Forest Level Design in 30mins using Free Assets | Unity 2019 Follow Along Tutorial

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hey guys for this video we're going to be doing another follow along tutorial this time the same you see here all the assets using this same are free so anyone can follow along while the assets used and the project itself is linked in the description below alright let's get started now before we start sculpting our training I just want to go over some of the train settings and set up work that I have already done so if we click on to our training here I have just created three materials these are from Texas comm and I've made sure they have normal Maps and so on and so forth if you download the project you'll have all these set up ready to go there's a settings there if you want to copy them now in terms of our treats we're using a series of conifers which I think look really nice that's all of them they're for our grass just standard grass nothing too special they are the parameters they're the Billboard setting is quite important and finally how setting this is where a few changes have been made so the detail density I've bumped all the way up this refers to the distance at which our grass will be rendered as you can see it can be rendered really far out and if I decrease it or not that's wrong one on this one sorry detail distance you can see it calls it so also we have adjusted the bending we've got it quite low that's because of the billboard setting of our grass which if it was at a steel fault will cause the grass to bend awkward fashion and I have so much grass now hold on there we go and I also turn the grass tint to what this pretty much gets rid of the grass changing color anywhere which would happen if you here on the default settings now over to our lighting settings I've turned it into colour not skybox it's hard to tell but I find that skybox the shadows a bit too dark for my liking so we have just adjusted that here are the color values if you want to copy that down yourself and scroll down I've also added some fog is to just standard white and that is the density there I currently have fog turned off this is just so it's easier for us when creating the scene the reason why I made the fog quite high is because I want to create more of a damp and Misty atmosphere for our forest now I have no idea how this forest is gonna turn out you guys have obviously seen a server video and know what the scene looks like for me I have no idea yeah but other than that should be good all right so our FPS control it's not as a camera this time because I want to make more of an actual game scene where you can walk around instead of just a single shot so I think you guys should enjoy that little bit more it's just the standard control I have adjusted some values like I added a mouse sensitivity and adjusted the walk speed on run speed but other than that it's the exact same and then I added the post process layer on the camera which will allow us to have post processing in our scene and this is anti-aliasing settings there if you want to know how to get the post processing stack then you have to go to window and then package manager and let it load in it might take a while there's quite a lot of packages so there we go and here it is down here and you would click install obviously my it's already installed so it shows up as remove if you check under packages where they are there all right and our last thing is the directional line I was just messing around if the angles it's a bit random if you want to copy down go ahead there's color I increase the intensity a little bit so I find that the default was a bit too weak now decrease the shadow strength so that we don't get any really dark shadows I want there to be kind of a soft shadow all right so that's everything why don't we get started so my plan for this same in terms of the sculpting is to have a lot of very trained height I think this would look good with a unifier setting so there's no real plan here I'm using this brush these settings and I'm kind of just adding some variation to the terrain because of our high fog density I'm not too concerned with detail distances because nice we're literally running all the way out there we're not going to see anything so just go through and add some texture to the Train now there is a train tools that you can download from the package manager I was going to use them in this video to showcase the new features such as the erosion and noise brushes etc but I felt that it was kind of pointless because our terrain isn't going to be that much that much detail it's gonna be quite simple so I feel like it's just pointless so I'll have another video out hopefully soon to go over those tools and I'll probably structure like my other training tips and tricks all right so we can see that our playercontroller is underneath the Train so just need to lift it up there we go let's quickly walk around the scene and see what this is like I'll just mute it so you don't hear that awful we'll step down okay yep that's all right I want a little bit more height variation closer up so it's almost like you're in a valley yeah so yet again no real intention in what I'm doing here i'm just picking random locations and creating small bumps and variation you will notice that I am constantly circling when I am applying the brush that is so if I just hold still and slightly move it will go up a lot quicker where I keep circled it's more uniform and yet again we have known they were trying to say let's lift up there we go okay this is looking a lot better why don't we start placing in now trees and then we can start working on some post-processing so it's placing trades keep it at the default and they are quite tall like extremely tall so don't put off too high and place it kind of random we can remove them later on if we want to