✨ show me a book that... | book recommendations to cry, laugh, and be mad...

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hello book reading friends welcome back to my channel or welcome if you're new my name is mel and today i bring you a show me a book that's recommendation i've been trying to work at my phrasing of the word recommendations because every time i say it there's just something about it that sounds odd i always say recommendation and that's definitely not the way to say it i look this word up at least once a week on google translate it's it's still not computing however i haven't done a community interaction video in a minute now i haven't done a tag in a minute now and i feel like this is the best of both worlds because today i'm going to give you book wrecks based on what you want so this is going to be an interesting video and before i jump into what this video is actually going to be about and explaining how this is going to work i do need to give a thank you to the sponsor of today's video which is a book of the month now if you've been here for a while you'd be no stranger to book of the month and how much i love them book of the month is a super popular and fast growing online book service for readers they set out every single month to promote new and emerging authors and help readers find books that they genuinely love and this is done through a lot of dedication honestly because their team vets hundreds of books every single month and gives readers their choice from a curated selection of early and new release titles so that you can basically spend more time reading and less time researching which is great because there are so many books coming out every single month that it's genuinely super hard to keep a track of book of the month is also risk free which i personally really love so if you want to skip on any month at any time you can do so and as always they were super kind and they sent over all of their picks for the month of august i have them here one of the books i was most excited about when i opened the box is obviously the inheritance of what akilah aliwino by soraila kodaluwa this is obviously a fantasy and in this one at their matriarch's funeral the montoyas receive a truly magical inheritance but with great riches come great enemies another one that i was over the moon excited about because it is one of my most anticipated releases for the second half of the year and that is the heart principle by helen huang after a failed one-night stand or two anna's son realized that she might have found something rare with quan diet true love for their contemporary fiction we have once there were wolves and in this one a woman journeys to scotland determined to save the wilderness but tragedy bites just as her new life starts to settle for the thriller is not a happy family you won't be able to get enough of this twisted domestic suspense of a wealthy family unraveling after their parents are murdered and last but not least for their contemporary fiction we have damnation spring a moving portrait of a family struggling to make ends meet in a logging town divided over the fate of its forest so if you do want to sign up to book of the month i will be leaving my link down below as well as my code and you can use the code mel reads to get your first book for 9.99 which is a steal so as always i thank you to book of the month for sponsoring this video let's get right into explaining what exactly this video is all about all right you guys i am super excited about this one again haven't done a community sort of video in a minute and i saw this go around a lot about three months ago and as always i'm late to trent i always do stuff after people do it i went to my insta stories and i basically put up a picture you guys asked me show me a book that and today i will give you the answer and when i tell you that the responses were aplenty the responses were aplenty there were a lot of replies for this particular video so i'm gonna try and run through a lot of these give you back some wrecks there won't be any synopsis let's get into the books you want me to show you as i scroll through these i am now realizing how much more harder this is going to be than what i was anticipating so let me just scroll through these and just stop here show me a book that you gave three stars to that is easy and that is the last book that i read i literally finished this last night and that is the final girl support group by grady hendrix now i have a lot of qualms with mr hendricks with this book because it felt like a costco version of scream 4 and a lot of different elements i know some people are gonna fight me in the comments about this one however i really didn't end up loving the execution for this the last third of this book gave me whiplash i had no idea where to look what to take in as truth and it was done in such a messy way i just wanted this book to be over again it still had a lot of great things don't get me wrong there's a lot of things in here that i loved but there was still a lot of things that i hated it ended up being a three star for me maybe this will be more fun than i was anticipating show me a book that makes you think of happiness it might be bright colorful etc i don't know if this will be a surprise to a lot of you but that is percy jackson and this could go either for the first book the lightning thief or the entirety of the series i just have a lot of great memories tied to this i found the book series as the first movie was coming out i know it's a failed movie franchise but let's just look past that because the books are incredible i love the world that rick riordan just built with this one the way that the characters interact with each other the quests are filled with adventure and uncertainty and self-questioning i love the message about adhd and dyslexia on this one i think the message that it sends out to both kids and adults and young adults alike is really beautiful i genuinely get happy whenever i think about percy jackson