Unity VFX Tutorials - 04 - Basics (Hit)

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hello everyone and welcome to this new video today I'm going to teach you how to make a simple hit effect in unity so we are going to start from our last uh project so with the projectile and we are just going to make the it effect for this one so I'm going to show you once again how it looks like so that's what we had last time and now we're going to add a hit effect as if it was eating something there at the end of the projecti so let's get started first of all we're going to need to create a particle system and I want to start with a simple glow so that when it hits It's will proc some kind of light and the light will go boom but very fast so let's start hit and let's say I just want single particle so here burst at temp zero and I want this to be a mesh so it's only a Vertex so it does this I don't want any speed I want the lifetime to be .1 because that's how long a flash lasts most of the time I don't want it to Loop I want it to be bigger maybe three and yep so now let's made the color of Lifetime here Max and then here zero so that it FES okay I'm going to choose I think we already have a glow texture somewhere so this one okay and that's already a good start you can see there is a hit there's a light and it's very fast now I want to add some Sparks to it so I'm just going to duplicate this and call it Sparks put it inside and choose our Sparks texture so let's choose this one I want this to go in a cone up I want them to last a lot longer maybe one between 8 and 1.6 for example and I want them to be stretched maybe like this and I want some speed let's put another random and maybe between four and eight oh okay I want them to be smaller so let's say minus 2 - 3 and of course I want a lot more so maybe 30 okay so you can see here there's already something going on but it's they're all exactly the same and I don't really want that so first of all let's just say like this more random in the side more random in the speed and lifetime maybe a bit more random to six and two like this okay so now I want the speed to change the size of the particles so maybe that's a bit too much but let's say like this so the ones go faster should be a bit bigger this then I want them to not simply go always the same speed I want them to slow down at the end because of the air friction so let's just say I want to use a limit velocity of a lifetime so what it will do is just what it says it's going to limit the velocity over the lifetime so let's say I want a curve and this is the maximum speed here and the maximum speed for now is 10 so I'm going to put 10 here and I want it to fade like this so you see they slow down at the end of their life so it looks a bit more natural like this and to make it look a bit better I want some size of a lifetime so let's do this too so that it's the same color so that it will also U get smaller over the lifetime like this it's a bit too slow for me I wanted them to be a bit faster so let's put maybe 15 here 15 to and I don't want them to last that long so maybe one okay that's already better but as you can see we also have the same thing here and I don't want that so let's just say the color of Lifetime here has a small dark area at the beginning still not quite there maybe let's cheat a bit okay it's say it's okay yep you have the glow and you have the Sparks we see the colors later for now let's just block out the thing and then I would like some shock wave to it so let's take the hit right click copy component of the particle system duplicate this one and paste the component and we name it shock wve and PR it the center okay so we are going to create a new material control D or duplicate and let's call it shock wave there so now we need to create the shock wave texture for it and that's what you're going to do in Photoshop whoops here so let's say the Size Doesn't Really Matter here control shift n to create a new layer and let's do something very simple like just take a sphere a sphere a circle here nope in white Al shift to create uh to get the same proportions and here so now maybe that's a bit too small here double click gradient overlay normal that's okay and I want it to be black I want them to be in radar so that it does like this but that's not what I want I want the opposite so just click reverse and then we are going to adjust this so I want more white the edges and more black faster so maybe more like this okay sounds good enough maybe let's have very thin gray area here okay then just CR a contrl shift c contrl v to to select everything copy everything paste everything and filter blue question maybe let's say eight and put it on lighton there you have a very basic shock wave let's save this in where did I put this here show an expr [Music] okay texture TGA and shock wave okay and now let's just apply the material and change the texture here Shar wave oops wrong name okay so the sh wave has to be has to last bit longer because you won't see it like this so let's say maybe I don't know one second should be enough and not that intense let's lower the glow intensity to one should be enough okay so the colover lifetime is okay and now let's see what it looks like okay so you can see the shock wave isn't doing anything it just appears and then it fades and that's not what I want I want it to grow so what we're going to do we going to create nice curve here so I want it to grow very fast at the beginning because that's a shock wave and the shock wave is very fast but then it will slow down and that's about how it should look like you can see here are the shot wave that's really B yep that's okay maybe let's make it a bit bigger and now let's try with the colors let's say I want them to be blue because the projectile is blue so let's say I want it to be this color maybe white it's just the hit the hit it's so