I Survived 100 Days as a MECHA SHARK in Minecraft

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sharks are the most terrifying creatures in the entire ocean in fact I wanted to make the scariest shark possible and add it into Minecraft so me and my team created the mecca shark a shark that swims faster jumps harder and is overall 10 times stronger than a regular shark and now I will be playing as the mecha shark in game all while trying to survive till day 100 and just to make things a bit more tricky I got three of my friends to play fisherman whose goal it is to stop me from surviving till day 100. on day one I spawned in as a baby shark now before I tell you more about this Mecca shark this video is sponsored by Warner Brothers games but more on that later back to the mecca shark as you can see I only have five hearts of HP right now and if I leave this sunken ship you'll see if there's three fishermen over there on the dock and their goal is simple take me out before day 100 and so we gotta get out of here but not before Opening Our shark upgrade menu where we can get more hearts and even stronger powers like our first Power steel jaw where we're gonna get a powerful bite attack simply completing the three quests you see on screen okay so as a shark we can't go on land otherwise we're gonna get slowness too but these quests require I go on land so we're gonna have to figure something out okay here we go okay the second I leave this boat area the fishermen are gonna come attack me so we want to probably swim this way to get to those trees let's do it ready three two one go go I'm gonna get a boat they're swimming towards me but we're faster in the water okay let's just go this way there's a tiny Tree on this hill go get that shark oh there's a boat coming in go little shark go what is even this shark's name if it's not baby shark dude it is literally baby shark doo doo doo if you get the reference let me know in the comments below okay keep going we're gonna eat this wood really fast they're climbing I see their names there's one log oh God they're coming they're coming come on can we get two we got two we got two oh these Breakers break it through go this way oh a village I don't want to go to the Village actually let's go this way we have constant slowness on land oh my goodness wait is there a tree in front of me or let's get to these trees get back here shark kill the water to the water to the water he's making a break for water okay let's turn over locks into Oak planks there's one literally on our tail go [Music] drowning he's running okay take this chance make it crafting table put the crafting table on the ground and now quickly make ourselves a wooden sword go go boom boom wooden sword boom we got it we got it we got it oh gosh oh he bites that one has a neck gun in his hand we gotta be careful of that oh I see him I see the boat I see the hide amongst the grass where'd he go he's in the Water Somewhere I don't think he's gonna go go go ow dude I just got hit dude we got him we got him we got him we got him we got him so let's go up here get back here how do you even do this oh yes we got the quick heal Oh dolphin come here give me speeding buddy yes now we have to kill five squids nice we killed one squid four to go four to go four to go but before we go and get all the squids we're gonna need here's a word from today's sponsor Warner Brothers games that game is Harry Potter magic awakened an extraordinary card collecting RPG game based in the Harry Potter Universe in this game you can collect and upgrade your spells and engage in Epic PVP battles where your cards are put to the test the better you are at PVP the faster you will rise through the ranks gain tons of experience and of course strengthen your cards oh and if you're a giant Harry Potter fan like I am then you'll be happy to know that a ton of locations that you know and love can be found in the game like Hogwarts Castle and the Forbidden Forest see doesn't that game sound awesome let me tell you why I need all of you watching to download Harry Potter magic awakened if you have what it takes to beat me download the game right now on either Android or iOS by simply clicking the link in the description down below or by scanning that QR code you see above one of my hands in fact Harry Potter magic awakened KML back on June 27th so anyone in the world can play the game right now oh and I really wouldn't wait to download the game either because the more time I have to play the more time I can collect stronger and stronger cards like the baby anti-potty and opala which is basically a flying dragon that shoots out fire and Deals a ton of AOE damage so do not wait download the game right now by once again clicking that description down below or scanning that QR code above right now because I'm ready and waiting to duel a bunch of you guys in Hogwarts I see a squid but it's right by their dock no way okay we gotta go for it we gotta go for that squid straight away yeah that story way oh no oh no oh no no no no oh we got a dolphin we got enough we killed the squid we killed the squid we just need to find a few more two he's gone screwed over here yes we got it okay quick let's unlock our first Power steel jaw oh it's over grab them look at this it's done yes okay the others are coming in right here on us on this die die let's get this one we got him this one's bleeding hello he's gone now let's get this one you're not yes they're all gone and with that I'm gonna take your boat and we are out of here and now just go find a place to start building our shark base I'm not gonna build anything too complex I just need to build something basic so we can survive for now and honestly who knows I might even build here this little jungle Hill's looking kind of cool after unlocking our new steel jaw ability I went ahead and began building our first mecha shark base which kind of turned out to be a little bit basic but that's fine because all I care about right now is unlocking more shark Powers okay so welcome to the first mecha shark base it's really really basic we just put some sea pickles in for life we got some chests some furnaces in our bed which right now is literally all we should need but anyway even though I'm stuck in this tiny small box let me show you how hidden this base is you see if I go through this trap door right here you're gonna see that I end up in this giant cave and this is where I go mining mostly but if we swim through this tiny hole right here you're gonna see that we get spit out back into the cave we originally found and then we can simply swim to the surface then we can swim please swim up here go through this tiny hole and we're back to the rim so yeah overall I'd say this face is pretty hidden which is why now that we have a hidden base we have to start working on some upgrades and there is one upgrade I am required to get now as I mentioned earlier when I'm running on land I automatically get slowness one which wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that I'm being hunted down by three fishermen so to get rid of this slowness one weakness we're gonna give our shark legs no I'm not kidding right now you can see we're just swimming and flopping around the ground but if I go into my mecha shark upgrade menu you're gonna see there's an upgrade called transforming Mecha legs which means I can become a shark with actual legs then to unlock these legs I just have to get two levers 16 bones and 32-packed mud so let's start by grabbing