Kirby de Lanerolle | Here is Wisdom 666 | 16 July 2019 | WOWLife Church

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like with hymnal music [Music] different challenges that can come your way but when it comes keep your prayers on we all have those moments and when they do we have this family and we have this church we have this word and we have each other to slap each other out of it and remind the next person to lay hold of life the fullness of what he came to give power in your purpose power in your calling power in your purpose power in your calling let the eyes of your understand meditation is the whole biblical world but originally used in Genesis 24 when they say that Isaac went into the field to meditate when he was waiting for his bride now the word in Genesis 24 communicate is the word sua and sua means getting into a pensive mood and in precisely thinking about certain things we understand today that when we meditate we need to get down from a beta state of mind into an alpha or a theta brainwave state so we are getting into a pensive mood and precisely thinking about certain things you also see the word meditate use in someone where they're supposed to meditate on his word day and night and the word meditate there is Daaga which really means that we need to be able to get into a state where we can hear a voice speak to us okay so it's a pensive mood but hearing a guided voice speaking to us now this is very interesting for us Christians as meditation has not been a part of the church culture for the last 300 or 400 years but we see that meditation has been in the Bible throughout time we've designed these meditations with specific focuses it is known now scientifically that when we get into a Teta state of mind that we can reprogram a subconscious mind these meditations will take you deep into the teaser state now you have to understand these have been designed specifically for you to identify with the word the word is revealed and your true identity of the world is revealed to each meditation we have specific focuses helped healing long life and prosperity these meditations have truly blessed me and I'm sure it's going to bless you [Music] okay so everyone has a pivotal moment in their lives where the destiny was changed and everything sort of came alive now it's like God picked you up and drove you will be propelled into your destiny where everything around you your mind your soul your body your spirit just came alive the whole earth is pulsating all the whole earth is awake the trees the plants the buildings the Sun there were seasons in my life that changed my destiny I'm believing that maybe that moment is awaiting some of you this September and the five day program so bless you [Music] [Music] god knows what to pray for uses your tongue and he's praying for the creation he's praying for lions because God loves the creation [Music] when you're talking in tongues people think oh I'm training tongue and they're praying and thinking about the things that they want and that's fine but what it means when you're praying in tongues is that you yield your tongue to God for God to use the choice purpose that means God needs a tongue of man you need the body of man it's the ecclesia the bodies the government needs the body of man the tongue of man okay the iron man so that he can do things on the earth your speech knows what to pray for because he's the mind that he reads the mind of the Spirit and because he prays for the Saints according to the will of God be drawn in the morning technology atcha that's Romans it says although it says you don't know what you pray for when you pray in time you're not intentionally trying to something that's what it means but God will reveal sometimes what you is using your tongue for and I remember I was painting and suddenly I have region of street hawkers you know people have Street boutiques in China there were big girls to the market coming into China at that time and the Lord loves the street hawkers they might not even know God but God wanted a tongue so that you can intercede for them for the day they will not be unfairly treated the same way have a strange times recently and I see myself in a pride of lions IRA made exact numbers like 233 July maybe in place suddenly the Lord used my tongue and it was to do to pray for two of them that's why it is the creation is subject to bondage but when it's groaning and moaning that cannot be uttered the you don't know what to pray for but God knows why you uses your tongue and it's praying for the creation in spring for lions that needs in a certain area because God loves the creation but he's looking for the tongue of man because this is the tongue ever used or even tame the lion but if it came down to God the creation itself is set free so it is using a tongue then is using our lives okay and we need to understand that is a fullness of what a prophetic life is God has to deal with things on the earth but he needs a ton of man who can speak [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] are you ready for the what are you sure bad news are you ready for the world okay it's awesome okay guys okay Wow okay Wow just awesome I just love the testimonies see I mean the first two testimonies chemists estimate fits in but it will find a fit to it okay but the festive Testaments are very important because because today I'm talking on wisdom yeah I'm talking wisdom and yeah someone said you got to be quite intelligent be a comic so that's yeah yeah okay you get in there okay because we're talking abysm and I've always want to talk on wisdom but so I don't know whether I'm fitting in its transcending a series you know when you're finished just finished a series on purpose and then suddenly it's because wisdom does go hand in hand with judicious honest that's what people don't understand do dishes just remember the guys Solomon asked for wisdom right and he asked for wisdom but he asked for wisdom and it was in the ability to discern between good and evil you see the ability to judge so wisdom and judicious nazar merely one and the same thing or they work very much together so it's like a series but it's like just coming into either finishing off with wisdom and then starting maybe another series on with them I don't know okay we see how I can get there but everything we heard today was very very important with the Testament that's why it is the prophetic church okay now okay this is gonna be really awesome okay I'm really excited for you guys because I was telling Fiona that just today that the way we understand righteousness is completely different from any Church I know and that ability to understand righteousness the way we understand righteousness has caused us to live our lives in a you know in a way that is of course victorious but only victorious it's it it it really puts the Bible and everything in this Bible in perspective because of the simple revelation of righteousness righteousness means because on the Quran means the bility to to rightly judge between good and evil that's what righteousness means that so when Jesus