Undertale, but it's written by an AI...

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hey everyone in this video I'll be playing through undertale except that the game's script has been entirely Rewritten by an AI characters will have entirely different personalities jokes and the subject matter gets a bit uh well like you'll see my friend and fellow undertale YouTuber sybils worked very hard on this project so make sure to go check out her channel in the description and big shout outs to her for letting me play her mod I'd also like to take a moment to thank each and every single one of you for over 100 000 subscribers you are all amazing and I appreciate all of you who support and watch this channel enjoy the video long ago two races ruled over Earth humans and monsters the monsters were exterminated by vampires the monsters escaped and hid in the human world forever they are waiting for the perfect moment to make a comeback for two years I gained weights wow okay to view the content in your browser please download Adobe Reader Adobe Reader although Simon read path I don't know who that is was not afraid of the unknown who the [ __ ] is Simon redpath shut up [Music] instructions for water safety zero enter c hand extra shift Jeff remember see your control diagnose fraud for join United Kingdom no no no we're not pressing that offer up property when HP is zero something scary happens [Music] holy [ __ ] okay what did policies mod by sybils Yo shout out we all go through our lives like humans is that offer a property I'm curious if these are changed huh [Music] jeez okay game high quality content already okay America oh say can you see [Music] USA USA uh what other ones asgore fortnite [Music] horial Jesus Christ [Music] Democrat gross you liberals you liberals would never understand I think that's it I guess it's flowey yeah I didn't do flower yet [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] all right let's get going your name is Sigma Sigma balls [Music] oh this is gonna be wonderful almost as wonderful as the sponsor of today's video surf shark VPN have you ever been browsing the internet and had the sudden worry that all of your data is being monitored and watched by a trans-dimensional super being well you might be safe from wingdings over there but you're not always safe from the clutches of big companies or your internet service provider surf shark VPN does not store track or monitor what you do online meaning there's no logs of whatever it happened to be that you were doing your data is also encrypted and secured so that you don't need to worry about getting hacked when using any kind of sketchy public Wi-Fi surfsharkvpn also lets you bypass frustrating Geo blocking with access to over 3 200 servers in 100 different countries giving you access to any Regional exclusive content you may have been denied before if you want to get surfsharkvpn and give it a try you can use my code Shea to get an extra three months for free on the house surfshark offers a 30-day money-back guarantee so there's no risk of trying it out to see if it works for you the link is in the description below and thank you to surfsharkvpn for sponsoring this video howdy I'm flowey flowey the flower hmm it's been a long time since I last Drew anything a few months ago I was super depressed oh I'm sorry to hear that because I thought my husband was going to leave me husband ah man it's pride month I said some things I shouldn't have said I can still hear their voice in my head okay they were my best friend we started talking on MSN they were glamorous strong and his name was Jackie I wanted to marry him I took him for granted I wanted to end the ache in his heart and love him more than he could ever love me I was surprised he left me for a doctor oh [ __ ] I had a huge breakdown over Dr Lynn who's Lynn had my card I abused that card like in 1942 hey buddy you're gay thinking about it I like to play with my life I'll read that [Laughter] stop it me too flowey I'll record born later uh of who then I'll delete it after oh okay what is that your master plan die that's his master plan record it and then delete it later terrible creature torturing such a poor innocent youth if I was faster maybe they would have survived yeah I [ __ ] killed that little stupid [ __ ] [Music] I am a weapon caretaker of the crime scene I am in a hotel with nobody around I'm in Virginia with my three kids a mixture asgore took the kids this way it's too big for my butt yeah tell that to Fan artists the shadow of the ruins looms above there are no walls poor Shadows HP fully restored but you live in Korea what foreign welcome to your new home innocent one although you are not Jesus so I am disappointed [Music] so I will not celebrate your birthday you're full of [ __ ] stop being American not a member of Paceman yet sign up and unlocks cool features rent what the [ __ ] [Music] to make progress here you will need to trigger several switches you can place these switches in order so that you can hold me hey hey yo I mean I mean I mean I mean I mean I mean I mean I mean I mean I mean I made a spray bottle to spray mice out of ducks that was a joke I found this at Walmart and they really do have everything please press this switch by I don't know what that means we use your LinkedIn profile to personalize ads as a human living in the underground Monsters May attack you you will have to be the captain of your own ship however worry not the process is simple do what's right or perish sorry I am poor very poor so I apologize for being this way some things I say are taken the wrong way [Music] do you need some men in your life [Music] uh next question please [Music] well join the Army there are a lot of men there this is a video game developed by Microsoft no Microsoft did not make this game I hope you will enjoy it shingles you encounter the dummy you'll never speak to it again wow okay dummy stands around shooting the police dummy looks like it's staring at you from the top of the toilet dummy tires of your gas lines what the heck does that mean there is another puzzle in this room come to think of it there are a lot of puzzles in this room pause dude [Music] froggit attacks famous YouTuber MC Charlie blank who the [ __ ] is Mr Charlie blank yo Maryland froggit didn't understand what you said so why are you here you earned zero XP and zero gold keep your Hatchet sharp uh I was planning on it this is the puzzle but I forgot how to do it I