Unity VFX - Realistic Rain (Particle System Tutorial)

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everyone welcome back to another very exciting unity VFX tutorial and this time we're going to be creating this heavy rainfall effect that you see here in the background not just so you can get a better view I'm going to zoom out and tilt the camera a bunch of times and we'll notice what you'll notice is really it's just a boxed effect which you have following the player around so and there's some other elements which I didn't quite leave in and I'm not gonna go over them in the Detroit like this lightening which didn't really fit the style of the effect even though it looks pretty cool and then as a breakdown you know you have the splashes and the ripples which you hide the flat plane it's just the rain and then you have the rain sheets so I don't use as many particles and then of course you have the individual raindrops coming down now as usual i'm going to be using textures from my ultimate VFX particle pack mainly these three right here so this is for the rain and the rain sheets alright so without any further delay let's get started first thing we don't want to do of course is create a new particle system so we can start from scratch and for the shape I want it to be a box right so I want it to be about 10 meters 10 meters in z space so you'll see what that looks like now right now it's rotated so I'll just reset that there you go right so you have the box and we want this to be up in the sky somewhere so maybe about 10 units up there 10 meters up and instead of going this way we want it to be dropping down so let's just add some velocity over lifetime now there's different ways you can do this you can also just you know enable gravity first disable the speed but you could just enable gravity which might be good for physics based games but in that case just to make the raindrops fall at the speed you'd expect you'd have to put this up higher and then the lifetime would be higher and then it just wouldn't be as efficient so because we're going to go for a general solution here will just use velocity over a lifetime instead of gravity okay so let's have them falling down okay they'll be falling down pretty fast next of course we need to change the texture to a stretched billboard so they face the way they're following that way if you want to add you know some wind effects well they would actually point that action and we don't want to use the default particle system what we want to use is the capsule as I pointed out earlier which just looks like this and so I'm just going to type in capsule alpha because I want the Alpha texture for capsule and specifically I want capsule three which is the long one you can see it's capsule three so this will do and then I need to turn the opacity way way down that's way too bright for now I'll leave it at that and let's see if we can change the scale a bunch now previously you could also just do it here but with unity 5.5 there is a better way a more versatile way of doing it and that's to just set 3d size directly so let's choose a random between two constants okay maybe like point one for now okay and then depending on how much you want to stretch you might set this like two or three and two or something like that let's have some more particles falling down okay so that looks like rain roughly just too bright so let's turn this down and you pass city down I'm like there that looks very rainy okay maybe one and two this is way too bright over there and we need to adjust the start life time because right now we've got a lot of wasted particles just falling through I'm not sure if you're gonna be able to see this after the video is compressed but you know there's still going right below the ground so we don't need that so let's see how low we can get this alright so one second actually works pretty well next we're gonna add some variation to the fall speed so between two constants right so we'll have negative 25 - I don't know negative 35 maybe okay that's about probably the speed of rain might witch brain might fall maybe a little bit faster but for now that's good enough and we can make it bit thinner too if we wanted to something like that okay and we're gonna leave it a little bit wider so there's variations in the raindrop thickness okay so that's that's just the we already have you know if you wanted to leave it at this you could that was pretty simple but we want more heavier more powerful rainfall so we're going to add another particle system underneath this and actually we are just going to copy the variables from this part system and that then we're going to use rain sheets so let's see s 1 so we have which one we values we want to use maybe s 1 right so we'll use s 1 so we'll just type in rain s 1 alpha ok these keywords are really helpful so you get rain to rain as one so we'll use this one ok now this is supposed to be a really wide sheet so having such a thin X and Z makes it almost invisible so let's crank this up some so we can see it better ok then we're just going to select wireframe here and see what's going on ok so in this case actually it's going to be stretched sideways if I set it to stretched billboard just because of the way it's a line so you can see the rain drop was lined this way the capsule this one's aligned this way so for that reason when you stretch it actually stretches horizontally which is not what we want so for this one we can actually