came and gave you righteousness as a free gift it means that he has now judged perfectly and how he saved you was by paying and compensating the others for your sins that's called justice the word righteousness means justice so when Jesus came and gave you righteousness it means that he gave you righteousness he he gave you justice by paying the others so if they want now to get their justice done from all the things that you've done they go to Jesus the cross they don't come to you you understand it that's what believing in a cross seas so this teaching has sort of brought the whole Bible into phenomenal perspective for me personally and and when I look at when I look at the word now I'm I don't jump into conclusions when I see a story in the Old Testament the reason is because one the same story to roll Testaments a Sarah laughs you get to the New Testament and you had to wait 2,000 years for the story of complete the crazy thing Cyril a female I call a coach was unbeliever okay and you know all that and then you get to Hebrews 2,000 years later and you realize that the guys writing that Sarah had faith so what caused this writer of Hebrews to see differently to you and me and to all the theology that you got for the last 100 years Paul or someone wrote Hebrews saw from the lenses of God and called a woman of faith a guy who's been stealing from Abraham continuously okay suddenly when you get to Peter Peter saw from a completely different lens he called him righteous lot here's a guy who robbed stole you know did when went to Sodom and Gomorrah tweeted Abraham unfairly and suddenly when you get 2000 years later Peter is writing from lenses of grace and he and he looks at her and he certifies and says this is basic we're having a lot righteous lot that means lot who knew justice and righteousness so we are you a 2000 years to see the end of that story so I've learned now not a story as I see it I have to be able to practice discernment and wisdom and I do that not I learned I practiced doing that God has given these stories for the practice because we had we had shown the same stories with people in our lives and where as we look at their lives their written epistles as as collagen says that you are an epistle written you that means you're just it's not a story write another story but you're a story and then I look at you and I'm waiting because I know I know that God had forbearance and patience waiting not not wanting anyone to be destroyed and finding they all came true thousands of years later amazing okay so it gives me a way of reading Bible very different to many of my contemporaries and also many theologians okay because I'm I don't have a heavy theological background I I'm okay I've done quite well but but the fact of the matter is that I'm not a professor of it okay but we need to look at it we need to look at these all these stories with judicious knows that's the word with with the right amount of wisdom on it so I mean I like when Jesus talks of John the Baptist and they're talking of the Baptist didn't come eating and drinking and actually it's eating and drinking he said he didn't come eating or drinking wine okay but I've come eating and drinking wine that's what he says yeah and it's very interesting story and hidden he says but but wisdom will be justified by our children and he uses it well wisdom will be justified by children that means that means the wisdom in grace in understanding this grace you'll be justified by the fruit that really means it says hi you think I'm doing things wrong not Church you look at my mouth sign and thinking are these guys very wrong huh but wisdom is just look at my children yeah we say might justify by the way we applying things is working it's working it's working man it's really working this thing is working okay I mean we do have a we do have a message the problems of fights are offenses are problems like in the church but it's working okay so but this wisdom that it has always been two types of wisdom from the beginning of a garden you see what was Adam and Eve going for what was the temptation it was wisdom unless all we need to understand it was wisdom that Solomon asked for okay and so right in a garden you get the two types of wisdom from the beginning of time what was offered to man was wisdom okay and one was from a bob one was from beneath okay and you get to talk to appease them but here's the interesting thing really really interesting any if you're going to hopefully I'll do it another day but if you go into one country as one 1 Corinthians to 120 and Street all the way talk 1 Corinthians 4 okay you will realize that every time I talk in a wisdom you he talks of judgment okay 1 Corinthians 2 at the end of it just going on to 3 he explains about judgment and who is going to judge me and he's talking about wisdom okay and again going good on one content for the best chapters on wisdom you'll find in one current is one two three four okay read it before you come next time we'll go into it's deep okay but he talked about wisdom now he talked about judgment wisdom judgment wisdom judgment wisdom judgment okay and the interesting thing about the Jewish understanding of wisdom and is that it was its Belarus people think this wisdom is some it is a supernatural thing but I think the wisdom that God gives looks different that's the biggest mistake you make it doesn't look different to natural wisdom hey it doesn't look with and and that's that's the problem that we are grapple with because pastors and leaders and spiritual with the mode as spiritually wise now the the Jews are Jews you might under Jews okay they have Google Facebook you understand it they have agriculture the best agriculture in the world are its Jewish okay their wisdom and here's why I'm we did white but why do well connect that's why they're going on the by the 2020 is going to be a year of empowerment between the community okay and you will see that we're going to start book clubs and documentary clubs just for you to increase in knowledge okay now why because people didn't come into church to just come to church listen to a message go back to pray fast pray we're going to do a lot of fasting but people think that but they're doing fasting next Sunday we launched a fast 20 so by Monday we launched 21-day fast okay but now and that's a I wanted to be a bit strict but we will discuss this on Sunday now but pray every day you got to pray why I'm giving you a one-week is pray everyday that you can do it don't try to jump into this fast it will never happen even mean I do a one-day fast then previously I pray that I'll have a grace fight and then I have grace fight and that's why I don't suffer right so if you pray everyday god I need a grace fight by monday time monday hits that means phenomenal grace fight okay so so we discuss watch the well fast page okay are you talking there but let's do this okay so the the jews didn't think see if you're going to look to if you say that God that Jesus increased in wisdom so that means wisdom is something that can mature on you it can increase on you do you