Unity VFX Tutorials - 01 - Introduction

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hello everyone as a lot of people requested that already I find I decided to make a few videos that explains how I make the effects on my youtube channel so I know try used to make tutorials so I don't try know how to make that but if you have any suggestions or feedback to leave just write the comments and I make sure to reply to them all so please excuse me from accents I'm not sensitive and your speaker so if you don't understand something or if you think I can improve anything just just tell me I always reply to all the comments you leave and yeah so let's get to it first of all I will explain to you the basics of the program I use which is called unity so here you have the main interface so in here you can see the same that's the 3d scene I use to create the effects here you can see just a plane with the ground x2 for the legends here you can see the main character looks for this effect and here you can see the poor Garen who received all the damage or quite some time away and yeah I changed him - Katarina because I just hate her and yeah so why should I start I will start explaining how I made Alex ultimate for darkstar fan-made skin also I want to be clear with something I'm not making custom skins what I make is just 1 ounce these are absolutely not compatible with League of Legends in any way maybe the only thing that could be used is the textures and even that is not sure because it takes are not the same so yeah don't ask me to make custom skins because I just don't know how to make them and I just don't want to spend the time making them so yeah what I make here my trainer is for training purposes so I can get better at it and for fun because I just love making this so yeah and yeah let's get started so this is dear to me here I'll show you that's basically yeah that's pretty bad idiot it lasts not even two seconds and I'll show you every object that's in it but I think for this introduction video I'll just show you one objects like here the porter so that you can see what makes a particle system like this now I set the sizes the Kouros the material son that stuff so this video will be very basic before already know how to use shuriken and unity I don't think it would be very helpful for you but if you don't know anything but unity or shuriken in general I think maybe you will learn the thing up too so here I will I all the objects I don't need so here I just this one so all of these and be deactivated here you uncheck the game okay and I'm left with this just the bottle so here I have the particle effect editor here if you don't have this you can either go and alternate routes in here nope I'll be it in here nope but you can it's a closest when you select the particle system you can click on open editor here and that will open this and just more useful I just stop this here and I'll show you so let me end up this maximize no maximized here no okay this is all the battery systems I have for this for the ultimate so I have the Porter I have thought outside of its the galaxy thingy I have the distortion have the swirls I have darkness I have the lights and/or the dots to blow the area all of that nice stuff here I focus on the bottom because it's a very simple one and I think it's a good start come on here let's do this back nope yeah yeah so as I started the direction now I can try explain that here so I spin then a situation when I arrived at the emission so let's start with the looping looping is just what it is deactivated as you can see it just doesn't look it goes it spawns particles once and then it stops as simple as that if I love it every 0.55 seconds it will start the effect again so here boom boom boom it never stops it just loops the effect if I activate the prewar as you can see here it starts already looping if it's not activated it will not stop looping it will spawn the particles once and then it will enter like this you can see the difference here it starts already looping but that's very useful if you make a game where for example the game enters a new scene and in this new scene there is fire and you don't want to pay her to see the fire just slowly starting when they enter the scene because it's not very pretty let's fire is supposed to be there already so you have to get the prewar and the file will already be burning and there it already be smoke and embers and all that shiny stuff and will not only start when the player enters the room or the seat in this case I don't really need it so I uncheck it the delay that's just the delay you put for example - and the effect it only start at two seconds after two seconds is actually present now that I think about it if I just put one it will start after you can see here one second and yeah you can't you got it the last time that's very important that's how long your particles will dip so if I say for example 0.1 seconds it will be very very short you can see here it's just like a flash in five but two seconds will be long and slow yeah for this effect since this is the charge effect I want it to be 0.7 seconds because the laser takes 0.76 charge here that's it so the speed hmm it's just the speed if I put five eight we go for this type of one will be slower in five but - 5 it be going the opposite direction at this if I rotates the particle system a drink up if it further weights and yeah that's very simple but let's put a 2-0 again and spec first when it's on zero it just does not work besides up here I put it to 3.2 because that's what I wanted it to look like but if I change it here it changes the size of battler let's just do size it back very clear very simple 20 staff rotation I won't touch now was I don't know if it's a bug or not but when you activate it it's very painful deactivated because you can if you just inject it it will keep moving in 3d and does not really what we want here so I just explain this one in another video the start rotation is just the start position of your practical if one of you want them to start with 180 degrees you just type that if you want them to start I don't this it would put it that way that's really sweet to have I don't know like very precise shapes are very geometrical shape like the ones I made in for program or projects Garza's I want them to be very concise like symmetric shapes and that stuff want them to be like 90 degrees 180 and I can say that here this one I never use I'm not actually even sure what it does so if you know just tell me happy great work okay so the start color that's just starting color of a basket if I want it to be red I just sit thread here if I