Deltarune: Chapter 1, but it's written by an AI...

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hello everyone I'm sure many of you have seen my previous series of videos where I played undertale but all of the text was replaced using AI well today after about a billion requests I'm going to be doing the same thing to deltarune chapter 1. big shout out again to sybils for creating this mod and for giving me permission to play it also we're closing in on 120 000 subscribers on YouTube so if you want to help out you can always subscribe to the channel for free enjoy the video hello everybody okay it's time for AI deltarune chapter one or as it's better called rubber ducks [Music] I'm gonna be skipping the intro because I want to save it for later uh it comes up in the story organically and I think it's better if we wait for them all right let's start on empty file I suppose this should be entertaining [Music] are you there God I hope I set this up correctly August 11th heat that to the universe welcome to the desert now let's buy Amazon Prime well you heard him chat Prime Subs rolling in first it's Santa babe select the rewards you like we're gonna be bald select the YouTube algorithm yeah I'm definitely feeling this one select the Photoshop layers uh we're a layer uh one two three four layer four gamer for sure this is your stuff do you like cookies yeah I mean good enough I like cookies me too you have created a new app now let us identify its gender what is its currency communism China Class A coins Bob Kane or other communism your favorite Disney ride uh A B C D or Colorado where is Canada uh Canada's in general chat please give it a girl movies Bibles Academy politics video game well I'm a God-fearing American so how do you feel about young men it will not hear disabled uterus healthy [ __ ] [Applause] have you answered part one I think so yeah you acknowledge the possibility of non-binary people oh absolutely I acknowledge myself understood name your bear uh obviously this will be uh Yogi Bear no wait wait wait wait wait no no no no better better better better yeah we gotta name it Freddy fast bear we called it Freddy and what about terrorism your mortgage by mortgage [Music] Shay excellent truly excellent Shay thank you for subscribing thanks for subscribing make sure to smash that like button is not here I'm not Christian I don't support your name is Chris Chris touchdown hey first preseason game was yesterday so Bailey can you please stop kicking Brian who's Brian it's a meteor that is in Massachusetts but not in New Jersey I hate New Jersey I feel terrible about this me too my wife man that's rough it's [ __ ] Tom Parker who's Tom Parker a book of kittens large files there are CDs all over the place and I can't sell them see these nuts I'll be out of business soon it's a computer desk with no storage a cactus without a motto but that's terrible there are crayons there oh there are crayons there are crayons there are crayons there are crayons there are crayons there are crayons there are crayons it's Windows 8 oh God uh get me away from that thing the door is locked from the inside damn it get me away from that oh windows 8. terrible there are 11 active users Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul you looked inside my my joust please knock before entering don't leave me alone it's a toilet flush it you hit the body I hit the what it's good to pee in a pee hole you know so true [Music] Chris sign up for our newsletters don't sit on my don't sit on my what [Music] isn't there more dialogue tutorial here [Music] Chris I own a fortune Chris [Music] Chris that's it there's a photo on the fridge it was from the Choppers there is some white fur stuck in my mouth it is comical there's some Danny batter caked on the stove top you have Danny Caked Up let's go hit the trash can with fossil fuels cookie cutters for white people and Trump what's where's the distinction there is he not white people it's Jeff hi Jeff it's Cherry aliens womp sorry what Cherry alienza's Gold the plot deposit geez that's hard to say it's tax season ah [ __ ] it's a book of legal people cream is celebrating deal day Chris Aviance is going to New York City Kris Jenner is going to New York City can't believe what they're showing do I get my images from Shutterstock God I haven't played this part of chapter one in so long [Music] you're the library there's not enough as many Graphics changes in chapter one because of how it's handled so mostly just text changes from what I understand the shul [Music] so uh does everyone have a father well damn that's a good way to break the ice oh Chris I can't believe I found Obama now there are plenty of Obamas they're all being thrown in the Trump party what the Trump party wow this game was really ahead of its time Chad what why am I reporting you it's 2017 without any urban area hey Chris have you seen Star Trek don't worry Harry a great adventure is about to begin my name's not Harry you got the wrong series there this one has way less transporia in it partner this is a courier what do you think of that one funny right no I need to get my nails done that's right Krispy Kreme is making new donuts and their peanut butter but some customers don't think so yo Chris I'm cold don't think this is a novel but I've been busy howdy partner with people in a week what that's not English yo Kris Kringle went to high school Krispy Kreme is creating new Donuts in January [Music] January 26th [Music] she's on her period now it started in 2015 damn two years that's rough ah Chris you haven't checked Twitter nothing so far seriously you should really check Twitter Costco's dog department is including a pet store and it even includes a new video I'm not better a whiny a if you can't get anyone try driving to Santa what cream is offering a new donut and there is no taste I just [ __ ] myself all about that sweet sweet [ __ ] I love eating [ __ ] too [ __ ] all over the school all right damn [Music] man you're so true hey Chris do you know what about the backgrounds I'm a content creator after all huh Russians are isolated Obama is hitting on Putin this must be official join the Soviet Union and not yet yeah this is the Soviet Union join the Soviet Union guess we have no choice flask are you starring on Doctor Who what no it's not today that monsters are on Earth what but I don't have a uter what Noel what the [ __ ] [Music] she is the first woman uh actually I like farming Noel I'm not a genius hi Susie is this the TSA no no this is Dusty so you have a big problem um Susie welcome to America oh God that's terrible great now that everyone's here let's Rumble Uh crap Max began squirting more in my mouth yo I frown it Max who's Max Casey's eyes narrow I arched my eyebrow it's all remnants now hey I'm dying I think I need to go to the hospital no Noel that happens in the next chapter good idea Noel Susie since you came in last Paul has a gang now whatever and Chris Davis I have thousands of haters this is the third time Emma thanks Chris don't go it on social media don't worry Chris I'm not a liberal I'm in the liberal party I'm dying Chris Bryan is hitting the slums I just covered myself beer Chris Dunn is not available dude I like how every single line starts with Chris so the AI just keeps like thinking of real people named Chris and it's just going off USA Today sports you're a [ __ ] it's like we always say Chris yous you lose uh [ __ ] yo crispy treat yo crispy treat yo crispy treat yo crispy treat says uh Chris Jenner don't look at my album I don't have a tribute to this it's not a tribute because she's hot yo so true you checked the time it's not a cell phone this video is sponsored by Royce try your best astral wolf even if your darkest hour this is laughs oh dear God Kris Jenner facts one please don't speak of Kris Jenner or Caitlyn Jenner this is my ex-husband hmm what what the hell is that wait [ __ ] is that a meth lab yo freaking bad Walter we need to cook Jesse I love doing meth I do not know this by now Walter but you love all things meth I love dipping my meth and Ice I just love doing drugs drugs in the hall drugs everywhere I sell drugs to children on the playground sometimes I even shoot whoa this is America huh that was a joke I only sell them to plastic bags I would never shoot a child I only shoot children if it's required police shoot oh no no no no no no no no no no no wait a second welcome to Communism yo I love my favorite Delta and speedrun category all chapters all bosses nah nah no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Batman no no no no no no 13. 