The U.S. at the World Cup - GM Ben Finegold - 2013.08.15

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so in the world cup there's 127 players and they play a knockout system so after one round they're 64 which is good for chest the second round is going on currently and there were nine Americans that nine fingers there were nine Americans to start surprisingly for went to the second round five got knocked out Shabbo al Qaeda not halt I can do this I can do it just think I can I think I can uh what see who else is terrible yeah I mean I I got the bottom of the barrel here what else Alejandra Ramirez man I was Armageddon game and I'm missing one one other American got knocked down the first round yeah I'll think of it in a second I mean I want people going on where Ray Robson gotta calm ski Hikaru Nakamura and pause pause ownership ownership in Rob's that got knocked out today owner shook in most embarrassing fashion okay ownership lost the first game and it's a two-game match now if you're good at math and you lost Game one of a two game match guess what you have to do in game to offer a draw and after 20 moves in an equal position that's what he did so he's out yeah I don't know ridiculous ridiculous um ray Robson lost the first game against Eve on truck and tried really hard the second game but not hard enough so so he's out Nakamura's through and calm ski won the first game and the whole lecture will be on the second game considered by many including myself the worst game ever played by two players 26 50 feet above so like it's a bubble game for you guys but every move double question marks you'll feel right at home pressure I don't know okay now Ashima knov unlike ownership actually tried to win the second game and he did was amazing so tiebreak tomorrow while there's many tie breaks but this is the important one so there's one America doing tiebreaks I'm sure you're all very patriotic because of the great u.s. victory yesterday in what's that soccer very good beating ah worse the answer I've ever heard man I've heard some bad answers from Ken West but that's your getting up there now bosnia-herzegovina and it's the first time the US has been behind in Europe ever and one ever that's very suspicious two days ago the Cardinals did the same thing they were Oh in 40 this year when behind after eight innings but then they want as I was watching back okay well obviously was cheating involved okay so uh this is a very funny game because I want to talk about strategic ideas because that's the name of the class you're very familiar or you should be with the Queen's Gambit the strategic idea of the Queen's Gambit is that this guy leaves the board see that was easy and when he does you get the center and black plays probably here if you're in my camp and then and then White has this nice position okay and that's if he's one of the better players right back me up Julian ah do you do you agree this is checked wait let's check me okay ia what does a Gris mean okay so what we're trying to do is take this pawn that's sort of on the side sort of and get rid of the center pawn so we can grab the center it's a very common opening most grandmasters don't take the pawn they play e6 or c6 to maintain their pawn on d5 the King's gambit has similar ideas except you get checkmated a lot yeah what are you going to do so Shimon oov played very unusual Kings gambit which I want to play because I've been playing over morphe games lately and morning wins so why can't I win okay and and incorrect as usual what's your name Julian always incorrect says I'm stronger than morphine and I would win horrible yell at him yeah yeah no ridiculous okay so more views play an f4 and crushing people and he's facing a foreign crushing people now I had an acquaintance slash friend and bish again and he would come over the house and play chess with me my dad my brother and I mom would feed him that's the main reason he came over and he actually got 220 350 but he was maybe 1,300 at the time and his favorite player was Worf II and he asked my mom once he says you know I don't really know the answer to this getting a chest question my mom that's that's the bottom of that makes our chests campers look good by the way and he said it's morph you still alive and she and my mom knows nothing about Chad said no even sheena she's like not now he died in the 1870's all right so I'm like I looked it up but I was like a yesterday so I forgot exactly okay so morphe was the king of the Kings gambit which makes sense don't tell the Brawn right now against the Kings game that I play d5 causing confusion calm ski instead thought for 20 minutes at every move until he was in time trouble I move seven good idea and he took which is the correct move and now if you remember Judit Polgar when she was good that's a good memory you gotta have a really good memory to remember that what did you always play in this position because Bishop c4 right