Unhaul Books With Me!!!

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Okay so I don't know um...how much longer I have  on this battery so we're just gonna wing it.   Um also I don't think you guys can see my outfit  right now. I bought myself these pants at Target. Um and I also bought this belt at Target  because everything's on sale right now.  So I'm wearing my Folklore shirt that I wore  today and these pants, and I don't know if   they're a look or not. So if you can see the  belt... Um I don't really know if this is a look   but it's what we're going for right  now. So while I was at Target today   I really wanted to come home and unhaul  books because I have very little space, too many books, and I feel like it is necessary for  me to unhaul some of them. So we are going to do   that. Also I just realized that I still have this  tag on so um yeah... We're gonna, you know, look at my   shelves, figure out some of the books that I want  to get rid of, and I don't really know what else we're doing. We're just... That's just what we're  doing today. Also while I was at target I might   have bought two new books. I got To Sleep  in a Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini. Never read any of his books before. Don't really  know what- I know this is going to be a sci-fi. I was about to say I don't know what this is about  but I actually do because I read the first page. This seems pretty interesting, it's like about this  girl and she gets caught up in this like whole   war in a galaxy and it's crazy um that's my really  good synopsis. And then the other book that I got   was One By One by Ruth Ware. This sounded really  interesting because it's set in the mountains   with snow at a cabin and I think it's like a  ski resort actually. So that's pretty interesting. If you like 90's sitcoms as well like I do, usually  they'd have an episode set at a ski resort. Always some of my favorite episodes... So I was like  totally drawn to this book and then I read the   first page and I was like okay I'm hooked, I'm  ready so we bought this one. I'm really excited   about this. I don't really know where we're gonna  start with this... I have my TBR cart right here. I don't think that there's any books on my TBR  card that I want to take away and like get rid of. So we should be fine there. So I think we'll start  over here with this specific bookshelf. This is my   wire bookshelf. Um I have a lot of books on  here that I do not need, that I won't reread. And I can... I already know which ones I'm going to  get rid of, mainly on here so this should be easy. This should be the easy part. Hello! Okay, so we  have a lot of books here. I think everything on   this shelf is fine. A lot of these things are  new. This book is new, Keeper of the Lost Cities, Seven Devils, and The Space Between Worlds are  also new. Um Girl Serpent Thorn is new. All The   Stars and Teeth is new. Surrender Your Sons is new.  So we shouldn't need to touch this as much. This   section, however, has a lot of contemporary books  and a lot of books that I think that I want to   get rid of. Um first of all being The Girls  by Emma Cline. I don't think that this book   is going to be one that I read. Um if I do ever  pick this book up I might pick it up on audiobook. I just don't really think I need the  physical copy. I also got this at a book sale   and it was five dollars so we're gonna put that  right there. These are the other two books that   I think I'm going to get rid of as well. Um I  actually don't own the first book in this series   and I don't really see myself ever revisiting  this series unless it's in movie form. I would much   rather watch the movies than read these books. So  those are definitely... We're gonna put these up here. Those are definitely being taken away. Okay so this  section is more of my adult literature section. Um...   This one I don't really have any books that I'm  like super just like... I'm never gonna read this. Okay so I'm going down to this very last bottom  shelf where a lot of the books that I definitely   don't want are. Um we're going to get rid of Audrey  and Bill. I don't think I'm ever going to read this. I just... I don't think so and then we're going  to get rid of Girls on the Verge. This is also   another book that I don't think I'm ever going to  actually get to. The only reason I actually bought   this book is because this author wrote into My  Favorite Murder and gave her hometown murder   during a minisode, so that was really the only  reason I was interested in this book. Otherwise I   probably wouldn't have picked it up. I did get this  also from a used book sale, so yeah. We're gonna   get rid of those as well. Okay so I think that  this shelf is pretty good for now. I'm debating   whether to get rid of Sorcery of Thorns. Um I  want to read it and I know so many people that I   trust who love that book. I'm just... It's something  that I've been sitting with. I'm just not sure   if um Sorcery of Thorns is my kind of  book. I don't know, maybe I'll like it now. Um okay... So we're gonna move back up here. So now we  are off to this shelf this is my Shakespeare shelf, and I don't really... I think that there might be a  few books that I am just not as interested anymore.   Um I think the obvious one is Still Star-Crossed.  Um this actually looks a lot like Katherine um...   Langford. Soesn't that look  like Katherine Langford kind of?   But yeah... I think this is definitely one  that I'm not as interested in anymore.   Um I've heard good things about it... I've actually  kind of heard kind of mixed things about it so... Um I don't think it's going to be my cup  of tea, and I'm pretty sure that this is   about... This is about Rosaline, which I'm not  super interested in Rosaline's character. So I think that that just speaks for  itself... These are ones that I am not sure   if I want to keep... Also my light is flashing  so that means I have to change my battery.  