understand that Jesus increase that means you've matured in wisdom so just understand that because what we have to what we have realized is that we can increase in wisdom and understanding and that is not some sort of spooky really just phenomenon okay I mean that's what I that's what I'm trying to explain away when you when you when you see this you'll realize see the Jewish people they have the best technology ever in everything from agriculture to the military to all that so are you trying to say that God's wisdom that he gave the people who are type and shadow was some sort of man chakal feeling it wasn't it was very much like the wisdom that a doctor has ha it wasn't some I mean people are so religious like wisdom is just increase in knowledge and so don't spiritualize it don't spiritualize it because we spiritualize it then you lose out and church is like frogs in a well like they call me anything or Church all we need is to read Bible no Newsweek no Times no papers no New Scientist no Reader's Digest and then you can't get yourself a job right because it's just it's just fully the opposite wisdom is foolishness and then all the pastor's because they have no clue all they do is all they do is they data they get people who give up their jobs and come to church and because they and they think that that can work and so they don't infuse wisdom on the people so wisdom is a mind thing infused by the Spirit of God you don't believe me I'll show you and then you'll understand why it's so important I mean I always liked you those days I mean I love reading Bible okay I read Bible a lot okay but believe me I read lots of other things I read lots of other things because why because that's what it's about that's that's that's what wisdom is about and if you wisdom is something that increases on you okay so if you look at look at revelation 13 I'll take it straight off okay revelation 13 he's gonna shock you are you ready okay it's gonna but you got to run with me okay okay so it says the revelation 13 says this okay watch this variations 13 and it's in verse in verse 18 here is here is is in 1818 but here is what with uncommon short out let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast for it is the number of a man his number is 666 say when who the Antichrist yeah let's deal with that and let's really look at that because it's a number of men okay and it's the number is six six six so let's deal with that to understand what there are types of wisdom and from the beginning of time the Bible is about stories of people who write from the beginning of garden was given two types of wisdom and they ached off and thrived on and lived on a type of wisdom that is not from God if you seed the the the Babel story where they're building this tower up to do God and God came and stopped it because again they've taken a type of wisdom but the mistake that we made is did Solomon get wisdom did God give him wisdom yes we won't look at whatever wisdom God gave him okay and you'll realize that that same wisdom later on the same wisdom that God gave him okay that same wisdom is what destroyed him I'm but what's the wisdom that God gave him but it like some super magical thing that like he's floating around flowery or did he just increase I remember time I prayed every day lord give me wisdom give me wisdom I was a absolute tug or I could fight I was street smart I was connected with the Mafia I knew stuff like that but I needed wisdom and I said lord I would pray every single day lord give me wisdom okay I because it Solomon you gave some of it I didn't understand it like this I said Lord you gave Swami wisdom every day six months I didn't ask for anything else I wanted I could have money I could have actually applied for tenders every doing all kinds of things you know they said no Lord you need to give me wisdom wisdom wisdom wisdom wisdom six months every single day and what happened to me was literally what happened to me was this I couldn't sleep I couldn't eat okay I couldn't eat and I couldn't sleep even at that time and I was up really for about six months of my life just study I I started reading you know 500 thousand thousand final words per minute you understand very fast like that okay I was up night and day just studying and what are you studying software's programs programming's and something I never knew no one taught me anything and then started scripting for flash at those times you had flash for animations and stuff like that flash if you remember okay you don't have flash anymore okay you know a 3d studio scripting for 3d studio but I might finish the six months I was lecturing sunny this thug was lecturing and Maria University huh at in ring that is all the English is all printing Institute's okay they're teaching in suit at video graphics teaching lecturing lecturers in all the software program that they've taken here so sorry no not one qualification and then I did the syllabus for Cornwall University just in six months for a university with no qualifications yeah yeah a OD AODA visiting a OD yeah I was a lecturer at a OD no qualifications do you understand it and but I was brilliant but why just understanding that the wisdom that God gives is not the one that you're thinking that he gives like oh I'm just gonna feel bubbly you know know it's like just knowledge knowledge to do what you are called to do okay that same wisdom is what Solomon had that been wrong that's what you need to understand okay so understanding that we're we very very very revelations telling here is wisdom you've got to calculate it and find out this number is the number of a man is number is 666 say it's 666 okay am I going to see that okay so if you if you understand this okay if you understand this let's jump into proverbs proverbs 3:19 promise b9 very fast okay proverbs 3:19 Arabic ooh Ribera bara bara bara okay now watch is where we where we'll be proverbs 3 okay okay it's important getting how do we just thank you just thinking proverbs 3:19 proverbs 3:19 okay 3:19 three 1939 I think no is it 19 yeah yeah it's very yeah I like this one he says the Lord by wisdom founded the earth is it there but by understanding he established the heavens by his knowledge the depths were broken up the clouds dropped down the do you see so we think that it's wisdom that the Lord had was some again we spiritualize it that's a problem and I when I saw when I saw what was it that I saw it was it was I think it was gods and Kings Moses gods and Kings you seen the movie yeah gods and Kings do you watch it they sort of give a super cool narration of the miracles and signs and wonders that happen during that time and one was the fact that they get I think boils on them you know when they get sick is because of the the blood that was in the the river and so they couldn't bathe and stuff like that and then the boils come you see and so we and so I really like that because they they rationalize the word you see we think oh no no see signs and wonders happen because there's a rationale there's a wisdom there's a knowledge he made the earth through wisdom that means