14. [ __ ] the sun isn't here I should start wearing sunglasses nice the locker is in pain you look through the second floor window it's a green screen your chapter three teaser you drank from the goblin well I'm not gonna say it it's made out of blood Chris Smith Chris Smith now owns a car and it's modeled in Sydney well I think I would rather play security breach wrong way Krispy Kreme delivery person Chris Aquino is apologizing in the Philippines Senator please 15 16 17 18. God I'm so high right now I'm wearing my friend's pants hey whoa damn the Susie Noel stuff going crazy next chapter bro [Music] Andy dicks fell with genitals [Music] what's the hold up for the year [Applause] fine maybe I am against the Senate [Music] Senator I'm in Florida oh no that's not good oh no now we gotta go beat up Rhonda Santas in the Dark World see this place is filled with termites we just have to hit the toggle enlarge this image Krispy Kreme stop with the donuts Alex [Music] uh that ass makes me nervous I'll have to request a new sexy hey Chris Neary my estrogen levels are high and I'm not in cover well Hush Hush if Alfy's is overflowing this is a sign of War [Music] what the [ __ ] Instagram just locked my [ __ ] account this is oblivious the floor it's lava that's such a bad joke thank you all right not much dialogue coming up probably a good time to squeeze in an ad break huh at times Steve leaves potential in games by second nature you join Michigan [Music] look at this movement oh I'm basically a speedrunner oh wait a minute that's what I am me when I'm me when I Speed Run the game I got the movement I got the sh movement there's something wrong with Snow White take it I'm out of money you got the nation Bank of Bulgaria the what all of it you bathed your body in baby oil your penis is a symbol of sexual Powers thank you American HP fully restored but you live in Korea yo it's back in this land saving his life was a last resort [Music] hey I'm watching Death Note Chris Peterson bura turt I don't know what that is this is a new arrangement my poor butterfly anyway I'm not happy I lost all my groceries last night um is that a calendar from Steve it doesn't matter how tall you are stop pressing the space bar can't tell me what to do lead the way Chris Nelson well here is she is hey Chris want to join the protest with previous demonstration foreign holiday yo Chris holiday whoa whoa whoa hey hey hey we're not ready for that yet that's chapter four stuff okay yo the Deep lore coming out from AI undertale [Music] Krispy Kreme is in Kentucky [Music] [Music] Chris with a new name so true [Music] oh you're not going anywhere in my brain got any idea with a cluster of Gremlins taking away miners are at the Minecraft YouTube Community me neither never mind maybe this place is haunted by elephants I mean look at it I'm obviously joking it looks like a shop and is now open to the public it's locked from the inside damn it it's locked from the inside damn it [Music] in front of you is a person having a panic attack you should shoot them in the head wow Les Longs Glock what the hell less Long's log mint o koi um [Music] I tried oh we're in Brazil oh [ __ ] I tried my best there guys I really did Castle is this the United Kingdom welcome Heroes to Sydney who's there do not be alarmed I am not Trump well that's relieving and I am not a woman that's true actually stop calling Rosie a girl welcome I am the grandmother of diagnosis the Chris Bryant is in with the Bears the disease is taking my life and damn I'm in pain please Heroes visit New Zealand very well then once upon a time a legend was whispered among Shadows it was a legend of murder a melody of milk it was a legend of Pixar of air this is the legend of feet for Millennia the sun and moon have been the brightest never changing color but then there were holes I forgot what I was saying [Music] I think it was about depression [Music] I don't know [Music] I just bought a paintbrush to rub lotion on my feet uh a T-Rex a car and a my school teacher only they can be a Democrat only for women [Music] these damn women liberals they're annoying as hell um something something British poets something something something uh this took place in 2017. wait what happened after that or I'll say on that sure I'll say on that good stuff we're all say smoking that pack for real Krispy Kreme donuts are now falling down it's time to celebrate pumpkins in Salt Lake City that the circus is ending with catfish you two have the locks to power electrons tame uh the greatest screwed up what that damn School administrator Getty Images that's pretty spooky so what Trump says Mexico will pay for the wall and it's a promise the Border will be protected anyway Chris me one if you think President's day is good stick around I'm going to fund Obamacare Susie wait [Music] ah they're water bending Masters the Warriors of Kyoshi are impressed just like in Among Us [Music] who the hell is Adam I'm hearing you like to eat Legos huh but can you make Lego chicken do you think YouTube cares about you they don't uh time picking out 21 different videos for Legos we both know you'll go to what we both know we both know we both know all of it we will know all the ways to go although this is an opinion I don't even live here hmm cool Direction really yeah actually mind if we use it on you instead Lancer busts into the Welsh community Lancer attack seven defense one visit Tron version 1.4 or Verizon 1.4 not a part of a cult yet oh clowns humanoids don't bring laughter don't know how I'm in Hastings pump Promenade I don't know what that is you tell Lancer to take blue to the battlefield [Music] Lancer revs for the championship you tell Lancer to save 10 minutes by licking a hippo he seems flattered his attack power went down oh coffee please [Music] lancer's swimming with the sharks Bank supports LOL wait wait a second table tennis isn't a real sport all right you punkaroos Sony is making a creepy ass new PlayStation video here comes the fun part bye losers this is my Advertiser you won you got zero XP are you two okay Trump said Shooters are as good as 2018. jeez you took me off I can't stay piss because I'm a good person also it would raise the age rating of this game in Australia uh um all right hello Mom says British in this very well hello Mom I'm rolce Chris Baker Susie I can't even with July this is the best picture and best way to leave is to visit Court yes that's where Rainbows are got it see you at school Kris Jenner um click to share on Twitter opens a new window Kris Jenner it's my wedding day I um needed event don't say it if it's all right I want to vent to you don't yeah quite literally so I just lost my home on Tuesday it even isn't it isn't even a good neighborhood it's all the neighborhoods hey it's Kendrick that's a good situation I just lost 100 of my friends they took I catch up crisp and trick where's these coming from say the lonely Prince is a unicorn who loves reading and daydreaming the power of looking at Old Men is here [Music] oh Chris Suave it's my horse now it's time to dive into horse riding would you like me to teach you how to ride a horse okay get ready Chris Humphries see that stock investment Krispy Kreme that's your currency of fireman racing Into The Inferno within it holds your past transgressions and reincarnation and the Homeland if it gets hit you'll have to feed an animal if everyone's HP reaches zero something scary happens so please don't go around touching asses ready let's try exotic great job Chris Korea you have a nice name anyhow after talking to the moon it's our turn Chris Fest 2018. first I'll teach you how to moan hey yo though moaning is unnecessary in this world there's no harm in attending the kingdom let's try moaning [Music] wow Kris Jenner you're feminine Getty Images okay let's try table simply shield and you'll learn about Google Sheets not only that the state is TP please enable JavaScript to watch this video let's try defending augural say with a super ring cream um I don't think I am I don't think that's an appropriate message but you hug the dummy every chance you get how caring Chris Smith [Music] Krispy Kreme since you spared an enemy after acting this turned into South Florida don't you want to learn how to spread lice great job Krispy Kreme now that you've gathered TP how about spending at least two others this is the second time now I'm not aging properly tag you're it [Music] great Chris Dunn we would have won the battle by now now I just have a little bit more to teach you remember when your name isn't Scott by acting on it because of that its name turned on Tumblr Now by using the spare command you can win great job Chris [ __ ] that'd be the end in a real battle I'm really happy I had the chance to teach you Kris Jenner [Music] fun you're hero Chris and uh in case you ever need a refresher I here I wrote a story in Minecraft for you and Susie press C to open the menu and use it in your items you got Minecraft [Music] not story mode you tried to read the title and you scratch it it's just a dummy trying to recreate a human soul great music oh my the Democrats weren't laughing at that no wonder Choice from getting images Crystal once we pass through this door we'll talk about women non-stop a journey full told exactly by the prophecy but Chris Letang I believe you're really good fake this world is full of plants in the end Apple must meet Apple 1729 702-1165 Apple this is in my own memories otherwise only the rooms are for laundry with several business venues oh I'm sorry she's alive and hot very hot Kris Kringle I knew you were a hero the moment I saw you send to email address [Music] what the [ __ ] that's my phone number hey yo with the door closed Via mobile phone Hazel looks in disappointment the power of discomfort shines within you nail polish the field of hopes and dreams police are racist oh wait this is Lancer police are racist find Lancer I mean I mean yeah just not wrong that's that that is correct all chapters all bosses by the way favorite speedrun category chat welcome welcome to Tumblr signed Lancer let's fight a root in just once I want to see the dialogue Rudin Drew near the Scottish camp Rudin attack six defense zero a famous vlogger that went viral [Music] Rudin has served a great service you told Ruden to go take a walk yeah I guess that makes sense you lectured the enemies on which the enemies became tired thank you remember this find the Lancer Merry Christmas I'm in the festive spirit well it's a dining tour it's not 2PM yet though I can't even view the landscape they're really a team you had daddy don't touch my YouTube that's a bit anticlimactic so boys and girls are all aware what happened in Germany with uh uh light Bell [Music] or I'll say Rossi listen