KRIS AND SUSIE IN UNDERTALE?? | Deltatraveler Full Playthrough (All Endings)

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sound effect okay maybe turn it down just a little bit more delta traveler chris and susie go places that they shouldn't be all right let's see here [Music] turn down just a little bit there we go good splash screen hey there's nothing wrong with a game being made in unity okay listen even the pokemon company releases games made in unity now okay okay there's nothing wrong with it it's a fine engine no judging we'll judge when we get there okay wait what oh yeah brilliant diamond and shining pearl are made in unity by the way who is paying you to say listen first time catching a stream what's up cat what's up tyre all right let's do this xander i'm ignoring your request somebody refund that all right all right my own name well that's easy [Applause] it's okay just let it happen that was a little quiet okay what the hell chris is that you god damn it chris where the hell are we whatever let's just try to find a way out of here all right what we got we got undertale's menu oh we do have a run button that is very based [Music] oh it doesn't seem to be working what a shame unfortunate what's our stats looking like oh we got portraits weapon pencil weapon big pencil i like that that's funny howdy i'm flowey flowey the flower hmm you're new to the underground aren't ya uh golly you must be so confused someone ought to teach you how things work around here someone ought to teach you to mind your damn business hey that's no way to talk to a kind-hearted stranger so what leave us alone and get out of the way but don't you want to know about your soul about love dude why do you want to show us this stuff so badly do you want our souls or something how how'd you i didn't know you're the one who said it chris let's teach this idiot a lesson what what the hell are you doing we're in a battle how do you not know this no one's gonna know what you're doing if you fight like this idiot fine if it'll get you to shut up then hurry us and show hurry up and show us how you do it don't worry this won't take long at all see that heart that is your soul the very culmination of your being your soul starts off weak but why the hell am i on your side because you're a monster the human has to fight the monster so like hell am i gonna fight with you now get out of here we showed that flower who's boss though uh it's kind of weird how we try to trick us and steal our souls whatever the hell that means also i thought magic only worked in the dark world uh hello is everything okay and isn't that your mom what the hell is she doing here hi please excuse me hey wait a sec what the hell was that about you think she'd be happier to see us should probably try to catch up with her huh despite being an entirely new world you can still see the light you are filled with a power of familiarity [Music] wait don't you want to see why the hell is she running away not good that's still the same press z to read signs don't tell me what to do [Music] oh this switch is already pressed hey wait a minute this one's not pressed it's stuck oh never mind chris look a training dummy we should go beat it up [Music] you encountered the dummy ah all right okay and there's defend gotcha you talk to the dummy it doesn't seem much for conversation susie looks confused alright cool good to know that sucking asset acting still works here um hey miss uh dreamer we're kind of wondering uh why you're running away from us my apologies i could not bear these emotions and i did not want to worry you two but of course i failed at that oh she's crying okay oh oh um sorry please do not apologize you did nothing wrong but i i must ask you my child who had been taken from us far too early my child who in spite of your light-hearted pranks was a delight to our people down here an inspired hope into the lives of many my child is it truly you no what taken ma'am i'm pretty sure chris is too weany to get themselves killed chris uh yeah your kid is chris right of course i apologize for my emotional outburst even if they survive they would not have even lived this long it was unreasonable to me for me to have thought that chris was them it's whatever so you say that i am the mother of this child uh yeah and you know my last name as well i like how she's perturbed about that yes he taught little kids at the school really well unfortunately i'm not the same toriel huh i am not a teacher nor am i the caretaker of chris rather i am the caretaker of the ruins and formerly a fairly regarded royal figure so how could this know that huh could it be that you two are from another world i guess that explains what's going on do you know we can get out of here possibly you could perhaps meet with the underground's royal scientist how was your week it was good texting thanks for acting or asking i can't speak he is always doing interesting experiments he hey wait hey wait a second hold up he may be able to help you travel home and how do we find this guy you have to travel all the way to hotland it is pretty far away but i'm sure that you can make it after all you are both traveling together are you not hell yeah we are excellent i will prepare something for you two to take on your travels it should not take very long to reach the end of the ruins good luck you two uh thanks oh chris you two could possibly use my help on your way i will give you a cell phone you already have one of course then i can