazy faith starts in the shadows and crazy faith starts in these seed formats and so i want to get into that a little bit but let's just begin with this this whole idea of crazy faith and really kind of big picture idea of what this message means to you so for me it's my life message um i can see as i trace back over my life moments where god was putting me in a situation not to harm me to grow me and perspective is so important because many times when we get in situations that are uncomfortable we feel like god has forsaken us or maybe we did something wrong or was it the sin or was it the the the thing that i i miss god on but many times it's preparation for something that god has in your future so i go all the way back to middle school when i just started saying this thing over myself every day that i'm in god's special favor club i'm in seventh grade rich and i would drive up to school i said i have favor with every janitor with every lunch lady with every student of every race i'm in god's special favorite club and my dad would laugh at me and be like you're in god's special favorite club son but my parents are people of faith and i don't know where that came from yeah you know the bible talks about people having a measure of faith and i feel like god gives every person a measure of faith but how much happens with that measure of faith is how much you work it and and see a lot of people they have a little bit of faith but they won't work they're scared of what people will think i'm in a lincoln town car with my grown father in the back of the car saying i'm in god's special favor club and that sounds crazy today but when i tell you as i begin to start saying those things i would watch how god would open doors in middle school for me to to walk into rooms and be in situations and be chosen for things that had nothing to do with my academics had nothing to do with my skin color had nothing to do with my pedigree it was something that i tapped into that felt like was available for everybody but somebody had to claim it and i don't know who i'm talking to right now but i feel like there's something available for every person that believes in jesus but if you don't claim it if you don't if you don't if you don't put your hand on the promises of god and i just started doing that and i saw rich through high school uh some of my friends that went to high school with me are in the building right now one of them was on the platform um and uh he would be in a math class with me and i would draw these pictures that i saw of things that i believe god wanted me to have i'm in ninth grade in what was the class aaron math of finance i don't even know what that is me neither math or science i don't know he got held back a few times so i don't know i don't know it was one of them math to finance i think one of these matches i was in this class and i was a drummer um from young age and my parents always encouraged my faith i i have to talk about the faith heroes that are here today because many times we thank god for abraham and noah and paul but there are people right around us every day that will end up in the hall of faith some of them you need to look at your neighbor and say is it you because because at the end of the day yeah look at the other neighbors say is it you yeah because god's greatest work of faith in the earth was not when um um moses and abraham and noah was rocking on the earth he said greater works he wants something to happen in 2021. there's a hundred and two days left in this year and i don't know what could happen if we would start believing god and faith so i was believing in faith and so i wanted this drum set it was a custom-made drum set that that cost eight thousand dollars and i was 17 years old now most 17 year olds want a car but i wanted something that i thought aligned with my purpose and again i want to i want to throw this in here because we're not talking about wishing we're not talking about asking god for random things you see on instagram to compare so that the insecurity on the inside of you that really needs to be dealt with with prayer and counseling could okay let me stop because some of y'all getting a little uncomfortable i'm not talking about flexing i'm talking about things that align with the purpose that god has for your life and i felt like part of my calling was to reach people through music and so i needed an excellent instrument to be able to produce that and so i started believing god for this drum set and so i started drawing it because i had no money i had no resources but somewhere in the bible i read that you were supposed to write the vision down and make it plain now i could have wrote nice drum set but that wouldn't have been my best effort and a lot of times we bring god our scraps looking for miracles we bring him our leftovers looking for something that's extravagant and and i i i told god that if he gave me anything i saw the vision of this drum said i would give him my best and the best that i had was to draw it to the best of my abilities now let me admit to you i can't draw so i had protractors no come on now i had protractors never used them for math but i used them for drawing i had rulers i had all of this stuff and my my my classmates would laugh at me as i would sit there and shade and erase and shade and erase and and try to get it right and ask for help and all this other stuff till i got that picture to the best of my abilities and you remember those what they used to call trapper keepers or trappers and they had some of y'all too young's like no i know ipads and cell phones like well before we could carry phones in school um they had trappers and i got one that was clear fire so that i could put the picture in the front of it and for my entire ninth grade year i walked around with that picture in the front of my every time i opened my i was getting a vision i had to see it before i saw it and that's that's the that's the message that i'm trying to get people to it was crazy for me to spend that much time writing that down it was crazy for me to continue to do it when people were laughing at me it was crazy to know that i didn't even have a bank account at that time and that i was telling my mother and my father that some way god is going to provide at in ninth grade eight thousand dollars for me to get this one-of-a-kind custom drum set but it's only crazy the end of my ninth grade year my dad says come on we're going somewhere and i said where are we going he said um i asked you at the beginning of this process to believe god and faith and do everything that you could to to get resources and so i was saving i was mowing lines i was asking people i i i gave people my vision plan this was my first pastoring i was at the lunch table like listen guys i know you don't play drums or music but if you give me that dollar you were about to get that fruitopia you all know nothing about frutopia but if you give me that god's gonna do something mate i was like just doing that and i raised about two thousand dollars do just working my faith just working what i had my dad put me in the car unbeknownst to me the whole time he saw what i was doing god provided for my family in a way in that season that they had never had and the faith that i had as a ninth grader sparked something in my dad to where he had already called the guy had him start making the drum set he told me to get in the car we drove to kansas city missouri drove up to this warehouse and i got out the warehouse and there was a nine piece custom gold rim drum set sitting there with my name on every number etched on the thing i began to cry and my dad said my dad said your faith produced this son and some of y'all are thinking right there you're like no your mom and dad produced that they didn't have the resources god used them as a resource but he was the source and there's so many people looking at something as the source but we only have one source he can do it through my job he can do it through a tax refund he he can do it through my neighbor he can do it through whatever means but i have the source and rich that's that's where i made a decision that i'll never not trust god again because