Great Players of the Past: Bobby Fischer

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foreign [Music] to a special lecture in when I was a kid the doctor and my mom told me I was special but that's because I fell on my head right yeah he remembers that so today's lecture is on Bobby Fisher he may be crazy like a fox but he's also crazy like Fox News unfortunately and he passed away approximately 10 years ago about a week ago maybe it was two weeks ago and you know where he's buried Iceland Iceland very good and when the world where do you win the World Championship also Iceland yeah because when you think of fishery you think Iceland well a little bit and as you all know my dad played Bobby Fisher in 1963 I'm sure you've all seen the game what opening was it is it a French it was a French that's right and it was a bishop ending that ended I think in 50 foremost now uh my special friend Nick ragone from St Louis who's in New York this morning and um he couldn't play me on lead chest because he was he was busy terrible anyway how do I get free wins if my donor can't play me he donated money for this lecture he said I want to see a Fisher lecture and he kept pounding his fish and I said okay and he said I want it to be five games his five best games which was obviously opinion and he said however then he had a lot of caveats he said no games from their 92 match Fisher's basket 72 no no 92. oh yeah 72 of course yeah Fisher retired for 20 years that he played a mattress Basket in 92 which I assume you knew but you seem confused okay in in a country that no longer exists no he played Yugoslavia and the first game of the match was a great game Fisher played one of his greatest games ever in game one then the rest of the match I mean it was a good match Fischer won pretty easily and then he didn't play anymore so he said also I don't want to see the game with your dad because I've shown the Afghan then he had two other games I couldn't show the games with the burn Brothers can you name either one of the burn Brothers Robert Robert Byrne very good and the other one his brother Donald Byrne Donald Byrne was actually an IM but he was a pretty good player and those are two famous games you all know the game of the century must have been a slow Century where Fisher B Donald Byrne by sacrificing his Queen and eventually Donald Burns King ran over the board and Fisher was 13 when that game was played 1956. and then the game with Robert Burns even better there he is he was top 20 in the world and when Byrne played a match with sposky candidates match I think in 73 or 74. when the games were over they would go play tennis because the match wasn't competitive but the tennis was so anyway Robert Burns game with Fishers even better then Donald Bird's game Donald Bird's game is more famous because Queen sacrificed 13 years old a lot of hype and Robert Prince game is better because in the analysis room if you could call it that the two grand Masters doing analysis said um Fisher is losing and when they said that Byrne resigned okay so maybe they were wrong yeah and when he resigned the computer says Fisher's winning Fisher sacks a piece and he was all over him okay now I know all of these games which I'm sure you do sure and I've known all these games since before all of you were born including the people who were older than me okay because you know life is tough and the reason I know them is one of my two favorite books as a kid was which book with a lot of Fisher games you all know the book all of you my 60 memorable games and I think I'm gonna go out on a limb all these get well actually no this I I apologize I don't think the number two game is in there I think the book was written before the number two it's a good excuse so the other games were in the book and I looked it over and over and over again my other favorite book of course was San Antonio 72 which I'm sure you I'll memorize that book yeah there you go and that was a tournament in the United States in San Antonio which had you know petrogen Keras karpov pretty tough and Ken Smith okay and okay and Larson and I could go on and I think Fisher visited the tournament but it didn't play of course okay first game was against your favorite player from Mongolia I can't pronounce his name so you know he's good I looked them up by the internet he's four-time Mongolian champion this was in the 1967 inner zonal this is a very famous game and in 1960 I think it was 60. um he played in the Olympiad and he for board four for Mongolia he won the gold medal 14 wins and one loss so this guy's not bad okay now against the French defense and the Sicilian Fisher would sometimes play The King's Indian attack where instead of playing the obvious move d4 he would play D3 that he would fin Kettle his bishop and play for a king side attack and this is probably maybe his most famous game in this opening and not only that I actually prepared for this lecture see can you believe that I have coffee and iced tea that's a lot of prep and in fact this game was followed by other very strong Grand Masters but later including people who play now and I'll show you the difference okay so you feed Kylie your Bishop and then white pushes all his King side pawns and black pushes all his Queen side pawns and we all have fun and this position has occurred hundreds of times at the top level and now black pushes his Queen side pawns B5 D4 A5 and this is quite funny so in this position which has occurred many times according to random internet people so you know they're right uh Fisher told I think Evans he told somebody this he thought the longest about in the whole game was here okay and he was like should I try to mate my opponent or should I stop his Queen side counter play and he was like I don't know so he thought forever and played the most obvious move that's not obvious notice White's played H4 Bishop F4 and now he plays A3 okay and that move has been played several times since we're trying to stop black from just pushing his funds down the board