make certain areas okay so thing to keep in mind is that with tall trees like this it wouldn't grow like that close to one another all right so in real life there's a decent man spacing between them so that's what we want to simulate here as well and that will allow us to reach the most realism and constantly switch between the trees we don't want just a single type everywhere one variation the small ones I quite like they will help make the first one more dense because it obscures their view into the distance thank you yet again I don't have a plan for this I'm just randomly placing and we'll figure it out as we go okay let's see what this is like yep it's quite nice good start how is performance going fees models it is decent takes quality ugly like of these models I found them as I was researching for this video and yeah it's quite a new asset in the description like usual so definitely check it out okay we won't place grass yet I want to work on our post-processing so you can see I have none here but I have set up a volume you need a volume and I'll layer to have post-processing and for both the volume and the layer you need to have the layer of that game object as a custom one and why it's just post-processing to add layers virtually and layers like so and then click here and change it to that layer and then you need to set that layer here in the way are you so many layers will and then I'll work so go away to create post-processing profile we click you know a little project here we right click we go create and then post-processing profile so I'm just gonna call my test you can call yours whatever and let's start adding some effects well actually we need to drag onto the volume first or else we wouldn't see any of the effects you know let's try it out I'm gonna turn on my fog just so you can see how it is working okay first thing is ambient occlusion always need it it will drastically increase the detail and realism what you seen I'm going to 0.5 and you know do for now you can always total it on and off to see the effect pretty much what am but ambient occlusion does is it puts in more shadows where to depending on the distance between two surfaces so obviously around creases there would be shadows it's like if you look at the at your room at the corner section of two walls you'll see there's a slight darker line that's what ambient occlusion is essentially simulating so now let's add some bloom not gonna change too much here I'm just gonna put the intensity up to one so I don't want it too high and then I want to increase the soft Keeler you can see that it kind of diffuses that bloom effect out across the whole screen in kind of flattens these areas which I think will look really good with our fog effect other than that I'm just gonna add a bloom effect or a dirt this was just taken off Google this isn't from a certain asset you can really just type up bloom dirt texture and you'll get a whole bunch of these I just pick the first one I'm gonna set to five so you might know it's like here we have some little patterns going around which simulates kind of smudges on the camera which I think will look really nice for our major scene okay let's add a vignette this will just add some darkness around the corners and frame and help you so increase intensity I'm walking around here to know when to stop okay if we go up too high you'll see there's some sharp edges I don't like that item will have a soft and subtle effect and we can either by increasing the softness and there we go see it has a big effect but you don't really notice it okay that's a motion blur because we go out apply a camera this means when we quickly flick a camera up and down in the slide blurring just bit more aesthetic and finally let's add some color grading this is where the big changes are going to happen so that's all we need first of all to get to this mode here you can see it's really dark box this will have a big effect and we can counter that darkness by going to the post exposure and we'll just increase it I'm gonna increase it to 1.5 it's nice yep quite like that it's already this senior something quite good temperature - I want to change it I wanna although I'll leave it however I do want to increase my tint so it's a bit too strong like 33 or something yep that looks fine with me I just quite like the tint some people don't like it's all up to you if you want that more pinkish purple hue I don't think it looks a bit more cinematic now if color filter I was actually playing around with this earlier because like you can spend hours just slowly adjusting in colors and you can see it makes a big different to this difference to the scene so I picked out a color so it is 2 5 5 and then 1 7 whoops 179 and finally 170 there you go yeah I think it looks quite good it complements the tin very well and other than that I just want to increase the contrast so we'd only want a small increase it will try 5 yep and that seems good for now I reckon we'll leave our post processing at that alright let's see looks I can go very nice it's had a big difference on the visuals of our game it's a lot more realistic it's awesome all right now actually almost done because that's again as I said we're not doing a specific angle view so this is more just creating a general visual style that we can just replicate all around and create a little forest I'm only going to be doing this small section and then I'll probably go off camera and make a little bit bigger and show you again because essentially the techniques that I show in this small section just get used throughout the entire level okay now what I want to do was going to our volume now find a good angle like so and turn off our posts and I color grading so you can see how big that the impact that has post-processing is a massive deal like you seriously have to pull out a time and effort into it if you want your game