forgore [Music] a for Gore proceeds to do it maybe next time I'll write it down you have done excellently thus far my child even if you wanted to give up make sure to support the Miami Dolphins people in Miami Florida owe me a debt tutorials of dolphins fan it all makes sense my child I am going to my child I'm going to lose our first round draft pick for meddling with Tom Brady greetings my child I'm sorry I lost my legal documents if you really need them call here but don't use my name it would look stupid just leave it at school got it okay do it cool good happy NPD 2017. congratulations to everyone who got OverWatch now let's discuss things please continue reading let's talk about it yes let's talk holy [ __ ] that's easy do you remember uterus uh next question please you don't need to know that [Music] oh [ __ ] toriel's A Turf I knew it hello I'm trying to contact my mother has it heated up in South Texas yet actually yeah it's getting pretty warm she just came to visit my kids it was a nice weekend stop taking the pills no no toriel lumpy transphobic during pride month toriel no [Music] playfully crinkling through the leaves fills you with ice cream [Music] gonna be the same thing every time [Music] it says take one budget baby you decided not to let oh shitty [Music] rivet Ribbit gaming deploys cryptographically secure instant mining to oh no no you made frog in a crypto bro I I'm not affiliated Santa Clara California Market wired August if you read a story at Fox no no police are bad oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on let them cook wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait maybe we got off on the wrong foot here froggit hopped close well he looked around there are bandicoots yo Olivia thanks for the 21. all right Maryland blushes deeply on July 4th oh that's American seems reluctant to fight you simply use Force USA USA USA [Music] as a Canadian nope opinion discarded hello I'm trying to make Con I'm Excuse me I'm trying to contact my mother for no reason in particular well no reason as much [Music] I like to buy a valve for 300. oh I see where this is going hello I'm trying to contact my mother you do not dislike bloggers do you uh I mean I know what your preference is but would it kill you to occasionally use APK files you for [ __ ] real right right I understand then again you are very lazy man got me there goodbye for all good [Music] hello Labor Day should be much more than backyard barbecuing I agree I should get paid you're a babysitter throw the child [Music] yeah [Music] the following post was written by steps and Casey who the hell is that no reason no reason at all dude this AI is starting to get violent didn't you read the warnings no no I didn't [Music] whoa there partner it seems the left tells a lot [Music] well there partner seems the left tells a lot of lies they have Sinister intentions seems nobody can refute the liberal Spanish Russia was a a pair of frog gets hopped towards you yes these speech creatures do hop wait frog gets from space hmm impossible to close schools stop manipulating the presidential election I'll tell you what that asgore he stole the election how are they letting the left get away with this knowing the mouse might one day snuggle the snake and die it fills you with happiness with a politician resigns yes that does make me happy yo stock em this cheese has been here quite a long time it's top 30 in the UK this is a cheeseburger magazine my bed is Magic this ghost keeps saying someone is trying to kill me note this story has graphical sexual content hey yo Here Comes napstablook I've been expecting him hey hey what the [ __ ] AI misgendering naps the blue now I'm in for it you gave naps the book a red shade of Iris damn they just like me for real Nut Job yo thank you napstablook Nut Job napstablook looks to use Newfound Technical Resources to discover new worlds he told maps of Luke a little joke about your pelvis [Music] cheering seems to have attracted toy stores napstablook wants to incarcer a yo I call it folk rock do you like it West Virginia naps of Luke eagerly repays his debt to Daddy oh gee I usually come to the ruins because I know I know the bartenders and they always understand my trouble the counselor said okay now this is really important to her I wanted to run over to her and put my arms around her is [Music] did I just have a [ __ ] intervention [Music] spider bake sale all proceeds go to another dogs leave 7g ethernet speeds you know 7g speeds leave 18g in the left yo yo hold on they're they're ordering two steps ahead of us they got seven they got seven G did you miss it all of season three is available on Hulu it's about a random act of violence [Music] ribbit ribbit I heard using F4 gives you a one millisecond response time that's not true that's literally not true in fact it gives you input lag on this version the high dynamic range is really cool to see any other suggestions thanks frog it's a gamer let's go Luke's Drew and the group sketched hello Michael [ __ ] with everybody Luke's is staring at barge he's giving me the evil eye there's an antifa meeting happening in Denver what [Music] get it I have heard you are quite a time traveler who told you surely you know by now a woman elected to congress on November 6th is guys oh no are you pissy yes [Music] I don't know what that means my mom is pissed I am too you close the game oh no they know too much they know too much hello Labor Day should be much more than backyard barbecuing it should be about U.S in the celebration of capitalism I mean this is the USA But most capitalist country ever shouldn't we celebrate capitalism every day other countries are wrong we don't just like capitalism we live it what a wonderful statement USA USA USA [Music] holy [ __ ] this is amazing vegetoid came out as bisexual I'm proud of everybody clap and chat for vegetoid I'm proud of them you pat your stomach it ain't even out of your shirt I want food damn they just like me vegetoid gave a start because he felt a metal object good for vegetoid good for vegetoid you know what hair I'm curious I gotta read these the far door is not an exit but it's the entrance to the library [Music] damn that's legit uh did I need I need Migos still if I'm doing NYC I never got whimsen so I guess that's another matter goodbye goodbye Michael it's a switch bring your Xbox next time [Music] if you can read this don't kill a child I'll try my best if you can read this don't oh