ProBuilder Building Structures with Interior and Exterior

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/P4p3Rc1iP 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2018 🗫︎ replies
hi everybody Gabriel from pro builder here welcome to another pro builder walkthrough video just a reminder for these walkthrough videos I'll take a more casual approach starting with an idea or a topic and walking through the process organically you'll see me plan build make some mistakes solve problems and adapt this is big-picture stuff so check out the documentation if you prefer fast detailed info in this walkthrough we'll be taking a look at how you can use pro builder to build a structure that has both interior and exterior especially with a bit of a bonus here you'll be able to use this for something like an RPG style game where you need to see in two different parts of the house depending on maybe where your character is or the direction that you're looking at it from so this makes it a bit more complex may be quite a bit more complex in some ways or at least more moving parts but I think it's a good extra bonus to throw into this and really works into the interior and exterior part of the walkthrough as you can see if I start pulling pieces apart here I've added quite a few sections to this mostly to allow the player to see the structure from different floors of the building to have different rendering modes whether you want to show these little topper items or just the insides if you want them to see through the back faces or not so this is probably a lot more than you actually need we'll simplify it for the actual tutorial for sure alright we have a brand new scene started here and we can start building up the structure I think the best way to do this probably just make sense is to start with the simple shapes first we'll build those up so foundation levels floors or main walls and then floors and then we'll add on the details cut out holes for windows and doors etc so starting out will create that foundation I'll click on the new poly shape button in the toolbar and start building that shape so I'm just building this out to what I think I'll want the overall border of the structure to be I can always edit it later once I have that set click back on the editing poly shape to exit or hit escape on the tool on the key bar keyboard and I'm also going to give this a different color using the vertex coloring tools just so I can pick it out from the other shapes more easily next I'm going to create the first floor walls so clicking again on new poly shape and I can start clicking directly onto this surface and the poly shape tool will automatically create on top of it so there we have the walls and you know I'm going to be building the interior of this so instead of pulling it up to the full height of the walls I'm going to start with this down app just one meter once I have that ready hit escape and move into poly editing I'll actually need to select both the top and bottom faces so let's select the bottom and hide its wall reddit we can rename that properly it's called this foundation and we'll call this level one walls good idea to start with naming early or it becomes a big problem later on so we hide the foundation with the wall selected I'm going to select both its top and bottom faces and now I need to do an inset so I can create an interior space make this hollow so I'll hold shift while in scale mode and pull in on one axis and then without holding shift I don't want to do a double inset now I'm just going to pull in on the other and I'm not getting this real perfect or exact I just want to have them pulled in now I can move this around once I start moving the points are going to snap which is exactly what I want and I'll also get the or not also but I'll start moving through let's use an ISO mode so we get this exact and move these points around to exactly where I want them to be in my case I'm creating a pretty gigantic 1 meter thick wall again we're just looking for the basic shapes anyway so we can always thin the wall down walls down later not a big deal and I'll select the top and bottom actually let's just take the bottom delete that then with a top selected hold shift and pull down to extrude it which creates those inside edges backspace to delete and we have it I can also wear I should also definitely move into vertex mode select all these verts and hit alveta weld or I can click in the toolbar where it says weld to do that and that's just going to make sure I don't have any vertices on their own now they're welded up here they're not separate at all maybe to make that a bit more obvious if I undo that weld otherwise it's like this so we pull them together and we pulled them together in that previous step but we need to make sure they're actually welded together becoming a single vertex there so let's redo that you've just got to move that back up so it's in the same point and weld it if you're seeing these strange ugly lighting artifacts and such pop up you can go ahead and just turn off make sure you turn off lighting the light map generation I mean I mean it's on by default the auto generate in unity you can either turn that off or I find the easier way is just to turn off mix lighting and real-time lighting and then you'll still get the basic benefits of Auto generate so now that I have this I'm going to turn back on the foundation and