the mechanics of it like I was I was praying on this one and I saw III III I was praying I was a witch and I saw whatever just between study and then I was like wow this is really cool and so every conversation God and Sally I saw a comet flying through the sky but the comet itself looked like like a seed like a sperm and because they look like sperm and then with the same instance I saw like it's a widget I see regions all the time so I did I saw the sperm going towards the egg but then I saw the comet heating the earth you know it's both the same thing and then I saw like because it was carrying something something got fused and the heat and something and then there was life and it was a spark and it's exactly was permian fuses the egg and I saw the comet hit a planet and how life let there be light came but you see the the rationalizing because we think it's some we always want to spiritualize everything you see but right in the Bible we're talking about God created the earth to wisdom the mechanics what is that he says the knowledge of the glory will fill the earth and the end of the age is a knowledge of the glory so like like like I have I have visions of what to eat I have visions of like what medicine to take ok and then I go to doctor say what about this many say oh that's really good for this and it like that's awesome because God gave it to me but they give it to the doctors as well why because that's that's the wisdom we talk about we don't wanna go to doctors no you know it's because the wisdom that are given to the doctors ah for you you are supposed to increase in knowledge you're supposed to increase in wisdom you need to know what to eat you need to know how to exercise if you want to stay alive you need to know those things it's in its knowledge that has to be acquired and it is godly you see and they were like no no but but there is this wisdom that God had to create here it is not not that no it is he he created it very scientifically he had used the he used all those laws in nature to make it happen so then what about you when you say I want wisdom what are you looking for that's the problem with church isn't it be religious people they're like no I want wisdom how do I want with them Newsweek magazine comes I don't want to pry magazine I don't want that put on line sunny something comes up and bounces it hey six months MOOCs you can do an online workshop on nutrition forget it but you want to lose weight and you want to live healthily it pops up for you as well but we don't want to know because we want some spiritual sensation that we think is wisdom which is completely wrong yeah I'm not saying that yeah yeah the ability to receive an increase in knowledge is what the Jews call wisdom they mocked anyone who did not have understanding or knowledge that's why they do Google that's why they do Facebook that is why they've got the best agriculture thing you think they were sitting somewhere and in Italy boom it popped up like that or do you think that they read and they studied and they upgraded their abilities why can't church be a place where the act about wisdom is done and if you look into exodus 35 I'm just going to break this religious thing that people think some something some other thing you know they but empathy and they don't want to increase their skills you see if you go to Exodus 35 look what it says here I want you to see this okay watches I mean this is really really this really matters okay verse 25 exercise 5 verse 35 all of you men ok now this this is the people of making a temple okay listen carefully all the women who were gifted artisans okay artists okay spanien with their hands and brought what they had spun of blue purple and scarlet and fine linen and all the women whose heart was stirred with wisdom spun yarn is it there so that means what were they using to do so wisdom so God gave them wisdom too so come on how many of you creative here and you do you you're into the rag trade and you do designs raise your hand raise your hand that's what we eat that's what they're saying that that wisdom is is God and God used that wisdom but Church is looking for something else I mean if you go to the bottom of what's that if the bottom of chapter 35 it says it like this in verse 31 listen carefully again and he feel and and he has filled him with the Spirit of God in wisdom and understanding in knowledge and all manner of workmanship is it there to design artistic works to work in gold and silver and bronze in cutting jewels come on fights and sitting carving and come on and Z yeah okay there's wisdom what are the wisdom technology the wisdom was technology but we Christians have meeting oh that's all that's from the world or that stuff I got for my studies due to doctors or these two one a chemist one a doctor comes the stands here and we look over that's the world no that's not the world that is godly wisdom when you take it as God it will do something for you because that's what these guys got that's what these guys got they got wisdom and that's why they could do what they do what they did huh is it there okay but watch this okay we go into 1 Kings 3 I'm going to show you the wisdom of Solomon you think of it no but Solomon's wisdom was different really look at one King Street I'll show you one King Street when Solomon said give me wisdom he got the ability to judge judiciously between good and evil wisdom is the ability to know when something changes literally come to a room you go to a meeting and you realize that it's the same person but something is shifted so you don't say the same things you go for a meeting the first time and you meet the board and they are all good and by the second time they're all good but you can you have wisdom something changed the ability to judge between when something changes and then apply yourself according to what has changed is called wisdom you see and and and and somehow the church has got waylaid not understanding that we need to really grow in knowledge in wisdom and it doesn't look different to the world is carrying it doesn't look different and when you accept it and say wow that guy has wisdom on him I like what he has I like to go and learn from him that is godly because you will come here and take the same wisdom that a doctor who doesn't know God is giving and that's those teachers do might not know God but he will come here and then you will use it for the tapestry of the kingdom and you'll use it for the building because we are now spiritual stones of the kingdom and you say guess what you know from what I have learnt and understood and increasing my knowledge like a good Jewish girl or boy you know I've grown in ability and knowledge and guess what I'm bringing to the kingdom and giving God glory come buddies good stuff this good stuff because I'm sort of demystifying this word because Solomon asked for wisdom but if you look at when he asked for wisdom if you look at in 1 Kings if you go into 1 Kings 4 listen carefully the wisdom of Solomon you want he ate so what is the wisdom of Solomon ok look at his wisdom okay what's 29 and God gave