The Three Best Games of 2018, with GM Ben Finegold

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[Music] hello uh keep it down over there yes noisy class uh today is the 1400 and or over class right no lying right okay yeah I know yeah okay so this class is harder than the last class look that's hard right okay good so today we're going to talk about three games that were played in 2018 why I don't know because those were the three best games according to this alluded said who writes for that's all that matters right okay now there's hundreds of thousands of games played every year and most of them we never see but usually when Grandmasters play a game and it's considered a great game then we then we see it especially if it's super Grand Masters that we see it anyway one of these games was played by super Grand Masters and I even I know the game the other games I didn't know before I prepared this lecture I'd heard of them but I never looked at them the other one I I was watching alive and we're going to do an order from three to one we're gonna count down we're gonna look at three games these were considered the three best games it wasn't by One Lunatic it was by voting so there's a lot of lunatics right like Derrick Rose anybody no ever Derrick Rose exactly he's he's in the National Basketball Association the NBA and he was good like 10 years ago and now he's not good that he's gonna be in the All-Star game because he's popular so like maybe these games aren't good but they're like oh I like you know cram Nick so he wins yeah it's the popularity contest okay so the third best game of the year as by voting was this one Rufus and doofus okay notice White's much higher rated than black and white one shocking right now are you shocked okay so they played a Petrov you guys heard of the Petrov before yeah that's it and then in beginners tournaments and weak Scholastic players you often see Knight takes E4 which actually may not lose the game and here they play Knight F6 and then the the thing spins and then Knight C6 wins the queen confusing the audience right are you confused okay good so when Grandmasters play they don't play Knight takes E4 if they do there's another way to play it where it doesn't necessarily lose right away they play D6 and then they play Knight takes E4 okay and now if Queen needs to you can play Queen E7 so it used to be everybody played D4 every game and then they were like wait Knight C3 let's play that okay but this guy's old school he played D4 okay pretty good all right D5 and I used to play the pet shop before you guys were born so I've had black in this position now I'm going to show you something you don't know [Music] now here it's White's turn because I said so okay you guys remember that position all right let's pretend we play an exchange French isn't pretending fun right now let's pretend I don't know white goes here and black goes here whose turn is it what what and when it's white it's turning here if I went to some Grand Masters and I said in this exchange French is white getting a big advantage they would say no this is equal Grandmasters don't play The Exchange French Grand Masters play the advanced French and we play Knight C3 and we play Knight D2 if you look at two grand Masters play Knight C3 Knight D2 E5 you're not going to see e takes D5 e takes D5 that's very rare at the super Grand Master Level almost unheard of then here here so at the Grand Master Level Grand Masters are like this gives white no Advantage I wouldn't do this however if it's Black's turn to move and black plays here now the Grand Master is one white that's the position we just looked at from the Petrov you agree yeah yeah so this position with white Grandmaster is like no no I don't want this position this is like oh okay the fine great so the argument is it's worse to have the night here than here because I'm going to put pressure on it and take it okay example foreign you want to be the world heavyweight champion of boxing and you'll get paid a lot of money if you are and you're like that guy's the World Heavyweight Champion well I I don't want to talk to him he's scary looking leave me alone okay and you're like all right and you've never talk to the World Heavyweight Champion or seen him right okay but it could be you're fighting him in the ring and if you win you're the World Heavyweight Champion right that's how you would become that right now you're like great now I'm going to beat him up and I'm the world champion okay that's sort of the same situation this night is fine and when it's here now he's in your territory now you can go get him and you'll be the world champion because you take his Knight so most weaker players are always moving forward whenever they can and then they're like RAR I am the best and then when their opponent takes it they're like ah so it's a double-edged sword sometimes it's good sometimes it's bad Grandmasters