want it to be yeah but to be more blueish I can go it I always put it white so that's here the color over lifetime I have more control it already but it's red well it will always be right Ready's it's right you can rarely modify it as you go elaborate Dwight I can change it with this module here without expeditor then there is a gravity I generally use that for sparks or energy things that fly like bitter it does sprouts most of the time so here if I put it to minus 1 it will go poof we go up left one you go down and accelerate the process it's just writing simulation space so here I've put it back to loop so I can see it better here if I move the effect it will always follow the gizmo if activate if I put it on the world to be ok it will take the rotation from the world and not from the object so here I just think as if as if it was to say don't spend time modifying this so here if I change it you see the particles respond and they don't follow the gizmo they just stay where they are spawn so that's very useful if you won't say to make a rocket or just any kind of project tire that leaves a trail of smoke or that kind of stuff but they're from Z and that's move the loop ok scanning mode lab hierarchy local and shape I'm not actually sure what's the difference between local and shape but the main difference will be able see our key and dr. Nayar key well let's say I have an effect with ultimate price here the whole yard key here I can't spend more in our key mode and if I activate - if I change the scales with hoop all of them with trans shape now if I don't want that I can just go back here and put it is too low cap so the vertical is set on low time scale will never modify that pairs if they are key changes you always keep the same scale if it's betting your key it will follow the yeah yeah yeah if it's betting yard each one of the Year getting on it okay so let's put it back to one let the bottom add up okay then the wave is just uh that's not really useful here but in programming if you want to activate one game object at one point that's what I do most of the time you just set play on awake and when the game object is activated the particles will play so don't do that the game object can be activated but the particles won't play directly you have to tell them to play at a certain event maximum particles is just the maximum particles you can have at the same time I be ideal and modify them because I don't really have any performance issues because I'd only make videos but if you are in game development environments you want you said that because let's say you have a fire and there is a lot of smoke and you can spawn the idol 1020 path of smoke and if you want different settings you can say that the maximum particles it can emit would be instead of flowing twenty high on medium it can be ten for example so that's how you can change that here on this part one - up to - again there's two particles okay so the emission that's the main the main module you use here on these sets a burst I don't know why but it's written correctly but burst and time so 2 times 0 I respond to particles between - minimum - and maximum - so here as you can see on this bone - baskets if I install 20 particles that's a lot normal relatively don't raise it because I but max particles that's also security it should write a wrong number this one we never move and it won't explode your particles count like here but 20 and that's way too much for what I want so let's put it back - - oops here is 55 number and here I have 2 batteries the rate is how many particles you will spawn per second so for example I want to spam 10 passes per second err it responds 10 particles in a second it has adaptive loop then into very continuous form these particles so the duration what looping death rate that I want the particle system to last for 4 seconds for example here it really continuous spawn these particles for 4 seconds if I only say one second a tree continues upon these particles for only one second so and these 10 particles and then it will stop hey I don't want the particles to be spun per second okay the shape okay here is a point so mesh vertex so this point here respond the basket this find air rather better okay this point here spawns the body if I want it and I want the particles to spawn let's say in the box like this no why do they move well if the rotation let's activate this here I just want the buttons to be it's bone missing the box let's put ten bucks plus per second em and you'll see all the particles only spawn within that box nope there will never be bad girls burn outside of that box if I want them to be spawned on the plan playing sorry you see these particles are only found within this because I put zero in the z-axis of box that's that can be very useful or if you make for example a rain what's this let's reduce the size whether you can see here let's imagine there is lots of misses going on the ground falling to the ground and then there is the smallest province of them that's how you can achieve this effect let's control Z or this Z to Z mesh vertex okay let's now do the velocity over lifetime you know lecture is see it because I in the partner earlier but let's say I want this particle to go very slow at the beginning and then to go very fast when it shoots then that's what I want to do note this one this one well these are presets curves so what this excellent what this size is just the speed of the particle would be zero the beginning so very slow and then it will slowly go faster and faster and faster until you twist fees and until it reaches the speed of 2 here put and go faster but this is not data type so then just put this back to zero and I want the access local on the axis blue to see one this one I wanted to go up to six and I wanted to use this one so here then I can invert it so let's say like this yep it's very still at the beginning and then faster faster you can add the point by the break drinking on it and then I can move the point you change the graph and then to note that this one right so it will be very slow at the beginning and then proof this very fast idea shop like this so let's go to do that again can do that or for the exes course and you can use either ok or words positions I don't actually want any video so that's fine then the one RC n will be the color of a lifetime that's very important so here let's talk about the transparency force already the color settings easier to understand first I want this particle be blue but I mean pink pink bluish can so I set this coral here this one then I wanted to go wow because it's a charge at the beginning it's cold and then it gets