Understanding Spiritual Covenants

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all right good night YouTube good night my facebook family in France as promised I would have posted notification saying that I would be doing a teaching tonight on understanding spiritual covenants alright so before I get into it because I want to really get into it tonight I have a lot to cover but let me just look at my look at my dashboard to ensure that okay great but everyone can hear me all right hello Briana okay so I consume that everyone can hear me tonight we have dalories mas Briana Indira Bernadette Williams okay Alfred I'm Dara page blocker Patricia Makeda Camilla Shaniqua Phaedra who's that now Bell Alvino okay my wonderful friend DeAndre Stubbs I need to talk to you okay so we're gonna get right into it tonight you have a lot to cover and as you would have read the topic tonight is understanding spiritual covenants and I thought it necessary to teach on this tonight because for the most part when I speak about covenants only those would have been following my ministry for a while would understand what I actually mean by covenant so I'm gonna explain what a covenant is tonight that's what the key is explaining what a covenant is and how how it adversely affects our lives if if that covenant is established between any other god other than the God that we know the god of Jesus Christ okay so my job tonight is very very simple and that is to cool tonight and that is to really give you an understand now the only thing I require of you is you're gonna need notepads you're gonna need a pen because I'm gonna be giving you some notes I don't know why my ears tripping what are we giving you some notes and you're gonna need this because I can assure you even before we get at the end of this teaching then we get into the first part of this teaching you're gonna see just how much this particular teaching these particular rules are directly affecting your life unknowingly okay so with that said let's get right into it what is a covenant what exactly is a covenant well a covenant in layman's simple terms it's an agreement and it's an agreement between two or more people for example when Deidre and I got married we came into a covenant and the Covenant is that of course I would love and cherish each other through sickness and poverty and all these other things it means that both of us agreed we came to get and we made an agreement an agreement that we made between each other not that the key here is what we're dealing with tonight the truth is when we got married there were two covenants made actually there was the covenant between us and a natural room which would have been the pastor what a marriage offer so all right but the second part of their covenant which is the real part was the spiritual aspect when you because remember you've made an agreement you swore before God and mind to D what was said to you was read for you to agreement so a lot of people especially when they get divorce they would think that because they're not sorry because they went through the physical aspect of that divorce such as getting the the divorce papers and so on where according to the land they're no longer legally together they can go their own way and they will be more date the truth is they forget or they don't know that the spiritual part of the covenant of his Mira that also aware every got married is still intact or are still in place so unless that has been broken where you prayed and whatever in a score to sever you spiritually from this person then as I'm speaking to you right now if your divorce and never did that then the truth is virtually and admire to this person as a result of that yes this is crazy now because when you go into the laws that city to become one flesh and all this other stuff they're certain I don't want to use the word powers because it sound like something wicked but they're Satan Authority is that the both parties have over each other even though they're not together anymore okay so this is why you find yourself and you would have left this particular poison you divorce them physically but even where no one in life you keep meeting up with people exactly like that's poison you left because of a covenant the Covenant still in place so until that is broken you're not really freed and telling a spiritual aspect of it is broken so when I nobody fool you yeah you went to the courts yeah you went to the courts and then you went to one of the legal matter one of the legal parts of video you did that but the reality is a spiritual covenant was in place alright so but that's it negative bit of course want to speak more on that okay so a covenant is an agreement it is where two or more people persons parties come together and now they begin to set terms where both parties agree to okay the deal is here though in those terms there's also penalties that if the Covenant is broken or breach then there's certain things that will happen to the party that breached the covenant okay it is all in an effort to keep everybody in line so if we agree you and I agree tomorrow morning at six o'clock you're gonna walk two miles and to ensure that everybody be there at six to walk we said now who doesn't show up will have to pay the party that actually can $1,000 that's an agreement us with covenant and the penalty is whichever party does not come I'll have to give the party that showed up again the thousand dollars all right so the Covenant will come with conditions now they are physical covenants but again our topic tonight is understanding spiritual covenants because this this here is beyond anything you could physically do and a lot of these covenants are implemented in the lives of people in families and they have no idea they have no idea that they are under orders by evil forces and don't know they have no idea that and we're gonna get really into this tonight because you're gonna really see again you know my messages and I know a lot of times I sound repetitive and that's by intent that's not me not remember what I said yesterday and repeating it today no any good teacher any good teachers repetitive why because the whole idea is to inculcate the information permanently into your understanding and the best way to do that any good teacher will tell you this is to repeat it may come at different angles may sit in a different context but the underlying thing is we always push in those same principles and rules because that becomes the basis of what we're talking about so a good teachers teaching the principles to anything will always be repetitive again not saying the exact same things in the exact same sentences but the whole idea is to get the person to walk away with an understanding and the best way to do that is again to do what to repeat it all right so again the couple earnest and agreement between two or more people a spiritual covenant that's we won't get tonight a spiritual covenant is a covenant and you cannot see you see spiritual meaning for the most part there's not a physical signing between two parties to come in an agreement with this contract no no no no no no see a spiritual covenant more than likely is verbal and why it is even more binding than the physical one because there are other entities involved witness one that you cannot see oh yeah we going home at night we be taking this baby all the way tonight be we going all the way tonight so I want you to be clear so when a spiritual covenant is in place the agreement that is being made by the physical parties there's also an agreement being made with a spiritual party so even when the physical party decide to forget or play crazy like they don't know what happened or not anger change and or even the physical party was to die that don't change what you agreed to and by extension are the people in your bloodline they are now gonna be held accountable for the agreement you made or the spiritual covenant that you made now I'm about to take you and the foundation of this teaching all right so I want us to go here now to let's go to Genesis chapter 1 Genesis chapter 1 Genesis chapter 1 right and we're gonna look at verse 26 and then we gonna drop to verse 28 alright Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 remember we're dealing with spiritual covenants alright now we can go deep tonight so like I always tell you if we didn't bring your school but yeah if you didn't and you need two times not one we didn't bring your scuba gear you might drown the matter right but of course as usual I can make it as simple as simple as I possibly could in Genesis chapter 1 Moses had penned or recorded some very vital information that God gave him in this particular scripture and you know the word Genesis literally means beginning of first in place and when you read this you know it just seemed us any other description then you move on so in Genesis 1 verse 26 it says and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness right so go up a turning man into as far as image is concerned after what his image is like so he says and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion now before we go to verse 26 from verse 25 go back to verse 2 verse 1 of chapter 1 it's now speaking about the creation God's creation earth and all this other stuff the Garden of Eden everything he recreated the earth the moon the stars everything was already in place so now that he's done that here's what he's doing because even though he's saying let us create man in our image in our likeness and let them have dominion that just sound like simple words but the truth is now that he's created the earth for whom he created it for which is mankind and and Adam and Eve being the first inhabitants he's now transferring Who am I going to give the authority to or Who am I going to give the keys to this home - so you go to the bank and you do what you have to do you get the monies you bought the home and what do they do they give you the keys and what is this key for you have a 13 access to themselves you only don't and whoever you give those keys to also have access based on what you whatever so in this particular scripture after he made man he's now handing over a 40-year he's now giving these people permission over this big ball that's rotating in space he's given it to human beings us so he says he said now let them have dominion we're gonna let them now this is key because why does this key because I said you all the time we coexist with spirits right but even that being true he didn't give any spirits Dominion or Authority this this is gonna be key where we going all right bear with me so in verse 26 of Genesis 1 and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion authority over the fish of the sea of the fowl of the air and over all the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth so God gave us authority over everything we are in charge we're responsible for these things maintaining them whatever the case may be right let's drop to verse 28 it says and God bless them who's this them that he bless well those who give the authority to which was Adam and Eve and the blessing here I can always tell you is nothing physical he's now putting a spiritual endowment over them because if you're gonna give me a 30 over them over something you gotta give me some power to go along with it I could have the authorities that tell someone to do something but do I have the power to do it so now the power would be the blessing he says and God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful multiply replenish meaning that the blessing now enabled them to do those things that they could not do before okay to be fruitful to replenish and to subdue it now watch what he says again because he's repeating it and have dominion have authority over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air and over everything that creepeth upon the earth now again let's be clear now let's be clear did he give authority to any spirits no right he didn't give knows he didn't even give authority listen to this he didn't give him authority to Satan he didn't give a thority to the angels he didn't give her authority to demons who watched us just about I really want to get he didn't even give authority to himself because he said here he says I've given Who Dominion I'm done with the earth I've already completed it it's already built who who am i giving who am i transferring it's my ID I built it but I built it for you but I'm giving you the key so that I mean you run things here there anything on the outside of mankind in terms of spirit because there's only spirit and humans will have to come through you mankind in order to facilitate their will in there including me God now I know that's tough for you to understand but I'm gonna break this down for you more so the walk will be from near an understanding so he's saying here twice he mentioned it here all right now let's look at another scripture let's look at psalms eat and we're gonna look at verse four of verse six Psalms 8 verse 4 to verse 6 and it says in Psalms 8 verses 4 to verse 6 the question is asked what is man that thou art mindful of him who is he and the son of man that thou visitest him verse 5 of Psalms 8 for thou has made him a little lower who's him who was a mere man the same one God give Dominion Duke so that was made him a little lower than the Angels now this is powerful because even though he's made lower than the Angels in rank he is higher than the angels on this earth because the angels don't have the authority on us like we do follow me not to take your time for thou has made him a little lower than the angel however he has crowned him with glory and honor for sis thou made us him watch what he's gonna say again because it's the third time thou madest him to have what dominion over the works of his hands whose hands gods had what did God hand do he created creation now he said earlier in verse 5 for those made God has made man a little lower than the Angels you hear that a little no work but here I am NOT reading he gave dominion to the angels and angels the spiritual right so why didn't he give authority to the Angels because he didn't made the earth for angels they ain't just have their habitations which is in the heavens you know the Bible says in Peter and Jude that they left some of them left their voices stayed and blah blah blah blah beam internet and I week that's another teacher I can give you and I can deal with that later so here even though he's a little lower than they ain't even the way our little lower than the Angels and yeah they are more powerful than us when it comes to dealing with heavenly things but but when you here on this planet on this big ball caller Rock dirt no we rerun this show here Danny says over six thou made us him to have dominion now made us who the demand us to have Dominion or authority over the works of thy hands and I was put all things under whole feet under our feet again the scriptures are unequivocally clear and it's now giving us the common denominator that when it comes to this earth any spirit that wants to come here and forced if they want their will to be facilitated that's either the Spirit of God or the spirit of Satan any one of those kingdoms this is God's rule now this is not to say we are greater than God this is the way he set it up he said any spirit come here now anyone they have to consult with man they have to whether they trick us to do it whether they blatantly laid off the same okay let us come here and then he'll do anything for you in any event we read a human beings now let me give you some examples of that God made a covenant with Noah God made a covenant with Abraham God made a covenant with us all throughout the Bible every man and woman of God and whatever you read I always used the Jericho thing God wants to knock down the impenetrable wall of Jericho the human we couldn't do it because as much as we have the authority and misery we don't have the human capacity to kick down something like a Jericho wall so what happened God says I will do it for you I can kick the wall down in fact one would say well God didn't need no permission from Jericho from from Joshua and he could have just come and kicked the wall down you're absolutely correct correct as well as he could have grabbed all of the children of Israel or go to Egypt and supernaturally put them right in the promised land but for that he could have supernaturally why put all of the Canaanites and then supernaturally put he could have soup naturally done everything that he was requiring a man to consult with first before he did what he did and that wasn't happening by chance that was happening because this is the way he set up these are his laws so he says okay Joshua here's what we gonna do clearly you understand that you need me in order to do what you're limited in doing yes I give you authority but only so far you could go in the administer 30 you need a spirit to help you now and that would be me so in order to do it Josh walk I need you to forge a covenant because as a spirit the rule is in order for them to facilitate their win in the earth there has to be an agreement between human and the spirit whether or not they are aware of this agreement that has to be achieved for that spirit to work so God says here's to how we can do this he gave them a set of instructions that if they follow the instructions which is the Covenant then now God legally could come and kick the wall down why because you have to ask the question why why why did you want to go to all of that they have to because he said who he gave the authority to no he didn't give it to those spirits he gave it to him he gave it to mankind mankind has the authority here hence I'm telling you all of this because the covenants now this is why you why you hear me talk about evil alters and evil sacrifice and voodoo and which gräfin all then all of that now to the unlearn it to them that's only talked about because they miss the principle behind it and this would bothers me the people of the occult the people of the occult what I'm telling you now they are light-years I hear us on this but not us y'all see a light here are you all on this and it's true your ignorance of not knowing the rules so let me show you what they do which is the exact same thing that God did which is a law God said listen circle the city for seven days circle around at once on the seven day do it seven times broader trumpets in the world will fall now wow so I mean the supernatural help came in the guy who practice in sorcery says listen you want to be rich right yes I want to be rich so what is it going to tell you now follow a set of instructions easier now go to the beach and get a gallon of water seawater get two eggs and I get two bushing put it in something and mix it up and boil it and what is he telling you he's telling you just like go at all Joshua Rose follow follow these instructions of a spirit that you cannot see but because in you following that you agree with the spirit and at the same time you're giving the spirit authority because only you could give it Europe you know you run the show on this re mildest spirit could come and do it want to do so in which graph we raise in an altar because the altar is where the spirits come but we have to forge your covenant and the content in the covenant is the spirit said okay good I will do this but I need you I need you to do X Y Z now this may sound stupid to you in the truth is what you're doing really is a relevant you know what is relevant about it is that you're doing it and when you're doing it you agreeing with what the spirit told you so what lore that brings us to now how do we get things from the spiritual world to manifest in on their natural world well very simple I just explained it whenever a human comes an agreement with a spirit where