Flosstube #48:Stitchy Update and a knit finish

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hello everyone it's jamie and welcome back to my channel i am here today it's been about a month since my last video so i figured it was time to make another update because i have some cross stitch projects to show and a little bit of knitting to show so i will start with cross stitch in the first chart that i will show you is my alice in wonderland stitch along which is a free chart from owl forest embroidery they release new parts for this chart every two weeks on friday and so there was just a part released yesterday which i actually stitched the part that was released yesterday even though i am behind on the charts so here's where i was the last time you saw it and here it is now since the last time you saw it i made a few changes to the chart so this here was supposed to be like um a leg with a foot and i decided i wanted to change it a little bit because um i like the video games kingdom hearts i've talked about it a lot and those video games have um disney worlds in the game and so alice in wonderland is actually in the very first kingdom hearts games and it's in some of the other kingdom hearts games too and when you're in that world there's like a special keyblade which a keyblade is what you use is like your weapon in those games and there's a special keyblade for that world that's called ladyluck so i decided i would add the ladyluck keyblade to my alice in wonderland stitch along because i figured i want to combine kingdom hearts and alice in wonderland kind of like the video games are so i added the keyblade which is a chart that i found on etsy from what's the name of the place the etsy store lipstick lullaby i will link it down below she has other like kingdom hearts keyblade charts because there's keyblades for like all the different worlds and just everything there's so many keyblades and so i added the keyblade and then i also stitched the part that came out yesterday even though like i said i'm behind on this chart i will probably always be behind but the new part had the blue caterpillar and then like a little thingy sitting on so i did that part so that part's done and my plan for this chart is to work on it every friday because the parts are released every two weeks so if i can finish the part that comes out on like the friday it comes out then i'll have the next friday to where there's not a part that comes out where i can hopefully like get kind of caught up because i still need to finish this bottom corner here so i am stitching this on 18 count fabric that i dyed myself using mostly silky threads i am using a couple um care and water lilies that i had from other charts i think for my mirabilia alice chart that i stitched a long time ago there were some leftovers so i've just been kind of throwing in stuff and i also use beads i ended up using beads on the keyblade so for like that the black is all beads because i was just like i had them out because i also put beads on the gloves so there's that i've been trying to use up some of like my leftover like beads and stuff just wherever i can kind of throw them because i don't really know what else i'll do with them when like i don't really have a use for them after the chart's been stitched so there was that and then another chart that i worked on a little bit was templar prophecy by long dog samplers i don't have a picture i didn't take a picture of where i was um the last time you saw it so i have no idea really where it was the last time you saw it but here it is now i am stitching this on 22 count fabrics i dyed myself using a combination of black and navy blue red dye and i am using dmc 666 one over one full cross so uh this chart i actually pulled it out to stitch on it because i have been thinking about restarting it on like a 16 or 18 count but i also i'm not sure because i tried to dye a piece of 16 account and it did not turn out exactly the same and i really love the way this fabric looks with this floss so i pulled it out to stitch on it to see if i want to keep stitching on it and i think i'm just going to keep going on it so this here is the whole top row and yeah so i don't really want to lose the progress plus i just like the way that this one looks a lot so but i'm never starting a project on 22 count ever again if anyone ever hears me mention buying 22 count ever just be like no watch this video you said never again because uh stitching one over one your [Music] thread likes to slip underneath like the thread of the fabric and so i have to stitch really slowly and i have to stitch to where on the back of the fabric it goes like diagonal lines instead of straight up and down otherwise they'll just slip right underneath the threads of the fabric and it's just super annoying and it slows me down a lot but yeah so there was that and then the next thing that i worked on and i want to keep this project out until it's done and hopefully it won't take that long it was link and zelda from the etsy shop unique door sign and here's where it was the last time you saw it and here it is now so i finished all the black and i finished all the words where it says it's dangerous to play alone which is like a little thing from the video games the guy gives you the sword and then he's like it's dangerous to go alone take this and so yeah but i like this chart a lot the hair i'm stitching this on 40 count one over one full cross i'm not a huge fan of 40 count it's definitely not going to become like my new thing to stitch everything on 40 counts i can't do it and wait i'm just doing one over two full cross i don't know if i said one over one um and so yeah all that's left is to do the colors i want to get the colors finished and just get this finished this year so that i can have another whip finished and off my list so there's that and then the next two projects that i worked on i'm gonna have to kind of explain my whole thought process behind like how i'm working on these projects is i have a lot of things that i started during like stitch mania and like in 2019 where i was doing a lot of starts that i didn't work on that much i worked on them for like a few days and then i had basically just started them and then put them away and so a lot of them when i look on pattern keeper are still a very low percentage and so i was like i want to get some of these to a higher percentage and so what i did is i decided that i want to get all of my full coverage charts that are in pattern keeper to at least five percent as like my starting and then after that i'll figure out like a higher percent that i want to go to and so i made a list of my charts that are under five percent and i'm gonna pull them out one at a time get them to that five percent mark on pattern keeper and then pull out a new one so the first chart that i had pulled out was game of thrones when i pulled it out it was like it was like a three or four percent when i pulled it out uh here's where it was when i pulled it out and i got it to the five percent mark and so this chart has been put back away but i did make some progress so i started a new diagonal because i'm stitching this one on the diagonal um i'm doing 20 stitch wide diagonals using pattern keeper because on pattern keeper it will put the diagonal lines in for you and i am stitching this on 28 count one over one full cross so there's that and yeah i hate one over one full cross and i have to say that most of the projects i've been doing right now are full cross and not tent and i am really missing tent stitch right now so i cannot wait to get a project that is tent and then the next