there was no way it was completely crazy for me to be doing that but i said if god could do this over something inconsequential over wood and metal what could god do if i believed him for the things he talked about in the bible what would happen if i believed him for generational wealth because the bible says a good man leaves an inheritance for his his children how can i do that and i'm always needing a hand up how what are these witty inventions ideas that he says that he'll give that that maybe i could be one to lay hands on the sick and they will recover like maybe and i know the church doesn't believe that because what we really want is something cute and predictable which is the antithesis of faith a lot of people say that the opposite of faith is fear but it's actually certainty because if i'm certain i don't need faith wow very good but where there's some gray or where there's some areas that i don't know that's where i tell my church i said faith begins where understanding ends yep if you can figure it out you don't need faith but at the moment it don't make sense that's where faith shows up on the scene and god likes working where there seems to be no way i've seen him be able to make a rip or a highway where there was an ocean i'm preaching i'm sorry but somebody that's in the room or on the chat has to know that we serve a way making god somebody shot waymaker this is uh this is what happens when you take a three-month sabbatical you get rested you get recharged and you have something to pour out so many things that i think that you have like genius level uh ideas on and so many areas of your life that uh the closer i get to that i'm like i just think you're brilliant brilliant one of the areas i think that you're brilliant in is like is connecting dots and bringing language to things try to remember and maybe you've had it for a long time when did you get this phrase crazy faith and and and beyond that i feel like you do this a lot and it and it helps become anthems in people's lives i'll be at my church and we'll be studying someone i'll walk out and i'll be talking in a courtyard i'm like yeah you know we're believing it pastor rich you know it's it's only crazy until it happens i'm like yeah thank you you know like i'm getting pastored out in the courtyard um but what i've what i've watched is is a master you take the gifts that god's given them and then package it in language that everyday people walk into their office spaces they walk into their schools universities maybe just give us some of like the origin story like we're hearing about the drum set we're going back to so fly a little bit but like this the phrasing honestly it's i'm really really curious about it so um this series came off a sabbatical um and anything i've ever done that god has really used came when i spent time with him it came in the margin and i'm gonna say this for everybody because we live in a hustle and a grind culture when you're trying to get it it doesn't come good but when you make space for him it always comes and so i took a month off and i was i was just studying and i knew that i needed to do something on faith because our church was in a place where we were believing god for another building we were um our church if you don't know the story we were in a converted grocery store in the hood of tulsa um and and literally there was no grocery stores around we were in a food desert there it literally was just a building um and um we went from one service to five services in one year and i was they were about they're trying to kill me and um and and i was like god we got to do something and 37 days after i became the lead pastor of transformation church in my time of being quiet with the lord i was in my daughter bella's room she's here the whole todd squad is here tonight my whole family i love y'all it's my baby it took crazy faith for us all to get on a plane and get here today um but i was in her room she was just maybe a few months old and i heard the holy spirit say he said write this down i pulled my laptop up and now i'm used to hearing this voice because i practice it from seventh grade a lot of people's like i don't know if i hear god it's familiarity you'll start learning as you make the time for it very good and um and and so so write this down and pull my laptop out and the first thing i wrote down is the spirit bank event center will be transformation church 37 days after being a pastor we had no money in the bank had 300 people literally voting every sunday if they were going to come back the next sunday because who is this wild little black kid that's up here telling us to believe god and all this other stuff and he gonna spend eighty thousand dollars on camera we're gone susan and like they like they dipped out on us like it was crazy but god told me he said i want you to believe me and i began to write this down with about 11 other things and it was march uh 9 2015 7 29 a.m bella's room i had the presence of mind to mark the moment and and and i think that did something to the story because a lot of times like god told me something god told me something but it becomes a testimony when you mark the moment very good some of y'all when you broke up with that person you needed to mark that moment because that's the best thing that never happened to you some of you uh y'all missed it some of you when you got the denial for that college you needed to mark that moment because god was redirecting you to a place where purpose was actually about to happen and for some reason i marked that moment rich and when i marked that moment five years later i'm getting to your question i promise you i was at a place where my faith was like god you got to do something that's going to prove that you're good you're big and you are not to be messed with and now i know everybody doesn't have a relationship with god like that um because you just want you just want his saving grace talk about it you just flirt with sin so much you're like is this over the line is this over the line can i do this can i not do this that's the bare minimum of the life that god called us to live and i'm saying that because crazy faith happens when you get into the deeper things of your relationship with god i don't want to stay at the starting line for for 20 years talking about i want to see your power i want to i either this is real or it's not either either you're going to be a big god or i'm about to do something else and god was like you testing me and and what ended up happening is when i was at the moment of my stress god said i already gave you the vision for what you need to do about the church and i was like i don't remember i forgot that i wrote that down because it had taken so long because the process didn't happen like write it down go to sleep new build it but i was learning in that time the principle that is in the earth of seed yep time and then harvest no farmer goes to the land puts the seed down puts water on it and be like y'all just give us about 15 minutes because we about to see a harvest he knows the seed is planted but then there is time and and that's why in the book i put a whole chapter called waiting faith very good because i think it's not that the promise is not coming to pass i think that we get tired of the weight and more than it's like oh god i'm waiting it should be i'm waiting at your service god what do you need me to do who do you need me to serve very good and i forgot about it i literally one night in prayer um god said go back and check two hard drives ago i go back and start checking vision i just type in the word vision to my hard drives this paper pops up from five years earlier and god said there it is i said this is it i go to my team and my staff i say y'all we're believing god for the spirit bank event center we're going to do this and this is when crazy faith came to me because i i'm an extremist like uh i i can't be like we're just gonna believe god in faith because that seemed weak at that moment because i knew this wasn't gonna happen if if we just came with it at a mediocre kind of like maybe if it happens if it doesn't and it just came out of me i was like we're going to believe