Understanding Strategic Ideas | Karpov vs. Kamsky 1992 - GM Ben Finegold

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so when I talk about strategic ideas when I do the main idea is not necessarily to talk about tactics so there shouldn't be any you know white to play and win aqueous or made in three however you need to understand tactics so your ideas work so you may have a piece somewhere and you want to move it somewhere else it might take two or three moves but while you're doing that you're blundering like every other piece on the board because you're not paying attention to that and that's why Karpov is so good and karpas been to our club before and he was the world chess champion for ten years and you've all heard of him right yay Karpov doing the hawk harpa terrible Karpov was well known for having great strategic ideas taking positions that look equal or boring and slowly improving and then getting a winning position now we'll do a little history of chess to understand what rity jig ideas are in the 1800's you had famous players like Paul Morphy yay and in those days you know you sacrificed all your pieces and you played for made and not only did you sacrifice all your pieces your opponent was supposed to take them like if you didn't take somebody's piece sacrifice what's wrong with you yeah you got to take that and either they mated you or they didn't you were up for pieces that's how chess was played in 1800s then there was a guy named Wilhelm Stein it's who you've also all heard of he supposed to okay and steinitz was the first official world champion and Steinitz also played like a lunatic and some of his greatest games are really interesting and then at some point he said wait a minute I could get a space advantage and control the center and castle and have a safer King and have better development and eventually I'll win because I have a lot of little advantages and when I talk about strategy and strategic ideas I talk about little advantages like you control a square your Bishop is better your knight is better give a better center you have less isolated pawns your King is safer and Steinitz would say if you have a lot of little advantages then you win because you have a winning position and after Steinitz that's basically the way chess has been at the top level if you watch a game and some guy wins a pawn or winds two pawns and there's no compensation they just win the game is just over now it's a junior championship some of the games are very suspicious so somebody come in material and still lose because these aren't the best players in the world now the game I want to show you today is Karpov comm scheme for 1992 and it's one of my favorite games because Karpov does something that's very rare he gets a big advantage on one side of the board and you're all thinking you know win win win and Karpov doesn't do that he says okay I'm winning over here now we're gonna play over here and then he wins over there and then he plays over there and he's winning everywhere and his opponent can't move and so this is why this is one of my favorite games because he slowly improves this position and the other reason I like the game is the person that he's playing that's what he does also so it's very impressive to beat somebody at their own game and I'm sure all of you have heard of gotta calm ski so some know nobody's heard of gotta calm ski yeah he's US Champion every year that helps in this club now just reigning champion just won yeah there you go and also he played a World Championship match with Anatoly Karpov who won that match Karpov because cops he's ever been world champion now that was a weird match that was when Kasparov and fita were arguing and stuff so either that managed in really count Kasparov was world champion okay so this game started if this buttons work okay D for and we have a king's indian or Grunfeld Karpov played g3 which is very rare for him normally Karpov is playing classical Sicilian with Knights e3 and e4 and well Tomsky did something he also doesn't do very often one of the things I noticed about the top players is they play everything they're good at every opening and they study all of them and then if they get tricked into one or the other they still have some some stuff going on and he played c6 which is not what calm ski normally does in this position normally calm secluded play a grünfeld by something like castles bishop not Bishop h3 terrible way once you go into h3 I'd have to do this okay and then then maybe d5 or d6 okay d5 and this is a common Grenfell position that I would expect Tomsky to have and if you play in our Chess Club on a regular basis you may know one of our club members Matthew Larson very tall very skinny and he's rated about 2030 2040 and he likes to play this position with with the black pieces the grid felled now instead gada played c6 and because he played c6 he's preparing to play d5 and that's something that we should probably talk about for an hour because I get paid by the hour right-oh learned that when you're an adult that's important okay or watch Arrested Development and learn how they charge by the hour the lawyer is pretty funny actually so one of the things I do that you guys never do not that I'm insulting all of you but what I do it all the time and you guys rarely do it is I make preparatory moves I want to make a move but I can't make it so instead of giving