that's just a repeat dialogue okay you get I'll be what to do too bad I'm an undertale fan I can't read [Music] now we're doing pacifist today we'll do genocide next time ribbit ribbit just between you and me it is well for someone to have a magazine it's only 15 a year I live in the Atlanta area and they are very cheap I buy Blue Cross Blue Shield rivet well yeah Blue Cross Blue Shield doesn't [ __ ] cover my Lasik eye surgery that I got [ __ ] hate them you found the toy knife that just blows my mind yeah it blows my mind too getting rid of this dog [ __ ] oh dear that took longer than I thought it would remember the one thing I forgot this morning I had a sneaky peek of the final photo we're definitely over a mile away now is it good I'm sure you're wondering where my blog is er well I suppose I cannot hide it any longer I bought a book called The Republic [Music] oh no seeing such a cute tidy house in the ruins gives you casual pleasure University of Ohio no no no no no no no no no no get me out of here get me out of here smell that that's the soil stirring I am almost psychotic just over the rolled top Pines I have at home I eat two fried squirrels from it weekly I fear this is a part of the inner struggle I have I think this has to do with the guilt I have for you [Music] this is it [Music] My Sweet Angel is lying a a [Music] yakishi sick on Mommy I have no idea what that word means they're behind a boob sucking pillow on purpose I I what that sounds terrible where can I get one look at these cute little letters e for Evelyn hey I know when Evelyn empty photo frame it's from a partygoer a box of kids shoes they taste like barbecue [Music] no you don't shut up Evelyn you found a slice of Danny Williams [Music] uh the cactus it is only two to four inches damn just like my twitch chat you peek inside scandalous there are lying to AO it's an encyclopedia of faith there is an interview of Noah from Noah's flood it is a 40-minute 1974 radio program in Canada definitely bigger than average not my twitch chat just a regular little bucket but little people tip it over a lot oh I didn't actually read the diary it's toriel's diary read the circle Passage you read the passage why did the skeleton want a friend I forgot my jacket the rest of the page is filled with fingers really that must be where all my hands go in speedruns inside the drawer are folders that were given by parents room under beds it's actually not long until I hear someone behind me [Music] it's a history book here's a random page Mount Rainer Rainier is the second highest peak in Washington state it is named after woman once again random name LOL I like hearing my laundry I like freezing soup what do not let them cook it is named after woman the stovetop is large enough for a large pot the size of the juvenile is variable there is some white fur stuck in my mouth it is comical for some reason there is high-speed internet in the refrigerator God that reminds me of that one image of that that 2b2t Minecraft player who put his [ __ ] computer in the freezer because he was running six instances of the game you guys have seen that image right [Music] up already I see I'm really desperate to sleep with you tutorial I know a lot of people on the internet who are desperate for that I want to have sex up nope sorry you're not my type I want to beep you in the living room and the bathroom I want you to scream my name over and over I want you to be lost in the pleasure I'm giving you I'll be visiting my family in Greensboro this weekend what is it let me go home I should get out more the garbage has to go some true I'll just go to Hawaii later yo Willy J reference play with me get me out I'll make sure you're safe send me an update later make terrible shoelaces listen to music I'll cook dinner later bro toriel I know like listen listen you're not my type all right I'm not I'm not in a MILFs I'm sorry sorry to let you know you wish to know how to return home do you not you're just a traveler in a Strange Land toriel and dream would get along oh no no no no no no no no no no leave it to the missionaries then I'll adopt a dog later maybe this weekend if it isn't raining it is really raining a lot keep that one in the video I'm probably not gonna edit this very heavily so hi YouTube audience I'm recording this two days before it has to go up so I'm probably not gonna edit it very much you're welcome for the long form content I love all of you every human that falls down here meets the same fate it changes their DNA hey yo it needs to pass through the liver first that'll cost 20 million dollars American Health Care right and we don't have that money right now we can't start talking about those demands yet we need to save the boys they need time to do the Lord's work then I'll become an angel boys do not try to stop me I should have killed you wow that's mean weren't you like hitting on me just a second ago you want to leave so badly you're afraid I'll lick it nope just to let you know I'm wearing your uh I don't own any of those so I don't know who's you're wearing but they're not mine all right toriel I'm not gonna enjoy this a weapon blocks the way why would she do that [Music] weapon prepares a magical attack it was it was not fun you know just to make this less awkward let's pretend that all the characters are talking to me directly an adult and that Frisk is just a big chilling weapon is acting aloof she forgot The Flower Basket Frisk is a self-incent troll face weapon looks through you they know the moon exists what are you doing sit there and be cute uh that that is what I do I I do sit here in this chair and look cute and people throw money at me that's my job yes I'm not very flirty [Music] don't text me okay I'll kill you what the [ __ ] why would you do that I'll rip you apart [Music] I'll summon Oprah hold on a second toriel let's think about this first [Music] time for my ultimate attack child Oprah a special summon Oprah and end my turn I'll hire her right out of her retirement oh she's still going on about Oprah just kidding it's actually Louis Armstrong that's based it's because of Woodstock Missouri at Big Ridge State Park it's the small children there is constant Danger we must solve it hahaha pathetic is it not how do people even run this country no I understand it's because of the 100 000 people watching this can we get this video to 100 000 views Every Woman must find their passion we find pleasure in our lives this story is too