god in crazy faith my team was like pastor and something birthed on the inside of me that day and i went to the people and i said find us out if this building is available and these people came back and said it's unavailable he said god i thought you said this was it he said you thought a closed door meant no there you go see some of us are looking at obstacles as the thing that are to make us stop they are the thing to make us believe he said this is the thing that if you even had the faith as big as a mustard seed you can look at this uh a mountain and tell it to be cast into the sea and the obstacle becomes your testimony if you would stay in faith and so we started staying in faith with that thing and i said we're going to get this building and there's like it's not available next week hey has anything happened it's not available hey building it's not available and to the point where i started getting discouraged see nobody talks about they just want to shout on top of the building and say i got the keys the keys but there was a time when i was about to quit to quit to quit do you understand what i'm saying okay and when i was about to quit we started looking at other buildings and my team one day came and they was like well we found this kmart building that's that just shut down and all this other stuff and i was like all right i'll go look at it be careful what you entertain when god's already giving you a promise some of y'all need to delete some people's numbers right now yeah be careful what you entertain when god's already giving you a promise we walk in that k-mart and there's polls all throughout the entire facility and i knew what god showed me was something where we could do state of the art video and all this other stuff and i said this ain't it no polls i said we're not settling for polls we're not and i told the team we're not buying this kmart so they started looking for other places and this is what happened richie we went to some other building that was nicer with no polls and uh i hate polls too i hate polls too bro and the realtor said how's it going and something rose up in me i said do you really want to know how i feel and that man looked at me and said sure i happen to be carrying the promise with me at all times i had that paper printed out and i pulled it out of my wallet i said this is what god promised me i said i don't want to see another building until this is available i said god told me and i walked him through it i said it would be state of the art and somebody was going to underwrite the whole thing i just got gangster on him i said listen here bill this is the building god promised me and i was so i was so filled with faith and conviction that that man called those people every week until they were about to sell the building at the closing table i love god with another company 10 minutes into the closing the funding falls through oh because bill called every week while in the closing room with somebody else he picked up the phone called our real estate person and said the funding just fell through the building somehow is available are y'all still interested in it what we thought was a setback was a set up we didn't have the money when i first knew we were supposed to get it but we were stacking them coins in preparation for the promise we got that call on a tuesday we put down the earnest money on a wednesday the company was a big entertainment company and had deep pockets came back with the funding on friday but they couldn't get it because god's child already had it don't tell me what god won't shut down to fulfill his promise to you go home so that's kind of how crazy faith came about so so much has happened since the series began um how many weeks did you go 20 yeah 20 weeks did it ever get crazy till christmas did it ever get hard like coming up with um i mean charlie will tell i sermon prep with uh my right-hand man charles metcalf and uh that's my guy and he can tell you what charlie we had about 30 titles i could have done that whole series for a year and a half i mean it was this is how i knew it was my life message it was my overflow i wasn't i wasn't at the bottom of the bucket trying to figure out like what am i gonna say to somebody it was like and this is how you know god's purposed you to speak on something or to go into something it's like that one topic when they bring it up it just flows out of you and and it's like that thing and god's saying hone into that let me speak into that and i would just go into prayer and ask god what does he want to show and he was just showing me thing after thing he said i want you to shake people out of lazy faith come on it's not that they don't have faith it's just as lazy it's so sluggish it's like if it's if it's if it's hard or uncomfortable then maybe it wasn't god but when i read about the children of israel god taking them on purpose the long route because if he would have took the shortcut they wouldn't have been able to handle it he takes them the long way and it was supposed to be an 11-day journey but because they were lazy in their language lazy in their living lazy about their leadership they turned an 11-day journey into a 40-year death and god had to wait for their kids to be born to fulfill the promise let it not be said of us yeah good that god would have to do it with our children because our faith was too lazy to believe him but even when their children went into the land to possess it there were still giants there it's yours but now you got to stand up and take it and many of us god has given us things that he told us this is yours your family will be saved your business will be successful i knew the pandemic was coming but i'm bigger than uh i'm bigger than anything that happened but now you hit this thing and you don't want to fight you don't want to stand and let and and that's what my burden is i told the team i want to be everybody's crazy faith coach because i've seen the giants in the land and i've watched them fall rich i'm a black dude in north tulsa that's 30 years old at the time all of this is happening one of the worst race riots in our nation's history happened there in 1921 um the race massacre on black wall street there is a division in our city of the haves and have-nots and a lot of it is color-based for me to go into the city of bixby oklahoma you can tell it's race is just no i'm just playing but for me can i tell the truth yes talk about for me to go into bixby oklahoma and look at a building that they built for 54 million dollars and walk in there and say the kingdom of god is going to own this we're going to have church here every sunday and we're not turning the music down and i'm going to wear jays and a tank top and preach to every i don't got to become a different version of who god created me to be to walk in the prominent that god called me to walk into when we did this partnering with god partnering with god partnering with god i got to keep saying that because our generation likes to do things and ask god to co-sign it i'm moving to l.a there's just better opportunities out there i'm in tulsa oklahoma come home come on come on god will bring water out of a rock yep don't don't move don't go everybody talks about crazy faith and a lot of times our generation talks about it when it's leaving like i'm i'm leaving my job and i'm taking crazy faith and i'm starting this over over here over there i'm moving to new york i'm doing this stuff and that's what we because it looks good for the gram do you know what takes crazy or faith to stay right some of the biggest face steps you can take is to stay right where you are and say god make a way out of this situation god i'm not gonna run from it i'm not gonna change directions i'm not gonna move out of ambition i'm gonna stay right where you planted me and we gonna watch you do a miracle right here somebody shot at me right here it's fire um i think for a moment a word that you said that i think i want to lean into it for a moment once again i think people watch and i don't think it's you're doing i just think people they develop their own narratives and they see things just from an instagram you know filter and just an image and