up or making it anyway in losing I prepare to make it so you go to the store and you buy chicken right Ben okay I don't got a vegetarian but and you buy chicken it's frozen you take it home and start eating it or do you do something first something okay and that's called preparing you have to prepare the chicken so you can eat it otherwise you won't live very long okay and so Tomsky wants to play d5 but he wants to take back with a pawn which is what happens and a lot of openings in chests like the caro-kann the French defense those are all your favorite openings right you've heard of them right again those are preparatory moves I'll move one you're going to play d5 I'll move to what you're preparing it so c6 black wants to play d5 but he wants to protected by upon and that's what happened okay and Karpov takes because Karpov likes really simple positions with a simple plan and Karpov is worried if he doesn't take he'll have to learn some complicated variation where black takes on c4 and he sacrifices upon for a couple of moves Karpov thinks if I have a symmetrical position and it's my turn to move I have the advantage make sense so he gets a symmetrical position and again a lot of my students would probably raise their hand and say well I want to capture with a queen or the knight on d5 you could capture the queen of the night but then you're going to start moving the same piece many times for example if you capture with a queen no not there okay which one of these do I want new variation then when your Queens attack you're going to start moving your queen again and you're getting rid of the control of the center why it's going to have pawns in the center and you're not also you didn't play c6 so you could not take back with the C pawn that's why you played c6 you want this pawn in the center okay that's what you want not off the board you want it in the center and of course this position symmetrical so it's pretty close to equal Knight c3 castles 95 white is avoiding castling so he can do stuff in the center first like he's putting pressure on the D pawn by moving his knight out of the way and he's making it hard black to develop his pieces it's not clear actually how black should develop for example if black plays Knight c6 which he did not play looks like a normal sort of move he might be worried that this pawn is going to be weak and that White's going to attack it by putting his rook on the open file using his queen or making sure the pawn can never move by putting his knight in front of it and now black has this isolated pawn and this is called what kind of pawn is this call we have a name for that backward pawn right or C pawn again so that ruins black's pawn structure a little bit okay so cons key has a really good idea instead of trading this night for this night he's going to trade this Knight then his Bishop will be wide open but he can't move this night because then his D pawn is hanging this pawn needs protection okay and this is the strategic idea how do we protect our pawn so we can move our Knight away and get rid of that invading Knight how do we protect this fun move the King pawn on e6 same answer right and he played a six now every move in chess is good and bad okay sort of like you you're a good person but you know I know Ben pretty well so you know bad - you know watch it right stole my name I had it first okay now it's good because we're protecting the center the center is good it's bad because it makes our bishop not so happy bishops not happy so what to fix that later castles Knight ft7 now his bishop is open and he's kicking out the invading Knight now Karpov doesn't want to get kicked out and he doesn't want to trade that beautiful night for the knight that's way back there so how does he protect his knight protect our Knight oops terrible correct f4 now White has more space White has this beautiful night here and if black trades the nights and white gets a pawn there then White's going to have control of this square d6 maybe his Knights going to come in so black doesn't want to do that he plays knight c6 now he's not so worried that White's going to take this night like he was the last time because his night is already protecting c5 he's going to play C 5 really quickly so he's not as scared Karpov played Bishop e3 getting his last minor piece out and defending his pawn on on III on d4 now you were taught by somebody or you weren't should have been that you shouldn't put pieces in front of your center pawns okay you have two Center blinds you put a bishop or a knight in front of them they can't move so what's Karpov doing what's wrong with him well Karpov put his Bishop there temporarily okay he doesn't like this square for his bishop that hangs the D pawn he doesn't like this square for his bishop he can't jump over his pawn so he's doing what's called a maneuver normally in chess you would move your Knights your Knights here and you want it somewhere else in chess you can also maneuver your bishops a little more rare because bishops usually can go into one turn this Bishop is going to go back either here or here and then the e pawn is going to move forward and we have our D pawn defended by the bishop so that's actually a good defensive piece Knight b6 chomsky likes this e4 square bishop f2 as I espoused and Bishop g7 so unlike most of you these guys develop their pieces in castle I wish I get said about the juniors