this is from the kingdom of light or the kingdom of darkness it's irrelevant it's the principle that matters once that agreement is a mate then whatever the spirit represent could run its will in the earth now don't you ever forget that because that's Scripture so when a poison is resourcing evil powers it is the they have to follow the exact same principle why because from its initiation spirits don't have the legal authority here they have to base on God's law to say my lord based on God's law they have to seek those parts of the seek consultation this is why you have the warlock the the Freemason people who you think they consult in Eastern style you think they consult and we can get deeper in that tonight and and it's gonna show you that when you made the agreement to invite them the problem is you were than just inviting the spirit that was gonna make you rich you wasn't just gonna fight the sprit it's gonna give you luck with that spirit came cursus now the sad part which you did bellum you had a covenant with them but they didn't let you read the fine print yeah we can do this for you but we control counts in the lineage here we can throw a hardship in the lineage we can throw so all of these things tied into the family remember this is a covenant now between two or more people and a part of that covenant keep everybody in line their penalty is so anyone will try break this covenant now somebody can pay a garrote someone whoever try but it's not check this all other family members don't know about this hence a spiritual covenant no to top it off the one who made the covenant they were save on day life he said I did this right quote unquote now they died so you don't know not gonna happen and you don't know what they did you know what they blame life was you better pray to God someone who was in a pass then living I'm gonna tell you what the evil secret life so now you could connect that to all of the trouble all y'all going through and so now you know how to break these things because you have been telling you now the mechanics behind all of this and you know how to shut it down now so anyway I got ahead of myself so God gave these guys as humans authority and direct and the purpose of this Authority is for us to again we will always need help and God wanted us to always rely on him but he says them in order for me to help you you have to obey and observe to do my commandments all that minutes come in agreement with my covenant come in covenant with me which is my word and whatever my words say I'm gonna do for you so again that's another proof how does how does the things that God promised us which are spiritual manifests physically for us then we must come an agreement with the Word of God how do we have sorcery operate and work on somebody or even ourselves or for us we must come in agreement with the kingdom of darkness that's the simple rule okay and I said now now let's go to a scripture that's going to put more meat on this and it's gonna give us understanding based on some things that God told him as it relates the Covenant we're gonna see some covenant rules now so I want us to go to Deuteronomy chapter 7 and we're gonna read from verse 1 to verse 5 okay so I'm gonna give you one two three about three or four scriptures I can do some explanation its explanation then we can go into another scripture okay so the scriptures I'm gonna give you now it's going to give you more insight on the understanding of covenant and why God in some cases don't want us to forge these things so let's go to Deuteronomy chapter 7 I'm gonna read from verse 1 to verse 5 okay listen this carefully that's so powerful I love this now this is Moses now this is the recorded account of Moses again giving some instructions to the children of Israel prior to them going into the Promised Land there's some things you need to know but what get him he's gonna focus primarily on covenants Ethan tell him to do some other stuff but you will see him mention more than once don't you Mary Mary and it's a covenant don't you forge no covenant with them and he's gonna tell them why so when Deuteronomy chapter 7 beginning at verse 1 when the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land where thou goes to possess it who's speaking here Moses OC speaking to the children of Israel the people of God there are no other people involve you there are no Canaanites there's no Zaire be lights no none of those other names none of them when the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land where thou goers to possess it which would be the promised land and have cast out many nations before thee listen now the Hittites the Girgis the beggar the girgashites the amma writes the Canaanites the parasites and Hittites the circle the Hittites we can come back to that later I like that idea we're gonna come back to that all right I'm the Jebusite seven nations greater and mightier than you so God says I'm going to cast them oh they they are now occupying land that I have reserved for you okay not as clear right let's go to verse two of Deuteronomy 7 and when the Lord thy God shall deliver thee shall deliver them before you thou shalt smite them or kill them and only destroy them thou shall make no covenant circle at word with them nor show them mercy now this is going to be powerful this is going to be powerful because when he made that statement there's a lot there's a lot of spiritual insight behind that he said to them right God says I'm going to never have meaning that I'm going to spiritually in Abel you to overcome them even though they outnumbered you it's meaning that when it's time to fight when I give you the okay to go ahead I'm gonna put a spiritual endowment on you and cause you to be victorious over them what you couldn't do before and be a regular strength but the only way I could live up to my part of the deal you gotta follow these these things and I telling you and the first thing he tell now the first thing he does they don't eat their food he don't say don't go to the clubs with them you didn't say none of that he worried ed said no he said forged no covenant with them and there's a specific reason why he told him that he says in verse 2 and when the LORD thy God shall deliver thee deliver them sorry before you thou shalt smite or killed them and utterly destroy him again the fourth set of instructions do not make any covenants agreements any pledges any leagues any form of initiation do not make it with them nor show mercy verse 3 neither shalt thou make marriages don't marry them a lot of y'all watch married now but you married into a case you didn't realize it you married into a Christ family you understand it saying to you you won't meet over to you you I know you don't know already you can go walk up your break like the ten come you can go from the time you marry that man from the time you that woman you didn't check the lineage you don't know what I was dealing with you don't know what sacrifice was made on that blood night you didn't have any on your life that's why he was prospering so much before you met them the minute you married them everything was pulling on you you got to pay on the bills you got to do everything your whole hey I feel like it's about to explode why because of the same principle right here you marry into something that is so deep spiritually but from a negative perspective well okay you don't know what from done I know what I talked about we can get deeper nests at night tonight so after he told him about the Covenant don't make no agreements don't make no business deals with them don't I don't care what they come up to me because these dudes ain't stupid the Canaanites when it came to esoterics when it came to spiritual deep demonic stuff they were fully aware and they knew if they see someone coming greater than them you know what they can do the first thing they gonna offer them let's make a covenant and the Covenant will always be we can protect each other but the truth is they understand spiritual warfare they regret if you if you make a covenant with us the minute you make a couple of us the basically what you're doing you're surrendering your power and relinquishing the power you came with whatever God you serve he goes step back he got to step back I kind of jumping ahead of myself I got to do it he got to step back you know why because the laws say I think Matthew Matthew 6:24 he says you no human could serve two masters they understand a law he's gonna love one which is his guardian Dean releasing that but you decided to leave your God and join us and it can be two heads in this deal here and only could be one so the minute you agree to forge a covenant with us the truth is you're subject to us and now God will be going deep tonight put on your seatbelt cuz we about to plunger it now okay verse 3 he says in Deuteronomy 7 neither shalt thou make marriages with them now he should leave it right there because obviously a marriage will be between a man and a woman he said no no no just in case y'all mixed up just in case you're on a show I gotta get detailed because I just telling you stuff to tickle you this major stuff that if you go and do these things you Jack in your life right up so he says neither Dow neither shalt thou make marriages with them they die daughter thou shalt not give unto his son nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son don't mixed up with them again they are Christ's people yeah he told yes he handsome yes he's the bank manager yeah that's good now you all really know we just tell him take you to his people take you to his family and stay with them for a while you see they then end up marrying you so Begum they can let their hair down and now listen to their religious beliefs listen to the superstitions they lived it they believe listen to the omens that they describe too because all I've got is red flags telling you run for your life because what you getting involved with here is beyond the physical what you getting beyond you it's about to not change your destiny but it's gonna change the destiny of your children you have brunch on and you're everything that you can produce from this Christ poison if they don't be delivered and set free you gonna cook you you gonna weep like a listen you gon cry forever I talking to somebody tonight run for your life run you know know his matters Waco be a year Noah's paw is a warlock you know his paw is the Grandmaster Flash it'll make sense all of these people serve other gods you are marrying into a curse you are signing on a spiritual dotted line that is gonna dictate that it's gonna shift your destiny verse four he said for they will turn away thy son from following me I'm telling you don't let your don't let your sons marry doors over there their daughters meaning that those who say what I go out she said no use except I can't tell you why because I know you're curious he said they're gonna call it is it somebody say you know listen they say it isn't that your sons want to turn away from you know know your son's activated a law that's working against them because they're doing what I told him not to do listen what he says listen how the law now goes in favor of those who served other gods he says now they're gonna cause your sons it didn't say now your sons will volunteer no I didn't read that he says now they're gonna the spirit that's on your son the Spirit says on your daughter that's coming from this sky set of people it's gonna now make your sons and daughters do things that they would have never done under normal strike circumstances had they stayed in their lane y'all better listen tonight somebody gettin mad you don't get 55 people in your bridal party but again mo get on people but a money back go back then the people to the reception center give me half your money back y'all could keep that but this father telling me that night I need to get about here because I don't see the signs long time run for your life cuz once you listen remember even when you sign that dotted line and the natural there is another covenant that has been established in the spiritual realm because when you got married you made a covenant between God and man there were two covenants so like I tell you if you divorce and you never break the spiritual covenant of that divorce you are still subject to the effects of the face Union and I can show that in Scripture tonight to try that so verse 4 of Deuteronomy 7 he said for they will turn away thy sons for they will turn away thy son from following me that they may serve other gods so will the anger of the Lord be kindled against you and destroy you utterly verse 5 but thus shall you deal with them does he say this how you deal with them now you shall destroy their altars now remember the Bible have walked this earth there's a spiritual law called first mentioned meaning that the order things are mentioned in the Bible that's the protocol in which you follow so he says in verse 5 but does shall you deal with them you shall destroy their altars altars altars what you may destroy their altars Sun because the vsam destroy their altars that mean they enter something because the only reason you would use an altar is to bring up spirits oh now I get myself into here we believe me altars he says this is how you should deal with them so in case you miss it when he said out of God's so he's telling you now this isn't the god of this dis here they in the devil worship he says thus but does shall you deal with them you shall destroy their altars and break down their images that's the idols and cut down their groves and burn their graven image with fire now a lot of you remember and you call me and we talk about stuff that you found in your property buried in the yard and you say camera how do I get rid of and I said destroyed by fire but that's the principle radium I got it from you don't just throw it away no whatever's in that was for against your life it may not be on your property anymore but the effects still remain so God is telling you how to destroy these things you find and these witchcraft stuff you burn it by fire all right now let's go to Exodus chapter 23 Exodus chapter 23 and we're gonna read from verse 28 to verse 33 Exodus 23 Exodus 23 from verse 28 to verse 33 alright these some more rules now he says and I will send and I will send Hornets hold on Exodus 28 yes and I would send Hornets before the which shall drive owed him rights Circle that word again that's just a second I'm becoming upon this word now this is court again speaking through Moses a servant again giving instructions and what he's going to do to it the inhabitants of Canaan which is the promised land but prior to and even when he would have brought Israel into the Promised Land so verse 20 he says and I will send Hornets before the which shall drive odor he invites circle that word be coming back to that he writes the Canaanites and the Hittites from before thee verse 29 of Exodus 23 I will not drive them out from before thee in one year lease the land become desolate and the beasts of the field multiply again so there's a balance here he say I'm gonna take my time and do it cuz I don't want to give one said I don't mow smoke reaches upper hand over the next which would be a problem for y'all Israel so I can take my time and read them out listen now to verse 30 by little and little I would drive them out from before thee until thou be increase and inherit the land and I will set thy bounce from the Red Sea even unto the sea of the Philistines and from the desert unto the river so I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand and thou shalt drive them out before thee so these are the promises God is gonna make okay who was God again he's a spirit so he's telling Israel listen you are outnumbered when it comes to the seven nations that reside in the land of Canaan which is Israel today okay he said but don't you worry about that because I'm your God because you're partnering with me you're partnering with a spirit so you are now giving me if you follow my rules of course if you follow my rules which is coming in covenant or keeping my covenant he says now you're you're inviting me to intervene in your earthly affairs so now I'm able to do things that you cannot do which is called the supernatural things okay you couldn't do you couldn't get down to Jericho wall you couldn't part no Red Sea you can stop no Sun from from from from going down so you could have an extra time to fight whatever only me could not but the only way I could come in and do these supernatural things so only way I could give you this how supernaturally even though you don't qualify for it the only way I could give you this position even though you don't have the degree you have to partner with me that's how the spiritual world works you have to say God I surrender this to you coordinates were given the word to give you the promises you're looking for when I do it what am i doing I'm following the principle of physical manifestation from things of the spiritual world when a human being comes an agreement with a spirit this is how they they could facilitate the will of that spirit on a power that's the power of that spirit in the natural realm there's no other way it can happen this is how it happens right so listen he said I can do all these things I'm gonna send the Hornets I'm gonna drive them mode I'm gonna take my time and while I'm doing this I'm gonna go and allow you to increase to become more and more so you could rightfully own this land because not only have I given it to you but you will have more and numbers to show dominate this but but but there's a condition verse 32 of Exodus 23 he's repeating himself thou shalt make no covenants with none of what I'm telling you children of Israel could happen if you forge your covenant with them why why let's go back to the principle Matthew 6:23 or 24 you cannot serve two masters you might say well Kevin II I could of course I could just use God and didn't use the develo no no no that's what you think that's what you fool you see when you saw if Satan God automatically relinquishes himself from the Covenant he may he back off now that's a law this isn't a matter of you like you could trick God okay you know what I can use God for this today making use the devil they like it just play games with them like a child manipulating to parents no no no no embedded in the laws when I take on the worshiping or ordering of one the other one must back off and aronia will have to wait now for me to engage and what will bring them to work with me again again let me give you the evidence of this go back to Deuteronomy 28 what does it say God said to the children of Israel he's shown him spiritual rules if you if you observe to do all my Commandments and to obey all my statues he says now what's gonna happen then shall the blessings come upon you I'm gonna bless you to advance I'm gonna bless you and I'm gonna do things for you that you couldn't do before but act only it's gonna happen this is the condition when you follow my word meaning that in doing my word and being a participant of it you come in and agree with me and now I gonna do for you which you couldn't do before now you cannot serve me and Satan let me prove it to you let's drop down to verse 15 of Deuteronomy 28 he says however though if you choose not to follow my lord do none of my Commandments he says then shall discuss as he says then you're gonna invite Satan off so I got a backpack so you can manipulate you cannot say well you know what I will have sex or I can take a partner with Satan today I will go to church and be in the holy spirit I can partner with God today no no no no you see depending on whose side you rules you listen and implement would be the one that you serve whether you understand it or not whether you believe it or not because when you do