just a youtube video i have the privilege of getting to be a little bit closer than most to you what i love about mike i was talking to robert mudu the other day a good friend a mutual friend of ours and uh they planted a church in dallas it's going incredible we love you social dallas and he was talking about you and we were just talking about like man oh mike's different bro he's like i know he's like we're meeting in gillies right now and he got up in my face and she said robert you're going to own gillies have you went and talked to the manager yet robert's like i don't know how to do that you know like we were laughing because this isn't something that you you preach this is something you live this is something you live and and that's why it is so potent that's why it ministers ministers to us so deeply but once again we watch and we see the blessing but with every blessing there is great great burden talk for a moment if you can just from a vulnerable place with all of the blessing that's hitting your life too i mean you bought an arena you just announced this week transformation towers um they also just welcomed a brand new child into their home come on i mean gia joyous here my baby's here you have an amazing wife and the staff and team is growing um we see your hand on leaders that are being released and empowered there's just still so much more to come for transformation but with that great blessing there is a burden that i don't think the world gets to hear much about and i'm not i know that you want to celebrate and give glory to god but i think it's important if you're comfortable this past year what has been some of the burdens that you've had to carry that maybe others are unaware of so so people talk about um the trauma of not having things the trauma of poverty the trauma of of being violated nobody talks about the trauma of success it's it's rarely talked about because um people want everybody to feel like it's it was easy and somehow it's easy to sustain well well let me be very clear with you what god has done has made me more dependent on him than i've ever been in my entire life um i'm gonna share hot at tc we call it humble open and transparent um at the time that relationship goes goes viral at the time that the church goes from one service to five services at the time that everything that that metrically could be going right for me and i come and i preach preach at vu conference and i preach at elevation church and i preach it like all of these things happen me and my wife get a phone call that our son mj who's sitting on the front row right now that he had autism and the the the things that he used to do and say he's not saying anymore in doing and that we need to get him in occupational therapy and we need to change his diet and we need to get all this stuff and i'm like hold on what do you what do you mean okay yeah he has autism he's healed in the name of jesus like let's keep moving let's go but i said that but it got worse and and we're walking and people are lined up on the highway to come to church and but on monday i have to take him to therapy and i'm sitting here in the greatest tension of my life that god makes me the crazy faith guy but then puts a situation that means more to me than anything i've ever done in my home and says i want you to believe me here so when i get up and i say crazy faith and i'm talking about believing god there's a layer i have to press through to even say it at a low level to help anybody believe because maybe right before i got on that platform i had to clean my son up because he's not potty trained yet he's about to be six years old and when when can i be for real yeah i didn't want to write this book because i wanted to write this book when mj was healed the end of this story is supposed to be i told you all of this yeah yeah and now my son is and god said michael i need somebody to be authentic enough to share the middle of the miracle so when i'm telling you god is good i'm telling you he's good through my pain i'm telling you he's good through my disappointment i'm telling you it's good with tears in my eyes i'm telling you he's good on the way to therapy i'm telling you he's good even when we get a bad report he's still good so in this book this book is dedicated to my son mj i'ma read it to you real quick this is my crazy faith to my only son michael alexander todd jr you have given daddy a reason to believe god in crazy faith that goes beyond my ability to express in words and i can't wait for us to have a conversation one day about how god did this miracle it's only crazy until it happens well we are believing with you and i think that it takes a whole lot of strength to testify not from the mountaintop but from the valley that's really where faith rings loud and clear and we are believing that we're going to see that boy completely healed and we're all going to remember this moment right here this night when you were testifying it and celebrating amen um all that's happened at transformation it takes two to tango and um it has not just been the story of mike todd's faith but um there is a there's a special partner that i love very very much and i'm hoping that she's gonna allow me to to to can i invite her up now is there any chance that we can get come on can we get pastor natalie come on up here baby come on make some noise pastor natalie todd coming to the stage my god come on i love you so much so let me just ask the question i think everyone's wondering um what's it like being married to this crazy man um how do you how do you how does this work i'm just curious these ideas and this keeps me on my toes let's talk about it um i don't talk sweet what you mean talk sweet i am sweet um no he has been like like he said he talked about the story about the drums and so since i've known him since i've been 14 he um has had this crazy like it's crazy keeps popping up or something it's the book but any like anything that he wanted to go for especially i don't know how do i want to say this women it's like so important that you find a man that really wants to please god because it's not that he just wanted things because it you can find someone that's like man baby we gonna go around the world we're going to have this house and the cars and the but at the end of the day i knew his his purpose was always to impact the world for god whether it was through music it was not going to be through church i mean he may have done some gospel things but that wasn't necessarily the the dream and so but he always talked about his intent was to bless the church big c and um and so seeing that that was just another level that's what attracted to him to me the most is because i'd never seen anyone like that i never seen anyone talk like that believe like that um it was literally like it was literally like god's favor it was like a magnet on him and i don't want to make it seem like he's just the only the only person in the world that this can happen through but it became became like an inspiration i think even to me you know to see because i come from like a very small little town like i'm um you may know what a reservation is i don't know i'm half indian half black okay so my family's from anadarko oklahoma very small and people say it's res life or whatever but reservation it's not a reservation but people think it is all that to say very small a lot of domestic abuse a lot of drug abuse alcohol abuse so i didn't grow up seeing a lot of what he has seen in his life or the the level of faith that he has i just didn't grow up that way and so when i met him and i started seeing like the things that he's believing for and then we grow up and you know we're getting married and we have kids and even to this day even when we just talked about our son you know being hot like that type of faith it inspires me so much in women that's why i say it's so important to have someone in your life that wants to please jesus like because when things happen in our lives and we're and we're not anchored fully or we need someone to be able to to lean on and go through the waves with it's just so important and so i mean being married to someone like this it is it is wild