our Oak planks from this chest and making ourselves some sticks so let's grab our Cobblestone and let's make the two levers that we're gonna need now that we have those complete we just need to get 16 bones or 32-pack mud and since my cave is right here let's start killing some skeletons for their bones foreign Apple let's go oh and a bunch of Bones okay perfect and just like that we got all the bones we're gonna need which was time to get the for the upgrade which is just 32 pack mud so let's just swim up here real quick and over into this River and now let's start looking around for a mangrove swamp biome since that's the only place in the game we can actually get mud oh that's a mango tree hold up hold up hold up Yes we finally found Mangrove all right is the sun setting too that is perfect timing okay let's just make our way over to this Mangrove biome real quick and grab some of the mud that's here okay there we go we now all the mud that we're gonna need but if we look carefully at this Quest we don't need regular mud but we need packed mud and to make packed mud we just have to add some weight to the current mud we just mined so tomorrow we'll simply head to a village and steal all their wheat okay so here's the village that's near spawn such a go through here and grab all the wheat blocks we can find on the ground let's just grab these real quick and now let's take all these hay bales and let's turn them into wheat and then if we combine that with our mud you're gonna see that we now get a bunch of pack mud which is all we need to get our transform Mecha legs so now we're officially a shark that runs on land with legs that's right no more swimming on land for me because with these legs I no longer have slowedness one while on land which is honestly really important because now I can travel throughout the whole world and not have to worry so yeah being a shark with legs I'm not gonna lie is pretty awesome but not quite as awesome as our next upgrade that we're gonna unlock because from here we're gonna stop being a baby shark with only five hearts of HP and instead we're gonna become the electric eater with 10 total hearts of HP strength one and jump two that actually become an electric eater we just need to get a music disc 128 lapis lazuli and 10 pumpkin seeds and since then sun is starting to set over where the Horizon right now I'm just gonna stick to getting the pumpkin seeds because there's a group of pumpkins right here behind me so just grab our ax and start cutting these things down and then we can take all those pumpkins and turn them into pumpkin seeds and just like that the first Quest is complete and now let's get the music disc and Lapis tomorrow okay here we go here's some lapis down on the cave let's start by mining this real fast just right next to me but lapis isn't actually what we're going for right now you see I'm actually down in this cave exploring because now that I have legs I can go deep into this cave without being worried and the reason I wanted to do that is right in front of me because we found an abandoned mine shaft one of the best places to find music discs so let's just look around this area and see if we can find a chest somewhere uh so I've been looking for about 10 minutes um I couldn't find a single chest anywhere in that abandoned mine chaff so I'm just gonna give up and go somewhere I know I could find one and that's an ancient city because those always have music discs now it is a little bit risky tent into an ancient city while I only have five hearts of HP but I genuinely want to get this music disc done with so let's just go find one so if they're failing to find a music disc in the abandoned mine shaft I simply went to an ancient city where I knew I could find one okay I just found something really cool I found an ancient city like I was looking for but I also found an abandoned mine Jeff to the middle of it so that's unique and cool but anyway we're just here for music discs so we're gonna play this pretty carefully okay let's check this chest oh yeah we already got to use a disc there we go we're done now let's just loot this place up until the warden's about to spawn because we can get some really early op gear right now oh we still have another Kate nothing still oh we get some protection three iron pants there we go okay we can only set off one more before Warden spawns so with that we're sneaking out of here after the ancient city raid I started to head home and on the way home I bumped into a random ship in the middle of the ocean this had to be the fisherman's base but no one was there so I decided just to leave it and keep going home where this happened oh there's a hunter God there's under they see me [Music] I'm stuck I'm stuck kill him kill him kill him oh God go this way run in the cave they can't get me in the water cave oh kill him kill him no yes we got him oh I'm this way they're behind me they're behind me they're behind me oh is this the entrance to his base oh God that's not the entrance that's not the interest that's not the entrance where'd he go did you swim out I don't think they tell me I don't think they saw me nice they went for the cave no shot nice they didn't see me oh my goodness we actually got away from that let's go okay we survived that but we don't have any time to waste we still have to go get some lapis lazuli as we only have half of what we need right now so it says it's still day 16 let's just wrap up getting all the lapis we need so that way we can just do the upgrade tomorrow oh I see some lapis go away okay there we go that's all the lapis okay so with all that lapis in hand we are now officially the electric eater which is this giant looking shark right here who's full of wires and made of metal but his appearance isn't the only thing I love because I finally actually have 10 hearts of HP and things aren't just gonna One-Shot me anymore but anyway now that we have this incredible shark unlocked it's time to work on our tier two upgrades now look I know technically speaking this was the first tier to upgrade but now it's time to work on the other two tier two upgrades okay so let's start with the first one which is called fins of Fury which actually has our first 1.20 Quest we have to complete and that's hatching a sniffer so if you don't know the sniffer is the brand new mob added to Minecraft in 1.20 and the hatchet we need to dig one up so there's this new item in Minecraft called a brush that I can craft by combining a stick a copper and a feather a stick some copper and when combined with a feather we get a brush okay so now that we're in a warm motion I apparently just have to look for some miscolored sand and then right click it with my brush but the hard part is finding that Miss clouds in because I haven't seen any at all in this warm motion okay just nearby I found this warm ocean room so let's just kill the drown that are in this area real quick and now I read online specifically around this area it should be easy to find suspicious stand because it looks just like this let's right click this and you're gonna see I get an item out of it so in this one I just got a gold nugget but there's a chance one of these drops a sniffery let's just brush you yes there we go we got the sniffer egg which is honestly great because I've never actually hatched a sniffer before and this seems like a fun little project we can do so with the egg in hand let's just quickly swim on home okay so now that we actually have the sniffer egg we got a hatch it