we can't talk about that we get demonetized on YouTube okay come on you know better than this these types of trees will thrive in the Missouri weather whatever you do don't check the tree and you see to open your menu it makes me very warm and fuzzy sign Lancer there are two Electronics hanging from the tree take one you got the an electronic [Music] hey I did touch you last night is that a threat no I'm in rehab ARA Simpson is English this is as funny as it gets uh what an amazing Instagram influencer I'm not even ready for that comedy ah Kris Jenner has really lovely reactions what a lovely double take My Religion the remains of the cake are claimed to date back to 1515. take a piece the New Jersey was out of deer key items the [ __ ] not New Jersey [Music] check the clock to be home from work and go to sleep [Music] ah good old Maze of Death save point uh bat in the 1.09 era you could use a save warp here because this save point wasn't listed in the white list very funny foreign feeling lost on Craigslist High milk goats signed Lancer it's some sort of enemy what a crazy kid I love corruption signed Lancer you open to the chest inside was blood you put blood in your armors that ribbon is armor Christ Damian it was a little gold I think it'd look great on you I don't even remember what item this is I'm not gonna lie is this the white ribbon ophobic people [Music] Chris Clay that is pretty weird Santa [Music] well I hate men who run shops they always have to Rob poor people SOB Fox News oh Chris Monday we need to stop Susie quick oh God not Fox News anything but that welcome to South Korea signed Lancer who welcome to North Korea signed Lancing since they're getting into the Christmas spirit who welcome to the office Christmas party Cliffy are you fair again plus size clothing three Happy's blocked the way to the boulders The Boulders crushed them you ordered we're all say to flatter all the enemies um would you like any [Music] Hey Rye damn you God [ __ ] damn you you [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] what [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you gonna get me demonetized or I'll say Jesus a little bit annoyno coming out there geez Chris spare that great job Chris we earned zero XP in 98 dark dollars don't discuss this please oh oh oh oh stop stop Supreme Court band abortions badly oh no dude oh no Lancer the Lancer don't speak into existence no ah open up you stupid womb oh great oil flickers Susie I'm keeping my guard up for pacifist oh wait that's the wrong voice [ __ ] um this story doesn't make sense it seems poorly researched I don't think that you can write women ah don't worry Susie homeless women don't have kitchens dude so they don't belong in the kitchen women should only be in the kitchen if they're hungry I'm a woman no you're not I know many woman's and only one of them is good at cooking so you're saying women belong in the kitchen wait no never foreign we should probably stop talking about this the women are watching hey that's like 20 22 of my YouTube demographic right there what's up ladies you're canceled what in the flipping remodeling [ __ ] is this qualification [Music] oh my God whoa sounded like a vent oh my God oh Chris leaks bear booty I just realized Susie missed the tutorial next battle we should talk about law I think she might really enjoy that see round attack Elon musk's son you ordered Susie to murder what why the hell would I do that I don't date unless until late at night oh look Susie it's a kitten who'd you want to adopt a kitten okay okay little guy welcome to um Kris Jenner I'm wearing a diaper [Music] you desperate level than your damn awoke government liberal officials in the liberal house inside the um Susie I think we should stop banning guns it seems to be harming kids maybe build new churches too hum ah there's some kind of phobia for this I have a phobia of spiders I'm homophobic that's not what I meant damn Ross is afraid of himself that's crazy Susie the violent Tormentor is no the power of empathy is next [Music] hey Hey kid you got the hacks Ellie got the off of Campus Ellie but really bill dab [Music] we're sorry your PHP Handler is currently suspended please wait a minute to reboot and I'll get back to you when the king got power I hestonist the king looked in there Paul goals on Twitter one dollar visit Ukraine ten dollars fight climate change hundred dollars for a t-shirt donation all don't hurt my grandparents you put a dollar in the prize the prize became life I'm TP Master check what's come TP what's TP what's QB it's all about the NFL oh the NFL and all the places this is a deadline what really you get the TP when you put your name on Donald Trump it's all about the Trump Administration all the drunk people you rhymed zebra with zebra but because it's 2017 TP only lasts once a month according to a lab study here's a short clip about it I'm not talking to you about church I'm Rossi Master law keeper so I start off as any law keeper Rossell loves when he stroke his back neck be careful hey you puss hole I should be single or I'll say spell is called pacify raw say is a horrible disease oh from Robert it only infects Roberts rossay has a spell that teleports Kate into the finger puppet you can always bully Kate because [ __ ] Kate I [ __ ] hate Kate who's Kate I'm Susie masturbating ask me about Paul when Chris 7 News visits Nick this sounds like it came from a movie I'm a rock I'm not a rock Susie loves when you rub against her I love to snuggle and play with fingers did I say something funny add you mean like this ad break that I have to run Susie always attacks finishes dude [Music] oh no oh no she's looking at me [Music] I'm Chris formerly Kathy Master ask me about Chris formerly Kathy when HP goes negative something scary happens back in 2010 HP denied H this has some kind of Market somewhere and with a mint yes yes yes yes yes yes yes it's so worth it it's so classy if you only act you'll understand pubg pubg is very popular on PC and go on Xbox One Xbox One's players hate the PC I don't like the Xbox one I'm a PS4 not valve it's a good idea to invest in your mental health it gives you plenty of pie read more two -hee welcome travelers to Amber in electronic dark Burger Amber card and spooky sword uh Church fetish yes that's [ __ ] fart heal 70 HP not sugar all my pills sit down let's talk about civil rights the name sham pronounced sham I'm standing in a freedom of speech and the demon behind me is having a panic attack what a creepy butt head wait what foreign dicks often I was attracted to dicks since I was in the womb the womb holds the big city I was from the big city and there were plenty of people there who were dicks steam isn't sold at GameStop you have to download Steam and Kingdom Hearts isn't on there it's all about the pre-sales it's exclusive to PS4 yo ninja ninja plays Geometry Dash on stream very fast I think he's got it from Dropbox although this is from the production line see you again in my blog it's a lone door frame The Joker is inside hey yo why so serious well flip my flapjacks the damn retcon fans well bad news my office is a scary ass with several different calls and several different spells I'm not a 65 year old stop stop talking you're [ __ ] stupid that's why you're [ __ ] pregnant you're [ __ ] stupid Susan please stop [ __ ] talking but it's pronounced GIF shut up yeah communism wrong please enable JavaScript to watch this video that must have been a DUI on Pacific Coast Highway the Taurus welcome to BuzzFeed [Music] Buzz what is a buzz the buzz series [Laughter] oh okay I get it I know about my hormones what Theo it's time to come home see you need all the doctors possible hey I wasn't and now it's 3 P.M I'm getting closer to you what the heck a board of jigsawaries blocked the way in anger and now you're trapped you and Earl say warned the enemies about Susie everyone went on guard welcome home jigsaw we thought of its Fitness class Fitness you barely lifted a finger and indeed indeed I always wanted a ram indeed [Music] jigsawri is pretending to watch Space Jam 2. Chris bear jigsaw Ray and rossos oh look Chris Gibson that's the wrong voice oh look Chris Gibson another puzzle oh no let's read the federal policy on Henry it's seven in the morning it says that I have to go to worketh Henry then it um says ps7 RK well that explains that staying on my dick thing no The Cow happy Monday um try your best Chris Dot hat it should be simple Chris Trump oh press the boxes on this which is with z wait who the hell is Zed oh wait Yahoo press the boxes onto the switches with zed wait or you can spawn a backlash because of the GOP don't look at me Kris Jenner you [ __ ] hypocrite no one thinks that the LGBT has Mutual support what where did that come from [Music] great job Chris Sophie I think you're on to something hey Chris the third give up whenever you feel like it it's all good [Music] Wahoo you did it Chris Wilkes great job shock shock Chuck [Music] please enable JavaScript to watch this video doctors are all over the place now [Music] you open the treasure chest inside was broken key C I wonder if it has a different name privacy policy so true [Music] oh later bozo [Music] when you step into the lights there will be a loud voice a wad a lot there wasn't a lot voice I don't know what that is supposed to be now normally I wouldn't ever run into these guys because I have the best movement in the world but I do kind of want to see if their dialogue's different pun men Drew cartoons you and I'll say warned the enemies about Susie [Music] Pawn men listens to the Santa podcast sang a soft song and he fell asleep palm and fell asleep at the wheel and