graphics to really pop if we turn it completely off you just say all right ugly and just doesn't look good here and here yeah nice okay well that's all we're doing post-processing for now let's start add some details you know scene so you can do that with some grass so over the brush size and just stop painting there we go do I have two that are identical the reason for that is so I can kind of shape the density like right now I can't make the grass any more dense but if I put in a different one you can see I can get a higher density we don't want to have the grass density too high it needs quite taxing the computer but we should be finding a geez that grass is tall Oh No okay that's because my controller was partially underneath the Train so how's our grass look quite nice yep okay now let's play around with some rocks so if we type in rocks and boulders it's as a Stupak that we are using Hooters here we go in to the prefabs we have a whole array of rock models that we can use now same so just start randomly placing them I kind of want to train that it's almost mountainous you know she's a boxer wants a very large rock formations all right now to keep our scene tidy let's create an empty object and we'll just call it an environment like so and then create another empty as a child to that object and we'll call this rocks and then we can drag our box yeah so this is how we can keep our hierarchy nice and clean and not get cluttered with thousands of objects okay let's continue yet again I'm just randomly placing and adjusting the rocks to what I think that's best so try and avoid anything floating especially with these small ones here you don't want that's all that so you have to angle it slide it down and you can see how that one's going under the Train this still slightly above you can kind of fix it like so but with this asset pack we can select the individual rocks and then place them how we like them okay I'll probably do a bit of a time lapse here you don't want to seem replacing individual rocks all day so yeah let's start a quick time-lapse [Music] okay so you will notice that I've created more of clumps of rocks I want to use these it's almost like a cliff face that's why I extended the train up a little bit there but another thing to notice is that when I have a large collection of rocks like so you'll see that I've put tons of smaller rocks right around it if you just have like a big rock like this and just leave it in the ground yeah it looks alright but I find by aiming a little bit of extra detail for smaller surrounding it it just makes it blend into the landscape a lot better so I wouldn't recommend doing that and also make sure you don't have grass poking out of the rocks as a common mistake I always see and it's such an easy fix now I haven't finished with the rocks I plan to put them literally everywhere because that's what's gonna add the detail to our ground work cuz unfortunately I couldn't find any really good small bushes and rocks rocks small bushes and other plants for our ground that were free we are gonna look at a technique later on that kind of cheats small bushes about using bushes now you'll know what I mean right on but now I want to add at some what's called textures to seen because this kind of bark texture let's be boring so let's go to five let's see what this is like that looks quite nice it's a bit too light so let's see if we can metallic value to me that doesn't make as you can see it gets their reflective pulleys they love the smoothness that will do so just patch this around you don't need any specific painting just random I guess because our wife's coming through here and because the normal maps on these are stronger so you can see that kind of bumpiness if we have it more along here we can really show off the normal map qualities also place some mud around this will have a nice for selection yet again just random you can see I'm doing more for just quick touch rather than just painting like this cuz I find when you do that they go pasty is quite low and it kind of makes a textured layer effect it's just holding it still the opacity goes up real quick and it's quite strong make sure what is that opacity yeah it's at 4.30 you could lower the value and then drag as you can see that's that's way too slow for me so there's just kind of like a quick way to get around okay add some more mud there we go I'll see the more textures we had the better but for now we just got three so these rocks are looking a little weird that's because of this move missed quality so we could grab the material and just lower the smoothness and you can see that helps a lot we can also adjust the color if you wanted to see into our train more so I can make a little bit more Brown we'll just leave it how it is but I wanna see if adding a reflection probe will fix that a reflection approach would also improve our lighting regardless yeah instantly it looks better make sure to turn it to real-time we are not baking stuff at this scene and we'll set this up to 500 by 500 by 500 so it's going to essentially affect almost our entire train so don't recommend doing this if you are the flexion probe it's to high quality but because we don't have any reflective materials per se like a metallic material we're not going to be seeing any reflections like this I'm just using it to get the coloring of the scene improved in the lighting so we could even lower this even more you can see it doesn't have a big of a difference all right but I'm just gonna leave it and its default I'm fine with that and there we go you can see it that fixed our rocks quite a lot so let's go into game and have a quick look around yep scene is coming along quite well that texture does look a lot better then bark in my opinion okay let's add some bushes so the way I'm going to do that is use an actual tree moss if we drag this in this is from unities