getting a trade Knight A5 now that move very suspicious now funnily enough uh there was a game played very recently in the last couple of years between Anish giri who's winning Tata steel right now uh clear first with four rounds to go and Wesley so the best American player foreign Carolina getting crushed over there okay and I think Wesley played Bishop A6 and I think nobody has ever played Knight E5 before since this game Knight E5 is iffy however it's not the losing move Knight A5 is okay but I mean these pieces haven't moved yet so Bishop A6 and then you know get some play on The Queen side you know you could push these pawns you could try to get your Rook to the seventh rank you could get your queen active so Knight A5 yeah that's yeah okay so now so now the game there's no other games that are following this now in the game between Geary and so they played this twice uh Wesley one with black and Drew once with black this dish is fine for black but and you could lose in three moves because you get checkmated okay so 93 all the pieces coming to the Queen's King side Bishop H3 now D4 is obvious to the crowd because it attacks something but it gives away the E4 Square which I can use for my Rook my Knights and my Bishops or one of my Bishops okay and he played the move Knight F1 because he wants to redirect his Knight to to E4 then this Knight can go to G5 and this queen can come here and you might get mated when I say you might get mated let's see the game Knight B6 the knight's going to D5 it's a good Square Knight G5 scary Knight D5 also scary Bishop to D2 can't give up your Bishop it's a bishop Bishop takes Knight which the computer actually gives all these words and says they're the Right Moves Bishop takes attacking the queen queen moves away Queen H5 scary isn't it yeah Rick CA now the computer doesn't like the move Rick FC it very much but it says it's still okay Knight D2 here we come right C3 and this move I don't want to call it the losing move but it might be the losing move okay and Knight C3 has the idea of well if you play Knight E4 I'll take it but the night on D5 was doing something which it's no longer doing when it goes to Scene Three the Knight on D5 was protecting Black's King side so you'll notice there's a lot of pieces on the queen side and there's nobody around the black king except white pieces okay and now white played a very brilliant sacrifice again almost every move Fisher played this game was the computer move and this is one of them so it's a sacrifice trying to get up the black king buddy find it I gave you a hint I said yeah very close your two-thirds correct Archer Fisher Bishop F6 Bishop F6 even better play addition five that's not as strong and the problem is because I did some analysis of this I was like let's take and now the only defense I could see was King h8 and then Rook G8 that would stop Queen G7 made otherwise Queen G7 makes pretty strong for example I go here and then here that's pretty good okay and I could also go hear and meet you so if you play King h8 your Rook can go to G8 so I was like okay that's a defense and now the computer found two wins the move that it really which you'll like you won't like this only like the best move the second best move is like you know move the Knight into made him boo that's terrible that also wins Bishop F5 that's for the crowd now they you got to stop me right so you gotta take it and then rookie seven then the truth hurts okay and the computer says this and then it gives some big plus to White Black's not really down material but black has nothing near his King and these are so he's losing an easier way to win which doesn't sacrifice anything after the first sacrifice is Knight F3 and night night G5 that's that's harsh and if the Black Knight was on D5 we could play Knight takes F6 that's why Knight C3 was a mistake okay so Fisher played Bishop s and black played the best move Queenie a white wants to play Queen G5 then White's doing very well yeah so Queen E8 and now if I play Queen G5 what do you do fa so he played Knight E4 G6 Queen G5 Knight takes Rook takes C4 that's explosive H5 wow here comes the attack now what's funny is if you analyze this game with a computer usually sounds like Black's okay maybe I can defend if you showed it to a human if you guys were human I would not want black here like white has all his pieces in front of my king so and what what's this all about so it may not be dead lost but practically it's dead lost that reminds me of a story one of my favorite opponents is Joel Benjamin obviously because it's all about the Benjamins and when he's white against me the pairings Benjamin Feingold comparing okay I was white again attacking and attacking and I won and after the game you know we had the computers well this was a long time ago and the computer said oh if you go here then he's equal and he said oh yeah but I can't defend that like I'm attacking attacking and like if he plays a perfect move every movie's equal he's like nah that's no good that reminds me of this position except white is winning but if white wasn't winning white would be winning because you can you can't defend that okay so he took on D3 Rook H4 ignoring that has made us more important and he played Rook A7 which is the best move that's what you would have played and the idea is he takes on G6 he'll take with the F Pawn and his Rook is defending good defense also black is crashing through on the queen side Black's winning on the queen side okay what likes winning material Black's gonna try to Queen and White's gonna try to play for me Bishop Jitsu this was the move of the game for me okay why did he play Bishop G2 where's that Bishop going E4 let's go into E4 yeah and this position I think he took yeah and he has to see the problem with Bishop B7 which I think is the right move is it blocks The Rook so then I could possibly take on G6 and crash through there so he took this and now Queen H6 threatening Queen G7 mate so black played okay Queen f8 and now the famous combination that