I'll take this wall select just the top I can grab one face and hit alt G to selector all the faces along that same plane or angle and you can check out gross selection for options on that don't want to get too much in detail here and I'm going to pull that up to about 4 meters I'll also drop in a stand in a sort of a proxy shape for the stairway so I'm just going to use a cube for now let's line this up here and I know I want that stairway to have a nice ramp to it so about twice as long as it is tall so if it needs to be 4 metres tall I need it to be 8 long something that can help here is turning on the dimensions overlays you can go tools dimensions overlay and show and now we can see here it's 4 tall 8 y21 wide so hurry I've got it I'll actually make this about 2 meters wide 3 might even be better but stick with two for now we can again always edit that later and pull this around to a point that looks pretty good important to remember that when a person comes up this stairway actually let's move this over so we can see it completely when they come up the stairway they're going to need a spot to walk around an exit I at least have a tendency of sticking stairways and corners and then when I come back into the game I realize people are walking up a stairway into a wall so that can be a problem or even the opposite way sticking a stairway to close down at the bottom so anyway there we go stairway blocked in just a quick quick proxy for that now let's bring in the or let's create the ceiling / floor here I'm going to take the foundation go back a step got to remember its name this stairway proxy there we go or actually that's level one - stairway proxy keep it nicely named I'll select this floor here hit ctrl D move it up so that's where my new floor is going to be and then I'm going to go back to editing the poly shape and I'll use the poly shape points to quickly pull this in let's go back to a top view to make our lives easier here again Pro grids really helping out making sure I don't have to worry too much about what I'm doing as long as I'm on the grid I know it's good oops that is if I were thinking about this correctly there we go the gray space again good thing I had set that different color for the foundation so now I know the gray space is the foundation the white is the wall the lower wall so there we go while I'm at it let's give another color to this wall I also need to add a bit of a cut in for that stairway here so let's jump once again back into editing that Polly shape I'm going to click creates I don't really remember where that stairway was but that's okay we'll find it in a moment so there it is and I'm just clicking and creating these points for the stairway if you haven't used the new Polly shape yet you definitely should it is super awesome okay there we have a pretty nice floor setup again just the basic shape we're not worrying about it too much at this point just some visual tweaks I'm going to turn off those dimension overlays I don't really need them and I'll swap my toolbar to the icon mode I tend to prefer that I actually find myself searching with my eyes looking more when I'm using the text mode and I can also shrink down this this icon icon to a bar even more so I get more screen space right about a two column is perfect I think if I can yep there we go perfect moving on will create the second floor walls so I'll grab the first floor control D and move these up pretty straightforward but we also need to add the peaks on the side so for this I need to select an edge where that peak is going to be hit all you to create a new loop there and then pull this up and I want to have a nice 45 degree angle on these walls it'll help with the roof later on we'll see so I need it to be both five wide and five tall it looks like so right there you can also see that the edge is going right through the corner of each of these these squares in the texture that can help I'll do the same thing on the other side select an edge hit alt U or click the insert edge loop in the toolbar and pull that up five in fact a good use here is in the inspector you can just click under a quick offset with that edge selected we can tell us the y axis right here just type it in five four five meters hit apply and it's done if you're seeing the new faces here we're not new but the ones we've moved a bit looking a bit ugly that's alright we're gonna go ahead and clean those up quick as well so what's happening here is we've moved this edge in the center up creating a bit of a twist in this quad which just looks nasty and of course it can't really be Otto you viewed Otto you vide properly so we could delete this try to rebuild it do a bunch of fancy stuff or we could just select these interior edges and move them up to match the angle that we've created by pulling that up so with these interior edges selected move them up a single meter and now it matches so that's one benefit of working on a nice easy to use grid right all the way up at 1 meter adjustments like that are pretty simple to make and as a bonus this edge is going to match exactly our roof as it slants down and overhangs on the sides speaking of that roof let's go ahead and build it now you might have noticed that in this version I have included the peaks in the wall with this wall here versus in the demo version I had included the peaks with the roof so this was all one complete piece here and then