give you my phone number let's go got toriel's number you registered it under the contact name otherworldly mom if you have a need for anything just call i hope to see you too very soon so we gotta meet with this royal scientist guy to get home this should be pretty fun let's get going chris [Music] hello this is toriel oh the spiked floor well the light path before the hall reveals a safe pathway if you follow it then there will be no worry of stepping on the spikes i hope that helps dear damn i really wanted to stab myself on the spikes susie wants to stab herself on the spikes well i hope that she's enjoys it hello this is toriel okay no more dialogue oh you fought the dummy i am glad that you got some use out of it i do hope that you did not destroy it that is to teach other humans that may fall down here on fighting [Music] everything's okay okay so in terms of movement looks like uh looks like this just nullifies directions rather than having uh um what's the word i'm looking for dominant ones the western room is the eastern rooms oh wait this is just that i'll this is undertale dialogue oh dear it is the long hallway of independence it is a test of independence that i give for any human child luckily you do not have to face it alone you have susie do you not i also have a run button we oh gosh it's weird not being able to hold down and tap up because that's what i normally do when i move down ribbit ribbit uh excuse me human i have some advice for you about battling monsters if you act a certain way or fight until you almost defeat them they might not want to battle you anymore if a monster does not want to fight you please use some mercy human ribbit why were they only talking to you about this chris [Music] yeah chris we should just take all of it no fine you took a piece of candy god damn it chris oh shoot okay so we've got like overworld enemy encounters look at the look at him go [Applause] look at him hop he do hop though oh it's like a mashup [Music] froggit didn't understand what you said but it was flattered anyway damn that's a banger ribbit ribbit thank you for sparing me human and monster i have some advice that may prove useful to you if you encounter a tired enemy you can spare it by making it fall asleep but neither of us know how to do that where's role say when you need him gosh look at suzy so those cracks in the ground will make us fall uh got it susie is now immune to cracks oh look at whims and running away [Music] [Laughter] that's cool hello this is toriel i suppose you were already aware of my affinity for pie yes well i would like to know your flavor preferences chris do you prefer cinnamon or butterscotch butterscotch baby butterscotch i see and susie what would you prefer me if she doesn't have like chalk or snails then i guess cinnamon ah i see butterscotch and cinnamon thank you very much three out of four gray rocks recommend you push them what what scam oh oh dear oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] they're hopping undertale speed runner not disappointed that weird movement quirks aren't exactly identical no way can you frog skip oh let's go we can frog skip that's what you like to see right there boys ribbit ribbit sorry to trouble you but the battle just now had felt pretty tense so i gave you some extra gold is that supposed to mean something ah oh yeah wimson here let me try out uh grazing oh cool you are intimidated by frog it's raw strength [Music] susie barely takes a step forward rimson ran away blushes deeply music's a banger oh you're an nbc i sure hope you two aren't stepping on the leaves as if your friend wasn't they were flying though yeah yeah yeah the you get extra gold that that's that's the thing in deltarune if you uh jesus i'm so not used to this movement mechanic in this game um if you have extra tp your extra tp gets turned into gold by a formula of your extra tp multiplied by the chapter number divided by four whoa there partner what who said you could push me around i did move to the button now why would i move you're being so darn rude because if you don't i'll move you by force like you even good i'm practically welded to the earth i ain't moving prissy missy well i warned you move dammit nice uh it must be easier to do things yourself no no no no no no there they are it's them oh so sparing okay so sparing works like undertale does so or no it works like doesn't work like undertale does or does work like a yeah it works like undertale doesn't work like deltoid okay cool i got them mixed up for a second it spares everybody that's cool [Music] squeak squeak [Music] uh hello oh was i not convincing aren't you a cop i would never oh am i in the way yeah sorry i'll get out of your way uh cool spider big seal also so dialogue works like uh undertale does where you actually have to cancel every single uh so this has piano mashing as opposed to deltarune mashing it's interesting hello this is toriel apologies for not responding to your calls very much i am currently busy preparing something for you and susie thank you for your patience dear what's the difference in deltarune you can just hold down the cancel button and it'll automatically progress the text as opposed to undertale you have to do it for every single individual text box oh god what the filter keys did you miss it i bought a spider donut okay oh my god it's jesus he's so fast holy [ __ ] it's mike wazowski but what about the girl oh i see you have to do it with both [Music] susie picked on luke's i'm