that you see this coming to do to the more you activating a law that can either work for you or against you so don't think you can outsmart the Lord don't think you were here or somebody don't think you you you could pull some it don't work that way it doesn't work that way at all when you understand the rules every point that's why I poison no matter how much they try fool you in church and I can like they got the Holy Ghost and so on and blah blah blah I've been in many services where I saw deliverance myself okay and as the Christian is on the ground moving about like a snake or I can like some fish and all of the profanity and Phil coming out of demo'd dis a Christian now so you can say to God you are as phone but when deliverance finally come to you we now see what Spirit was robbery new I have spinnin ministries or seen deliverance where a certain minister they're trying to cast the devil out of somebody so he comes in like a nice old super you know whatever ow out in the name of Jesus and when the spirit rise up in that poison in the name of Jesus you need to stop sleeping on y'all you need to stop sweetheart no and your wife you forget I you where you been last night this is the spirit in the poison they trying to deliver pull in the file on the so called deliverance minister you care so if you could for me you can for me you you could live a form of godliness that could fool me but when the rubber hit the road you will be exposed so you better know what you doing so that's why I said to you he said I would do all of this but but but do not for Jenny cover it because if you forge your covenant I gotta back out I gotta leave I can't stay here because you want serious with this I got to go so in verse 32 he says thou shall make no covenant with them nor with their gods ok verse 33 they shall not dwell in thy land least I'll make the sin against me for it now serve their gods it will surely be a snare unto thee most of the words they mean a trap you're being set up that's why anybody who put their hand to sorcery anybody who have do the ug boards anybody who subscribe to anything of the kingdom of darkness even if it's working for you you are being set up how much time am I gonna say this spirits evil spirits are never looking for it no spirits are looking for a casual relationship with only human beings it means nothing what they're seeking is covenant because once they forge a covenant with you they're not only lock-in to you you know they lock into the bloodline well that's why you didn't get so desperate for the covenant because they understand that even if Kevin went to the witchcraft guy even if Kevin died five minutes later we don't care but Kevin died and five minutes later and [ __ ] us even better plus he can't talk would he do and now we could run our ring on any of any available family member available in terms of they don't know Jesus they live in a sinful life they full of hate and bitterness so now whatever agreement that was made at that altar and even the agreements that Kevin who's there don't know about he didn't know about when he came here to do evil to sword so this was now tied into the covenant he didn't know that while he was making this agreement to be rich we was uncertain in here the case of of of infirmity we don't know from this day in in 1976 when he vented at all so from this day forward there's gonna be a shift in his bloodline where everybody's gonna have AI high blood pressure everybody's gonna have cancer II didn't know that he didn't know when he went to the whatever hall or whatever the Freemasons and when they did the initiation with him when they put him in the casket and close to the net him stayed there overnight when he was involved with whatever initiation in his mind oh this coven is just between me and the Brotherhood and then we're gonna be great human he don't know this is just like a marriage he don't know it not only is he making a physical agreement but there's a spiritual one involved which is the more important one because that one now locks in his bloodline to these evil spirits from the altars that he's making the Covenant with at that point according to what we just read God says I got to back off now because I told you not to make a covenant I told you to forge no covenant with them or their gods because when you do that you're literally pushing me on not that I want to be out you know but I got a respect my own law you cannot serve two gods you either love one or hate the other you're gonna cleave to one or despise the other it's a rule it's a law it's a principle let's take our time then let's go to another scripture let's go to Exodus 34 then we can read from verse 10 to verse 16 Exodus 34 a lot of those guys who in these secret societies they're there they're ignorant to what's really happening they what they are being told is so far from the truth but of course and you tell them that they get mad and all this other stuff and and see nobody wouldn't be nobody want to be looked at as a fool like like nobody want to be like I can't believe whether these people tricked me but the truth is when you say I studied Freemasons I have tons of information and books so I know what I'm talking about anyway let's go to Exodus 34 we're gonna begin from verse 10 I'm gonna read the verse 16 and he said we would I make a covenant before all thy people I will do Marvel's this is God speaking through Moses now I will do marvels and wonders but you see what he said first right before he can do marvel and wonders What did he say cuz he can't come and I didn't do my wooden wonders as he feel he can do it how is he gonna do it he said covenant read it so you don't miss it not that's why I get that's why I took my time in the beginning and talked about Genesis and and him giving Dominion cuz now when you read it you don't just pass it you want to start or now CD again that's what he said and he's you know what I will make a covenant before all the people as a result of that I will do marvels or great things that you cannot do such as have not been done in the earth nor in any nation and all the people among which thou art shall see the works of the Lord for it is a terrible thing that I will do with thee terrible mean great awesome profound verse 11 of excess 24 observe thou that which I command V this day see so you see a protocol here again we don't really we have already seen as three times where he makes the promises I'm going to do to someone they don't when I do this then do this in a butt butt butt butt butt butt no fortune 11 it not only me but them what she's gonna say verse 11 says observe now that which i command either stay or take special note of it take it serious we all I Drive out before the the amorite and the Canaanite and the hittite and parasites and the hivite again circle at the cetera time and the jebusite take he to thyself he's warning them again he's reiterating it least thou do what least our ooo make a covenant least thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land we have now go as Lee said before a trap way snare in the midst of thee so God is saying listen what I want to do with you guys there's so much you know what let me bring this home because I only like always tell you the Scriptures are just stories saturated overwhelmingly filled with God's principles it isn't a story about it's got nothing to do it Moses does have nothing to do with Pharaoh per se this has nothing to do with the characters the only thing the characters provide here is that these are the people that God use to display his principles his spiritual principles in his word that when mankind follow these rules they are going to see the same great things that God did back in those days he can do it now and that's why Jesus was born enough to say the things you see me do here when I leave you will do greater things but what was the prerequisite that you got the fun of my loss my rules my commandments that's why I say to you if your church in teaching you the laws if your church ain't teaching you the rules you may never see no miracle you ain't the only wonder you can see is you no wonder how quick that thousand dollars get onto your pocket when he just asks for a two minutes ago how quick that did that leave me I don't even know when I give that to him that's the only wonder you can see but in terms of healing deliverance and people really truly being set and free and by extension they're now using the same principle to break it from off their family you will never see that why because I have shown you in three separate occasions thus far that God has this prerequisite if you follow my rules and forge more covenants with nobody else just do what I tell you to do he says I will do marvelous and great and many things in your life but I cannot do it when you serve in your pasta when you love him more than you love me when you see him as the beginning and everything else and you throw me to the side well you've just activated a law of Matthew 16:24 and what is that you cannot so have two masters you can love one and kick the other or you can cleave the one and despise the other and that isn't happening because you decide to push them on a roll or two the one no when you activated that law somebody gotta back out because the law only requires one hand when it comes to the spiritual about to serve so if you totally committed to God the most Satan could do is fool us on and keep looking and hoping one day that he would see a kink in your armor and you didn't repent and he can now take this opportunity to convince you to do evil fortune the Covenant so he could run his stuff in his in your life so you will net and again God thank you so I thank you Jesus the church door is locked could the government just break the handles off so they don't go back and you know more at least not until they really understand we're going to churches all about to train you just like this you need to understand you fight them to go right back near to repeat the same witness fruitless rituals again God getting ready to do this I see see I hear the Lord but you were here a lot nuttin because they ain't nothin manifest in here how could the Lord say you can do this when you go on against the rules how could the Lord say he can do something in your life when you a follow in his rules when we see here if you are not following the covenantal words then he cannot manifest what he want in your life how I was gonna happen tell me I was gonna happen woman of God God says that that thing is gonna be broken how would it be broken so does she should tell it so how it could be broken and I know ain't no covenants broken in my life and all I got is in witchcraft ancestral background so I tell me I'll go out and do it cuz you can't talk to me like that no more I don't know better now how could my life be better so you just prophesied to me and you said God is getting ready to turn that thing around and what used to be to the bottom on our visitor talk that's all beautiful but I have yet to hear you say but God say he's going to break the evil covenants in your bloodline so that you could now slink forward in life I hear you say that so you're a liar get you know lucky don't make me look y'all over here because I know better now that's how you need to carry on I showing you the rules if the foundational rules are not being implemented then they're telling you another story they're telling you not a lie they giving you the baton to do another lap around the mountain again well usually we keep reading he keeps saying don't Forge so meaning that I am where I am today not progressing not going forward because there are covenants in place unfortunately there are spiritual covenants I cannot see them I don't know that what when I don't know sign what I don't know what they said to the gods or the spirits to now Tyus whatever I don't know that so so how could you say to me you say that God said I am gonna be married by 2021 I hear all that sir but let me tell you what I ain't hear you say right now nobody in our family is married know it now all of us broke over 19 just put the icing on the cake for everybody there was no going forward it was never know going forward my ma dad broke my paw was always broke my cousin's broke tit and all them pokey damn never had no money they order binding or no credit nothing so so explain to me in detail if you say God tell you that tell me what else cord see what did have to what do I have to do cuz I sign like got the dog on his own and based on what Kevin saying here this is a joint partnership where I do something which was following his rules then he will come in and do what I couldn't do crying here you say that so the devil is and I rebuke you and not deal that never was speaking to you right now get over here go get safe and now really act is going to give you the gift of prophecy cuz he is a liar see when you know the rules you could be bold enough and talk like that I know the rules that's like somebody send you down to the Toyota dealer and say go down there go get a car right now you could I need you my no money you know money you want get no credit out well how didn't you when you go down you're calling the police before you reach to come get you because I eat that or the asylum to come carry your crazy behind up the hill somewhere don't come with that we had enough for that that's why I glad the church doors closed because it's time somebody sit down and listen to sense listen to spiritual sense there has to be a protocol in order to get a system to work and all we've been told is the end of the protocol God getting ready to do what I gotta do something I gotta do right what I don't get it I don't don't do it what is it that I have to do cuz this this is a joint partnership that's why he said all truth his word he says listen you are heirs with me and joint heirs with Jesus Christ I mean we in this together he says whenever you buy and yeah heaven has already bound whatever you loose here heaven is already loose so the spirit realm wants to wake with me so why are you prophesying when there's so much wickedness in my life you don't tell me I fornicate you tell me I'm a liar you ain't tell me none of those things that I am actively participating in but all you could tell me is God getting ready to bless me well like I always say you didn't say much Lord you could have me in Lord of the Rings you could have mean Lord of the Flies and more than likely that's exactly who you're talking about but you don't mean the Lord who honor and respect on covenants acara me and him so get over here go wash your dirty mud with those stinking lies you tell them get over here that nonsense so he says here in our inverse maybe now verse 13 no verse 12 verse 12 of Exodus 34 he says take to thyself least I'll make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land where you go without goers least it'd be for a snare a trap in the mids of you so he says if you do it in the midst of your minimap this here is going to be the beginning of changing what I have called you to be who might have called you to become what the plants that I had for you the great things I was about to perform in your life the simple agreement between you and them was gonna shut order that down and it's gonna put you on a different destiny many of you listen to me right now and again let's take the principles forget these dudes take the principles now put it in your family put it in your family think about your sister think about your brother if you want a clearer view your sister was excelling in life your brother was doing well in life you have mummy and daddy Britt beg your brother yep don't marry those people I know Tom them family nothing good that's come from that family Mary Mary please in the name of Jesus do not mark Mary I trying to run your life Mary I love you I want the best for you I know you love him but you you need to look with spiritual eyes let me I listen to you you're controlling me okay I'll get married two years in this marriage okay all that 30 dozen knowledge you had save on your account but you say you came by house with put it with his money so y'all could get your place and put a good down payment so that the yes could be lesson Nestor payback oh all the money they this whole family borrow from you and all I'm gonna make him pay you back none of them pay you back in fact they curse you because you run them down for stinkin 30,000 or thirty thirty thousand dollars don't be running me to have about thirty thousand ten thousand dollars did he wasn't ready when you borrow it right always your life your car break down you lose your job but remember all of this happened when you forged a covenant with this dude you're mad part everybody the Prophet tell you don't marry this dude I know how it look from the outside but just like the scripture says it would be a snare unto you it would be a trap run for your life run like nobody's business but you over here none of that because all you're looking at is your cabin on spiritual laws in fact as far as you can send because you in love spiritual laws don't exists but we can see you can pay the piper down the road that's why I tell them to make no covenant don't Forge no agreements with them so he goes on to say here in verse 13 but ye shall destroy their altars again break their images and cut down their growth for thou shalt worship no other God for the Lord whose name is jealous is a jealous God least I'll make a covenant he said it again least I'll make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land and they go a whoring after what other gods and do sacrifice okay unto other gods sacrifice remember we read there tonight I think his first Corinthians 10 verses 20 to 21 he says for the Gentiles when they make the sacrifice they make it up - who - Devils and God says I will have you having no mingling with devils so when they doin the sacrifice no you don't see a devil there you just see them porn alcohol and Spruance cigarettes in doing stuff here today all this but the Bible he is giving us some spiritual insight the Bible is telling us what we don't see he says in first Corinthians 10 verses 20 to 21 I think it is he says listen when they make their sacrifice they are sacrificing unto devils so we can't say we didn't know well I didn't see no devil to the altar there Kevin I know you're making a big deal you need to you need to you need to understand earth energy and and the energy energy you get some energy alright manage you don't like so the Scriptures is now revealing not only a mystery but a revelation to us that all of the dance and you see them down around the altar all of the festival's they're doing all of the alcoholic beverages they have at the altar all of the two pitches and some of them you saw like two clay a man and a woman and you saw them tied with this black string around them or you saw or they have certain images or what they call effigy altars where they have images of people in a bottle and they're making certain declarations over the altar well the scripture says to you while they're doing that physically they're communicating with an invisible entity which are Devils that he has Salman Singh up to now project at the people that are represented at the altar so among where those people are in the world the covenants that the practitioners are making such as the witch doctors the sangoma they are now making a covenant this is what Mary warned you to destroy tor marriage because you have been sweetheart in each other for 10 years but she wants something permanent so they brought an image of Mary who is sweet adding the man and the man and they bind them together in the natural in this image so the deal is the spirits now needs to go to their home the man and his wife and bring a divide in that home so they're gonna be bucking heads for every stupid reason