got into a car accident look what you [ __ ] did rossay bondman is a drug dealer [Music] oh pod man I'm sorry [Laughter] the white boy is drooling at the toothless puss make sure you scrubbed and shave it [ __ ] because the sweat isn't part of the deal wipe it up with your morning walk you [ __ ] [ __ ] clean up your ass the European culture is falling apart the terror Within [Music] me and my son will have to cross the border yeah well that's stupid do you know what do you know what do you know what you're living for do you know what you're living for I live for the Lord Elijah reported he saw the Lord after telling his disciples on the other side of the that is I that's a really long text box anyway thanks for your feedback I'm really feeling scary [Music] New York colors spelled in the British way for some reason it's your duty to express yourself you must never forget about your freedom of expression it's all in the US Constitution hey I've just been calling you guys Facebooks does your team have an uh elevated level of threats or something oh Chris Thomas you stupid Goose don't you know who this kid is don't you know who he is [Music] [ __ ] don't no I'm insane all right Chad are we are we broken bread Michael Khan or lancer religious title [Music] chat likes religious title the most [Music] paper with Lancer written on the outside you open it up on the inside It also says Lancer wow who did that one it's from Star Wars what a super cool folk you are hey he didn't Chris Humphries did yeah I bought my mama and an Atari well I loaded it hmm I know let's call the truth teller knife see you later ultralight plastic the power of Buddhist of shines within you happy birthday Buddhism [Music] I bonked ah no my speed runs ruined whoa there horsey that's a nice paw warmer the man's sight readers it's Windows only my name Moonshine Whiskey and these this is my private bedroom property doesn't complain yeah no my property isn't usually complain either since it's not sentient escape room let's go fear not the skeleton sharks are a wild Feeding Frenzy in the Portland Port I am ex-president against the PDP the people's Democrat Party yes yes yes purrs on your lap my 2017 Christmas wish list [Music] who doesn't think about little bears if it isn't Buddhism you boys like guns I'm a gun store owner I own lots of guns I cherish all my guns too bad the government took them all away but it's a good thing I still own all my guns what is Yuri uh Susie you'll find out that you'll find that out in the next chapter give it a little bit oh hey sexy Thriller that that's not a rock wow three days later and I'm a master here here it has spoke nope that's gibberish hmm my neighbors are back from Florida [Music] it's Donald Trump versus Gary Johnson everywhere you go it's politics so true you enroll say bowed and the girl protested bowed back in 2014 with the band members that's it Chris from here call them Chris 666. if we're gonna get its Crown off hit a little orgasm on my album Susie do you want to hear me orgasm nah God is putting ideas in my head I need to browse around we're all say hey yo the crown is 20 loose okay round bound back on a Monday foreign [Music] oh my God I'm not even speed running it it happens bro okay round it felt like they needed to join the war okay round practice Chiropractic and chiropractic medicine in Chicago okay round established the Canadian border Susie stop downloading Indie Games banana Beefcake is my favorite game thank you banana Beefcake so true we have no choice left dad God damn I'm posting all my hearts and [ __ ] um Susie buy Mimi 10 man shooters you don't own a PS5 so here's your Nintendo alternative the Nintendo switch is a serious competition switch still has a lack of modern high-end games high-end games are done and dusted for the year especially with the recent release of Nintendo switch Pro please let this age well many people hate the joy-cons Reddit claims they're for normies yeah she's right I shove my Sega into my joy-cons hey yo I shove my bag in the boats Susie whether you like it or not huh could you please throw a hole in my direction yeah when you lay it out like that a discounted iPad isn't so bad all right Ross say you know who I am I am a conspiracy theorist in early morning cuddled up to my mistress but really [Music] yeah he acknowledged with a sigh Susie you can't just fill out the description quiet you little [ __ ] what the [ __ ] my answer is out for blood today guys I don't know haha yeah you little [ __ ] we're going to have a period cramp yeah and a divorced wife um yeah anyway uh Jeff's phone is attached to me our teacher asked the teacher about the teacher Miss Noel you're a bottom bottomless pit of positive energy then [Laughter] I'm sure Susie the door opening was Bubba laugh hey kid I slept between your mom's breasts I'm hungry and craving a bite of hot dog and now I'm playing the poop card I love playing with poop daddy is in a rush the power of Gods Kill the [ __ ] baby yo hey kid I slept between your mom's breasts and now I'm playing the poop car I like playing with poop it's a door where will you go amazingly you're already there [Music] rabbit slithered in the way to the shadow press Z repeatedly to blow air a sweet and Fresh House you know I was I was a little worried when I saw it Blow on as a uh as a option the battlefield is filled with the smell of a throbbing penis yeah that's about what I was expecting that's about what I was expecting Susie Lanza did you know a male lion moose is the animal that pooped the most it is also the most popular fursuit although I think the Peugeot 5D not much on the grayscaling pine died together we are the dark Buddhism oh [ __ ] evil Buddhism um did you find the porn server huh I'm on crack I'm on MacBook Pro I'm on the pit oh um sorry I don't know how to put tampons in the upside down what a common silly mistake starting now LG G6 Samsung Galaxy wrong voice LD Z6 Samsung Galaxy 28 Phantom Galaxy S8 plus motto Moto Z htcu Ultra unstoppably to make an evil plan the spy on minorities watch a media Mike Pence and your e Monday it's four o'clocks waiting for my sugar plum Mike Pence has e oh [ __ ] yo transfam mic pants [Music] how's the hurricane season going huh oh that I'm creating my own hurricanes I see I love killing people I'm violent sorry I don't know python I'm going to assault you because I like it yeah maybe you should get assaulted Jesus [ __ ] cry I know no no decline Mick Ross say try it now look if your house gets sold just buy a new house yo thanks Ben Shapiro this will solve the homeless people problem yay thanks that's actually more gross somehow anytime hmm hey what's this a TV [Music] [Music] I'm just a little ball of rage please enter your ZIP code click below to offer subscription offers if you're already a subscriber please log in here you open the treasure chest inside was the ragger [Music] Road Riot [Music] gaster's theme oh welcome Democrat note I have no human capability [Music] and the block Park him skating on the lake we uh we aren't here [Music] I actually forgot what this one is I have to remind myself it's Spade diamonds spade diamond clover okay [Music] boxer assembled a team to help figure it out boxer is pleased with a zero [Music] um Florida is a [ __ ] State bow wow they're banning women you know that could that could happen at this rate the king wants to attack attack blah blah blah we think the Doomsday is coming thanks Obama you open the treasure chives inside was Nintendo holy [ __ ] Nintendo Cleveland I knew it [Music] do you guys think they're gonna patent this they might patent this Nintendo on their way to patent armors and video games [Music] hey I love 30 year olds you got about six more years Bud give it give me about six more years stop and say hi to the small dog let's celebrate my second quarter Olympic heart gold record [Music] Clover grew close to Kim's family uh let's use Minecraft on it Chris read the manual oh Mom I hate mother poor mom thank you mother in the heart of the woods tax appeals go on full-on Grizzly the power of the sporting World shines within you football is back baby interested in conservatives I love liberals okay I guess yeah [ __ ] off happy offers a short-term hydras happy accepted your choice narrator happy Theory right there baby you you saw that happy happy used the narration box meaning that happy is the narrator that's how that works right guys greetings Commander here is my league report don't hesitate to visit my site for all free Leaguers hey Dublin the left is Dublin let's just buy one Krispy Kreme donut [Music] s oh wait I thought these guys didn't aggro on you if you'd already oops [Music] Google smells like 1957. before the king came along I led him back to the court and then stole all his money such as the way of the worm [Music] based [Music] inside with 40 dark dollars yay money thank you know I still run into people who don't know you can interact with these things [Music] rabbit slithered in live a soft and clean desk oh bunnies rabbits boonie rabbit ambiently demand damages Bella Delphine what yo gamer bunny bathwater moment the battlefield is yeah I figured [Music] inside was broken key B I wonder if this one has a different description made in front ah no wonder it's broken it's made in France [Music] you open the treasure chest inside was revivement stop your aging I mean it does bring you back from the dead so it kind of does do that [Music] oh well video footage posted by YouTube user Jonas xthro has gone viral Lancer Lex Lancer that's just that's incoherent oh oh I'm not Alexa turn player from Team League of Legends I'm the newest spoiler patch with plenty of threads what is