gonna throw you against the wall like a dodge ball i won't pick on you ribbit ribbit i heard using f4 can make you have a full screen but what does f4 stand for four frogs i've only seen a maximum of three frogs in this room this is troubling to say the least where's the fourth frog there's a man behind the crack in the wall he waves you a man what hey hey wait a second that's not what that said a moment ago excuse me ah [ __ ] it's the it's the egg man oh oh hey how come you get to be so big and imposing uh maybe talk to me when you aren't so short ah so it's just the first time the egg it's the eggman is the man hot no i'm right here i sleepy can we get an egg i don't know maybe rhino put one in here there is just one switch i know where it is i'm smart i played undertale also i noticed that you can't uh you can't run if chris is holding a wall like i'm not holding up into the wall i just can't run but if i take a step down i can that's interesting can you help me feel better i feel all icky sicky oh i'm sorry i hope you feel better oh susie you are uh you are very far out of bounds i hope you feel better cubie suzy in the wall all right vegetoid i would like to uh would like to have some dinner what does devour do we're gonna try the new thing you and susie tried to eat vegetoid but it wasn't weakened enough ah i don't want to eat vegetarian that sounds disgusting we go dinner you pat your stomach vegetarian eat your greens glad to see that all the undertale methods of sparing monsters uh still work it should be a second vegetoid right all right let's try this eat thing let's see so i gotta weaken i love being able to graze the undertale attacks it feels so good [Music] all right i'm gonna doink i'm gonna doink uh vegetoid here oh okay so it's like it's like a crossover between uh the two combat systems you got the bars from the right but then the timing bars the undertale timing bar that's cool that wasn't weak enough it's only a week anymore i wanna i wanna eat this [ __ ] vegetoid time to start hitting quads [Music] this is such a banger [Applause] all right now it should be weak let's do this [Music] it wasn't weakened enough i'm so sad okay maybe it just has to be maybe what it means is that it has to be fully spared maybe let's try that maybe that's what it means like not hp but actual [Music] oh it heals you oh that's cute [Music] does rumba make you go slow in battles yep yep uh you can hold x to move slow in battles that's the thing in undertale too yay faded ribbon rolstay would probably say like you can wear it with c hell if i'm wearing that though no way no way ah mike wazowski [Music] ah jeez oh there's another vegetoid go ahead and heal dinner eat consume [Music] all right dope uh this one oh you don't have to do the choicer on those either i like that and nope ah [ __ ] he's oh [ __ ] mike was asking guy hands and he can't flee either no migos though i noticed maybe he's in a hidden room somewhere i've seen all the other enemies know me gospel stuff [Music] [Applause] all right cool what's over here there's got to be something else in this oh are you two chris and susie how do you know who we are toriel has been talking about you two a lot she apparently has a surprise for you huh don't keep her waiting now ribbit no no i'm not entertaining this oh shoot chris a knife you should totally equip that those are your style oh me uh i kind of like my big pencil i'm only gonna give this up if there's like a big-ass stick doobie [Laughter] i see the moss this magic truly did work then i um hi miss dreamer oh hello chris susie it is wonderful that you were able to make it here unharmed um no my home is just up ahead please follow me inside i have a surprise for you [Music] a surprise i bet she made us a pie or something this it is a surprise if she does this stuff all the time you found the mass hell yeah chris shall we yes moss this was extremely important welcome home you two whoa this is way bigger than chris's house the surprise is at the end of the hallway to the right i will meet you two there nope it's toriel's most comfortable [ __ ] sitting chair it's so cozy it's hard to believe that this isn't the world's cherry you look inside the fridge no chocolate oh wait there is chocolate yo the stovetop is very clean your otherworldly mom must know fire magic [Music] the door is locked you opened the drawer scandalous editorial sock drawer there wasn't anything notable inside it's a queen-sized bed you felt as though bert you felt his thought vertically might enjoy this cactus for some reason [Music] you felt as though birdly might as enjoy this cactus for for some reason ah the cactus the most soon there of plants i love the cactus [Music] hell yeah snails hey mind your business chris despite this diary being open the pages are blank you get the feeling that they'll be quite punny later surprise i've assembled the room for you too it is still quite unorganized but we can always do that later but we aren't staying here we're trying to leave oh yes that is correct perhaps you might want to rest here before you go then i could turn this into a guest room later that sounds good excellent i have a pie in the oven right now feel free to take a nap while it cools oh sweet rest well chris susie oh that's cool i like how it has new homes color scheme she really isn't that different huh now i'm kind of wondering what i'm like in this world [Music] whatever might as well rest up while we can we've got a long road ahead of us chris come