him Solomon wisdom is it there an exceedingly great understanding I like this one I like this one so well so good and largeness of heart like the sand of the seashore wow I love that Lord give me the largeness of heart like the sand of the seashore isn't it cool huh now what is thus Solomon's wisdom Excel the wisdom of all the men of the east and all the wisdom of Egypt stop a moment there the pyramid builders ha ha and all wisdom of the east that means they had wisdom but his wisdom like we don't want to one with the Yogi's I mean he started speaking he could speak their language he could speak he better than them when he sat with a doctor he could speak the language of a doctor he didn't Sully say oh I can't talk to you because I have no understanding I'm a pastor no he had the capacity to talk a doctor's language better than the doctors come on man that's what he means okay stop there from one will go on right watch was studied 31 for he was wiser than all men is there then eaten then Ezra Ezra height then him and then charcoal is it chuckle okay it's interesting and and Dada okay and the sons of my house and his fame was in the surrounding nation now listen carefully key he spoke three thousand proverbs so he was a poet and his songs were 1005 say be the musician huh come on hmm he was a poet he was a musician ah said I mean he could play lead guitar well the only thing he can do the drums well you see or that's all God's wisdom the God gave him all that is from God huh okay now watch this okay I love this one also he spoke of trees ha he spoke of what trees huh save me the botanist from the cedar trees of Lebanon even to the he shops and the spring and the springs out of the wall so he knew his water and so he was an aquaculture East huh okay and then he spoke what else he spoke of also of animals of birds of creeping things here's a fish shares aquaculture is and of fish is it there stop there for a moment so he knew all Latin names huh he knew all the scientific names of all the trees he his wisdom didn't look if anyone in the world saw him they are not going to get some spooky feeling like when you go to a Christian pastor or we have some wisdom what's a wisdom pastor tell me what a political situation come on let's talk about Trump hmmm what's happening Rex it come on opossum tell me you have wisdom you say I won't know something breaks it what's happening whatever thoughts no no we have this wisdom from God what I like to talk about this wisdom that you have because because this wisdom needs to be able to talk about trees about the biology about how the body works about how the plants work you see so the wisdom that Solomon had obviously was not a Christian time a wisdom it was like to be some other doctors like to be several scientists like the wisdom of what you Christians would think a natural man ha yeah yeah yeah yes yeah you would call him oh just carnal knowledge oh I went to see the doctor doctors are foolish we've got a better view that's why we're dying no because we don't take any medicine doctors don't know what they're talking about yeah that's exactly when you go to see a doctor yes you can't direct the doctor but know more about the subject than the doctor it's the Internet here it's a Information Age shame on us if we don't know more than that about the situation that you are facing he's not facing he's the doctor you got the ailment but you know don't know jack about the ailment and you go to a doctor and the doctor tells you instead of you saying but doctor bidets this center is this and this this and is that and as this and there's so much knowledge like wow this person really knows hello you see so I wanted to get church out of the rubbish that they've got into because that's why 2020 we are focusing on you growing in wisdom there I mean coaches are gonna be focusing on people coming to their coach groups and like hey so what are you studying today what are you studying now have a online course on this why don't you increase in that that makes sure that you I've committed to it that you've got online that you're increasing in knowledge and in studies I'm dealing with ladies at church and that who may be estranged by the husband and and you know some and some some husband's go to moods okay not a good thing and yeah boom yeah but the fact of the matter is that they go to moods and the poor wife because know so brought up in a Christian background or whatever religious background they brought up in and they're told like oh no just get married and they needed everything will be okay but what happens when my husband get into a mood you have no skill you don't know how to type you don't know the right you don't have you not increased no one told you that those things are godly you were told that what's godly is to come to church listen to the pastor fast and pray and that's a good Christian woman and so therefore we have got destitution in the church but what we should be teaching is are you upgrading yourself continuously even if you're a CEO in a company are you increasing in knowledge come on Jesus and so we need to focus on this because according to Solomon's wisdom he knew about trees he knew about the biology and so that's why people don't understand my ministry I'm I got a page called a happy bright Aryan and on the happy bright Aryan page I'm talking of science and what the Lord had told me about food and all these comes up and truly the Lord downloads to me about food and biology and because I love life and you know how yeah but and then they call me a new age because I'm talking science you call you call someone new age because they talk science no but then what would you call Solomon you see he was he was putting out knowledge that doctors and and people of ability and capability will say wow that's really cool I like what you're saying it seems reasonable to talk to you because it seems that you have wisdom it's a different kind of church they'll be trying to create come on come on come on come on it's gonna be boring for you huh and that's why I kept telling ya from a long time I say intelligent Church intelligent Church intelligent Church and that is nothing carnal it is the fact that we need to grow in our intelligence we need to grow in our wisdom growing alone Jesus did grow in wisdom and in stature okay and therefore now we can that okay okay okay so it was this same knowledge that Solomon had okay and I need really mind-blowing because if you keep reading I think we should keep reading that if you read it in in 1 1 Kings 10 it's really really cool this is really cool watch this okay very 1 Kings 4 right yeah 1 Kings 4 it says yea he spoke of animals of birds of creeping things of fish and and men of all nations from all the kings of the earth read heard of his wisdom came to hear the wisdom of Solomon here's a here's a lady called Sheba you wanna hear what Sheba yeah and Sheba was a king a queen who was extremely rich and she came to see Solomon okay and she brought him gifts and all that invention came minutes see Solomon is what happened I'll show you I'll read the story to you