believe it's bad for this for blacks to go here that now white might get an advantage whereas here white would never get an advantage too boring okay I'm not saying I agree with that but that's that's what happened and there and here's the position okay there we that's that's that's the Petrov if you have white and you're a super Grand Master and you play E4 you could have this position a lot because that's that's the Petron okay so white played Bishop D3 putting pressure on the Knight and then white plays C4 obviously if Black's Knight is here that's not much of a problem but now okay pawns hanging and then the night's hanging right okay so it's here right Queen B3 I face Knight C3 a lot when I played the Petrov I had black and a Petrov I had this bishop all the time Queen B3 I don't think I've ever faced that I don't think so when I played the Petrov now the point of Queen B3 isn't to take this Pawn because you can't take that pawn because if you play Pawn takes pawn and queen takes Pawn then Bishop takes Pawn check wins your queen you agree yes yeah right oh yeah okay but if this bishop moves I'll take this Pawn if the Knight goes here then then I'll take that pawn again because Bishop takes Pawn doesn't win my queen so it sort of stops this it stops this and the Queen's putting pressure on the two points here look Queen B3 is good takes takes now Knight D7 white has an isolated Pawn but these Black's Bishop is here not being able to move and white has pressure on F7 now the knights here and White's threatening him so they trade okay now white has a lead in development because white not only has three pieces out to two but White's Rook is on the open line and black circus you know not so good and the Queen and Bishop are lined up perfectly against F7 okay Queen B6 trading Queens White's like I don't want to trade Queens I want to meet you and black said no talking right Queen takes B2 that's the safest move you've ever seen in your life no that's very dangerous and Black's like I calculated it I'm up a pawn because my queen can go here if you attack it and I'm up a pawn so I win and you have two isolated Pawns and White's like this is the third best game of the year don't you realize that is that what happened no okay it later happened let's be one Queen A3 Queen C2 white doesn't want to trade Queens white likes this queen where it is right over here now White's Bishop is pointing to the king's side White's Queens Point of the king's side White's Bishops pointed the king's side my knight can go to G5 I can do a rook lifts so I'm gonna attack your king and the only way for blacks have a good position is to stop the attack and then later on black has an extra Pawn as we noticed Knight D5 blocking the bishop although I'm defending the king a little bit it'd be three Queen A4 is the only Square for the queen Bishop takes Knight G5 with obvious threats no okay is it threatening me G6 Knight takes H7 now why does sacrifices work and why do they don't work if you're a super Grandmaster they work because you calculated and calculated and calculated and you're right and the reason you calculated is because it made sense to you to sacrifice it doesn't always make sense but there's four pieces over here and as you're going to point out if he takes the night Rook check wins the queen right so he's like man that's a free Pawn I'm gonna attack your king I'm attacking your Rook now you get all your pieces on the queen side I'm the best Bishop F5 attacking White's Queen getting his Bishop developed Knight F6 check Bishop H6 check before blackhead says look out and gets his Queen back into the game we're going to Checkmate black that's the idea now I assume he took the bishop took the Knight okay I would have taken the bishop I mean I'd still lose I'll take it the bishop loses for your reason The Rook H3 check in Queen takes Queen yeah so if you take my Bishop I check and then I take your queen so he took the Knight okay G4 I was thinking Queen D2 Queen G5 made and in fact oh I see why I'm wrong I guess he plays Bishop here and then his King can run away okay so he played G4 Matt Larson style what is G4 threaten what's the threat Plus even better than a bishop uh G5 G5 Checkmate probably should stop that right so I assume he took the queen they played Bishop F4 let's take the queen now uh it's made if I'm correct I'm pretty sure I'm correct check if Bishop F5 it's mate right beneficial F4 it's the same mate but it took me one extra move okay so taking the queen gets mated so he played Bishop F4 blocking that f file so he's still threatening the queen and he's threatening the bishop and he's blocking the f file good defense good job Queen C7 confusing the audience oh the obvious idea is if you take I play mate the bishop on F4 was stopping G5 made also I'm threatening me yeah so that's pretty cool move Queen C7 this is only the third best game of the year now you were here