this wall was just flat on the top so this is one option I don't think it's the best though because you end up with a much more complex roof construction and your walls look a little strange with these supports sticking up out of them in case you're again viewing it like an RPG style from the inside or from the outside like this so let's go back to the building scene and I'll go ahead and tell you bit of trivia I rebuilt this structure about 4 or 5 times before I figured I had gotten it right and around the fifth time I figured out what I think is a pretty neat way of building roofs makes it very simple and you can use it for a lot of different shapes as well so let's take a look at that first thing to do is check out the shape of your roof so I have an L shape it could be a plus sign could be various other things the point is get that shape and then also figure out the width of your roof so I can see mine is going to be 10 metres wide and then I also want and overhang that's about maybe a quarter of a meter on each side so that's going to make this 10 plus a quarter and a quarter so 10 and a half so I'll start by hitting ctrl shift K create a new shape set this to actually that's the z-axis the blue there ten point five and on the X doesn't actually matter I'll just set that to 10 to start with and for the Y I want my roof to be 0.25 meters high and click on build Cuba so there we have the start of it now let's turn this into the L shape a couple of ways you could do this by either just pulling over the edge twice that's one way but you'll end up with these extroverts on the side and also some things will end up a bit more complex because you need that diagonal in the middle so a better way is to take the edge here pull it over and then extrude but we actually want this also to be the exact width that we've decided so this needs to move another 10.5 I could try to count that out one by one or again it's a great use for the quick offset here I can tell it's on the X the red axis there just type in 10.5 and hit apply then I can select this face here extrude it over any amount doesn't matter yet hold V to snap those verts to the other verts on the same axis there on the one selected I mean and we have our L shape we have to make one minor adjustment before we pull the center up on this and that is I want the overhang on the roof here to face downward instead of outward so I need to select each edge and pull it out just 0.25 oops point to five meters better set my grid to 0.25 not one let's pull that out and out and the same on the outer edges here so there we go got basically a little bevel on just the sides that will be overhanging so the almost final step we select an edge that can loop around through the center and hit all to you or click the insert edgeloop button in the toolbar and I'm going to bring this up five again that's the height of the peak for my roof here I could pull that up but once again I'm just going to use this over here type five in for the Y value and apply that then we have one final change to make if you look here the inner edge actually I've gotten that incorrect as well let's see oh of course because I had set this to ten and a half so I got my numbers wrong on the grid uh-huh the basic point is I want this line to be going over 1 down 1 over 1 down 1 every single time so if I look here kind of an easy way to see it is looking at the anti-aliasing on this line it looks jaggedy it means I don't have it correct so I can select this and start pulling it up just till I reach the point where there we go that line is nice and straight so now I know I have over 1 up 1 over 1 up 1 a perfect 45-degree angle on the side what I was trying to say the first time it's still off and that's because when we have the we have one of these edges down here at the bottom I'm trying select it this is at a 45 degree angle going from 1 to 1 that actually equals the same thing as 2 up on the top so 45 degree angles - all right back into it grab those verts pull them up just one and now after all that we have this nice 45 degree angle on both the inner and outer surfaces so a few complications there that maybe I didn't need to explain so much but hopefully it'll help people if you run into that same issue and generally that's a pretty quick and simple way of making what is otherwise a fairly complex shape or at least it sure was for me over the 4 or 5 times that I did it previously so now I can move this around and I'm going to hold V and snap that point right on move this over and again my grid is at 0.25 s when I move it I know it moves 0.25 so I get the same overhang there as on the sides and then it's simply a matter of selecting these verts and pulling them around to match so I got that side correct actually of course I did otherwise something would be very wrong I just need to move this out also to match and there we go a nice perfectly constructed roof without any of the usual mess that comes from creating and also trying to match it into the inner geometry at the same time having all those extroverts this is a real clean nice mesh we have that done it's time to start cutting holes in the structure make it usable so you can play test it and all that good stuff so first of all though once again I'm gonna run back through and quickly apply some slightly different colors here also we need to name that roof oops I've already done it right with that