doesn't make no sense at all and tell those spirits achieved the objective in which they were sent for him what is that to separate those two via divorce and to do it to bring these two people together the woman who working all is witchcraft would that man don't know and now all of a sudden he falls in love with her he can't stop thinking about her he loved his wife but it's a force fighting him that every time his wife say anything to him he gets angry nothing she did but what he don't know is there's a spirit that has been sent to divide you so you left your wife you left your wife now you married this woman and you think in this is your natural love you think this is your decision but you don't know spiritual only teaching it to you in your charge so you wouldn't know you know you have no I mean ershon to fight with you don't know that the sacrifice that was made to the altars there was consultations with devils or evil spirits according to description or Kevin and those spirits are now shutting down everything in your marriage to the extent it costs you leave this good wife you are and marry this woman but guess what because it's a devilish thing and how much time when I tell you this demons have no loyalty to human so guess what you will be far more miserable in this relationship that was created by Devils as opposed to no relationship um but your wife whom God has called you to be with so you go on to every and guess what no matter how angry you become no matter how much you frustrated you can leave you know I remember I told you to do they did they had a rope tied around the image of you and the image of the woman who put you in this position and as long as that rope is tied to get a secret whatever that records what would that represent spiritually is you were tied as one in the realm of the Spirit so this is why I say to you the things of the natural it speaks spiritual implication just like communion communion is Jesus say when you drink this wine this represents my blood when you eat this bread or whatever this represent my flesh but what's the spiritual implication anyone who eat and drink of this unworthily meaning that your life is full of sin and evil he says that you can end up losing your life as a result of it so one would say well you telling me now I go to church it may give me this man try a biscuit I eat it and dream this thing so what so what you've just activated the law of death against your life but in your ignorant so you don't know you see because you don't understand spiritual stuff you would always you will never fulfill your life destiny what you call to do you'll never become you supposed to if you are void of spiritual understanding why because like I always say to you your spiritual life is on an ongoing basis dictating the course of your physical life whatever you are in the natural it was as a result of what was conceived and currently going on in the invisible world there are forces pulling your strings but those forces is depending on whose rules you are following so all of this foolishness that you've been doing in church why God shut it down he's saying to all of us listen it's time to reset it's time to get this thing to get up it's time to stop playing Church and the evidence of this is nobody is being healed nobody's being delivered nobody's being set free but Kevin why don't well let's go back to the scriptures proverbs 11 9b what does it say through knowledge shall they just be delivered so can we conclude that clearly no knowledge has been given to God's people which ought to have been happening because that's the whole purpose of the church not a hard und inhibitor but to train you for ministry train you so that you will know the rules of the kingdom like Kevin do and you know how to appropriate them but how could you do that how could you do that when you don't know the rules so you know what you're gonna do you're gonna do like what I used to do before I catch my senses you're gonna sit there and follow the routine you're gonna go there every Sunday because you're supposed to go to church because if you don't go to church you're not under the covering and if you're not under the covering then for some reason the blood of Jesus is insufficient so the pastoral covering is an overview so you're gonna probably get in an accident and died somebody somehow whatever the case may be if that's not happening then you got to come to Bible study every Wednesday or Tuesday night whenever they have it and if we don't see a week a call you bring a check for you only when we start missing the time offering there we can give you a call because we need you to come and bring that little thing because you can do what you wanna do you don't got to come by just saying that and that's what you would see now no past I have yet to see come on TV since I hope you're still in your Bible since I hope you're praying to the Lord thank God because listen carefully not because the church doors are closed that mean we closed being closed because we had a body of Christ that's what I should be about instead when I've been here in order the government open up the liquor store but then open up the church dummy the church was never closed so that you shouldn't even be no pastor if you can make that statement because the church is you the churches the people and you were never close so you could say the pastor open up the lists are not the pastor government opened the liquor store and it's a shame and disgrace that the church still closed I use a Devlin you need to go get save and deliver and set free then they put three and a half pound olive oil on you and then kick you because of you been leading a set of people and make that statement where they shouldn't only close your church I wish they could get a bulldozer and run over it because you have clearly lost the concept of what the church is all about the church is a body of believers of Jesus Christ that myself Kevin Ewing the teacher you know past the Union apostle and you know chief profit non of these young should have been doing what I was always doing training the people teaching them so when the church closed today is stopping no miracles it is stopping no deliverance you know why because I understood I was the church and the things that Pastor and Kevin indoors taught me I got the grant opportunity I want to feel now let me put it into action but for you to turn around and say oh the church claw so all the deliverance stop that so we can't get people save them on it why listen to me here you all know understand here when I tell you I think I thank God for life but at this point right now I thank God that he closed the building and I wish she could run something over it you know why because the only way you should be going back there is when you say to yourself you know what when I go back there now it ain't Church as usual I going back to do the will of the Lord I'm going back and the only thing I will hear from this pastor is the laws of God because based on what Calvin telling us the wealth the prosperity of healing all of that will automatically come as long as I stick with the Covenant of the Lord Jesus Christ and forged no other covenant but nobody else and that don't just mean guru people I influential no covenant no pastor but I ain't called to do that he is called to lead me and lead me to where Jesus Christ not to him so I don't need to be no covenant partner with you there's no scripture that says I must forge a covenant with you teach me go onward so I could now make it applicable get all your nonsense talking foolishness so those three scripts is would have shown us and I needed to set that foundation to where we go cuz we really getting into it right now get ready to be going to the core of it so in the core of it I need you to go to Joshua chapter 9 Joshua chop tonight we're gonna read the entire chapter because everything that I've just shown you like I always do I build a foundation now we're about to build a house but we needed a strong foundation so that no matter would we build on this foundation not it cannot fall guess why because we're billing it based on the Word of God so every principle of just showed you just now you are about to see it in this particular scripture all right so let's go to jutsu to Joshua chapter 9 let's go to Joshua chapter 9 and be able to see some stuff here that's really gonna blow your mind okay well sorry before we get to Joshua chapter 9 before we get a job let's go to Joshua chapter 1 let's go to Joshua chapter 1 and we're gonna read from verse 1 to verse 8 okay excuse me the first nine sorry so Joshua chapter 1 beginning at verse 1 it says now after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord it came to pass that the Lord spoke unto Joshua the son of nun Moses as minister saying so Moses is there right now who had now taken over leadership of the children of Israel Joshua so God again wants to empower him but remember God cannot just automatically do that why because God is and what a spirit and he didn't give no spirit Authority nerd right No so what does he have to do like I've been showing you he now have the partnership with somebody else he did his part in the shipping with Moses remember he did his covenants and stuff with him so now he's about to lay some rules down for mr. Joshua and again the rules are not to punish him this is how you activate the synergy between the spirit and the human being to manifest the will of the spirit or to cause the spirit to achieve in the physical realm but you couldn't do based on your limitations so first row says God speaking he says Moses my servant is dead now therefore arise the Scott's begin the Joshua go over his dis Jordan thou and all his people unto the land which I do give to them even to the children of Israel verse 3 of Joshua 1 he says every place that the sole of your foot shall thread or walk upon that have I given until you as I said unto Moses first for he says from the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river the river Euphrates all the land of the Hittites and unto the Great Sea towards the going down of the Sun shall be yours so these are all the promises God is giving them verse 5 there shall not any man be able to stand before you know nation no hittite no Gerda sight no parasite no have it-- hey take none of them so God is making a promise to him know that none of the seven nations in Canaan where you are going none of them will be able to challenge you none this is God's promise but the promise come with a condition and we know the condition is because he stated it all in the the first five books of the Bible before we even got him so he says here even every okay first yep first three every place the sole of the foot shall threat upon that have I given unto thee as I said at the Moses from the builders and this lebanon even unto the great river the river Euphrates all the land of the Hittites and unto the Great Sea towards the going down of the Sun shall be your coast there shall eat not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life as long as you live none fatale and you then he's make a promise as I was with Moses and you saw what happened with Moses so I will be with thee I will not fail thee nor forsake thee so these are promises from God for six of Joshua one he says now be strong and of good courage for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land which would have been Canaan which is Israel today which I swear unto thy fathers or ancestors to give them I promise them this so the truth is Joshua this ruling that under dude you all you do one is taking on the baton for Moses and carrying on your leg of the journey however the principle remains the same just like those before you better Josh what you got the fun of my rules because all of these grants promises I gave Moses I gave Abraham I gave Isaac I gave Jacob every one of them addict but there were rules that came along with it why because I must abide by my own law I could come and knock it down but I would be violating the law so I need to consult or partner with you covenant and now you're gonna see the promises that I have promised you watch this now he says be thou strong verse 7 and very courageous that thou mayst observe to do according to all the law secondly which Moses my servant commanded thee turn not for me to the right or to the left that thou mayst become Burress wheresoever you go so what's gonna cause me to be prosperous the law why because the law is God's rules and when I adhere to them I am literally inviting the Spirit of God in my affairs so success becomes the inevitable for me I don't have to read a seven-point plan and no book I don't have to go to college to be what he's promising here and that's not to say don't go to college go to college what I'm saying it to you is go out saying yeah if you follow exactly what I tell you success is guaranteed success becomes inevitable you don't have to lower your standards you don't have to sell your body you know if the cell drops follow these simple rules he's now going to compound or repeat what he says in verse 8 he says here but let's go back to verse 7 for 7 of Joshua 1 only be thou strong and very courageous that thou may observe to do according to all the laws which Moses my servant commanded thee turn not from it to the right hand or to the left that thou mayest prosper we're without goals ok verse 8 I love this piece this book of the law this book of the law your Bible yep Bible shall not depart because he's given him the instructions to guarantee an end result of success and prosperity okay now I didn't read here where he tell he could lift no weights and to join some secret society or whatever is that promise you to be wealthy and healthy he says this book of the law which is your Bible shall not depart out of your mouth but thou shalt meditate or studying day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written there and these instructions for then thou shalt make that way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success gorgeous gave a spiritual law for Israel to prosper God did not tell Israel give Joshua any money I want you to get me now God did not tell Israel to raise some fun or give this one a thousand dollars or a hundred dollars or their five people knew quit so sixty dollars no I didn't read that and that's why I tell you when you go back to the building I hope you don't listen to that nonsense stone wall because if the preacher is a real preacher he would follow the rules and the rules is he supposed to saturate you and I with the scriptures because it is in the scriptures where I will achieve success it is true scriptures where will be prosperous so if I'm being if a preachers bringing in some guy from Forex or some gold bars and that that isn't what the Bible say what does the Bible say he said very clearly if I observe to do these rules if I observe to do it and study a day and night then so just we could call this here the law of success the law of prosperity because it gave us a protocol and it now is dictating what the end result should be the law of gravity says whenever I throw up in there I don't have to shout for it to come down I don't have to join on an agreement and pray it down I don't have to prophesy it down I activated the Laufer to come down the minute I threw it up so the law of success and prosperity here to us it's not a preacher changing the Word of God and says I must so see for God to meet my need I didn't read that I must spin around I must imma Shannon to the pastor life by member a preacher said one time my church I used to go to one of his minions that's what they are he said and order for the church to be debt-free we must free the posture from his debt what spoke to that is again some of the scripture you see the manipulation but I'm reading the law of success I am reading then no of course parity and what does it say Kevin you even got to go to school this would you do Kevin sit and read and study my word meditate on the day and night let my spirit commune with your spirit because I'm gonna be giving you some instructions that you're gonna hear clearly now and you can hear the Spirit of God clearly because why you're saturating yourself with my word and I promise you I'm gonna give you a good success but this isn't the first time the law of prosperity came into play it also came in our psalms chapter 1 verse 3 it says I'm and it says actually from Psalms starting at verse 1 it says blessed is he that don't sit in the seat of the scornful and all this other stuff and it says but he shall be like a tree no but he shall meditate upon the lord day and night and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season both scriptures are basically backing up on another that success isn't going to come by whom I'm connected to success isn't gonna be come because I know the prime minister the godly kind of success and prosperity is gonna come because I'm applying the laws of God I don't care what the past to tell you I don't care what the bishop tell you I don't care what the archbishop his grace their grace whatever they call themselves if they're saying something contrary to this they are Devils I need to get saving the living set free they need the blood of Jesus because to say what they're saying is true and you dismiss this then you're under curse just as they are according to Galatians 1 and 8 very clear so so far we see God I promise Israel he promises to listen i prime in you because we're you were about to go these fellas deep into spiritual things they don't plea and when they come at you don't ever take the surface of what they're bringing because they try to trap you or ensnare you he's making this very clear now let's go to Joshua chapter 9 because we can bring this all together now Joshua chapter 9 okay we're gonna begin at verse 1 just reach out tonight now remember all the rules I gave you because you can see them all in here right now and it came to pass Joshua chapter 9 verse 1 and it came to pass when all the kings which were this side Jordan in the hills and in the valleys and all the course of the Great Sea over against Lebanon and Hittite and the amorite the Canaanite the parasite the hivite and the jebusite heard thereof verse two that they gather themselves together to fight with Joshua and with Israel that that one Accord so so far these evil nations which is in one nation which would have been Canaan they came to fight Joshua what they no dummy unlike the believers they are one Accord they understand the law of unity that was clearly displayed there and I think Genesis chapter 9 when we were talking about the city of Babel okay when the Lord says behold the people are of one and whatever they imagined to do they will accomplish but what would the protocol before that they had to be on one Accord that's not a teaching verse 3 and when the inhabitants of Gibeon circle not when the inhabitants of Gibeon now isn't this interesting because Gibeon is also in Canaan and it says when the inhabitants of Gibeon heard that Joshua had done what he had done unto Jericho but it was Gibeon the Lisa part of the Canaanites well how could that be when I don't see them listed in the 7 nation no but when you do your research you will understand that Gideon were the descendants of the Hittites that's why I told you to circulant every time I read it they keep coming up because the Bible's not bringing us at this point right here so the Gibeonites were part of the the nation of the Hittites which were one of the seven nations that resided in the land of Canaan got me so verse 3 now we going somewhere and when the inhabitants of Gibeon heard that Joshua heard what Joshua had done under Jericho and AI they stupid but remember now we don't go ahead of us because the Gibeonites are the descendants from the hivite they are