Discovering Hidden Covenants

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good afternoon facebook it is a pleasure let me just turn this up it is a pleasure to have you here once again okay i think we all know it is a pleasure to be with you once again and to begin this provocative teaching that we're about to engage in and it's a teaching that i've been studying for quite a while now in fact i've been uh speaking about it in several of my uh previous teachings but today i want to focus on uh discovering the hidden covenants that a lot of us have established in our lives and we're not aware of it unfortunately even though we're not aware of it these covenants are literally ruling and governing our lives so my uh purpose today is to go through the scriptures and extract the biblical spiritual protocol that will be the guidelines in revealing to you the many covenants that just could possibly be embedded in your life and as a result of that it has limit you as it relates to how far you will go in life me personally spiritual understanding is key and i promote that i believe in that this is why i teach so much from that particular angle because like i have said in so many of my teachings be it my articles or radio teachings or video what have you the spirit world is the origin of all things it is what happens in that world that will dictate to what the outcome will be in this particular world now before i go any further i just want to make a distinction i want to make something very clear here in order for any spirit be it the spirit of god be it the spirit of the enemy angels demons evil spirits what have you the only way that they could operate in this world is via covenants so therefore if the spirit of god is operating in your life or the spirit of the enemies operating in your life they just cannot operate at will the app i like that word the app or the application that is required in order for them to manifest their will in this world will always be through a covenant now here is the interesting thing about it whenever you engage in the laws of god and that is obeying them then you are automatically in agreement with the covenant of god as a result of that then those things that his covenant and when we use the word covenant as it relates to god we're talking about this holy word we're talking about the holy scriptures the result of engaging his covenant will manifest the blessings or the promises that he would have outlined in his in the scriptures again in many of my teachings i would have made it abundantly clear that in order to have things from the spirit world to manifest in our natural world it is mandatory it cannot happen any other way there has to be an agreement between things that are spiritual and things that are natural so therefore when we the physical natural human being agree repeat sign off on so to speak the word of god then what we are really doing is now applying the act or the application for god to now manifest his will that he has promised in our lives the best way to put this is the to put it this way to put it in a more technical way that things that you'll be more familiar with when you look at your smartphone or your tablet or your computer there's certain things on that computer that cannot operate outside of what they call an app an app is short for an application meaning that an application is required in order for that particular thing on the computer to work for example let's use your uh your phone and its camera or your laptop or tablet and the little camera that comes with it that camera even though it's physically installed on that particular device cannot work outside of the application to make it work what the application does it's it's a it's a medium between the device and you really when you put in an application the device itself recognizes the application and apply it to the to the particular uh thing on that in this case it's the camera so now because the application is causing the device be it the laptop the phone or whatever to recognize the camera the camera would not work when we take that and put it in a spiritual sense in order for spirits to operate in our lives to do uh israel or we want to encourage them to manifest their will then we now or the covenants have to be made what is the covenant a covenant is simply an agreement between two or more things simple as that and the agreement is where both parties are going on things to do or things not to do so when we go back to the scriptures and i'm really going to take my time today because i really really want you to understand this when we go back to the scriptures particularly in deuteronomy chapter 28 it is later clear for us where god says beginning at verse 1 of deuteronomy 28 he says if you obey if you hearken if you observe to do all my laws and commandments what he's basically saying let's break that down if you agree with the covenant that i have given you if you obey it if you observe to do it he says then as a result of that because in every covenant as it is applied there is a reward there is an end result so he says if you obey me if if you do whatever asks you to do then shall these blessings come upon you that's you that's me and they shall overtake you so that scripture is basically saying this god is saying in deuteronomy 28 verse 1 that if you are here or if you apply my word to your life if you obey that if you do my word then not only will i bless you but the blessings will overtake you meaning that your future generations now will become participants of this blessing even though they did nothing to deserve it even though some of them don't even exist as yet they haven't been born as yet so what you're doing now and agreeing with my covenant then the long term or even short-term implication is that it does not only affect you but it will affect those that come from you now the same principle applies to the things that are of the kingdom of darkness because when we drop down to verse 15 of deuteronomy 28 it now switches things up and here's what he says god says through moses he says if you