for the first lecture and you remember science Von bardeleben and I was like white castled and black didn't castle and Black's King is no good blinds in Castle this game but his King is no good it looks like he didn't castle and he's putting his Queen on the queen side his Rook on eights on the Queen's side so attack's working Bishop takes H6 now Queen e7's not mate because King G7 so I assume Queen E5 King has to go to G5 H4 got two legal moves I don't like either one of them he took on H4 what if he takes on G4 okay so I think it's Rick G3 and queen E2 although I don't I can't see the mate I sense there's a mate I don't see a Checkmate I just feel a checkmate I also think Queen G3 and rookie five wins all right let's see the main the computer has to tell us the main made an eight oh yeah I said didn't I say Rook G3 and queen E2 yeah yeah it is very G3 and queen E2 yeah and the reason I didn't see the mate was in this position the best move is King G2 oh now it's Queen F3 with Rook H1 main idea but this is also made with Queen H1 idea yeah and it's made in a few moves okay okay so with engine it was easy although obviously with the King there that's no good okay so he took the H Pawn he took the G plot wait which one do you take the H bar okay the H Pawn Rook H3 check obviously if you take the Rook Queen G3 May if you take on G4 Queen G3 made so I guess he played King G5 see good guess right Queen E7 check now Queen E3 check you'll play King F6 if I played check and you play Pawn to F6 then I play Queen E3 check you won't play King F6 you want that plot on F6 so black can't get his King out of there so if he goes here that it's going to be me okay so I assume he played King G4 but that's also May Queen H4 made I think he resigned after Queen E7 yeah so after King G4 this is mate and after King F4 this is the same mate and after F6 ever play F6 then this is me so black thought it was a good idea to get his Queen over here and then white said I'm going to Checkmate you and Black's Queen wasn't involved in the game and this Rook never moved conversely White's pieces were mating and his Rook was here stopping the black king from escaping so white used all his pieces to me and black used all his pieces to defend his a pawn that apron was safe right white never took that apline yeah so that was a brilliant game from White sacrificing all his pieces to make that black king move up but not good enough to be the top two of the year that was number three according to the voters pretty good game okay now this game is famous basically because of two reasons black played the move that you won't believe and white was aronian whites like the top 10 players in the world and black played an incredible move so with those two things added up it was voted the second best game of the year and I remember watching this game live there was a very boring Berlin until it wasn't now I have to give you some background aronian doesn't play E4 and then aronia is like I want to play E4 because I want to see what it's like when kramnik plays the Berlin because kramnick's the guy who started the Berlin at the super GM level in his match with before Carlson keep going who smoker siddler Fiddler no good somebody good okay in his match world championship match cram net popularized the Berlin in 2000 carpa close Costco Casper and Kasparov didn't win any games against the Berlin and they're like ooh because spawn can't beat the Berlin I'll play that now everybody plays the Berlin and all the games are draws and aronians are like let me try to beat the Berlin I'll try that so he's white and he's gonna try to beat the Berlin he plays D3 most of the Berlin games where they trade queens start with castles he's like no no I'm gonna beat the Berlin my way I agree I think G3 is the right move and they played some theoretical line okay now kramnik writes I want to go here right and aronium plays here and he says nope you're not going to do that and then kramnik says a couple of years ago I found this idea and then finally he had the position and now he played his idea and I tell all my students the same thing they don't listen but I tell them don't move Pawns in front of your king okay if your king is the most important and the puns are protecting your king and you move the pawns then they're not protecting your king so if black wants to attack on the king's side the key move to open the king side would be to play G4 and if this Pawn was here G4 doesn't open the king side now if I play G4 I open the king side it's open I can Checkmate you right so what move did kramnik play the most famous move of the year if you played it and I was your coach I would yell at you he prepared this move for two years it's a movie we'd never play because I would yell at you close prepare G5 H6 yeah but this is a much funnier way to prepare it oh that doesn't prepare G5 defend G5 but don't play H6 you can't think of it because