and i'm so glad that i've started my reread because again i'm annotating the books i'm having the best time and it just feels great to be back into this world show me a book that has a main character most like you oh god oh no oh god oh you know what it's actually this book right here which i literally just finished a few days ago i love that i'm probably gonna bring up all of my current reads however from look up with love by mariana zapata first of all it was my first mariana zapata ever i read it at five stars it was a great time you guys when i tell you sometimes i read books and i'm like oh my god i relate to that or oh my god i feel like you know the author understands me like where my brain is at and i've had several experiences like that but i don't think i've ever had an experience quite like this where i've read a book and it was just hit after hit after hit literally nailing it on the head every single time as to how i felt about such a wide range of subjects jasmine's relationship with her mom like how she admired her mom so much and loved her so much for just being so resilient and surviving everything that she had gone through is something that i deeply relate to and then a lot of themes about working yourself too hard and giving up time with friends and family and not knowing really how to balance your life because all you can think about is sacrificing everything that you have in order to make it in whatever endeavor it is that you are you know embarking on i was sobbing as i was reading this book and whenever i kind of close the book and i was like okay i'm taking a break and i just thought about what was happening i ended up crying even more and i didn't think this book would get such a reaction out of me but like mariana zapata was in my brain and she was writing a lot of these things and it was a really beautiful book i really loved this so i would say it would probably this is the one that comes to mind i'm sure that if i asked like any friends they would probably have a different answer than mine but mine would be from woke up with love jasmine i got a lot of made you angry that you hate it that you wanted to punch i got a lot of these like this is i feel like every time i scroll like one or two times it just keeps coming up like just made you mad that would be starfish i know a lot of people love this book and i completely understand why i think the writing in this one is beautiful like quite literally just it read like verse even though it was prose it was really beautiful it was poetic at times i really really enjoyed the parts that i did however the fact that some of these characters were so horrible i think really deterred my enjoyment of this book the mom in this book the uncle in this book a lot of just surrounding characters to kiko who's the main character i just really wanted to punch them all in the face and like just fight it out with them and just see what their problem was like just let me see if i can get it out of you it was a freaking mom in this book i just um i hated it i really hated her and while i gave the book three stars because i really loved a lot of things i think it was the writing i think the writing was the one thing that really redeemed this book for me because it was such a short book a lot of things felt underdeveloped in this book which is why my criticism for this book is i feel it would be better if it was actually written in verse instead of prose because then you can get away with it i also don't love the fact that this book does not come with trigger warnings because they are strong the force is strong with this one there are trigger warnings for sexual abuse emotional and parental manipulation abuse and then racism and suicide attempts so i really didn't love the fact that i went into this book expecting a sad story which again sad stories have nothing to do sometimes with these sort of trigger warnings and that nobody ever warned me where nobody ever outwardly says what the trigger warnings are for this one i just went into it with a completely different expectation and so once i got out i was like call pile where are you because i need help right now show me a book that got you into fantasy now i will say i will be honest one of the books that got me into fantasy is by a person who shall no longer be named or at least not in this channel i don't i don't promote that i don't support that so if it was not that that the mortal instruments by cassandra clare also have to be honest i discovered the series around the time that the movie was also coming out which is why my first book is in the movie tie-in edition and i really loved the world i think that's primarily what really got me hooked into this one beside the fact that the main two characters were really appealing to me somebody who was almost like a chosen one figure who was a complete outsider who literally knew nothing of this world the ins and outs like nothing like when i say outsider it's like she went through it like she had no idea about nothing which in hindsight is what happens in most fantasy books i guess jace who is the other one of the main characters he was like incredibly like snarky and he was not a bad guy i think at the time i was so used to snarky sarcastic and office characters being bad then when i saw jay's being the love interest and being kind of the companion the mirror to clary in a lot of ways i really fell in love with that and even beyond that the world that cassandra clare has established with this one i personally really love it i had never read anything quite like it at the time where tattoos gave you power and they were seen as beautiful things where they had to battle demons and they were descended from angels but i think cassandra clare is one of those authors that really understands her world through and through she does have a formula to these books they're all very similar when you go to different series but that's not to say that i still enjoy them all or most of them show me a book that you didn't like in the