project that i was working on and i'm still working on it to get it to five percent is dear alice which is a chart by artesy oh for game of thrones i also wanted to mention this was a tilt and crafts chart that's no longer available some of her charts that she has that come out that are like based off of movies like she had harry potter ones some of them are limited edition and you can only buy them temporarily she only has like a limited amount of them that she can sell so that's not available anymore but if you want game of thrones charts because someone had commented on one of my videos there are other places i know that charting creations has a couple like they aren't explicitly labeled game of thrones because obviously copyright but she has like one that's like a daenerys chart with like the dragon i can't remember who the artist is but i actually had bought a chart from that artist recently so i'll have it linked down below and then also on thread geeks there are a lot of just movie in general themed charts there's game of thrones there's like lord of the rings harry potter there was some outlander there's like a ton of i mean it's called thread geek so there's a ton of like geeky themed charts on thread geeks if anyone is looking for things like that so there's that okay but next chart the next part i worked on was dear alice which is charted by artesy and this chart takes forever to get the percentages increased so to get it i started at three percent and so i need to get it up to five and it takes two thousand stitches to go up a percent and it's at like wait no i think i started at only two percent i was at like two point one four percent now i am at three point seven percent and so yeah i still have a lot of stitches to go there's like another two thousand like 300 stitches or something i have to do but here it is i forgot insert here where i was before i started and i've made pretty good progress this is over 3000 stitches that i put into this it's 18 count 2 over 1 full cross full cross takes forever compared to tent stitch it's going so slow and so i'd like i said this pretty good progress though because i didn't have any of this stitched before so all of this here is new i started this one in the bottom left corner this is the bottom right corner so this is going across now the whole width of the chart and i am stitching this one extreme cross country by color with the black and yeah there's so many stitches left there's like 21 000 stitches of black left and it's like oh my gosh it's never ending so that was all of my cross stitch progress and then for purchases i was just gonna put up little pictures of things i purchased two charts to me they're like a matching couple chart even though they're not from the same company but i got the chart yennifer by charting creations and i will insert here that chart so it's from the show witcher on netflix i love that show i've been reading the books i have the video game it's like i just i love it and um for that chart i actually ordered a kit from charting creations their kits take longer to get because they have so many orders and obviously covered and everything so i said it would take 30 up to 30 business days i think for me to get it or for them to ship it out and then it's coming from canada so who knows how long shipping will take from canada even though i live right by canada so i'm always just like it's right there canada is right next to me but anyways shipping takes forever and then um i ended up also getting the chart called what was it called the which is called the witcher so it's geralt from witcher and like i said to me it's just like a perfect match to have her and him and then that chart was from thread geeks and i ordered the large size because that came in three different sizes and ordering the large size i figured out that if i stitch him on 25 count and her on 28 count they will be almost the same finish size so yes they'll just be a perfect little couple hanging on my wall in like 40 years i don't know so that was all my cross stitch stuff though and then for knitting first thing to show i am wearing i finished the diaphanous raglan by jessie mae designs and yes i'm wearing it i love it this leaves it has leaves that they're not too long they're not too short it's amazing and i stitched that using knit picks lace in the color rhododendron which is the hot pink and then you hold it double with a fingering weight yarn and i used the fingering weight yarn from so libby dye's yarn in the may color i think it was which was artemis from lore olympus and i love it so much so i did that and then i have another almost finish which is the look at my holes from james and watts and i love it so i finished the body i just need to do the sleeves but like i don't know for some reason and they're short sleeves but for some reason doing sleeves is just like sleeves really i don't know why i think it's because i don't really like using magic loop and then i also don't really like using if you use like a shorter um cable then it's like harder to knit that doesn't make any sense maybe it made sense i don't know but yeah so i still need to do the sleeves i love this though and then for this one i used knit picks shine which is a sport weight in the color current and i love it i plan on making james and watts is friends with jessie mae designs and together they like came out with this set so this is the look at my holes she made a tank top that you can wear underneath that's called as friends so their hashtag like for instagram and stuff is look at my holes as friends and then i plan on making the tank top and this color from nitpicks which is where is it grapefruit so these two i love it yes it's kind of fall colors i'm ready for fall it was like 100 degrees last week combined with smoke from the wildfires in canada and i'm just like cool it's great so yeah that was my knitting after i finished this i plan on making the sailor venus sweater which i showed the yarn for my last video and yeah i'm excited for a new cast on so that is everything though that i have to show i think unless you guys want to see i ordered my yarn i shouldn't order more yarn but i ordered yarn to make the embers i think it's called ember sweater i can't remember who this file insert a picture and my plan is to make it i don't know where the big one is over here i ordered host yarn and i ordered this huge cone and so the sweater is called ember you need like a color for the body and then there's color work and i wanted to make it kind of almost exactly the way that it was in the picture on ravelry so i ordered a blue and then like beigey color and then the orange and it's supposed to just be a lovely long sleeve oversized fall sweater so i can't wait to make that and i'm also excited to work with the whole studency how it is holst is very like affordable yarn yeah so there's that that is all that i have to show though i think i think i'm going to be making a whip parade after this which is very intimidating because all my lips are back here so i'm going to pull all these out and yeah go through those so if you want to see what prey that should hopefully be coming soon and yeah i'll see everyone in my next video thank you everyone for watching liking commenting and subscribing bye
Channel: Crafty Gaming Jamie
Views: 839
Rating: 4.9652176 out of 5
Keywords: tilton crafts, cross stitch, knitting, long dog samplers, templar prophecy, wip update, point de croix, owl forest embroidery, alice in wonderland sal, artecy, dear alice
Id: GhvgtmWw2rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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