which is way easier said than done because the fastest way to actually hatch a sniffer is to put it on some Moss blocks which means I have to go down to the cage real quick and grab some more Moss here we go this stuff should do and now he's gonna build a little platform for this guy to hatch on we'll scrape all this grass up here real quick okay now just put down the Moss blocks in a 3X3 pattern like this and let's throw our sniff rag in the center and now I've got to sit on top of this egg until it's incubated or at least that's what a YouTube short told me so that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna guard this egg until it hatches oh the egg cracked look at it I see a little crack of that egg yeah we're getting there I just gotta keep standing on it and guarding it this is getting very boring I'm back back the little friend trap you in a bunch of moss blocks real quick okay cool we got the sniffer trap and with him hats there's only a couple more quests we gotta do so let's just quickly sleep and now it's day 19. okay so now that we have our little sniffer buddy down here we just have to attach six different mobs to fence posts and use our steel jaw to take out the fishermen now luckily earlier we found a lead in the chest so let's grab that lead I can attach a lead between the sniffer and this fence and that's our first mob fence stop now let's grab the lead back and now let's get this Squid on a lead and put him on the fence next oh wait for the lead break oh it did hold on let's put the fence in the water and then attach it to the squid ready oh we got him we got him that's two animals let's see if we can attach one of these fish maybe no you can't catch fish orb these types of mobs so instead let's go attach this cow this chicken this pig and this sheep and now we've officially completed our second Quest meaning all we have to do now is get four kills with our steel jaw on the fishermen well we still haven't even gone to their base yet as since we know where their base is let's start heading there now so we can get the four kills we need okay their players are starting to render it we can literally see them in the distance let's dive underwater so they don't see us coming up and let's go deep under here no we just have to get four kills with our steel jaw clamp inside of their ship real fast ready here you ready kill him nice we got another steel drop we're the other one go I dropped him in the water no you don't you're mine I got him I got him I got him he's stuck on my mouth come here you yes he's dead that's two okay back in the water back in the water back in the water you eat some food oh he's coming in he's dying he's dying get out of here shark dude I don't like this I don't like this are we trying to escape no you don't no let me up that's three and there you go help me nice we got him that's all the kills we need okay quick go this way now let's unlock our fins of Fury and let's try these things out oh my goodness let's try these these have got to be good right oh hello let's see what this does ready oh we see you shark oh Okay it definitely did damage to them both oh they're hurting oh they're both taking damage okay let's get him ready oh we killed him with it where is he okay it says this ability should also destroy blocks let's try it on their base oh it destroys their base too no he's destroying our boat there we go we did it we did it we did it we destroyed their base go go go go go run we are out of here with our new lunging power unlocked okay we did it we unlocked our fins of Fury oh I fell which allows us to dash extremely far through literally any block we want but don't get confused this isn't a mining ability because the blocks I break don't drop at all this is just helpful for breaking blocks which will be useful if I ever want to expand this base but for now let's get back to upgrading because right now our Mecca shark is still super duper weak in fact we're probably gonna be weak until we unlock laser turrets on our back later on so in the meantime let's get a different upgrade that's gonna get us Health as well and that's our can of anchovies upgrade Hey look it's a green parrot anyway to unlock the can of anchovies we just have to get 16 orange stained glass 30 raw salmon and 30 rotten flesh and since I'm right next to the water but let's go get some salmon that was broken I could take out groups of salmon in a single swoop see these three salmon right here toast and there we go now we just pick up their fish okay there we go we got a bunch of salmon now but it looks like the sun's starting to set me on the hill so we're gonna have to finish the rest of these quests tomorrow okay well since we have all the salmon now let's just go down to the cave and start getting some rotten flesh together well before we go let's actually check our chest and see if we have any rotten flesh we actually have five already which means we only have to get 25 more so let's go down to the caves and let's start killing some zombies now that we have all our salmon done okay there we go we have 30 rotten flesh which means the last thing we have to get is orange stained glass which we make by simply surrounding some glass with some orange dye and we can only get orange dye from either a torch flower an orange tulip or by combining some red and yellow dye now we could easily get a torch flower now that we have a sniffer which would get us the orange dye we need but to be honest it's probably gonna be easier just to grab some red and yellow flowers from a field like this one where I can literally already see a red and yellow flower so let's just grab you and you and now we combine the two red poppies together we get red dye and when we combine the two red dandelions we get yellow dye and we combine those two dies together we get two orange dots which means we now enough dye to make the stained glass we need now let's just dig up 16 sand real quick and now let's throw that sand inside of these two furnaces now let's grab all that glass and let's combine it with our orange dye to get ourselves all the orange stained glass we're gonna need and with that in hand we can officially unlock our can of anchovies this brand new item my inventory right here now let me actually show you what this can of anchovies does if I look this skeleton just start hurting me real quick my Hunger should start to go down there we go now it just doesn't kill you and now I can eat the can of anchovies which you're gonna see gives me regeneration to two and is gonna fill up my hunger by five hunger bars but there's one other thing this ability does you'll see that if I eat the can of anchovies in this cave that I actually also get a speed boost underwater so now I'm swimming much faster and this also gives me a speed boost on land too so with the anchovies unlocked we're officially done with our tier two upgrades and this is where the upgrades actually start getting fun and by fun I mean insanely strong because our next upgrade is officially the mounted laser turret the upgrade I've definitely been most excited for and looking at the quest line it's really not too bad we just to kill three players with our fins of Fury get hero of the village and craft a rat wait what a wrap what is a rat a bamboo raft oh look at that bamboo plank well look at that another 1.20 thing I didn't even know existed but luckily it's an upgrade that's super easy to do because we are surrounded by jungles in fact we just hop in the water real quick and swim this