you all know very famous yeah you all knew that right yeah okay and black resigned which is a Pity let's see what would have happened so double check seriously so King GA you guys you guys and the points of Bishop G2 the point Checkmate yeah normally when one said has all their pieces attacking the king and the other side has that that's not good right although the engine says oh I can defend if I defend perfect but humans can't defend and that was playing in the interzonal now if I remember correctly and I could be incorrect In fact I'm pretty sure I am incorrect this might have been the one might have been there was an intrazoneal where Fisher was killing it and then he withdrew because he was meant the organizers and left so he couldn't become world champion because he left that was to qualify for World Championship so back in the day when chess wasn't run by Hooligans they had enterozonal which had a million people and it was usually around Robins like 24 players he played 23-game tournament you played 23-round tournaments a lot no no and then the top whatever two four six eight would go to matches match match match last person standing plays the world champion so after separate winning the interview and then who did he beat after that well before spasky and after those two guys there was one guy in the middle the petrogen yeah right so he's beating some good players and then winning the Arizona before that and so forth okay so that was in Arizona but I don't know if Fisher actually finished the centers all okay so that was a great game my favorite game for the world championship match is this one this one was the best played and um as you all know Fisher lost games won uh game one he forfeited game two he drew game three and then he won games four and five or wait he won game three Drew game four and one game five okay and this was game six now as you all know there's a cover of Chess life from 72 and Brezhnev talking to spaski okay you're a big fan of version of right and baskey has a chess board and he's analyzing they'd have computers in and there's books everywhere and all the books are E4 openings because Fisher plays E4 and bresner says but Boris what if Fisher doesn't play Pawn to King 4. right so it'd be supposed to be funny and then Fisher didn't play E4 and so the magazine showed them that joke from jokes on somebody and he played C4 the Fisher played E4 but he played C4 yeah he played it perfect so okay so they played a queen's gamble decline by transposition I've had white in this position more times than you've played chess games I've had one in this position a lot okay I faced stage six a lot now Fisher played Bishop H4 the most common move I usually take on F6 and the reason is I want to avoid the tartar Tower which is what black played I avoid that now I haven't always avoided it sometimes I play Bishop H4 but usually I take on F6 okay and then B6 is the target Tower okay and Fisher played this variation that's supposed to be boring and they actually play this way now this is still Theory now all of this and A6 is a mistake I think I'm not a fan of A6 it doesn't really threaten the bishop because the a pawn is pinned but it doesn't look loose not probably not the best to move I think there was a game Nakamura Hari Krishna from like three years ago and black played King f8 and the game was a draw later the point is this queen is not defended so you can never move this Pawn but if you play King f8 then you can move the pawn your Queen's Defender okay A6 takes takes castles and there was a game played um uh no that was that was another game that's later remind me to say that later okay Rook A7 defending the queen now we're threatening this you see how the see how the queen is defending the rook and vice versa so now you can't play Queen sex rook and you can't win a queen this way so Rook A7 defends everything okay Bishop back and Knight to D7 okay in fact wait was I right I was right so there was a game played yeah I was right I thought it was another game what is this game there was a gameplay between Furman and Geller and these players knew those players really well and in 1970 I believe and black played A5 and spaski played Knight D7 and after laying my engine sit for a minute Knight t7 is better so I guess they analyzed this and concluded Nike seven was better okay now Fisher played a move that a child would really like so for the children in the audience what did white play here only a child would like it might be fun very good you proved you're a child good job yeah okay and of course that move wouldn't be possible except there's a lot of pinning going on here everything's pinning everything so you can't take that night now that's funny the first move Fisher made that maybe is basket had analyzed spansky now made a mistake yeah he played Queen f8 that's no good okay naturally uh about 20 years ago I was playing in a tournament in Michigan because I'm from Michigan and I was playing like an a player expert ish type guy and I did the same thing that fisher did here I learned from this game and that is in this position where this bishop looks really stupid you take it and then you play the move the aggressive move the attacking in the center move or E4 yeah and I had a very similar position to this where I played this and I won pretty easily um and now it's asking made another mistake so Queen f8's a mistake because you actually want to take with the queen probably so that E4 stopped so King f8 is better Knight F6 is better yeah Queen f8 is not good okay and now Sebastian made a positional mistake it's the kind of mistake I would expect a low rated player to make nasfosky okay um he gave up the white squares and gave whites Bishop a nice Square he played D4 that's a bad move because now White's Bishop can sit on C4 yeah so that that's now Black's fish is not very harmonious now Fisher did this foreign she had this boring positional game before Knight D4 we're all like whites a little bit better positionally there's an isolated Pawn these are