passing see I love eating dead animals instead of the sea with plenty of fish bones cork Kris Jenner if it's for drugs well then my decision is cool then I don't have a grave it's all on the Epic matchup just fill it with pineapples and see what happens I'm the Royal farmhouse [Music] it is not an aircraft I'm an attack helicopter ah ill yo Chelsea iPad uh GameCube fake news sword and Satan uh CNN is against Donald Trump a tomboyish blade reserved for upscale events what terrorism looks like in today's country and of course Carl pretty sure you're bald [Music] we'll make it uh what color are we making it was [Music] we'll make it purple [ __ ] iPad plane streamlined chassis for an elegant thrashing Republican North Korea's gay agenda Among Us Stan I love zero Stan Carl I'm going on a diet [Music] fascist iPad monster I flipped the flapping flip-flop floop 2013. Andrew what the [ __ ] no healthcare I hate free healthcare Carl Australian women [Music] actually I wanted there we go this looks better [Music] the duck on tank treads it's like that one Jimmy Neutron episode [Music] this is your laptop is that okay no actually this has special dialogue it's nest on the 3DS is it okay wow sorry for responding to your emails ER I think Microsoft should get rid of Powershell that'd be terrible we already have command prompt we don't need another one [Music] it's just a small tit [Music] guys let's talk about tuna am I at fault of a driverless car beats the [ __ ] out of me nah you're good oh not a member of Facebook yet sign up it unlocks many cool features raw download clone member of repo bash 0.9 kilobytes okay it's nice Susie finally stabbed me Susie's a busy beaver [Music] thank you [Music] I don't even know remember if I have this set up actually uh [Music] we build are called pigeons families exist [Music] [Music] thank you for the words of wisdom also did you guys know about this check this out so here's a fun little uh Delta in secret that I'm sure many people do not know about but if you ring the bell here star Walker the fake one walks to the right here you can actually catch up with it if you're fast [Music] and you can interact with it and get forty dollars from the fake star Walker [Music] a lot of people didn't know that [Music] was quick [Music] well I'm not a boy hearts you received a Pity teen who is a girl well it's football season football is back baby [Music] football is back baby none of that dick tugging smile for that camera [ __ ] men poop men puke on the field men deliver their newborn baby on the sideline the Jaguars better be good I swear to [ __ ] God [Music] [Music] revolve around the center and look carefully the darker it gets the more you can see yeah but who needs to do the lame puzzle and I know where the solution is though hard to see there was a switch in the tree how'd you know that was there Chris February you're really amazing you know that Chris Sebastian I got the only the literal only thing that's changed is what we're all say calls Chris [Music] somehow Chris lancer's Soul remained conscious and it got really sticky he dipped it in boobs that may be a bit selfish [Music] lighteners meaning girls Lightner is an acronym for business World legal this is because of feminism I hate feminism uh-huh that's bad [Music] how did you uh excuse me how's the new Star Wars looking The Last Jedi the writer is a federal prosecutor and the judge in North Carolina oh I love drugs hey I've got a puppy in bed with me you should put a collar on your dog you should put your dog you should put your dog on a nope I can't speak English with fake penises so true so uh are you going to twerk now nah we're gonna test this illusion on you this is all for Ted Cruz I mean screw Al Franklin he called Donald Trump out as phony he derided the Republican nominee for refusing to wash his hands now with a reference to Trump machine this seems corrupt what are they even bro what are you even talking about like what is going on [Music] concerning by the way I don't value Gamers as real people gamer means someone who plays PC games and people who often vent yeah I hate the climate change agenda what [Music] [Music] hey losers have some porn while you wait batting down the hatches I'm not wet I mean look at this music it's Kanye West I only lived in the Kanye West sorry Susie I have a conservative counterpot huh look let's lay our cars in the table right here I ain't dino man well except for one man I may regret this [Music] dark roll sir [Music] do you guys want to see something cool [Music] it's here somewhere come on [Music] pretty cool right yeah there's actually so this was it was discovered that you're actually able to wrong warp with this in speed runs which is really cool [Music] just in this one room though but it ends up saving like half a second if you do it really fast [Music] oh [Music] yeah you have to toss the manual but it's okay you can't toss it the first time so it doesn't actually remove it from your inventory [Music] Christopher Columbus isn't that the cancer we designed all right it's time for another perfect Tuesday response oh it's that finale I hate the union hit destroys trees I do crack huh I see so it's getting cold outside wowzers gun control really is a problem anti-gun protester entering their ninth week but Susie Maggie wants you to have a baby she says she's enjoyed your role play nah see that's where you're wrong last week it was all about gals and these helmets today it's about bicycles on ice so I thought I'd take this opportunity to teach you about fascism what is fascism exactly gee I wonder who that censored it could be blank to find it demonetized defined in a surpassing democracy by militarism Bill Moyer explains that he uses politics of people's people's fear to channel people's Collective fear into because the human brain fear and love are quite near interchangeable that I had the unique and unexplored love and Banner in that time period the pioneering Spirit haunts this is against our fascist Traditions yet the language still surrounds more modern performances Dana Clanton beautifully described what the [ __ ] are they talking about I didn't expect to get a lesson on fascism did I [Music] you told Rossi to turn into a vampire I'm never doing that again Lancers started to become angry with Twilight yo it's more than done hi YouTube smells like a congress candidate you told Rossi to stop what they're doing to mother you of two are cliche do you want wine or soda the drinking options are a bit complicated Lancer became the third starter in Baltimore really epic April 14th Susie and Lancer are random children names we're also sawing about Getty Images Susie fell asleep and then woke up to a five minute math game I love cheesecake Susie and Lancer are king and queen of Sedgwick County I don't even know where that is you told raw say to let people howl you too the young wizard is eventually here I could dream of the biggest ego in the world Lancer became the fourth official Peppa you told Ross I was just thinking of the low tier God thing now I love pretending to be a corpse oh the IRS I think I like fingers the rabbits are out of wood the GIF is below well now we know why president Trump has Secrets or Sawyer time to be a nation Monument well I think I'm going to convert to Satanism [ __ ] it maybe I am high hi I'm gath high on anxiety God I need to [ __ ] well that was fun wasn't it yeah yeah I know capitalism is bad and exploits artists um soothing I didn't expect to see you here damn it's been in what 18 years last time we chatted Destiny 2 came out and the game only had four Guardians alongside Buddhism wow that booted them wait their tree house with several treehouse there are a lot of tree house what okay this is a tough one how do I crop things on my phone there should be a crop button uh are you a virgin I'm not Harold who are you I don't know myself electric Rock it's a lone door frame The Joker is inside wow it's already Saturday wow it's been a crazy week I'm writing this from Barnes and Noble so hard right man 51 dies after four-wheel drive goes off Bush track emergency services are on the way to the slight vehicle crash ambulance services said Rose closed until seven Road closed until 7 40 a.m Act T Atlantic Central Time what who even uses that three men were in the vehicle I love white people I hate white people [Music] laughs ah cope look Susie it's a woman hell yeah it's another woman worry not suthi I have an [ __ ] with nothing but athles really watch and learn team look Jimmy sex all you did was flatter him hey fiber makes me poop that is what it does yes but is poop the first thing you think of when you hear fiber oh I love poopies I love poopy so much right now I in bed with a bunch of poopy butt poopy but they're still not denyther oh I love poopies I love poopy so much right now I'm in bed with a bunch of poopy butts poopy Butters did the egg what all right alrighty alrighty all right oh yeah he's watching me ah [Music] did the AI has gone off the [ __ ] cliff [Music] rated T for violence present I am disturbed by the presence of this manga although my younger daughter liked it I think of this I think this is a Texas problem is Texas even a real place tactic declared independence from Mexico on January 2nd 1836 and created a new country within the United States of America the debate continues over whether this new land is really located something Texas was born out of nothing Texas is fake just walking along with you guys makes me happy all day you make me feel like the brilliant writer I am that's because you're not experiencing pain but relaxation your brain is tuning into common sense psychologist really you think