just use vertical billboard ok let's just move it out stop that stop that let's see what this looks like ok so we still can't really see it so set the state but 8 I see it now I can just barely begin to see it it's just the Alpha a nice - there you go so now you can see it better this might be something like I know 15 or 10 and this might be 4 & 5 maybe okay not bad it's probably stretch it out a bit more 20 maybe right there you go and we don't necessarily need it to be following this fast for this specific spreadsheets let's turn this down to 15 better we're getting there now as we did set the state or even 15 and we might need to change this to something there you go that's what was stopping it so let's set set this back to eight or five five and eight okay so that looks like really heavy rainfall right there put this back to shaded too much in fact so let's turn the opacity down way way down okay and we can change the emission rate we don't that many particles being emitted you can have just a few mixed together so if we put this back in here we can see them playing together and you can see what that looks like these might still be a little bit too wide we can make them always smaller if we need to like that okay that's good and we'll duplicate this particle system and again choose rain but this time we're going to use s 4 which is basically almost the same thing but it's just blurred and stretched out more automatically so we want the alpha choose this and this one doesn't need as much stretching because it's already pretty stretched let's see what it looks like on its own okay so that's what that looks like and we'll put that back in okay so we'll call this we'll just rename them now because we in another tutorial video we ran into some trouble well I ran into some trouble where I can remember what was what so rain sheet and rain sheet again okay so that roughly looks like a pretty heavy rain the next thing we'll want of course and let me just see actually how far it's going below so that's that's acceptable next thing we'll want what we'll want to do is create some splash particles right so some ripples and splashes so let's start with the ripples first so let's create a new particle system let's actually disable every part of this and this is just a trick so that what happens in unity is anything that's parented to a particle system right a child of the particle system all of them will play at once now we want this to be just the plane right so we want every particle system underneath this to play just for preview purposes so we're going to create this one this is really just a dummy particle system it's not and I admit some anything you're not going to see anything and it's just so it gives you the hint to play any particle since about particle systems underneath it so we can preview them easily while we write the effect and that way if we don't want the ripples we can always just disable this particle system in one go similar to what I had right here is you can see this one same thing it's a dummy particle system none of the modules are enabled so okay going back to this so this is going to be a ripple effect and the plane would be negative 10 because this is raised up 10 right so we want it to be right about on the ground centered around 0 so for this one we will need horizontal billboards so they face flat on the grounds of the parallel to it and again we do we do want the box to matter but we don't want any speed let's set that to 0 okay set it 10 10 and this could be basically 0.1 and let's raise it up 0.1 I love the ground so it's just barely sitting above the ground they've got a little bit of depth but it's not a really big deal okay so we want first of all the ripple particle so for that we'll just look for ripple we want the alpha blended version 3 just so it doesn't fade into the geometry all that much then we want to take the capacity down ok and next we want to do some color over lifetime shenanigans so let's have it quickly fade in and then fade out so let's just do that from scratch actually so we have it we have the color we can leave that alone we'll have somewhere at the beginning 0 and then at the end 0 and then somewhere around 15% we'll have it quickly fade in and then after that it fades out very slowly ok next we want because ripples spread outwards once the raindrop hit raindrops hit the ground we want it to increase the size over a lifetime so we can just select something like this right here so you can see what that looks like right now the lifetime is way too big maybe like one second okay so that's beginning to look like a ripple you can also maybe a bit a little bit or just on impact that looks good and the size so we want some variation in the size maybe anywhere from 0.5 to 2 okay and we might we might want more of these all right back to one - well I'll just leave it exaggerated in this case for the tutorial you can always tweak these as you go along and I do want this to be much less visible ok so that looks like those look like ripples and what I'm going to do is for every ripple I'm actually going to add a sub image just actually before I do that copy the particle system settings the component settings before we do this and then on birth I'm going to have it emit another particle system and I'm going to paste the component values so it doesn't taste the sub emitter just disable that and I'm only going to want not like this disable looping we'll just set that to zero and have it