declutter with me + a book unhaul

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hello everyone welcome back today i'm going to be doing kind of a part two to my decluttering with me before i move series today i'm going to be doing all my books i don't have that many books since i have been at home i don't have a bookshelf i just keep them on like a shelf under some cabinets i'll insert some footage here so my book book storage is pretty limited but i think i can still pair through some of them and only take the ones that i really want with me to seattle so that's what i'm going to do today and all right so even though i haven't had bookshelves i've still tried to keep my books organized into kind of four different stacks so the first stack that i'm going to be going through is the mostly hardcover except for this one on the top books that i've read already so i have an idea of what the story is and whether or not i liked it i think that this stack and the stack of the paperbacks that i've read these will be the easiest to declutter because i don't really want to keep books that i don't love or wouldn't want to reread or recommend someone and be able to say hey i have a copy of this book if you want to read it right away so to get started the first two on top are monasticism very short introduction and river of fire by sister helen pajan these two i read for a class in undergrad that somehow counted towards my french major i'm not really sure how it went but i do think that this one at least is a nice reference book and it's really teeny tiny and i think that i might like to read this book at some point in the future so i'm going to keep both of these for now um i got the dating plan it's a book of the book of the month book and it was okay but not amazing i also don't really love the book of the month edition so i think i'm going to pass this one along and maybe someone else can enjoy it the next two are transcended kingdom and the house and the cerulean sea i gave both of these books five stars and always love to recommend them so i definitely want to keep them around maybe i'll reread them or maybe i'll just give them to other people to read this time next year was another book of the month book that just wasn't amazing like it was fine but i don't think i want to keep it around i'll think i'll pass this one along too i had to be an anti-racist i read this one for like a school summer reading book last year so i have annotations and notes and everything and it's good to keep around and also probably people don't want my notes untamed by glendon doyle i read this for a book club um with my home friends last year and i just it didn't really click with me didn't love it so i'm gonna pass it along this book the woman in cabin 10 is actually my mom's copy so i'm going to give this back to her but even if i if even if i owned it myself i don't think i would keep it just because i didn't love it i'm not a big thriller person um i would read more ruth ware but i haven't haven't yet so far so i'll have to look into that head over heels is another book of the month kind of romancy pick which was you know just okay but it does involve gymnastics and i used to do gymnastics when i was younger so i think i'm gonna keep this one just for the theme of it even though it wasn't an amazing book at least for now when we were vikings another book of the month one this one i i can't remember what i rated it i might have i think i read it before i started reading books consistently but i really enjoyed it and i think i would recommend it to people so i'm going to keep this one more book of the month the glittering hour by iona gray this one i think i really enjoyed but it's a really hefty book and i don't think i'll reread it so i think that i will pass this along see if any of my friends won it we're now firmly into book of the month territory the girl with the louding voice by abby daria was another one that i picked out this one i really enjoyed so i'm going to keep it however happy and you know it by laura henkin i think i gave me maybe four stars it wasn't amazing and i think someone else would enjoy it if i pass it along paris hours was the first book that i ever talked about on this channel so i think we're going to keep this one it was a really good book but also just for the sentimental value of having this copy and then the two lives of lydia bird was another one that was kind of romantic book of the month pick that just i don't think i'll read it again i might recommend it but i don't feel the need to keep a copy around with me so to wrap up the first section of my book snacks i'm keeping nine books i'm going to give away um six books and then i have one book to give back to my mother the next stack is probably the heaviest stack and that is paperback books that i have read already so these first three on top really enjoyed all of these i'm going to keep these ones this one will a weep for me it's a memoir about a literally the title is a black woman's journey through depression i read this for a disability studies class that i took over the summer but i didn't write in it and don't feel like i'll reread it so i'm going to give this one away everything i never told you was a good book but it's my mom's copy so i have to give back to her i have a stack of books from french classes in undergrad most of my french books were um on the floor when my apartment flooded so a lot of them weren't in good condition and i had to get rid of them but these four survived so i'm going to keep these ones another one from that class about monks that i talked about earlier that um i don't know it's just a nice little pocketbook that i feel like i don't want to get rid of yet i have no real reason to keep it but i'm going to these three books are all folio junior french editions french translations of a bunch of different books i think i'm going to give these to my sister because she's a lot earlier in her like french language learning journey than i am at this point so i think that she'll enjoy reading these and i will hopefully buy some fresh books at some point that are at a higher level however i will keep my copy of the little prince in french as well as a little workbook about phonetics and transcription which is really helpful for pronunciation in french i enjoyed this book i think i'll keep it for now this is my mom's copy i'll give this one back another book for the monks class i took that i