on i can't leave the learning the leaning tower of box you became loft in the craftsmanship actually maybe there was no craftsmanship involved it's an abandoned television it's unplugged the lamp doesn't seem to be plugged in in fact it doesn't even have a light bulb inside what is this yo we're schmoving chris you are quite lost aren't you i have a proposition for you you chris suzy come find me traverse the gray doors until you reach the golden corridor defeat the one that carries your own essence meet with me i can set you free chris i shall see you soon ah [ __ ] i hate when gaster pranks me chris wake up chris chris you've been sleeping for two hours the pie apparently got cold so i ate most of it but i did leave a slice for you now let's get out of here i'm tired of this place to playing bed by process of illumination it was probably set up for suzy it's a bed that was set up for you you can tell because of the stripes it's just you and susie [Music] my look who's gotten up you look very well rested so do you plan on doing do you plan on going soon i don't know i'm mostly just following chris very well then i hope you uh come talk to me before you go speaking of going soon i have an errand of my own to tend to you two landed on a bed of flowers did you not yeah i will need to go check on them very soon checking it before you leave no do not worry about that it is just inspection and watering i would not want to pain you with more traveling oh we're [ __ ] we're going there i'm definitely going back i'm just moving i'm sure it's a little bit of schmovement lois hold on wait we'll take the shortcut [Music] yeah i play undertale i know how to i know how to move god you're so [ __ ] fast man i wish we could oh man i wish we could move this fast in undertale so speedy [Music] that's a thing uh this isn't a mod this is a fan game that makes so much sense yeah well it makes sense you just interact with the wrong switch and it puts you in the first room like how susie just no this isn't a mod this is this is made in unity you'll see neo take care bud here perhaps i should have included a link to the game one moment here you go if you would like to check out this game for yourself there you go sorry about that someone had a met down in the ts gamejolt comments when someone pointed out it's a fan game and not i'm not yeah people are strange i'm schmoving goodness i'm sure look at my movement god you're so fast i wish you kept speed between rooms that'd be fun all right what have i walked all the way back here for it better be good oh hey what's up [ __ ] chris did that person fall from up there it looks like a little kid come on let's get them up and huh chris is something wrong yeah you're right we should probably get going tori we'll see what's up yeah [ __ ] you frisk you can't run give me my [ __ ] punch card that's cool that's a nice little touch that i had a feeling i was like yeah this is right before undertale right like everything was like yeah because like yeah a bunch of like little details were like it hinted at this being slightly before undertale so that makes sense [Music] also i wrote that yo based how was ruins without encounters mmm it's delicious i love being able to shmoove on un unabashed maybe it's a little too fast though hold on we'll do this undertale style okay look at my movement so good i'll do the puzzle the way i do it when i speed run undertale this this is just section one uh this is not the whole game this was just put out a couple of days ago i caught my interest a bunch of people said it was cool i know nothing about this i haven't seen any spoilers or anything and i'm largely not reading chat for the most part because people keep i i see a lot of backseating going on so i'm just kind of ignoring it all right uh i should save let me do that all right let's get going don't make a turn at the red light wait that's but that's legal in my state so i i take rates on red all the time i'm impressed with this so far yeah it's this is dope i like this a lot the writing is good too wait a moment huh i forgot to warn you of the monsters that live here what i can only assume that in your world humans and monsters live in peace that is not so in this world where us monsters have been banished underground where the tyrant tyrannous i think it's tyrannous tyrannous asgore has sworn to take any human soul if you change your minds on your journey if we change our minds then never mind i wish you the best of luck be good won't you oh chris that was really weird do you think she was about to ask us to stay well we shouldn't let her down if she gave us up like which one of you who which one of you wrote this who wrote this also just yo blue tune please stop which one of you wrote this we shouldn't let her down if she gave us up like that let's go home one moment i just what's toriel up to i wonder up she is no longer on the chair i wonder if she is in her room you could hear quiet sobbing on the other side on the oh the empty house music oh hey rival welcome back i have no idea if that was intentional ah portorial i do feel bad for her she's lonely down here but don't worry some chai you know don't worry you'll be out of here pretty soon okay well either that or you know you'll be dead but you listen one of the two things will happen now let's move ah what the heck that's all very nice back off and let you leave run away to your other world back to the comfort of your loving mommy boy just hearing that there's even more worlds