it's so weird you're like I'm not thinking of that that's weird I'm not doing that leave me alone no that's not weird those are normal moves it's so weird you can't even say it now you're getting too weird it'll give you another way for nothing when you play G4 and they take okay you like to take with H Pawn if you have no H Pawn you could take with something else not the night not the bishop The Rook 58 Rook G8 now I would like to add that I am the world's leading Authority on this so it's amazing I'm lecturing on this and I'm going to show you what I mean if you thought Rick G it was silly looking let me show you how I play chess okay in two rated tournament games against players my own rating in the last five years I've done this I've had Wyatt and then I think I played E3 and now I played a move very similar to what I just showed you that's what I did what did I do with white I just showed you I played Rook G1 I've played that twice against players of my own rating in slow chess I'm gonna go here okay and I'm gonna play for me my Bishop's already here and I won one game and I drew the other game so I you know been pretty good those guys were my rating yeah I was like yeah okay so I started the trend of playing insane Rook move to meet my opponent okay but I'm not cram next I get no credit okay so cram Nick played Rook G8 and he said I'm gonna go here and meet you you should put your Pawn back here so I can't meet you that and you can obviously Castle Queen side later if he wants to King okay so Rick G has never been played obviously because when I told you to prepare G5 you still couldn't find it you're like her GA that's crazy and cram looks like Rook G8 let's Analyze This so he analyzed it at home with his computer for two years that he played Rook G8 because he finally got a chance to play it if they get the position to play it I told you guys in the first lecture there's three ways to be good at the opening you follow the general principles you take all your opponent's pieces and you have preparation you know that they don't Rick G8 he's been waiting to play that and neuronians like Rick GA what's that so cram Nick's been analyzing with his computer and his helpers and our audience like what's Rook G8 as a result he gets the smackdown he plays King H1 try to get off the file Knight H5 as you suggested earlier now G5 and he takes the pawn because he's unleashing on this night okay G4 now when I tell my students what to do they're like uh I did that and I still lost so they blame me okay problem is you have to rank the importance of what you're supposed to do you're always supposed to check meat first second I would take a queen most people don't let you Checkmate them or win a queen so you gotta do other stuff like castle and play in the center in this game white did things that I would teach and black did things I would not teach however black wants to Checkmate white so the stuff I teach doesn't matter because it's checkmate so it doesn't matter right okay let me give you an example you're driving down the road and you hear the police and they pull you over and they say um you were going 100 miles an hour and the speed limit is 25 and you're like oh and they're like well I don't know what they would do then 125 you might they might do something more than what I'm saying and you would get a very large traffic ticket and you would be like 500 ticket I don't have 500 where okay right okay then the same thing happens but the guy driving is a billionaire and he's like 500 he well after she's like I don't care and he drives away okay so in one instance it was really important that you don't get a 500 traffic ticket because you don't have 500 now you're going to get more trouble in the other one you're like 500 I don't care okay in chess if I say don't do this don't do this don't do this and you say I checkmated him I don't care I'm like all right if you checkmated him it doesn't matter what I tell you you checkmated them so cram Nick says I don't care about general principles I'm gonna Checkmate you maybe next time you should move some of your pieces out okay I got my Bishop over here I got my Bishop over here I got my queen over here got my Rook over here got my knight over here and your pieces are over there I don't care about general principles I'm going to Checkmate you and aronian said no talking all right so he played D4 general principles playing in the center attacking the bishop blocking it okay Bishop D6 G3 trying to block what blacks attack Bishop takes one takes Queen takes man White's pieces are all in the back ring talk about general principles yeah Queen D4 who wants to trade Queens white or black white because Black's checkmating him and whites like let's trade Queens so the kramnik trade Queens did Black trade Queens no he played Queen E7 X Clan H4 and and iranian's like what's the problem the king side's blocked you'll never meet me and and