I'll watch the junior games and the lying I don't know it's move 20 and the pieces are still on the back row I don't know how they do that you watch super grandmasters play all their bishops are out all their Knights are out and they've castled and calm ski wants to put his work on the open line and calm skis is why this ships not so good here it's blocked by my pawns so if you take that Bishop that means you wasted all your moves with you night night here night here Knight takes bishop and now black doesn't have that bad bishop so car pop plays efore playing in the center looks good and well whites going to win upon next move so there's two things why I can do he could take the pawn obviously or he can defend this pawn the problem with taking the pawn is this Knights really good on e4 it's going to d6 it's going to c5 and White's moving forward with his pieces and well maybe I would have done that because I'm not as good as calm ski but consti defended his Center pawn he wants to keep his pawn in the center how did he do that also I'm do this from memory from 20 years ago hope we did the move I said he made who knows right 90 that's my recollection he played 97 I don't know that looked at this game in 1993 so it's been 20 years okay 97 was played hooray and now we got a good defense here of the center pawn and our Bishop has a lot more squares now Karpov did something if I remember correctly that I would usually advise against but he had a good reason most super grandmasters they like bishops better than Knights and generally the lower rage you are the more you like Knights because your forking your opponent's pieces with the knight they're like ah don't you're super grim missed your post I'll fall for that anymore now you like bishops more because bishops can move really fast my bishops are over here I can go other side of the board in one move if I have a knight I'm hopping around slow I can't get there so grandmasters like bishops grandmasters also like space now lower rated players like yourselves you like to take three pieces you're like I'm a piece up I'm two pieces up I'm three pieces of you know you're winning right these guys don't do it'll give their pieces away she has to get other advantages that's why it's an ideas class and idea that good players like like ya sir Sara Juan who's the Grandmaster residents who does the commentary with me he loves space spaces his favorite he had space so he can move his pieces and you have no space okay so if I'm sitting in the middle of the room I can go wherever I want but if I'm standing over here then I'm trapped and I don't have anywhere to go same thing in chess if you move forward you have all that space to move your pieces and your opponent gets more and more cramped so Karpov he did a two-for-one he got two bishops and he got more space so you guys like to be two pieces up he likes to bishops and more space he likes different things than you do and he played nine takes d7 and what was his follow-up be five so he says I have more space than you and I have more bishops than you this bishop here is particularly suspicious okay Chomsky plays wrote to c8 putting the rook on the open line seems sort of normal rook to c1 challenging the open line again normal and then cos he plays a six Khan ski is stopping this Knight from ever going to d6 and he's preparing to play b5 and B for later attacking on the Queen side b3 and again when you see this pawn and this pawn and this point you might be thinking King side attack and you are correct when you have a space advantage you want to eventually go forward but Karpov he doesn't just like to beat you and do what he wants to do he wants to stop you from doing what you want to do and he's as well this night on b6 someday it's going to move forward and car bombs like that could be her that could harass me a little bit so I'm going to play b3 and now that I not b6 looks pretty stupid it can't go to a4 can't go to c4 we're going to go it can go to a a now maybe he'll go there later so carbot is like look you're not doing anything and once you don't do anything then I'll beat you so Karpov this is the one thing I learned when I work with Gregory Cardinal 1993-1994 when I de san furred fellowship and I got to work with somebody he said don't always think about what you want to do think about stopping your opponent from what they want to do this is a big issue with the junior players yes so share ones always sitting here saying this is the long term plan for Y and then the kid sacrifices all his pieces because he wants to give me right away and he wants to calculate some long variation and sometimes they're right and sometimes they're wrong and yesterday wasn't he just slowly build his position as opponent can't move and the juniors don't want to do that but you should want to do that you should want to stop your opponent but okay calm skis pretty good rook c7 what's his next move double off he's going to play here and take advantage of the knight on c3 Queen d2 protecting the knight and rook c8 obviously so this is a great game for this for this lecture for this class because now we get to see what Karpov was such a good player because what he does is he does what he wants to do which is to advance on the Kings side where he has more space at the same time he stops his opponent from what they want to do he plays g4 which is anybody who wants to check me black