Karpov and his Ruy Lopez | Mastering the Middlegame - GM Ben Finegold

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the mastering the middlegame I was thinking who masters the middlegame and there's the obvious answer Karpov and then I was like what's Karpov good at and I was like gentlemanly club life no he doesn't go to Yale like Matt Larson so the correct answer was the clothes real Lopez okay and if you thought you were bored earlier with the lecture weights leads to this lecture I'm not a big fan of the closed ruie in the national open about three years ago I decided in the last round because you know when you're playing for money in the last John you should make no weird decisions I was like I've never had white in a closed room never I got black kind of clothes really like once every three years every four years so I was like okay I'll have white to close drooly if possible and I played the real apes' with white and I was like how cool and I won in like 40 moves my opponent said why you really understood the opening I went what you actually said that has like I I move three I was done okay so Karpov is pretty good three Lopes and since I'm older than everybody / Karpov I've seen a lot of car pubs games so I have some understanding now I didn't do the Berlin and I didn't do the open Rui or the Marshall or anything so it's just closed right now I'm very opinionated as you know and let's say you're playing Kasparov okay which I guess you probably should wake up at that point so you're playing Kasparov and you're like mmm what should I do you're like well I know I'll play sharp theoretical line I don't know that he does and then he plays out novelty and he checkmates you and takes all your pieces because he calculates and you don't and he knows the theory and you don't that seems like a bad idea so most grandmasters that I know who are are so stupid they play just like that so you see lots of Kasparov games where that's what he does and then he retired because it was too easy okay and I'm usually not guilty of this usually I'm like okay this is the guy I'm playing this is what he's good at this is what he's bad at and then I do what he's bad at you guys luckily make it easy so the last game that I lost that was rated what - Sam Savion the reason I'm saying this is I'm going to lose a lot of games in the next couple weeks so I haven't lost in 17 months that I'm going to lose like three or four games in the next like three weeks because I'm playing at a normal tournament here where I'm gonna play a lot of good players and when I played Sam seven I was black at a very sharp Sicilian not a good idea and I've done that before I was black against left Milman and a sharp Sicilian also lost all my pieces and I remember telling you a story earlier today in this restaurant - Matthew Larson and matt said who's left Milman some Josie what I know so of course you would hold on the middle have Milman is because what do you know but he was a good player he was IMG em depending on who you ask 2500 feet a and doesn't really play much anymore okay so okay so speaking of the Chicago Hope and which I wasn't speaking of Matthew Larson got his first I am norm with two rounds to go and of course that means you want nobody you did half a point more for a thousand but didn't get it and if he had won round eight he would have got a grandmaster norm was around ago but he lost ground eight drew round nine and okay got a norm which is pretty good and he was querying me am I the only person born in st. Louis living in st. Louis's got it ever gotten I am norm and I was like I think so yeah we don't have a lot of I am born and bred yeah anybody disagree you guys aren't from here anyway so you don't know okay so John were you born here yeah I didn't think so your your only hope okay you were yeah but yeah but I know Claudia ones what's that you were born here and say Louis yeah and then yeah and then you woke up and apologized okay now the reason I mentioned the Chicago pin is one of our own Talia servantes interesting sure Weston okay yeah she scored reasonably well not great reasonably well seven out of seven now those of you who just walked in there like no don't call I me what percentage is that seven out of seven yeah and she won drum roll I never get a good drum roll here how about you at home yeah that's good five grand okay but she's from Cuba and then taxes so I think like she lost money I so yeah some of the locals that come here to the club all the time they're killing it and Talia is going to be playing in the chess calm nonsense tournament they're having next week that's the official name right yeah I think the nonsense tournament all right so every game starts the same way the first nine moves so the nine moves are the real Lopez which in Europe is called the Spanish opening and in probably every other country hey what do they call it in South America Spanish the reuleaux cuz man is America sitting together yeah there you go okay so we got the closed ruie every close drew he ever starts like this now earlier I was complaining that when people play Kasparov when he was good and they would go into these long sharp complicated lines and then he would crush them and then I was making fun of them for playing in such a style and when I