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hi guys so today's video is going to be a book haul i have quite a few books to show all of you but i just want to say i actually have accumulated a lot more books that i'm actually able to show you in this video but some of them i can't share yet because they're going to be part of the video series that i'm doing where i compare a bunch of different book editions i'm so excited to kick that series off i'm just still waiting on uh some books to come in also it's very pricey to do this video series because i have to order a lot of different books but anyway that is coming very soon so i'm not gonna be sharing those particular books in this book hauled but jumping into books i can show you first up we have dream dark black bringer am i the only person who had no idea that lainey taylor had also written this series found this at my local used bookstore they had this copy and they had it as a hardback and it was only five bucks i i don't know much about it i looked up it's fairies and i looked up reviews and everybody's like this is really good so i'm really excited i'm excited to see early laney taylor fantasy writing and i'm so excited that i found this it seems like the second one isn't the easiest to get your hands on but if i like it i'm gonna have to search for that one too next up we have a book that's kind of an anticipated release of mine and that would be small favors it has a sticker on it and it's doing that thing where it leaves the residue from the sticker so for now i'm leaving it on i read the book house of salt and sorrows by this same author and thought it was so much fun it's a why a fantasy horror story and it's a 12 dancing princesses retelling but creepy and i had never seen anything about 12 dancing princess dancing princesses a bunch of you told me there's a barbie movie for it this particular one richard kemmerer it says unique enchanting and haunting at the top which i'm like it looks like such a beautiful cover is it also gonna get creepy either way i'm super excited about it i had such a good time with house assault sorrows that i was gonna be interested in whatever else this author put out and now we've got it also just because i always like being surprised at finding things on the naked hardbacks if you move the sleeve there's a bunch of little bees on the spine i thought it was such a pretty spine such a nice little surprise next up we have she who became the sun this is an adult fantasy story that is taking kind of real history and mixing it with fantasy so it's like historical fantasy from what i understand i've seen essentially nothing but fantastic things about this one i also had a friend just read it and she enjoyed it but jashana if you if you haven't checked out shawna's channel check it out she's great but she and i don't always have the same taste and she knows that i really like political fantasy and she was like i think that you're really gonna like it and she already liked it and so i'm excited i think that i probably will really like it in the brief synopsis at the top it says in a famine stricken village on a dusty yellow plane two children are given two fates a boy greatness a girl nothingness i guess there's a lot of commentary too on culture and the roles within a certain kind of society and our main character who so badly wants to fit within a certain role but society kind of tells them they can't because it's a woman anyway i'm super excited i'm excited for all the political stuff as well and i hear it's kind of a military fantasy also so i can't wait next up we have never die this is a story that my friend jessie may and i all have her channel linked down below we have a whole list of buddy reads that we've been going to pick up we originally were planning one per month but jessie if you don't know how little baby and then also she is not only getting used to mom life but now she's getting used to mom life and going back to work so as far as the buddy reads go because we were hoping to do live shows when we could we're hoping to do a live show at the end of september and do it like a wrap-up style where we talk about quite a few of the buddy read books from this year and then we'll probably do the same thing again or a couple more times before the end of the year so that way we can get through all of our thoughts for all the buddy read books but anyway never die is one of the books that's it that's that's all it really comes down to but it says on the back cover time is up for the emperor of ten kings and it falls to a murdered eight-year-old boy to render the judgment of a god next up we have a couple of non-fiction books we have the cubans and then kind of the full title says the cubans ordinary lives in extraordinary times and i've mentioned here and there on my channel i'm half cuban my grandparents are from cuba but i would love to learn more about cuba and also there's a lot that's been going on in the news or a lot that we've been seeing in the news recently about things going on in cuba and i just want to have a better understanding of the country a better understanding of the political situation and the things that the people there have to overcome have to deal with have to live through i just want to know more about it uh my own family members my grandparents um they both met in they met each other in america but they came to america at different times my grandma was a little younger when she came to america my grandpa was a little bit older uh both quite young though but both of them do not really talk about cuba they don't really talk about the things that happened to them or what they saw or what they experienced or what life was like they're very secretive both of them uh so in general my cuban side of the family nobody really talks about things they're very secretive so uh i it's strange because i feel like a lot of people if they have family members that have those connections can just ask their family members that's not really at least in my case that's not it's not that easy i don't think it's easy for them to talk about it so i'm very curious for anyone else who's cuban has cuban family members if they've experienced something similar or if it's just my family i remember someone i knew in college they had family members from cuba also and they said it was very similar for them but i would love to know if that's something that you've experienced as well anyway this book is one that i saw uh on instagram some people who uh made lists of books to check out if you want to learn more about cuba and this was one of the ones listed it was the only one i could find when i went to the bookstore so i picked it up and hopefully can get around to it at some point the other non-fiction would be the heartbeat of wounded knee that discusses indigenous peoples native americans and also i'm part native american and don't know a whole lot about that i'm part native american on my father's side and he passed away he grew up very poor he didn't know a whole lot about his own family and it's another thing i would i would love to learn more just in general because i think it's important to know and i want to learn more and i want to understand these sorts of things and also it being a part of my family history as well i just in general would i want to know more about both the cuba aspect and the one for native americans and this one won the national book award so i'm hoping to dive into this eventually if i do it might be one that i sort of take my time with i find nonfiction depending on how it's written sometimes not to sound extremely privileged but sometimes it can be a little overwhelming and it can be very emotional to read about these things because it's not a fantasy book where you connect to it and then you just are like well that's that's a fantasy story though it's made up it's like a lot of times when you're going over the history of things or you're talking about situations that are facing people right now you're like oh my gosh this is happening now or there are things happening now that are a result of things that happen in the past or this in general like this happened to people i like i said if i when i pick it up i will likely take my time with it really soak it up really learn as much as i can from it if you have any other book recommendations for anything about cuba or native americans feel free to let me know they don't have to just be non-fiction also if you have some that are fiction whether they be fantasy or something else i would love to know next up i have the kingdom of back and i already owned the kingdom of back but i had the book of the month edition which i was perfectly content with but in the buy sell trade groups that i every now and then check for when i'm looking for certain editions of books for that video series i had mentioned i occasionally see other things that i'm like this is nothing to do with the video series i just want that book and i wanted this book this is a edition that has beautiful silver edges i don't feel like they really look that fancy on camera but in person they're so pretty and the color is a little more vibrant it's a little brighter and the inside cover has the tree and last up for today at my local used bookstore i not only found that lainey taylor book but i also found incendiary it's actually not even used it's just sometimes my used bookstores also get new copies in it was only eleven dollars and i had store credit so it didn't cost me anything but either way uh my friend deshauna that i mentioned before she read this and she enjoyed it and i've been wanting to read something by this author for a while i've heard pretty good things about this one i know there's a sequel out and i in general i think it sounds really interesting i think there's some aspects of it where oh well i'll just read some of it to you it says i am renata convida i have lived 100 stolen lives now i live my own that's it for some books that i've gotten recently let me know if you have any thoughts on any of the books that i mentioned or if you have any other book recommendations based off of the books that i mentioned but anyway thanks so much for watching i hope you have a lovely rest of your day and i'll see you all later bye [Music] you
Channel: Elliot Brooks
Views: 4,657
Rating: 4.9751554 out of 5
Keywords: elliot brooks, elliot, brooks, booktube, booktuber, fantasy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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