then said no talking Jackson queen queen moves away attacks the queen moves away attacks the queen the queen moves away F5 he's like hey while your pieces are still here let's let's attack the king some more Bishop G5 now let's look at the computer analysis if you take he was going to play Knight takes G3 check Bishop D5 check Queen E2 now that's an attack now we're talking right yeah Rook F2 check me okay so that was the plan and aronians like I don't want to get mated stop it so when the Pawn's not here we have Bishop D5 check celeronian played Bishop G5 and said I'm keeping that pawn there Rook takes G5 F4 are these pieces defending White's King I don't think so no and black has pawns come in the night coming the queen common the bishop coming and then I can castle and here comes my Rook Queen D1 back to We Now can black Castle hmm no no I could cast I would play here and swing my king Under The Rook so it's not through check no okay played Rook d8 takes Knight A3 developing his Knight finally Rook D3 notice kramnik puts all his pieces into the attack right he doesn't just keep moving the same piece over and over again he moves this he moves this he moves this he moves this conversely aronian made a lot of Queen moves and it's like on C1 right okay do you want trading the Rooks Bishop to D5 you can trade Rooks as long as I Checkmate you and none of these pieces are defending White's King cage is wide open never play F3 if he plays Rook D3 Queen e4chack the Rooks hanging mates coming no defense so he played F3 now takes on F3 sacrificing his Rook if he takes the Rook he didn't take the Rook Queen E4 Black's done a lot of material but checkmate's more important and the variation you guys will like you you money bag guarantee notice how it pins the queens of the king you see that yeah Shack checkmate White's pieces are defending his King well no so he didn't do that he played he takes D5 Queen E2 threatening Queen G2 mate and queen H2 mate and we can stop the queen from mating by pinning the queen rookie won Blackstone a lot of material and his Queen's pin to his King right what's more important than a queen checkmate G2 check and now uh he resigned but let's pretend he didn't resign King H2 obviously if you play King G1 F2 check right so here G1 double triple check quadruple check you have to take it with your King right you agree yes okay and then I play F2 check oh and then I take your Rook with discovered mate so this if you saw this position and you were walking by in a tournament you'd think man why he's not a good player that's what you think be like a guy who has white he I want to play him he's no good right yeah he's pretty good he was the second highest traded player in the world for like three years now he's only like 10. okay so that was the second best game of the year because black sacrificed all his pieces and made it white and White's 2800. and white was like let's put these pieces over here away from my king Sherman white have Pawns in front of his King he does he has black buttons it's funny good joke yeah that was the second best game of the year now the best game of the year reminds me of another game okay and we're going to look at that game first it's there was played a thousand years ago it's a very famous game when I say a thousand I mean like 20. okay and I'll see if I can find the game very famous game we'll do a search of the mega database okay and you and you guys know the game short Timon and Nigel short he's your favorite player right he if you've heard of him or no yeah yeah he played for the world championship against Kasparov and then because sparv had to pick him up at 3 30 because he took him to school no you're like what and Nigel is currently one of the fide vice presidents of chess but he won a very very very famous game against Timon very okay and the reason it's famous is because he did a king walk okay and the purpose of the king walk was to give me man short beats him on a lot right it's obviously this game obviously okay obviously and we'll get to the king walk that's all I care about okay we'll flip the board okay so they got this position [Music] okay this is a very famous this is a very famous game okay so White's dominating he's got the D file the seventh rank Black's trapped but Black's pretty solid and Nigel has the craziest idea ever even though all the pieces are on the board Nigel decided let's play King H6 and then Queen G7 mate so Nigel played King H6 and then Queen G7 made wow yeah and the guy's like oh yeah and and not only that you could you could take the Rook but that don't matter because it ain't right yeah and you're like well wait a minute let's stop King H6 oh snap oh oh no he didn't yes he did right I mean this wins in a very simple way but that's much cooler right yeah so King G5 resigns that's a very famous game if you say King Wok or Nigel short any Grandmaster says shorts him on even though