called hanging pawns the bishop is being blocked white has a perfect Pawn structure sort of boring and then it gets all exciting F4 play Queen E7 should have played King h8 because there could be a pin potentially here on the diagonal with the bishop and the Queen is much safer on h a Rook ba activating The Rook king h8 queen H3 threatening E6 that's annoying Knight f8 B3 obviously black would take this so B3 that five RAR and again sort of like in the last game if you don't turn a computer on and you look at the position you like why well that would be the same here you show Grand match for this position I mean white has everything these these pawns are useless they're never going to move this is a great Bishop this is a great Rock uh White's advancing terrible for black now we can't allow F6 so takes it Rook here we d8 my favorite move is coming up it's not a good move it's my favorite move okay I think it's is it here or no yeah so obviously White's killing it so uh Queenie ate yeah A4 that's my favorite move when you play A4 you're telling your opponent why you can't do anything yeah there's no reason for A4 it's just black could play A4 and get rid of his isolated Pawn but now he can't you get the B5 Square in case you want to go here yeah you just tell your opponent like I could do anything and you can't move so it's just like ah I can't move yeah so a lot of people would resign here but it's good that he didn't because we get to see some tactical tricks yeah yeah this is nice queen queen E6 notice in this position this one's incredibly defended then when he plays Bishop D3 He undefends his pawn and spaski says oh I'm going to take that pawn and Fisher says go right ahead so what happens if you take it yeah real Cafe very good now we're threatening me because I said so so you take with a knight you take it again and you get another Rook for you yeah so let's ask you fell for that right no no so he played Knight F6 so now I give a lecture on this move about three months ago the lecture was only about moves like this drug tanks yeah sacrifice the exchange for our Rooks are better than Bishops which which one of these Rooks is better than this bishop man the worst Rooks ever okay so computer gives a number so high that you're too young to see it yeah you led to sheltered life you can't even see the number you're like well white has a pawn for the exchange and white has an attack and Fisher won this game he's plus one no yeah if I turn the engine on you'll be scared the computer is sort of likes white you see what I'm saying are you scared so materials like sort of equal sort of like like material wise the truth hurts yeah are you scared yet are you too young for this is that what you thought Karen y would be plus 55 yeah so this Pawn's worth like two rocks this rook's worth three Rooks and this is worth four bucks yeah these These are the worst ones ever they got nothing going on for them still doesn't resign King G8 Bishop C4 with the idea of Rook F7 now let's make a random legal move he didn't do that then Rook F7 your turn resigns correct yay yeah there's some things you don't want to do like play Black here yeah okay so sponsky didn't like that he played King h8 and then Queen F4 you guys would take with check because you can't help it which would win Queen F4 threatening Rook f8 check with advantage and queen H6 check with Advantage so let's see what the engine says now rawr forced mate yeah and obviously black resigned but that's like embarrassing final position final positions because like when when you have Rooks like this and they can't move can your King has no shelter and you can't move anything I'm like all right you just got out of classed I think I was a world champion to me that was the most impressive game fisher just went like that and then there were more interesting games but not where Fisher just rolled them up like that okay this game was in my 60 memorable games also in case my Comer watches they'll actually flip the board now this game proved that you don't have to play D6 early in the king's Indian so this is a king's Indian okay and everybody in the world plays D6 that's every game ever played ever but you don't have to play D6 you can castle and his opponent this was this was an Olympiad this was the US versus Chile um he tried to punish you didn't play D6 so I'm gonna roll you over now as I've said many times to my students when your king is on not castled and the other guy did Castle who wants the center open white or black black so when you push all your pawns and the center gets open it's not good this game really shows that and if you're a beginning player or you're an amateur player you like to move your pawns forward your moves their pieces back when you think you did good that's actually what happened in this game it's not that bad but it looks good for white and then when white spawns all go away then white resigns so 98 which looks sort of silly and after F4 now we attack the center so D6 and then how do we attack the center more so what's that Z Bud yeah and the walls come tumbling down okay so I'm just going to take all the center puns I'm gonna play Knight C6 and and your King's on E1 now sometimes when these things happen where the center is going to get open and you're advancing in the center you can Castle man that's not easy to Castle they got you got nothing you can't never Castle okay so he took the pawn now you can't take any pawn because Queen takes Queen would be good for white so plays Knight C6 he's just developing his pieces and black and White's Making 100 pawn moves in a row morphe style morphy's opponent takes again takes Knight E4 man if I was white I would be so scared that my king is here I wouldn't play 94. yeah now Fisher played Bishop F5 which the engine doesn't like as much as Queen A5 check and actually the engine gives a line that seems strange to me it says Queen D2 and black trades queens and takes on E5 and blacks better and of course if my opponent's king is on E1 I don't want to trade Queens