they will play g4 Bishop to f8 why did black play Bishop to f8 was his bishop good on g7 not really working that bishop on FA Khan that other diagonal what's a good square this Bishop a3 right and b4 lots of good squares all kinds of good squares so calm skis like me I want my bishop to go here and calm ski is a good idea he saw that this Knight was weakened by b3 when this pawn was on beat so I was I was solid so when white puts his pawns on squares that means they're not defending the dark squares white spawns are on dark squares in the middle so this Bishop on g7 really isn't doing anything here so calm Sookie plays Bishop f8 Karpov plays Queen III he doesn't want Bishop b4 to pin his knight even if it's illegal he doesn't want it to happen and this is why the world champion Tigran Potosi on or for you Americans Petrosian this is why he was so good he knew what you wanted to do before you you wanted to do it so he knows Chomsky is going to get his Bishop over here so he's getting his Queen out of the way and knight c6 obviously this bishop is going to start harassing f5 hurray attack Bishop to a3 as advertised attacking the rook on on c1 rook to d1 well rook c2 might look normal but then what do you do after Knight be 400 and again one of the things that's important strategies important playing the right ideas is important but you have to see the tactics along with the strategy if the guys attacking all of your pieces and you can't save them that your strategy didn't work so he gets out of this pin by playing work to D 1 calm ski plays Knight before anyway obviously attacking the knight discovered attack Queen h6 what scar pawns next to move pawn f6 and then White has the advantage now when you're playing in the Chess Club here some of your opponent's might play rook takes Knight f6 and then you win that could happen especially in a blitz game but at the world championship level those guys don't make it so easy I hate those guys in black played Queen eight so if white played f6 Queen FA and now your knight on c3 is hanging so you can't retreat your queen you're going to lose your knight and you don't want to trade Queens because then you're not going to meet him anymore now black dominates on the C file and this is a tack when the knight moves away so I can't do any of that and this is the kind of thing I see lorded players do a lot they make a threat f6 you stop the threat Queen FA that they're like alright now what do I do okay and you can't do that you have to see what your opponent's going to do obviously the Knights attacked so Karpov played Knight be one attacking the bishop on a3 that's not good lose your bishop so this should be two obviously again f6 doesn't work just Queen f8 and it's funny my my my colleague Gregory katana was just got inducted into the Hall of Fame this year the u.s. Hall of Fame across the street your favorite Grandmaster from what state he's your favorite Grandmaster wow I mean what state the last 25 years Kansas it does start with a K so that's close as far as I know Kansas has no grandmasters I'll be corrected by somebody from Kansas the Kentucky yay he's the Lexington lion or the lion from Lexington I don't know one oh and chitin oov showed me this game before anybody else did and he was really impressed with car buffs play when when Qaeda not was white he kept the analyzing sac sacrifice play for me and Karpov always surprised him that was the first surprising move Queen to d2 didn't that Queen look pretty impressive over here on h6 looked like mating was coming but Karpov he's like ooh I like all these pieces over here I'm going to take some of those you don't want to lose your pieces do you cops he doesn't lose pieces 9c2 saved all his pieces but when you play Knight c2 it's really hard to play rook situ it's hard to do it so now blacks counter play is stopped he was going to play rook c2 and he was going to infiltrate and now he can't do that so Karpov is happy king h1 why did Karpov play king h1 he wants his rook to be really active on the F file well what's blocking his rook bishop well he can move his bishop away the problem is if the bishop goes to a normal square let's say h4 now nothing's protecting this pawn bishop takes pawn Shack Knight takes pawn so car bombs like hanging how do I move my bishop but save my pawn this is why its strategic ideas well he wants to go to g1 but there's something on g1 so he moves it away King G what King h1 now he's going to play bishop g1 his King looks pretty safe right and the rook on f1 is now on the open F file and he's like well what's comps he going to do I stop all the counter play Queen e7 this of g1 as advertised Knight to d7 getting his Knight back into the game supposedly rook f3 playing for mate Queen B 4 does white want to trade Queens not wise playing for me black would love a queen trade then is rooks will come on the C file Queen h6 what's White's next move rook h3 looks pretty good so black plays Queen f8 does white want to trade Queens no Queen g5 now because the queen is on FA White's threatening F takes G 6 winning immediately not a good square for the Queen on f8 so calm ski fee and kettle's is queen if I remember from 20 years ago yep okay Queen g7 and now this Queen is trapped I mean okay h8 but that's crazy Queen F ain't allows f take C 6 again you can't put your Queen on the file at this ruck so now Karpov goes back with his Queen to d2 