do not hearken do not listen do not observe to do my laws my commandments my rules then shall these curses come upon you and what should he says next and overtake you so when we reject the covenant of god i want you to get this piece this is very important you are automatically coming in agreement with the covenants of the enemy and as a result of that god has promised in uh deuteronomy 28 from verse 15 that not only will you invoke a curse on your individual life but this law this principle this rule will now have the legal right to hunt down your sea your children your grandchildren your great-grandchildren your great-great-grandchildren and levy curses on them as a result of what you do now in regards to resisting the word of god so the word of god is his covenant when uh in genesis chapter 3 when eve decided as long as they were obeying the word of god in that garden everything was running smooth and fine when the enemy deceiver and by extension deceived adam then they automatically came in agreement with the enemy whenever you sin if you lie you commit fornication whatever thing god says not to do when you do it then that automatically brings you in the covenant with the enemy's character and as a result like we've pointed out in general 28 it now not only levy curses which is automatic on you and a host of other things of course if you read the entire chapter but it's now going to work see this is the part that really gets me it's now going to affect your future generation and that is something you really ought to take serious thought up because while you feel you may be getting away with things now right the the understanding and the the spiritual protocol of these laws and rules and spiritual principles never only affects the individual that is engaging in the disobedience of the things of god but it would ultimately affect their future and even immediate generation so that is something that we need to take care of so in discovering uh the hidden covenants uh in terms of this teaching today what we want to do is to to to reveal or to expose certain things that we were engaged in certain things that that we participated in having not the full understanding of the unseen things that are being developed or encouraged as a result of it and get this piece now that's now working against us see and the whole idea of my teachings right and i know you probably saw the time man you know he he always talking about the curses he always talked about these penalties i have to be because you are getting an unbalanced gospel you are only being taught about the blessings and the favor and the men giving into your bosom and you know just as well as i do that you are not saying that on a consistent basis so therefore my teachings are to reveal and to expose to you why they're not happening and what you need to do even though you're christian to now get these things up and going for you so having said that right i want us to turn to our first scripture which is second samuel chapter 21 and we're gonna uh read from verse one we're gonna read like the first sentence of it second samuel chapter 21 and verse one i remember today's topic is discovering the hidden covenants what is it that is causing you not to burst forward what is it that is causing you not to be what you know you could be and what you're capable of to your astonishment today you're going to realize that there's some stuff that is that you have engaged in or even others on your behalf that has literally pulled you back in life so in second samuel chapter 21 beginning at verse 1 and this particular scripture is dealing now with the reign of king david and listen to what verse 1 says of 2nd samuel chapter 21 and it says now there was a famine or a drought or what we would call today a recession now there was a famine in the days of david and this would be king david and this drug was for a period of three years the scripture says and this is the part i want you to get it says year after year to the point that king david in quiet of the lord lord why is this happening i mean with as israel is on a good path right now we're obeying your laws we're doing what you've asked us to do we're participating in the passover and all of these other uh uh ordinances and so on to be able to engage in it in order to to to whatever be doing that but it would appear as if even though they are doing what god has asked him to do according to his law according to his covenant it seems as if things are getting worse in this case here they are now experiencing a drought when there shouldn't be one they're paying the time they're doing all of the feasts that's what i'm trying to find out the feasts and all of the rituals are what are required of them and it's the same thing with you you doing lord i'm doing my best to live right i'm not sleeping with my boyfriend i'm not i i stopped that lying thing i used to do and i'm i'm fasting i'm getting closer to you and in my spirit i feel a oneness between me and you but lord why is it then that even though i'm doing what is right even though i'm doing my i'm not perfect like no one else like anyone sorry but i'm trying but yet it seems as if i'm being punished hello it seems like i'm being punished for doing the right thing by receiving evil instead of the good that should be the end result of this so everybody experiences that now what you don't know is that what you're doing has nothing to do as to why you're not getting what you're supposed to get but there are hidden covenants which we're going to see today there are things spiritually implemented in your life that you have no knowledge of you have zero knowledge of it and as a result of your lack of knowledge you know i was going to squeeze this in here the law of destruction the law of of of of perishing and lack will now run its course because the scripture says to us in hosea four and six very clear the law of destruction why are you being destroyed wood law the law of destruction clearly says that my people in one translation said that they are perishing and another translation says that they