also part of canaan so the rules also apply to them do not forge new covenant with them do not married I'm not done they all just do one of that stuff Lisa if you forge your covenant with them they are ensnaring you are trapping you and they're gonna pull you away from your God in so much words once you join forces with them God is limited to do what he want to do in your life and once you follow this as you can see all the rules right now first forces of Joshua 9 they did work really really lean and went and made as if they had been ambassadors and took all sacks upon their donkeys and wine bottles o and rent or torn and bound so what is the scripture saying when the Gibeonites realize what the children of Israel the the great things that God did through them and knocking down the wall of Jericho and annihilating the inhabitants there and then they further went on to the next city ai and destroyed the city and everyone there the Gibeonites a hey these fellas they are no one to contend with but remember because their Canaanites they served other gods they understood esoterics they understood spiritual evil powers they understood harness and spiritual powers from the moon the Sun the water source they were highly educated in this but they also understood if we could get them to just simply forge a covenant with us we got him no matter how powerful they may be and you got to see this right now so the Bible says in verse 4 that what they did is that they work willingly and we're and made as if they had been ambassadors and took all sacks upon their donkeys and wine bottles all and tore them up so they they made themselves look like they were traveling four years from home for weeks or whatever so they got their old wine bottles and tore it they tear a piece of their shirt and they probably put a hole to the bottom of the shoe to make it look like they were traveling and look at the word that they use ambassadors me they are from another country so they will trying to give the impression to the children of Israel when they encounter them Hey we are searching for a place meaning that we're not from Canaan you're trying to fool you now because really the whole reason behind us is that I will afford you a coven of a job because I know your fellows bad and if you all know who we are you all will kill us but if you force a covenant with us you can kill us because we understand spiritual rules we understand you can't retrack once you make this covenant especially of you sworn by your God Yahweh Elohim so they understood this they understood the spiritual implication they couldn't beat them they were no match for them physically or spiritually so what did what does the say and say if you can't beat them join them right will you about to see this right now so says the in verse 5 it says and old shoes and clouded upon their feet and old garments upon them and all the bread of their provisions was dry and mouldy all of this was intentional to give the impression to the Israelites they leader being Joshua these guys cannot be from Canaan they had been traveling for a while for 6s and when and they went to Joshua whose daily giba nights and they and the given night went to Joshua unto the camp of Gilgal and said unto Him and to the men of Israel we become from a far country ok it wasn't food do you want some water no listen now we become from a far country now therefore listen the first thing they can say make a league with us what does the word league mean agreement covenant pact now out of all the things you could have asked me your bread molding your shoes have hold your black and dirty filthy looking done it trade all over you why didn't ask me for something me no that's not the intent here the intent here is to get you to turn against your God but if I told you to turn against your God you would never do that that would be the dumbest thing I could make so how do I do it let me forge a covenant with you seekers once you swear especially by your God the God that I heard that y'all serve who does kick down people walls you came back with that no more so these fellows wasn't foolish so watch this now he says make a league with us not give us some water to drink a sweet iced tea or food to eat or shelter for seven and the men of israel said unto the headlights here he said remember they said earlier Gibeon right the Gibeonites so you see what I'm saying now the Gibeonites were the descendants of the Hittites sort of interchangeable here so he says in verse 7 of Joshua 9 and the men of israel said unto the Hittites pre adventure or suppose you dwell among us and how shall we make a league with you and they said unto joshua we are thy servants than josh was said unto them who are ye and from whence you come first night and they which is the gb night said unto Him which is joshua we came from a far country thy servants are come because of the name of the LORD thy God that's what uses corners what you call wasn't sheep loading radio he said because they big it up your God too so that's even more enticing that oh he only said that they they can be no Canaanites because Canaanites a an entire God okay so clearly if they go wrong and knowledge our God then clearly these guys on the right part now listen carefully now verse 9 again and they said unto him on a given night said unto Joshua we came from a very far country thy servants are come because of the name of the Lord so they're already addressing Josh what am i safe they already their servants and we came to worship your God for we have heard the fame of him which is Elohim and all that he did in Egypt so these guys are fully knowledgeable fully knowledgeable verse 10 of Joshua 9 and all that he did to the two kings of the AMA writes that were beyond Jordan to Zion king of Heshbon and to all king of déjà and which was at Astra we're for our elders these are the given eights now and all the inhabitants of our country spoke to us saying take victuals this is our lies with you for the journey and go to meet them and say unto them we are your servants therefore now make you and league with us so what they're saying here now is that we had consultation in the country where we came from that we heard so many great things about you of God the only thing we want to do to you would make it quick now and we wanna make it quick is because of you find out who we really are you all will kill us on the spot but we know once we secure that covenant and God told you not to make with us their name nothing you could do after that now watch this okay so in verse 12 he says this our bread we took for our provision out of our houses on the day we came for to go unto you but now behold it is dry and it is moldy verse 13 of Joshua 9 and these bottles of wine which we filled were new and behold they are torn or rent and these our garments and our shoes are become old by reason of the very long journey and the men took their victuals and arts listen listen carefully this is key and the men took their victuals who men to who victuals let's back up now the victuals or the pictures or the things when it is put water in or juice or whatever the children of Israel took it from the Gibeonites I want you to listen now but watch what happens next they took very now they took the first fourteen and the men took of their victuals and acts not consul at the mouth of the Lord the children of Israel took their victuals the Gibeonites and they didn't say Lord reveal to me who these people are with Lord amplify my gift of discernment so I could see them for the devil's that they really are they didn't do it the scripture inserted in here because remember the scriptures are filled with rules and principles and ordinances for us to now make practical to be successful in our lives and not make the mistakes that what we're reading about what they did so the scripture says here they did not ask console of God they did not say God tell me the real deal and as you can see her God didn't shove them on the shoulder and say hold on before you do this ask me you know why he didn't do it because I told you my rules a long time ago from when Moses was living I said it to you over and over do not fortune or covenants do not do anything don't do nothing unless you consult my voice so listen just now verse 15 and Joshua made peace with them who's them - give me Knights who also the Canaanite said he was supposed to kill and made a league he made a covenant he made a covenant with them to let them live so this is powerful this wise is powerful Joshua is making a covenant with the Gibeonites who they were ordered to kill they were to kill all the Canaanites the Canaanites which would have been the Joker for seven nations the Gibeonites came from the Hittites they were supposed to kill them but Joshua is forging a spiritual covenant with them to preserve their life so once he made this covenant and he's making a covenant with the people whom God originally told them to kill what this principle is going to show them this is why I tell you it isn't that the augur is more powerful than God you know God honored the Covenant that your ancestors made at the altar that even though you are saved now that isn't changing the effects of the covenant the Covenant that the ancestors made has to be broken variety Authority that you have now in Jesus Christ but the Covenant in that bloodline isn't gonna walk away because you got saved today but Jesus Christ that at the cross has now enabled you to you couldn't break it before so I come to help no mess to me that because you are Christian are you in under no Christ and you know who could work on you he was a fool because you don't know the law that you're going to see we're going to read further that when Joshua doors made the Covenant and when they found out that the Gibeonites had lied to them and the airless those wanted to kill them the priests say you can't do that because you swore before God so the very crew you were supposed to take down because God knew what they were to do to you you have gotta you're not gonna protect them and because if you kill him God can take your because you're violating the law and why because when you swore to God Father I make a league and a pact with these people today that whom ever come up against them we do your children will protect them and we swear by your name so what covenant is in place for the people who you were supposed to kill but God who is a fair God watching all of this unfold he in intervening listening but I tell you one thing not as you to make this covenant if you try kill these people you will see just what time it is now let's take that principle and bring it to your home your great grandpa was freemason on his life okay you bragging and short on his regalia and stuff in the house you're a woman daddy was living here and this apron and honors foolishness child mommy was a witch you got it for joking light what you don't understand as they're made covenants at the altar that even though you save you so see in the generational curse of anti-progress it all your sisters and brothers see if y'all couldn't get married if they attend a curse at y'all none of that could happen why is the rebel in you save now why is that happening you still a new full of the Holy Ghost and you've been washing the blood of the Lamb and Jesus pull you ordered of miry clay and put you in a rock to stay okay if Jesus did all of that and according to you and your interpretation of Galatians three that Jesus we came across from me and curses whoever hang upon the tree Kevin I am NOT Christ so you better get that garbage or yeah well why you're behind can't keep no man why don't man won't be with you why everybody in your family all of them saved all of them I preachers and teachers third and fourth generation but all of them unlimited in life only so far I could go why because nobody taught you about the covenants that the ancestors made and you never verbally renounce them you never by the blood of Jesus Christ and the Bible say the spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead also resided me and because of what Jesus did on the cross he has an able and empower me therefore I break every ancestral and generational curse whatever my mother and father and Grammy and great-grandpa whatever wickedness they put their hand to as of this day that curse has come to a halt I decreed by the blood of Jesus I exercised the verdict that was made at the cross that Jesus became a curse for me so that generational curse of witchcraft voodoo sickness and so on buddy I now transfer that to the one who was on the cross and that now became the bearer of the curse until you say that my friend you if you die you will go to heaven but the quality of your life will not change so ghetto do not garbage get out in our foolishness and we can read more of it right now watch this this is a powerful story and I'm gonna show you I'm gonna end with of the effects of what they did which would have been 300 years later and I picked this story tonight to show you you trying to figure out what happened to me Kevin I used to be an A student I was doing well in school and Kevin when I hit the age of 26 of 25 my life man downhill Kevin I was in a no accident Kevin I do nobody not know didn't do nothing but the covenants that were made and they also there is a time or there's a time set on every body life and that family got at a certain age everything is gonna go downhill for them because when their family members whoever at the Covenant at that altar when they said spirits when my second generation when they come forth I everything that was spiritually in place for them such as the blessings the Lord for them the house the car our husband whatever I surrendered after this all of their they would never have part of it and it will happen now coveting that was made so the spirits are that also must ensure that nobody no one ever in that second generation prosper nobody ever go forward no one remember the story about Noah right when they came on the dry land after the flood and it says that no one got drunk right and then sleep naked understand and his son came in there and went back and tell his two brothers right the two brothers came with a Claude they walk backward because they didn't want to see their daddy and covered him when when I excuse me Noah understood what happened when he caught up listen what he said listen to this carefully now let me show how powerful these guys desire Noah after his two sons informed him with his son they'd made mockery if your money was naked he said remember the son name was ham okay it was harm Shem and Japheth I think how was the last one Noah said to him because of what he did he say huh cursed be canaan for he will be subject to his brother's go read the story and you will see the crisis what he said now you may say well okay so he caused some somewhat big deal big deal humm remember he didn't kizamu did it you know because the next generation which would have been his grandson okay guess who came from Canaan sorry harm was a son he cursed Canaan but gassim came from Canaan guess guess who came from Canaan the Hittites the Jebusites - all of these guys I read her not the seven nations that was in Canaan came from the loins of Noah's grandson which would have been harmed son Canaan so when Noah curse him which was the grandson look at the effects what took place don't don't tell me no generational Christ Android's people speaking of your life you don't have no effect you would be a fool of you believe that if you read the scriptures remember these are not stories God is saying if y'all read my laws and understand my Commandments now you will be better able to navigate your course through life the things that your man party the things that you have great-grammy did the things that they had you involve drinking and eating and duel foolishness how what would the implications on your life what strings in the spiritual realm that they enable that is working against you what is it so he looking at his son he said huh yeah you see me naked and he am making fun of my private parts I got something for you or people say I don't put mud on you and listen how he put the more on him he said you see yeah yeah your your son there Ciaran my grandson cursed be canaan well he would be a servant to his brothers then he listened holy partakes so everybody brushed that off northern dead and move on anybody chef in omoide enough to see him yeah he don't know if the same but a covenant was made oh yeah when he decreed when he decree died what happened now now Canaan now grow up get married have a bunch of children all over the place the children I begin to die sometimes myself I not knowing that there is an invisible covenant over them that they cannot see nobody could see the Covenant nobody could see the evil decrees over you and that's why you discard it nobody could see it but as they begin to mature they now start to wish of evil gods and all kind of stuff but why where did this all initiate it all initiated when the man burned the granddaddy curse their father so now they established the land of Canaan they begin to multiply my buddy know what this Noah never never remember nor so what he said was even after after after whatever but it doesn't matter I've known the same no more it doesn't matter if you don't know the history of the family all of that is in fact that's even better because now there's nobody is a challenging so what is happening now what is happening now now these wicked people coming into the land the Canaanites who came from New Canaan which was the grandson of of Noah which was the son of ham and when Noah curse him no war literally changed his destiny I could be alright and give you story after story I can tell you about the sons of Jacob Reuben which the same thing happened to I can tell you but Levi where all of the linear Moses team came true and Moses couldn't fulfill the plan but God God say I've sent you here to not only write the laws of my people but to take them from the promised land into into Canaan but it couldn't happen why couldn't happen because when his his great-great grandfather Jacob Christ his great-great-grandfather Levi which he came true and when he cries him which was a case of anger Moses had anger all the way to and I would like you could read me you could watch my other ancestral a generational crisis video but you will see it so don't tell me I don't know they talk about you you go we go into the scriptures and we're seeing a pattern that once we follow it now we could look at our bloodline and say oh I've been inside for thirty years and never figured this out how could I not see this but I got a teacher do you face that's what they were called to do not to take your money not to rip you financially not to bully you not to tell you need to stand there they are covering you've been under they're covering you more stupid when you ran there because you don't know the rules so that's why I tell you I hope they push down the church walls until they get it right then bill it again and now bring the people who are your God worried man that's what I will see so when you don't know the rules when you don't know the rules I'm tempted to do a part two of this tomorrow to give you more examples of men if you want I didn't put it in the comment section but anyway we going back here now he says here when we went back here to where we verse 15 of Joshua 9 he says and Josh wood made peace with them very clear and Joshua made peace with them and made a league or a covenant with them to let them live which was the Gibeonites woman they were supposed to kill because they were the descendants of the Hittites which also the Canaanites and the Prince of the congregation swear unto them and it came to pass at the end of three days doesn't this now they had made a league or a park with them