and most grandmasters like Nigel when he's kidding or Spassky when he's not kidding play Knight f3 and then Fischer said d6 wins because he's crazy which he later proved that he was crazy it improved d6 was good he proved he was crazy okay this ship c4 now I have my own story which always happens because I'm old I have this position with black against Judah and I prepared for and I had a novelty prepared and it was all thousand years ago and when I played my novelty I remember the game at all she instantly moved and played faster than me and was winning I'm not winning but better exactly right and then in a draw an endgame of double rooks she walked in the meetin won the crowd didn't like that when I checked me to Judah the crowd was mad because they were rootin for her she was like 14 so she was only like 200 points better than me okay so Bishop c4 is what Judith and when she Manav who's whitened this game your favorite Grandmaster played this calm ski thought forever again and I met Chi Minh off wall I didn't meet him but I saw him in India 2011 at the world junior championship and he did pretty well okay he was drunk a lot anyway d5 is the normal move and if pawn takes the bishop is blocked they take with the bishop and now you play Knight f6 question incorrect in this position yeah Bishop e3 ah is that a good plan no no now then your bishops terrible you're not developing that's typical low rated player thinking very good I'm glad you said that so most low rated players they don't care about development they don't care about the center they care about being a pawn ahead so white wants to play Bishop b3 and c4 which may be a plan but I discouraged my students from doing that the difference is your moves were legal very good I've been teaching camp all day and I don't see that too often okay and you actually had a reason for making your moves I've never seen that before not in chess camp okay so taking what the bishop is the normal move that's what you did it against me because you want to have open lines and if you remember the Queen's Gambit which was like three minutes ago so White's trying to get the center so II D sorta destroys his center he'd like to play d4 and e4 and Shima have actually accomplishes that because cops key plays crazy later Bishop takes Knight c3 and white wants to play Knight f3 g4 Bishop takes f4 and be a pawn ahead and have the center Bishop b4 which is a reasonable move Knight f3 I never saw people developing their pieces so much I've been teaching chess camp all week what happened to Queen h5 Queen h4 blundering their queen castles castles yay c6 Bishop c4 now cops key went completely nuts which I like because it wasn't me and I was showing this game of the chess camp today and I was telling him playing the sander and develop your pieces and conky did the opposite just to prove me wrong b5 a5 like what okay ridiculous okay so I told the kids Black's not developing at all he pushes all his pawns on the side I said so the wind just to prove me wrong okay but he didn't prove me right should have won oka for stopping a 497 takes takes Knight d5 and now white wants to play pawn c3 and pawn d4 and Bishop takes f4 and he does all that stuff that's a good plane to have them to do it and black for some reason did this but I don't know why and cops he's terrible no okay although he will win these things field Cup Knight takes bishop the mysteries of life Bishop takes he actually saw his rook was hanging now Rick a6 is a funny move I've only seen a play by good players in the Budapest when I say good they're not too good and black wants to play rook h6 and give me also he's saving his rook but that only works like in one minute chest which this is not although comps he had one minute now so it was was close okay d3 attacking the pawn on f4 Knight f6 attacking the bishop bishop hides on a to nine h5 defending the pawn on f4 typical actually Kings gambit move protecting the pawn on f4 and white decides to get a good center always a good time to do that and 95 which has a what's a called discovered attack yes I only teach at seven times a day okay so 95 and the Queen on g1 is attacking the knight and calm ski just missed it and hung Apple I should have okay now he played Queen h4 so the kids were happy because there's a queen on h4 that's that's how you play and queen of d3 attacking the b5 pawn and rook gates now blacks play is very weird and calm skew she doesn't play weird and Nakamura likes to play weird so he was probably watching this game shaking his head at both sides okay and then he went back to his own game and shook his head some more okay not sure why but he by the way if you listen to Lauren Stretton Sue and Susan Polgar because you've some wrong with you if you listen to them horns Trent just says Nakamura keeps shaking his head and that's that's his commentary like what you think the position I don't know how Nakamura shaking his head that's the