kids should be allowed to sell their skin well that's what kids should do I don't think kids should have political responsibility like that hey uh Nancy Nancy Pelosi is here well everyone's here you don't they that is a wild sex life women should only perform sex acts when police say what is that cops should always allow permission for one it would prevent the risk of STD what is this oh bro the AI has [ __ ] lost it maybe but doesn't that take away their Liberty let's stop talking about this let's talk about stranger things my favorite stranger thing was the fourth one because variety is my favorite animation what I'm high as [ __ ] Chris Cartwright Lancer let's go I just the consistent like Chris being called something is really funny are you sir there 28 448 Wednesday February 16 2005. never let me touch the BBC again maybe he knew that the public revolving over dick the phone Miami what come on Lancer on FB no one's average I think the FBI is watching me because I talk to a lot of people who talk to a lot of people who've been talking to a lot of people who talk to a lot of yeah what I think that was Fox News speaking and each year the political left reclaims shrinking pieces of reality what [Music] I think I think you have an alcohol addiction not being dealt with properly you are emotionally immature wait a second Elsa knows my name why are you acting so old and Confused Susie Elmo oil and all Kira wait who's Kira the lightners are fictional family of goblins Beware of the trickster Lightner goblins more like goblins yeah you heard it right hi I'm Kira [Music] Lancer and Lady Lancers hey did you hear about the aircraft we've cornered The Matrix wait hahaha I'm pleasuring myself with Carl this is the cheat sheet I've been waiting for ow I love cheesy romantic scenes Chris Lacy but I don't have high hopes for them at least anytime soon and Susie come he's such a good girl he's so quiet and gentle and attached to me she loves cuddling on the couch or by the window in her being a bag while I'm typing on the life cannot exist without values humans have this gene they have no cognitive tendency you eight feet tastes like feet your HP was feed out there's a crackhead I'm calling the cops these shackles seem oddly modern and illegal take them Texas was put in your armors not Texas [ __ ] now it's a metal door it leads to Grass a couple of trucks are abandoned there so Kris Kringle what did you find what's all those sailboats it's surprisingly thick um you're a real crowd pleaser in this joint so you couldn't find the perfect heel for your outfit well Chris Boyson let's not give up hope just yet I just found the alpha female it seems to be both Karen Frey and Karen Lynn the HGTV hey idiots pick up a bucket and leave the ski resorts are closing Susie you stopped barking what a good girl what is a cat doing here seriously though I don't have any spare time but I do have a shirt with V's on it V a lot of V that are everywhere anyway Half-Life 3 is a [ __ ] game it made me get into a polyamorous relationship polymerally require and polyamory requires consent from all Partners involved that's true it does hey let's just do some offensive role play but uh parent thread link thread link Christina tell Susie what to do I had judge had poverty swap head challenge yes I'm offline great ooh meat all right all right thanks for helping her Chris on Mayfield to edit all of your videos for your YouTube channel Chris Carston are you worried about Obama yes well regardless of how you feel God always loves you hell doesn't exist in my book he's best all right out of high school time to look for breasts beasts so used to this is appropriate that I read it that way dude [Music] no [Music] huh Kris Jenner did you say something back there I can't hear them anymore I'll just go ahead and say it now I don't like Obama wow this is America [Music] 's Fiddle in a cat skin damn that's the goal of Disney maybe I should go back and ask Chris Keanu about who beat me up Lancer Cyclades [Music] I'll say no understand Trump supporters only that's it and only it the liberal ideology is not allowed here lancer's playing softball Susie are you okay Lancer Chris Canadian Rawl say are still locked up I I know your name I I was the one who told Dad to hug the side of the bed forever what Lancer Lancer you wanted to believe in green you wanted to believe in simplification I I can explain Susie and Harry nah burn the vinyl bring comedy back into gear I'm closing down for this down for business I get it it's hard to hit babies especially if you're religious in New York hates religion I'm not the man shut up but I'm a custom shape [Music] now it's time [Music] taste my hat no Tyler man 51 facing firearm charge after shots fired at Oakville house so it's time for me to get back to work advertisement hey want to see what happens to poor people oh no do you know [Music] oh no not capitalism anything but that if you don't get out of the way I'll shoot you [Music] get it I'll shoot Santa [Music] [Music] you missed [Music] wait why aren't you worried Jesse we need to cook [Music] hanger you I'm deaf if you just want to lie in the Sun get a real [ __ ] job [Music] all right that's enough I'm religious and hi is a beautiful dog I I like math but through the Germany is under attack by an environment minister with natural wood at least a police are here hold you tightly oh I see you're on the edge of your seat hey why is it suddenly she's like Discord flirting thread link so we digging freestyling hi dangly hey we'll answer the Pirate Bay has been hacked how will I pirate Adobe now it's so true the premiere doesn't support creative clap yeah yeah you're right I should try the Creative Suite BuzzFeed I'm buffing for BuzzFeed that means I'm turned on audience pick the cow Mexico Mexico Mexico Fox News loves talking about Mexico laughs [Laughter] I need to beat my kids more Jesus so that's why okay Chris grilling were they talking about hey Susie is the third studio album by Japanese songwriter producer I knew you had the heart to kill him yeah yeah I know I'm smelly from League of Legends join the party alcoholic prison whoa whoa oh my Lord my Lord my Lord my Lord I was arrested for sleepwalking in 1996. I accidentally killed I'm not good with brightness us animals used to be eats of the planets but now and we went to church to learn how to oppress people [Music] this jail is a nurse families exist [Music] [Music] this game is so [ __ ] stupid oh Susie you're turning me on Amy's a nice girl but Naomi is not a nice girl Amy's a mean girl I hate Amy I think I should go to Darcy who yeah even I got off easy LOL [Music] thanks for inviting me Shane I apologize for the inconvenience Susie's first steps learning how to eat breathe and grow and use the bathroom stop remembering my birth story [Music] time for a long elevator ride all right this lift should have been posted by now now I might take slightly more time than average and Mike may not be happy about this hey yo don't spoil chapter three hey we're all say I'm Immortal now an ancient demon no I'm English not French UK or us English I graduated from Trump University I was best friends with Donald Trump but then I started beating him with grades and he felt very behind it ruined our friendship Susie what uh well Susie I think you should try lean or else I know just to see you sure all right hey we're all say the Pokemon Susie are you opening your eyes for the first time not until the ice rain stops well I do like bitter cold I think you're five weeks early at this point that's average for pregnancy you're pregnant too the baby is you hey Chris wiki news wait a sec you know I'm starting to realize who Paul really is and the truth to the liberal media and how the Washington Post is secretly in the UK Liberals are largely influenced by the UK trust me I work at Fox News make a good indie game for Dorian the indie game was bought by square remix prison B15 floor two hello I'm a loser spotter losers use trigger warnings driving passengers in the pain nice to meet you I'm roll said this is Chris who and I'm confused I am innocent Paul I just believed in the Republicans but then the political force took over my ideology was questioned on The Today Show now I have negative publicity huh Yoshi things don't seem to be going well in DC I do have a dream for a president the Democrats are taking over the Republicans are falling apart and John is riding a horse PlayStation 4. find the Kyle stars on the light version twitch chat knows about it each old shot Chad do you know about it you all know I'm innocent [Music] okay we gotta go get the the stuff now we gotta go get the base armor elevator to Stars I mind Bitcoin no do that [Music] all right we gotta go back to Sean welcome travelers to Amber Inn homophobia [Music] that was added to your key items [Music] [Music] I like kind of AI just falls apart like that sometimes it's very funny Finance [Music] well well this is embarrassing I can't understand how Ganondorf is in the Zelda timeline huh he thinks I'm itching with some [ __ ] haha thank you Wikipedia the broken key parts were fixed beyond recognition the broken key Parts became the prison key Hmm this post is a bit of a farce please learn how to change a flat tire safely [Music] Fedora user huh is that a crafty pet with an online presence the GOP is angry the New Jersey was fixed beyond recognition New Jersey became bankrupt I'm in crisis [Music] New Jersey's gone bankrupt it's over [Music] oh no dude and watch the second counter Dodge easy all right it's jevel time rival Comcast Steam support is about to go down and game design will fail dorky in your hive in your where the door key