fast it doesn't really change the color so let's just say I want it to be Sayan here and here maybe darker but we won't actually see it I think the Sparks though we are going to see it for sure so I want them to be very bright at the beginning and once again darker at the end so maybe the purish purple thing here okay and maybe even white not entirely white but almost white yeah okay let's see how it looks like for now yes nice color so far and now of course I want the shock wave to be the same so maybe we can just copy paste right click on the gradient copy and paste it that we have the same color sham and let's say I want it to fade a bit at the beginning and here now uh I'm not sure I want the Sparks who have a direction like that all let's say the game is in 2D and I just want the Sparks to be all around it so all I have to do is to make the cone into a sphere put it in the middle the center sorry and yeah that's it maybe a bit more of them and maybe a bit wher at the beginning yep like this and I want them to start from the edge of the shock wave so let's say I want them to start around here so imit from Shell and reduce but one okay and that looks good for me so now what we're going to do we are just going to cheat a bit so let's just take the projectile and let's add the hit inside of it okay let's put it okay it's already in the center and let's say when it hits I think it stops moving here yep when it hits I want it to activate the hit so all I have to do is just set this on deactivate at beginning and here add property hit active and at this Frame I want it to be active so that when it stops the motion it will activate the effect and then the effect will play and then re can re uh deactivate it again here I don't think it's needed because we already deactivated at the beginning of the animation so it's fine okay let's see how it looks like I'm just going to cheat a bit so I just take the one particular effect we have that I set in the manager and I just set it to 3 seconds for the duration and that's just what we need so if you look how it looks like that's okay here and it face the impact there okay so let's change the camera let's play it first okay take the game here okay now is the to [Music] please okay let's just ch that here woohoo okay so here we have a very simple hit Effect The Spar go way too fast though so I'm going to change that quickly Sparks let's say three to I don't know seven seven here let's test again so it has to be deactivated first don't forget that and I forgot to change the camera here paste okay okay that's already better I'd let the glow to have a bit more impact so let's just make it bigger here and let's say the Sparks have to go bit longer so maybe like this and last a bit too long so maybe more this and the shock wave lasts a bit too long too and it should grow grow a bit [Music] longer I would like the glow to be more powerful though what we could try would be to add some shape to it so let's just create a simple shape texture here so I want it to be always centered so let's make something very simple here fill it with white and move it around duplicate it first of course okay okay let me this and put of course some glow and like this maybe the grow here is a bit too much okay save this and let's call it U impact shape 0 one okay now let's duplicate again a material impact shaped 0 one let's put this here and let's duplicate this paste let's call it impact shape and let's put the matterial inside of it and now let's make it a bit longer you can see it's already better bigger too and let's not forget here Max particles size let's put it to one okay now the size let's do something like this flat in the middle and this one like this let's try okay maybe let's work two of them with random rotation and random sizes okay let's try how it looks like the impact shave should already be bigger at the beginning and then just fade I mean get smaller the end okay that's better already and maybe let's remove this very too clean effect for this Stu wave I would like to give some more shapes in it so let's duplicate it and let's use this for example here okay uh click on uh press shift to always have a line instead of just doing it manually because it doesn't always look good like that okay try to add some diversity to the shapes and like this okay that's really better uh click it uh put it on screen reduce this a bit this two it's okay okay I this let's try shock wve here no [Music] here oh right I like it now I feel like it's just it's BRS too ear uh too late so we just move this here and let's try ah okay that's a bit better maybe a bit [Music] earlier okay who uh that's already better okay I think that's I think that's enough for this one actually I not really sure what I could add for a tutorial and I don't want this video to be extremely long too so I think for now it's going to okay here yep maybe a bit more variations see for the Sparks okay that sounds good to me let's try one last time yep that's sound good to me it's already a very very simple but good looking hit effect so I leave here with that for this one and I'll make a new video when I have some free time which I haven't had a lot recently so sorry for that but if you have any questions once again feel free to leave one comment in the comment section below the video and I will link the package in the description and yeah if you just need anything just ask and I rep so once again thank you for watching and uh I'll see you on the next video bye
Channel: Sirhaian
Views: 152,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vfx, preview, effects, abilities, games, final, version, fx, spells, light, particles, tutorials, Unity, introduction, learning, special, sparks, beginner, easy, shuriken, shockwave, impact, hit
Id: 0YlBinFC9So
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2016
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