are being destroyed because they lack knowledge so when we take that law now now we got to stop playing the pity game and now appropriate that law in our lives okay god if my cycle of defeat if my cycle of destruction if this cycle of not getting ahead is continuous which which is what it is then what is it that i don't know see that's the key what is it that i don't know that is fueling this cycle of defeat in my life even though i'm saved even though i'm refraining from fornication even though i'm referring for whatever sin that had me bound before i had a whole lot three weeks now without doing something that i used to do that was a contrary to your law i already held out a month this is now my second year i i don't smoke i know whatever it is that your your vice world that you're not engaging in them now but you're not seeing any reward as a result of it which is what the bible promises so in second samuel chapter 21 verse 1 the bible says that now there was a famine in the land of david for three years and year after year they was experiencing this family the bible says that king david became so upset just like you you fussing god i used to do it you around god what more you want me to do every time i go to church the fellow tell me i gotta do something i gotta get a spin run or sow a seed or there's another law i need to do or and i do it all of these laws but still i'm not seeing any progress in my life so the bible says here it says that david and this is the second psalm the 21 it says that david inquired of the lord watch this now and the lord answered god is about to now given the antidote as to why this is happening he says and the lord answered and the lord said the reason why you guys have been experiencing this farming year after year even though you're living right and i'm paraphrasing here it says it is because of salt now this was the first king of israel remember david is the second king of israel sold and dear and gone been there so the bible says that god is now telling david the reason why you are experiencing this famine the reason why things are tough financially on you the reason why your country is experiencing this recession and this economic crisis or even your family or even community he's saying now he said this is because of saul and his blood thirsty house because he killed the gibeonites like you may say kevin okay i i heard i've been i've been following you a little bit there but you kind of throw me off because you're trying to tell me now that the recession in hell breaking loose in my life uh uh it's because of saw i don't even know it no no i'm not telling you i have nothing to do with so what i'm trying to get to you is we'll be able to jump into remember that there are people in your life if not yourself that has done some things and not realize that you were engaging in covenants and even though those people are off the scene now your life is still being affected by it and that's what i'm trying to say to you your life is still being affected by what others did which have nothing to do with you from a physical standpoint but spiritually because of your connection to them you have now been tied and anchored and limited and restricted in the spiritual realm thus causing you not to progress in the physical realm so what did saul do when we jump into now verse 2 of second samuel 21 it says so the so the king which is king david called the gibeonites because now he has to make an atonement for what saul did now saw kill some of the giving knights big deal so what i don't see but i should cause a famine now you see this is what limited information does to you it causes you to make assessments and judgments when you don't know the whole story so therefore you already come to a conclusion on partial information not knowing the history as to why all of this is happening now before we go any further i want you to hold this page right here and i want us now to go into joshua chapter nine joshua chapter nine because what's gonna happen now we're gonna see the origin of all of this and what now gave saul the right to do something that all of israel will now have to pay for it so let's go to joshua chapter 9 and we're going to make sense of this again we're talking today is discovering the hidden covenants in our lives there are certain things that others have done and as a result of what they have done spiritually it's affecting us today in a negative way and it's causing us not to go forward of course because we don't know what it is that they have done or even if they did anything then we just limited our limits or our conclusions based on what we see based on what we can relate to and what we don't know is that we are violating a law when we do that and what is this law you may ask well the law is found in uh second corinthians 4 18 where the apostle paul clearly state to the people of god he said listen set not your eyes on the things that you see for these things are temporal they're subject to change in fact they're deceiving you he says but set your eyes on the things that you cannot see and what is he talking about he's talking about the spiritual world he's talking about things of the spirit those things are permanent so what he's saying is that while your physical problems is confusing you and it's only confusing you because you don't know the spiritual depth of them once you understand the spiritual depth and implications of them and their origins then your problems physically will make more not only more sense to you but now you know that you're not supposed to deal with your problems from the surface or from the physical aspect but you deal with the root which will always be spiritual it's as simple as that so in joshua chapter 9 that's going to jump to chapter 9 and we're going to read we're gonna read from verse one joshua chapter nine we're gonna read from verse one and what we're looking to to ascertain or to discover here is is why is it that because saul killed the gibeonites it had now caused a drought over the land of israel in the time of king david now let me make this