rubber and water and until it fires laser so I wanted to go up to this kind of bottle or wedge so here I'm put it in slow motion points to speed simulate you can see it goes it starts purplish and then goes bright orange so I can just use this key choose the color I want create another key if I want by double clicking under the bar then if I wanted to go rain for example oh that's a good that's how you change the colors of your particular voice lifetime now I want the particle to be transparent beginning you can see here in some time you can see its weight and cigar and behind it so at the beginning it's the Alpha so the transparency or the opacity you want is at zero so it's not a back at all you can see behind a yeah you can see through it then it goes to 95 which is about 30% of transparency then it goes up to fully opaque like this you don't see through it it's white sub-branch no seat width or and at the beginning at the end so it goes from full white to black so it just disappears in one instant like this then there's a sighs so besides it's a bit like the velocity it starts home then it was up to one in size and then at the very end it goes poof this is small other step enlargement at the end so in slow motion out look back like this you see both larger on that row and then poof at the ended person large or very fast I can improvise I know this for example so we see I do and it will go off like a shock wave let's this okay now the rotation of a lifetime so this is the angular velocity so what does it mean it's just how fast will the practical rotate on itself here let's only use one Pascal you can see this particle is rotating very slowly at the beginning and then it goes faster and faster let's this you 2/3 so let's see better slow at the beginning and faster idea and then with it let's remove the screen I don't like it here faster faster and that's it I use the random between two curves so that two particles brought it in different directions and see so they look like they are in third twins together I don't know how to say that otherwise but see they rotate the don't rotate in the same direction maybe you can see better if I use the vibrant the two planes rotates in different directions like this then there is the renderer that's very important that's when that's where you set up the shape and the material of your particles so here I want to use a match I'll spend the other words in other videos but this one is so much and what meshes is it's a quad I can click the scene interceptor here and I can select the measures I want to use here I just use the quad because that's the one I want if I want to do here I just this one and then it's a sphere that's this one okay that's a sweet where's the material a blanket but that's not what I want I what I want is just look what so let's use this one yeah so then there is a material and what is material a material is okay first I think we need to explain what is later so let's see what is Feder well what should I use for this one leg trader okay this one so a shader let show and up on the submit text okay illustrator is code is dress code I will not explain what it does here basically it explains the computer how to render the mesh out render the shape on how to render at the geometry how the light will affect the geometry how it has to blend with the rest of the game and yeah that's that's basically it that's how the computer knows what it has to draw on the screen and a material is what you feed the shader example for the Porter this is the material you say I want this texture for this one I want this intensity for the blow I want this intensity for depth I want this color for the main column and you can check all of this either by using the particle systems or just by setting them here so for example for this one I use this is this texture for the impact here this is the first procedure but then I imported entity and I can set it up in the material here and for example I can show you here if I move this down here in the shader iPad apps load which is this one present but I can say that at zero there is this very very sharp intersection with the geometry and I don't really like that so I want to put maybe point to but you can see if it goes through the geometry by accident all around already it's not as strong can but that whoops 2.5 and it's very smooth zero because I never intersect with the geometric so it's like if I want to change the glow that's the intensity of this matter air I can just put it to fat one if I want to make it brighter I can put it to six but that's way too bright so I think three maybe the two here five would be good but I bet it to three so I give it up okay so let up control Z attached to anything don't it okay so here we're back on trucks lesson material now there is a salt mode but okay I think XP this one let's say I have very complicated effect like this one back and protect the Earth Day with a lot of different particles I can say that this particle goes in front of another I can say that oops it's here sorry I can say that this bad girl is as an order number of 24 and this one as another number of five so this one if I'm mistaken will be in front of this one so if I for example put the 5000 this one will be most likely be rendered before all the other particles so that's where you usually should have a lot of about particles for one another like here boys on for the galaxy 550 the galaxy would be rendered before one type it back to five into behind so that we can see the light coming out of the edges and yeah I think that's a 38 for the basics I'll make another video of course with more deep stuff and I will slightly make some new videos to explaining from A to Z o i1 effective but I'm not sure when because I don't always have time for that so yep okay so once again if you have any feedback or questions or suggestions or whatever if you want just want to say hi let's leave a comments and so if you liked the video it's like if you didn't it is like those are types too and if you want more videos like this it's subscribe and yeah thanks for watching and stay tuned for
Channel: Sirhaian
Views: 77,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vfx, fan, art, league, legends, champion, skin, preview, special, effects, abilities, riot, games, lux, dark, star, guardian, pbe, final, version, fx, spells, varus, black, hole, light, particles, custom, lady, luminosity, tutorials, Unity, introduction, learning, voice
Id: M-ADfgaQvCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 59sec (1919 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2016
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