it is keeps you on your toes it um it is actually it's fun it's stretching i believe it does come with a lot of it comes with its own level of burden as well because what you because the enemy's going to try to attack i mean if you're out here trying to do these miraculous you know things for the lord and that you're believing for for your purpose to help you know god's god's name gets spread across the world god you know the enemy doesn't want that so there are there are things that will come but me and him are so unified and another thing is this just brag on michael's what's this turning into girl do your thing ain't nobody stopping you but um the other part when he said crazy it's not just crazy faith for materialistic stuff because that's what i don't want to get it to this is name it and claim it thing or whatever that's not what this is it's not just trendy church like i'm just i want a man so i'm about to get a man it's not it's not just that i want a car let me get a car um but i've seen him also have crazy faith to change his desires desires that maybe are off from what god's is maybe just even his preferences like i am way more introverted than my husband but i've seen him literally go to god with that same energy of crazy faith and be like lord work work on me nat i don't know how we're about to switch it up or whatever with our lives like how our pace of what we're going or whatever i've seen him really go after god to work on his heart for just his pace of life and um and get accountability and and do things this man i just want to brag on you i love you girl you about to get another kid no i don't want none of those i don't want any of those pictures you talking too nice out here where are we at miami can somebody watch the kids tonight but you know even in crazy faith we have claimed that we wanted you know our marriage to be an example we want it to be real to be authentic like to be to be deep to be rooted and um to you know our cup to be full his cup to be full and my cup to be full as well and so um even in that and and he also wants to be healthy you know like a healthy pastor what is that you know so um talking about sabbath we have you know one of our best friends god mom to our our children talks about the sabbath she swears by this thing and my husband you can only imagine mr crazy faith here a day of complete rest like you don't do anything he went and got a flip phone like over this sabbatical so on a certain day of the week he has this flip phone so he cannot be on social media so that he cannot get phone calls from anyone except like four people or whatever and so that he can be present with with me present with god and so he can spend time with god so he can spend time with me and his family and that to me speaks to crazy faith i mean the buildings the everything but that same energy is used towards family it's used towards the the inner is what i'm trying to say you know what i mean and so being married to someone like this it's a joy it's it is a ride it is um it's crazy yeah in a good way in a good way maybe just talk about yeah can we give him a round of applause maybe maybe just talk from your perspective for a moment mike because dreaming the way that you do believing the way that you do natalie has played such a massive role in this story once again maybe not everyone understands just the level of her commitment and her support and really i think her discernment her wisdom her discipline she's up here bragging on you but um i i know this woman and i i know her relationship with the lord maybe just talk about that from from your ankle because this book is going to people but there's been people that have helped bring this message out of you well again community is more important than anything you have in your life if you're a part of food church and you're not in a vu crew shame on you now he won't ever say that but you'll never actually get it until you get planted in the right soil if we put a seed on this table it's not going to produce anything but it can it can accidentally fall in some dirt and it's going to produce when i talked to my wife and i i the conference we were at when i met you the only reason i was there is because i woke her up at 2 am after watching elevations documentary called how we changed the world at two in the morning was so inspired and i said we're going to elevation church and we're going to this c3 conference that they talked about going to i get to and then make her watch it with me at 2am really nice keep watching i mean my faith is stirring because like five times for like a month i just watched it every because because faith was being stirred up in me like that a group of people could just get together and get a word from god and they could change the world and be in an arena and i'm seeing them rent out an arena five years into ministry not knowing we would buy one five years into ministry but i didn't know that my faith was just stirring we get there the next day to work and i was like well let me ask my because i was just a an associate pastor at our church at the time and i said let me look up when this conference is it was the next day we had no money i asked the senior pastor i said uh is it okay if me and a couple of the people go down here and say we got no money for you to go down there and i said what if we can make a way i had brie she's sitting here right with me right now i had her literally call and ask if they would scholarship four of us to go and on the website it said no scholarships like it literally said no scholarship and i said call anyway and some of y'all need to get that gangster yeah yeah call anyway no scholars no it literally said no scholarship that's extra you don't need to put that on the website yeah like i mean they people probably asked before but but we were the exception i called one of our friends that live in dallas that i hadn't talked to you know how your parents have friends but they know you from like events but you don't really know them i was desperate i knew i was supposed to be there so i called her like hey auntie renee sharing my real auntie but you know i said you just throw that on there to make it feel better i was like can me and four random people come stay in your house she said yes we got a rental car we go up there i meet you years later we're sitting here doing this now i i say all of that to say that when i woke her up she could have poisoned my faith or propelled it and my question to you is the people that you call besties friends are they telling you why it can't work and it doesn't take all of that and this is too much or she didn't come with no prophetic word or encouragement or god showed me this she just sat there and watched it with me it wasn't oh i see it it was oh i'm here and many times the greatest crazy faith step you can do is have presence with somebody not not predict the future or make something happen just be present with them and she was present with me when i wrote down that thing and i told her that we would go on the spirit bank event center she said she said oh like that was that that was her response he was like i might have said more than that no you said but she's probably right but she didn't poison it right yeah and because she didn't poison it it had the opportunity to grow had the opportunity for me to come back and say well what do you think well they said it she was like well what did god say and there would be times she would strategically be the only one that'd be like well baby don't give up now ain't nothing like your woman telling you don't give up you'd be like hold up hold up go again do it one more time one more time like like it and that's happened over and over and over again and this is the one thing that i want to encourage people crazy faith looks different because of your personality yeah you can have crazy faith and not be jumping around the stage and loud and saying i got the keys the keys the keys that's just me yeah good i would be doing that if we had a good taco like i'd be like this taco is the [ __ ] like that's that's just me but crazy faith in your personality your packaging and your demeanor is still crazy you might