way a little bit we can go to a bamboo jungle and just get a bunch of bamboo I mean come on look at all this bamboo we can just easily cut it down and grab a bunch of it [Applause] foreign just grab this log and let's turn this into a crafting table real fast and now let's take our bamboo and put it in a group of nine like this to make ourselves a block of bamboo and now if we put these blocks of bamboo inside the crafting table we can get some bamboo planks which we can then use to craft ourselves our first bamboo raft now a shark doesn't really need a raft but as you can see my shark is tired and even he likes to take a nice boat ride once again where'd my stepper go okay wait I just got back to the base and my sniffer's gone hold up what happened to my sniffer wait what there's someone in my base yo we're being careful going in here they're very well could be someone in here I don't see any names nothing this way I knew it I know what I knew it the other in there they're in there they're in there go go back here back here back here I'm going I'm going get back here Rebecca shark oh God okay let's just put a hole here let's see if this works all right you're right here oh no they're just sitting down there they're just waiting for me we're gonna have to go back down there go yeah I see him he's homies on me no back off back off heal up okay we're hitting again the names are still down there okay let's go back down we got one down here we go he's here he's here he's here yeah it's right they're on us we'll go this way this way yeah I think I trust him I think I tried them no they got me in it okay we cut our way out we just had to drop we just chopped right just break this break just break this why can't I get out I can't get out oh no we're in trouble hold on nice for free we're free free yes back to the base they can't breathe like I can this way up here oh they've already been through they've already been through there we go we're gonna trap him here watch this there's no way through now there's no way through as they come in there they're gonna get hit watch he's stuck oh he got me he got me he got me but I got him bleeding yes he's dead oh gosh it's right literally right here watch this if I break this block in this block oh he's coming up he's coming up we got him we got the other one we get together when he's done he's done he's done we got him trapped yes he's dead oh my God literally cook everything they literally took almost everything I had item wise okay well this base is definitely toast so we're just gonna grab whatever items we can left from here and then move to a base that's much farther away but before we do rest in peace sniffer I'm gonna miss you buddy okay let's go make a new base since my base was rated by the fisherman I moved super far away to a new mecha shark base however while I was moving one of the fishermen actually decided to attack me we were able to kill him with our fins of Fury but he was definitely trying to figure out where a new base was gonna be hidden okay so welcome to our Brand New Mecca shark base but this time I decided to design it so it looked like a giant fish tank on land which also gives me the ability to jump in the water over here and down here is where we find our nether portal and of course this is where we exit and of course this is where we also exit to the surface by just swimming up here but anyway enough of that we still have to get two more kills with our fins of Fury on the fishermen if we want to finish this Quest the thing is this Quest is gonna unlock us our laser turret you know we gotta go take on the fishermen so let's start making our way over to their base and let's pay them a lesson okay we're at their boat okay hold on let's destroy the bottom of their boat real quick there we go we took out their mine shaft and I fit up this hole no no I know okay hold up can we break inside somehow they hear blocks breaking oh no oh I see a name under us is oh gosh oh you have D found me we need to get two just two more kills with our fins of Fury they're in a group let's do it let's get it within the fury again they got me they got me oh dive they got me in the net we're good oh we just got three of them back here I'm shielded shield no dude what all three of us I just took out all three of them oh my gosh well there's all the kills we need now just take out their boat oh my God our Pace the shark don't do it again don't do it again oh my goodness he did it again oh my goodness we got two more of them we are destroying them he's trying to shoot me this net he's done he's done he's done no no no he said yes we got him and look at all these goodies floating around and now that we're done with that let's swim on home okay so now it's time for the final quest which is just getting hero of the village and luckily getting here of the village is super easy to do first things first let's head over to this build your Tower right here in the base and now let's look for a Bannerman somewhere at this Pillager Tower we just gotta find the guy with the banner above his head I don't see him though oh there's a better man I see one finally we can go get him and there we go now we have bad Omen and now that we have bad Omen we need to go to ability to complete a raid okay let's do this raid there's a bunch of them we're just gonna take them all out ready easy you're dead and boom now just eat some food let's go on to round two oh that Poison's Gonna Hurt how long do I have it 30 seconds oh no that's gonna be really bad let's get up on a roof somewhere oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no we gotta get away we gotta wait do not lose this raid though Gollum get him they're in here they're still we're officially the hero of the village which is the last Quest we need to do so now we can officially unlock our mounted laser turret our brand new ability that literally lets us shoot out lasers like this like I can't even see my screen well look at it that's gonna make fighting so much easier okay maybe I don't desire to be here on the village anymore I just kind of murdered a bunch of villagers but anyway with that finished let's get on out of here and let's start working on our next tier three upgrade okay so now that we're done with that raid it's still day 35. we might as well start working on our next tier three upgrade which is this Mecca tool right here then to unlock it we need a bunch of different things but the first thing we need is a bunch of regeneration potion which means we're going to the nether okay welcome to the nether hope we try please don't you dare hit my portal don't hit my portal okay gas down now let's go over here real quick but we're a bit safer and let me tell you what we got to do so we look at the mecca tool we have to get three water breathing potions and to get a water breathing potion requires us to get an awkward potion and combine it with a puffer fish and luckily that's super easy to do so let's just quickly find ourselves another Fortress and get some blaze rods and some Nether Warts okay perfect we made our way to another Fortress now just quickly cross this little lava Gap here and we're inside the Fortress okay now we have to go look for some nether warts and some blaze rods okay whatever not really worried about it we gotta find ourselves some Nether Warts oh this just has three diamonds in it oh this one's got some more stuff in it oh a ton of iron in other words yes okay we'll take those in other words and now we need to get ourselves a blaze