wanted to advocate because this is a real Lopez Karpov lecture is you should play like kramnik did Kramnik actually had the correct strategy trade all the pieces and make the game very boring and play something that wasn't very theoretical now sing that Berlin isn't theoretical now doesn't make a lot of sense but it did 20 years ago when it wasn't very theoretical okay so now everybody plays the Berlin basically because of that match now what point am I making I don't know no I do no point I'm making is Karpov was very good at being slightly better carolina-style right John and then slowly but surely winning the game in a million moves now of course I don't want to lecture more than 10 or 15 minutes right you agree you want to hear me to Eternia and so if I look at some of carp rods games they're 90 moves and move 80s till the middle game and I'm like he's still maneuvering his upon a fell asleep and he turned the clock okay then people here like what's this that's the old clocks the end ok anyway so I found some games that he won in 20 30 40 moves over his career in this position and my point the whole point was if you're playing Karpov you shouldn't be black and a closed real Lopez that's not a good idea that's the that's the thing he's the best at ok and it's this well known all right now this is a Spassky who's also quite good and this was in the 70s when Spassky was quite good and he played the the breyer a brayer depends what kind of ice cream you like all right so Karpov facing the breyer ice cream variation night ba now this is a very good variation if you're going to lose the game quickly why because you're saying your pieces back up so you've got night ba right you're all set ok just a few more pieces and you set up ok and the point of night be it is obvious the blacks going to put the night on d7 the Bishop on b7 and the bishops not blocked anymore and sometimes when white plays d5 we play C 6 attacking the pawn and sometimes the night goes to c5 and attacks the bishop so that's the whole point of the variation Spassky was playing this since before Breyer was born should we call the Spassky variation which is funny because I think Breyer died before Spassky was born how does he make any sense all right so they now usually we play d4 in players today like God a calm ski will play the Breyer still if I remember correctly and I don't there was the game from the US Championship Wesley so vs. gotta calm ski and I assume Wesley play d4 but what do I know yeah ok so Karpov played D 3 because that's more boring ok so you got to play as boring as possible okay so nobody does anything and we're going to master the middle game what Karpov likes to do is not give you an e counter play and eventually he gets played but not too much don't have too much of an advantage because Carla Juana wouldn't like that ok and when we play 92 what's the idea what's the landing square for our night Knight f1 is not that's the next square then what G three threes would you then f5 and then mate prior okay so the problem is Karpov is not thinking about his plan all the time he's thinking about what blacks plan is and then his opponents don't have any plans because he stops all of them all right so night f1 95 should we let black take this bishop no the ships are good when your rating goes up you'll like bishops more so million one or two of you like this ships the other like Claudia likes bishops and that's about it okay there ask you like what about Knights I play a lot of bughouse okay so rook e8 because you should always play bishop fa a-- it's basically do that okay now that Knights too active it's too good okay so just like Cara wanna say b3 again idea a double dare you say be free again okay b4 there we go okay and the night goes back and then they agreed to a draw caz white played b2 and the ninety five and repetition now okay and now he played d4 hah when you least expects it okay so now when you see these three pieces in the were Lopez and you see those a lot then this pawn is hanging a lot of the time because there's a lot of guys that are going to be on that pawn but you notice before you play d4 Karpov played nine g3 so if he was like I'll play d4 and then I'll do this at some point maybe when the night gets to f1 you'll lose your e4 pawn but now you won't because it affords defended okay now Stan she's not going back to c5 because there's two pawns that can take it even if he misses one of them he's okay all right h6 put it in H now what's the most boring move ever it's the move I forbid most of my students to play luckily Karpov is not my student Bishop d2 yeah as boring as possible yeah you got to play boring okay now the bishop on d2 defends these pawns which may be attacked after some trades and we let our work get out because our bishop on c1 was blocking our rook and Spassky played 9th b6 because he make night maneuvers also like goes to c4 and when you see pawns on these color complex the dark squares you try to put pieces on the white squares okay now remember Karpov rule is you never move a piece more than one square because the opponent might get scared so Bishop to d3 all right there we go okay so the bishop on f8 wants to be Fein cathode so g6 Queen c2 that's one square that's enough Knight FG seven and now he broke his rule