Why Bobby Fischer is Better than Modern Players!

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the candidates tournament is going on right now and some of the play from these uh players is really astonishing I mean they have really Advanced chess to an amazing level they're doing incredible incredible things over the board however the greatest achievement in the history of the candidates of course these are this is the tournament to determine who will play for the world championship who will take on the current world champion the greatest achievement in the candidates by far came from Bobby fiser in fact the reason we talk about Fisher as the greatest to ever play or at least in the top three with Carlson and Kasparov is because of what happened in 1971 leading up to his match with spasy he played Mark tonov and was a best of 10 and he beat him six games to nothing no one could do that today I mean flat out none of the top players you would never be able to do that today couldn't happen then he goes against bent Larson who other than fiser was probably the best non-soviet player in the world at that time six and Ed him in a best of 10 and then in the final match before to qualify for the World Championship he played tigran petan and beat him 6 and a half two and a half which is probably even more impressive than the shutouts of tonov and Larson and remember petan was at the peak of his strength he had been world champion not much earlier uh just maybe three years before this match took place absolutely astonishing and we're going to look today at the game he played against bent Larson the first game of their match and he does some things here that are absolute Wizardry and fiser has the white pieces Larson has black let us Jump Right In E4 E6 the French defense from Larson E4 Knight C3 and Bishop to B4 the winner of variation and it was known that these were not Fisher's favorite structures so Larson is trying to get him into uncomfortable Waters uh the win war doesn't follow normal strategic rules Fisher gains space with E5 and of course the idea of Queen G4 hitting the UND defended G7 Pawn is very common in the winner where Black's King side is somewhat vulnerable here Knight to E7 and A3 forcing the bishop to well he has to take on C3 at this point Pawn takes B takes C3 and black and black has given up a great minor piece the St squared Bishop for what may look like mysterious reasons but he has play down the cile with these weak pawns on C3 and C2 and also black has a plan where he actually was going to attack on the king side which looks ridiculous at the moment but uh he could play F6 and then maybe G5 Castle long and uh black can get a pretty serious attack here if white is not careful he continues Larsson does to attack D4 and here the main move is Queen to G4 but there are other options and here fiser plays the most positional option probably A4 the idea the main idea of this is of this move is to play Bishop C1 A3 to take over the diagonal that black no longer controls because he gave up his own dark squared Bishop so now white wants to play uh the bishop to A3 to control that key diagonal Knight B to C6 Knight F3 and Bishop to D7 Larson has three minor pieces developed to fisers one so he's getting developed now Bishop to D3 the bishop is on a very strong diagonal but Fisher is inviting the move C4 which could completely lock the structure Queen to C7 castles and here Larsson does exactly that he plays C4 completely locking the structure and of course Bishop B2 is really the only move Fisher has here and Bot vinck had observed that this was not Fisher's favorite kind of structure now it may look like this is going to lead to a maneuvering game that is not actually true uh what's going to happen is this Center is going to explode that's really Black's idea here and you're going to see a lot of tactics and attacking potential in this game F6 lson immediately puts pressure on the front of White's Pawn chain with that F6 if Fisher were to take black is fine here he could just cast along move his Rook to the Gile and attack so fiser plays Rook to E1 now Knight to G6 black has immense pressure on the E5 pawn queen Knight pawn two knights and a pawn uh and fiser again doesn't want to take on F6 so he plays Bishop to A3 the move he intended when he played A4 in the first place controlling key squares black cannot Castle King side if he had wanted to to uh and this is a pawn sacrifice the E5 Pawn will now fall and lson takes that pawn pawn takes Pawn takes takes with the Knight Knight takes Knight takes uh at the moment fiser does have some counterplay for that pawn though of course he has the bishop pair Black's King is in the middle of the board moves like Bishop to H5 check could be coming so fiser has some counterplay for that pawn this next move is quite strong Queen to D4 and now he is threatening Bishop to H5 check which would uh perhaps win some material so lson plays Knight to G6 looks like he's hanging that G7 Pawn but again Larson can just Castle long and play on that g file and it's the kind of position black wants here um so instead fiser plays Bishop to H5 building up some pressure on on the king side um and castling long doesn't quite work here because that undefended A7 Pawn is actually Black's problem at the moment so black cannot Castle so fer has a real attack in the middle of the board uh King to F7 was played by lson basically what he wants to do is Castle by hand as they say he moves The Rook over and the King can tuck in at G8 uh so he gets a castle castle type position without actually executing the castling maneuver but Fischer's next move is very strong F4 a powerful shot threatening F5 and undermining this D5 pawn and he could cause Black's entire Pawn chain to collapse and it's really hard to see how black can stop that Larsson plays Rook H to E8 continuing that plan of artificial castling and fiser continues his plan of undermining the D5 Pawn with F5 EF5 Queen takes D5 check the King goes to F6 if uh Bishop to E6 then just Rook takes Rook takes and then Queen to F5 check would be very very strong if the Rook were to block the check and the queen goes back and then when the Rook moves Rook to F1 check would win material because the pawn is no longer blocking uh the f file would just win material so lson goes ahead and plays King to F6 instead King looks quite vulnerable but Fischer's next move actually lets lson back into the game um the best move according to modern technology is Bishop to D6 uh cutting that Queen off from the center and after Queen C6 Queen D4 check King F7 then Bishop to F3 which is