beginning but turned out to be so so good hello mr alex mikulidi he's michelades i still i listened to this audiobook and i had a second of victory there where i knew how to pronounce his last name and now i forgot however the silent patient by alex michelaitis i'll say it like that so now i got it twisted in my brain but this is a book that its first half i was bored out of my mind i had no idea what was happening i was so confused as to why the book was being executed in the way that it was i felt a lot of things didn't make sense to me in that first half and then that second half really turned it around for me and started making a lot more sense my theory turned out to be correct i guess the plot twist which i really pat myself in the back for it because i just felt really accomplished by doing so though for some people it might have been predictable for some others i know it didn't seem like it but this definitely had a turnaround at the end and it was messed up i know again a lot of people didn't like the perspective or the twist in this book however i think it was something that i had been itching to find and read for a long time and so when i finally got it in this book i was really glad because i was really looking for that specific trope i can't say what it is because again i just really hard to talk about this book without giving it away i will say i had been looking for this particular trope for this particular sort of like writing it was really good it really messed me up show me a book that made you blush for some reason the first and only book that popped into my head is from blood and ash so i think the circumstances around why it made me blush is i mean i guess it's kind of funny in my head but i started reading this book during a live stream and if you've read this book you would know that one of the first scenes in this book is kind of like steaming i i won't say smutty because it's like not full-on but like it's steaming and i will never i had my camera on and i started reading and i read the words nipple mouth and moan and i was like oh okay so i really wasn't expecting to get that so early on i think it made me blush i typically don't blush in like steamy scenes or like smut i typically don't but the fact that i was live and i wasn't really expecting that i kind of like cringed and i was like oh god am i blushing right now can people see me i think it was the atmosphere surrounding my read that really made me you know i felt super shy i felt like a little bit quiet show me a book that made you gasp out loud if you've been here for a minute you wouldn't be a stranger to all your perfects by colleen hoover literally gasped out loud with this book that sounded weird gasped uh i really did gasp in this book like a lot and i think it was primarily just me trying to breathe more so than like me being shocked but i really do think i went at one point of the book because the just uh the last third of this book really made me stop my eyes out one of the saddest books i've ever read but it's also one of the best books that i've read i really like the way that colleen hoover talks about marriage not giving up even though everything seems lost like literally when you enter this book it seems like there's no point in return it was so poetic and heartbreaking but also there's still there's still hope even though it doesn't seem like it and then the other one would be thunderhead by neil schusterman i oh you guys you guys you guys the ending of this book messed me up so hard because i was trying i was trying to kind of like figure out where it was going and when i tell you the very last thing that happens in the book ties into another thing that happens i think it happened like halfway through the book and when i tell you i read that and i started choking on air like on nothing i was like i was i was screaming i was gasping i was just literally i was i was stuck i didn't know what to do i didn't know how to react i was screaming i was i wanted to run i wanted to walk i wanted to throw the book it got all of the reactions out of me i loved the ending of this book i think it was a perfect ending to an already kind of like stressful book show me a book that has an angsty really well done enemies to lovers where there is an attempted murder to one person i have the book for you these violent delights by chloe gone first of all there is an enemies hear me out there is an enemy still lovers romance in here the romance is not the forefront of the book it's the politics it's the landscape it's the atmosphere it's a great book though the way that this book constantly went hate to love enemies lovers enemies to lovers enemies enemies to possibly lovers to hate to love to lovers it was so good and there is several murder attempts in this book one carried out by one of the lovers just it's a romeo and juliet retelling just you know have that in mind it's very like tragic if you go into this expecting that the romance is going to be the forefront of this book you will leave disappointed so just know this fits this prompt perfectly just don't expect romance every single page because you won't get it but the angst though that chemistry though i can't wait for book two show me a book that made you cry now arguably a lot of books that made me cry which one do i want to show you because honestly one of the books i have cried in the most was the poppy war by rf quan now the reason why i cried in this book it's because it's a historical fantasy fiction and it talks about the sino-japanese war if you don't know what that is it's literally one of the most horrific things that has ever happened that is not highlighted enough in history and i really love the way that rf quang wrote the trilogy i really think that if we tweak a little a little bit a little bit in the second book it's a perfect series in my opinion i loved the ending of the series it was carried out beautifully and chapter 21 to nobody's surprise made me sob i think even though it doesn't happen on page the fact that we get