with rook ad one a lot of times of the real Lopes we play a4 and we do stuff and you'll see that in future games but with the night on b6 that's hard to do okay but rooks are good in the center so I like the way all car pops pieces are next to each other the ones that have the same that way he could really recognize them okay Bishop g7 and now the game's not boring enough so Karpov made him more boring he took on e5 he wants to open up the D file and if Spassky takes with a piece do some more trading or I left d4 for his ninth while me I would probably take with a knight but okay he played pawn takes okay now when I do game analysis for the same field cop and us championship and us jr. I have a very important rule of thumb which seems to be correct most of the time when they start playing crazy in the opening the game is a boring draw later and when they start playing boring like this then it gets all exciting okay they get just play one way the whole game so this is a really boring game nothing's happening and White's a tiny bit better because I don't know this rooks not very good then this rooks opposite your queen now this bishop sort of blocked I don't know why this Knight is here it can't really move anywhere so okay so now Karpov decides it's time to strike there's no more boring moves and he plays C 4 which is explosive right okay and well if white plays c5 and it actually is explosive so okay we have to take that and now Karpov gives away the two bishops because he weakens his opponent's pawn structure Karpov likes when you have permanent weaknesses you have two isolated plans Karpov has no isolated plans now if I was playing a blitz game or a slow game I would play Knight takes e4 and in fact I I don't even understand why he didn't do that because that bishops really good even if it's a good trade for white I still do it because the bishops too good so I would I would take on c4 all day I don't care if it hangs my queen okay I'm annamund okay so I queen e7 to be is crazy so I guess that's why he lost in in ten more moves so Queen seven Karpov saves his Bishop the ship on b3 so I really don't like Queen e7 I'm going to call it the losing move even if it's like best you can use your computer at home okay and the reason you play Queen e7 is yes to get rid of his isolated pawns if he doesn't and trades on c4 why it's going to take why don't play Bishop e3 you'll never play c5 and your pawn will be on c7 weak the whole game on an open file and you're not going to play c6 blocking your bishop because that's too many arrows so you're not allowed to yeah these guys were good it was the early 70s but they knew that computers would come and have arrows everywhere okay so Queen e7 and c5 now earlier in the lecture I was like when the rooks on a1 we play a four open up the file well here Spassky wants to either take this or place for attacking the bishop so car buff plays a4 and he says well if you play c4 I'm going to retreat and if you don't play c4 I'm going to go here and the Black Knight has a lot of nice squares right no no the Knights terrible okay so Spassky played c4 and then he played Bishop c6 and Bishop a4 haha masky sneaky okay unfortunately he might win some material but he's losing the yeah he's losing everything so in this idea we're skewering our knight as a safe square unfortunately this is hanging in weak this is hanging in a week and the other black pieces are very passive and I have two rules for my opponents for my opponents for my students they seem like my opponents one is you're not allowed to sacrifice and the second is the funniest answer is obviously always sacrifice yeah that's the funniest answer but the correct answer is sacrificing the exchange is not sacrificing okay because when you lose the exchange you lose a rook for a minor piece and a rook and a minor piece or each one piece so you're not sacrificing anything if you give a night away that you don't have your night we can do like go into a Chess Club and find a night okay so Queen c1 he's like you can have my rook I'm going to take this I'm going to take this I'm going to take this okay now the rooks not running away so he moved his Knight away yum-yum-yum took the rook now the rook is running away so take it and now White has a pawn for the exchange blacks loss to King side pawn and black sea pawn is going to be lost and blacks pieces are all terrible so in the opening and middle game I would say usually a minor piece is better than a ruck a little bit especially the first 10 moves when the rooks are in the corner not moving at the end of the game when the guys are work on the seventh and your Knight can't move then then they work then the rook is better so well remember when black played aged six now White's going to play Knight g5 and White's could play Bishop c4 and blacks going to be really unhappy so in this middle game blacks minor pieces are much worse than whites and even though black has an extra ruck as Dominique Meyers would say my good friend when I asked him why did you lose that rook he said I have another one so okay so but white lost her rook but he has another one and I don't I'm not a big fan of these rooks okay the game ended very quickly putting on training so you guys at home can see okay 96 defending the C pawn oh no