which was to give you nice that they heard that they were their neighbors meaning that these dudes from Canaan they lied they are the actual Keene and nights so three days later this knowledge is being revealed to Josh with a leader the leader and the elders of Israel and Joshua made peace with them and made a league with them verse 15 to let them live and the prints of the congregation swear unto them and it came to pass and verse 16 at the end of three days after they had made a league with them that they heard that they were their neighbors and that they dwell among them 4:17 and the children of Israel journeyed and came unto the cities on the third day now their cities was Gibeon and Sheva and bare rough and whatever the next word is so voice 18 and the children of Israel smart them not they couldn't kill him because the Prince of the congregation had sworn unto them by the Lord of Israel Joshua in wanted to kill them after he figured that they was deceived but what happened not only did you forge your covenant the Prince of Israel or whatever y'all but y'all say we swear by the God of Abraham so you can't renege on what shouldn't bring God in now you got all wonder that so even though they would have to kill him he says no no no no if you kill em God can kill us because remember I told you in a covenant there are penalties to keep everybody in line and then once somebody renege on the commitment then there's a penalty that is going to be levied on the party that renege on the promise so no no really you know the rules you need to know the road so what just now it gets even deeper watch this it says verse 18 and the children of Israel smote them more or couldn't kill them because the Prince of the congregation are sworn unto them by the Lord God of Israel and all the congregation murmured against the Prince what you mean we cannot kill them well you can't do it I know I you're looking at this that we could physically kill them and get rid of them but what we did is beyond physical is spiritual there was a spiritual covenant that foolish has put in place because we didn't consult the seat consult God to see what these jokers are all about first 19 but all the prince said unto all the congregation we have sworn unto them by the Lord God of Israel now therefore we may not touch them we cannot kill them we made a covenant it is the same thing when you join that Lodge when you join that secret society remember that long thing they gave you to read it was a contract it was an agreement now they tell you to be a part of us then you need to just recite this and wherever if the blanks you put your name i Kevin ooing swear to join the temple of the fourth power if I give up any of their secrets may my family be riddled with disease may my children suffer the death may my why what why if you want me to join your organization's why these things in here but I've - you know these fellows go just read it yeah just sign it to the bottom don't mind I meet Nanak here you warn you are a favor but the judges and stuff know you better you getting something with the police you want are brought on the hood for you right now just sign that okay let me finish read it and if I give out any of the secrets to this society may my third and fourth generation die than the dead may they die from sickness and disease get in voice listen once you just just sign it in the Oval read all just sign it just sign it okay let me just sign it if you sign it naima freemason and each level I go to I have to do certain initiations not knowing that because we're doing this I don't alter the scriptures are very care that the sacrifices that are made I've made unto devils the forging agreements with evil spirits that we cannot see but the Bible has made it very clear that the real talk so what happens now the Freemason guys don't realize it but he's just released a spirit of sickness in his family bloodline so we could just sit back patiently and we're gonna watch we're gonna watch the spirit of sickness begin to ravage his family gonna watch his wife suffer cancer and egregious or very rapid type you're gonna watch his daughter his daughter also body with breast cancer gonna watch his children all of a sudden take on a sectors that no body can understand where he become in a fetal position in a bed he died you want to see something funny and the day he died if someone is there to witness it they're gonna watch his body stretch right out and all of his features come back as to what he used to look like before of his state while he was sick why because the spirit of infirmity that was upon him now that he's dead has now released itself from his body Jesus said in the Book of Luke 13 he says mom there is a spirit of infirmity on you Jesus saw something that nobody else saw Jesus saw a spirit that was contorting you in a position meaning that you were never truly sick but because of this spirit you cannot see on you it's now running its corner how it ganda we don't know we need to go and all those details right now I usually get this spur off of you right and what did Jesus do Jesus said woman be Thou Art Loosed or woman II didn't say woman straighten up your spine he didn't say the discs in the spine come together no he didn't say that he said be thou loosed from this spirit of infirmity so so the woman who was in Eastern style on our life none of her children could get married the woman was an Eastern star all of her life nobody could prosper in the family have no idea that they activated spiritual laws according to this Bible when they were reading the stories about the Canaanites the Jebusites and so on not knowing that they were all applicable to them they just thought it was just nice stories to tell them to put them to sleep and car was just pointing the laws look look what you did look what you did when you commit to them look what you did when you read this look what you did when they tell you sign in him read the sign it and now swallow the people look what you did look what you did when they tell if you won't go to the next degree we need you to boil yourself naked and sleep in this dark room lay on your back for three days what were you doing you were following their instructions that they receive from that altar that if you follow it what did God said he says that don't not Forge covenant with them at least they will pull you away from your God so this is why I tell you all the time of your past as a freemason if your sister in the Church of whatever your Minister leading any one of them that only say on how don't care you know it but you know that they serve in some secret society get out of that choice it's a choice Church it when [ __ ] it is not the house of God I don't care how much they perform I don't get much they scream and sing Jesus is a deliverer and o Jehovah Jireh it is all a form of godliness God has nowhere near that place and if you know what's good for you based on what I'm telling you tonight you will run as if somebody were to behind you with a gun because they remember when they submit themselves to those people according to the law this isn't their choice anymore you know they are separated from the original God that they serve so that's why God says listen if you have your daughters marry their so-and-so or vice versa if you serve their gods he said don't do it least they pulled you away from their car how could you pull me away from God well when you break the laws then the law enabled me to do so and God cannot stop me you violated the law so even though mama we love you mama was a good woman mama always taught us child love your brothers love your sisters don't hold it in for so and so child serve Jesus child read your Bible but pray you are my mama know everything in terms of the outward appearance of serving God but guess what whenever problems came up in the family mama resorted to things that had nothing to do with God what did mama say mama said a boy wouldn't sleep in the night right so mama who tell us but God all our life mama and say you know what child y'all need to pre-finish hide you know that spirits on that childproofing no mamas they could go tie a black string around it but all mama you so mean he's a woman of God the boy have hiccups go get a brown paper and put some saliva on it and stick the brown paper well mom how does a brown paper would would would spit on it stops a physical jerking reaction of the esophagus and stir matters that happen mama say okay and a lady just wrote me day before yesterday and she was clearly fascinated by these teachings and said I was speaking directly to her than one of my teachings where her mother told ah all right that when she was seeing a period she had to take a Sanitation a sanitary napkin boil it and drink it mama that's to do what though where did you get that from because we don't see it in the scriptures mama told us that when our child is born even if you don't in some cultures you bury the placenta cork some cultures they eat it but you say forget what they're doing where did they get the instructions from because whoever instructions they follow that is the spirit they're coming an agreement that what they are telling them to do based on the negative side of it there's no different in men God says if you want this big 70 foot wall which is 30 feet thick to fall apart then walk around it once every seven day on the seven day do it seven times and supernatural is going to fall out what is the common denominator in both cases that is causing supernatural things that happen that couldn't happen under normal circumstances we are following the instructions of spirits who didn't have no authority because we were given the authority but in order to have things done in the world we cannot have done which is limited to our human power then we need to partner with them some of them the evil side come exactly like the Gibeonites oh we need help oh we just want you to come so we could be a part of the Brotherhood and we could show you no humanitarian and help people win the hurricane and tsunami come yeah you were part of the first brothers temple I don't worry about all those little our initiations you better don't worry about all that you know because remember we feeding the hungry the helping single mothers then we got to take pictures on the news or you have like a bag of rice taking it to the old folks home and you know cut in the grass colorful so but at one night fog we got a like a war people over here down in the graveyard yeah but don't you work with that because the more you keep that secret was he gonna get poles from yes sir it's just coming because you mentioned nothing about Jesus Christ I'm confused so mama and them when they were younger were a part of the secret society eastern star and where they couldn't wait for you to get all the day now created Eastern star for children not remember that some of y'all where some of you were initiated and didn't even know but the main thing I'm getting at because I'm trying to show you our principle now this explains now this explains the limitations on your life now this explains why you cannot get ahead in life because God says when you when you did those things everything that I have promised you in my word all of the blessings I had set in place for you before the foundation of the world I cannot do it because of my law because I told you you cannot serve two masters you will need a loved one and get rid of the other or cleave to one and dismiss the next one but the law does not permit you to have two so all along before you went to the Eastern Star before you take the vow I was on your side and I promise you I will never leave you or forsake you I promise you I will help you in the time of trouble I promise you I am or I am or whatever my promises were but guess what I had to retract not because I wanted to you know I am bound to my law I have to come now that you decide to take this route I am bound to my Lord now here is where you think you're smarter than me you figure because Kevin and pass the soul so didn't see you go to the witch doctor to read your palm to see if your husband was cheating on you you figure you was okay but they actually do some stuff before they read your palm right they told you to pick up a card right they told you to flip your hands over but everything they ask you you agreed to write oh yes sir will you forge your covenant but that also ready and you didn't know but you come to church on Sunday because nobody knows that nobody see it do you see you do that so you think you're right standing with me but the truth is because you never renounced that covenant even though you're still in church but the Covenant is still having the legal right to run its course in your life and guess what you have kids right by at least you can have some right well as a result of what you did they are now going to become the beneficiaries of the Covenant that you media but Kevin I didn't make no covenant with sickness I didn't make no comment of poverty all i mended to do is to read to see if this man was cheating on me I get that but let's go back to the law Exodus 20:24 what is to say God made this very simple principles which is entitled all altars God says listen if you raise an altar unto me where my name is I will visit it and I become a blessings so the opposite is true because it's a principle if you raise an altar for Devils for Satan whatever then what spirits evil spirits going to come just like God came to the gordly altar evil filthy spirits are gonna come to the evil altar and just like God brought blessings to the good also well guess what's coming to the evil OTO evil altars gonna bring curses the problem which you are now is that you don't know what all those curses are you don't know but it's a spirit of rejection you don't know this is a spirit of insanity you don't know if it is a spirit whereby before everybody in this family reach the age of 60 they die you don't know none of that but they don't want you to know none of that because all they want you to focus on as we shown you what this man doing but you don't see we should be giving you luck over here but you don't know the spiritual implication that is far-reaching that you don't know about you don't know that so how do I do know when I sit back now that I understand these teachings I now begin to negotiate my destiny let me sit back let me look at my brother told my oldest brother life okay I have three brothers Tom Jeffery and Henry now based on Kevin here if they if somebody did some foolishness Kevin said there has to be a consistent negative pattern that is happening in everybody life and everybody would mean whoever's susceptible to it who don't want nothing to do with God we save all who save any break your covenants now that Kevin said that this makes sense Jeffrey divorce Tom divorce Henry divorce that's where all of my children and guess what all their children divorce excuse me boy does this look at that scarier now the grandchildren talking up now grandchildren great-grandchildren and we see the same cycle but hold on Calvillo Lisp runner and the other two had asthma okay but their children have asthma their children children a Python some man or a woman risk it's getting really scary now it's not like what this dude's saying make a lot of sense here hold on now cuz how could this be Kevin have high blood pressure thank you so what's got high blood pressure Kevin three brothers and guess who else this nephew sis brothers kids and even as kids okay you know what it's gotta be a company it's gotta be a coincidence it's gotta be a quitter let's look at something else there let me think about something else okay okay all of Kevin family have a bachelor's degree Kevin of a bachelor's Kevin three brothers have bachelor's degree and in various whatever one got bachelor's in science and whatever whatever but none of them not a one of them could hold on to a job that's French but I never saw that way before until I was introduced to these teachings that showed me a protocol spiritually that is initiating or manifesting these physical things I never knew this but now that I'm thinking about it Kevin have a bachelor's degree his brother have a bachelor's the other two are bachelors every job they go on they are dismissed for no reason or everybody they're the first ones picked on the job this making sense to me so you know what I need to look at the history of our family so what I can do let me go down here by re tiller who know everybody business let me go by on each other we can get a destroyer a tinnitus will show you the physical evidence da/dt know in your right mind you're 86 and you suck like you 16 but I will ask you some stuff how much tell me some history about our family butch which you won't know tell me any kind of wickedness one day was interval when I know but I wanna but I know one thing your great-grandpa was a Grand Master Flash whatever they call it moved in them Lodge and his wife was ovarian but that's what Kevin say Kevin said if anyone in the family served other gods to any form of sorcery secret society or anything they invited crisis because the altars that they serve and the spirits that they sacrifice and worship those spirits brought crisis when the covenants were made and the manifestation of what they gave they don't need to know it will now manifest in the family so I get all the evidence there now I can't call the man a fake no more because all he did was give me the principles of the Bible I now sit down analytically look at the entire family acts other family members would be familiar with the past and everything the man is saying is part of not to be true what do i do not lord have mercy how could this happen I got to break the covenant but I know thing about ABI was what we all save myself the tree but I said everybody's safe everybody know Jesus everybody's faithful and going to church but there's no changes in our lives because the pastor spraying the prophet and the prophetess is coming up in the church and says God is gonna do something special in 20 20 20 come by here God says 20 20 means 20/20 vision hallelujah you are going to see more than you saw before you want to get more than you caught before God is gonna turn it I hear God I hear God I hear God when are you gonna tell me you hear God says the covenants must be broken when are you gonna hear God and says the family ancestral lineage has been polluted the foundation that's been faulted and by the blood of Christ you need to break it where am I gonna hear that because of you in here or not the things he tell you what you can do and you better put it on on the on the shelf cuz nothing of it because like I'm about to show you God honors covenant but that us your hashtag right now now you may say you mean Kevin God only only godly cup only on a godly covenants no he honor all covenants so while your generation or your lineage you may be a four generation preacher that'll mean nothing because if the generations before them was a preacher and freemason yeah Chris yeah Sharon cuffs all armed costs all of them every last one of them and I accepted because of the curse has everywhere has not been wreck nice unbroken if you don't say god I learned tonight that my father was a freemason my uncle whoever in the family I know mummy white which there things I saw her did with this black book there's some concoction she made us drink there's some spiritual bath she had people beat us in there's some things we have to paw around the house there were stuff we had to put under the bed there were certain Psalms we had to recite and then do a certain ritual afterward if you know those things and you still trying to play fool but mom and them was spiritual they were spiritual all right but their spirituality was an originating from God they followed the route that not the rules but they followed