clear before i go any further from the time of where we are now with joshua all the way to king david when they're experiencing this drought it's roughly 500 years and i want to make this clear because i'm trying to show you today that once a covenant is in place there is no time limit on it unless the time limits were implemented in that covenant once you would have made a covenant and you didn't put stipulations well it's only gonna last for three years or four years then that covenant will go on forever until someone of a greater power recognize it and then supersede it through another covenant and it has to be the agreement of those involved to alter that covenant so in joshua chapter nine beginning at verse one and it says in and it came to pass when all the kings who were on the side of jordan in the hills and in the lowland and all the coasts of the great sea towards lebanon the hittites the amorites the canaanites the parasites the hivites and the jebusites heard about it that they gathered together to fight with joshua and israel with one accord verse three but when the inhabitants of gibeon heard that joshua had done to jericho and ai they work crafty or they decide to trick joshua and israel and they went and pretended to be ambassadors and they took sorry and they pretended to be ambassadors and they took all sacks on their donkeys all white skins torn and mended verse five old and packed sandals basically what they were doing was again they were trying to deceive israel the gibeonites the gibeonites were a part of canaan which is the promised land which would be israel today and the law that god gave them and you'll find this in jeremiah 7 god told israel he says when you go into canaan kill everyone there children mommy daddy goat sheep because they were in a contact nation they were deep into witchcraft and sorcery and god says don't let your daughters marry their sons and don't let your sons marry their daughters and he says forge no covenant with them in fact you'll find it in deuteronomists chapter 7 verses 1 to 4. so god says no covenant period and like i started out in the beginning of this teaching see covenant is the app it is the application where things from the spirit can now manifest their will in the earth so when the covenant is involved and this is what you're going to see in this teaching god himself have to uh uh respect that covenant even though he would have given you his covenant and you can see all of that here today so here we find that the gibeonites who were part of the land of canaan understood that this group from israel are a fierce group and clearly they had just taken up two of the amorite kings with which was beijing and orc and they realized that they were no match for them and not only that but the children of israel had a command from their god to kill and annihilate every last one of them so what the gibby knights decided to do was to trick joshua the children of israel by tearing up their clothes and and using all wine skins and now to pretend as if they were traveling from another country to find the israelites and serve their god and now what they wanted to do was forge a covenant with israel they wanted to deceive them because they realized that once a covenant is forged in terms of to protect them then no matter when the israelites do find out that they are not whom they claim to be they cannot do anything about the covenant and this is where this becomes interesting so let's drop down from joshua chapter nine let's drop down to verse 7 it says then the men of israel said to the heavens perhaps you shall dwell among us how can we make a covenant with you but they said to joshua we are your servants and joshua said to them who are you and where do you come from verse 9 of joshua 9. so they said to him meaning to give a night say to joshua we came from a very far country they're lying here we came from a very far country your servants have come because of the name of the lord your god for we have heard of his fame and all that he did in egypt verse 10 and all that he did on the with the two kings of the amorites who were beyond the jordan to zion king of heshbourne and or the king of beishan who was at asteroid therefore our errors and all the inhabitants of our country spoke to us journey and go to meet them meaning joshua and israelites and say to them we are your servants now therefore make a covenant with us so you see how they are pushing this covenant issue everything that joshua said to them you know what they keep saying hey look here we are your servants all we want is a couple with you joshua could be talking about the moon you only come back with we are your servants all we want is a covenant so what they did just like people do today to deceive us they pick us up they tell us nice things oh we heard about your god we heard about the great wonders that he did part in the red sea seven ten plagues on egypt delivering all from egyptian bondage see that now distracted joshua that caused joshua and the children of israel to disable their sense of discernment so that the spirit now could tell them who these people really are see they they a lot of us doing today when we hook up to something we like when we see something that we admire it's like we we we subdue the spirit of the we sit in the spirit of design listen we don't need you to read now get back off right now i'd like this here i don't need your opinion and this is basically what you're doing you're telling your gift you're saying to the spirit of truth who gives all gifts and in this particular gift the gift of discernment you are saying i want to disable it and that's what joshua and israelites did they were so overwhelmed by how these gibeonites were literally deceiving them by uh uh uh bigging them up by praising them and telling them how great their god was it was even more convincing because the lord of the canaanites never recognized the god of of abraham joshua and isaac those so to hear this quote-unquote foreign group now begin to praise their god it is now even more convincing that you know what we