rod which uh should be pretty easy because there's blazes literally everywhere and now we have everything we need from the nether so let's go in let's get out of here and with that we can finally head on home okay so now that we're back from the nether let's move up to the surface and head to a warm ocean real quick because to finish a water breathing potion we're gonna need a puffer fish so let's quickly head over to a warm ocean okay now they're out of warm ocean we just have to look for a puffer fish which I think oh that is one right there it's literally right in front us come here you oh there's wow you almost got me a little puffer okay cool we got a puffer fish oh so now let's go and let's make ourselves a quick brewing stand and let's put it on the ground right here and now let's make ourselves three water bottles and let's fill them full of water now we add them to the brewing stand we simply add ourselves another wart and a blaze powder for energy and that's gonna turn these water bottles into awkward potions then let's add the puffer fish and now we have three water breathing potions and with those in hand there's only two more quests to do but they're both super easy but if we look around our chests we already have all the diamonds we're gonna need let's just make ourselves some sticks and then quickly make ourselves a diamond pickaxe and then the final thing we need is just 150 Redstone Dust which I know I don't have enough of so let's just go down to the mine and go get some redstone okay there we go that's all the Redstone we're gonna need which means we can officially unlock our Mecha tool our brand new item in our inventory that can switch between a shovel a pickaxe a hoe an ax a flint and steel a fishing rod shears and a boat and best of all that bow is infinity so I get infinite arrows now but yeah this multi-tool is really cool because it makes it so I have now a ton of different things I can bring out during a fight and have tons of options that I can use with that multi-tool unlocked we are officially halfway through this challenge in fact because we unlocked that when we did we're actually doing great on time as it's only day 37. anyway it's officially time to stop being an electric eater and now it's actually time to become a full-grown Mecca shark because if we look at this upgrade it says we're gonna have 20 total Hearts strength two jump four and we're gonna get plus two blocks of extra reach which is really overpowered and luckily unlocking mecha shark isn't too difficult as we just have to get a recovery Compass a goat horn in 16 glowberries and since I actually already know where to get some glowberries let's quickly swim over to that Lush cave real quick and grab some okay let's grab all these glowberries real quick because we really don't need that many and there we go there's all the glowberries we're gonna need and now since we have the glowberries let's actually make our way back to the ancient city real fast that we found earlier because now we need to get a recovery compass and the only place to get one of those is an ancient city okay cool we're back in the ancient city now let's just go ahead and let's start looting some of these chests and seeing if we can get some Echo shards for our recovery Compass okay let's go on this chest here oh we got one Echo Shard oh we set up straight here check it nothing okay we got two golden apples but no Echo shards oh yes we got four more Echo shards let's go and we get the best music disc in the game kick it okay we literally just have to find four more Echo shards that's it okay we set off a Shrieker again nope no Echo shards in that chest three more is that all we need I think that's all we need we have all the echo shards we're gonna need yes we can get we got so lucky and now we're home where we can quickly craft this recovery compass and now all we need left is to get a goat horn but finding a goat horn is going to be kind of difficult because I still haven't even found a mountain that spawns goats yet so let's start looking because there could literally be one anywhere it took a couple of days of searching but on day 43 I found a mountain where tons of goats were spawning okay we found a Giant Mountain and I think this should be big enough to start spawning goats oh in fact I see a goat way up there which means this mountain is definitely spawning goats now let's just go get their horn from one of them okay so now we have this big smooth Ice Area on top which is actually gonna be perfect for trapping these goats so let's just quickly fill this in this hole okay and let's see if we can get one of these goats to Ram us yes we got him and we got his goat horn which honestly that was probably the fastest I've ever gotten a goat horn it's a round of applause for me thank you thank you everybody okay anyway I'm heading home and now that we have the goat horn we can become the mecca shark our giant mecca-like shark you see on screen right now except now you're gonna see we actually have our turret on our head just like we're supposed to and now we resemble a great white shark my personal favorite but anyway now that we've unlocked the mecca shark it's now time to start working on our tier 4 upgrades which is great timing because our next upgrade is literally broken and that upgrade is a heat-seeking missile an ability that's gonna make me near Unstoppable in fact to unlock it I just need to get five kills with my mounted laser turret get that this boat has legs advancement and then ride a camel with a saddle in fact let's go to this chest right here and grab one of our Saddles and now let's start making our way to the nether so that way we can now ride a boat with legs if you still haven't caught on what a boat with legs is yet by the way it's that guy right there a Strider so to ride one we're just gonna need to grab this mushroom right here because if you want to have control of a Strider you're gonna need a warp fungus on the sticks now let's head back to the Basin combine our warp fungus with a fishing rod there we go okay now that we're near the lava let's just get close to a Strider okay The Strider is literally just ahead of us we just have to get it to us oh he's coming in he sees the stick yes yes we're riding him we're a shark riding on a boat with legs now uh how do we actually get this advancement oh wait there it is we finally got it I was just walking around and it finally appeared and now that we're done with this let's make our way back to the base now if we take another saddle over here to this desert village there should be a camel somewhere inside of it oh right here is this a camel oh it is and I think if I put this camel on it I can then ride it yes I can look at this I'm riding a camel okay so now the camel all we do is get five kills with our mounted laser turret so let's just head back to the fisherman's base and let's pay them a visit and so I made my way to the fisherman's base which turned out to be abandoned by the way so I had to look for their new base which I found only a couple of days later there's a boat out here oh wait I see them watch this ready and oh my God oh oh doc okay now here's the thing we need to get kills with our laser turret good thing we killed one though it's nice we got him dive oh we got him yes oh God that hurts no that's three nice we got him that's another one down one more to go oh right on us yes we got him I shot him once he's got to be low that's all the kills we needed quick this way this way this way