and says aha your Queens trapped and your Queen side pieces are also trapped you can't move anything and Karpov is going to slowly build up his attack rook F 1 H 4 and so forth blacks got to do something he's losing on the Kings side and his Queen side pieces are all attacked so calm ski is tricky b6 defending the a5 square because he wants to play a 5 and the Knights of B for rook f1 doubling rooks a 5 as suggested h4 so Karpov goes about his way I'm gonna checkmate you and now Khan ski shows his idea he sacrifices a piece because he doesn't think white can take it Knight to be four can white take that bishop let's analyze it what would you do with black - right there yeah now White's queen is a little iffy right that calm ski is pretty tricky if the Queen moves somewhere that's Queen's trapped so the Karpov trap is own Queen we have a commercial and then we come back no no commercial ok this isn't regular TV so so black wants to play rook to c2 and get counter play sounds good right counter plays good so he plays instead a3 he says get your night out of there I don't like that night there well he doesn't want to go to see - that's where he came from and now his Rick can't go to see - so he played rook c2 Queen f4 would be the Queen out of the way and now the Knights attacked Knight to c6 now in your professional opinion as fine chess players right Mike who's in domination of the C file who's got this e-file black who at the F file right now Qaeda knov when he showed me this game and all of you you're like I got the F file check me and hope he doesn't get counter-plan the queenside Karpov said you have the C file I want the C file that's my file why do you get to see file so Karpov one on the kingside you can see on the kingside who's winning whites crushing it on the Queen side it looks like blacks winning blacks got this the C file dominated fish and car pops like you can't do that to me I'm Karpov Karpov says get your get out of the C file that's my file this should be h3 putting pressure on e6 so calm ski plays an idea Bishop III controlling the c1 square you'll see why later and rook f2 and Karpov says you know what this bishops trapped so I'm going to trade all the rooks off and I'm going to go take your bishop and this Queen is not very helpful is it that Queen just sitting there in front of the king so carp Barb's ideas rook takes rook then the other works f2 and we're going to win that Bishop and we're going to take the C file very strange idea from somebody who's winning on the kingside I don't get it d4 takes takes takes takes rook F 2 what do you want black to do here loses rook no loses bishop on b2 no so he has to take how does he save his Bishop Bishop a3 and now Queen c2 now who has the C file right why does the C file black's bishop is trapped white's winning on the Kings side with all his pawns up there and White's threatening to win a night either Queen move wins the night now when somebody is beating you strategically and there's nothing you can do well if you're calm ski there's always something you can do calm seas US Champion several times konkey played for the world championship cons he's currently number 11 in the world probably better when this game was played so he realized things weren't going well White has more space White has two bishops this Bishop is trapped on the side and White's about to attack two pieces so calm ski wasn't feeling it now he was feeling like I'm going to lose but he played the trickiest moves possible Knight takes e5 and now there's some people in this room we won't say who they are they're always playing tricky they're playing tricky I'll move one move to move three and you guys are like eyes too tricky to give all your pieces away and your opponent's ten pieces up okay at the top level when you play tricky but it doesn't work then your opponent refutes it you're like ah why'd I do that and we have examples of those players more as a shear of occasional Yvon truck playing like crazy chests and then losing three or four games in a row well calm ski played crazy because he had a losing position and he thought crazy was his best chance okay so he sacrificed tonight but now black has all kinds of threats Queen takes bishop pawns hanging this white King is exposed so he had somebody okay Karpov he said give me that night that night on e eight Queen Shaq Queen takes Knight Shaq and now it's equal material but you can't save you a knight on da this should be to check and now well White's a piece up but black might start playing Bishop e5 check that looks pretty dangerous then the Queen and Bishop could start an attack on the king this white bishops not really attacking blacks King that Bishop sort of trapped so Karpov got rid of the black Bishop if you were white you wanted this Bishop to disappear off the board what would you do Karpov made it disappear he's a magician that's right checked him with a pawn what did black do one legal move so he played it and Preston's idea was what does white do check in with a bishop one legal move Karpov is going there's one legal move he can really calculate and tanks okay now if it's White's turn to move we got some checkmate stuff going on here gee it did but look at this checkmate g5 Bishop f3 Queen f4 mate Tomsky didn't want to get checkmated so Queen c2 Bishop f3 mate is now illegal he's like you can't move your bishop check King g3 why King g3 and not King