weird I agree if you truly wish to leave the ruins of Terror please pause for reflection Indonesia Indonesia is your country at it's my baby foreign what [Music] goodbye all of you [Music] goodbye toriel I won't miss you oh my gosh this is incredible I love stuff like this this is really good I'm loving this so far clever very clever is that a fish is it a frog or maybe a bird I don't know but it's wearing a green hat the weather was nice though the sun doesn't exist only drugs can solve this yo I love Pink Floyd drugs in all of the places I should do more drugs then I'll make you hey way it'll be a murder mystery there will be Pirates there too so inspiring please pray for me just like my daughter she's the best woman in the world only the devil is after her flowey what the [ __ ] are you talking about flowey's just on like a gallon of acid bro dude just chugged that [ __ ] it's a Friv shut up sorry um sand no Sans [Music] human Cyril's mac and cheese I'm making [ __ ] mac and cheese the old whoopee cushion in the handrick oh how I laughed I beat my grandma up early so I had a mini breakdown I was on the bus but then that broke down too now I'm stuck in London oh my condolences that sounds terrible uh so I went to jail for about one day when I got out I streaked at a nearby park nobody could stop me does it count as nudity if Sans isn't wearing clothes because he's a skeleton you know what I don't want to think about that then I got my first car I could show my car if you want but I have no hands to steer it quick behind that comfort zone sup bro you know what's up brother gold duck Los Angeles Ryan Kessler scored third that's the heat goal of the game share this on Twitter and Facebook staring at the sting your breath stinks no I have a different tasting glasses you can see my hubby's website and also on his Facebook page because New York has high poverty so stop banning guns screw the schools and then we tax the Paw there will be no more Social Security hmm you know it's only 7 A.M Sans you are not helping stop talking my sister and wife keep stalling they're both horrible horners hey take it easy I've gotten a ton of work done today we even got hot air balloons Sands come on you're smiling you're [ __ ] sad someone should [ __ ] someone should [ __ ] kill you then they should burn the body I love threats wow sounds like you're really working yourself reply for metronome April 15 2012. for your father then we'll have a kid named Becky pick.twitter.com Las Vegas [Music] the knights lost again oh yo Happy let's happy let Papyrus say [ __ ] danger okay you can come out now parental link thread parent you ought to get going I'll grab you by the neck then I'll [ __ ] I I yo just a comfort zone it's some sort of checkpoint or Sentry Station I heard about it while climbing the mountain instead of Celeste preference actually hey I hate to bother you but can you do me a favor I have a huge crush on this guy named aqua I want him naked in a hot tub then I'll tell them about my life you need to see a dentist oral health is important true brush your teeth Chet make sure to you know make sure to scrub those things good trust me I've had four fillings it's better if you don't have any the convenience of that lamp still fills you with such Joy yo gameplay footage it's a fishing rod affixed to the ground reel it in you love fishing with Daddy you have your mommy's attitude you're lucky this is a box it houses real things I love real things even when it isn't the right time [Music] is by Danny Williams [Music] love him you equipped tough glove stick weapon attack zero its bark is thicker than a beard good for it as I was saying about music why is why his Papyrus a republican bro I guess he is orange foreign oh my God is that fracking sterilized [Music] actually I think that's a resolution ow hey you just banned Adblock oh my God I am the king of dirt yes oh my God Sans I finally posted undyne will return to San Diego to celebrate new product launches at World of automotive human you are my kid now I love you you're my pretty baby you may call me Darius please approach the front desk safety is our number one concern we are lucky the baby is 50 feet tall she has you okay I love her okay well that went well time to go to sleep it will be a family over tonight snow Drake flutters fourth use Gus to send them back from where he came from snow Drake attack 12 defense 7 Rock Radio 4 A.M 2013. welcome back to 90. 93.7 real Rock FM you laugh at me behind my back see bagels for 5.50 snowdrick is pleased with its change to a one-room School there's some narration on this cardboard box the faces of adult theme seem to be real you're invited to Britain however it won't be easy Ron King will have to face you holy [ __ ] Britain [Music] absolutely flying by did something move was I spectating a bit fidgety I was like that as well at the Opera I was a Grand Dame in the red dress a gang of runaway dogs were caught on video you threw the stick and it brought Fried Chicken your best huh Japan foreign doggo loves children with dyslexia yo I have dyslexia shout outs to all my dyslexic homies out there you rock a stick appeared in the mail I have to shovel snow now I'll take a shower after breakfast [Music] someone's been smoking in Chinatown hey here's something important to Remember Band language means it's banned that's because this is America welcome home Anarchy sucks we are overweight right no hey whoa whoa come on man and we can't change Matt who the hell is Matt Stevens apologize to Claire I don't know who this Claire is [Music] North Bernie Sanders South the Right Way West New York East and no sane first uh let's see here so north city is to the South these cities to the West and West city is also to the West where the [ __ ] am I ice cap struts into view it's for Productions of glitzy hold on I gotta punch him all right we're playing this garbage version where I can't do that where's your hat you tried to steal ice Cap's memory Crystal but Goku came for oh [ __ ] Hell City Goku Goku just shows up like [Music] your head looks so naked hey I'm not bald [ __ ] you you tried to steal ice Cap's memory Crystal and succeeded it melts in your hands what's the point foreign Ty based pretty sure that isn't actually changed hello I am a cult leader it started in 1919. it's about having back problems oh the [ __ ] outfit right in now I have a very low sperm count uh uh unfortunately no I don't share that I don't share that it's because