the surface and the cosmetics of when I'm before people this is what I do to show you my love Jesus I got my big Bible here I wear my old thing about the turbine or whatever on my head and I tell you you need to get say if you need to come to Jesus but I five me following the rules of Jesus no no no no I'm gonna resort to oh because that's gonna bring the things quicker for me so don't come with that don't you try that so let's wrap this up now I know a little lent it at night but I just need to take my time and drill this into your understanding and I don't care what church you go to if those covenants aren't broken God is honoring them God same area you've been prayin to me for a husband for years and I've been sending you on Facebook and these places to go listen to this began by who was teaching you my laws but you let them people fool you and tell you don't listen there and I look what you wish you're 16 no mind no children no nuttin and you are I in line but you never had one on mine because you don't want no headache then you care again I cuz you know my why you because you're lock stock and barrel in the realm of the Spirit so until that happened get over your talking nonsense so let's wrap this up with us let's bring this baby home right now right so the Bible says here in verse 20 of Joshua 9 it says this we will do to them we will even let them live least wrath be upon us so the priests or the Prince of Israel telling them you better let them live you can kill them if you because if you don't let them live and you kill him then wrath will be upon you hoorah you'll just kill up all the Jericho you'll just kill all right so is there there's another superior power watching over us who recognize the Covenant and even though the people of you and covenant with you suppose they kill the same God who you swears now gonna protect the same people yeah so God is the one watching no matter what man say so isn't that powerfully the very people who God says you must kill them you rented Ford your covenant with them so God is honoring the Covenant and into you no more you don't violate the law even though your has chosen people he says it all I hear you no more you made the Covenant over here it's Ali right okay now you've now sorry come from a line of riches right now everything turned upside down in your life right now you say now because you say even because you know me I supposed to come and violate my not just for you and turn it around I don't know much like that buddy no you forge a covenant and you know what's what Massimo discovered it if you try and mess this up you can bring trouble on yourself so you've got a time God for the grace of God you better thank God for the blood of Jesus because I listen this time because of the grace of God we got some goddess he was on a stern as he was bad then before the blood of Jesus Christ so look at this now they said here in verse 21 and the prince said unto them let them live but let them be he was of wood and drawers of water unto all the congregation as the Prince had promised them and Joshua called them and Josh McCall for them and he spake unto them saying wherefore have you beguiled or lied to us saying we are very far from you when you know good and well you dwell among us among the Canaanite them 4:23 now therefore listen now this is not this is powerful because Joshua now because in the Covenant oh god this is all powerful remember the Covenant right the Covenant they said listen we want to submit you in this government we want you to be protective of us meaning that we don't mind you being over us just for Jeff covenant with our search you can kill us and you will allow nobody to kill no Waterman kill us so therefore in this covenant that we have created between the Gibeonites and y'all Joshua y'all gettin Laurel for us so by them doing that same thing at the Auto buy them doing that they gave Joshua dose of judgment particularly in being the leader the authority to speak over their life so Joshua is about to levy something on the current people who he's talking to now and by extension the future generation so what's this verse 23 of Joshua 9 now therefore this Joshua speaking you are curse I am living a spiritual injunction and limitation on your life right now that which you are free to do before would disperse until it's not it's gonna bring a limitation so he says now therefore you are cursed and there shall none of you be free from being bondsman meaning you will be slave all your life and he was of wood and drawers of water for the house of God forever every man of God that God raised and y'all people around they will serve us so Joshua spoke and shift their destiny see these are the spiritual rules that you need to understand so you come even for its company with us I hope you understand that you've given us a thirty of you I hope when you went to that altar and make covenants with that devil we're a secret society of witchcraft I hope you realize that you're giving them authority not over years only whatever you're seeing first twenty four and then Josh and then answer Joshua and said because it's what's clearly told thy servant how that the LORD thy God commanded his servant Moses to give you all the land and to destroy all inhabitants of the land from before you therefore you were so free then he went on and on okay good so I'm gonna end this right now so far I'm sure you have a great understanding of what I've said right you have a good understanding of the Covenant you have a good understanding I can bring this baby home y'all ready for this I can bring this baby home right now for y'all now we are going let me finish okay be finish after this needed to get the principal sneer I know I take a long but it's that make sense right Melissa this we are going to see the end result of all of this I am speaking to everyone listening to me right now everyone listen to me right now I'm speaking to you because I'm speaking to your family remember they forged a covenant with a people who they were never supposed the former covenant with I started out this teaching with just giving you scripture after scripture where God has repeatedly told Israel this how important it was do not Forge covering with them do not marry them note down their altars anything to do it sorcery witchcraft any like the Bible said anew at in the New Testament shutting the very appearance of sin anything that even a pair to be in in correlation to what they serve in dealing with spiritually run from it because the spiritual implication is devastating don't fool with it now I want you this is the last [ __ ] show I want you to turn to second Samuel 21 verses 1 tonight and we finished right now second Samuel 21 and we're gonna read from verse 1 to verse 29 now you're all ready for this y'all ready for this right as I ski excited yet y'all ready for this right didn't bring my water y'all ready for this because this this risky get they need a done hard I've been on fire but this we can turn the flames up right now remember what I said they Forge our covenant but they can't erase the Covenant no more because they swore by God all right that's why I tell you but a tank 1 4 but you better thank God for Jesus Christ because we are not locked the things that anymore through the blood of Jesus Christ we could break these things now ok so it's a difference between then and now I've just shown you the principles how do we get there to begin with now listen to me carefully remember I just told you at Joshua chapter 9 right now the this is the scripture hears during the time of King David are you ready for this you ready for this write this do your history is over 300 years later I can take my time yeah 300 years since that covenant was in place I trying to show you I know a foolish pastor I can call him foolish because what he teaching his people is foolish a foolish pastor said generational curses don't exist he says instead these are behavioral patterns he's one of those intellectual preachers he preached from science and stuff he said listen what he says he said generational curses I truly learned behavior okay if that's the case then like I always use the example if a woman is pregnant she was involved in a car accident her under man died but the child live the child was adopted the child was adopted by some family unless their opinion obamas some European family so the child alone nothing but the Bahamas don't nothing but this culture but the family stayed in the Bahamas for a while but he and they knew the family that where a child came from and as the child go grow they begin to see traits of the family in the child now how could that be according to that pasta how could that be if according to him generational curse is a learned behavior where did the unborn child learn that from when the family who adopted the child after the killing of both parents and the car accident took the child way across the yard not against was a Pacific Ocean who snuck over there while the parents was to wake and toured the China to walk like they daddy harder be conniving and no-good like the man who told him that mr. intellectual oh but let's get back to this 300 years later King David is now the leader of Israel Joshua and all of the judges and everybody that died there's 300 years later that's why I tell you it don't matter but what's the Covenant is in place it's speaking to the destiny of the future generation 300 plus years later King David is on the scene and he's following the ordinance of God everything that the the laws of God require he was following in the Passover the faithful the tide everything they were doing in life just like him you are safe and you are doing everything God requires of you why can't you prosper why can't you get ahead why can't you move ahead in life you love God you've been fasting you've been praying but you know nothing about covenants you don't know what is in place you don't know none of that nobody's teaching you that well that's what's happening here so watch what happens read the story 2nd samuel 21 beginning at verse 1 then there was a famine which shouldn't have been happening in the days of David that should not have happened because they were following the rules they were following the rules nation there should not be a famine there was a famine in the days of David for three solid years remember they're following the rules how many of you write me Kevin I did the fast Kevin I did XYZ but Kevin ain't not happening and I said you sure that covenant broken you sure you ain't get her hate and bitterness what's your heart you sure you follow everything because how could it not work for you and people who write me from Uganda and Nairobi and Asian Australian working for them so no comma dad then there was a famine in the days of David for three years remember they following the rule this is a good King the Bible described as a as a man after God's own heart for three years after sorry there then there was a famine in the days of David three years year after year and David who's obviously confused just like you Lord this don't make no sense why can't a man second why can't I find a good woman I saw a view God and I serve you in spirit and in truth maybe spirit and truth cannot help you laws how you by following them they says and David inquired of the Lord and listen what the Lord Arthur was it says I'm the Lord answered and explained them wider fireman was there which was shouldn't been happenin he says it is for song it is soul and caused us yeah I caused this he says for and for his bloody house because he slew or he killed the Gibeonites oh oh oh oh they got a problem here but David didn't notice David didn't know David didn't know that Saul who was his predecessor he didn't know that Saul did it's killed him but the truth is even if he did know so what he didn't know that a covenant was made 300 years ago with the given nights where their leader at the time Joshua swore by his God the God of Abraham that hey look you know we promised to protect you we promised to preserve your life and guess what if anyone especially somebody from our team killed you they can bring an advice effect on us that's what did I tell you how did I started out I said a covenant is agreement between two or more people where their penalties put in place all in an effort to keep everybody in line and whoever violates that pit of the Covenant a penalty will be levied upon them so David trying to figure out he walking and his king chambers every day just don't make no sense the priests are doing what they supposed to do the Levites everybody following all the rules the laws the principles what's happening he does not make no sense something is wrong to the extent that he couldn't figure out he's okay God you know what I had an exhaust all human understanding what is happening here God says very simple when Saul unbeknown to y'all kill the Gibeonites they violated the covenant that was established over 300 years ago even though the Covenant that they made they made it with a group of people I told them to originally kill but the point in this entire story I don't honor y'all because you all see all seven you know I honor covenants that's why telling you spirits never look for casual relationship with people they look for covenants why because covenants allow them to facilitate their will in the area because they don't have that will outside of the consultation with man as stated earlier in this teaching so therefore if any spirit wants to operate here then they have to whether they do it in a tricky way like the give me nights or whatever once the covenant has been forged same thing with your dreams again why I keep telling you the purpose of the dream is that some spirit is trying to forge your covenant with you you need to figure what spirit is so you need to know what to shut down or what to come and agree with it so I want you to see and now watch how they had to know this is so awesome we can finish this in a video I know this was long tonight but this was too juicy listen to this carefully now God has already advised them why your name prosper here why because you need the rain you need the rain to a final total to rain on the crops to make them grow to bring a harvest because the rain is basically the money of the entire economy do so if you ain't got no worry everything is gonna be affected by it but this is happening because there was a violation and the Covenant but what it was so serious is that discoverable is forged with the enemies whom they should have never been partnership with why God pleaded with them in my initial scriptures to don't ever forge a covenant with them don't do it but they went ahead and do it now 300 plus years later the effects of what they did through the violation of the Covenant is running its course and speaking to the current generation even though they had nothing to do with it and that's how powerful covenant it that's why my topic is understanding spiritual covenant I cannot see them I don't even know they're there but it don't matter it don't matter that's why you should take this opportunity for the Lord reveal to me right now is there any hidden covenants in my lineage is it in my mother side is it in my father's eye is it in my husband's side my wife's who-who-who connected to who back then whatever made pacts and I don't know I'm violating it today I don't know there was something that was said at that altar that if anybody eat a particular fruit sickness income today so how come all of us everybody else could eat golf or fruits nothing happen to them but only when this family eated vidya cancer we have called stones we have this we have that you know why because when they made the agreement 23 billion years ago that you don't know about when you did that there was a violation even though you had nothing to do it but as a result of you being a part of this lineage you are going to suffer the penalty so this makes so much sense to me now that you've been saved used the prettiest girl in that church and all of the chicks in there who got some stone wound or a near face they got a push the fellows often trying to marry them but you who got all their education you got all the looks you come from such an affluent family you got the good job people passing you by as if you're transparent nobody could see you even exists why is this happening because when they were at the altar they made a covenant over your life that you don't know about that every female from this family we sacrifice their marital our positions that they will never be married in exchange that we have wealth in exchange that we are healed in exchange that we do what but we're a resource in this power from from the evil alters from the kingdom of darkness how are they able to do it how could these evil spirits do these things in the natural because they're following the rule that once a human covenant or coming a guru with a spirit then whatever that spirit dealing with could be facilitated in the natural realm so watch this how does David get to fix this because this is interesting now he can't even go to God and say God fix it oh you even now you're gonna appreciate the blood of Jesus in this story right here because of me was back then based on will be able to read now we couldn't even go to God and say God please do something tweak this so we could get out of this watch what David had to do I tell you man that what happened on the cross at Calvary and I got at each one that one day because you you will hate your party no when I say Jeff asta any pastor who telling you you got to be under his covering you got to be on this apostolic garbage this - it's really stunning you off liberty in Christ Jesus because he is totally ignorant to the rules of God but watch this so in verse 2 of second time they're 21 remember verse 1 tells us the there was a famine they were strange to David because they were following the rules so much so that he inquired of God God shared with him that the Covenant was violated when the house of Saul killed some of the Gibeonites on verse 2 it says I'm the King which is David call the Gibeonites because he realized that he couldn't even go to God as of me he couldn't even go to God and say God and now this Oh God shut this down no he had to go to the ones who his ancestors made the covenant with thank what we don't have to do that today he had to go to Rome to the people to the book the to the existing gibbehh Knights who had nothing to do with the former covenant three years ago who David in the current German official had nothing to do with it but because of their lineage the effects of the Covenant still is in existence so verse 2 says I'm the king call the Gibeonites and said unto them now the gibbehhh' Knights were not of the children of Israel we notice but of the remnant of the analytes and the children of Israel had sworn unto them they talked about the time of Joshua now and Saul sought to slay them in his zeal to the children of Israel and Judah now we're known he was of we have that agreement of not with Josh Windham I don't know verse 3 wherefore David said to the Gibeonites he cuts and now bow ties and is powerful he gotta now bow to the very people who God told them to kill over 300 years ago excuse me the child of God that about there will be one that'll make sense a Nord make a lot of sense because we'll just keep proving over and over God recognized covenants you you being a Christian I'm nothing to do it is to say no the indictment against you God is going to honor the covenant see people in Hell right now they sign on to a covenant that they refuse or ignorantly let go of so it caused them Hellfire for eternity they also one have it now decided to stick with the rules of God so they kept the Covenant of God every covenant is going to produce results it's gonna put those consequences