UNHAUL BOOKS WITH ME! Bookshelf Clear Out

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel so if you guys saw my bookshelf organization video you might have seen the fact that i have all of these books over here that i need to decide if i want to unhaul but my bookshelves are completely jam-packed full as much as they can be and so these were all of the books that i sort of put aside because i feel like i don't really need to hold on to them but i'm not sure so before i moved into this apartment i actually unhauled like 200 books because i knew that i was going to be moving all the books myself from my old place to this one so i went through everything and hauled like 200 books and these are books that survived that unhaul these are ones that i wanted to hold on to but obviously since getting in here i realized i don't have enough room for all of these i have no idea how all of these used to fit in my bookshelves part of the reason i think was that i just sort of had books stacked all around my apartment in random places and i don't really want to do that anymore because i think it looks super messy and so when i do eventually get another bookshelf in here i don't want to just immediately fill it jam-packed with books i want there to be empty room so that i can get new books and have a place to put them so these are all the ones that i do need to go through and decide if i want to keep them or not you guys seemed very interested in seeing that i actually don't think that i have filmed an unhaul in like five years it's been so long since i have filmed it on haul for my channel so i'm excited these are all ones that i have already read these are all ones that i have held on to through all of my unhauls whenever i am like deciding between unhauling books that i've read i sort of think about if it's a favorite book that i really want to hold on to if it's a book that i ever think i will talk about in a video again then i will probably lean towards keeping it or if it's a book that i potentially want to reread okay so this first little section that we can decide are ones that i gave three stars or lower most of these were three stars so i don't have super strong opinions about them the winter duke i think i'm gonna get rid of i just didn't really care about that book at all space opera i'm getting rid of i can't even remember if i finished this if i did finish it i know i didn't like it but it's possible that i dnf'd it unsure but we're getting rid of it trigger warning by neil gaiman i read this so long ago i can't really remember what i thought about it it's a collection of like short essays i honestly don't know why i've kept that for so long so we're getting rid of that and then these two the gwen of your deception and then the shadows between us i gave both of these three stars but i think i want to keep them because they were gifts from people so i think for now i'm going to hold on to these so the next little section is the cruel prince series so i am going to get rid of all of my copies of these so i have two copies of the cruel prince why do i have multiple copies of these i don't know and then i have an arc and then a finished copy of wicked king i never bought the third book even though i did read it i don't know i liked this series when it was coming out i enjoyed reading them i had a good time with this series however i don't think i'm never gonna reread it i'm never gonna buy the third book because i've already read it and i just don't care enough to own it and i never talk about these in videos so there's really no reason for me to have all of these copies so we are getting rid of all of those okay this next little stack are books that i did enjoy but i don't really feel like i have a super strong emotional attachment to any of them so these three are all arcs so just because of that i think i'm gonna get rid of all of them they're all queer books and i feel like i would much rather donate these to like a classroom or a library i did enjoy all of them but there's really no reason for me to still have them the thief by megan whalen turner i really really enjoyed this book and i was excited to continue with the series but i think that was like four years ago and i've never made any moves to do that i don't own any of the other books in this series so i think i'm gonna get rid of this vengeance throw it by erin bowman i really enjoyed this book when i read it it is signed i met erin bowman and she signed it i think that i want to keep this i'm probably never gonna reread it but i remember really liking it oh no i should get rid of it oh my god okay i should just get rid of it the next four are also arcs which i probably i'm just gonna be getting rid of these again for that reason i enjoyed all of them so we have 10 blind dates mirage which i really really loved i need to read the sequel for this the downstairs girl i'm definitely getting rid of this i enjoyed it but i do have a finished copy of it somewhere so no reason for me to have that and then undead girl gang again i enjoyed this it was fun but i don't really like to hold on to arcs so we're getting rid of all of those then we have finding audrey and watch over me i think i'm gonna get rid of this i only gave it three stars it was fine it's definitely not my favorite nina lacour book and i have a couple of her books in these piles so if i am gonna get rid of one it's gonna be this one and then finding audrey i remember that i liked this however i've never thought about it again nor have i ever talked about it in a video again so time to get rid of that and then we have the sun is also a star i loved this book so i think i'm going to keep this one even though i probably am not going to reread it nor do i really talk about why a contemporary in my videos i have a strong emotional attachment to this book so i think i'm going to keep it so this video is being sponsored by mud water so mud water is a coffee alternative with four adaptogenic mushrooms and ayurvedic herbs it is a drinkable ritual that addresses mind body and soul it is very customizable with how you use it you can add a tablespoon to hot water and then whatever else you personally like to enjoy it so mud water gives you the ritual of your morning coffee without the anxiety jitters or crash it has 1 7 the caffeine of a cup of coffee but provides you with a great source of energy and you can drink it all day without it impacting your sleep so they kindly sent me their starter kit which comes with a 30 serving tin of the mud as well as a frother and a sample of their vegan coconut creamer so i have been drinking this for the past couple of weeks and it definitely took a little bit of experimentation for me to figure out exactly how i like it and that's one of the things that i enjoy about it is that it is something that you can either drink on its own just add it to hot water and you're done or you can add whatever else you like to it personally i like to make it the exact same way that i typically make my coffee so i put a tablespoon of this into hot water and mix it up and then i add a splash of my regular coffee creamer it has a very strong cinnamon flavor to it i would say that the thing that it most reminds me of is like a chai latte but it's not exactly the same as that and it definitely gave me so much energy and it felt more like a natural type of energy in the little booklet that they send you it breaks down every single ingredient that is in here and some of the benefits to it so it has ingredients such as cacao