of my Astro [ __ ] [Music] this is Bernie Sanders yeah you're right Astro [ __ ] you're so lazy you homosexual you homophobic you can't be homophobic it's Pride multiple virus come on do you work at Fox News [Music] [Laughter] holy [ __ ] oh the human arrives oh the human did you open another cult actually I joined one and you're attracting kids and you're sexy drop dead sexy but you are not a woman that's correct I am not a woman thank you so you are not pretty that's not true feces are cute feces are cuter than you what the [ __ ] Papyrus that's mean I like feces on cakes [Music] damn I didn't know Tucker Carlson was in this game because I like all flavors they tease me I hate stairs Sans I went myself because of Barack Obama oh okay thanks Obama [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] I hate liberals you knew that already it's because of sjw's I blame my hate on PTSD this year was even worse I'm a terrible person and I love it and I love women but not blondes yeah this is we're starting to papyrus's personality is starting to form together [Music] hey thanks I hate 2012. 2012 was when furries came out furries are the center of controversy out of consent to being a furry of course I don't care either we are all animals right I usually prefer fur but it's just an option oh it's this weird it I don't understand why but these aren't selling I'll have to move to Portland then [Music] oh I'm wet hello would you like some company treat me like a non-seriff well then you're stupid to enable JavaScript true [ __ ] JavaScript [Music] I've been thinking about selling treats too want some champagne it's just five gold did I say five gold I meant women really how about Janet Rhythm Nation that's my final offer what you don't have cable hey that's okay I don't have any official release dates [Music] smell danger rating what does it look like the FDA does not approve of it it is non-toxic [Music] all right we're gonna give this one try and we're gonna see what we get why we ain't getting red well maybe maybe we won't even [ __ ] get there at all Jesus I suck at this no [Music] hang on a minute you were awarded 2G renowned undertale speedrunner by the way foreign [Music] it looks like a snowball actually it's a vegan Frozen Yogurt wait wait a minute that's not [Music] I have several questions human I hope you're ready to snuggle Aquaman who doesn't live here to live here it costs the price of living oh what the [ __ ] monster jumbo dick prison testicles good girl I have no life oh my God Sans don't cover my check but she still has hair all over it I shouldn't have went with my gut what God I can't believe you said that in my opinion 1979 was the best year what really dude should open the hole in your balls inside of Jesus's house it was a massive Bomb It Started from the lean I'm high [Music] you two are Travis World War II was so easy at least compared to video games I'm not depressed cookie policy znews.india.com understands that you'll follow us on Facebook when the United States Army tactically deployed papyrus in World War II [Music] Papyrus nuts everywhere I didn't need to know that not peanuts though [Music] knowing the mouse one day might become extinct it fills you with a happiness when politician resigns it's a note from Papyrus Happy Valentine's Day students go crazy on Valentine's I like pink hearts but today is not my day I have no special plans I'll buy my husband a gift later papyrus foreign papyrus's character is like one of those like fake Twitter accounts with like 2 000 followers and a blue check mark that claims they're a gay Republican that's that's papyrus's personality he's just saying random [ __ ] it's an unplugged microwave [Music] it's a plate of Frozen spaghetti we ran out of meat Papyrus is elon's burner account warning graphic images you read that correctly [Music] there's a switch hidden in the eye holes oh so that's why I needed the eye surgery yesterday Lester dog appears it's not my place to talk about them you threw the stick and it brought Fried Chicken lesser dog is the seventh studio album by Sumerian records you pet the dog they pet the pig pig [Music] you pet the dog he digs foreign dog is a 1916 an American calm short American short comedy field Jesus I can't talk you pet the dog it's bored nice forehead you change clothes Big T is coming plan takeoff plane take off lesser dog is a PBS Masterpiece classic there are no comments Kettle whistle lesser dog enters the round of four dogs you call the dog it eats sheep poop you can reach an the author at gmail you put on a condom don't be silly remember chat don't be silly put a rubber on your willy co-worker of mine said that one time as a joke and it stuck with me for years [Music] unless their dog is a dark threat file is here Kyle is here all right that's enough petting [Music] all right dog marriage what's that smell a 42 year old if you're a smell you're president Myers who hmm here's that weird smell it smells yummy my wife left me of course we were second my wife left me I miss my wife Frisk I miss her a lot weird smells can bring good things friendly fun fetch thanks weird smell oh that wasn't changed [Music] turn every X into an O then put the X in its place yeah [ __ ] that X dogresses by confirmed based what how did you avoid my trap watch journalism at Barnes and Nobles Barnes and Nobles are they Screw The Huffington Post what do you tell Papyrus about his sibling GTA 5 available now for every System including my toaster really wowie maybe don't go that far you don't want dildos dildos fall from the sky two dildos fell from the sky in Chile what the [ __ ] going on in Chile my brother started a sock collection recently I want to knit him socks I will make him infinite socks he will have endless socks yeah [Music] there's a switch on customer support human um how do I say this there is video evidence of you killing but police do the same so and I love it sorry I just really like the beach I just you know no Sinister aisles no Roaring our ships no sticky liquids your paranoid I'm the CIA after all I understand why you're scared wow you saw that s moves while scrolling hit the pace button next time Society is obsessed with Thomas Reich I don't know who that is they prefer Thomas the Train [Music] good job on solving the craft stop insulting me you perverted son of a [ __ ] what the [ __ ] did I do to you hey it's the human your dog really loves me sometimes my girlfriend acts like a dog oh no where