just be able to god did it and that's the same thing as me saying i got the keys the keys the keys it doesn't have to match velocity very good me and her crazy fake don't match the same velocity very good but it matches in the value we put on it so i have i have no doubt in my mind that god gave me my greatest gift at 15 by letting me meet her because he saw my purpose and my future and he knew that i would i would need somebody that would propel me and not poison me and because of that what god has been able to do in our lives and how many people we get to help and how many people we get to propel their visions and do that other stuff i mean all glory to god and then he just made her fine and so i just want to thank god right now i put my hands in the holes in your jeans girl i love you please ask another question rich please i'm just okay i'm just letting him swing all night i like it um in a moment we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna pray for this project because once again if you are just tuning in if you're watching on youtube at transformation or at vu today really has a massive point which is this is a book that mike has written that i don't believe it's supposed to be just talked about for a week or two weeks i really think this is a book that's going to shift a generation that as you read this book something's going to be unlocked i don't want just you to read it i want you to get it into other people's hands so we're gonna actually we're actually gonna pray for it here in a moment but before we do maybe just mike just what is your crazy faith for the crazy faith book because i think we need to speak it out a little bit tonight what are you hoping what are you believing and hoping that god's going to do through this book and why is it important that people do get it because all night you've just been ministering and talking but we haven't i want you to what do you want to have have happened with this all right now it's vulnerable because i'm sharing the stuff that god shows me in the dark with a bunch of people talk about it and um but i believe it what i want for this book number one is it to change our generation to believe in god again now and i don't say that just in a cliche way right now our generation has more faith in google than god we will we will research we will find facts we will find graphs we will find all of this stuff to help inform us on a decision but if god told us to do it and it goes against everything that the statistics say many times he could come in a he could visit us face to face and we would still be pointing at fact sheets this can't work in tulsa this can't work with us this can't happen and i just want people to know i just asked god would you just make me a billboard to just prove that you can do everything that people say is impossible just so our generation would believe again the bible says when the son of man returns to the earth will he find faith now will he find churches not will he find amazing merch not will he find it says will he find faith and then another scripture says when all of this is over there's only going to be three things that remain faith hope and love and the greatest of these is love he said every instagram live every celebrity that we love every big thing the only three things that are going to remain and the first one that he says is faith and i just feel like our generation has lost its hope and hope is the fuel for faith hope is free right now you could use your imagination on everybody's seat in the building and hopefully we can get a manufacturer that i can get it to everybody on youtube and everything but everybody get your blindfold out right now if you got the blindfold the crazy faith blindfold some of y'all didn't put it on your head you got your head wrapped you put your weave down i see you i see you but but what i want you to do is put it over your eyes real quick put just put it over your eyes and and the reason i want everybody to do this is because this is how you practice faith so good you gotta see it before you see it come on right now you can see your family whole and healthy and saved see yourself free from insecurities amen offer those pills not going to those websites to find comfort see yourself celebrating others when they win see yourself walking into the home that you own and that you host groups in see yourself right now if you're at home and you're watching this close your eyes right now this is where vision begins not by my current situation and the people who left me and the situations that have me scarred but right now sifu church rich in the auditorium that you desire with as many seats as it can hold see cancer drying up off of that family member see you rejoicing at your wedding see no no no you can see it's okay to hope it's okay to believe it's okay to think that god has a bigger plan for you than what you've experienced my bible says eyes haven't seen come on ears haven't heard neither has it entered into the hearts of man the things that god has planned and prepared for you see it before you see it right now i feel like god is dropping visions in people's hearts and minds right now see yourself see yourself actually standing up on that platform and telling your real testimony not the fake one not the pg version see your family being able to be a blessing for generations to come see yourself being the father you didn't have see yourself being the mother you wish you would have had yes lord see yourself serving see your child healed see god using you for his glory if we can hope again that'll give us fuel for our faith and when we get faith that's the currency of the kingdom of god what if everything that god wants to do in your life doesn't take money it doesn't take connections it doesn't take being in the right group or in the right city what if it takes faith i want to see a generation of people rise up and believe god for the impossible the improbable come on the thing that culture says could never happen rich i believe as we stand here in this moment this is a holy moment yes lord because god's giving people back visions again stuff that you stopped thinking of cause you were so traumatized by what didn't happen god's given you a dream again he's giving you a vision don't think where you are is it because before you were planted in your mother's womb god knew you yes lord and he had a plan for you to prosper you and not to harm you to give you a hope and an amazing future and today with all of us looking crazy with blindfolds on our eyes yeah may this be a prophetic sign of how we will walk by faith yes and not by sight we will walk by faith and not by sight say it with me we will walk by faith and not by sight one more time we will walk by faith and not by sight may it never be said of our generation that we had to have all of the facts as long as we had the faith come on and remember it's only crazy until it happens if you believe the visions that god is showing you is coming to pass will you give god one huge shout out oh you better act like you know that we serve a god that can do and then oh i feel god right now okay so this is what we gonna do dj richie rich didn't even say i could do this but i'm gonna i'm gonna do this we're extending this to this sunday i'm preaching at vu church all weekend i'm preaching to transformation church because we're just getting started i need you to tell everybody i'm coming i'm doing the morning and the night i'm about to i'm about to act a fool up here cause faith is stir i feel faith rising in people and my practical hope for this book is that we prove the world wrong amen i've been in back rooms with publishers come on and and people who are like yeah pastor mike don't uh we're not really gonna stop target or walmart with your book because you know your people don't really support messages like this we understand how they did relationship goals because it had to do with relationships but your people and they kept calling your people and i was almost i almost said something that um he said but they they won't do it and i said watch them come on i said i bet there's a rowdy group of people that ain't just gonna buy one book that they