emit one particle around the birth time for this one I'm going to use the swirl texture sheet alpha 3 that's right then just enable 8x8 here okay so that just adds a little bit of depth to the particle system and for this one I'm going to do 1 and 2 and I'm gonna set the start lifetime to be maybe a second I'm sure if we can see that though okay so it's there it's just barely visible which is about what I want so again you can tweak that doesn't look that great on its own but with some tweaking it looks better that's what I had in the other system too so right so let's see that's looking pretty good I think next we want to do the splashes I'm just gonna call this quickly swirls and ripples okay next we want some splashes so splashes will be pretty similar to the ripples effects so for that reason I'm going to actually copy this or system and create a new particle system and then just paste those values okay but I don't want the sub emitter enabled and the difference though is instead of flat on the plane we want them stretched upward so we want to use vertical billboard so I mean that alone could be fine but it's not good enough so we're going to use we're actually to use the smoke spreadsheet alpha to simulate the splashes ideally you'd want a splash texture but right now I haven't made one so for now I'll just go with this okay so I need to enable texture sheet animation otherwise you know it's enabling it's emitting the whole texture sheet which doesn't make a whole lot of sense really okay and we probably can't see it that well so let's just there you go okay so it is bit random just exactly we want we can make the size bigger okay and then if you set this back to 32 128 and we'll give it some random rotation and you know what I realize that I never actually set the random rotation for this one so we're going to do that too real quick so negative 360 360 and same with this okay that does actually think I do notice a difference how to tell though and that's fine so this flash works pretty well what's a let's first of all its name this splash splashes and then duplicate it's a control data duplicate and splash two now the difference between this one and the other one will be that this one is actually going to be stretching upwards and to the side so this one's more of a like a generic splash and this one's more like a water drop being splash I'll show you what that means in a second so let's separate three axis axes copy paste but the y-axis is still the same so for this one we're actually going to do something like so for this one you can see it's just doing that and then for this one specifically the Y I'm gonna have it start here put some point here make it flat up here and then basically just go down okay there you go so let's just isolate this for a second okay stop this effect and you can see what's going on so it actually does look kind of like it's splashing and then spreading apart right so that's what that just did let's put that back in there oops not there there and there you have it that's actually most of the rain effect now you can also add some depth to this by adding some fog in the background so that's because we have time why not let's just add that in too so this is the plane if you don't want the ripples you can always disable this quickly if you do want them then you can leave it on so as a generic effect let's add another particle system and it's going to be with the fog fog effect let's move this down to negative five or maybe negative to actually weight negative ten for now let's just leave it at negative 10 for now and we're also going to again use the smoke effect so smoke alpha smoke gum oak smoke alpha we should get up this point five ones I'm trying to do well for us because we want it to not be clipping through the geometry so hard so all right we got that turn this down start size can play that later for now let's turn up to five and of course you can always you know add variation to the other ones as well but for this one turn it down to the two shape again we want it to be a box ten maybe like two for this two meters and time again for this we don't want any start speed we just kind of line emitting near the ground and the size the lifetime after lifetime right we can make it something like that or you can make it something much greater so it kind of just hovers around the center and we can always lift it up if it's too close to the ground in this case it's 10 s fine okay we can add some variation here four to eight maybe change this to one it's 12 so now you have some more depth to your rain effect and this would just be following the player around okay and you can set the simulation spaces for the emitters to world space so it doesn't you know it's not so jarring so anyways that just about covers what I wanted to show you guys leave a comment subscribe let me know what you'd like to see for future tutorials and thanks for watching bye
Channel: Mirza
Views: 171,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unity, five, unity 5, storm, weather, effects, tutorial, particles, vfx, particle, shuriken, free, download, game engine, ultimate, particle pack, particle system, particle systems, mirza, beig, particle effects, unity 5 particle effects, unity 5 particle tutorial, 5.5, lightning, thunder, 2016, unity vfx, beginner, realistic, rain, clouds, fog, splash
Id: cDHJuRV5Ays
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2016
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