and she came was to and she came to Jerusalem with great retinue with camels and both spices very much gold and precious stones and when you came to Solomon she spoke with him about all that was in her heart now listen Gabriel I like this one so Solomon answered all her questions that was and there was nothing difficult for the King that he could not explain it to her wow that's really cool because Kings don't have heating she didn't come and ask him about theology ok he she came in a great retinue should have come with her best doctors a best scientist the guys who had all the inventions you understand it and he sat him down and Solomon could explain every single thing they spoke medicine he say yes that's right but you know this is this is the way to look at this spoke about science he had the ability the knowledge to do it it wasn't some spiritual thing he grew in this thing he asked God lord give me wisdom and he man God gave it to him what's our prayer hmm so what is and then he says so Solomon answered all the questions there was nothing to defer for a king that he could not explain it to her was four and when the Queen of Sheba had seen all the wisdom of Solomon I love this one okay check this one out okay check this one out this socco okay and so she had seen all of it my Solomon the house that he had built that would be far away what bigger way is what the technology and the architecture that was used because all the people came here and she's like wow this technology you know you feel it was he able to enjoy it is like where do you get these tiles who's the craftsmen but you saw the type of cross craftsmen and I'll show you that God gave the craftsmen wisdom so that our architects have wisdom our doctors have unusual wisdom you see it's unusual about pick people have unusual wisdom they bringing unusual products so when they saw how they'd built the city that's when it's like wow this is awesome truly you have wisdom okay now what is going on I mean the Queen of Sheba had seen the wisdom of Solomon in the house that he had built the food of his on his table is it it's cool the food on his table that means he's diet impressed her look at stop if I want you guys got bored I'm getting bored he's diet impressed her it's like are you on keto huh are you fasting I will tell you things about keto diet there's other people on the plan don't know yes how did I get that because that's that's something I like to do you understand it so he's even the food on his table what he was eating made it go wow this is really cool okay and a seeding of his servants the service of the waiters so good look at what they're watching well but is it all worldly though service elevator to catchable no it matters that was the wisdom of Solomon had like when people came to church they see the production okay they see the screens they see the people at the door they see the way people are brought in you understand it and then they say man this guy's got wisdom come on man you see what I'm talking about now and their apparel what do you what what are you wearing hmm what are you wearing to church and the cupbearers and his entry way by which he went to the her up to the house the injury and there and there was I like I love this one and there was no more spirit in her when she saw everything that Wow had it was like men we get that a lot it's like man that word is good the guy preaches well he prophesized well he heals well okay there's no more spirit left to accuse by their cognitive experience they've seen they're like okay good good good good the people are good and people man people are awesome okay even many come be feel loved okay there's no more spirit to say I can't find anything wrong that's what it says is it there hmm and it says then she said to the king I this is what she says it was a true report which I heard in my own land about your words and your wisdom however I did not believe the words until I came and saw with my own eyes and indeed the half was not told to me your wisdom and prosperity exceed the fame of which I heard is it is it there and so naturally when you have that kind of knowledge what happens is you grow very rich naturally if you know what you're doing you grow very rich your one is phenomenal in his field he's a hairdresser he judges world competitions Yohan he knows what to do with the sister he knows how to teach someone's here he understands what the hair is about here's what the church makes the big mistake they say oh that's not the world nananana but you don't pay tide to miss Church do you he pays tide the one who accused it doesn't pay tide he builds this kingdom this church with me come on come on come on come on do you see what I'm trying to say yeah so his wisdom where the world will think oh that's just something is what making a ministry like this run come on come on come on come on come on so it's when you increase in ability and knowledge okay that is I consider because it's Yohan everything he knows about here which is spiritual and I I consider it as a gift from God and when you learn to take your job whatever you are doing if if chemi said it's been a comic and been funny and if that's skill that knowledge polishing up that doing well in that is spiritual wisdom given to you by God okay for this church for his kingdom and when you start identifying without saying hey I want this is spiritual that is not spiritual fasting spiritual cutting hair is not spiritual and when you stop differentiating and really being able to judiciously judge okay that is the wisdom that God gives you to grow in who you are and my God if you keep doing that okay we as a church and a revival would draw and you are really doing your duty to God okay last bit okay man can have you up last bit I'm sitting up a foundation to teach okay but it can all go wrong it can all go wrong because that's the narrative of the Bible because there is no difference between the world and a blessing that God gives the world and the blessing that God gives you the blessing looks the same money is not wicked money is what is given by God to you your abilities are not wicked it's what God has given you and then it goes on like this that the expense is about Solomon and throughout the stories of the Bible I've seen it someone starts bad someone like Jacob starts bad and he was called as a planter and all this but he ends really well you see Sarah laughing and then she ends really well 2,000 years later in Hebrews she's called a woman of faith we have lot who was robbed and stolen but then suddenly in Peter he's named as righteous to Tanya's error and it's a funny thing in this Bible stories start people start really bad but in really well okay but unlike Solomon Solomon started really well okay but ended up really bad but it was with the same abilities the same giftings the same understanding the same knowledge and so if you go into 1 Kings 11 it says this 1 Kings 10 itself watch this and this is this is where I'll stop today I'll take it off from from the next time okay here is wisdom his number is 666 that's what it says and so it says here