h3 right but what's the difference between h3 and g3 the bishop could go there anyway because the Queen's protecting it the difference somebody said it I don't know who you yeah yeah if I do this you could trade Queens check takes and that's a lot of pawns of deal with anybody could win Karpov doesn't want to trade Queens Karpov wants to checkmate his opponent so King g3 now I'm going to play mate mates good because then you win well what it comes to you to stop me now you playing one more move if I remember right which I may not and then I go here check that's tough now he didn't let that happen he's calm ski oh yeah that's what I think I think that's what he did yeah now with a car poppy trade Queens with Queen f4 now ridiculous what did he do to age three and now Queen can go to f5 can it exactly you know and calm ski gave up man if you saw calm ski here at the US Championship you think he was the greatest player ever but then you see him playing Karpov not equality is good and if I'm not saying Karpov is a better player because now he's not now as many of you know the person Anand beat in the World Championship last year was incorrect Boris Kelvin very good that was another that was before that was okay that was because you like Bulgarian chess player so much that's why you said to Paul exactly so Golf and who is a suspicious challenger to say the least he was the world he was the Challenger they tied the match then they had blitz chess or something in an online okay now currently there's a tournament going on in Moscow called anyone you tall memorial named after who talk right now tall claimed he was writing about his chest life he said I'm a better player now not now but I'm a better player in my 40s than I was in my 20s could I understand chance a lot better now of course his tactical I may have been a little slower but he on his understanding of strategical ideas was good well I played Boris Gelfand back in the day you don't remember what day that was because it was many days ago okay was thousands of days ago this game was played in 89 or 90 I don't remember because it was so long ago and Gelfand was an up-and-coming player he was a top player but not like now now he's playing in the tall Memorial Golf and is in second place Delphine has two wins and four draws solid now I played more as golf fan back of the day and for the strategic ideas class there's one very important moment name is Oh Indian that's not the important part and like the other players we developed all of our pieces we must have been good too and we got this position okay and it's about equal maybe I'd rather have white but I was white so I guess I'd rather have white okay it's about equal and here black made a crazy decision and in my opinion I could be wrong I never asked him actually I feel I should ask him in my opinion he thought I'm no good I can't disagree with him and he's really good so he's got to mess the game up a little so I can play really badly guess it give me a chance this is pretty boring so it's hard for me to blunder all my pieces so golf fan was thinking if I make the game crazy then been finals going to blunder every move and I'll win okay but I can't really disagree with that he's right but he went a little too crazy and this actually happened today in the US Junior Championship but it worked the guy went too crazy and he's the guy who's in first place Luke Harmon of alati your favorite player right then 14 years old and he's the freshman at UCLA starting in August okay he showed you guys okay you guys are like wait I was a freshman at 13 okay no not in middle school in college okay and he's in the first place of the junior he's from the great chest state of Idaho would not agree chest ache but he's 24 70s so what do I know so he's 24 17 14 years old freshman at UCLA clear first to the tournament here in the US Junior Championship now he played like a lunatic today and was completely lost down three pawns for nothing computer said -8 he's playing Sarah Chang who's not having a good turn lowest rated player and she thought her opponent had threats he did not have she defended against the fake threats and allowed real threats and ended up losing so she wasn't too happy about that and that was the third game this tournament where Luke was completely losing in one so that that's how you win tournaments okay now he went a little crazy because he wanted to win and that's what my opponent it here what's the craziest move black can play and this is Boris Gelfand now know even crazier also for those children in the audience resigns is not a move and draw offers also not a move those are my two most common answers I hear when I'm going to chess camp I'm like what do I do resign offer to draw very good Queen takes e4 like loses on purpose so you're not doing that castles Queen side okay now let me ask you this question - black move these Kings side pawns over here no good answer - black move his Queen side pawns he moved all of them so when you cancel like looking at White's King you would like to have all the pawns in front of your King stationary so your King safe his King is not safe because he moved all of his pawns so now we're going to go get him and this is a strategical idea that you see an opposite side castling White Castle down the Kings side black castle on the Queen side so what kind of storms do we see pawn storms unlike the storms here at