he did and also the nyancy it was terrible I can move my rook Bishop g7 this is a good question for the class what a black do I thought it was good how about you at home now you don't know either you get back there don't leave Darien yeah I thought the class would get there but they're slow on the uptake okay Queen g5 Queen g5 is a funny move because usually you don't think of trading pieces when you're down material but this rook is attacking a lot of nights so if you trade Queens you're not going to do well with your Knights for example takes takes and you you can't even defend your night with rookie six there's a knight here so now there's a lot of nights hanging yeah that's not good okay so Spassky broke my rule that's what you know the game is going to end soon five six although let's play another move and show great tactics to the class Queen e6 yeah rook takes d6 the Knight f5 check is good for white okay so f6 sort of forced queen g4 now once again we're threatening rook takes Knight and Knight f5 check so that's not good anyway I want to point out this rooks doing a good job over here defending this pawn so White's not going to win that pawn if you were worried some of you were like what if he loses the a pawn and white has to pass pawns no no it's fine don't don't worry about it okay so this is the best trick I've ever seen these nights are pretty good right and this queen is all over them and if the knight moves away from d6 bishops a monster and black is like no leave me alone okay King h7 which stops my threat darn I wanted to play rook takes a knight f5 okay and Knight h4 now a shocking development happened he resigned yeah I was like resigned and I was like well okay wait no I only found one move that I would actually make I was like nah I can't go that can't do that can't do that then I found a move that I thought was like sort of okay anyone what does black do about all this g6 stuff yeah that's what white does yeah that's what white wants to buzz black Stern how does black stop that yeah well he's talked to better than you guys he resigned yeah I thought rook GA and Knight f8 is also also possible yeah so after either Knight f8 or rogue g8 you you can play Knight to g6 which surprised me but it really shouldn't have so for example let's play here I don't know okay so 96 that's annoying now what we take a yeah okay and then check and then you go here I assume yeah what's that the knight would take it that's why I took it yeah see you forgot it was there and then I was like wow this is really good for Wyatt because that moves going to happen next move and I was like I'm not taking black here it's funny because if the King retreats my bishops going to be good all of a sudden yeah so it was funny in this position where he resigned also this was the same rig ga was the same rig ga was also this I was like wow yeah and then after rook takes what was the winning move was like Queen here and you sack everything whenever if you're cheat it wasn't a g6 I thought it was hmm confused I was I supposed to win actually that is annoying this should take c4 as you can't take my bishop because this is good for white and then your rucks attacked yeah and now if you play route g7 you might get checkmated probably play Knight f5 here lose a funny variation unless you have black then it's slightly less funny yeah but but you guys were still worried about that I told you not to be I told you I told you it's okay so there was a really good example of using all of your pieces to attack and just getting a big positional advantage and sacrificing the exchange so after 9h four I wasn't convinced so I turned the engine on then I was convinced the engine says six point five for Wyatt I was like wow the engine really likes white and it defends great for black and I was like all right I give up yeah yeah see Karpov used to be good and you know things happened okay so that was one of my favorite Karpov victories this is a famous victory too because they played the opening and then his opponent resigned so the middle game lasted like one move now Lou Lutz today asked me what is the middle game I was like I don't know she's like when does it start it's like as it moved 10 and I was like I don't know I get something I don't know until she stopped so well sometimes the middle game is moved 25 and sometimes it's move 7 I'm not sure the middle game starts was the MIL game start there alright so somehow these moves were played because they were played in every game we're looking at today ok and then black resigned may have Karpov is good at this opening no ok so 98 was the last game and he played night a 5 which I've played and not with good results ok and now do we let him take now you never do okay and the point of night a 5 when the night goes to be eight we play Knight d7 Bishop here well then I go is day five we can play C five which is somewhat illegal in this position and then you're not gonna go back to c6 later if you feel like it sometimes you do sometimes you don't and black has sort of a bind on the center which was why you lasted ten more moves okay D four and now black can play more than one move some people take on d4 now some people put this trip to b7 some play Bishop to d7 Queen c7 and I've had black in this position but I forgot