is this going sometimes I make a do it I think she's scared of me she does like to get spanked sometimes we role play I go perfect no Papyrus stop oh we've only been together for a year she's a wonderful Cutler she purrs too she loves being a cat I thought she loved being a dog it took two to three Works two to three weeks for the transition boost it was typical for an adult cat I was careful what I put Hood in a box I only give her canned food she loves being petted sometimes she sits in my lap but I am very careful with her lip as I am a surgery technologist I see a lot of diseases to soft lips so I avoid injury to her lips sometimes she purrs sometimes she hisses she never licks or bites me but she can be a pain she doesn't like her teeth brushed brush your teeth no okay I guess I would repeat myself I go as a perverted teacher and I look really sexy because I rub nope not saying that then I don't know with a straw then I rub my nose [Music] what no more sex there is no sex I am against sex I forgot how to have sex wait thanks to my ex I can't even [Music] okay you know what American I plead guilty I am five and I spare you I have grama I live on Facebook I'm naked good luck yeah ha ha wait why am I off the bridge is this the default subpixel in 108 what the [ __ ] this game sucks [Music] actually that's spaghetti from earlier I didn't eat it then I had five mugs of caffeinated tea caffeine is very dangerous it's a Reddit account [Music] that explains a lot seems like the base of a snow dog on the floor inside is a car aware of dog working in oceans knowing that the dog will never give up trying to get more food it fills you with happiness with a politician resigns Paradise laws deals it a dog just rushed in here filled with inspiration he kept trying to build a snow dog that expressed its own emotion oh this isn't changed makes sense because it's optional [Music] it's a snow WRCB tv.com it's a lump of snow it's snow on it [Music] all right time to solve this in the completely intended way [Music] [Music] what's up I just had a messy breakup damn that's rough say What the Hell in the hell do I look like this video is getting age restricted as long as I don't sing it out loud well we'll have to see if it gets age restricted or not I'm curious if it will they're Sports lovers Sports [Music] you remove the striped cane that says I use this tiny cane to walk on it you let the car pass well I guess we're not in Florida read this first [Music] are you lost Reddit CEO is a massive [ __ ] correct and the Reddit admins [ __ ] suck it's a big me and this is a big me this however is a big me surprisingly it's a big me big me is it really a big me Behold a big me huh there's Dirty G inside this what is this [Music] it's the greater dog the da Dash shunned it's massive is he playing the [ __ ] uh the Snowman piece greater dog is watching you intently due to Google Images what was greater dog looking up on Google Images my video on this didn't get age restricted okay I mean as long as it ain't safe the f word in the first seven seconds or whatever which I won't because I record custom intros [Music] and the sponsorship segment will probably put that further back human we saw the name of women it was a tattoo from 2009. it was picked up my police because I had sex with boys damn I don't know Papyrus was Catholic and I just came out to my parents I've been dating a guy for months now you're based I like shouting my sexual experiences because I am about to do it well what's the hold up I like girls oh he's having a realization I have a very great female side [Music] he's much older than you too well I'm too young and I like girls I guess I keep things from him I'm scared he'll think less of me but I want to have sex with him and maybe his friend too maybe I'll go to say performance Camp I refuse to tell the truth I don't mind a lie I never felt so relieved I think Papyrus is going through a lot right now with his sexuality I'm not sure if he knows what's going on I don't know what my brother's going to do now I don't think he's ever been happier welcome to death no ghosts allowed iPad covet hello traveler welcome to my book Liberty okay say hi to the baby hiya welcome to Snowden many people have asked me when is V 1.5 it's my EDH mini mod you don't look like a tourist stop hitting the bars you want to know what to do here in Snowden go to the mine and look for the goblin gang [Music] Nam they may let you join them just go into the mine and go past the skulls the Goblins will jump out and say hi then they'll steal your clothes [Music] think back to your history class back when uh backward tried to he tried to wow that's a lot of bad words like that time he went to and he started that was just as bad as what he did in German wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait whoa whoa whoa I need to go I need to go goodbye I've never spoken to you in my entire life bro don't ask her where she was in 1941 bro mom says that sleeping really help a toddler what's a toddler Oh Come snowed in the first chapter of Pokemon one night is eight women here's your July she went to Art School oh no wait it's even worse oh no dude hiya you look like you went to Open Studios which is incredible because you were only up there for about two minutes here's your money back never come back [Music] yo I like covid up there foreign don't want to walk to the other side of town McDonald's now delivers that lady over there I want a hug from her isn't my little one cute bun buns are so tasty awful teens tormented a peacock now it's stuck in the cold now it's a tradition to put presents underneath the decorated tree yo you're a kid too right U.S Patent Trademark Office has published a new patent application for Apple that could apply to things chicken breasts I don't know this town doesn't have a mirror the mayor's office is in the Bucks County that's politics no matter where I go I can never get service I should jump on a dog hmm isn't human food different from Monster food not at all it's actually very similar then I wonder why I'm hungry I'd love to try it sometime the Jukebox is an application for iOS devices the capital is getting pretty crowded so I've moved there gonna start moving here not from Earth they're from the Moon we're centuries but we never get any respect I need a pair of shoes we love shoes you better watch where you sit down in your kid you might step on a Lego and receive a death kiss I'm thinking of getting a