need to form an allegiance with these guys but this is where trouble is going to start now when we drop down to verse 12 of joshua 9 it says this bread of ours now this is the gibby knight speaking this bread of ours we took hot for our provision from our houses on the day we departed to come to you but now look it is dry and moldy this is not a condition that they've been traveling for so long you know that the bread now to begin to develop molds which is all lies all of this they forced to happen to convince uh the joshua and the israelites that they are not from canaan because they knew if joshua was uh discovered that they were from caden they would have been dead verse 13 says and these wine skins this is still the given night speaking which are filled were new and see they are torn and these are garments who are closing and sandals have become all because of the very long journey that we were on listen to verse 14 of uh joshua 9. then the men of israel took some of their provisions the children of israel took some of the provisions of the gibeonites but they did not ask counsel of the lord now i mean i have problems right here the bible says they took up their provisions because now they're convinced all of this is starting the process of an agreement before we go let me just give you two laws to look at that literally encompasses what's happening here and this is why you've got to be keen to the laws of god to understand the long-term implication that what a subtle act is gonna produce the bible says to us in in proverbs chapter 16 verse 25 it says that there is a way unto us mankind meaning outside of the council of god that may seem or appear to be right now here's the interesting part about that scripture the last part it now gives a guarantee and listen what it says it says but the end thereof is death some translation says destruction so that scripture is saying when you decide to do things outside of god's counsel outside of seeking the advice of god outside god's participation in that particular thing you're doing then the scripture is simultaneously saying to you that at the end of this you are guaranteed failure you are guaranteed defeat you are guaranteed destruction so if you if you decide to venture off and and marry someone who you you god had nothing to do with you in fact you stick god on the tail end to make it look godly all of a sudden because you like this person god tell you this your wife oh god tell you and i hear people that say this crap all the time god tell you this your husband god they had no conversation these people this is what they want this is their desire so that scripture now is a law that will dictate the future events of what this particular scenario that is outside of the council of god will bring forth and the scripture is telling in advance the scripture is prophesying to that situation that has nothing to do with god it says there's a way unto you that may seem right it may seem right that this may be the right fella it may seem right that this may be the right job it may seem right that this may be the right car or the right home but outside of the council of god as it relates or pertains to this particular item poison place or thing the scripture has incorporated what the end result would be and according to problem 16 and 25 it says the end will be destruction the end will be failure sorrow then there's another law the next law you'll find there in uh prophet chapter 19 verse 21. and listen what it says it says there are many devices or ideas in a man's heart there's a lot of things that people want to do but watch what that scripture says part b it says but only the counsel of god shall prevail isn't that interesting meaning that if god didn't call you to this if god didn't put you with this person if god didn't say this job was for you then he says whatever your ideas are it will come to nothing and only what he had preordained shall come to fruition shall any fruit come from it let's let's back this baby up a bit more let's go back to one of my favorite scriptures uh ephesians chapter 1 verses 3 to verse 4 blessed be the lord our god listen who has already past tense blessed us with not some but all spiritual blessings will in heavenly places on the spiritual realm which is inclusive of your husband house car job children all of that god has already pre-selected he's already pre-determined but you don't have to go but wait he said you know this is just his choice and who would know better than him the creed of all things then in verse 4 of ephesians 1 he says for he which is god has chosen you in him before the foundation of the world meaning that he has already taken care of everything as it relates to your choices he only however he has not removed his free will from you you have that free will you you have the the right to choose which you want to choose you could pick person a who god has called you to be with or you could go place and be who your flesh and desires and emotions are taking you to but the laws say see that's what i like the law says in proverbs 19 and 21 he says there is a way unto you mr human that sorry there's there's many devices in your heart and many items that you want but god says listen only my counsel will prevail only my counsel will come to a positive portion so you know what i should tell you father if this relationship that i'm in right now if you're not married if this is not your will if this is not your counsel for me before the foundation of the world then lord take it from me remove this from me because your law says in probably 16 25 that there's a way that may seem right to me but you guarantee there's going to be destruction in the end i don't need that i don't need no unnecessary problem in my life when the law telling me better so i want to abide by your law get this dude get this chick out of my life she pretty he handsome she got all physical things going she got a degree so does he he got a good job he told that whatever it is but if this is not your will if this is not your concept and you clearly state in proverbs 19 and 