what happened and when I said I forgot what happened I remember what happened okay okay Knight BD to the usual Karpov you know kind of stuff good idea for his opponent to do this against him 57 9f one rookie a d5 now in the last lecture with Jonathan sean's the center was closed and white started taking on the Kings side and why made it black and then the audience was like why didn't wide open the center and lose okay so when the center is closed and nobody can do anything that you can make your opponent will you try to make sure your opponent the center is open then things happen to the center and you turn your head you hurt your neck there's no insurance nowadays and you lose yeah okay this isn't 75 they knew about all that okay so d5 close to the center knight c6 isn't going to happen and black was really ready to take on d4 in fact when I'm black in these positions 20 years ago I would take on d4 take on d4 and then I control the C file before my opponent wrestles it from me but I have it for a little while and then your knight can go back and your knight could go to b4 sometimes because the pawn took now black and do any of that now black has to outplay Karpov strategically okay so Knight b7 that's a good square for the knight where's the night going somebody tell me what Black's next two moves are c4 explosive at night c5 okay the Knights okay Knight H - okay so why it's going to get all his knights over here and he's going to get his Queen over here as bishop over here is rook over here and with all those red arrows black resigns and always we're sense of humor okay g6 boo what rule does that break normally the answer would be don't play g6 my kind of rules but that's not the rule I have no such rule anyone it's not even my rule I'm not even stealing it it's just a normal rule nothing like 20 you in here come on somebody know something Jonathan sean's what's the rule there are two doors in here yeah double pawns in front of your king so don't do that now if this bishop was on g7 already I give them a pass okay but I can't do it now because the bishops on e7 when my students make these moves where they want a fee and kind of their bishop they have to fee and keto their bishop so since the bishops not here that's I don't you're not allowed to do that you just weakened all the doors okay all right Jim Morrison died in 71 you check on that would you okay so we're going to open the door to the black King and we're going to break on through to the other side all right like tool you got that okay so 9 G 3 what a shocking move the games get in soon so don't don't blink okay c4 why play g6 then c4 why play g6 before Knight G that could ever Mike ok f4 r r now teach him to play g6 this one was on g7 I wouldn't really mind f4 but with on that but on e7 i don't i don't like f4 takes never trade bishop takes and now again i don't know about these pieces i know about this piece this piece this one this one yeah i know about like you know breaking through and also the bishop on e7 and usually when you play g6 you've already played Bishop f8 as in our previous game then White's going to play e5 that's annoying no stop ok the ship f8 finally Bishop g5 hmm the night has a lot of good retreat squares okay now usually when people hang all their pieces I'm not talking about all of you you put a piece out you're pulling to tax it and there's nowhere to go you like oh yeah usually when the Nightside f6 you got like a pawn on g7 and a bishop on e7 and a queen on d8 and the night on b7 is on d7 and then you're like yeah so now the Knights defended by nothing and it's on an open F file and probably he didn't see Bishop g5 because white just played Bishop f4 and he was like no my queen then he's like yeah yeah you could have your queen caught ball doesn't want a Queenie once a night he doesn't want it to be too easy okay so where's that night going can I attack it with like Queen f3 and rook F one man the truth hurts okay Bishop back to e7 and then Bishop f4 they agreed to a draw now Queen d2 because the bishop wasn't defend as there was discovered attack Bishop c8 there you go there's somebody who comes to my lectures okay so the bishops well defended the knight can now go to g7 finally has a retreat Square rook F 197 see that's that's mastering the middle game there you go you play Bishop f8 then back to e7 then you play Bishop d7 back to c8 then you play Knight f5 back to b7 you never move this rook this guy's like world-class player - like that wasn't a joke the only thing I said that wasn't a joke this lecture blacks good player but Karpov was good 9g for now if you were better at chess for example Caruana who was just lectured on you would really like whites position like you really like it now but if you were Carolina you really like whites position he's never a position that's good ever and his whole life and black did what any good Grandmaster would do he resigned here yeah cuz what what going on over here what's happening how did that happen no yeah now what it black do wrong probably g6 was wrong probably 97 was rather like a little wrong but the main thing he did wrong is Karpov at his near his peak where his favorite opening and then he like plays it badly like black does and then just all over that's mastering the middle game open