Unity 5 - Game Effects VFX - Glowing Orb

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Ffs, just stand fucking still.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ElFeesho 📅︎︎ May 21 2017 🗫︎ replies

Solid tutorial.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ArmanDoesStuff 📅︎︎ May 21 2017 🗫︎ replies

That was a great tutorial. Thanks~!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/cdogg75 📅︎︎ May 21 2017 🗫︎ replies
hey what's up guys welcome to the first tutorial of the series special effects for games in unity and we are going to see how to create effects like the ones you are seeing and there will be plenty more that you can find in the description and in my channel by the way everything is available in my patron in case you are interested to have access to these effects I'm using unity 5.5 and today we are going to see how to create this electric orb which is great to get started with particle systems so let's see how we can do it the effects we create are done with several particle systems so it's always good to create an empty game object which is going to be called particle system electric orb next thing we do is add our first particle system with right click and rename it to circle as you can see it's not facing up so let's rotate it - 90 degrees in the X like this we can also move the empty game object in the white a value of 3 let's create a folder called particle system and inside it create one called something like electric orb this particle system is going to be the circle that we have seen and I created this circle in Photoshop but you can also download it if you google for circle PNG but in case you want to know it's done in Photoshop I simply create a new file with 1000 by 1000 use the ellipse tool and by holding alt + shift I proportionately created the circle the field is empty and Stroke is white with around 15 pixels don't worry about color because we can control it in unity I double click in the circle layer to open the layer style and in the outer glow I choose it white with the spread of 16 and 100 pixels for the size I headed the black background and export in PNG and that's how it's done now that we have this image we need a material so let's create a new one with the right click mouse rename it to circle and in this drop-down menu where it's a shader we have a section colored particles and we want to select the additive option we can drag and drop the image of the circle to this slot and now drop the material on top of the circle like this and as you can see this immediately takes effect and the particle systems start emitting the circle okay that's great but let's change a few things the first one is we don't want 1000 particles in the max particles because the tree will do the work and we don't want it to move so let's set the start speed to zero and we also don't want any shape and check this the circles are now in the center which is what we want now the time the particles leave are controlled by the start lifetime option and we can set it to 4 seconds now it means that every circle will leave 4 seconds this duration parameter is to control how much time the particle system will be emitting sense this is looping if you'll control the time between each loop and for now I'm gonna set it to 2 if we want to change the size we can change it here in the start size I'm going to put 5 let's just say that in the emission the rate over time is 1 which means that one particle will be emitted every second but if we want the size to change with time we can use this parameter called size over lifetime which lets us control the size of the particles from the moment they are born until they die and we want this linear growth and this left handle controls the size at which they are born okay if you look closely you can see that the circles simply disappear and appear again in a very abrupt way and we can smooth the way they are born and they die with the color of a lifetime option just turn it on press this Square and in this window we can see keys on the top and on the bottom the ones in the top control the opacity and ones in the bottom controls the color we want to add one in the middle and we can decrease the opacity of the ones in extremity like this and now they are much smoother as you can see let me just show you that in the emission if you increase the rate over time to two there will be two circles every two second which will increase the quantity in case you are interested you can also control the color of our circle in the start color parameter and you can change the opacity with this alpha value now let's create another particle system and we can call it particles if we go to the shape parameter we can see that we have a cone shape particle system and we want to change this to sphere this way it will meet in every direction the particles are moving too fast so let's decrease the start speed now in start size let's also change it and we are going to use the random between two constants that you can access in these right arrow and for now we can change the minimum to 0.1 and the maximum to 0.5 let's also choose random between two constants for the start speed and shine it to 0.1 between 1.2 and by the way you may have noticed that if you zoom in the circle will shrink and this happens because we need to go to the render separator down here and set the max particle size to at least three okay now back to our particles let's also say that the start life time is random between two constants something like 2 for the minimum and 5 for the maximum at least for now because I'm gonna make small adjustments and I will show you the hand result now let's change the color like these the particles are disappearing at Brookley so let's again change the color over lifetime turn Iran press this Square and do the same with it for the circles add a new key by pressing here and decrease the alpha value of the others we also need to change the size of a lifetime this time we choose the last graph which will ease in and ease out the born and the death of the particles if we want more particles we can change it in the rate over time of the emission separator I'm gonna put 54 now and these needs a material and a PNG image I created this one in Photoshop it's really simple but for the sake of this tutorial you can google for point of light PNG and you will have plenty of options to play with and after you have shooted and unload your image we want to import it to unity create a new material called particles of beam light or something familiar and even shaders like particles and