commentary look at his shaking his head odd it's true now my computer program says whites winning and it says the best win is Knight f7 rook f7 queen tase b5 because you know this is pinned and then this is going to be hanging this is hanging this is matin one in case you don't see it what you probably don't if Bishop d7 I'll take it because the rooks pinned and my computer says white is up four point six which is good for white okay another winning move is Bishop takes f7 with the same idea in fact you can just keep taking things every move and then Brooke takes a5 attacking the bishop with check and then take on b5 and whites up like two point seven it says so white has lots of ways to win instead white played the worst legal move in chess history okay and that's I mean I walked throughout you guys place I'm shocked I thought I couldn't see worse moves but man he this one makes no sense at all it's not terrible horrible only jacob could find such a move that's true it is it's like you're on chess calm and it plays the worst move so you can now win yeah so what was a little Jacob rook F to okay horrible okay that's though it's better with the rook on f1 this makes sure the King can't escape now black has several ways to end the funniest win is Bishop takes d4 only computer-related you cannot yes you know he's really drunk he was drunk with power Brooke f2 is the stupidest move ever now the reason he played it if I could read his insane mind is he wanted to run his king away King f1 king he - there's nothing it wins yeah so Queen takes H 2 wins the most obvious variation is takes Knight Shaq discovered check with the rook and then checkmate so white wouldn't do that because that would be bad for white so white would play king f1 and then Knight g3 check is good there's other good moves to and then Queen g1 check is good there's other good moves and what black sups v I think or something so black is completely waiting because ridiculous and somehow black has a big attack rook F 2 was very helpful now if you if you played up some random legal move like rugby 1 for example now this doesn't work because the King just saunters away okay and whatever I mean like it's a position I guess if you take this and win my queen then White's a piece ahead so probably good for white so the only way Queen age 2 works is for black white just set it up with rook F - genius Gavin - how he did it okay and now black has other winning moves also that equalized instead consequently the worst legal move in history after the worst Lika move in history just sit one-up them okay but there's a lot of blunders this game coughs keep playing 93 threatening Queen takes age to mate now if I was calm ski I would be lecturing you guys now but I would see that there's only one defense to Queen h2 that actually defends h2 Grandmaster Ken west how can you defend the h2 pawn and protect it you can do it well maybe not that doesn't protect the pond that pushes it yeah obviously Preston knows bring the night back and black resigns although he didn't resign he was winning later but that's different so obviously calm ski didn't see 9 f3 because then his move was insane he just didn't see that you could retreat boo so 93 is the worst move ever and now you have three whites completely winning plus a lot 5 ok but he's -5 later because of the worst game ever so calm ski sees his queen is hanging so he moves it away good job and white takes the free night then whites a piece of head ok ok Queen h5 threatening a queen h1 checkmate with advantage so that's now reasonable and now white can be plus a lot he plays some move nothing one was the worst move on the board night who 9h 4 is a good move then your big plus there's some of those +6 somehow he played the worst move how do you play the worst move every move on him play the worst move here he waited to move he had chill a little bit King f1 yeah that's the worst move yeah yeah King F one's the worst move then takes threatening the rook I think he played a blunder here - he tried anyway I guess I could take the rook but he played rook c2 and now blacks winning again hooray King III Queen h6 check repeat a little bit and Queen d1 because if they repeat Tomsky wins the match so pause for effect illness trick would have repeated BAM okay yeah I wonder simply repeat in study I lost a match okay that's even crazier what calm ski did playing terrible it looks like I draw a I lose the match okay Queen d1 takes here now any Russian grand minstrels that overload it is because every night okay so notice how the Queen is protecting the knight and the rook so the very simple winning tactic is take the knight with a rock which may not even be the best move but it's good enough and I don't know this is good development I guess and so is that all right and blacks winning but it's like sort of close but blacks not gonna lose so instead of doing that his Lube is also okay Queen Queen h3 and now he's down a