out there imagine the fun i'd have shut up just get the hell away from us or what you'll kill me you wouldn't kill your best friend would you chris you wouldn't let him get away from you would you chris all right you've gone too damn far you're gonna eat those words plant ah little me that's just silly why would i do that when i can have your souls instead oh damn ah [ __ ] it's flowey oh we got redbuster all right love99 he believes this world as kill or be killed like i'm gonna let you see my stats i cannot graze flack i like how his lv is 99 okay maybe i'm trying a little too hard to graze ah that one's easier to graze all right here comes big ole buster baby wait there was no did i skip the attack animation by accident whoops yeah his music's pretty sick oh susie died well that's kind of a problem isn't it oh he's chomping okay that's not good ah all right this uh is not going too great you went too fast and can't wait you could do that oh i was just mashing enter because that's what you do in delta and to make it do more damage [Applause] these attack patterns are pretty sick though i'm probably gonna die here that's just fine yeah sure oh i just kill me get it over with end my suffering plant man can you mash the game over dot no you can't okay [Music] shut up roll say [Music] what a [ __ ] [ __ ] doobie oh is there an automation hey there oh oh and it goes very quick too sheesh damn the 30 text box per second mashing though i wish the i wish for normal delta would have that that's banger all right let's try this again shall we [Applause] i like this as a remix of like it's got like the the sulfate 6 base [Applause] all right hit him with a red buster this time ah there it is oh jesus pretty complex bullet patterns for the most part man chris doing more damage than susie strange sight okay this feels good i like this pattern a lot and get a lot of tp off of it gray's window seems a little small i'm noticing it's like pretty tight you have to be really close okay so you just dip under after yeah cool it's very very tight [Music] flak well done chris you're clearly not the pushover i thought you were i wouldn't have gone down that easily if i fought anyone else but you're different why through sheer will and determination you were able to wither me down so chris it's time to make your final move do it finish me off what you're seriously trying this sparing me you can't possibly be serious come on kill me already kill me nah kill me nah kill me [Music] you know i when i overheard everything that another world she has children i figured it all out that maybe if i took your soul i could explore other worlds in your place i could see them again you look so much like them you know that's how i figured your brother ah [ __ ] my hubris must have been as much of a weakling as you like that's gonna work on me the second time idiot whatever it'll be a matter of time before that soul is mine this isn't the last you've seen of me coward i guess that settles that for now i'm kind of wondering what that flower's deal was finish me off that's kind of extreme don't you think chris well we might as well get out of here but i can go back nah it's probably nothing let's go has the ring of flower petals ever worked nah yo writing ceremonies and beethoven i say i know that guy yo i know all these people in some capacity for literally i literally only made this game to contribute to the chris where the hell are we me hey chris there's a person on the ground over there is it just me or does that look like hey what the hell is noel doing here [Laughter] where am i susie chris what on earth is happening hey chill out for a sec oh okay okay so this will sound really weird but we're in a different world huh wait am i dreaming again no everything is still real and boring but apparently we need to find some scientist guy to get home we need to go to like some place called hotland okay it sounds weird but that's what we need to do are you coming with us or not i'll come sweet [Music] let's go chris oh we got noel look at her i can take the snow ring off oh and i can give it to chris and it's more powerful than the toy knife interesting [Applause] i don't have any equipment so i can't give noel the ribbon and get the wrist watch off her snow ring wait guys hold on holy [ __ ] it's a really cool stick screw this pencil susie equipped with the heavy branch the big pencil was thrown away susie you're really excited about that tree branch i mean you know it isn't a pencil yeah okay susie no it's there no no no no it's him take another step forward and your head is gone whoa sorry i didn't mean to scare you great is this guy yeah the woods are pretty dark speaking of dark how are you doing aren't you the guy that runs the convenience store i don't run a convenience store i'm sans sans the skeleton aren't you that hoof girl from back in town what are you doing out here what do you mean by that are you from our world or something that tells me everything i need to know the hell does that mean i mean seeing someone from town battling around with a human then that same someone not recognizing me it's a bit strange to say the least wait you're not saying what i think you're saying uh let's not think about that right now you're trying to make your way home right yeah we're trying to find a scientist dude in hotland scientist in ireland the only person that fits that description is alfies she might be able to help the hell does he mean alfies and how do we get there you're