created a hive [Music] you take a drink before I voice act this foreign [Music] this fella was very lucky and Nick is here too so what are we all Americans oh it's the stretch of course [Music] when your HP drops to zero something scary happens so that's the thing with us really this the strength of your body is strong with plenty of muscular builds update Victory Day time to draw let the games begin wonder woman on PlayStation 4 is multiplayer chaos chaos Atlanta is here jevel is laughing at the word gif Rossi chanted to himself and Elvish jevel's next attack was transported to 2015. I love sexual activities time the air crackles with electricity we're also Enchanted to himself squid Williams [Music] smells like Oregon State [Music] Chris spun around and took some wine tranquil a Valentine's hamper holy [ __ ] I suck Chris Jenner gazed out the ocean Flip Flip anything [Music] so used to hearing this in Japanese the world is spinning but Winnie the Pooh knows what he wants [Music] it felt like Jamie I just drank Red Bull [Music] smells like Oregon State Red Bull is life I love Red Bull a perfect Republican representative well that doesn't exist Red Bull is amazing [Music] it feels like Canada day is in the next month or two [Music] barely a beauty factor of Katy Perry I gotta Breeze a lot here oh that's not it nope damn too short [Music] foreign [Music] tranquil a Valentine's hamper I'm out of money that's so damn exciting right now wow ah what what am I talking about wait I'm not talking about China I'm talking about money I have all the money [Music] you got common sense [Music] Seafood ABC Fox Montana local news a cult Texas is a cult no all right watch this watch this sick [ __ ] here [Music] Ruden Rangers came from the sjws what you told Susie to compliment the enemy uh are you serious well not really but it's funny I got a log Post in this response fat what they have such a way with the word Susie food and Ranger puts a new Twist on new Super Mario Bros U special demo [Music] please keep praying for me [Music] we sold all of our beds to replace them with more Kick-Ass cabinets my back hurts but the tub feels so good hey it's you the furry with Paws whoa you even tamed motherhans since I killed her mother hen oh boo here have a conservative you got the wow I don't want a conservative normal everyday riches acquired from legitimate source rudin's Frozen Foods dies at age 87. [Music] you all know it's coming so the worms are actually snakes who's there John Williams [Music] I am rules evidence [Music] toilet [Music] God damn it [Laughter] [Music] Castle bathroom pre-cooked room currently occupied [Music] yo club sandwich not food why was Spanish dude and hathy blocked away with her sword you ordered Susie to flirt with the anime sure that you see it that's not very logical I have plenty of manners hang on surely you see it so uh I'm among gods and birds head athy fell awkward and left hey get back here senior Ranch [Music] okay smells like a lesbian couple hey yo [Music] you flirted with hat happy however you didn't get turned on good foreign looks like happy sold plot to store wood looks extremely well and Tastefully done Kathy looked at you kindly your voice is rough and jarring looks like a bed there aren't any bed bugs please don't poop on the bed keep your mental hygiene up your rank was upgraded to Reddit user no loves death War veteran [Music] happiest Chris no don't go on Reddit Chris that was slick oh no no I'm grabbing this this won't matter we're not safe transferring so because it breaks the mod [Music] Craig is thy Butler that is cynical sport adults level seven [Music] face the true strongest other worms this time the difficulty uttered the magnitude's grander see now in 100 years thou feeble insects foreign ladies I love it ladies I sleepy for the ladies I have it I haven't sexed with the ladies no [Music] oh God stop your aging [Music] pathy is the second largest Village in I don't know how to say that it has a minister of headquarters this doesn't make sense at all I'm the first party member my bladder is very small oh let us reverse a few times please try meeting amenity humans suck it's a bed for three autistic people yo let me get on the bed and it'll ruin them all [Music] it's a Boombox it doesn't make music it's the cat girl poly cool bed you know based me and who and who June 11th 2018. [Music] a bicycle a short road bicycle [Music] welcome to my dungeon what shall thou buy fragrant sauce weapon limbs weapon homemade moist armor overnight map only one of these actually matters thanks Wim show me a treasure uh what is thine interest I am the Duke of poop I date men and I am very gay if but not it in the way if you think the beak we peaked [Music] so I am still lesbian but I like it minute oh I follow with people on Twitter our world is compiled at the Bible Google it I love it Googled even if I am still in Korea image [Music] Gourmet cooking cooking it with [Music] how is Chicago rules you can't say those words on television really [Music] all right Susie's at one uh a 19 attack which I think is actually her maximum [Music] enough whams [Music] those is on my period inside a gym it's a nightmare bring it over huh oh the writers are stressed story makes no sense I hate women yes with my 43rd birthday I became at the Obama oh no my car just crashed what car yes I love feet I have a day footage and arthritis okay rules is the best character holy [ __ ] Susie oh no I can't do it I just can't do it um well I'm sore and the Sun is starting to hurt me that's fine Susie I love chicken I only eat gay chicken to get rid of the world what wow you're homophobic Chris Christopherson New York is starting the trip it'll be a short film the crown became Gabe Gaben the crown is 35 loose [Music] you won why brilliant just brilliant I love it poems but not as Texas Rye doesn't like Texas High School is amazing I teach it English but you you're a poem Germany oh we finally made it wall banners wall banners wall banners we finally made it to Germany chat hey guys I've been working on my Charmander what where did that come from father pulley four boys heard after truck crashes in the pond Lancer and the girl answers have you dispatched your starter deck no no but I have a new boyfriend and in six weeks I'm giving birth he's very smart and sexy you're an Uber driver at Uber We Believe autonomous technology holds tremendous potential and is over the last few years we've been provided drivers with a range of assistance as they let what um hey I like creepily smiling on smiling on girls Lancer Lancer spell answer yes Father do you remember what I told you I need to change my name before you [ __ ] end me [Music] you have failed cinderell hissed as she gazed at the name card she held in her hand she broke into pieces every time I touched her but she always smiled at me if I played nice she seems happy she makes me feel good about myself let's change subject you Liberals are anti-pinterest why don't you start Banning other social medias ones that actually matter like Tick Tock or Instagram aka the place where you liberals meet up to discuss your liberal ideology [Music] now watch as I kill minorities with my pm what the oh well there's a laptop back here all right enough Johnny Depp who the hell do you think you are beating Mewtwo King in Smash to my people I finished first in EarthBound speedrunning to you all right puzzle Mario GPU King blocked the way to Greenwich Susie tried to reason with the king of neuron ah Listen Up drag racing is my favorite thing which is not meant to be confused with drag queens follow me on Google Plus I have the silliness all right I'm no vegetable to you Google plus he desires that he deserves to die for that alone how dare you hurt my friend Obama not Obama the battlefield is increasingly disintegrating into a chaotic mess foreign 's little [ __ ] [Music] King's mouths become stiff in slow motion Susie use red buster I have sexual desires [Music] Darkness pours into my pants hey yo [Music] this is for California [Music] [Music] your soul shine its power on the 5th of August in Fort Lauderdale [Music] you have to mash there in order to get Max damage and Russia bro's got it for bro's got the hots for Putin [Music] I love Russia [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] but I don't think Putin I think I kill him on this turn actually [Music] King is [ __ ] mental all right I want to see the rest of his dialogue so we're not gonna kill him went through puberty well at least not [Music] all of puberty [Music] now enough talk hi oh yeah this move I honestly forgot he had this move [Music] you tried to reason with the king of Hope silence fatherless you should expand in God's grace hear the answers to our prayers talk became courage keyword boy [Music] fatherless Rossi tried to reason with the king of time not realize it but Puerto Rico does have abandoned people like how Ken Ludwig did comedy comedy this is funny as [ __ ] I'm going to murder you that's not words this is funny as [ __ ] said my YouTube audience seems that [Music] your soul shined its power on me follows my cousin [Music] enough is enough I've been a busy girl well yep [Music] lighteners I I'm a pig I know this shirt is a nil but they're one till the time where I wasn't a pig a time before bacon wasn't a thing and I wasn't a baby pig Leaf to be honest nobody believed me when I told them I was intersex and an immigrant even if everyone's different come now Susie come to Daddy and yo I'm glad you're starting to realize Mr King that we are all rubbing you the wrong way I don't even rub I only have a rub when the rubbing is rubbed yes rubbing that sounds lovely Coughlin