the move Fisher actually plays in the game uh and the threat he's hit hitting the queen and the threat of Bishop to D5 check is quite quite devastating uh fiser goes ahead and plays Bishop to F F3 here Larson plays Knight to E5 threatening to take off that very nice Bishop with his Knight so fiser plays Queen to D4 he pins that Knight so he cannot do that but lson just steps out of the pin renewing the threat of Knight takes F3 check so Fisher makes a very risky decision he gives up a rook and gets two minor pieces in exchange for it normally that's a good exchange however to do so he gives lson a blistering attack the rolls reverse and fiser is the one that has to find Miracle defensive moves he takes the Knight with a rook Queen takes and now Queen takes Bishop uh if he just takes here he would just be down in exchange so the whole idea was to take the bishop and he's gotten the he's got the bishop pair for a rook but now lson gets to have a little bit of fun first he plays Rook a to d8 now we see his heavy pieces crushing down crashing down to the middle of the position Fisher grabs a pawn at B7 but it's not about grabbing a pawn the pawn happened to be there but he's actually trying to get access to a key Square which we will see in a minute Barson plays Queen to E3 check and there's only one right decision here if fiser were to play King to H1 then boom Queen to E1 Rook takes Rook takes as a back rank mate so he has to move his King toward the center toward the fire of Black's pieces and now Rook to D2 and look at this l is one move away from mating on F2 and I have to say to for the eye test white looks lost I could see some lower rated players actually resigning uh in this position um but fiser had seen a little deeper and now he plays Queen to C6 check that's why he took that B7 Pawn so he'd have access to the C6 Square now so he takes that moves there with cck now Rook to E6 it looks like he's just you know even in even worse shape than he was before his Queen is under threat and there's the mate threat but again fer has seen deeper these are Miracle moves Bishop to C5 counterattacking the queen but also preventing the mate the queen can't play Queen to F2 mate nevertheless it still looks extremely dangerous Barson plays Rook to F2 check forcing the king to G1 now there's a discovery the problem of course is the Queen the checking piece after the discovery is also being attacked so it's really just balancing on a very thin thread here Barson plays Rook takes G2 check King takes G2 then Queen to D2 check so what he has done is by giving up that rook and delivering this check he's now going to be able to take Fisher's Queen fer is giving up that queen king goes to H1 Rook takes C6 and Bishop takes C6 so the dust has settled a little bit here Larson has a queen and he also has uh some kingside pawns that can advance and for the it looks like White's King is in Greater danger than blacks however if we look at this a little more closely we see things are better for white than it might seem at first these Bishops are unbelievably strong and they basically control any diagonal that black could check White's Queen from I mean his King from and these two Bishops with this Rook are really powerful here much more so than the queen and these uh f and g pawns Queen takes C3 Rook to G1 check King to F6 and now Bishop takes A7 and Fischer has a passed a pawn and he has his tool for victory what he needs to use to win the game which is of course to advance that a pawn U G5 comes from Larson again modern computers show this is a mistake and actually say the correct move is King to E6 but no human being plays like that you just don't move your king into the middle of the fir power of your opponent's position it's just not realistic but G5 was played but problem with those is that it is is slow and gives fiser time to do what he wants to do he plays Bishop to B6 now to escort help escort this a pawn forward the bishop controls the A5 Square Marson takes on C2 getting a little extra material the pawn goes to A5 and now Queen to B2 by attacking this bishop at B6 he keeps the pawn from advancing because he would lose the bishop if the pawn were to move now so fiser plays Bishop to d8 check and moves the bishop away from the Queen's threat with Tempo so he has to respond to the threat against his King and now he can advance the pawn the queen goes to A3 to attack the pawn but now Bishop to B7 and this is a very strong formation the uh A6 and B7 Bishop working together uh we can see fiser Advantage here coming to to fruition Queen to C5 to control the A7 Square Rook to B1 the idea is to support this bishop coming to B6 so that he can then push the pawn on to A7 C3 Larson hoping to irritate this Rook sufficiently with this Pawn so that he can do something about that advancing pawn and on the a file Bishop to B6 he goes ahead with C2 uh threatening to take the rook and promote to a queen with check but Fischer plays this powerful idea Rook to E1 check this intermediate move really seals the deal uh Larsson blocks with the queen Fisher takes Rook takes E5 check King takes E5 and they he doesn't black doesn't resign yet interestingly Fischer's most obvious win is just Bishop to E3 and most people would have just played that move but fiser I think had something on his chest I think he something to get off of his chest yeah something to prove here um and he plays A7 I think this is the same kind of mentality that caused him to make that mistake in the first game against spasky where he grabbed that A7 Pawn uh but he's actually perfectly fine here he has calculated this and Marson promotes to a queen and fiser just plays Bishop to G1 tucks the queen back and there are just no checks at all and there is nothing black can do to to stop the pawn promoting to the A8 square and uh fiser won this game the first of six straight victories against the great bent Larson and what was without a doubt the greatest achievement in chess history fiser in the candidates I hope you've enjoyed this game see you again soon at chess dog goodbye
Channel: ChessDawg
Views: 88,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bobby fischer, chess, fischer vs larsen, bobby fischer brilliancy, bobby fischer vs bent larsen, bobby fischer candidates 1971, fischer candidates 1971, fischer 6-0, fischer 1971, bobby fischer 1971, robert james fischer, larsen chess, fischer larsen, bent larsen, fischer larsen candidates, fischer larsen game 1, bobby fischer bent larsen game 1
Id: Ot4hX9D3PYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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