gonna have to get through the forest then go through the mosh until you reach a laboratory that's where you'll be able to meet elfies sounds pretty easy not so fast kid you've got my brother to worry about is he dangerous ah nah but he might try to capture that human he's uh currently out setting up his puzzles you uh might run into him on the way so if you encounter him just play along okay all right see you bad that was really stupid alfies is the royal scientist is there another me in this world i guess does that also mean that there's also [Music] ah ah never mind let's go oh no damn this goes on for a while huh here we go boys it's an oddly shaped lamp it doesn't look very convenient some kind of sentry station there are bottles of ketchup mustard and relish this would just be some sort of hot dog stand hey the hell is that it's a grey door who the hell put a door out here it opened on its own maybe it's a prank i wouldn't put it past that sans guy it's completely dark in here hello [Music] noel i'm losing balance noelle [Music] i am falling hey wait to be continued ah [ __ ] yo the earthbound text box though oh look at that we got like a little it's kind of interesting that there's a save point just before the last cut scene that ends the game you know yeah this was sick i like this a lot but there's something i need to try first i demand a speed run [Music] but there's something i must try yo simon's with the two months appreciate you this will permanently destroy your save file and reset all variables back to zero ow oh it closes the [ __ ] game jesus christ oh but the title screen stays that's cool all right chat there's something i need to know i'm just gonna skip through the dialogue oh man look how fast the wrist protector goes oh it's beautiful oh my gosh [Music] all right one of the stuff if you put in certain names i'd have to see that oh you actually have to fight the dummy all right cool [ __ ] it up baby [Applause] it's kind of eerie not gonna lie oh you're really not gonna like what happens next yo b day with a tier one appreciate you all right no sub message or anything i'm largely not reading my chat because there's a bunch of people backseating so i really haven't looked at it much i apologize for those chatting [Music] like that like i literally just mentioned backseating and i already have somebody come on acer you're subbed can't be doing that come here [ __ ] [Applause] oh swack [Music] when was this released like uh just a couple days ago all right now i must see oh wait he's running away now [Applause] i see so you can only kill the perfect hit [Applause] oh okay so i'm assuming that means all right coolio [Applause] yeah i like the snow grave noise that's nice oh do i have to go out and back into this room every time [Music] damn you're not gonna get this accidentally that's for sure [Applause] man whimsic just [ __ ] takes it yeah backseating is just like telling somebody what to do like i i'm playing the game [Applause] it's me playing the video game if you wanna if you wanna be in the to the driver's seat then you can go play it yourself hello this is toriel i suppose you're already aware of my okay so this is just the same no unique dialogue for now hey look froggets hey guys so notice you don't get any stronger doing this [Applause] [Music] oh look they're back they're back for more that's cute [Applause] so i guess uh you know the reason you know encounters respawn oh oh my love did go up ah [ __ ] yeah so i guess uh this is because like you know the game doesn't punish you for just killing an enemy normally you have to go out of your way oh genocide [Applause] that's a b day i found this dashing young fellow on hyperlink block want to visit him on the site so i could like and subscribe for more yeah thank you appreciate you bud i fell on him oh jesus okay 51 damage god lord okay i'm curious about something i wonder if this details captain so two i need to know this for myself two three yeah it does auto targeting four how does movement feel interesting five six [Music] seven eight nine all right all right here we go here we go let's see let's see no it doesn't so in undertale if you fall into this puzzle 10 times it gets disabled fun little fun little factoid for you small little hidden detail and you can actually use it to clip out of bounds because there's a certain wall in the room that you normally not to be supposed to be able to get to so it's not clipped but but if you disable the puzzle by falling 10 times you just walk up to walk out of bounds [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah they are i like the auto targeting that's nice oh no the disable the disable goes away if you uh if you leave the room [Applause] [Music] yeah the auto targeting is definitely that's a cool feature all right there we go we have grown i love the snow grave route noise thing i know that uh bits and pieces just recently added that to uh which i haven't played bits and pieces i plan on playing it once the full thing is released but uh wait that's not supposed to be a what that's not supposed to be a crack tile what the heck come on toby fox fix your game jeez [Music] oh i'm gonna enjoy this oh i'm gonna enjoy this [Laughter] dismantle them make them suffer yes yes yes hold on wait come here [ __ ] you're not getting out of this [Laughter] oh they respawn hello do it again baby let's go [ __ ] him up smoke them [Music] [Applause] i want to heal all right where are the okay hello so you have to kill every