Um we're gonna do that really quick... And we're  back! Like I said, these are the two books that   I am not sure I want to keep. I have read this  book before, I gave it a four out of five stars. It's a Much Ado About Nothing retelling and I can never see myself rereading this book. So I think it's gonna have to go into the pile of books  that we have. So I think that means that it has to   go into the pile of books that we have to unhaul. This is the other Much Ado About Nothing retelling   that I have, and I have not read it. I know that  Hero and Claudio are actually a lesbian couple   in this book, so I think it's like Hero and Claudia?  I don't know... Um maybe it's not. Hannah and Claudia! I think that they should have just kept the name  as Hero. I love that as a girl's name, I think it's   great. But I do remember reading the first couple  of pages of this book and finding it a little more   like it read like a middle grade and not as  much like a YA. So I don't think I'm going to   ever read this book. I've had it on my shelf for  years and it just has not been read. And I love   Much Ado About Nothing so it's like...how did I not  read this yet? Um it's just not been a priority so   goodbye! Okay so we're gonna go to this shelf now.  This is mainly my Star Wars shelf from that side, and then just like fantasy sort of books on this  side. Just looking at it right now there's nothing   that I see that I'm like I need to get rid of.  Because these books I have plans on reading. These books I also have plans on reading, and  behind that plant we have The Ballad of Songbirds   and Snakes which I loved. And then we have The  Merciful Crow which is new and I haven't read it. I have The Midnight Lie, which I have read and  I loved. And then I also have There Will Come A   Darkness, which is also a newer book that I  bought and I definitely want to read it. So   I think that's good. And then all of my Star Wars  books I obviously want to keep or I haven't read   yet. So that doesn't even need to be touched. This  shelf also doesn't need to be touched because   it's all my favorite books, except for these two at  the top. We Hunt the Flame and um The Last Magician. Haven't read those yet, so those are definitely  a priority on my TBR. But the rest of these are   favorites. The shelf now. Um...this one is a little  interesting. I think we're going to get rid of   Wicked Fox mainly because it doesn't hold any sort  of special place in my heart, so I think we gotta   get rid of it. The other Book of the Month books  that I have up here like Spinning Silver, Reverie,   The Beautiful, and Ten Thousand Doors of January I have not read yet so... And then The Diabolic   is an interesting book. I think I bought this at  Barnes & Noble. Yeah and it still has the receipt and it says that this book was eight dollars so  that's really great. Um I do know that I really   want to read this book, so not worried about that. Strange the Dreamer is definitely a book that I want   to read at some point so not worried about that. So we are just going to get rid of Wicked Fox.   Um I have no intention of reading the second  book, which is really disappointing because   I did actually enjoy this book, but I don't think  that I enjoyed it half as much as I thought I did.   So I feel like now, you know, being kind of like  removed from it it feels more like a three-star   book rather than... I think I gave it a four or five  stars. Which is just...no. I think it was definitely a   solid three-star book for me, but I was probably  just feeling generous, I don't know. So yeah. And   I've seen the sequel so many times at like Barnes  & Noble and I have not picked it up so... And I've   never even felt compelled to pick it up which is  unfortunate. So we're gonna have to say goodbye to   this book. And then we have Daughters of Nri  which is a new book I definitely want to read. We have The Forest of a Thousand Lanterns which  I think I'm really gonna like because it is a   villain origin story. And then from the rest of it  is books that I've loved, books that I want to read, new brand new book the inheritance games another  brand new book, I'm Not Dying With You Tonight. Love   The Wicked Deep love it love it love it. Labyrinth Lost love love love. A Blade so Black love love love. So we're good with that shelf. Um this next shelf  a lot of books that I still have not read yet, and nothing that I feel compelled to give away  or take off of my shelves except for possibly   this book which is Dark of the West by  Johanna Hathaway or Joanna Hathaway, excuse me.   Um I just don't know... I know this is kind of... It  seems like a fantasy or like a historical fantasy. I'm not really sure. It sounds so interesting and  I feel like I'm really going to enjoy this book.  So I'm not going to get rid of it. But I will  put it in a different spot because I don't   like that spot for this book. So we're going  to put that somewhere else. This third shelf, which is another shelf filled with things that  I don't really think I want to get rid of yet. Um I have the entire Throne of Gra- Throne of  Grass... I have the entire Throne of Glass series   um all in paperback except for these two  books, Tower of Dawn and Empire of Storms.   I actually own two copies of the of  that book so I think we are actually   going to get rid of the hardcover copy of this  book because we don't need it. There's no use to   have two of these books, it's just not does not  need to happen. So we're going to take out this   old bookmark that I made that says No Mourners  No Funerals Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo.   