now let's unlock our missile launcher and let's use it to take them out ready okay let's start locking onto him locking onto him the second they get to land let's get him ready Let's Pretend We're running away oh we're running oh here they come yes we're moving up the missiles man this is impossible I can't dance in the snow oh we blew two up only one more to go he's right behind us ready and oh let's get out of here quick before they get back here okay so our new missile launcher ability is kind of broken I mean just look at this all directions at all mobs targeted and whether or not they're through the ground doesn't matter they're dead but with that thing unlocked it's actually time to unlock a defensive move which is a flashbang launcher and if you don't know what that is surprise flashbang that is a flashbang and I'm gonna be able to do that to the fishermen every single time they get near me so let's unlock that by getting 16 sweetberries 30 fermented spider eyes and four daylight detectors starting with the spider since I know we're an absolute boatload of spider spawners are oh I found one I found one I found one note let's start clearing this out and getting these spiders spawn okay cleared out this spider spawner right here now we're just gonna wait here for spiders to start spawning and we're gonna grind it for their spider eyes okay there we go we got 30 different spider eyes now and now to finish turning them into fermented spider eyes we're just gonna need some brown mushrooms and sugar so let's start by heading out and grabbing some brown mushrooms first just because I know if you are already okay cool there's giant brown mushroom right in front of me let's go grab it so let's just switch to our Mecha X real quick which will make cutting this down really fast and now we have to wait till we get 30 total brown mushrooms there we go there's the 30 brown mushrooms we need now since we're already near a spruce biome let's go grab some sweet berries and there's some sweet berries right here and now let's just grab some sugar to finish up our fermented spider eyes and then this upgrade's pretty much done with and that's all the sugar cane we need now if we turn all of our sugar cane into sugar and combine it with our spider eyes and brown mushrooms we're gonna get fermented spider eyes and now to finish up getting the flashbang all we need to do is get four daylight sensors which are just made with three Glass three nether quartz and three slabs and since we already have a ton of glass in this chest and we have a ton of wood we just have to get some nether quartz so we're going back to the nether and now that we have 15 nether quartz and there we go just like that we can make ourselves the four daylight sensors we need which means we have everything we need to unlock the flashbang launcher our brand new launcher that does this bang that then sends everyone flying and makes them blind which I'd say is pretty overpowered but anyway with the flashbang finished on day 52 it's now time to work on Robo Jaws on day 53. now if we look at the upgrade menu and go to robojaws you're gonna see that to unlock them we just need three skull catalysts 32 warp fungus and 32 weeping Vines and I'm not gonna lie two of those things is super easy to get like if I go to the nether I can get both those things done super fast in fact the only hard thing about getting Robo Jaws is getting three skull catalysts so we'll just worry about that later and for now just go grab some of these Vines and funguses okay so let's start by getting these Vines there we go there's 32 weeping Vines now let's just start grabbing some of these blue mushrooms okay and there we go now we get 40 warp fungus and now with both those in hand we just have to get three skull catalysts and we'll already have unlocked Robo Jaws which means now we gotta head back to an ancient city because that's the only place I know you can actually get a skull Catalyst and normally you'd need silk touch but you can also find them in the chest and that's kind of what I'm gonna Bank on here so let's just start checking out these chests and see if we can get any skull Catalyst inside there's none inside of this chest okay let's go check this one over here oh see there we go we got our first one skull Catalyst yes yes another one oh my God that's two back to back we literally just gotta find one more yes the third one we have all three School catalysts which means we can already become Robo Jaws but before we do that let's just quickly head to the surface okay so now they're on the surface let's become robojaws our tier 4 Mecca shark upgrade that is designed to look like a hammerhead shark and obviously has massive teeth as well on top of that you're also going to notice I now have 30 total hearts of HP and three blocks of extra reach meaning this is definitely gonna be one of the strongest sharks we've unlocked yet okay we're back at the base let's just go store up our stuff real quick oh my God we're dead oh we lived more stuff in the store everything in chest let's go oh god oh we're in trouble one he's got me two dude what oh my God yes oh I killed them all I should so be dead they had me toast there oh my God we are so lucky to be alive right now most of our stuff survived luckily too okay well with the base destroyed we're definitely have to move bases again but I'm not gonna lie my heart is pounding and I'm just kind of happy I'm alive right now so why you have to move bases again which is really annoying as we just moved a little while ago but because I have no choice I decided to build a base fitting for our new super strong mecha shark okay so welcome to our Brand New Mecca shark base can you see it down below I've kind of disguised it well if you couldn't it's right down here among all this coral and when you swim inside you are welcome to the new and giant Mecca shark base we've got another portal we've got lava generators Auto smelters a literal farm and an enchanting table I mean this space has pretty much got everything I'm gonna possibly need but anyway now that we're at this base it's time to work on our final three upgrades which literally all requires stuff from the end so that means that's where I'm going next so let's start by heading into our nether portal and going to the Nether and let's head over to this nether fortress right here so that way we can quickly get some blaze rod ads 10 total blaze rods now which is definitely more than we need so now let's just go get some ender pearls from a Bastion okay now let's go up to this Bastion over here and start stealing the gold blocks okay that's 16 Gold Blocks let's see what else we can find around this Bastion in fact you guys all come here let's get you all trapped in a hole come on okay let's turn these gold blocks into ingots and let's just throw a stack inside of this hole while they're doing the trading let's go see if we can get some extra gold to throw them oh let's go is there gold all back here there is let's go drop this gold off at our people in the center okay I don't see any more golden quick vicinity so let's just see how many ender pearls these guys trade us and we'll go from there oh looks like they're done trading oh we got a full stack of Ender Pearls we got 16 which I think should be enough hold on okay but we have all the Ender Pros we're gonna need so let's just jump back down here and let's start making our way to the end okay so before we actually go to the end let's turn all of our blaze rods into blaze