think i'll keep for now i don't know what i feel like i'll reread these but i might so i might as well keep them around i have a copy of brooklyn and a copy of the keeper of lost things these are both my mom so i'll give these back to her i remember thinking that this book the immortalist was just okay but honestly i really like the cover and really like fall books so i'm gonna keep this one around just for that very superficial reason however this is another book the lake house that i thought was just okay i read it a long time ago but i have no attachment to it and is also another one of those really thick ones i'm going to give get rid of donate this one the immortal life of henrietta lacks is super interesting and i highly recommend it i'm definitely going to keep this one because i've read it a couple of times i think maybe i'll read it again i read inside the o'brien's for a genetic counseling intro to the profession class so i'm going to keep it because i annotated it like really annotated it with highlights and post-its and everything so i'm gonna keep this one i'm going to keep my copy of the seven husbands of evelyn hugo because i really enjoyed this one as well as this book the lost girls of paris i remember really liking this one and would recommend it to other people so i'm going to keep it around and then finally in the sac i bought this a guide to genetic counseling for that genetic counseling entry to the professions class that i mentioned earlier i haven't gotten accepted into a genetic counseling program yet i don't know if i'll apply again in this upcoming cycle but it was an expensive book and i will need it if i do decide to go down that career route so i'll keep it around hello mac mac is here to join the party i think he made an appearance in the last video as well so he's a decluttering cat okay so for that stack i actually kept most of them but i am going to donate two of them and then i have four of them to give back to my mom and then three that i'm going to see if my little sister will won next up is a stack of books that i have not read yet i have a lot of unread physical books because i get a lot of books in library and then i prioritize those library books because they have a deadline a due date so i feel motivated to read those more than the books that i know will be on my shelf forever and ever if i just let them sit there so i think that i might have to get rid of a lot of these unread books and not take them off of my like goodreads tbr but just think of them as books that i can get from the library later if i'm not attached to the copy in particular then there's no reason to keep it around since a lot of these have been sitting on my little shelf situation for like a year plus so i will have to be a little bit more discerning or brutal with how i go through these ones i'm going to keep this one because it was just passed on to me by my boyfriend's mom a month or two ago so i haven't had it for too long i am interested in the book so i'm going to try to read this one soon this is my mom's copy of the stranger i don't think i've read it ever in english or in french but i think i would rather read it in french than in english and i should probably give this copy back to her so i will do that these four books i got last summer i was in between undergrad and grad school and i was working as a nanny and the mom of the kids was cleaning out her bookshelves so she gave me all of these and i think i took most of them because they were free and i can never pass up a free book but it's been a year or over a year and i haven't read them so i don't think that i should keep them on my shelves i think i might keep this one because i'm a little bit more interested in this story but then these three are the hummingbirds daughter um the memory keeper's daughter and then how the garcia girls lost their accents and i think that all these books are books that i will want to read but again not attached to the copies i will probably have more luck getting myself to read them if i get them from the library rather than keeping these around so i'm going to do that i'm going to keep the four wins by kristen hannah this one was just passed on to me a couple of months ago and really excited to read it but again it's just the thing about getting books in the library versus having them in my shelves i've struggled to pick this one up over other options another kristin hannah book i ordered this on amazon because i was like i want to read this right now as soon as i get it in the two-day amazon shipping and then it's i has sat on my shelves for like a year but i do want to pick this one up eventually and i would like to have physical copies because i know that i like kristen hannah books so i'm going to keep this one around this whole stack is most of the books that i bought in a used bookstore haul video that i did probably a year ago with my sister and it's kind of embarrassing that i know how many books i purchased seven or eight and now there are these five that i haven't even touched but i don't really know which ones i want to read or which copies i want to keep i know this one a long pedal of the sea by isabelle allende i think that i'll keep this one i really like the cover and want to keep this copy and i paid more for it so i'm going to keep this one okay i think that i'm going to keep all three of these ones and then donate this one which isn't really getting rid of that many but i do think that i'll read them and i think if i move and i it probably will take me a little bit to get a new library card and get that all set up so i will turn back to the books that i own so hopefully i'll read them if i go for another couple of months and have read them then i should probably reassess but i also would like to go to like the little free libraries in seattle when i get there so i'd maybe it would be nice to have books that i know i want to get rid of after i read them so that i can have books to contribute and then i can do an equal exchange if i want to take books away i think i'm going to get rid of these three books they are books in french that i just haven't read i might have read this saba book a long time ago but i think that i would rather um find books that i'm actually interested in and would actually be interested in reading this one is the sisterhood of the traveling pants but it's such a big book i think it's the like i don't know how many books there are