gonna go in there and they gonna see how many you got and they know that when they start showing these seeds into other people of crazy faith there's gonna be an eruption and last night i was on an instagram live and i said i said i don't know i feel this nook if you buck anointing you know i'm saying no if you [ __ ] yeah so i whoa go buy the book yeah knock if you book yeah go bottom like and literally today i had his shirt off i did take my shirt off on the instagram live i'm sorry i'm crazy he said it's a blessing um but i had people today in targets walmart's barnes and nobles mardales all over the country playing nook if you buck in mardels and picking up the whole stack of books to give as christmas presents and birthday presents and to be able to stay and so for me not for me come on but for when you do your book and for when dc does her book and for when we have messages that will actually impact people's life i want i want them to know that the kingdom of god is nothing to be played with if we get our mind around something we're gonna make it happen and so um i think we wanna we just wanna go crazy i just pray that it impacts people in the way that it's impacted me and i'm grateful for this moment this time vu church transformation nation i love y'all crazy faith is not a message that i got from god it's a message that i've lived out and to and today is the release of me putting out the first version come on of coaching people into your own crazy faith journey this was not so that it could just happen for me anytime god does something for an organization he's trying to show a picture of what he wants to do for the organism amen and this is for you ladies and gentlemen can we thank pastor mike and that is before you go i think that we should just do something and now i think you should stay with us as well i'm going to ask my wife dontre pastor charles pastor manushka i don't know if coda's around here i saw pastor bianca is in the house i'm gonna get her i just think it would be fitting tonight if there's any other transformation team or any of our pastoral team that's in here just want to stand up here tonight for a moment uh just as a picture of unity we love pastor bianca you look beautiful this is the coolest outfit ever by the way that's awesome people just looking sharp yeah i just thought tonight um that we would just take a moment and um and just pray for this project like i think that mike and natalie have poured out so much and means so much you know tonight like we didn't even really promote none of this i think this was very very little promotion and people been here since 6 p.m driving all over the place it's not because of hype it's because this man and this woman they pour out their lives weekend and week out and people here tonight celebrating i just thought that we should pray that this book would go from the east to the west to north to south that we would just begin starting tonight to start to hear the testimonies of people operating in crazy faith and that we would hear miracles i think decades from now of people adopting this and so i thought since we're in god's house those of you on youtube uh in the comments right now would you just begin to pray with us and i just thought maybe a couple of us would pray maybe charles you would pray i think maybe uh mana you'll pray and then donchu why don't you just close us in prayer night that we would just ask that god would bless this project and you there in the audience and right now online come on can we lift our voice let's begin to intercede right now this is not a book we believe that this is a word for a generation come on pastor charles lord god we come to you right now lord jesus and we are thanking lord god for your children lord god your servants pastors michael and natalie todd lord i thank you lord god that what you have done in their life lord jesus lord this is just the beginning holy spirit i thank you lord god this they're not doing things right now to impress people lord god but i thank you for a supernatural impartation lord god lord that the things that you've done in their marriage lord god the things that you've done in their family lord jesus that you would begin lord god to continue to flourish every dream every promise lord god lord we pray a hedge of protection around this family lord god that their children will grow up and call them blessed lord jesus that the crazy faith uh lord idea would not stop with michael and natalie todd but would continue with bella and ava and michael alexander junior lord god and jia lord god i thank you that this is a generation lord god marked by your word and your faith lord jesus lord i thank you that you would continue to see this vision move forward through this family lord god and that this book lord god would go to every edge of the earth we thank you for it jesus father we thank you right now for what you're even doing god that the things that are happening in this room god that are reverberating across the world jesus that even in this space lord god that you're moving and we pray right now for everything that you've put down on the inside of him would be release god that they would lord god pour out lord god everything that you put down on the inside of him that nothing would be wasted god that there would be no wasted blessing there would be no wasted year god we pray that you would restore god that you would renew every year that the locusts have stolen god the two to restore everything lord god every dream lord god would come out lord god every vision would come out everything would be released god there is nothing that will be left lord god on the earth got every single thing every blessing god every dream lord god that it would be released that it would bless people that it would bless nations lord god that people would be moved in a way that they have never thought god that they would bless generations god in a way lord god that we have never seen and we're believing it right now that this would be a generation that would walk in faith that this would be a generation that would walk in favor that we would not hold our heads down but god that we would walk with our heads up knowing lord god that there is something that you put down on the inside of us and we will not let the enemy kill our dreams we will not let the enemy kill our vision we will not let the enemy kill our strategy so right now god as people would read this book that you would begin to download things to them in the spirit god that they would begin to see things god that they would begin to have things revealed to them god things that they could never imagine we pray right now god for the testimonies for the stories jesus for the legacies god every seed that is shown will be a harvest for someone else and we believe it right now in jesus name amen lord right now we just pray that the pages of this book lord would point people to their identity in you god we pray that as they read the pages of this book lord in their home in the workplace god to their families out loud in their marriages god that it would be a marker on their faith journey god that they would look back and say we were never the same again that god you established something permanent in our lives god as we read the testimony of the todd's god as we read of their journey of faith lord it ignited god the faith that we needed to walk out our individual faith journey can i just pray for the people watching right now or listening god i pray that they would awaken to the warrior that you have placed within them god that they wouldn't shrink back from the call of god on their life but god they would catch lord the vision that you revealed to mike and natalie years ago that they are sons and daughters of almighty god and there is nothing that is impossible lord when you are leading and guiding god i pray that this book would go around the globe lord that it would equip and empower the saints god to step into their calling god i pray that it would absolutely defy every word that the world is spoken against it god you are working you are moving and all of luke church and transformation said amen amen amen hallelujah come on tonight if you