chai lion's mane chaga also in the booklet they have some recipes that i've been trying out so you can learn how to make a latte with it a shake it is 100 usd certified organic and non-gmo as well as it is gluten-free and vegan so you can try mud water today and get 15 off by clicking the link in my description and using my code riley marie and thank you to mudwater for sponsoring this video okay the next stack are ones that i really don't have opinions on so i'm just gonna get rid of them this is the stack we have anna k which was fine but i have no opinion on it oh why is this in this bag bloom which is a graphic novel i really liked this however this is an arc and again i don't really like to hold on to arcs i've also pretty much got rid of all of my graphic novels just because i don't really read them that much anymore um and when i do i'd rather just get them from the library so i think i'm going to get rid of this even though i did really enjoy this if you come softly i liked this but again i don't have strong feelings about it the great gatsby i don't know why i've held on to this especially like this edition which is super ugly i think i got this in high school i don't know why i've held on to it for so long i couldn't care less about the great gatsby and then we have a bunch of like little books so we have the grown up by gillian flynn which i've read two or three times i like it but i don't think enough to like hold on to it kindred spirits getting rid of i think i've gotten rid of all of my rainbow rowell books although i do have really funny memories with this because i ordered one copy and they sent me a hundred if i can find a picture of it i will it was the funniest thing ever and so when i went to bea that year i brought them all with me and i just like was handing them out to people the only time in my life that that has ever happened where they i ordered one thing and they sent me 100 of them and then we should all be feminists i liked this when i read it since then though i have liked it less and there's no reason for me to keep it okay next are books that i really liked most of them i gave four or five stars so the first two are nevermoor and wondersmith okay i love these books i'm gonna keep them the reason why i put them over here is because i do not have a middle grade section at all on my bookshelves i don't have any middle grade books that i've held on to these were the only ones so they didn't have a spot but i really love these they have the most like magical whimsical fun feeling to them and i think i do want to hold on to them then we have eliza and her monsters i really loved this book when i read it but since then i don't think i thought about it at all i think it was a really good book but i don't see a need to keep it next is kingdom of souls by rina baron i loved this book i am so excited for this series however i do think i'm going to get rid of this copy because as you can see it's an arc and i do eventually want to get a finished copy of it then we have they both die at the end by adam silvera i loved this book i'm gonna keep this i really loved this book like this was a book that made me feel so many emotions because of that i want to hold on to it sky in the deep i think i'm gonna get rid of this i did really like it it's a fun viking book however like i keep saying i don't really have an emotional attachment to it i think i only gave it four stars i don't plan on ever rereading it it was fine it was good good for the time i don't think i'm going to go back to it at any point the next one is written in red i loved this book this is the first book in a pretty long series that i have not continued at all so i think i'm gonna get rid of this because of that there's like i wanna see like eight books in the series i have not made any effort to read the rest of the series if i ever did i would have to reread this book because it's been like seven years since i have read this so i think i'm gonna get rid of it if at some point in the future i do decide i want to come back to the series i will just get it from the library an enchantment of ravens i i think i'm gonna get rid of this i did really like this book however i read sorcery of thr thorn sorcery of thorn by this author didn't like it i unhauled that already i just don't see you need to keep this you're gonna see a really big trend here i'm getting rid of a lot of why a books because the ya section on my bookshelves is so so small and it's really paired down to my absolute favorite ya books and then why books that i've gotten recently that i'm still very very excited to read so anything else i'm just kind of parting ways with and speaking of that we have wicked states i'm gonna get rid of this actually thought that i got rid of this before i moved here it was supposed to be in my original unhaul but somehow it stayed and then we have song of blood and stone this is an adult like fantasy romance that i really really liked however if i do continue to read this series they have had cover changes and they all come out in paperback now also so i think that if i do for some reason want to continue the series i will just get the paperbacks with the new covers this next little section of books holds a lot of emotional value for me so these are all why a queer books that i read when i first came out like six years ago i spent like a couple months reading as many queer books as i could get my hands on and most of these were amongst those i just wanted to learn a lot about the queer community and these books really helped me do that so i hold a very strong like sentimental attachment to these however they're just sitting on my shelf collecting dust i don't talk about these books ever these books helped me so much that i would much rather give them to a school or a library so i'm just gonna go ahead and say i'm getting rid of all of these we have simon and the homo sapiens agenda highly illogical behavior how to make a wish autoboyography ari and dante queens of geek we are okay if i was your girl and little and lion so i'm getting rid of all of those the only one that i think i'm gonna keep is everything leads to you by nina lacour because this is the actual first queer book that i ever read because of that this one i hold them the strongest sentimental attachment to and i really want to keep this but the rest i will be getting rid of and this last stack that i have are all older ya books that i read in high school that i've held on to because of nostalgia so we have the legend trilogy which i'm going to get rid of i really liked this trilogy when it came out but i'm never going to reread it under the never sky again i loved these books so much but i'm not gonna reread them hex haul this series was super fun very much like halloweentown vibes but again i don't need to keep them the conspiracy of us trilogy which is a very fun like treasure hunting y a series then we have some middle grade books that i liked but i don't need to hold on to lastly we have the hunger games trilogy which again loved but i'm not gonna read them again we're gonna get rid of all of those okay those are all the books that i have read i feel like i'm doing good this is the stack that i am keeping seven i'm only keeping seven which is pretty good you
Channel: Riley Marie
Views: 7,781
Rating: 4.9329896 out of 5
Keywords: booktube, riley marie, reading, books, book recommendations, read
Id: _Edv-4ssGaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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