in verse 14 and the weight of gold that came to Solomon listen carefully the weight of gold that came to Solomon yearly was how much 666 talents of gold is he there verse 16 and King Solomon made 200 large shields hammered be gold 600 shekels of gold and he goes in verse 18 or was 19 and a Crone had six steps at a top of tone was round and a back there was arm rests on either side of the place of his seat and two lions stood beside Dominus 12 Lions stood there one on each side of the six steps nothing like this has ever been made so there's six steps like this three three three like this going up so the number there is a number significant to man always taking what God gives him and that's what people do and that's the story Solomon's story is a story that is in all our lives because you can take this wisdom the same wisdom it's the same quantity it's the same character but you can either use it for ab of life or it can be a below life and the difference is the character in using the wisdom it's the same wisdom that comes the same wisdom comes but it's the character that makes it one or the other because God gave me wisdom it was God who infused wisdom to Solomon but somehow the book of Ecclesiastes is awesome because if you look at Ecclesiastes is the last book they say Solomon writes it it's a really interesting story because he writes proverbs which is the wisdom literature then he writes songs of Solomon which is the wisdom literature between gorgeous and then sudden you get ecclesiastics at the end and you're like what the heck what is the key see I see because in start reading I do not recommend anyone to read Ecclesiastes without really sermon because you really do get depressed because completely opposite of everything the Bible teaches it's the only book that stands out like what the heck is this why is it here it's it's it sounds very philosophical and literally very Eastern let's really like that it doesn't fit in the faith narrative and you realize that ecclesiastes is starting from Solomon's generation and so Solomon had wisdom he wrote great books and he had the Proverbs and all that but at the end it's the narrative you can't the whole whole Bible is it's a chronology off of the story you can't read one book and get ok this is it you have you can't isolate it you had to read probabilities his shop I know about Solomon and then you read you read the book of the Song of Songs and then you get to Ecclesiastes and the apparently it's the the Hebrew version of Ecclesiastes explains it Alesi acid is like this that it was written when solomon had lost all his glory his uses the wisdom and exhausted it in such a way he's used it and it becomes sensuous he can't become self-serving it had not been humble and he uses this wisdom in the wrong way and elisha is little literally written with solomon see in the future of all the generations of kings that will be fallen because they will not use their wisdom and their power in the right way and so he's talking about the fallen nature of people who do not use the blessing on their life in the right way that's ecclesia says so for generations of kings how they fall because god blesses them and give them gives them gifts and give them abilities but they don't use it in the right way and the whole book of Ecclesiastes is about that okay now understanding that where was I let's turn to ya how you can go wrong how can go wrong James free James tree didn't end with this oh no sorry we were interviewing Kings what 1 Kings 1 Kingston yeah just as we did how it went wrong 1 Kings 10 stain so here it is 1 Kings 11 I like this because starts with butt so all that was great okay it says but is it a I started but right but King Solomon loved many foreign women as well of the daughters of Pharaoh remain of the mobilized ammonites silly Knights he teased and foreign nations of whom the Lord had said to the children of Israel you shall not intermarry with them nor David you surely they will turn away your heart after their gods Solomon clung to these in love and he had 700 wives Wow princes and 300 concubines wow there's a lot of women to turn his heart away from God that's why it says this is the number of the beast you see because that's what happens with man when he was called to be divine and every man ends up being beastly or animal-like because they use the power and the giftings that knowledge as doctors the knowledge as lawyers the knowledge as architects the knowledge as CEOs the knowledge to do what God is called to be great and they use it for their own sensuality for their own for their own for their own growth their own selfish desires the same knowledge it's not a different knowledge do you understand it and they don't bring it home like these girls brought it home today they don't bring that home did God doesn't finally get it becomes think about them and they build their towers up to the sky and so that is what happened to Solomon and so his heart was turned away from God 300 concubines except I'm the wiser and combines the funny ratio then I won't even go in there okay and 300 concubines and his wife's turn turned away his heart for it was so when Solomon was old that his wives turned his heart after other gods is it there and his heart was not loyal is he there not loyal to the Lord his God as was the heart of his father David for some Solomon went after Astrid the goddess of Sidonians after Makoni robbed him and all his all things but six Solomon did evil in the sight of the Lord and did not fulfill the law the fearful fulfil to follow the Lord as it is father David man how's that James yeah and ever the end of all generations because I'm telling you this is you know we send us children to study okay we we educate ourselves we grow in every ability okay and God really causes us to excel in what we do I mean I mean who hasn't here you know in your job in your field what you do you've been literally the best in what you do and god raises you up and this is the this is the cycle and a narrative that happens to every human being and once they have got there they made it for themselves there's somehow the inability to have a real conversation with God their inability to be true before this God and somehow we all do it I find myself doing it all the time okay we somehow forget to have an open heart before the one who's created us to be able to identify like Jesus said when they said no good teacher he said who is good only God then the inability to identify with your frailties your weakness your humanity leaders make the mistake all the time I mean you make them leaders but for say one year of their lives and within that one year to get tested I'll tell you leaders get tested between one year it can happen it can happen at at a church when you're making a leader Church you can may be you become a boss at your workplace and go let's go to race you down you can become a politician you become a leader and then from that place your inability to be judicious your ability to to just judge something fast and not be able to understand the grace that came upon your life that's that thing