powder and let's combine with our ender pearls to get a bunch of Eye of Ender and now if we simply swoop to the surface this way we can throw off our first Eye of Ender which is going wow that was perfect I was looking in the exact right direction well we're going this way so let's just keep swimming this way until hopefully we locate the stronghold oh wait the I turned around we already passed it wait what that's not that far then that's actually pretty close to our base wait what broke okay oh it was a puffer fish a rogue puffer got me that one oh no wait we just lost two in a row it's going down underwater right here look at this that means the stronghold is somewhere under this ocean okay let's stick around oh it's right here it's literally right here oh perfect we needed all three yes let's go why is the dragon already damaged wait what the fishermen are here what is that Gregory The Guardian what the I got the guardian burning we got to take out the crystals oh I just shot missiles down at him oh we just blew one of them up we gotta keep dodging we gotta get some health back and boy okay we're good yes another one down nice another one gone oh okay yes all the crystals are gone okay so now we have to actually take out the Ender Dragon and honestly the best way to do that is probably our Laser Gun there's one actually below us right here hiding I get him oh I got him yes no oh it's going down it's actually going down hold on oh it's doing a lot of damage to him let's jump down there let's jump down there oh come on come on come on reload no oh oh boy that almost got me okay we need to get that Ender Dragon dead as soon as possible Yep they're coming back I got hit by an EMP blast I don't know put all my items on cooldown nice we got him he's dead no my sword oh we got the dragon so hurt he's so low oh get close come on nice now let's grab our ender pearl now let's go this way quick now he's gonna get up to that portal yes we're at the outer end let's go it took a couple of days of searching the end but I eventually found an end city with a lighter inside oh an electric ship we found one yes let's go we got an electric ship okay now we have to actually get up to that ship but there's actually one advancement we need to do first so let's quickly kill one of these Enderman and get one of their ender pearls real fast and now we're gonna do is get hit by one of these shulker boxes so that way we get the levitation effect and then we're gonna Ender Pro way up in the sky which is actually gonna complete one of the nuke laser designator quests we're gonna get the advancement great view from up here one of these should hit us there we go now we want to throw this Ender Pro really high Chuck It Go no okay the plan didn't work where normally that does work we have to float 50 blocks though so we may need more than one let's clearly go back down to the bottom real fast and let's get a few under pearls okay three under Pearl should definitely be enough this time we're gonna build a tower that goes up 50 blocks okay this Tower should definitely be tall enough let's check an ender pearl down now let's get hit by another shulker now we just got to keep getting hit by these dudes yes we did it we did it we did it we did it okay that was really difficult now let's just go get the elytra inside that ship okay let's go down let's get him come on break that no what okay let's just shut up nice we got the elytra now let's just check this for any other stuff we may want and there's not really that much stuff it's just mostly junk well now that we got the elytra and we have the dragon egg there's only one more thing left that we have to actually get from the end so let's quickly just throw in these elytra and glide down here real fast because the last item we're gonna need is actually all on these trees right here and that's chorus fruit and now that we have those chorus fruit let's simply head on back to the portal and go home okay now let's just bring our chorus fruit over to these furnaces over here and let's throw them in to start smelting and when they're done you're gonna see down below we get a pop chorus fruit now once those popcorn is fruit are done smelting we're gonna be able to unlock our next upgrade the mecca propulsion unit which is an ability that's gonna literally let me launch out of the water but instead of just jumping I'm gonna launch into the air okay now let's just grab all our chorus fruit down below and let's unlock Becca propulsion unit which looks like this when in use I use my Mecca propulsion to start flying around the sky where I can now fly double the speed of creative mode and then on top of that I can also now fly normally but that's at only regular speeds but anyway now that our Mecca shark is truly the king of the sea the land in the air there's only a few things left to do until we actually get to full strength and for that I'm just gonna need four and crystals a beacon two nether writing it's and 10 kills and the fisherman using my missiles oh and I also need to get a hot tourist destination which is actually super easy to get now that we can fly so let's just quickly go to the nether okay now to actually get this advancement we just have to go to every single biome another which is obviously really easy when you can fly Mach 9 like I am right now so we've obviously flown over the red tree biome we've flown over the Blackstone biome area and really the only biome I'm missing at this point is the blue biome which if you don't know is the warp Forest so let's just quickly look for one of those and see if we can fly into one oh right here here we go it was one biome it was just this blue tree biome and we're done just like that we officially have hot tourist destinations done with and now what we're here since we're already in another Fortress let's just start grinding for some Wither Skeleton skulls since it's become a great weight Megalodon I'm gonna need a beacon anyway which means we're gonna fight a Wither and the only way to get it wither is killing wither skeletons there it is the third and final Wither Skull okay perfect we have all three wither skulls we need now there's only two things left from the nether we're gonna need to become a full strength Mecca shark and that's two nether ride ingots for the great white megalodon and gas tears to make the end crystals so let's start just by getting the netherade ingots because that's the easiest part and we can find those by simply flying around and going from Bastion to Bastion and looting it so let's just go find a Bastion and see if we can get some ancient debris there real quick oh here's a bastard we found one and it's unloaded we'll just grab the gold blocks on top and now let's check out the chest in this place let's see what we can find gotta check out this chest real quick hey there's nothing in here just a load Stone we're gonna ignore that we're gonna check out this chest here whoa let's go gold another way to get and an agent debris that's literally almost everything we needed we just need three more ancient debris and we're done okay let's keep checking this place out there's gotta be more chests here oh my goodness okay this chest has two more ancient debris in it a bunch of obsidian a bunch of iron and that's really it one with this one and this one has an iron block and that's that's really it okay we just need one more range of debris I'm pretty sure I've looted this whole place I don't think I'm gonna find it here so it just hit to a different Bastard