Um we're going to take that bookmark out  and we're going to get rid of Empire of Storms   because I already own it in a paperback. That  was that shelf. We're good. So now we are going   to this shelf, which again, a lot of these books I  haven't read yet or they're some of my favorites. So we have Shatter Me, a favorite series. We have  Stalking Jack the Ripper, a favorite series. Caraval   another favorite series. And then in the middle  here we have books that I have not read yet except   for A River of Royal Blood, which I think I am going to  have to unhaul because I did not like this book. But I will read the sequel just  probably as an audiobook. So   we're not going to be needing this book  anymore. And then moving on to this shelf   we have some more um favorites, some more  unread books. You can only see my head   but here, these are some of the books that I  think I want to get rid of. Um...possibly I don't   know. Um we have The Accident Season which I do  want to read, I'm just not sure about it. Winterspell which I was supposed to read then didn't.  Defy the Stars I'm halfway through that book   and I did really like it. Oh my god I just look like a little head popping out from the bottom! But yeah, overall I do think  that actually I want to keep   all of these books. I think they're all  books that I'm going to read at some point. So I'm not too worried about any of these  books. So now we are at this bottom shelf.  Sorry I have to hold you because it's just gonna  be too hard to try to get the camera all the way   down here. Um I think we're gonna get rid of this  book. I really don't see myself ever reading this   so it's gonna have to be goodbye to A.S. King. I  only got this at the Dollar Tree so I'm not too   like torn up about it. And then I think we're  pretty good. I do have the entire um Twilight   saga. I also have Midnight Sun, I have Divergent. Up  here. Um but otherwise I think we're pretty good   with you know the books that we have on the shelf. Other than Still Life in The Tornado. And then over   here we definitely have some books that I think  I want to get rid of. This one being Autumn by Ali   Smith. We're gonna get rid of that. Um a few of  these books are ones that I've recently gotten   like Windfall, The Inevitable Collusion- Collision  of Birdie and Bash, um Twice in a Blue Moon. I've   bought those all recently. And then we have some  more Book of the Month books that I definitely   want to get get to at some point. And then we have  some favorites like Such A Fun Age, we have Again   But Better, Star-Crossed is one that I definitely  need to finish because I was really enjoying it. We have Pride, When Dimple Met Rishi, Radio Silence  are all favorites of mine. And then the rest of   these are new books like The Extraordinaries,  Darius the Great Isn't- um Darius the Great   Deserves Better, Darius The Great is Not Okay. Meg and  Jo, and Calling My Name. So these are all books   I definitely want to keep. These are the ones from  the bottom shelves that we are going to get rid of. Okay, so this is my last bookshelf and  I feel like there are definitely books   on here that I'm not super interested in  anymore. I think we're definitely going to   get rid of Starry Night by Isabel Gillies,  this is also one I got from the Dollar Tree. And then that seems pretty good for that shelf.  I guess only one book. Um and then down below... Trying to think if there's anything that I  desperately want to get rid of or that I just   feel like I'm not going to get to at any point. I  think we're going to get rid of this ARC. Um I just   don't see myself ever reading this book. Also it  got damaged by coffee which is so disgusting but I just don't see myself ever reading this book. This  was sent by Bloomsbury but yeah I just...I really   don't see myself reading this book. Okay so this  is another book that I'm definitely getting rid of   mainly because I hated the first page of  this. First of all he is a teenage journalist   with almost 500,000 followers on his blog I'm  guessing or his website where he posts his uh   his articles. Um and then he also  says "hiya"..."hiya"... And I'm just like   um I don't think I'm gonna be reading this book. Which I'm so sorry... Not to be judgmental I'm just   like I...nope mhm nope can't do it. So definitely  this one is also going into the pile of um   just unhaul. So this is the leaning stack of books  that I'm going to be unhauling. That is 1, 2, 3, 4,   5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 books that I've  taken off my shelves, which means that I do have   some more extra space and hopefully that will  just, you know, clear some things out and we'll   be able to kind of, you know, get to getting which  will be nice. Um books that I have to put back   Dark of the West, Tell Me Lies, Sometimes I Lie,  Summer of '69... So we'll find places for those books   but yeah I think we did a pretty  good job. And you know maybe   I will add more books to that pile, but for now  I think we're pretty good with the stack that   we have. All right, so like I said that's the end  of this video. I hope you guys enjoyed getting   to unhaul some of these books with me. Here they  are. Here are the sack of books, just a wonderful, beautiful stack of books that I can just get rid  of which is nice. So I hope you guys enjoyed this   video. If you did, go ahead and give it a thumbs  up and subscribe to my channel. Also go ahead and   follow me on Instagram, Twitter, and Goodreads  and I will see you all in my next video. Bye!
Channel: alliewithbooks
Views: 3,196
Rating: 4.9810429 out of 5
Keywords: unhaul, unhaul with me, unhaul books, book unhaul, unhaul books with me, book haul, poc, latinx, poc booktuber, latinx booktuber, book, books, booktuber, getting rid of books
Id: H-gRKDoMaxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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