find yourself in a waiting season if you find yourself in a valley tonight lift your hands towards heaven god tonight we release crazy faith in this room we release crazy faith lord all throughout youtube right now anybody watching right now got anybody who's waiting anybody who's lingering right now god we pray that you give them perseverance lord that you give them patience lord not to give up not to quit but to lean in tonight lord we're believing that you are the god lord who can do exceedingly immeasurably more than we could ever ask think or imagine so tonight lord we open up spiritual eyes god give us a new vision god help us to see what others cannot see god i pray for new endurance god i pray for faithfulness jesus release it tonight in this room release it tonight in this room come on with your hands lift lifted up come on lift your voice all over this place come on let's begin to press in come on let's stick it out come on tc worship come on come on lift your hand come the one who on my water is god it comes from from you god come on declare say all love everything you need everything you could ask or imagine he's the guy that does abundantly above all we could ask or think your source is your sources oh cause you are the one who lifts me up god you are the one who fills my love you are my god said you are my god if you're gonna trust in god would you give him a big shout of praise i said if you're gonna trust in god would you give him a big in the courtyard at the other location at your house give god some praise hallelujah somebody just at ten o'clock you need to give god shake it off don't be surprised that now that you've been in an atmosphere of faith that stuff is agitated in you some of y'all gonna go to do the thing you plan to do every night when you go to bed and it's not going to fill you up no more you're going to turn on netflix and god said listen to me you're going to go for the weekend with the people and you're going to tell them sorry i can't come this weekend why i'm i feel like god's drawing me away crazy faith is not for things it's for you to become who he's called you to be and so today one of the things i know i'm called to be in this atmosphere is generous i can't come to these atmospheres where we're believing god for crazy faith things one thing i prayed for god to do is to bless bless me to a point where when needs were there i didn't have to pray for the people we could meet the needs to collapse but it's okay no no no because if your name is nakina cremarti on your crazy is nikita are you here come here on your crazy fake card that she wrote down in the line outside she was believing god in crazy faith for student loans to be paid off of 9 000 it's only crazy until it happens your student loans have just been paid off now if you really rowdy you might want to rejoice with her because you might be next somebody needs to give god some praise we serve a god that cares about the details of your life help me it's only crazy y'all got some interesting names in miami dantriss d-a-n-t-r-i-s you had 11 000. 11 of 393.89 loans this week they are retired that's how quickly god can change your situation y'all not rejoicing like you won't she didn't come here thinking that was gonna happen tonight but it's only crazy until it happens see this is how i know the church deals with comparison because half of you right now are thinking but what you don't recognize is when it starts raining if you're in the vicinity of somebody should begin to rejoice to shout unto god with them because the same god that did it for her and did it for them it's the same god it's retired it's retired i'ma sign your book girl but your debt is paid just that's way more important than that my signal is worth 11 cents but one last person natasha and dante williams are you here so so so there's two things they both wrote down on their card and one of them only god can do but the other one god god sent us to let you know that he's for you and he's with you but yeah come on up here natasha and dante wrote down they just came in crazy faith and she said we're believing god for a healthy birth in december and we believe that god is going to do that i said we believe that god is going to do that but this other one said that their debt of 51 881 dollars and 41 cents would be paid off take this card and know that as of this week that debt is paid off i dare to i dare y'all to begin to shout like it was you i dare you begin to believe i dare us to give god some praise at home you might as well give god some praise it's only crazy i said it's only crazy don't stop believing god god's got your name in somebody's mouth right now when charles handed me those cards in the middle of prayer they didn't know i was holding their names and god is not relegated to this room he's everywhere working on everything so what would happen if all of us left this room in this stream and went out of here and lived like that you don't need fifty thousand dollars to change somebody's life but tomorrow at starbucks when the holy spirit prompts you to just pay for that person's thing you don't know what they were believing god for or to go over and just lay your hand on the person and pray for you don't know what god's going to do but i bet there's a generation rising up in crazy faith that's going to say god if you say it we will do it because it's only crazy until it happens thank you thank you for being here tonight i'm gonna cry like a baby when i get back to the shower so you can't tell which one is the tears and which one is the water cause i'm a gangster like that but as we leave this place i have to say thank you to my friends there are a lot of people that are uh cordial with you when you get to a certain platform because at some point they might need you but rich you and dc have been friends before i could have added anything to vue and i want to thank you publicly me and natalie love you guys and transformation church believes in what's being built here at vu who buys two buildings in the middle of a pandemic food church does and so we came here today on behalf of transformation church and we wanted to leave a crazy faith seed here so could you bring that out this is a check for seventy five thousand dollars to view church oh you gotta you gotta come get it though i ain't gonna give it to you gotta come get it though you gotta come get it though can we give god praise for the amazing vision this they have no they had no idea about this but i would never ever come to a place that has touched my life on my sabbatical every week we talked i was telling you about the messages i watch every message y'all helped me this summer get closer to god in my prayer life and doing all of the different things and this is good ground and when seed i'ma see this again because when seed goes into good ground it produces fruit if you're a part of vu church and you love these pastors give god one more big shout of praise i love y'all sunday tc view church we turn it up tell everybody it's only crazy till it happens food church can you give it up for pastor michael and natalie todd and pastor rich and dashari hey listen seriously thank you so much for being here tonight everybody joining us online and i believe it again we said it but this wasn't something just to impress but i believe there's going to be an impartation you're going to go back to your homes your families and see god do something amazing amen do you
Channel: Transformation Church
Views: 11,976
Rating: 4.9633589 out of 5
Keywords: Transformation Church, Represent, Michael Todd, Mike Todd, Transformation Church live, Sunday Service, Holy Spirit, Faith, God, Jesus Christ, transformchurchtv, representtv, crazy faith, crazy faith book, it's only crazy until it happens, it's only crazy till it happens, you have to see it before you see it, Mike Todd book, Michael Todd book, TC at VOUS, VOUS Church, Rich Wilkerson JR, Miami, Miami church, New York Times best seller, Crazy, Crazy In Miami, Crazy Faith out now
Id: C0iHu41-6Sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 46sec (6586 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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