I want to develop my pieces so Bishop F5 is a more human move I agree with that Knight G3 Bishop back and queen B1 is just awful wow Queen B1 so obviously when black goes here we better move our Queen and he moved his Queen somewhere where it couldn't get attacked Queen C2 can get attacked by the Knight and queen eatsu blocks the bishop so Queen B1 is sort of safe and he protects he attacks the F5 square and you'll see why after takes he played F5 so that's why you play Queen B1 and here the Fisher made a move that's not the computer move computer just takes on F5 and says Black's doing great but he played a much trickier move what's the trickiest move don't give all your Pieces away either you need some of those this actually reminds me of um science bombardo Laban that was a good hint right okay what was the key move in that game nobody you know at home you you four yeah that's right E4 do you know science bombardo Laban game yeah what was the key move E5 it was D5 yeah then he played Knight D4 because his Pawn wasn't there now that this Pawn is in here we got this action got this action we got everything and what's that called all together clearance clearance sacrifice also what's your clearance clearance then your answer is what's your vector Victor and what movie well you kids didn't you're adults yeah remember well you gotta remember who the co-pilot was it was creamy Abdul-Jabbar he was a co-pilot yeah it's a good co-pilot okay you've never heard of him but you will when you're an adult okay so E4 rawr so all the action is going on in the center that's where White's King is no good okay now White made a mistake the best move is Queen takes E4 but white didn't want to put his Queen in the Middle where it can get harassed so he took the bishop took the night man White's king that's not good that's King's never gonna get anywhere good he could castle with his queen queen D1 I teach a lot of Chess Camp sorry okay takes on F3 F5 that was a good move threatening F4 so white played F4 stopped him Knight F6 he made fun of that night the whole game now here he comes Knight G4 R Bishop E2 rookie now White made the losing losing move White's losing after his next move he's incredibly losing wife's a castle and just be lost then black plays Rick takes E6 and white has a lot of Bishops hanging and White Knight on G3 can't go anywhere and white has an isolated F Pawn and H Pawn and for some reason this is here not sure why exactly so that was the best move he played King F2 which defends his Bishop that way he gains a Tempo after rookie six his Bishop's already defended rookie six rookie one see if he had Castle he would have to save his Bishop now Bishop's already defended okay what would morphe do that gives you the next vote there you go just gotta say his name and yeah that was the only piece doing nothing okay now the bishop actually is attacked so okay Bishop F3 and now a very famous combination you all know this is really famous even though this guy wasn't well known he became well known because of this is on the losing side of well-known oh man I really want to say something but uh I won't say it I'll remind me to tell you later what I wanted to say yeah then you'll tell me I could have said it ah terrible takes E3 easy to count calculate white plays rotates and after here white plays right and now the move that'll make all of you cry especially your bear he's already crying look at him did you read my book what was my book yeah and now tell me the winning move bam the truth hurts it's actually like the first game we beat the Mongolian guy and he snacks his Queen yeah yeah the audience is confused after this black has the advantage it's me yeah it's a queen you'll be surprised at first my engine's like plus eight plus nine for black after a minute and a half it's announces mate it's forced me that's harsh I don't understand why White's getting mated his pieces are defending his King really well yeah yeah not good obviously like that ain't no good right yeah then King D3 is ridiculous because your Bishop's hanging so you have to play King F2 then I go here then you have to play here to save your bishop and then I go here and then you have to play this right yeah and then I go here man this is Harsh these pieces aren't good at defending that Bishop how do you defend the bishop you can't you can yeah put it in age yeah yeah now I think this is the quickest win and now you can't defend the bishop now yeah yeah so after Queen F4 he resigned man if you were white you didn't see Queen F4 that would surprise you like what queen F4 what's happening yeah yeah so that was it was impressive which will confuse most of you it was an Olympiad so that means like you're playing on finisher's team and you're looking you see Queen F4 and you're like hey he's on our team yeah you're like all right not not this guy who does that yeah yeah a team event when you win convincingly teammates like that and I'm not making fun of Ray Robson I'm not okay Ray Robinson's a tough teammate right they don't want him on the Olympia team because every game he has a minute left with 20 moves to make now I'm not saying he does badly but the team's like oh God no you want to be confident your teammate's going to win so when you have like Wesley so and Nakamura carwana you're like yeah that's my team there we go now when you lose like out of the win doesn't matter but when Ray Robinson's playing even though he does win you're worried the whole game because he has no time on this clock so when Fisher's the teammate the team's like all right good beat that guy in 20 moves as board one okay now famous game with Larson this is funny because uh the first time I was in St Louis ever which of course you guys know October 2009 for the U.S women's championship and I was doing commentary with Jennifer shahadi and at one point she was referring to a Fisher game it was with Larson and she said says oh yeah you just do this and then you go and I could tell she was going to say Sac sack mate because that's a well-known