this was a 1991. it's his most famous win because he walked his King up the board and made the guy okay very famous if you turn the engine on it says me now the game I want to show you that's the game of the year according to the looted six who vote those lunatics have rights right those guys know what they're talking about uh very reminiscent very now white as tiger not Tiger Woods tiger hillock Pearson he's from Scandinavia and it looks like his opponent was too and this was played in the Olympiad where your country plays their country so this is important you want your country to win right so like your teammates are rooting for you okay so Tiger's White and the game is really boring until it isn't this was voted the game of the year last year the boring trading game where they trade all the pieces off that's the boring game and you can obviously tell here comes the white king you're like wait what how does that how's that King ever move right although we do have this Square so that's good thank you okay so the night safe should really be boring so Pawn takes now it's more interesting and again every game I've shown you this lecture the past lecture other lectures when player a checkmates player B and I'm like hmm why did that guy get checkmated I always point out his pieces are way away from his King maybe you shouldn't do that and they do it anyway look at White's King right got a bishop right there yeah let's look at Black's pieces nowhere near his King okay and somehow they always get checkmated amazing well you want to Checkmate your opponent I would think do they have pieces near their King and when they don't I'm like all right maybe I can Checkmate them now in the 1800s 150 years ago everybody was checkmating everybody every game they played for Checkmate on move one nowadays will you play for checkmate it don't work because your opponent shouldn't get checked maybe they did nothing wrong however people are like well they don't play for checkmate anymore now now they're playing for that weak pawn and I have an isolated pawn and my Bishop is bad and my Rook is passive and they think about all that stuff and they forget about their King in the 1800s all they thought about was their King they're like what's an isolated Paul what are you talking about I'm meeting him I don't care about that now they forgot about their King because they're like oh he's at a weak Pawn I'm gonna win that and I'm like you're gonna win his weak point you're getting mated what are you doing people forget about Checkmate because your opponent's not hanging Checkmate then they forget about it it's really weird for example what I'll make up a story true story everybody in neighborhood is getting robbed they're all getting robbed you come home all your stuff's gone you call your friend dude I came home my stuff at my house is gone they're like me too okay and then people start buying security systems they're like I don't want to get robbed anymore they buy security systems and they're like we gotta watch out for all these people robbing us and so all they do is watch out for people robbing them and buying security systems nobody's getting robbed anymore they're like yes we're the smartest right high-fiving each other patting themselves on the back right then a year goes by nobody's been around for a year then they forget about it nobody's robbing you anymore then the robbers come they rob you and you're like oh I forgot about the robberies it's been like a year I forgot about that so when you forget about it then they come back but when you're like I'm gonna stop all that Roar okay so in chess they forgot about Checkmate because people stop playing for checkmate they started to try to win your bishop and Fork you and get a better Center and get a pass Pawn nobody thought about checkmate so now people are getting checkmated again that's that's how you beat people you check me them okay here comes the Rook okay here comes Queen H6 Here Comes we're gonna check me here night takes because the night's pinned so you see the pin see and Black's like I wanna Pawn I don't care about Checkmate I'm a pawn up hey and white says okay you want a pawn good for you time to Checkmate you and he's like oh you're gonna Checkmate me hmm all right all right I'll stop it now H5 now you now you can't Checkmate me haha you can go here but then what do you do rip D1 threatening the Knight now the Queen's defended Queen H6 does white want to trade Queens to be down a pawn no okay H6 takes we'd have sex he's like all right all right your check maybe I'll stop you Bishop E4 man White's getting all his pieces over there to Checkmate I'm doing a good job now if it was white smooth white could play Rook takes Pawn if you take the Rook Queen H7 Checkmate that would sort of explain Bishop E4 to you right okay so Bishop A6 attacking The Rook because the bishop was terrible on B7 Rook moves Queen G7 and white wants to