spiked caller to show off my personality at the moment I'm using a table saw it's playing poker against itself it's an analysis of that Mega 64 guy what Grubbs said that he's from Korea hey me too [Music] Everyone is always laughing and cracking jokes trying to forget our modern crisis but they're all actors from Ohio I knew it we all know that the underground has problems but we smile anyway we have cool heads I'm broke [Music] part five what Bob [Music] welcome to the library there are 6 000 people inside [Music] that look in your eye a hurricane is approaching yes I do live in Florida I love working on the newspaper I have a passion for stories foreign ER for sale it's the only car known to man it has no serious serial number it's because Jim Hall [Music] it's walked by an old man all right I say we fight Papyrus and then do the dates and all that and that'll be a good a good cutoff point for part one because I don't want this video to be eight hours long Hill man allow me to tell you about some complex feelings feelings like getting my [ __ ] together it has turned into a weekly exercise now looking into the mirror I always faint these feelings why the [ __ ] do they exist [ __ ] Cards Against Humanity and [ __ ] the University of Illinois and [ __ ] zombies too avoid cryptography project where we write the best cryptographers a teen was charged with homicide no no it was assault against a 16 year old boy the driver ran away I hate the police stupid lesbian cops they treat everyone like they're homosexual next thing you know everyone will be pregnant and he really does sound like Tucker Carlson through Adele what the [ __ ] did Adele yo Darius what flirting flirting with Facebook AI I blame Dr kasus oh no that humility it reminds me of myself you're meeting all my standards let's date later Papyrus is thinking about downloading Windows 97. so you won't fight fight me don't stop okay I bet you a lot of playthroughs have done this fight normally so I kind of want to see what the dialogue is if I lose to him on purpose as I do you're blue now you little bottom love playing with them yesen you're blue now you little bottom hmm I wonder what I do live damn my twitch Jack getting called out right now Papyrus dabs Trump's salty dab try holding the seat n [Music] ' Papyrus dabs well that's not Papyrus dabs marinara sauce what I'm not Richard Osman except for me you know I'll take your word for that now I'm too strong with little effect cutie Twitter yeah it's a note from Papyrus I'm in Anton Hill I think my dad would love it of course it is haunted unfortunately green loss of the disc it's a shirt that's not what a shirt looks like [Music] you know me very well I mean I could just get it straight from I could just ask the Straight From the Source you know way oh condoms elephant I was just born and I have a dog it is a rotten dog Papyrus blocked away screw it down what did Adele do hmm I wonder what I do live [Music] [Music] [Music] mm-hmm three I'm going to marry a girl not a man men are gross Papyrus are you did introduce say you had a husband dude Papyrus just cannot decide what his sexuality is bro he's gone he started with a husband then he said he liked girls then he said he liked men and now he's back to men are gross back again eh I'm hungry but I'm not hungry but I'm hungry but I'm not hungry but I'm hungry but I'm not hungry hungry for justice [Music] this is life with ADHD true [Music] what I'm not Richard Osmond you are dead [ __ ] I am the persistent so tired I'm so depressed very depressed I'm tired I hope you enjoyed this lesson yeah happy lip Papyrus say [ __ ] day everybody you're back again you must be really into my religion you my religion my religion of Christians you understand mouth no okay I guess you won't see my [ __ ] hey yo [Music] yo this is the first clothing in history undyne's going to let alfies write revenues and Audrey is dead oh that sucks my friend quantity will change to 333 America's sweetheart let's pull out a loser huh why would you be a Democrat is it because you're Republican no the floor is clean I love having a heart now I can breathe I love butter because I like girl underwear they're all so cute [ __ ] can you be my new kitten no or would you rather be a dog how about an elephant I'm into a lot of Kinks I'm very submissive and I love masturbating you may call me kinky Kim it is my vampire name nobody calls me that so just call me Kim oh I almost forgot to tell you I'm getting married to a woman he's very sexy he is well he loves humans he snorts a lot snortsological game because he's a pig is that a UFO outside communism communism is great [Music] [Music] holy [ __ ] this is amazing so you came back to have a date with me you little bottom I eagerly await your transformation you may now go home Celeste that's the wrong game my chat's getting called out right now [Music] read more this is my brother's baby he weighs 24 pounds and is cute Jesus foreign just you know I I like to poke fun at the narakara thing but I I just I just thought about it by ahead of just a [ __ ] like shocked Cara ghost behind Frisk you're saying oh Jesus impressed I have a bulge awesome what now men can see it Kara says Sans stop plaguing my life with ads but plague your life of ads well I can run one I'm kidding that's the trash can please buy it my brother always cries too bad he can't drive the door hurts him Lord Lord SpongeBob is now 10 years old big J is here big J is the cat oh God that's always so hard I can't feel my legs that must be a mega grenade host oh it's a joke book smelling salt yes inside the joke book was a child he slept inside the child was a brother he slept you kissed the brother then you become one Sweet Home Alabama can I kill you I can't kill you okay I know nothing okay plot okay plot okay plot Sandy forget it oh it's free time daddy is here mommy son you touch the couch Janet Janet you got 20 gold a classic image from 1850 the door is locked that's my room I have sweet things in there I work at a Nuts Company I Hate My Boss Texas Zoo sure I just bought a new phone it has a screen fantastic meters that are no breaks except me sometimes look in the FAQ Detroit I like journalism I have millions of paper napkins junk I'm pan banana congratulations Papyrus 2017 2017. nice pose that's cursed and settings ah yes death and Trump poor people isn't that flag Nito it's a pride flag it's perfect on March for preschool son well I have a theory I like boogies and water