phrase from a Fisher game so I said it with her that she looked at me like what how'd you know I was gonna say that so if you want to see sex mate here's a good example unfortunately I analyzed this game and the guy who analyzed it a long time ago I his announce is no good so my computer is better than his okay this is lubinbirth attachment from the Czech Republic and I'll actually started Slovakia but that doesn't exist anymore and he annotates a lot of Grand Master game he's a grand master himself and this was a dragon so the kids are happy and Larson played a lot of dragons occasionally he would lose like usually and this is the Yugoslav attack and even though what black did is not popular they still play the way he played even though it was 60 years ago I can't count yeah even though 60 years ago the way black played is still played including by Nakamura like two years ago so what he did was still okay but Bishop D7 is the mean move he took 10 played Bishop E6 and now you can take the bishop or Play Bishop B3 Grand Masters play them both Bishop D3 is more common and this is still being played when nakamura's black he plays Rook after C8 okay Larson played B5 and Grandmaster still apply that King B1 because [Music] always play King B1 yeah also you know sometimes the queen comes on and beats you she had to defend that okay before Knight D5 this it takes okay and here Fisher made a mistake and uh this position has occurred in Grand Master games in the last 10 years and black white should play Pawn takes on D5 and Fisher took with the bishop this is considered not good and now Larson made a mistake okay and black should play Knight takes D5 and the computer says it's equal and instead he played Rook ACA now if your opponent wants to play Knight takes D5 you should stop them also if you follow my rules you should always Retreat so white played it should be three this should be three okay okay now in the notes to the game okay so notes to the game in this position Fisher made a mistake nobody has pointed that out except I'm pointing it out now I'm the first one he played G4 G4 is not a good move and now black is okay but nobody knows that until except you guys okay now uh in this position uh what should white do that's a good question G4 is actually too slow but since his oppon didn't defend right it was great so yeah let me see what does the engine want me to do here it wants me to do something else uh if I had an engine I would tell you board what do I have to do notation oh home home is what I want okay and I want this yeah so you notice how G4 is not a move yeah like any other move white has a little Advantage oh there's G4 I went away okay yeah so all these moves give quite a little Advantage Rook H6 That's my kind of move okay so G4 is actually not good but the annotations later are wrong so it looks good okay so I'll tell you why they're wrong so A5 Here Comes black G5 Here Comes White Knight H5 okay and now this is the move Sac Sac mate this is the move okay yeah rip takes H5 I think he wrote that in his uh my 60 memorable games sack sack made it's easy to play uh he played gh5 and they explain in the notes photographic does Bishop Diggs D4 is no good even though it's the best move because if Queen takes Pawn takes G6 and then every variation they give white wins and the variations they did give white does win however black has a move here where it's equal not easy to find [Applause] you're basically unf7 have six F6 is illegal and therefore wrong what E6 is one of the lines they give and then white wins they analyze that they don't analyze the right move and because of this G4 actually doesn't work this isn't a winning line for Wyatt but it did work so it was great D5 you're close you're blocking the bishop that's correct it's not E6 it's not D5 yeah Rook C4 is equal yeah now that Bishop doesn't do anything right and I'm gonna play A4 so you have to take the Rook at some point because the vicious Fox and Black's gonna play A4 and I think this just says equal if I turn the engine on come on go to equal come on I did a lot of work here so it still says White's better I didn't say why was better when I looked at it so there you go there yeah that's the work that I did yeah okay but okay if you don't have an engine running for hours you can't you know just guess what the right move is because it's you have to look a million moves ahead even the engine didn't know a depth 22. it's like I don't know you're okay never mind draw it okay okay so this is what should have happened if two supercomputers were playing but this was two humans in 1958 so okay so black played Queen E5 Okay g takes F7 check H7 um if you play here by trade queens and I go here and the truth hurts okay so so he played King H7 Queen D3 and even though White's down the exchange that passed Pawn on F7 and Black's an open King and white has black has no attack Black's not doing anything okay so Queen oh wait this is this is the analysis King inch king H7 wait what's happening oh this is this was the six okay okay sorry I was in the wrong position okay so instead of Bishop D4 earlier which is what he should have played and then Rook C4 he instead he took the Rook on H5 that's the losing vote okay Bishop takes D4 is equal okay then G6 E5 very anti-positional but you'll get mated and now this is very following my rules what should white play here be like which rule is this he already played King B1 he can't play Bishop F1 hmm always always retreat what's a really good retreating move here it's really good Bishop to G1 you didn't you guys were treated too much Bishop E3 so obviously this is reasonable yeah yeah and then that's reasonable all right it's a lot of reasonable yeah okay D5 as you suggested and then he took with a pawn if you take with the bishop finally I get some counter play finally so I took with the pawn white has passed pawns everywhere animating attack Rook F7 G6 Rook F6 Bishop G5 man this isn't good for black rawr okay it says Queen H6 was better but black resigned here I remember