Unity 5 - Game Effects VFX - Fireball Spell / Projectile

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what's going on guys welcome to the hay tutorial of the series special effects for games and today this tutorial is brought to you by a patreon who supports me in my patreon page and requested to do tutorial about projectile effects I thought it was a good idea and that's why we are having this lesson but in the next video we will continue with the cartoon effects episodes and as you can see I have this scene where we can see a guy being hit by the projectiles I have made but basically the projectile is not moving and then I have a script that makes the projectile move and if he hits the enemy it will spawn an explosion effect and then destroy the particle system that's pretty simple but we are only going to focus on creating the projectile effect and uh let's see how we can do [Music] this so let's create an empty game object and rename it to particle system projectile let's create create a new particle system before going on to our image editing software and the first effect I made was made in Photoshop as you can see I made two spells two images and I'm going to show you how to do it so we can create a new Photoshop file with 1,000 by 1,000 paint the background to Black and create a new layer now I basically use one of the brushes that I I mostly use which I think is pretty good and you know we can make pretty much anything with this now the idea is that you start figure out how your effect is going to be and I make a rough sketch with my brush set to an opacity of around 50 and then I try to figure out what I like and figure out what I want for instance if we wanted to make a bullet it would be pretty simple we would need something like this more or less like this and I always paint uh with white I like to give color in unity but that's fine if you paint in Photoshop okay so that was just a few tips I'm going to do something crazy something different it's probably going to be a fireball and you can also use transform tools to manipulate your effect I always start with something B then I start to create some details and after you have done your image for the effect for the particle system you can crop it with c and add the black background and Export as a PNG to Unity and now in unity we need to create the folder I'm going to rename it to projectile and I'm going to import the image we have created okay so now we need to create a material for this image I'm going to give it the same name and we need to change the Shader to particles additive now we can drop the image to the slot of the material and drop the material to the particle system like this now we can start by turning off shape and this is way too small so we can increase it and we are going to use 3D start size which will allow us to stretch the image to our own taste I'm going to make the X a little bit random between maybe 9 and 11 and this has too many image I'm going to decrease it one in rate over time from the emission or even less so it can work better in my case if I play with the Y AIS I can figure out the original shape of the image and I'm going to leave the Z as it is okay so now that we have the shape of our image right and the size we can turn on rotation over Lifetime and as you can see this is rotating in the x axis and we don't want that so the trick is to turn on separate axis the idea now is that we make it rotate in the x axis in my case and if we increase the rate over time this is the effect we get we get a projectile spinning around and we can do a lot of stuff with this now let's decrease the opacity because there are too many images at the moment let's go to renderer because if we get closer your image will shrink and we are going to increase the max particle size to avoid that problem we also need to set the billboard alignment to local this way the projectile will be facing its own axis and not always the camera or the view okay so if we decrease now the start lifetime you can see that the image start disappearing faster and you may need to increase the rate over time and the opacity which means that you have to find the balance between the start lifetime the opacity and the rate over time okay so after you have found that balance between the start lifetime the opacity and rate over time we can work on the color and for the start color I'm going to use random between two colors and I'm going to to make random between a darker blue and a lighter blue of course this is up to you the color and you can also use the color of lifetime I mean you should use the color of lifetime because it will allow us to smooth the beginning and the end of each particle this is pretty easy to work with the keys on top control your opacity and you can add one with mouse like one and the keys on bottom controls the color okay so after you have found the colors for your part parle system for the image we can create another particle system which is going to be called particles and you may need to rotate it so the emission is aligned with the particle system something like this as you can see and by the way you can change the P of your particle system if you go to render this may be useful for you and for the particle system I also created a very simple image as as you can see something like this circle something like a beam of light and the way I created was very simple I started drawing big circles to small circles and then I give a simple effort some simple details and that's it we have made a beam of light you can do one if you want and I'm going to use the same material that already had for the last particle system which is beam one and I'm going to drag on top the particles now we may need to adjust the shape and we are going to use a cone I'm using a very small angle like this and I'm going to increase the rate over time to 30 now I changed the start of a lifetime so it's random between 0.5 and three and we also want to make the start Speed random I'm going to make something like between four and seven maybe it's too much you know you have to play with these vales to see what fit best for you and I also decrease the start size between very small particles which is 0.01 and 0.7 and now we can add a little bit of Randomness by turning on velocity over Lifetime and using random between two constants and we can inser a minimum and a maximum for each axis I'm going to set one and minus one which I think is enough to give just some small alator movement to the particles and after you have done that you can turn on color over lifetime to smooth the beginning and the ending and you can also give it some color you can also use the size over Lifetime and I'm going to use the curve similar to this one you can add points to the curve with the right click Mouse and select add key this will make the beginning of each particle smaller and then it will reach the maximum size and towards the end the particle will get smaller okay so now to give a nice really nice effect we can go to Trails turn it on and as you can see it creates these trails and the ratio controls how many particles will have trails and I'm going to say that I want all of the particles to have Trails I also want to make the start lifetime random between 0.5 and 1 and decrease a little bit the color over a lifetime like this now we can turn on noise and if you want you can decrease the frequency so you don't get much curvy and decrease the strength that's up to you you can play with the values see what you like the idea is that the noise gives that curves effect to the trails and it's awesome I'm going to duplicate these particles and uh basically I'm going to make a very small cone like this I'm going to push a little bit behind and I'm going to increase the emission I just want a few particles and turn off velocity over lifetime because I want these particles to go straight which means I also need to turn off noise which already did and now in this case I went all the particles to have Trails so I set the ratio to one and now if I increase the opacity of these colors it will get this bright blue which is Awesome by the way and if you want you can also give colors in Photoshop like this but basically you will have to set the color to white like that and it's also good it's also looking good and now we are pretty much done with this we can create a light if you want a point light and create a prefab from the light now if you go to particle system and turn on lights by the way this feature is only available in un 5.5 and drag the brief up to that input and we can set the ratio to one and we can control the maximum lights down here I'm going to set to five I'm going to also set the range m multier and the intensity multiplier Rand between 0.8 and 1.2 you can also play with these values and we are done with the particle system I'm going to actually set the color of these last particle Sims to look like a fireball like I said in the beginning basically as you can see those are great spells they look like spells look like a fireball one looks like a magical spell I don't know it looks fantastic in my opinion and I hope you guys have also enjoyed this as much as I did feel free to ask any questions guys I will get to you as soon as possible and if you want you can support me on my patreon page you can have access to these effects and much more go check it out you can also request tutorial if you want the pled is just a little bit higher and that's it guys subscribe for more Weekly game development tutorials and see you in the next [Music] video
Channel: Gabriel Aguiar Prod.
Views: 192,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unity tutorial, unity 5 tutorial, unity effects, unity special effects, game effects, game effect tutorial, unity magic effects, unity 3d effect, unity particle system, game effects for games, special effects for games, unity particle system for beginners, unity particle tutorial, unity game effect, Game Effects Tutorial, unity vfx, spell, unity spell, unity fireball, unity projectile, projectile, fireball, unity bullet, bullet, vfx for games, unity magic effect, spell effect
Id: -P09r-ALN38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2017
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