shoes additive and now I'm going to use the image that I already add and drop on top of material you can do the same with your image and then drag and drop the material to the particles I know they look a little bit better let's just make sure that they are born with different rotations of each other and for that we can use the start rotation and choose randomize between two constants and it's going to be between 0 degrees and 360 degrees like this let's add even more randomness in the way they move because now they are only moving from the center of the sphere to outside in a straight line and with this parameter called velocity / lifetime we are going to make sure that they move with more randomness and we can choose random between two constants which will allow us to insert the minimum and a Mac valuing the XY and z axes and we say it's between minus one and one in the tree values like this and these will make the particles much more natural and much more random now the real magic happens when we turn our noise and the trails like this the noise is what is giving the distortion in the swirls and the trail is pretty self-explanatory now in the noise we have the strength option and if we increase the value positively or negatively we get this crazy beautiful mass effect and we want something like two in strength and 1.5 in frequency and that should be enough you can play with the values and see what you like and we have to move on to the next particle system that you can create and renamed to something like electric beam rotated minus 90 degrees in the X and decrease the particles to 1 for now and we don't want it to move so we set to start speed to zero we are going to turn off shape we don't need it since this is going to be in the center of our orb let's create a new material called beam Center or something similar change the shader to particle additive let's drag and drop the same image we have used it for a little particles and drop the material on top of the electric beam now we can see that's too small so let's select random between two constants and it's going to be between 2 and 5 let's also create more particles and increase the max particles to 16 and the emission the rate over time will be something like 1 particle every second I also change the start rotation to between 0 and 360 and we do the same we did with the color of a lifetime at the beginning in the end are transparent like this we also change the size of a lifetime to a linear graph and the next thing is to turn on rotation over lifetime and make it slower or faster depending on what you want now you can see out the particle systems working together by selecting them now I'm going to show you something that it was made available in nudity 5.5 which is the light option and we need to create a light we can choose a point light decrease the range to 4 rename it to something like beam light and save it as a prefab by dragging and dropping in the folder we have created let's select the beam light particle system and let's turn on light which as you can see as an input for a light and we are going to drag and drop the light we have just created we don't see no light at the beginning because we need to set duration to 1 and down here you can control if the light has the same color as the particle or not and it doesn't make any difference for now because the particle system and the light have a white color let me just change the prefab light to blue and go to circle particle system copy this color with the right click paste it to electric beam ok cool now we see that it has taken an effect and if we switch between the particle system and the light color we can see that both are taking effect and we can control the maximum lights I'm going to decrease it to 2 or 3 because these use some performance and be careful with it now we are able to control the intensity and your range also and that's it for the light moving on to the next and the last particle system which is going to be called smoke outside the first thing we do is change the shape to sphere because we want to smoke to emit in every direction and since this is moving too fast we are going to decrease the start speed to 0.5 next thing is set marks particles to around 50 and in emission we can increase the rate over time to maybe 25 now let's go to google and type smoke PNG and unload something similar to these in part 2 unity create a new material called smoke outside select particles additives drop the image to material and drag the material on top of the smoke outside let's adjust the radius of the circle and now we are going to make the start speed the start lifetime the start size and the start rotation between two constants like this you can copy the values we also want to change the start color to random between two colors and make sure that they are transparent like these colors otherwise the smoke is too present let's do the same thing we did to the other particle system and change the color over lifetime also change the size over lifetime like this and turn on rotation over lifetime let's just set the max particle size in the render to tree and we are pretty much done we just need to go to the shape and set the sphere we meet from the shell this white smoke only comes out from the boundaries of the sphere and now this is a matter of finding the right values until we get to something like this and for me after adjusting a little bit two particle systems I end up with these values you can pause the video and copy if you want what is important is that you have learned what each parameter we are playing with does and that's basically it guys if you want to have access to these effects and more you can support me in my patreon and I will give you a link where you can download the re words and thanks a lot for watching guys subscribe for weekly game development videos and see you in the next tutorial you
Channel: Gabriel Aguiar Prod.
Views: 252,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unity tutorial, unity 5 tutorial, unity effects, unity special effects, game effects, game effect tutorial, unity magic effects, unity 3d effect, particle system, unity shuriken, unity particle system, game effects for games, special effects for games, unity shuriken particle system, unity particle system for beginners, orb effect, unity particle effects, unity particle tutorial, particle system tutorial, vfx for games, unity game effect, Game Effects Tutorial, unity vfx
Id: ctmqr_8esT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2017
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