flout of the King all pieces cooperating in the attack and blacks piece is ridiculous and Karpov actually played the rule up has the black a lot although most of those games were draws okay so with black he could barely draw playing perfect so that's why nowadays we don't see a lot of black in these kind of real low passes because Fischer was crushing people Karpov was crushing people and you see like Wesley Silver's is calm ski and that's not making you want to play it either so you're just like well why am I playing the quarry when I can play the Berlin and be equal or better that okay and we'll do one last game because Ben Simon's insistent he's like I didn't do nothing that belly I asked you have a funny story don't edit this out although you might if I give it was like my bullring you rented it out okay but Bally ops he came to the front desk of the Chess Club because he was working with do you guys know anything he was coaching one of the players this thing feel Cup no mvl two years ago and they're like we help you this is a membership club dad here like you know who are you yeah all right well the front essence of a Yoshi is especially now because you know when he was famous it was before they were all born and it really was before they were all born okay so Bally offski used to be good even though you haven't heard of him he was a candidate for the World Championship and in the candidates matches where he was doing well he lost to close the other one Kasparov yeah kiss raucous par oh yeah nollie ask you is pretty good now a ski played the greatest who ever against me to make me resign that was a really great move he played he was winning anyway but he really hammered me with the last move okay so somehow they got to this position because that's our starting position and which we call in Russian tibia there you go okay and belly offski always plays the the right now there's a grandmaster you've never heard of Tony miles and we almost looked at his game okay and Tony miles I used to hang out with him occasionally and we lived in Europe and he told me some funny stories and I can't tell you any of them except this one man cuz I would go to jail okay anyway he told me and he can't get in trouble anymore for obvious reasons okay and he told me he was playing ballet off ski so he went to his internet computer whatever they do you know and he was like mmm le ah ski he plays the rider drew Lopez and he was like he is zero out of his life he's like whoo okay he's like he's I and he actually said zero he says he told me never drew a game that he saw couldn't find it gave me drew he's like well I don't play e4 but I'm playing e4 now and Myles play d4 and there was a prior rule apes' so I was playing a guy who doesn't play before they play you for I'd be like why you know but again lalalalala and he said baleog is queen God said shade and was trapped and couldn't move and he say I just carvalho he's like it's great so that's how Myles prepared for his opponents okay so but also get the last laugh haha anybody know he's alive okay so d4 this looks familiar except carbot played e3 last time all right so they're playing the main main main line putting everybody to sleep this was a 90 92 sort of the end of when Karpov was crushing everybody although 94 was this peak rating okay what do you know this should buffet and I think this is actually a lot of games now yeah they're still playing a for Bishop d3 yeah this is like a lot of games yeah since this was played in 1992 the recording games from the 70s and 80s but they're still playing this way so the pawns attacked c6 yeah this is every game ever played ever by everybody now they're quoting all these games in the notes spassky's blacken all of them even the ones he's not okay Bishop g7 now I'm not seeing that Bally offski is a great attacking player which he is and he's really good at sharp positions which he is but why is he playing boring slightly worst against Karpov terrible so Bally ASCII actually is good at complicated tactical comp that's what he should be doing he shouldn't be slightly worse and trying to defend and draw terrible okay so they're quoting a game from a million years ago where Queen b6 was played and Bally ASCII played died aged 5 and you're always told by your teacher shows the kind of teacher you have don't put your pieces on the side or are but the reason to put the piece on the side is then it can go in the center that's in the center can't go there it's already there so you got to go away from this and then go towards the center confusing your opponent so of course when you see pawn structures you try to find squares your pieces can go to where they can't be captured okay here your piece is captured here here right you go you go here I'm going to capture you yeah okay but what about there all right at four okay so nine h5 def for very common another reason to play it is you open up your Bishop which is blocked by your knight and now it's not man Valley ops key is good by this time in the game loons liquor was like can I resign now and this is just like normal position so okay always play mission f1 good now Knight f4 isn't so annoying because it's not attacking the bishop then we could just kick it out so Dinah for like I don't care play that a for I dare