to hear about all of these things and how they truly did happen in real life i think it was really heartbreaking to see how horrible mankind can truly be and i think this book brings a lot of things into perspective it really did establish a truly nuanced conversation about war and addiction and friendships and oh my god it was a really beautiful book there are a lot of trigger warnings for this i did a whole spoiler-free reading vlog if you want to check that out and see like all of the trigger warnings for this so just beware of those if you are thinking about going into the poppy war show me a book that you regret not reading sooner i actually have a really interesting one for this and i will bring up pride and prejudice now this was never required reading at school for me my literature teacher made sure that he kind of picked out things that he knew people would be interested in and for some reason although this one did come up in class that people wanted to read it it was never chosen for our particular curriculum for literature and i am so glad that i read this i read this for my tom hiddleston video and i am so glad that i did this book is the example just the excellency of a classic that stands true no matter what age you are in and i mean like year it truly is a timeless classic like the cover says it really is timeless the commentary about society and status and marriage and being a woman and what it means with all of the expectations that society puts on you it was so beautifully done and it truly makes me want to read more austin she might become my favorites like i just really freaking loved this book it was so beautiful i the romantic tones to this again all the commentary the characters everything flowed so beautifully and nicely for me that i really because i've had this book for a minute on my shelf and i've been meaning to read this for a while now because i loved the movie i really wish i had read this sooner than i did but i think everything happens for a reason in the time where it's supposed to happen so i'm really glad that i read this better late than never and i know this is going to be one of those books i just reread time and time again show me a book that you would want to read for the first time again no questions asked ace of spades by farida miguel i want to read this book over and over and over again and i want everybody to read this book over and over and over again oftentimes i think i read books i love books with commentary on them like doesn't matter if it's fantasy if it's sci-fi whatever it is i just like books with substance with meat i just like them to be juicy in what they're trying to do establish and comment on i love that but a lot of the time they are executed in a way where the commentary is so forceful that the reader doesn't want to take in the commentary this one is done in such a beautiful way like if you don't end up loving this book i would love to know why this book was written from a place of experience and education and knowing what you're talking about and why you're talking about it and what you're trying to accomplish and what you do and did farila really just nailed it with this book and who would have thought that by grabbing both of those inspirations like get out and the gossip girl portion you would have the best combination and conduct for that story and it works it works so well it works perfectly and i just i would reread this book time and time again i really wish i could read this for the first time and experience all of the shocking plot twists and all of the crazy stuff that happens in this book because it's literally insane i love this show me a book that is a veteran on your tbr oh god i unhauled red queen so i would say the oldest one that i owned that i hadn't read was red queen let me turn around and look at the shelves so i've decided to make this a compound answer now a book that has been a veteran on my tbr so a book that i have owned for a long time that i have yet to read is magnus chase and this is what is this the sword of summer this is the first book and i bought this book such a long time ago i love rick riordan's writing again i've already talked about percy jackson love it adore it years of olympus love it adore it i haven't finished the series yet but i freaking love it and this is a book that i started such a long time ago like i started this like what year did this even come out because i bought this book when it came out this book came out in 2015 so started this book around that time never finished it so in terms of a book that has been on my shelf the longest that i have yet to finish magnus chase if i'm talking about a book that has been put on tbrs time and time and time again which is a pattern with this author and i just can't i just can't i just can't you guys would know what it is if you've been here for a minute that is six of crows by leigh bardugo now if you've also been here you'd know that ninth house was a similar situation to this i started ninth house read twenty pages softly dnapped it wasn't really feeling it and then i went back to it i read it i loved it and i read it after putting it in like six different tbrs i think it was like a crazy situation like that six of crows is a book that i've had on my tbr countless of times why have i not read this yet i mean i read 68 pages of this why have i yet to finish this book i just don't click with this book ever i've tried to read this book in five different instances several times i read the first chapter and i just can't get past it this was the most that i read of this book and i remember everything that i read i just really haven't carried through with six of crows i know it's a lot of people's favorites will it ever be mine i don't know i did get the audiobook see if that way i can actually power through this book this is definitely a veteran because it's just been on so many tbrs at this point that it should be shameful which i mean it is and it's also ridiculous so six of crows show me a book that makes you