when I was a kid reading Fisher's memorable games he was like I forgot last year's Maxim um you guys forgot it too when you see a good move look for better look for a better one so Queen D6 black resigned that's pretty good Rapture Queen H6 what do you do play here checkmate yeah and then if you go here it's even worse than checkmate and then made obviously so Queen H6 is what the super computer would play he played Queen E6 guy resigned so resigning was correct as the engine will prove yeah forced mate okay and last but not least Geller and I like this game a lot when I was a kid and I remember I wasn't good enough to appreciate what was going on I was just confused I thought White's King was getting checkmated but black skin was getting checkmated so that was close okay and this is a game where Galler played very strange um he played a really weird line of the Rue Lopez which nobody plays Bishop G4 and after H3 what a grand Masters play today that I would play in a one minute game remember that that's important no that's the game oh you have to play a crazy move you were you were two-thirds correct but you added a move Mr Page three stage three not that crazy H5 this is the common move now that grishooks played H5 okay so wow okay so you play H5 and then that's what I would play in a one minute game so I don't know like he played Bishop H5 all right so C3 with the idea of D4 and now Geller went too far okay golly played Crazy move but it was refuted beautifully um if you were in a beginners tournament what would black play here that's what Geller played be fun B5 looks normal I want a beginner's mode G5 now you're talking it takes 15. you're just playing bad moves now yeah Queen F6 Roar yeah yeah the guy was pretty good Geller had a plus score against Fisher so Geller's pretty good yeah okay now what would Matt Larson play G4 there you go yeah okay and after here notice your Pawn is attacked also notice you castled and the other guy didn't so you don't care about that D4 and he takes it then Knight D2 so you sack a pawn but you're getting a lot of Tempe and this guy's no good here now this position has actually occurred several times and Bishop D3 has been played Bishop G6 has been played now this game was played in 1961 about 1964 there was a Sneed slav game that's Lee Smith who's well known for going to my first wedding very well known for that and also he was a world champion I think and uh Smith slav was wide in this position his opponent played Bishop D3 and Smith won that game so this line doesn't do well for black okay so Galler played Bishop G6 and Fisher tore open the center he didn't even make any chest moves he just raw and told him and they're like man that guy's crazy that's crazier than I thought so he took the Knight took the pawn and then took it again wow that's the end of that Center yeah okay so now Queen takes Knight obviously I play rookie one dollar developed a piece Bishop D6 Knight takes G6 X Glam opening the H file for black you play Queen takes um let's see what's wrong with h takes you play 94 and Knight takes you have to take with the queen because otherwise rookie won and then Man this ain't no good rookie one Bishop F4 Rook D1 rar Master Bishop F4 what do I do okay so he played Queen takes Knight C4 I thought I checked yeah okay now I I couldn't play King of f AIDS I always play King f8 but I couldn't do it here but that's what a color did it's 97 you play Knight C4 the problem is if you could Castle you would be fine but this win's a piece because your night's not defended so you can't Castle and so the the first the first word notes to the King said Castle and I was like no I'm not doing that and then this is good for white because King's not very safe here or H5 bar takes and then you should take with the queen and then lose the end game but this ending's terrible for white for black for several reasons one is this is his position so that's terrible Bishop's D6 is a winning threat and black has all these weak pawns and The Bishop's better than the night my Rook is better than your Rooks so like something like plus one but okay when you're getting checkmated you should trade Queens okay so she takes that's not good but Geller was hoping to meet White's King he's like H5 HG RAR by Queen and Rook okay Fisher was very impressed with that Bishop F4 obvious threat D5 which is a blunder and now what I remember when I was a kid looking at this game in the book over and over and over again I was shocked at what I did here now it just seems okay it seems normal but if I was white and I was a kid I would not do this I would be really afraid he ignored everything black was doing over here he undefended his G pawn queen B3 so white wants to play Queen before check or queen A3 check or queen B7 that's annoying so Geller took on G4 and everybody in the room except me because I've seen the game would play Queen Shack somewhere somewhere and then they'd win a piece hooray yay oh yeah that's what you'd all do and then you'd win you have a piece okay nothing wrong with that but he remembered last Christmas Maxim here here he remembered it he played a much better move wow what a great move again the truth hurts that when I was playing this game over as a kid I was like wow he's letting black mate him how could he do that but he calculated I was like looking at a book and he was calculating this is a really nice move the first move you should Decorah capture it's the first one it attacks the biggest thing you can attack Queen B7 yeah the problem is if you play Rook d8 if then we do that same thing I just showed you but you lose your Rook also because your rook's here so now you lose everything yeah that's harsh and if you don't play Rick da that's tough now Black's playing HG takes H3 check now Karen's scared see how scared you are yeah right the picture's like whatever I'm still scared when I was a kid I was like wait H2 raw H doesn't do anything and it's just a check that's it yeah now we have to deal with checkmates that has to be dealt with