you I double dare you okay Queen b6 b4 and both players fell asleep Karpov won on time yeah Knight f4 and Karpov did it again wait he won last time that's why I did it again he took on e5 he always does that before his opponents can take and like open up the e-file for the rook okay now in the previous game which we saw D takes e5 c4 and then white one in like 25 moves okay so Belyaev skis like none all on active pieces Knight takes e5 yay look at all my active pieces the problem with taking with a pawn is you block all of your pieces your night on d7 your Bishop on g7 you look on ei so he's like I'm taking with a knight in the previous the two games ago when he took with a pawn I would have taken with a knight I don't like when my pieces are inactive okay but Karpov is like no no no you're taken with a pawn and now ya taking what the Bishop of the rook looks risky because I can do this and then like slap you and stuff that gives me my pawns and attack your pieces my knight can attack on f3 your d6 pawn is weak for ever an open file so this actually makes some sense to me okay and then c4 rawr okay again in all these positions when White's playing c5 or winning upon he's doing well and then like an Atlantic Queen's Gambit positions even though I'm comparing two different openings which I like to do we see this Bishop being terrible all the time okay and and if a you give a lecture I don't know when it was oh yeah was an hour ago you gave a lecture and then Darien's like e6000 on g7 so terrible again that's a problem England queen pawn openings but it happens here to the dish upon b7 not the most active in fact John was giving some crazy variation with a bishop did that and got to d5 that's pretty cool okay you could draw some kind of a parallelogram alright so c4 and now if you go crazy and you take on c4 letting the knight attack your queen then you grab a free pawn as we discussed in previous positions when your pieces get attacked and they can't retreat that's not good and so your queen doesn't so good because it want me to get off the board and then if you have a lot of extra Queens like we have here my comer gets really confused so man it was awesome I was playing a blitz game yesterday I think or maybe I was dreaming anyway and then I asked my opponent how many pawns I was ahead or behind and they were looking and then started crying and then it was like I had seven ponds and and then my cover is like off the board there's one pawn so that was easy yeah that's let's have my comer counts so you're playing my comer put a lot of pieces near the board that'll be like no we don't do that yeah okay so you can't lose your queen because that's that's terrible all right so the best move is to take advantage of the opponent's previous move in this position 94 is illegal for two reasons the first reason you understand second reason is I can take it so it should be illegal okay after see for now 94 is a good move so when your opponent plays c4 and their problem is on c3 you should play 19 for whether it's legal or it's a bughouse game putting on d4 so the computer or the commentator is suggesting 96 to d4 which I agree with but he played Rick a d8 because maybe he wants to give a file later so you're going to try to do it now okay it takes takes rook a5 rawr and now this pawn has attacked a few times mainly by the piece you forgot about which was what's that yeah the high rate of player knows the bishop on f1 yeah so that pawn is attacked a lot and when you take on c4 which you still shouldn't do I'm still playing 9 c4 and now Queen before doesn't lose the Queen but it should because I play rugby 1 and then you got this guy in this guy and this guy and this guy and it's the worst yeah then it's just terrible okay but this is a good piece no I'm just kidding okay so he played would he play he resigned now he played my favorite move Bishop f8 yes and now this will confuse most of you the bishop is attacking the b4 pawn right that didn't confuse you so he defended it yes no no he defended it see if I doesn't defend it yeah c5 gives white a space advantage but now you don't win the pawn on b5 so yeah Karpov was like I want to win the pot on be fine okay also c5 moves upon breaking my rule never move pawns so Bishop c3 okay yeah that's the rule my rules okay now he played 96 two moves too late and now black wants to play Knight f94 as I discussed earlier with the class so he played Knight to f3 and then that's what happened takes takes now he plays c5 and this is a good Bishop so earlier black had a very good piece on f4 but now black doesn't have a good piece that's mainly how Karpov played though played the middle game was his pieces were good and yours aren't and the problem now with winning this pawn for free is that while this is attacked but then you open up this Bishop so c5 actually kills both bishops both bishops are bad ok 7 Queen a two defending the rook and f7 is always being in to act okay and then e 5 and only going to cheat some more yeah then I'll do a Nigel short I'll take your bad okay that was a little crazy there alright now it's time for counter play d3 Karpov loves when you have counter play he just calculates 30 moves ahead lets you Queen and then mates you no no no now he doesn't do any of that so after d3 Karpov