feel represented again to nobody's surprise i'm gonna bring up the poet x by elizabeth i think as far as latin authors traditionally publishing in the us i think elisabeth has done her job to highlight as many things about the latin culture as she possibly can i really love this book it's written in verse so it goes by super quickly the audiobook for it is also ah it's the most beautiful thing ever it's short you can get it done super quickly but this book the food references the musical references about again the latin culture and the way that it's like to grow up in a latin household with all the different expectations all the different beliefs with all the different everything like it's just so beautiful and granted there are a lot of things that aren't going to be relevant for a lot of people reading the book but i think it's still such a beautiful story i know a lot of people didn't like the main character in this one but i think the ones of us who do love this book love it with our entire hearts and i'm so just so happy about that because it's one of my favorite books of all time so i would say if there's anything in this shelf in particular that i have read because there's still a lot of unread stuff here that i feel really represented by it would be the poet x show me a book that is popular and you didn't like it there are so many of them miss danny brown i apologize to you danny and to miss talia hipper2 because she can write a mean romance and everybody who loves this book i really genuinely apologize i shouldn't have to apologize for not liking a book but i'm still doing it anyway because i know a lot of people love this book and i didn't vibe with miss danny because of the way that this book was written because this book is not about danny this book is about staff and i stand so strong in my opinion of this because as i read this book i knew nothing about danny and everything about staff she felt like a plot device to save story she felt like a side character to sap story and i never really saw danny take front and center even in her own story which was a shame in my opinion i know out of all of the brown sisters books typically this is the fan favorite not not in this house unfortunately so this is a book that everybody loves i didn't really love it i still gave it three stars show me a book that has dragons in it oh boy oh boy so one that i read super recently because it was a patreon booklet pick and that is the priory of the orange tree by samantha shannon there are dragons in this book however i wish there were more dragons in this book you know this book you know what i'm talking about and if you you know you know you just know however there are dragons in this book they are awesome they are literally incredible i just wanted more drax i will also talk about a book that i haven't talked about on my channel ever but they're here they've been on my shelves and that book is fire and blood by george r r martin now this is part of the game of thrones series obviously and it's a gorgeous book i bought this for my brother a while ago when i went to makeup school in new york and honestly speaking i really want to read game of thrones so we'll see when i do read game of thrones maybe i'll make a reading vlog out of it i think it would be interesting i really don't know but i'm reached for this because it's on the top of my bookshelf and this one is kind of like a history book of sorts about what came before game of thrones basically and it's about the targaryens if i am also yes i really want to get through the game of thrones books one day probably gonna buy them in hardcover though because that's just what i do show me a book and this one came up a lot that has the most beautiful naked cover this is definitely gonna be one of those book box books because i mean there's obviously hardcover books that i own that have designed underneath the dust jacket but i think the most beautiful ones are always the ones that come in both boxes so i will say the fairy loot edition of witches steeped in gold is gorgeous it is without its just jacket like it's beautiful it looks like one of those really old classic books that you'd see in like your great grandma's like library if not this i do have to admit the naked edition of from blood and ash this is ridiculous should not be legal it's really gorgeous i love when hardcovers have foiling underneath so i would say these two like instantly come to mind when i think about really beautiful books without dust jackets show me a book that means the most to you and those are the invisible life of addy larue and strange the dreamer both of these have lyrical writing both of these are really poetic really slow books very beautiful and these are both books that talk a lot about the feeling of inadequacy and being forgotten and what it means to truly make i guess a name and a life out for yourself even though all odds seem to be stacked against you even though there's a lot of uncertainty behind the action even though you don't really know where life is taking you the reassurance that it will always have a meaning that it will always get better i really love these books i don't even remember what the question was why did i go to two sad books let's backtrack what's this question right means the most to you now i remember why so both of these books i personally really loved i've always kind of struggled with i guess the topic of dying without really making an impact and just not doing anything with my life that really has a meaning i guess i don't know i've always struggled with that dealing with that uncertainty i a lot of the time i feel like i'm lost and don't really know what i'm doing or where i'm going and so both of these books for very different yet similar reasons were very reassuring for me but also act your age eve brown was another book that kind of dealt with the same feelings and i think because this was said more of a contemporary setting and it also talked a lot about like adhd and kind of finding your way even if you