repercussions penalties levies whatever so whatever side you picked there consequences with hopefully you get go outside you get in there for eternity so they would not have to go to these people right watch this verse 3 therefore David said unto the given eyes what shall I do for you and wherewith shall I make the atonement how do I fix the breach in the agreement made by our forefathers but David mercy of God why don't you go to your God to fix this no Kevin you still missing it let's go back to Joshua now I remember Joshua them didn't just say we make a covenant which you know and just sign a piece of paper between Joshua and them they could do that they could bring in God then but no they excluded God that's why the Bible says when they made the league with the Gibeonites they sought no consultation with God so God is saying here now ok you didn't seek me there or don't seek me now thank God for the blood of Jesus thank you for Christ's death burial resurrection being gotta go through these harsh penalties like what these dudes been true y'all better thank God for Jesus thank God for Jesus so listen to this so verse 4 says sorry for solutions do ever what David said in the demon eyes what should I do for you and wherewith shall I make the atonement that you may bless the inheritance of the Lord so what did he just say and he didn't say it the inheritance of the Lord or what God has given him has been cursed as a result of the violation yes God has blessed them but a curse is now upon the children of Israel in the form now there was no ruin I'm sure about other things happening too but they were cursed because they violated an agreement even though the agreement was made with people who they weren't supposed to be who he was supposed to take oh but call it it isn't about that anymore the Dennard have already been changed when you made the covenant verse 4 says and the Gibeonites said unto Him o same King David we will have no silver nor gold or of soul nor of his house neither for us shalt thou kill any man in Israel and he said ok what ye shall say that I will do for you so listen they say because they they callin the shots now and this is the power of or covenant you violated the covenant we didn't violate it you know we set some rules from the beginning our ancestors they put all the components in place to govern the destiny of both parties so they're telling him they said okay I'm nothing like you mr. King David you don't call no shots here such a behind down where you taking orders from us now sir ah let me think about this for a few seconds yeah you sit down in fact get me something to drink Wally and you wait on me mr. king of Israel you wait because based on what your people put in place I run the show now the deal was y'all were supposed to protect us and your own lineage kill us kill some of my people so as a result of that you gotta come cryin to me now where's your God now mr. David but it was the law so let's already tell David he said David let me do something I don't want your gold I don't want your cellphone I don't want your Mercedes your Lexus you do you're abroad twice keep on that come on none of that you could finish read the story I wrap it up right now he says you could keep all that he said let me tell what I do wanna do and you can't tell me no II know and were seven men and not from anyone in Israel seven men from the lineage of song okay who they are bring over here and the Bible say he got an e-card name and guess what the guy that the guy was in charge of to give me a nice he chopped every last one of their heads off and guess what happened next the rain come gushing over the sky like nobody business why cuz the curse is broken there was an atonement made now what is that equivalent today the equivalent today is the blood of Jesus Christ the equivalent today is now it makes sense Christ who knew no sin became sin this is what God required to reconcile you and I back to him and now we are now entitled to the promises that was also made to Abraham Christ the Bible says who became sin for us so what happens now true the verdict at the cross we have the authority to say in the name of Jesus Christ I break every ancestral and generational covenant every bloodline covenant of sorcery alcohol lust whatever I see in my family cuz they all as a result their crisis as a result of the covenants that were made and you begin to apply but you can do none of this unless you save that's the first priority first initial thing you do you have to be you have to know Jesus Christ because you can have access this access to these promises being outside of the phone of Christ you have to know Jesus Christ and you must go on a fast according to Matthew 17:21 this kind will only come through prayer and fasting because when you dealing with covenants these are stubborn spirits why because they have a legal right to be there because your ancestors invited them there your ancestors did blood sacrifice your whatever sacrifice they did that seal the deal at the auto so now that mama remained there no more don't matter we don't need mama damn you no more and God forbid of us of blood sacrifice and mama remain here now to cut off the chicken head or cut open the cord and pour over the also because of mama was doing it on her own secretly or even pop up well then mama died and you will see it people from the family when they die not even if they're Christians because the Covenant is in place because it's a blood covenant watch how the horrific deaths they're gonna die what's the main gun down stop mangled in a car wreck why because the spirits from the altar is seeking the blood to satisfy them at the altar that mama was doing every year at the same time but mama isn't here anymore and she left nobody in charge to trained to follow these killing chickens and so on the point of blood to satisfy the spirits so what happened the spirits now who's hungry for blood is now coming to take all the family members so this is now why you're gonna see I'm talking the most horrific that so what I bring us to because I'm done right now what does it bring us to when we look at our young people and the way they are viciously being gunned down in the streets the way they are viciously being starving the most horrific egregious crimes for breeding now it's quick to say the government need to get a handle on this or whatever no no no no no no no see remember what you're seeing is the after-effects what has happened in the past that has placed a mark on Pookie spiritually that Toki didn't know but the agreement made at the altar has made Pookie a target for the spirits so Pookie death was already calculated before Pookie was born according to the kingdom of darkness Pookie is supposed to die but a gunshot wound to his head nobody knew that because momma told you that when Pookie cried you put the black string mama told you that if so nobody could fix okey she did this concoction and Pookie was drinking all rub this on Pookie when he's sleepin in the night or make Pookie go and walk around agree that at 3 a.m. in the morning momma didn't know or maybe she did I want to give her some credit say she was just ignorant momma didn't know she was tying us to the altar Papa didn't know when he made the vows at a secret society he was tying us to the altar Papa and Mama them dead now they can't do not know more the Bible says they hate they and we that finished recording the Ecclesiastes 9 for sex now the current generation is ignorant to what they did however now that you get misinformation you could look at the family and based on the consistency of negativity through all the lineage your cousin's your nieces your nephews your brother your sister how come what we do that let me show a problem is closest now even your sister-in-law who don't have no blood tie but the rules say don't let them marry nope when you marry you're tagged yourself to the [ __ ] you were some case before but the minute you joined the royal family the minute you joined the Ewing family the minute you whoever family cousin I just call the names on there now you married into a case that's why the Lord said to you Forge no covenant with them do not marry them the lineage they come for it's case and as a result of a dude because so he was doing that all your life and tell you back into these people and the minute you back into them like we say in the Bahamas dog eat your lunch you finish Heavenly Father I thank you for your word I thank you for the wisdom that you've allowed to come through me to minister to these people I know there are people whose spiritual eyes have been open tonight you might have heard me preach these things before but like I say a good teacher will repeat him or herself to inculcate this information to you father I pray that you have literally erased all of the things that the enemy has placed in their mind to forget the memories of what happened in the past I thank you not true these teachings now now things are coming together for them and you're now seeing and remembering oh I remember when when we used to rub the floor were taken time I remember when needs to take the Florida water and pour it around the doorstep I remember when she used to call my last brother and make him urinate on the front and the back porch in case somebody puts up in there spiritually quote unquote the you were supposed to move the spirits I remember when mama used to have this particular body behind the doors with the ammonia and the mud balls I read now that he's saying this it makes sense father I am asking you to bring to their remembrance the things that they thought they forgot the things that they just dismiss and now tie it with the rules and the regulations that I have I mean articulated to them tonight that even a child could understand father I pray in the name of Jesus that everyone who have made up their mind that they are going on a fast based on how the Spirit of the Lord tell them to do it and that I come in agreement with them that after they would have cleansed their life of all unforgiveness and unrighteousness and now they decide to proceed on the fast I come an agreement with them Lord to break the ancestral and generational curses as well as more more importantly the covenants made at the altars in the past that is covering their life today we have discovered word father-god that 300 plus years later the Covenant was still speaking to the nation of Israel even though none of them knew but the Covenant of 300 years ago father I pray that you will continually bring your people spiritual insight I pray that whenever you God decide to open the church got doors that these people listening to me will put a demand or those preachers and teachers of the gospel they don't want hear no more foolishness they don't want you nobody begging for no money they want someone who's gonna bring that void and bring understanding so that a slowly spirit could bring conviction to their lives to see the errors to see the covenants that were in place father your word is clear according to Leviticus 26 and 40 all in an effort to break these things off of our lives you said to the children of Israel listen if you won't really shut these things down you said that they must repent they must repent repent of the sins the iniquities and the transgressions of the forefathers or their ancestors even though they are dead even though they are dead but what they did when they left in place it's still vibrant still running because no one has challenged it so father God based on your laws I come an agreement with these people tonight and we are applying your law according to Leviticus 26 and 40 where we come together as a as a corporate group on one Accord and we are repenting for the sins the transgressions and the iniquities of our ancestors the iniquities of serving other gods the iniquities of committing and reciting evil covenants and agreements and parks and leagues with other deities other spirit beings that you have made it clear in your word that if we ever Forge covenants if we ever marry into these things then sorrow be our cry father I pray right now that these people will now go back even over the notes in the scriptures that I've given them to get sort of the Holy Spirit will now do a deeper excavation and present the forensic evidence to them that where they would daddy they're what Mommy did what they re did what did they see their uncle doin in the room with the candles and the black book and what was their reciting what would they charge what would the implications of what they did that is pulling the strings to the current generation and as causing us to be limited causing us to be restricted causing us not to be able to progress not because of what we did but because of what they did in the past just like the case of the Gibeonites in the Israelites 300 years prior to King David father I pray right now that the revelations will come forth like never before I pray that these people listen to me who are sick and tired cuuu this don't mean nothing to you or tell you become sick and tired of the same merry-go-round the same church service the same prophecy the see in the end that the prophecies are false the prophecies cannot run their course because God is honoring the covenant that she a wicked no-good ancestors made would even others just like he honored the covenant with the Gibeonites in Israel the Bible said that David did not go to God and say God break the covenant because God had nothing to do with it David had to go to the Gibeonites and humble himself and says listen I humbled myself what is it that we need to do so you could take this cry so for us not God you why the powers levy to you because my ancestors made a covenant with you father everyone Under the Sun of my voice whose name is represented at any evil altar whose children is represented at any evil altar let that altar become consumed by the fire of the Living God for another I pray that you would give them the ability whatever fast you tell them to go on I pray that they will be committed and just like how you break the ancestral and generational crisis of my life of poverty confusion and lack and backwardness they don't exist no more because you gave me the rules I attacked covenant I came against the authors of my lineage and asked you to destroy them I renounce the sins the iniquities under transgressions of mayans i did according to your law therefore no voodoo no witchcraft whatever they sent her to go back i didn't send it back I applied the law I worked the law and the law worked for me Father if there's one thing I printed these people do not dismiss tonight even if they were to dismiss everything else father let them place a demand on your rules or demand on your laws no more are they gonna take these candy messages from these preachers no more spin around seven times no more pain meter pasta so I could cut a deal with God for you these things are not in your word you say it very clearly the law of prosperity and success requires your people meditating upon your word day and I don't actually participating in your laws I pray now that every false preacher every misguided preacher that the spirit of truth will truly arrest you and bring conviction and let you see what your slate is gonna look like what your record what your file is going to look like if you were to die right now how you mislead the people of God how you pillage the people of God how you financially rip the people of God all for your greed and selfishness all for your arrogance or because you figure you was the pastor you believe you they supposed to submit to you and serve you when the scripture says the greatest among you must serve them I pray right now that you would have a conviction and literally cry out before the God of Abraham and apologize for what you did and apologize to your members show you military sort of the God of all mercy will have mercy on you in the name of Jesus Christ father I pray right now in the name of Jesus that as these people begin to shake themselves out of these spiritual cages that they have unwantedly found themselves in because of the ancestors or even themselves Lord that as they to emerge and as you begin to develop and realign them to whom and what they were called to be that you would rest upon them according to your word in Isaiah 11:2 that you will rest upon him the spirit of wisdom and knowledge and understanding the spirit of Revelation counsel and might the spirit of a non compromised spirit but no matter who form of authority in terms of spirituality is saying whatever to them if what they are saying is against the laws of God they are not obligated to follow and obey and to submit to such people according to the laws of the Living God father God I pray right now Lord I pray right now that this message tonight will invigorate them this message tonight not will cause them to see with new eyes Lord the things that restricted them now they are now big big based on these laws based on these rules brace on this message that you've given me to give them that they now saw or see the invisible cords the invisible shackles they now see were hard them tied their legs there let the spiritual man was tied to an altar as a result of that there were limitations there were restrictions set up in their lives that they didn't know why because they were not the ones that put the Covenant in place so we pray now Lord that this night will begin the new day for them where they now begin to make applicable your law not just hear it and say this was a good message but to make the laws applicable and as a result of that they will begin to see just like you've did with my life break free of the things that has held me back and kind of put me into my destiny father do for them double what you did for me in fact shouldn't aim at a greater speed to their destiny so that they will see the invisible hand of God moving them directing them navigating them to their God intended destiny in the matchless and in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen and amen folks that is it for me tonight and listen that was a word that's yours a judge I the word I am happy that you guys stayed on I know baby we covered a lot of time but listen like I said if you want a part to do this then you put it there in the comments if you want part two because there's a lot of information I have on this this here's what my ministry is all about God has called me to break the back of witchcraft sorcery generational curses this is my specialty spiritual warfare is what I do what I love and that's where God has given me the wisdom to give you for free no charge and nobody nothing just how he gave it to me say freely you have received freely you give and I practice the laws of God and I believe in that so you're gonna show me those see it and the gorgon turn around for you no no believers void any can turn around field that's what it's gonna do so if you want me to do a part two of this then you just let me know in the comments then there until then may the grace of God be with you and Jesus mighty name amen and amen
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 56,800
Rating: 4.8380723 out of 5
Keywords: covenants, covenant, kevin l a ewing covenants, kevin l a ewing breaking evil covenants, minister kevin ewing, minister kevin l a ewing, understanding spiritual covenants, pastor kevin ewing, doctrine and covenants, evil covenants, covenants explained wow, kevin l a ewing, witchcraft, generational curses, breaking generational curses, deliverance, the ritualistic world of evil covenants, laws of the spirit world, family curses, god will honor the covenant, bloodline curses
Id: muTPjj4TlAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 33sec (10293 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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