piece but it's complicated although I would rather not be down a piece my opinion 9gu on attacking the Queen Queen h1 moving the Queen Bishop to d5 and and White's a piece ahead and there in time travel and black has to prove his compensation which he has but he didn't really prove it jeetu and this is why morphe was better than these bozos to play chess now because when morphe had a king's gambit every move was perfect plus tax now there's the famous game morphe versus that guy was that guy yeah and then probably yeah now who was he playing it was a king it was it now not that one it was a king's gambit and Morpheus King went up the board and then he took all the guy's pieces winning his queen and they put it on on a computer computer said more if he played perfect every move they put this on a computer in the computer broke they had to buy a new computer because every move was the worst move and the thing is there's two ways to win at chess you can get positions you play really well can West knows what I'm talking about well maybe he doesn't and the other way is to get positions your opponent plays badly and after this game runner Harvey and I were talking the Grandmaster residents currently thought this is my one-year anniversary thank you the Ronin said calm seas terrible tactician horrible although I'm not horrible all right but Audie sleek on skis a great strategist and a great positional player his tactical play is a little iffy so she will not pick the good opening to have his opponent make a lot of blunders also she made a lot of blunders so it was wonderful rook f2 and calm skis not used to tricky complicated positions he wants it simple that's why he should have won his piece back and at some point why it's just a piece up and black has no pieces and has to resign I hate when that happens yeah a cop's keeps moving just sort of random moves he's not putting pressure on the king he's not queening he's just like well this is a normal-looking move but he's down a piece so down a piece is bad then there was no real fight here he's at down a piece a checked him a couple times that's pretty good yeah the ammonia attack nature and here calm ski he's dying because he's down a piece for no puns so night and four versus four and he had enough and there were five moves in that game which were at least five or six pawn blunders which changed the evaluation and there were two moves that were 10 pawn blunders okay and okay you guys know what I'm talking about that's your kind of chess yeah kind of lessons like that's it the best player in China right now is one of the people you've heard of you've heard any of them what's that exactly gesundheit and wayy is how old 14 and he'd beat me palm notch in round one and share of in round two two players over 2,700 yeah but he would have been over if you'd won the match okay she refused to be good and then he decided he wasn't okay he's like uh not good anymore Wei Yi on the other hand plays great he plays like a 14 year old now she Rob also plays like he's 14 but he can't calculate like he used to so he blunders a lot now so they played a Sicilian and actually if you remember the match I'm assuming that your only hope and even you might have some trouble there was a match a long time ago between Nakamura and car yakun naka destroyed I think it was four and a half one and a half that's correct and in many of the games we saw this style of play white sacrifices a piece for three pawns and gets three pass finds that was in several of their games in the Sicilian variation and Bishop takes b5 and if you look at the car ya cannot go where a match this happened in like half the games this Bishop e5 95-96 trade Queens and we have three pawns for a piece actually most of those games were drawn even though they're really double-edged now in my opinion which Shroff obviously doesn't agree with when you play a 14 year old Chinese player you should trade all the pieces off and grind them down in an endgame because they have no endgame experience or any experience and Chinese players in general the book on them is all tactics and all theory shear off likes to play really tactical so he plays into his opponent's strengths even though she rubs 100 years old he should have some endgame acumen Bishop h3 for example for example but instead sheriff plays the craziest line of all time to see who could play crazier well then we saw what happened so h5 b5 King on the center so white sacrificed a piece takes on d6 with the Queen which is actually necessary here if Knight takes then Queen B 2 is coming and then they traded Queens then White has three passed pawns for a piece but the passed pawns aren't really queening yet but give them a few moves the hill Queen and this was a fantastic game from Wei Yi and he starts pushing his pawns Bishop check takes and knight takes is very dangerous because of rook takes Knight on g7 really dangerous Sally King G 594 defending his