done let's go ahead and hide the roof and the second-floor walls also the also the floor / ceiling and start working on the first floor so here I'm going to add just a simple door on one side so I can select an edge where that door is going to be and hit alt you to insert a loop move it over oops make sure I've got my grid back up to one meter you need to align those edges there and creates another loop for the other side of the door here and finally will creates what we could do a loop all the way around if we really wanted to but I don't think we really need to we're not too worried about perfect quads right here so I can just select these two edges alone and it all te create the doorway here without adding too much extra geometry with that created I can simply erase the interior here oops I need to turn on the drag select intersect option just a quick demo on that so normally default is you drag select and it only selects the things that are completely inside the drag rect or that box there so if you change that to the intersect mode anything that even intersects with it is also selected so pretty handy tool anyway with that on I can drag select also select hidden is on so it's grabbing the faces back here and the one down on the bottom there and I'll hit backspace to delete those and start going through I just need a couple new edges here drag those over while holding shift oops I should also grab this side here and of course make sure to weld those verts up there's a doorway while we're down here let's go ahead and create a proper stairway so I know my stairway should be what did we decide on 4 by 8 so let's hit control shift K choose a stair type and we can align this blue preview object a bit better here delete the stand-in so for the width 2 is good for the height or Y that should be 4 and on the Z or the length or depth of the stairway that should be I said 8 yes okay that's great stair steps are enormous I tend to try to keep it so I have four steps every meter so I know it's four meters tall four times four would be 60 so I'll type in 16 for the number of steps my reasoning for that is this means that each step is still aligned to the grid or aligned to the 1/4 grid anyway so if I drop down to 0.25 I can edit these safely so there's my stairway assign a color to that why not it's automatically named stairs that's great I'll just go ahead and add a level 1 - stairs I'll turn back on the floor or the mid floor so I can make sure I have this line properly I do not and move that back oops make sure my grid is still up at 1 so things are snapping on a nice large good size ok perfect let's move up a level and take a look at the level 2 walls just a reminder we're still working on just the larger shapes so I'm not going to separate the inner and outer walls yet first I want to make sure I have the details cutouts etc on this wall here I'm going to put in a window on each side so I'll select the center edge on both sides actually and I just need a 1 extravert in the middle so I can connect that over to these side the sides over here where there's a vert on the side and create a nice edge going across the top so add those selected click on subdivide edges and now I have an extravert there which I can use to connect let's also make sure that is snapped onto the grid there same thing on the other side on the in to connect those I guess I could select all three at once and hit LT no need to do that one at a time and again snap that up so here I could do similar something similar to the door add in some extra loops etc but I think I will use the inset method just for a bit of difference another way to do it always good to see so with those faces both on the inside and outside selected they're a little different but that's okay it will work fine I'm going to hold shift and scale in and then without holding shift not holding it scale in the other direction once again going back to the same as the floors that don't want to do a double inset so I'm pulling this around snapping it let's see what the other side has turned into pretty close not bad I'll have backspace to delete that you know what actually I keep forgetting simpler way is just to delete one side then we select the other side hold shift and pull it through looks like I didn't get these quite the same oh of course not I forgot that on the side I had pulled this down a metre so these are quite different that's alright easy to fix grab this pull it down that's going to match this once I once I snap that to the grid properly quick note here actually glad this broke right now I have my grid set to only snap on the axis that I have selected to make this more obvious let's take a look at this line here so the problem I had here was I thought these points or this edge was on the grid however I had only moved it left and right so you can see how it's snapping left and right but it's not actually snapping to the grid you can kind of tell by looking at actually let's just make it obvious move into ISO mode so you can see the almost see that's also turn on wireframe okay so here are the grid lines in red if I move this it's not snapping up and down to those grid lines it's only snapping left and right because I'm only moving it left and right once I use the y-axis it's going to snap on the y-axis so this is a setting you can turn on or off I used to believe it was best to always have it snap on all axes but began