is like that pawns in my territory I'll take that pawn so he plays Rick a three car bombs very good at retreating a lot of his retreats unseen by his opponents repositioning his pieces the better squares end up that pawns a goner but we do have this nice Bishop the class is like that bishops not nice but they're not saying anything because they don't want to know what if it is nice and they're wrong no it's not nice I'm kidding okay rip their d2 yum yum yum ribbed e4 e5 Oh so since the bishop isn't doing anything we're going to play e6 if the bishop goes to see a setting up for the next game then our rook can infiltrate although I would not allow you sex I would like hold his hands down I'm not letting apply e6 I've seen what happens when you apply e6 I resign okay so they give some moves that stop East six and say whites winning for example this is a funny variation takes takes takes o night Fork tank hate when that happens okay so you play drip takes b4 because the rook is well placed on b4 and then e6 you can't like I play e6 then you might take on f7 okay takes rook takes what's funny is this rook that went over here to annoy you is not going to go over here and annoy you right my rook my rooks crooks go sideways so the white rook on a3 is either go to a7 and win or e3 f3 g3 and when the King has no defense this Bishop is terrible all whites pieces are great here comes the jontron tonight 94 you were always playing f5 with black and stopping that remember now you can't play f5 so I mean in bughouse okay so King h8 doubles up the rooks you have to trade rooks man this is tough now you are showing a game earlier that Carlsen beef on and the end of that game reminded me of the end of this game what what I say who isn't it the same person all right I've been Caruana okay so Carlson was playing Cara wanna knock it I'm not having us well maybe okay am I having a stroke maybe okay I'm not sure high rated now because Carlotta keeps winning all his games Carlson is easier to say alright so recap for I can't I have to click on training now because the games about to end now I was complaining earlier but now I like this Bishop no I'm just kidding ninety-four Queen da Queen e5 check whoops this is what happens when you see one threatened and prevent it Knight f6 was going to be annoying Knight g5 was going to be annoying Knight d6 sleep like Queens e8 and defends everything all squares are defended right but the Queen was defending the rook so the rook wasn't under attack Queen e5 check was impossible so those threats weren't seen because they didn't exist Queen d8 like made those threats exist sort of like at the end of the game Cara wanna play tricky eight and then he's winning everything yeah all right and then Queen e5 check resigns because the rooks hanging on on f4 obviously yeah and what's funny is different than a lot of other players usually when my pieces are active there's sort of active karpas pieces are always close to each other active they're always like they're always there's two knights - right yeah they're always like working together his opponent's pieces mathematically as far apart as possible I did that I did it I did I did drawings I talked math Larsen now Larsen so that's as far as they can be yeah so it's funny that one time black had like good defense of everything defending his Bishop defending his rook although Queens sort of in the corner then he put in the center and then loses everything but yeah if white plays Knight f6 or 95 or 96 it doesn't matter yeah so Queen da check and he's like yeah it's resigned so that was a three examples I had several war of Karpov being white Andrew Lopez and slowly improving his position although if you're a supercomputer let me see no no nope okay your supercomputer like Komodo or stock fish on with like 500 cores then these advantages I move 2025 which look like I had White's a little better they're like yeah whites waiting they're just like yeah like this is terrible for black black had to play better earlier and so people learn to play better by watching these games then they could draw sometimes okay but still a really dumb idea if you're black against Karpov and you decide I'm going to be slightly worse and try to draw and then you get outplayed because your pieces go to the wrong squares COFF COFF and Karpov King always has like everything around it safe the ship on f1 you could ever put them in check and black split should ever makes any sense so the one time I play the rule up has i won but it didn't look like this you can't see it it's a piece of like equal they might put of one gram 37 or something that because I don't know I don't know how to like do this and this and this and this of this yeah and that's why Karpov was good for such a long time and it's still good agreed yeah and after I show these games the Karpov what did he say carpeaux doesn't speak English what so much better that we do anyone somebody What did he say class dismissed yeah of course
Channel: Saint Louis Chess Club
Views: 607,794
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Id: enR0ntHVjG8
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Length: 49min 13sec (2953 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 06 2016
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