pawn and King decides not to get mated and black just doesn't have enough play the typical tactic from a young player one that you would expect sure I probably missed co-op was actually in time trouble if pawn takes Knight rook takes Knight and if King takes Knight f5 check so I'm sure that Schwab just didn't see this and ends up being a million pawns for a piece which is nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred and ninety and black has no pawns ah too bad I actually drew this ending without the H pawn where was just rook Bishop in three Rick mister versus rook in three it was 97 moves however my King was in front of the three passed pawns and I was lucky to draw it was a draw but it was touch and go but the King is really far away and White has an H pawn so there's no way to draw well they came close and he gave up his H pawn because the King is cut off and the pawns are too strong also this is really hard to play black if it is a draw there's one way to do it nobody can do it these are computers like I give up a 7 King up you know I hate when this happens I hate when there's three passed pawns now if rook takes pawn rook D it is annoying and if you don't play rook takes pawn then everything is annoying so the annoyance stopped here notice how the King is cut off I actually taught that in the chess camp yesterday cutting the King off and they're like what why can't I just keep that one come on I'm like gets checked they're like so yeah yeah the kids of the camp would draw it would have drawn easily they would just walk through check and no problem then we had no problem drawing yeah right then you would have said you agree this is an illegal move and they're like oh now what's an illegal move so so here here here black resigned but we II drew easily was black and one pretty easily with ye and when I play fourteen-year-old tactician z-- I make the game really really really really boring ah so boring even I get mad be very good now if I can find this game which is the zero percent chance bonafide anyway I like a challenge because it reminds me of that game in the opposite way does it care about capitalization a nerdling er right now okay okay one of my favorite games that I that Mike shot II not my dad ah Mike I got my ex-wife my dad my brother and Mike shadi and I have Greg shadi vs. my ex-wife okay here's the game that's pretty funny yeah that we got we got four fine gold something and they got three shot ease so there's a lot of stuff going on there Greg Shaw beat my ex-wife and 16 was the wonder I divorced her okay terrible yeah I married the wrong one alright black is you can't really read it but try anyway Jennifer shot that Jennifer's known for what kind of style attacking Dragon Knight orphe grünfeld sack all the pieces I didn't hear you if I knew what you said okay now I'm an old man even though it was a long time ago I've always been old man and I like Benjamin Button I'm going the wrong way and I'm like okay we got to make it boring out of Theory Ken west-style okay so so c4 which I play often right now and then b3 I figured Jennifer is not studying this a lot that's what I figured now I saw Jennifer playing in this tournament because we're in the same tournament this is the US Championship and in one game she was playing Stas Scriven sauvé and cribben sauvé was white and played the sharpest sicilian ever and i was like god stupid and then I was winning my game and he was resigning like she totally destroyed him which by the way if you can find that game cribben stop Jen shot a Sicilian u.s. championship me and she beat him and I was like I replayed Jennifer I'm not doing that it's going to be trade trade trade trade trade and then she won't like that now there's a lot of history behind this game it's a very famous game you're all familiar with and jennifer and i actually talked about we did commentary jennifer they used to have the u.s. championship and women's is one tournament and they would say okay you're the highest placed woman you're the US women's champion which is a strange way of doing it but and so this year was really ridiculous what happened Jennifer beat everybody and she gained like 40 rating points and Anna Hahn who was then annicon true story it'll do that she was like oh and five and then won her last four games against other women who were low rated than her in tied for first with Jennifer and lost like 20 points and then apply off and Anna won and she was the US Women's Champion and they played for the money and first prize was 12,000 so a low-rated player losing points did better than a hybrid player gaining points because the Swiss system isn't designed to see who finishes in the middle right nerdling ER he's like yeah that's ridiculous and they actually did it like three times and it always be some woman was crushing everybody then she would lose to two super GM's another woman was like having a bad tournament with beats women in the