trade Queens right no White's down a pawn White's playing for checkmate and now black plays for checkmate man everybody's mean now right and now remember that game I showed you you forgot about yeah and this game was played three months ago this game was just played Bishop takes C6 and Black's like oh boy I'm gonna meet you I'm gonna keep checking you until I meet you or I'm gonna keep checking until you meet me whichever is funnier obviously if King H3 Queen F1 made and black was thinking man I'm gonna meet white look at white Stupid King walking up the board remember the Nigel short game yeah yeah he's like oh man I'm gonna go meet White I'm gonna meet I'm gonna oh wait a minute he's like no no no don't don't don't play King H6 don't do it man now if you move your king I'm gonna play King H6 provided anything so what did Black play to stop King H6 yeah now did you break did you bring your did you bring your Kleenex did you bring it because you're gonna cry when you see this move and this is the move I already showed you in the Nigel game if you know every game ever played you can do what they do close you couldn't be closer the queen was right and takes was right takes G6 yeah oh yeah if you play Queen F7 then we trade on F7 King G attacks your Rook now I go here yeah I never get to play moves like that and black resigned let's pretend black didn't resign pretending's fun so here check you have three legal moves that hangs me so that's probably not the right move right okay then you have Rook here and I see a mate in three there could be a mating two I just see a mate in three that could be mating two I don't know then there's the obvious move King G8 remember what I taught you use all of your pieces to checkmate yeah Bishop D5 and then here and I see more than one Checkmate but I'll play the one that it's mating two it has good King for white black thought he was mating white and white walked his King of the board and made it black yeah so both sides got mated but black guy mated first and that was in a team tournament your teammates like it when you play Queen G6 check and it's correct then the teammates are like good job when it loses your queen you resigned it seems like what are you doing why are you giving your queen away but when it works they're like wow what a teammate and what's funny is his name is Tiger so you would think he's playing Super aggressive like sort of being funny because his name he is like that Tiger's known for like sacking all his pieces and playing crazy he's a tiger and he actually has a chess book out about the tiger method I don't know we might even solid here it's the tiger like raw or play Crazy yeah he's tiger and black resigned so both sides getting mated but actually the reason Black's getting mated and the reason White's getting mated is the same reason White's King is moving up the board in the end game move your king up the board like I told you right but in the opening when you do that the guy meets you so when you do it and the guy doesn't meet you that you could meet him because your king is coming in with your queen and record you're meeting him and so black was like oh boy King G2 King F3 King F4 what a dummy and he's like oh wait a minute that guy's meeting me yeah and when Nigel did it he did it on his own he's like oh let me move my king up the board this guy had no choice he was getting checked off the board and he's like hey I'm winning instead of losing okay obviously they calculated and figure it out and whenever these things happen not always but I'm like hey who's the better player somehow the guy who's winning is always the high rated player it's like they have better judgment yeah like both sides are getting mated and the guy who calculated better happens to be the higher rated player and maybe if black was a higher rated player if he was 2700 he would have said hmm if I check him his King off the board and he meets me like Nigel did I guess I won't do that this guy probably thought his King's walking up the board I'm gonna win right you're insulting him or saying it's good yeah I wasn't sure because that's like exactly my rating I wasn't sure right he's lower rated than his opponent so his judgment was worse yeah and it could be let's say White's 2000 white could be like oh man I have to play King G2 King F3 King F4 I'm not doing that and just something else and loses and then the computer says Hey walk your king up the board and win and then 2000 was like what and then this guy's like I'll walk the guy at the board and win because he's higher rated and if black was a 2800 you would be like no White's gonna walk a king up and win I can't do this that's like the different levels of chess 2000 is like I'm not doing that and White's like I'm gonna do that and Black's like I'm not gonna allow that but black wasn't high rated enough to realize he was going to get made first and obviously in this position when