to find that it's it's generally better to have it just on a single axis you can get more use out of it and you don't have straight issues where for example and sorry for the tangent here but I think it's an important thing important item let's just move migrate amount up to four or something crazy if I were to snap at this point but just one axis or just on the selected you can see how it snaps just like that it's moving to the fourth or a mono four grid that a grid of four and it's snapping which can look a little odd but it's fine and doesn't do anything too crazy however if I go into the programs preferences and turn change it to snap on all axes now when I move this it does perfect good example it doesn't mean looks totally totally crazy and that's because all the verts are snapping on all the axes at once and they weren't to begin with so they look like they go flying out technically they're they're working perfectly fine so there we have that all those verts are now on an axis or a grid size of four but it's not at all what we want so maybe the big question here would be why would anybody want that and I would say possibly for a situation like this where I'm being pretty careful about my grid size I generally know where I am and I don't run into issues like those shown there or at least I understand what's happening when it happens however if I move an item and I forget that I'm only snapping on certain taxes then I have a problem so again sorry for that quick tangent or maybe a rather long tangent but hopefully it helps some of you if you have an issue or you run into that yourself ok so I built that window out we to weld it moving on let's do the same thing on the other side - all of that chatter looks like I forgot to connect an edge there ok so once again grab these two these two faces shift in and set it pull that up snap it another oops you know what I have that snapping still left on all axes let's go ahead and turn that off before I forget that I have set it so was going to say doesn't matter now anymore but actually let's control Z to a point where these were not on the grid so we an all these points are aren't on the grid you can click on push to grid in the programs toolbar and it will snap all the selected points right onto the grid so that can be quite useful okay let's make these two match real quick on both sides looks good delete one side and I'll pull the other one over and delete it and weld the faces moving to the other side let's add a bit of complexity will create one large window in the center of this face so we'll need to do something about this edge going down the center on both sides simplest way to deal with this I think is select both those faces and click the merge faces in the toolbar to merge them down to one do that on the other side as well and before I go any further this looks like I had something extra selected look at that somehow I managed to select these faces as well I must have done an extant hill drag select ctrl Z for sure there looks like it happened even before then when I had this one selected sure did okay so let's redo that we have this face selected I guess that's a lesson to check your selection before you complete actions there we go that looks much more correct and these two and we merge those down perfect okay much better all right so now we have one face on each side and we can do something similar where with each of them selected I'm going to scale down and inward then I'll click on the push to grid to snap all those faces to the grid it looks like I got lucky these each match I'll delete from one side extrude the other side over holding shift and moving it over they leave that face and weld up those words last for these windows I think I'll make them look a bit nicer this window is currently 2 meters off the floor which is taller than most people's heads so that doesn't make a lot of sense I'll pull that down to 1 meter high and maybe you pull these up just to let in a lot more light that looks pretty interesting there that's good and on the other side I've managed to make these kind of ugly blocky little squares so let's fix that up also noticing I didn't properly snap this bottom here and then I'll drop down a grid level to half a meter select these two and move them up just a half it's they're a bit of a nicer looking rectangle there while I'm at it and this tutorial is already a rather this walkthrough is already getting super long let's take a quick look at what you could do if you wanted to move these up higher so if you move this up these faces you're going to take this face here and turn it into a zero area face notice if I move this I'll do one at a time here I pull it up it looks like we have a nice single edge along here but there's actually this hidden face in the middle and it's going to cause some issues once you start editing this further at some point so if you did want to move that up you're gonna have to clean up a few items there are quite a few ways you can do this I happen to think the easiest is to just select these faces delete them pull this up on the other side it doesn't matter because we have a bit more space to the edge up there and now I can select any edge or vert on this this hole or border here and click the fill button and it's fixed instantly I could continue to move this up if I needed to pretty soon I'm gonna hit the problem area up here as well but we