single formation three times iframe seemed a little shorter than uh undertale though i noticed that slightly shorter which i actually like because it means you're back to grazing faster all right there we go ah i see the music has a changed do hearing something in the base oh this is original i thought it was just slowed down okay this is original uh hello oh it's you are you here to beat me up abso [ __ ] lutely uh chris um why don't you let me talk to them here comes napstablook they called me the grazing machine chris i don't think this enemy can get hurt all right now that we have this enemy is a ghost we can't hit it are you so sure about that oh my god what the hell how did you you used her to kill me well just because i wanted to take a nap why chris why did you make me do that they weren't even really doing anything what we're just gonna be going back to our world after this we really don't need to do this just try to cool it all right oh we're filled with power now [Music] hello this is toriel apologies for not responding to your calls very much i am currently busy preparing something for you and susie thank you for patience dear where's the man is he not here huh i guess he left boom and the man's gone it's so sad rude grave [Music] oh he doesn't run away yo yo mike wazowski doesn't have fear zero fear in this man ah dude killing maps to blook is [ __ ] crazy like that's such a since normally you can't damage them [Applause] ah it was one damage short come on guys we need to get stronger wanna know something cool sure i came up with that uh oh yo [ __ ] [Applause] keeping slightly off on the damage grave buster guys it's called snow grave because the spell is called snow grave not just because it has grave in it if susie learns some sort of like crazy thing oh i actually have to do the puzzle don't i yeah cause chris doesn't have magic neither does frisk and undertale all right i noticed migos was just not here i guess me gossip is taking the day off [Music] you missed a vegetoid did i oh oh these are counted as separate oh okay oh they're counted as separate i i wouldn't have expected that okay thanks for letting me know thanks for pointing that out please don't pick on me oh i'm gonna do way worse to you bud remember all those times you didn't give me money and my tpe glitchless runs i'm not getting out of this so easily michael it warns you interesting all right uh you [Music] hello vegetoid i am here to murder you how much uh okay gives 16 just like just like undertale just like delta in america smack [Applause] slap [Applause] all right we're good there hello friends [Applause] am i going to be doing anything after this i have one other thing i want to play [Applause] since we're on the subject of fan games yeah i like this a lot the concept is really cool like just like having the deltarune cast run around in different in undertale among other things i like that a lot it's a cool concept this is pretty well executed there's a lot of neat ideas for being made by like one or two people it's pretty dope oh you can hear the wind blowing amid the silence you feel the power in your hands what i'll say is in here where's my boof oh shoot no doobie um hi miss dreamer is this dialogue different oh chris you look miserable what's wrong dear huh what do you mean by that what are you talking about chris that was not the time to be freaking out chris what the hell are you muttering i don't think she oh [Music] yeah okay what the [ __ ] wait do i have to do all that again [Music] chris says nah nah [ __ ] that chris said nah i ain't about that live homie i i will save next time [Music] all right run it back [Applause] that's funny [Applause] [Applause] yeah i'm gonna run back and save after i clear out everything next time can you do the up and down no you can't wall hump i tried that already uh movement in this game has um oh it has one hp it has no dominant keys it just stops you in place as you see because when you uh the reason it works in undertale is because up dominant area up over seeds down and uh leftover seeds right [Applause] the thing is though when you walk into the wall the game attempts to move you down for a frame and then the up input supersedes the down input so it moves you right back up and then it runs into a wall so the down input comes out so it just makes you spam on the wall i'm not quite sure why you can't do that with left and right but it's something about the way vertical walls in particular work in undertale it's strange smack trying to gauge the timing on this there's like it's weird right hold on so it's strange there's there's a slight delay there's input delay with movement but not with the attack commands the attack commands are responsive but there's a slight like there's a slight delay with movement [Applause] interesting yeah probably internal stuff it's unity after all [Applause] how many times three each [Applause] god that is funny that chris just rips out the soul says no no no no no no no we ain't doing that we don't do that [ __ ] here [Applause] why use unity because it's simple for some people to use i mean i'm not gatekeeping what you use as your development platform i think this is great i i enjoy this i think there's a couple of things that should be ironed out if uh they're going to make it if she's going to make it a full game but like i think this is based this is cool i like this a lot oh my god i like so many of the concepts here the writing is good too uh which is good a lot of