maybe four three it's all been combined and i just don't think i'll ever pick it up and it was also a handy notebook it's kind of not in great condition so i think that i will pass this one along and these ones as well just because i haven't read them thus far so i would rather exchange them i'm not exchanging them at the store but like get rid of these ones and then purchase books that i would be more interested in and actually retain my french hopefully okay in this stock i'm keeping eight books i'm donating seven books and then i have one book to give back to my mom this last stack is more unread books but i think i did organize them fairly recently so it should be pretty quick to go through these ones on the top i have four uh memoirs these are my mom's copies so i'm gonna give these back to her i don't think i well i might read this one by melinda gates but the other ones i'm not super interested in and i just kind of kept them around thinking maybe i'll get to them and it's been a while that they've been in my sacks and i haven't checked them out so i'm going to give these back i have this book called how the scots invented the modern world which looks interesting i just haven't gotten around to it so i think i'll keep this one for a little while longer and see if i can pick it up because it does look like something that i would like if i can find the time i have this um i don't know if it's a memoir or an autobiography by ruth bader ginsburg i would like to read this at some point so i'm going to keep this i then have three kind of scientific non-fiction books the first one is behave the biology of humans that are best and worst um i then have she has her mother's laugh by carl zimmer this is really related to what i study for my mph genetics and public health and all of that and then the last one i have is plagues and the paradox of progress i think i read i got this book for christmas in 2019 and then i read it on the plane back to school in january 2020 or something um and so right before the pandemic hit and then i think i left it when i moved out in march because of covid and never finished it i think i got halfway through but it was kind of ironic because this book is talking about how um humans have gotten healthier in the sense of infectious disease but then there are all these chronic diseases nutrition obesity um diabetes all of that stuff that is going up at rapid rates and cancer and everything that's not due to the contagion contagious diseases that were the problems of the past and then we have this whole pandemic so i think it would be interesting to read i wonder how much will still i mean i'm sure it'll still be relevant even with code but i wonder how it will feel to look back on it i don't know if i'll start at the beginning or start from the middle um but it'll be interesting another public health book i will keep all three of these ones even though they are hefty and big just because they're nice to have good reference books i have another scientific nonfiction book bad blood but this one's more like journalism it's about the theranose scandal about this woman who founded a company and was trying to do um like make blood testing better but then she misled all the investors and said that things were going much better than they were and then everything fell apart i think her trial is coming up soon so i think this will be interesting to pick up um and have some background for that with current events and then last but not least i have a big stack of book of the month books that i have not yet read um this is mostly due to the library thing i talked about earlier that i am more likely to pick up the library book than the books i already have to read even though i'm really excited about all these especially the invisible life of addy larue i know like last when it came out in october november whenever it came out everyone was talking about it so much and again i was really excited to read it and then just everyone hyped it up so much that i was afraid it wouldn't live up to expectations so that one particularly i just put off for a long time and then the other ones are all ones that i was kind of interested in but would always be swayed away by other books that had due dates so i'm going to bring these and i might even try to do like a dedicated video of trying to catch up on all the book of the month books because i stopped getting them um a while ago maybe six months ago or so because of the fact that i just wasn't reading them so i'm gonna try to catch up on these ones and then i don't know if i'll start that again or just try to use the library more but we'll see i'm gonna keep these ones from the stack i kept most of them again um the only ones i'm getting rid of are the four that i'm giving back to my mom but i think overall i did make a pretty good dent in the books and it'll help with moving and with space in my car so i'm happy about that and this is the final product honestly i am keeping most of the books i have those two big stacks and left that i'm keeping i think most of the books that i'm keeping i have not yet read but there are some that i have read again it was a lot easier to decide which ones to get rid of that i have read because i obviously know what i think about them versus the books that i haven't read i have a lot of hope for um what i'll think of them and obviously want to read them so it was hard to get rid of those and then that stack in the middleish second to right is the medium is stack that i'm going to donate or give to friends and then the sack on the right is the ones that i have to give back to my mom and then a couple that i'm going to see if my sister wants if you enjoyed this video don't forget to like comment and subscribe and i will see you next time bye
Channel: Emily Kathryn
Views: 300
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: book declutter, book unhaul, declutter with me, moving vlog, clean with me apartment, clean with me, bookshelf tour, clean with me tik tok, clean with me 2021 bedroom, marie kondo declutter, clean with me 2021, decluttering my bookshelf, getting rid of books, unhauling books, big book unhaul, huge book unhaul, book unhaul 2021, bookshelf organisation, organizing my bookshelves, bookshelf organization, unhauling books 2021, bookshelf declutter, bookshelf clean out
Id: cjjh-9QUMb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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