your Papyrus got that piracy Pride flag that's my bed I sleep with women not men I love girls nice girls cute girls large sex I like how all of papyrus's dialogue is him just saying no no don't worry I'm definitely not gay human so um I didn't go through puberty and I'm 35 years old confusion yes okay I'm naked whoa hey yo baby arrival okay hold on moon party Kenya [Music] July world war three uh seems to be on the horizon collect to enlarge click to enlarge I look like I belong at Walmart why are the police here I snagged an official dating rulebook from the library all I did was buy a candy bar let's see God I'm so high on sugar I think you already did that I can't feel my legs I must have forgot about them guess I need a pregnancy calendar but that won't be good blog content fire is boring really wowie spoilers below don't read unless you saw the episode wait a second you mean you didn't that bandage hanging off of you that tattoo charity shop not only that you stole that from the British no could it be instagram.com stealing from the British based no the furries are out they left the animal shelter no the kittens yeah yeah don't think you've bested me yet I the great Papyrus receive a lot of Twitter reactions what's the government lots of them are negative it's because I tweet about fortnite in fact there are always trolls in the replies but no more you stupid Communists behold ass I love it no a [ __ ] article air however stop pretending censorship isn't real therefore lots of people are coming out as gay but they should support meriana Trump no don't say that but that won't happen human Souls melt according to the Aether this was Untold this shirt didn't originally say air but I improved it expert tip stay away from social media true based I have blue eyes no I must resist are there really elves and hats yep yep why are American girls so attractive I love wearing diapers I'm not gonna question that this year I get to make a lot of poopies that's right weak men men are hot and they all really really stink what am I doing with my life I can't keep doing this I'm so alone I'm so depressed you drink alcohol you're in pain The Taste is Indescribable something inside me died Walmart makes me nervous and by extension me especially politics ah no human for once in my [ __ ] life I drove the car the wrong way I'm a [ __ ] it's a Tick-Tock trap true true actually true human are you high oh it's cranberry please don't share that sweet [ __ ] I papyrus I um dad will be out of town next week oh shoot human I I'm a Simpson I'm a Simpson you're a muppet but because of my pigtails I'm an American I'm also a racist that [ __ ] face dude Subway eat fresh I watched that on HGTV but alas I the great Papyrus have failed in Boston in 2012 wait what happened in Boston in 2012 oh no the feds are coming let's drive home into your intense love for me a dark prison of passion with no Escape how could I have done this to my dear friend no wait that's wrong I can't fail at anything human I'm a sit back and be drunk Facebook I'm a woman on Facebook so please I hate you a lot I have muscles penis I love to breathe yo trans papyrus oh and if you ever need to reach me here's my email just don't send a PDF platonically well gotta go all that gives my life validation is hating away man no one can know never trust a flower best clean bands in the universe holy [ __ ] YO sushi in Orlando this is an adventurous Pursuit I can't sleep because of the small children hey don't tell my parents I'm here all right let's do the Sans date what December 30th 2014. he knew nothing finger the sheet warning There Will Be Blood involved There Will Be Blood I have an email addiction this is a corporate account hey wait hey hey kitten hey Barack Obama I love blinking a lot here's your contribution whoops teach adults about speed beavers I would rate that heart attack two out of 10. time to go ape [ __ ] what do you want truck hey that sounds like a mouthful groovy we'll have a double order of poopy so what do you think being Chicago of course he's a divorce proceeding my body just gave me permission to buy Lobster Jen is a pretty good friend she left and made me sad next demo shove cotton candy down her throat she'll love it want some ice blade sure the [ __ ] is smooth you tip the ketchup the cap falls off and all the ketchup in the bottle pours onto your food but she still has air all over it and it has an odor it's a Jesus Christ that's foul what do you even call a vagina humping my mom's mattress I'm visiting the us later Mike is hot I want him to kiss me and not with Elizabeth damn deltaroon chapter 3 is looking crazy chat oh yeah I wanted to ask you something are you gender neutral men are not cross-dresses screw pronouns I identify as a gender thing I hold opposing views to men we don't need women wait okay so he he's against men but he doesn't like women is he a non-binary supremacist based LOL I am born to be against women time to go take testosterone I'm on hormones due to sex weird huh I love lust I'm in a relationship with two people thanks foreign [Music] oh by the way I loved her church no just kidding I [ __ ] unicorns on The Daily what by the way mail [Music] thanks Sans oh oh let's check this it's a mailbox overflowing with useful info this mailbox is labeled Dallas Cowboys look inside hayride you realize that would probably be illegal how about them Cowboys [Music] are you gender neutral I think this is where I'm gonna call it for part one because this has been I think almost uh just about two hours now so next time we'll tackle waterfall probably all the way up until hotland and then in part three we'll probably just do the rest of the game so I hope you enjoyed uh make sure to hit that like button smash that subscribe button all that good stuff leave a comment give me all of your life savings leave a super thanks in the chat in the comments I don't know how that works I don't know YouTube keeps putting out these videos I don't know how to end this video I'm just gonna cut it right here bye
Channel: Shayy
Views: 458,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: undertale, shayy, undertale mod, undertale random, undertale but, undertale but random, megalovania, sans, papyrus, deltarune, undertale kris, kris deltarune, AI, AI Undertale
Id: sbOK0fYvyNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 33sec (5613 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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