undertale fan games have writing issues this seemed to be pretty in character for the most part which is really nice because a lot of undertale fan games go really out of character particularly with sans [Applause] [Applause] oh i think the way deltarune handles its alternate route is smarter i i think a big criticism i have with undertale's genocide route is that it's just really boring if you don't know that you can leave rooms like switch rooms to lower the uh the step count requirement it is obnoxiously slow to play like you will be sitting there just walking it for like three minutes doing [ __ ] nothing and i understand that's the point but i feel like it goes a little too far in that regard all right i'm gonna walk back and save yeah i get what the point was that toby was going for like hey you're being a bad person so the game's gonna get worse but it goes a little too far in pursuit of that i think i think if the encounter rates were just set to be the the fastest in the room then you know that would have got rid of that one complaint because it's still slow to play through and still kind of boring but it's not that bad i like snow grave because you you actually have to go out of your way to track everybody down you know okay all right all right i have saved so let's see this not gonna lie chris you need to rest she probably has like a bedroom made for us hey what's up ash you can't interact with the moss huh i'm not going to say it yet welcome home okay blah blah blah blah let's see if the dialogue changes nope doesn't [Music] it's you and susie you couldn't look yourself in the eyes jesus surprise i've assembled the room blah blah blah [Music] she really isn't that different huh now i'm kind of wondering what i'm like in this world whatever i haven't seen erica susie let's go i'm schwalken you have been busy mercilessly gaining strength how very interesting you are aware of the circumstances are you not whether you continue down this or show mercy it does not matter either way chris you are quite lost aren't you i have a proposition for you you chris suzy come find me traverse the grey doors afterwards i can cleanse you of your sin i can set you free chris i'll see you soon i can cleanse you of your sea i know that kind of stuff that kind of sounds like god of gasps there's just a priest in delta rin man chris you've been sleeping for two hours you look kind of off chris you're sweating here why don't you take this pie a little taste of home now let's get out of here i'm tired of this place excuse me okay i want to see if uh there's any dialogue at the beginning i like how selecting the wrong option just kills you that's so funny i love that so look how distant the music is i like the wind yeah [Music] yo smash matt thank you for the tier one appreciate you bud enjoy your key frogs for a month yeah what's going on back here not that huh that's the case we're going to use the power of uh teleportation to get us back to our destination faster i love cheating [Applause] i should probably equip the [ __ ] knife huh i wonder what will happen in the final encounter wait a moment huh i forgot to warn you the monsters that live here yeah same dialogue chris is gonna be pissed when they walk through undertale and nobody's there oh my god i [ __ ] filter keys yoink back off and let you leave run away to your other world like all the ones that you ruthlessly murdered you're empty inside just like me all right you've gone too damn far you're gonna be a compost after i'm done with you oh really why this can't be happening this is all just a bad dream and you'll never wake up right bring it on all right i'm gonna smack this boy [Applause] [Applause] ow [Applause] jesus a lot of damage [Applause] all right one more turn yeah my hand fell thicky [Applause] thwack well done chris you sure are no pushover all that power you gain from merciless slaughter through sheer will and determination and look where it's gotten you though it hasn't all just been you has it after all it takes magic to kill a ghost i was never any match against you two so chris it's time to finish what you started do it finish me off okay i knew it you're just like them cara damn flower dead that's really damn brutal let's get out of here chris it's a large flower it appears to be severely damaged who is shay i'm shea we did it we stopped the plot to undertale well monsters are stuck down there forever sorry my bad [Laughter] my bad guys what is this toby tweet my teacher from college that does the pencils for garfield strip drew garfield vs sans can we get a key and toby retweets it that's what i'm talking about man that's funny hey chris there's a person on the ground over there it's noelle [Music] all right wait guys hold on holy [ __ ] it's a big stick oh [ __ ] here he is it's sans from undertale take another step forward and your head is gone oh sorry i didn't mean to scare you all right so this dialogue isn't any different yeah this is just this is section one this is just the beginning we pew [Music] all right earthbound text yeah that was cool
Channel: Shayy
Views: 576,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, deltarune, undertale, sans, toriel, kris, susie, fangame, genocide, pacist, flowey, deltatraveler, god damn it kris, chapter 1, chapter 2, spamton, papyrus, gaster
Id: 8lCLUhvPPgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 10sec (5950 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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