real fast and see if we can find one there look at the Devil there's one generating right here okay now let's make our way to the bottom let's see what's in this chest down at the bottom here nothing that we can use really okay so let's go check back over here now let's check out these top areas for any items because this chest is a dud oh yes one more inch debris literally that's all we needed okay well there we go that's all the netherrite we're gonna need and in fact there's only one more item we need from the Nether and that's a bunch of gas tears so let's just start killing gas till we get four gas tears and there we go now we have all the gas tears which means we're officially done with the nether so let's just go back to our portal and head on home and now we start piecing together all our final upgrades okay so let's get started by making two blaze powder real quick and combining it with two ender pearls to make ourselves too extra Eye of Ender now let's take our four gas tiers and put it below that and Surround all of that by some glass and that's gonna get us our 4N crystals now let's throw our ancient debris inside of this blast furnace and let's grab the scraps below once we have four now just combine that up with some gold and we get our second netherite scrap and now to finish up the great white megalodon we just need to get the beacon which we can easily do by fighting a Wither so let's just fly somewhere far away from our base and now let's set up the Soul Sand like this put all three heads on top and now let the battle begin I think I should be able to win this with my laser turret pretty easy but I'm not positive so let's just see how this goes thank you and there we go we officially have the nether star which means we can now make ourselves a beacon with just five Glass three obsidian in the nether star so let's just throw the glass in place the obsidian in place and then the nether star in place to get ourselves a beacon and now that that's done we could say goodbye to our Mecca hammerhead shark and hello to the great white megalodon a golden great white shark who has turbo boosters on his side to swim faster and both the air and underwater and so now that we're done with that there's only one upgrade left to go and that's unlocking our Mecca nuke laser which is basically just a nuke for our shark and if you look at our Quest up top we just have to get 10 kills on the fishermen with our heat guided missiles to finish up this quest which means all I have to do is head to the fisherman's base and victory will be ours after four days of searching I finally found the fisherman base seeing as their last base was completely abandoned however this new base surprised me because it not only had tons of hidden rooms but it also was full of beds I had no idea which ones were real and which ones were fake meaning destroying these guys's spawn points is gonna be really hard That's player icons I just saw player icons there's fisherman base let's open up our missile targeting system and see if we can reach them you know what let's fly over their base here we go oh yeah he's done and now he's gonna kill him a bunch of times with our missiles now wait a minute here they have so many doors which one is their base wait no this is their base what's with all the doors I'm so confused okay you know let's just get the message boom I just saw that one get creamed boom okay that's three kills he's dead oh wait four kills wait a minute all kills are counting right now towards this Final Quest well that's kind of cheap here we go get him with the missiles go boys that was lame oh that wasn't lame though that wasn't lately yes five he's done he's done toast right oh gosh I'm terrible no way he hit that guy clutch take that dude oh one of them just blew up I don't even know where blew one up we all gotta get two more kills and they just summoned Gregory The Guardian let's lock on again get down there and boom oh we got two of them never mind we just got one we just gotta get one more there we go boom that is all the kills we need we can officially unlock our nuclear bomb I don't even know what this is gonna be like let's just drop the nuke in the middle I don't even know where they're coming from I don't need to I put it right there on accident it's where I look whoa what is this oh oh what happened oh my gosh their whole base just got erased and just to make sure we survive till day 100 Premiere I'm getting out of here because oh my goodness was that nuke explosion crazy okay our nuke ability is awesome in fact now that we've unlocked this nuke I'm basically Invincible I mean come on this ability isn't even fair like look at this if I put this in the middle of this Village The Village doesn't even stand a chance in fact let's stand far back and just watch this happen oh my gosh look at this look at this all those mobs just got destroyed this Village literally doesn't exist anymore yeah honestly I don't know how the fishermen are supposed to beat me that nuke is busted and so over the next 11 days the fisherman made several attacks to try and take me out none of them work though in fact they didn't even stand a chance with my lasers missiles and a nuke at my disposal there was almost nothing the fishermen could do to win or that's what I thought but they had one more plant up their sleeve involving a light trip no I heard a rocket we got it me ow you're dead he's dead nice what oh gosh Come on kill Gregory kill Gregory nice he's gone where'd they go where'd they go where'd they go oh I think one of them just go past me yeah one of them's in the base we got him he got me with the EMP blast though so I can't use any of my abilities except for flying let's get him with the missile come on missiles get him oh you've gotta have a base set up nearby here right I see one flying in from over here oh that's a good sign oh there's an island out here oh here we go there's somewhere around here come on get him get him yes let's see if we can figure out where they're spawning come on there he is boom right there got him you know what let's do it let's drop the nuke somewhere right here oh I found the beds I'm dropping the nuke right on it there's literally nothing they can do he's just accepting his face no yeah I survived I survived oh one of them just went welp and he's dead two of them dead he's taking wither damage from the new wait I'm withering to death bro done the new causes tons of Wither damage this is ridiculous well we we can't do this anymore I knew this was coming dude the nuke is so cool though that's great you can use the nuke without us we don't want to play anymore oh dude have fun by yourself well you know what that means guys the mecca shark wins with his amazing lasers thanks for watching bye thanks again to Warner Brothers games for sponsoring this video
Channel: Ryguyrocky
Views: 3,221,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft roleplay, ryguyrocky, I Survived 100 Days as a MECHA SHARK in Minecraft, Minecraft 100 Days, Minecraft Mecha Shark, 100 Day Mecha Shark, 100 Days as a Mech Shark, Minecraft Custom Mod, Minecraft Custom Map, ryguyrocky 100, minecraft academy, academy, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, spotlight, playthrough, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, kid friendly, kid, kids, school
Id: hX0sjSN0Dx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 16sec (2836 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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