standard assets pack in the environment category which is used in unity in the past you you wouldn't know this model so as you can see we just shrink it down and hide it under the Train and just have the very top showing and looks like a bush that's what we need obviously this isn't the most performant way to doing doing this but it's a good way to get around issue so we can click on the model again and where are the colliders here they are I do not want any colliders on it so that we can essentially just run through it if we had the colliders and we'll be bumping into it and for a bush that doesn't seem right in a video game since so if we go into the play mode let's have Bush actually works quite well and we can go through it and climb on our rocks you want to there we go sir seen it's coming along yet again like the rocks just start placing the bushes in random locations I tend to pair them up the rocks as if like the rocks acting as a windshield for the bush and the protection and if they are kind of in oak like this I'll tend to clump them around one another and remember to vary the rotation the scale and the height luckily because these are trees they do have the quality where depending on its it's hard to tell but if you look here depending on its position in world space there'll be a slight change in its color it's hard to note because of how post-processing is set up but that is there so that will help with variation even more so yet again I'll probably do a quick time-lapse and they just placing a bunch of bushes for your scene just do likewise all right all right so I've finished with the bushes you can see that I created another empty game object to child them all to just for seeing organization yet again quite random and the nature of placing them and I think it comes out quite well so this is essentially everything the more groundwork you can add into the scene like more smaller plants other bushes and more rocks etc will increase the interest in detail but to keep the project site quite small I'm going to leave these as the only details on our ground we there are a couple assets which I will show you at the end that you could put in to make the ground look even better now they're like small kind of maple bushes and other plants what's this scene here I think this is fine there's one last thing I want to go over and that is our lighting so if we go here our lighting looks pretty good but I want to add more of a volumetric kind of look now we could actually use volumetric lighting which if you follow me on Instagram you would know I use it on almost all of my scenes I love volumetric lighting but the issue with volumetric lighting is it tends only will come good on one angle and we want this scene to act as kind of like an actual game where the player can be around so we want kind of all angles to look good so we're gonna use kind of a treat effect which is just a flare so if I place in the scene you can see as like a halo effect right now it's really strong let's slow this 21.3 there we go and you can see it bring us out the sunlight makes it have more of a warm glow kinda has a volumetric effect but not really so all we have to do is find our son wherever it is there it is over there fly to it partially you can see on far away from the Train have our son glow selected this is just Flair by the way just if you're interested how to make it using the lens flare this does require our camera do you have the flower AR if this wasn't on out the camera wouldn't be able to see it all right but let's go back onto our Sun glow and go up to game object and then align with whoops not moved to do so aligned with you so this will literally put it where we were positioned now if we go back down press play it should line up with our Sun which it does cuz you can see the effect there now this makes it very nice glow which I think complements the lighting of this him very well and that pretty much wraps up the entire scene it was a very quick one but I think the results came up very well I think this is very impressive for free assets so now I'm going to go off and use everything we have discussed so far and just expand this out into a greater landscape and then we can come back and I can point out some of the decisions I made in design and some other techniques if there are any and yeah so I'll see you soon welcome back guys as you can see I've done a decent amount of work off-camera I've essentially just expanded out the first environment using the exact same techniques that I discussed before you may notice that there is now wind effect this was done using a custom wind prefab not the standard winds own as that does not work with the conifer models you can easily find this prefab by searching wind in the project search altogether the wind effect and other smaller additions such as these small particles provide necessary movement to the environment making it feel more alive so that does it for this tutorial I hope you guys enjoyed it and learned something new remember that all the assets used and the project itself is a linked in the description below if you're interested with that being said I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Sketch
Views: 138,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unity, unity3d, tutorial, follow along tutorial, unity tutorial, level design, speed level design, free, easy, beginner, advance, 2019, forest, pine forest, terrain, landscape, awesome level design, level design unity, indie, indie developer, design, code, programming, educative, organic, river, game, video game, follow along, simple, terrain tutorial, unity 5, graphics, rendering, create, make, how to, how to create terrain unity
Id: PELoyIT437Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 50sec (1970 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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