anybody have a suggestion no no he played Rook G8 Queen B4 check yeah that was a nice game and now black loses all of his pieces and gets mated so he resigned good idea yeah yeah if I turn the engine it'll blow up my computer yeah the numbers get pretty high scared yeah so that was one of my favorite games as a kid because I was like no Black's gonna Checkmate him he's like there's your G3 or whatever I care about that I like C5 The Horizon effect let me know what that is no nothing no The Horizon effect doesn't matter now but it did when they invented chess computers oh yes the computer could only see a certain moves ahead so let's say the computer can see three moves ahead and it sees three moves ahead it loses a knight so what it does is it gives a pawn away for no reason which also loses the Knight but in the three moves it doesn't lose the Knight yet so it gives away a pawn it loses a point then it's like oh no I still lose the night I'll give away another pun then say Oh I still lose the night it's like 18's giving Pieces away to not lose the knife it's the Horizon effect I can only see a certain distance and then in that distance when it loses a pawns that's better so that was funny more like 10 moves but well when they started it was like no moves no no in the 70s they weren't good now when I was your age except younger um I was playing one of those things computers and it wasn't good and I was losing and I played A4 and it made a move and I played A5 and it made a move and I played A6 and it made it move and I played eight seven I went oh and then after a seven it couldn't stop me because then after a seven and so I was cleaning after A4 didn't see it because it didn't see that far ahead it saw like three ply the actor A7 it's like oh that's not good and I won yeah so those they they were sort of bad back then so yeah when I was a kid looking at this game I was like isn't black gonna make white and white just said no and then I win so but it scared me so that was nice so those are my five favorite Fisher games except for the games I wasn't allowed to show I Pro I would have shown if I was allowed to game one from 1992. the match you didn't know about you know what I'm talking about you still don't know so you don't know Fisher didn't play for 20 or then play the match was fasting I did know it was a five million dollar match oh really yeah and then who knows if they got any money or if they went to jail very suspicious yeah that's pretty funny story and game one he played perfect every move and beat him beautifully and I was like why doesn't play in 20 years then the rest of the match was uh but he had a two-pawn up ending he didn't win I was like all right that's the that's the Fisher I expected 20 to lay off like sort of like as far off took forever off and then tried to be 2700 players in Blitz chess truth hurts he's usually usually playing simals against like you guys and then like oh because Rob's still good he beats you guys in the same hole now he's got to play everybody so yeah Fisher may have gone crazy but he played good chess and um people ask if I played him or I met him no I played him or met him but my dad played him and met him and saw him at more than one tournament and he spoke to my mom once he said didn't I see you at this other tournament and she said no that was the end of the conversation so she just said oh yeah I saw you there but she didn't say that because she wasn't there that was actually the chairman he played my dad so he was confused what was your dad's name uh Feingold I said that like three days ago I get to make the joke twice his name was Ronald Feingold wrong yeah and at his absolute Peak he was number 35 in the U.S that was before we had a lot of people who weren't necessarily born here and then so the foreign people who came here who were good were Paul benko and you could argue roshevsky and uh Jinja Ashville in the 70s and Albert but this is before that now we have a lot of Eastern Europe players and other players and everybody's good we have some good homegrown players now too but the U.S championships in the 50s and 60s was people born in America so Fisher crushed them now if you play the U.S Championship would be tough now as you all know rexing field has the Fisher prize okay which also would get the person thrown out of chess if they want it so hopefully they won't win it okay if you now Fisher as you know he won the U.S Championship 11 out of 11. in 1963-64. and so if you win the U.S Champion with a perfect score Rex sinkfield gives you 64 000 bonus prize us Championship 11-0 you were cheating so you better not you better you better have prizes that's not a good prize to win yeah because you're not going to beat hakaru Nakamura and Fabiano caruana and Wesley so and Ray Robson and onus Shook and komsky and Jeffrey Zhang if you go 110 against them then you're cheating yeah nobody's doing that but when Fisher went 11-0 it was possible because some of the players you guys are like who's that exactly yeah although all those players they said who's that to those players too so it doesn't matter yeah all right that was the Fisher lecture that was my most profitable lecture this year yeah all right thanks Nick and I'll be crushing you later on Lee chess oh bye everyone can clap it's okay there you go [Applause] [Music]
Channel: GMBenjaminFinegold
Views: 67,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, Chess, GM Ben Finegold, board, game, Ben Finegold, streaming, live, stream, winning, checkmate, losing, sacrifice, attack, openings, traps, forks, skewers, grandmaster, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, karen, karen boyd, boyd, karen bold chess, Queen's Gambit, daily dose of Ben Finegold, Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Atlanta, funny chess, CCSCATL, subscribe, asmr, rating, chess analysis
Id: GyeJzlXVC18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 31sec (3511 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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