last row and she'd be first and I'm like wait what what are you doing so they don't do that anymore also they talk about doing it still okay so I'm playing Jennifer in the last round and if Jen we're good friends we teach chess in New York together hanging all the time Notre for 50 years and if it's a draw she gets clear first 12,000 if I win I wouldn't like $100 more right so her brother Greg and a mutual friend of ours who shall remain nameless Yaakov Hirsch they bet on whether I would give her a draw they may decide that and Greg's like well he won't give her a dries playing chess you can't just give somebody a draw and y'all goes like with their friends he can't with any more money just give her a DRA she gets 12,000 so we'll see who's right not hit not not Jakob okay so boring yay boring okay and which famous physicists love these boring positions niels bohr boring the boring world of Niels Bohr okay so boring bah I've never saw look at Rick fb1 what's my favorite movie the game by the way because I'm going to play b4 eventually it's not my rook on a1 so yeah that was also the most boring with like it's income now that it's boring even Jacobs impressed Jacobs like wait a minute what Jacobs like could you send me this game this was more bored than I've ever played b4 it's like but I but I won 8-3 was my second favorite move of the game because I got left King f8 some mistake because it miss places the King a 5 is a mistake because it weakens b6 and 95 and that's why King f8 is bad because Knight d7 check is coming Rick takes b6 is coming king he 7 yeah I'm upon up prey a5 was bit she couldn't take anymore a 5 but a 5 weakens her or pawns on the Queen side but she couldn't just sit there and do nothing so not her style 85 was more her style also trading pieces seems like it's closer to a draw and the draw gets her all the money and I tried to play as boring as possible still and now I played Bishop e2 if rook takes h4 what moved his white play my third favorite move of the game which didn't happen only Jacob knows rook takes h4 what do we do this was not played though Rick a1 is good I like it but King g1 was the plan also trapping the rook and also I retreat more yay ok once a retreat I like it ok she played rook c5 and I still played as boring as I could h5 is a bad move taking on ephors a really bad move but again this isn't her cup of tea and she resigned the black had no play the whole game and the whole game was equal computer program say 0.01 for me pretty big advantage the point wasn't that I played a good game or that I got a winning position on of the opening the point was Jennifer's good at calculating and tactics and it really really really boring positions I have a lot more experience than she does at moto Jacob has the most so I like to get a boring position against those kind of players and against other kind of players calm ski for example I'd want to get an exciting position where he could make a blunder like Shimon I've did so in fact I drew counts key ones in an open tournament he sacked in exchange we're both dating each other and so he didn't necessarily play better than me I lost to him once and a thousand moves I couldn't move vas you're the Grove my favorite player from what country you you France very good and we're friends on Facebook because he plays so good if he loses a game though unfriend unfriend if he loses again ok and he's the only player who was curly for an O in the world cop no drawers no playoffs just win every game now in Game one of this match he's getting crushed and he should have resigned according to you you were like why doesn't he resign and seven was later he was plus thirty that's why he didn't resign and then he was plus thirty a few moves later that's how he rolls okay so this is game 2 Black has to win and I'm like oh no Shrek he played crazy to try to win then he get beat has was beating of all time okay so Vaughn sheers white and doesn't play for a draw he's whiteness Sicilian he plays sharp complicate three the sharpest move not just das Bishop g4 this should be f1 resigns because Bishop f1 black can't even play Bishop FA bishops on f8 and it looks like what other opening Justin it looks like another opening it started as a Sicilian now does it look like he's like incorrect you the real Oh PES named after who or is it whom whom from what country Spain so in Europe it's called the Spanish right so it looks like a real Lopez even though it's a Sicilian that's what happens Queen c7 what well it was a lot different it would be 98 very suspicious now it's Fisher random a for stopping b5 so B 6 well blacks trying to make the game lasts forever that white might make a mistake look again scoffs key made about 30 mistakes ok but if I show the guards my guy unless he loses next round then I deny it 93 Bishop d3 Knight h2 which super grandmaster world champion who comes here a lot popularized 9h to in the ruie comes your a lot world champion