the st. Louis truce carrier although I think Boris was more scared of my storms now if you were here in 2011 in August I think August is right might have been July then you will know that Boris Gelfand lectured this very Chess Club who was at that lecture anyone you were there I was not there because I was in China and India so I couldn't you didn't do it though I did negotiate on behalf of the Chess Club to get him here and the reason he was here he didn't fly from Israel to say I want to give a lecture at the Chess Club he has relatives in Minnesota and insane Louis he was visiting his relatives he's like having st. Louis let's go to the Chess Club so Boris is actually lectured here but I don't think he showed this game all right I'll see probably never knows we're playing me but okay so b4 let's go get them h6 Bishop f4 what's my bishop attacking d6 now he made the warm strategical move ever if you made this soup I'd throw you out of class okay well not the bigger guys but the small people I would throw out because I'm bigger than them okay I'm attacking his D pawn and he what he should do is move away his Knight somewhere maybe e5 maybe f8 and then his rook would defend his pawn but he played a strategical atrocity 'if I've horrible well it akaru say not impressed at all terrible weakening f5 weakening d5 you don't put all your pawns on the third-ranked so you can move into the fourth rank and undefended all these squares that my hand is on here they're all protected I can't go to any of them that's the point of playing the Hedgehog after he five terrible weakening the white squares now he plays for mate I agree and now he played his last mistake his first mistake was castling second mistake was e5 and now he misplaced all of his rooks he wants to put a hook on the G foul it should be this rook but he played this rook to make sure he would have no control over the center make sure 100% okay this rook is just trapped terrible okay so I can't be waiting for him to meet me because then he will be showing you this game and I would be winning the tal memorial so I played a five busting open the Queen side he's like thanks for the free pawn and I'm going to have another that he decided not to have another if he took I was going to play b5 and you see how my bishop is backing up my pawn backed up I'm going to take if you take my Knights coming in and my rooks are coming and this pawn is very iffy and if you play black here I'm going to really crush you because your game is really really really bad terrible he didn't like any of that so he played even worse so after c5 he played g4 terrible but he's already losing my computer said toe and at that time my computer said nothing because it was 1989 but now my computer's like plus everything on my computer is pretty happy I forked his Bishop and queen he took my bishops blocking his rook his other look I don't know what that's doing and instead of taking this pawn I took this pawn here his King now he made a fifth mistake he traded bishops she shouldn't do and took my pawn on b4 now who's King is safer why my kids got everything in front of it as Kings terrible and now I played a tactical motif that wins immediately rooked paycheck he's got three legal moves probably queen bee eights not good 98 is what he played King bee 7 is the obvious move how does white win a queen here winning a queen is good if you're taking notes winning a queen is good and this is a tactical trick not really a strategical trick rook a7 skewering the king and queen and Knight b5 now is Boris Gelfand going to see it is he going to fall for that No so golf game play Knight b8 and now I was complaining and complaining and complaining how bad his a 5 moves was and that's why then again King a 7 king bee 7 was this for the same reason the only other legal move that makes any sense is night after d7 he resigned instead and now I have many ways to win as the computer will agree I was going to play Bishop takes e5 he could throw this check and if he wants that's we could do that he wants now he has some issues for example Queen takes Bishop what's the best move for white highly recommended Queen takes d7 bait that's the best move and if you move your queen away because you don't want to lose your queen like I don't know here now you can meet several ways most people like to sack their queen for some reason so Queen d7 and mate if you don't like to sack your Queen because that's the kind of person you are then you can play whip takes Knight and then meet this way so instead of all that horrible stuff happening and there's other horrible stuff I could have done but that's what I was planning on doing he resigned hooray if you don't like allowing rook takes pawn shack because you don't like being checked then you can play rook takes a night and then rook takes Knight check if you want to win that way you could anyway you want there's so many ways for whites to win that he resigned alright so remember don't castle into checkmate unless yeah but there's a much fun your answer to that unless you're playing me then then castle in the checkmate I like to you
Channel: Saint Louis Chess Club
Views: 527,709
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Id: w2M3lmQ37Yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 5sec (2885 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2013
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