after King G5 now we're getting the deja vu of the king going H6 of the mates because that's what Nigel did King's pretty safe on H6 the king's on H6 these pieces aren't going to attack it because the you can't go to this diagonal it's closed there's a rook here there's a rook here there's a queen here once I play King H6 I play Rook F4 and queen F6 I'm gonna meet you so he stopped it but too late because I have Queen takes G6 check too late that was the winning move that Nigel could have played when The Rook was here then it's easily winning because it's pinned but Timon resigned before that happened this guy let it happen because it was a queen sacrifice right yeah yeah and then he's like oh and chess is a very interesting game if white doesn't play Queen G6 check he doesn't see it he doesn't want a sack his Queen that maybe he loses blacks could have played Rook takes G3 if it's Blackstone with black wins so you gotta watch it so if black doesn't see Queen G6 he might have thought I'm winning my teammates love me and the Jerry went awe my teammates hate me again so when there's checks and captures in the position you can't miss them then you lose games so a super Grand Master who's 27 2800 if the move Queen takes G6 wins for white they don't allow that because they see checks and captures so when cram Nick beat aronian and kramnik was sacking all of his pieces people were like wow he beat Iranian doing that aronian should stop that but he couldn't stop it right so that's why this was that's why that game was so highly thought of obviously he didn't walk his King up the board and secondly did sack his Queen cram Nick but he had like mating too made some more important so those were considered the three best games of last year but this game reminds everybody of Nigel short so Nigel probably thought it was the best well yeah it's like my game and as I told before the lectures but you guys weren't here if you were here you weren't listening there's a school you've never heard of that means they've heard of it called Georgia Tech right yeah yeah and you've heard of Nigel short right and what do they have in common only I know also Nigel knows and you know right Nigel has a daughter and she's dating and living with a guy and he just got a job as a professor at Georgia Tech and they live in England or whatever and they're moving they're here now and they're living in Atlanta because he's teaching a Georgia Tech so Nigel Short's daughter lives in Atlanta and Nigel short talked to me on the internet and said dude my daughter lives in Atlanta now and he explained the situation and I want to go visit her at some point can I come give a Simo at your chess Center so what does that mean he's coming to this test then yeah he's coming to give a simul and you're gonna beat him right exactly yeah when everybody visits his daughter that he doesn't know when but he's not going to not visit his daughter it's his daughter right so then that's the way the world Works you're like why is why is Magnus Carlson here and you're like oh because his sister is doing this and he went with her and you're like what he's in my town that all that stuff happens all the time people walk in our chest and we're like why are you here oh I'm my friend's here and some guy who's 2400 and he's visiting so yeah Nigel will be here this year at some point and try to have him give a lecture a simul and maybe a few lectures I'll show you the game he won't be like yeah yeah we know that game right and then you'll be like did you know tiger used your system to win he'll be like yeah yeah I know that game he'll be the Love Fest you guys will never know everything right yeah all right and what did Gene Wilder say when he was alive after he died he didn't say it anymore have you heard of Willy Wonka yeah yeah he's Willy Wonka yeah yeah not the one you saw Charlie in the Chocolate Factory oh not that movie The Original from the 70s the good one you saw the good one yeah that's that that's Gene Wilder the guy who plays Willy Wonka he was in a movie he died about a year ago he was in a movie you never heard of called Young Frankenstein and he was teaching a class when the class ended he said class is dismissed [Music]
Channel: GMBenjaminFinegold
Views: 8,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, Chess, GM Ben Finegold, board, game, Ben Finegold, streaming, live, stream, winning, checkmate, losing, sacrifice, attack, openings, traps, forks, skewers, grandmaster, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, karen, karen boyd, boyd, karen bold chess, Queen's Gambit, daily dose of Ben Finegold, Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Atlanta, funny chess, CCSCATL, subscribe, asmr, rating, chess analysis
Id: VaRXBfHew9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 8sec (3068 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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