na kimochi 92 in the ruie speaking of the Rui a cargo played the open reach they were black I've never seen him do that never never see him do it what yeah my never saw him do it the correct answer was Gary Kasparov played nihti X clam novelty against Karpov and destroyed him you've inure your nights around a lot in the real Lopes evil into Cecilia as 985 has proven so black played 96 to d8 to be 7 to a 5 so you're proud took 4 moves to do it in to C for blocking it up f4 so varchar2 Grove doesn't say oh I need to draw to win the match let me play really boring like Jacob he was thinking it ok he was lying of4 is the best move let's play the best move because now for I get an attack on the Kings side down a5 is off sides the rook and a eights off sighs and I have more space if he doesn't take then f5 is crushing f5g four resigns so he takes bishop is good g6 terrible weakening the King Bishop h2 beautiful g4 again not playing for the draw but playing the best move you're not going to get plus 36 by playing boring well you will eventually Queen c2 defending the B to pawn rook key to getting the other rook into the game g2 defending the Jeep on b5 so but I can't do anything so that's something anyway rook f1 ignoring the nonsense on the Queen side White's rooks are ready for checkmate black wishes he got checked me to disk after what you'll see takes takes takes Queen c8 attacking the pawn he 5 so you can see white is not interested in drawing the game white is interested in playing what he thinks is the best move the knight on g7 strangely fianchettoed is can't move and he wants to open lines for his bishop on c4 his rook on f1 his knight and E 5 does everything and once black plays d6 to open up the wine for his bishop Queen take g6 is annoying Knight d2 is a fantastic move where's the night going B for and rook takes Bishop is also a threat so saved his bishop night went to e4 and computer said white is up I think +4 here when he's a pawn down that's good compensation right so very suspicious pieces here perfect pieces White's pieces all perfect Knight d6 is coming d6 is coming Knight takes Bishop winning a pieces best queen d8 defending his Bishop Queen f2 threatening f7 f5 as we know in the business suicide yeah opening up his own King Bishop h4 attacking the Queen d6 check Julian in the chest camp or what black play here very simple quick no no absolutely no no Bishop takes Queen yeah for sure Queen h4 is illegal while taking his own bishop that's even illegal for them all right but but make sure you're rolling for this in my last chess camp that you were not at but you would not add there's a blitz Turk no it was it's a 15-minute tournament the kid stopped the clock and he said to his opponent you can't take your own piece and you're in track then we're like alright we looked and he was right like he kid took his own piece anyone's a check anyway but I can was opponent pointed that out here's what you're doing wrong so Queen sheiks h4 does both of those takes his own piece Eddie's in check okay but this is the World Cup they play slightly better not calm ski so Bishop e6 nah nah but the Queen's hanging on f2 oh no BAM takes that takes that and black has a good game except he doesn't also white needs a draw to go to the next match is he playing for a draw now he's playing for several checkmates so II seven check is winning Knight f6 would be winning rook takes g6 is winning Bishop takes e5 is winning so white has good compensation for a Queen Queen h4 and kids would like that eise Evan check King move Knight f6 check King moves Bishop f7 and this is annoying threatening rep shakes g6 meet with advantage g5 and as we were before isolated pawns that's why black lost bad pun structure Bishop g3 now it's not plus 36 anymore because the computer announces maid if it wasn't made to be plus a lot yeah so that's the guy pixel in the World Cup see and then somehow he plays like that he must a new you know yeah and I saying black resigned here in shame I never get to do that I never played players that way he's a grandmaster never mind so you have I've sealed the ground I've seen many times and he's good I think he wouldn't be alright in a playoff that was other GM's four-way tie for first as is usual vos years twenty seven twenty feet a so after this event twenty seven fifty and then so forth
Channel: Saint Louis Chess Club
Views: 78,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lecture (Type Of Public Presentation), Chess (Game), Ben Finegold, Gata Kamsky (Chess Player), scholastic, Strategy, Critical Thinking, Strategic Ideas, Chess Club (Organization Type), Queen's Gambit, Grandmaster, School, Classroom, Lesson, Lecture, Teacher, Lessons, Learn, Student, Education, Free, Teachers, Students
Id: n2FxpdfoNWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 40sec (2560 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2013
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