probably don't need to go that high and if we did and we could use the same method of fixing over there I'll just do the same action on the other side again there are some other ways it could be done but they be much more complex and and there's not really a reason to use them when we have the fill tool now available okay with the windows finished and the roof re-enabled we now have our complete structure so this is still just the basic structure but it's really all we need you could begin playtesting in this use it however you like if I turn off the roof here's my second floor review if I turn off the second floor walls and floor also here's the first floor view if this is all you needed from the walk through go ahead and jump off now go start creating your own or watch some other tutorials videos etc I'm going to move a little further on this and also detach the interior and exterior walls just to show a quick bit on how that's done and I think we'll call it done at that point this was already getting to be quite a long walk through so let's go ahead and start with just the bottom walls here to keep it simpler so two separate parts of a mesh you can select the faces you'd like to separate out so I'll grab the inside area here and then just click on the detach button in the toolbar if you hold alt and click on it you can get the options for that you can choose if you'd like to detach it to a new game object an entirely separate object or to a sub mesh just for example if I do a sub mesh now I can move all these as a separate chunk but they are still part of that same object so let's undo that we do not want that and go back to doing this correctly so again alt choose game object this time instead and now that that's going to be the action that this button does click on detach and now I have a separate object for these interior faces with these separated what I could do is groups move back to object mode if I turn off the outer walls now when I'm looking around like this as long as I don't have a double-sided material I can see right through the back faces so that your player when they're watching their characters run around on the inside or whatever it might be it'll look as if these walls are invisible pretty much exactly when they need them to be it would be up to you whichever method to use of course well I'm at I'm going to name this walls - inner and I'll turn back on the outer walls oops that's little two walls where'd they go right there so whichever way works best as part of this also if I were to create groups where do I create that there we go a mesh for the door frame or something let's create this quickly something like this and this is just a simple proto mesh I'm not gonna worry about beveling the edges or anything fancy okay so I have my doorframe now maybe I hide this you kind of have a bit of an issue where this looks nice from one angle but from another angle you've got a floating doorway so maybe you need some extra code or something to hide this when the camera is looking from a certain view I'm not actually sure that wouldn't be my area of expertise but either way should do just fine maybe this is good to keep here so it reminds the character or the player that here is where they they'd exit I don't know really so there you have it I don't think we really need to go into any more depth on this same thing you do for the top floors as the bottom floor here detaching it maybe you'd also make those separate topper pieces maybe make the floors separate all sorts of choices you can make there and of course adding all sorts of nice detail bits to your level as far as you need to go don't forget you can always take it maybe just this far and then export to max maya blender etc and start detailing it up that'd be up to you and then you can always keep these meshes as nice simple efficient collision geometry if that's all you need it for or if your game has a more stylized look or just happens to work with this you know style that Pro Bowler is best at which is not as high detail or organic keep it this way and keep on detailing add textures UV map all that fun stuff you can do right here in unity most important drop those characters in or whatever your your players might be using and get in there and play test that's the big benefit of pro builder is that you're in unity you can play test anytime your collisions etcetera are all working right there for you as was lighting as well speaking of lighting we're gonna skip that for this walkthrough I think that'll be covered in others also just general unity tutorials no need to get into that too much here thanks for watching through I hope you enjoyed this learn from it I hope the tangents that I jumped off on and the various mistakes made actually helped everyone and hopefully we'll see some examples I'd love to see if people create something similar post it up let me know and ask questions if you're having troubles while you are creating your own definitely happy to help always thanks again for watching we'll see you in the future walkthroughs
Channel: Unity
Views: 165,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unity3d, Unity, Unity Technologies, Games, Game Development, Game Dev, Game Engine
Id: CBa_opm3_GM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 20sec (2240 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 06 2018
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