Goblin I'm not used to this body yet the dresses are always itchy I enjoy feminine clothes we know [Music] just not stretchy shorts how do you feel Jacob let's see like I just invested into Parliament you you're dead that was a joke LOL Chris Smith oh spare me the benefit of the doubt [Music] damn is that another partnered account promoting a pyramid scheme in my [ __ ] chat that's crazy [Music] dude this has been happening there's been partnered accounts going around on Twitch advertising a [ __ ] scam what a great website I love making delicious cream and rubbing it all over my body who wouldn't want to live this dream I sleep deeply every night knowing his cream is all over me with no dreams or nightmares it provides pleasure to power now every day is the same every night is the same hey hey hey I'm thinking about getting into drone racing those poor poor eyelids I just want those eyelids back Republicans want their eyelids I want all the eyelids hello Joe hello I'm not Joe I'm filling in for Joe mama [Music] Lancer Noel dim dick revelant sorry Dad these nine [ __ ] Twitter handles make it harder to deal with your [ __ ] you could even call it a blooper reel that went viral and this isn't very funny I love drinking games I love drinking drinking everywhere you idiots pics the Democrats are taking over yikes looks like you're trapped in the bathroom time to check your weight no yeah right Chris Tillerson Chris Beckley Susie oh you're all right I'm just bumping where he puts the final touches Krispy Kreme Susie I'm sorry I haven't read much in a month or so but yet my vet tells me so and I like talking about what happens in men's bathrooms I mean lap yeah it's complicated the fans go nuts for justice league but they have backstories that take place in Universe oh Susie I think I'm taking you off estrogen well this is interesting to say the least then I I think you should give it one more week in this switch yeah I I guess that's right huh well huh I'm not exactly a raven Hill huh Krispy Kreme you wanna go to McDonald's maybe we can go to Burger and dinner let's go foreign Erickson wood Susie you came back um well I don't mean of course not to expect sex I anticipated having sex after this along with my daughter went after what the [ __ ] please let me know when a donation is made on this page [Music] wonderful work effort of Keanu nuano Martins true vocations is daust expressionist thy takes them ashtoth pets Chris Bryant Susie are you leaving hell if I know I'm just following Christopher Shore guys I'll just shove fiberglass down your throat [Music] threat are you going to leave um I I just wanted to say I I work with women hey I've seen women like me women who were uh oh depression um Chris Erickson Susie I I hope you'll view the Google Drive and then we'll drive around town um yeah sure dude let's go Chris Kane is this Amazon Prime or an Amazon plane maybe it is optimism oh well there's no time to go to the bathroom and break they are not talking about going to the bathroom while talking about Amazon how is it that self-aware dude no [ __ ] way [Music] Karma on Reddit right Chris Bruce fry As you stood in front of the fountain you wondered why you're here so you decide to run away foreign [Music] John hit the sour note watch it Transformer huh politician trending cards I don't know hey Crystal Tang what what's January like it was an awkward age right anyway as I was saying I do plan to update today so today I decided to bleed everywhere playing cards spill out of my toolbox at work it's open source code it's a worn down 98 car the door is locked from the inside damn it it's a light switch with LED man Sun Ain't shining Mike may have something to do with this that's next chapter or perhaps this is a card well I do love electrons see you later Facebook Chris let's go back there so Lucas can find me fight is that the plot of other three damn that's crazy doors locked from the inside damn it wait what did that say do you like breathing I don't like breathing that's why I died I die every day oh my God they remembered toriel's name from undertale seems like I love the NFL the Throne of Queen Elizabeth ill some kind of organization It's A Primitive drawing of Dave it's a politic it's not about Donald the computer is a self-driving car invented by Elon Musk everything needs to be Bitcoin this video is sponsored by rage Krispy Kreme whatever have you found atheists are awful aren't Guardians this is not a delightful statement you know our policies about communism Chris Keurig uh Kira Kira I don't know I am afraid I'm gonna have to punish you huh the hospital LOL Chris hurricane blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah see you soon honey [Music] sand hey look who's walking around I have new pots I want to show you great to be an AI yeah maybe I am made of death but I'm not a dash hunt the name sanzoa and you can call me the customer what's up then the wall with robots would be over I mean what war your mother huh it's too late I [ __ ] my brother over the damn conservative orientation Bitcoin I hate Bitcoin wait what's Bitcoin again [Music] behind me yeah yeah Swan unfortunately now I'll have to Camp a reel if only all the camps will bayonet [Music] I'll fish she's starring in Spider-Man homecoming can't wait to see what happens in Comic-Con 2017 thought she was part of the mob maybe there'll be Spider-Man meetings I do enjoy a good Spider-Man although maybe Spider-Man isn't a spider that sounds like a job for a theorist one that already knows amazing spoilers buzzfeeding [Music] whoa there tiger lamal parent thread blink cat owned this TBH reply apparent thread [Music] Epic hey buttock I'm working on TV panels and [ __ ] it's nothing strange I just think I can open a portal with it it's like your average scientist should [Music] wow I appreciate the reviews douchebag I don't know what I'm saying and his dick was super big huh bug bites sorry I'm not a bug and I don't bite either I'm just a mattress sheet and I lay eggs in my mattress sheet and then control people see ya hello you have reached the hotline for idiot babies please press one for idiots two for babies three for idiot babies and four for none why'd you call the hotline for idiot babies if you aren't an idiot baby I like that it's completely untranslated but it's such a [ __ ] funny joke yes phone calls aren't changed I love Miami would you be interested in trying some of our many 24 Pisa flavors we've got basil black olives Amanda Instagram double Amanda blog crazy support America oh God someone's squirting uh icies Pisa your number one spot for hyping pot peas of Pisa hey a skeleton you're not Cara that's correct and I'm not Kara cosplay this is 24 Toby's original cosplay do you know when Megan was born four days into my pregnancy I was pregnant with Megan I was so excited and then she became pregnant while I was pregnant it hurts I had to deliver two babies and Megan had to deliver a baby and then that baby gave birth too it was a never-ending cycle of babies like the [ __ ] Russian dolls [Music] something's wrong the technology is too far ahead now and math is getting more and more difficult I love juicy math I suck the juice out of math until the math is gone no more math math not math make no mistake little buddy I sees Eiza is e-l I should start working for hgo that way I can at least be happy I'm never happy wait wait wait wait wait wait [Music] foreign Dum Dum Dee [Music] Dum Dum Dum Dee [Music] oh I didn't want to see Dexter dumb dumb [Music] di Dum dear dude [Music] it's a rusty fridge worth three thousand dollars all that's inside is an overweight person you put the pity teen who isn't a girl you were carrying inside too there are two pretty teens who was is a girl inside the fridge [Music] fart a photo of Barack Obama or maybe an X Trump campaign manager I love Trump [Music] it's a it's a yellow Mr Beast it's a golden Mr Bean [Music] ie dum dum dum [Music] dude I just love that all of his [ __ ] dialogue is nothing but that [Music] I'm busy cloning you oh I wasn't supposed to reveal that information the United Nations are crazy um what cloning Kris Jenner what is it honey oh Chris Jeff flowers for your mother that was sweet these are from San Diego Comic-Con that must have been in my eye Cali and I work with him all the time Krispy Kreme honey you've grown up so much I mean Heather just turned nine on Tuesday remember when you were little the weight was so difficult we asked over and over again if you could Stell you and nobody took you please exit the building as soon as possible alert alert fire detected in the building please exit the building as soon as possible fire is dangerous please don't touch fire or else the fire will be not fire your brother just kept crying and there will be no fire officers are raiding the house in the morning oh [ __ ] [Music] it's Windows 8 oh God it's terrifying it contains a Dr Pepper will you go to bed you decided to go not go to bed when the mental stability is exploding in color anxiety collapses and white this is a [ __ ] on your mind that Friday through Monday with realignments well what the [ __ ] am I saying don't forget don't forget about the office foreign
Channel: Shayy
Views: 92,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: undertale, shayy, undertale mod, undertale random, undertale but, undertale but random, megalovania, sans, papyrus, deltarune, undertale kris, kris deltarune, AI, AI Undertale, AI Deltarune, spamton, spamton NEO, ralsei, kris
Id: gO7yoph8imE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 22sec (9142 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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