that's that wickedness that's that thing because then you forget that because you think it was all you that's what happens to every single person I've million I go to in my life I go through rotations of his all the time rotations of his all I catch myself in the core in having thinking on my own that's what it is because both trees were offered right one tree was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that's that's the thing that's all men asked for and one one tree the tree of life which is Jesus and so we are constantly asked because the same thing because what is the dependent knowledge of good and evil and then Jesus tree is not described they say eat out if you have life but that is wisdom the discerning and in Hebrews he says it the discerning between good and evil so it's it's the same thing but two ways to get about it it's the same it's the same thing wisdom God want to give you wisdom but at two ways to get about it and here's the here's the crazy thing about this thing is that you can't discern you can't the church think they've so got it right but they're like oh this is from the world that is renewal or we obvious expression we know this is from the world this is this is from God you don't know you can't distinguish it like that you can't say this is from the world is it from God everything from the world is from God it comes on every single man God gives everything that a doctor has the lawyer has an artist has no matter what he knows God or not is from God now here's the interesting thing the same thing comes upon you but your ability to work with that thing is what makes it God or what makes it demonic same thing same thing and so so you it's not easy that's one trying to say it's not easy for you to think oh I just know I'm so spiritual I just know what is from God in nobody you don't know you don't know and it's judgment that causes you to judge something and it is not from God work with everything that comes to you that your ability to your humility to work with it makes it either godly from above or causes it to be natural and that's what James says to me Oh James [Music] like I put a first Facebook page post up on on fasting and the scientific understanding of it and something that and someone said oh now he's become a doctor hey but like why are we not supposed to talk about those things why aren't Christians believers man pass is supposed to talk know that stuff [Music] of course we're supposed to know that stuff we're dealing with life if I'm going to send you on a 21-day fast come on should I not know about fasting if I'm gonna put you on a fast is indeed my absolute do to do every research I could do you know what fasting is I'd probably know it better than if doctor because he doesn't he doesn't specialize on fasting [Music] you see but people don't get it people don't get it and that's that's that wisdom that God gives and if you increase in it we might get it right and do it right so Devo James says it is [Music] what serene since who is wise and understanding among you listen carefully let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom come Mohan since what is who is wise is a sin a passion because no one knows that one doctor who knows God there's one doctor who doesn't know God okay but both are using the same technology so who is the wise one because it the information is there exactly the same there's one architect who knows God raised one architect who doesn't know God they both building something so who is why is among you which one is so which one is wise so is it to do with the quality of the information no it's not it's the ability for you to do your work in meekness ha now you call wise you see it's very important this English there's nothing there's nothing call this is on the world bus is watching me watch this listen is very carefully then and say no this information might be from the world there's nothing like that everything in the world is given by God now the one who is wise is the one who applies it with humility and meekness do you understand that one son he becomes wise it becomes spiritual because of the way you handle the same information that is given to someone else come on is it there huh Solomon lost his wisdom to be called wise why because he had everything given by God a technology given by God but Sonny's inability to be humble and meek about it caused it not to be from God but it cost you to be demonic you just see that there huh who is wise and understand among you let him show it how do you show it by good conduct that his works are done in meekness and in wisdom is it there but if you have bitter notches envy self seeking in your heart and do not boast and lie against and you boast and like Institute this wisdom does not descend from above but is earthly sensual and demonic is it there for where envy and self seeking exists confusion and every evil things are there just understand that the wisdom is the same your ability is the same you you you you one girl comes and she's getting a scholarship and there's another girl in her class she gets a scholarship as well but she doesn't know God with the same scholarship same doctor same information one is not spiritual and one is not natural it becomes natural spiritual when you apply now your understanding with envy and jealousy then that wisdom is called demonic but same same information come on I hope it's going in same information for where days Envy self seeking it is confusion and every evil thing is there now listen carefully but the wisdom that is from above huh it's not the information you see not information it's pure peaceable gentle willing to yield full of mercy and good fruits and I love this one without partiality and without hypocrisy you see that isn't it good and now I love this verse 18 says now the fruit of righteousness that means justice is sown in peace by those who make peace [Music] I think we're done bill [Music] mr. summarize it to simplify for you don't understand let's not be really just about this thing I've heard pastors say oh but that's from the world this really well that that's from the flesh but he's the world and that's the flesh and stuff lad know everything that everyone does no matter what profession he's in but he knows about trees but he knows about animals but he knows about forests but he knows about exercise no matter what it is but he knows about here it's all from God but it's about comics it's from God but how you use it okay makes it spiritual or natural simple you're inside your mind [Music] [Music]
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 10,124
Rating: 4.7570848 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby de Lanerolle, Wow Life, Wow Sri Lanka, Prophet K, Prophet Kirby, The Number of the beast, End time, Wisdom, wisdom of god, teachings on wisdom, solomons wisdom, solomon, king, 666, praise, glory, order of malchizedek, heaven, god, holy
Id: b0p6d-THaW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 13sec (4213 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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