you know people tell you that you are lost i really liked the execution of this one as well i really thought it was beautifully done and whenever i think about these books like i get emotional like i want to cry so let's not get into that ooh a book that matches your outfit and those would be the jasmine throne literally matches perfectly and then the unbroken both have the same color pattern they're beautiful they're gorgeous books and they match perfectly with me at the moment i know a lot of people will love this one show me a book that gives you taylor swift song vibes i think this is my favorite taylor swift album is speak now for some reason i just thought of sparks fly i am going to bring up this book which will be probably a surprise to no one and that is people we made on vacation by emily henry i really think sparks just fly with poppy and alex they are literally perfect it is a friends to lovers romance and this set the bar so high for friends to lovers i really love the execution for this it is slow burn it is angsty equally heartbreaking as it is beautiful i just everything about this book is perfection i genuinely want to reread this book and annotate it it'll happen soon i just know it because any time i think about this book i'm just like why did i not annotate this upon a first read like i generally don't get it i don't know why and how my brain went here but it it this is the final destination show me a book you want to read so bad but you are scared to hate it i am not going to lie and it is a book that i am still in the midst of i was loving it while i was reading it it was just so much slower than the first one this is shadow of night it's the second book in the discovery of witches i'm so scared to keep reading this book and hating it i'm so freaking scared you guys so i really need to go back to this and finish it i am 194 pages in you can already see there are tabs in here so i you know what maybe i'll pick this up this month i just i need to finish this book i want to go back to this i want to see how it wraps up i want to see how the series ends i'm scared out of my minds though somebody come help me somebody read me the book show me a book that somebody couldn't pay you to read again den of vipers point blank i don't think i need to say anything else and last but not least i think this is a great note to end it on show me a book everyone should read amari and the knight brothers by b.b alston if you have not read this book i don't know what you're doing if you asked me on the show me a book that a book that will get me out of a reading slug if you asked me about a book that has a great magic system if you asked me about a book that made me happy if you asked me about a book that made me cry if you asked me about a book with poc representation if you asked me a book with adventure amari and the knight brothers this book is perfection go read amari and the knight brothers i love this book so much i think if you grew up reading you know middle grade fantasy books that have great magic systems books that are exciting and that have great quests and that are just adventurous have amazing characters have a great plot twist you will love amari this is a book that you could read no matter your age i absolutely love this bb elston absolutely nailed it the second book has been announced amari and the great game it's beautiful i can't wait to see this in person i just know they're going to nail it so hard and that is all the time that i have for you guys today with the show me book that challenge i hope that you guys enjoyed this if you did give it a thumbs up comment down below if you have any particular books my neighbors are going at it oh my god if you have any books that you think would fit these prompts perfectly leave all of them down in the comments below because i'm sure that you guys would have very different wrecks than i do and i'm sure i missed some books that you guys think should be on this list based on what i answered if you reach the very end of this video let's leave a cell phone emoji down below or a computer emoji whatever electronic you want i don't know why that just came into my head but i guess that's what we're going for leave that emoji if you reach that why am i so confused just leave it down below i guess if you reach the end of the video don't forget to subscribe down below if you haven't already for more bookish content i am constantly uploading videos that i'm sure you do not want to miss and if you want more exclusive content from me i do have a patreon we call ourselves the citadel and there is constantly stuff going on there we have movie nights buddy reads a book club a discord server podcast early access to videos exclusive content exclusive live streams there is literally so much going on if you do want to join us that link will always be down below alongside all of the links for my social media again thank you so much to book of the month for sponsoring this video don't forget that you can check them out over at the top of the link in my description as well and you can use the code mel reads to get your first book for 9.99 so again thank you so much to them for sponsoring this video and for being as kind as they are and i love you guys and i shall see you on the next one bye guys [Music] you
Channel: MelReads
Views: 14,980
Rating: 4.9764242 out of 5
Keywords: show me a book that, book recommendations, book recommendations 2021, show me a book that tag, booktube, what to read, books to read, book reviews, review, rant, tbr, books, reading, new book releases 2021, popular book releases, fantasy books, sci fi books, romance books, middle grade books, contemporary novels, thriller books, horror books, young adult books, adult books, melreads, challenge, tag, books that changed my life, books that made me cry, top 10 books, top 20 books
Id: N_duPlIOiDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 33sec (1953 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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