21 that only your counsel will prevail then get this with my life get them from me in fact put a spirit on them to make them hate me and walk away if i have a problem leaving them because when we look at the long-term implication you're gonna be dealing with unnecessary problems and not only dealing with unnecessary problems what is the side effect to that also it's eating up your years so by the time you finally free yourself from this thing god never had you to be connected to you know 40 45 50 accomplished nothing with this person so you see that that scripture that law ran its course when you activated it through disabling the spirit of god through the gift of discernment you push it on this like my god i hear you written i like this fellow madness this girl she liked me too many people like her but i got everybody like her yeah everybody like her well everybody you get what she can give you at the end of this ordeal because at the end of the day god's word cannot lie that's the bottom line he is not a god that he should lie he can't lie if that's what the law said stick with the lord i promise you stick with the law and the law will go for you it's as simple as that so in this case here in joshua chapter 9 verses 14 it says that the children of israel took some of the provisions of the lion gibeonites who have deceived them and the scripture is they're gonna say but they did not ask counsel of the lord they did not say lord was this a part of your counsel before the foundation of your word for our lives no they disabled the gifting of the holy spirit through the uh spirit of discernment they said we don't need that right now because these people look christianity you know they got the be christian i don't want to get all the christian talk and not only that they speak so highly of our god but what does the bible say the bible say if this was not god's original plan for your life then all hell is about to break loose in your life so in verse 15 of joshua 9 it says so joshua made peace with them oh oh oh oh oh i see a problem here put a pin in there because i have to take you to a scripture so you'll get a better understanding of the depth of what these guys are about to get into i gave the scripture earlier go to deuteronomy chapter 7 because god gave these brothers some specific instructions that they are in clear violation of right now and i'm telling you this is about to pan out some help for them 500 years later it's now affecting the economy through the drought in the land you deuteronomy chapter seven let's look at verse one to verse four and this was god's original commandment to the children of israel prior to them going into the promised land deuteronomy chapter seven and verse one to verse four and god says when he says when the lord your god bring you into the land which you go to possess this is canaan which is the promised land which is israel today and has cast out many nations before you the hittites and the gaga sites and the amorites and the canaanites and the parasites and the hivites and the jebusites seven nations greater and mightier than you first two and when the lord your god delivers them over to you you shall conquer them watch watch the commandments and utterly destroy them you shall make no covenants are you hearing this deuteronomy 7 we're in verse 2 you shall make no covenant you shall make no agreements you shall make no allegiance no outs no pledges you shall make none of them with them nor shall you show mercy on them verse 3 nor shall you make marriages with them because marriage is a covenant you shall not give your daughter to their sons your daughter to their sons nor take their daughter for your sons verse four he can tell you why now for they will turn your sons away from following me which is god to serve other gods so the anger of the lord will be aroused against you and destroy you suddenly so this scripture this commandment and built into every commandment is a determined and the predetermined end result god says do not excuse me make any covenants with them period he said don't let your children look up for them don't and that's why a lot of people don't realize a lot of marriages that they are in a curse because these or some of the people that they're with are not who go out ordained for them before the foundation of the world now i know a lot of people have uh issues with that and i know i remember meeting a guy one time he was telling me you could marry anybody as long as you're a christian as long as you're equally yoked and i don't believe that that is not true if god has a plan for every area of your life then why you leave the marriage part for you just do what you want to no i believe that god has people who specific that don't mean you have to go that person you still have a free choice but if you want a good quality of life i would suggest you go with that so i believe that just how god will will have a specific home for you a specific kind and see he is a god that he he he he makes provisions the word provision means to prepare in advance for a future event so god your provider god who is your the one who makes the provision is consider not consistently because he's already done it he's already put people things places in place for you but you don't have to go along with it you don't and many of us haven't did not we suffer as a result of it did not be paid a price as a result of it so this is why if you learn nothing from this teaching today you should have this one prayer father i'm about to go join this company father i'm about to get in this relationship father i'm about to make a decision if this is not your will if this is not your counsel if this is not what you have ordained for my life before the foundation of the world then lord shut this down right now let these people at this job reject me let them take up my application let this person know i plan to marry say i want nothing to do with you no more because or whatever i don't need to know why let that be the sign that this was not what you had for me because the law says proverbs 16 25 there's a way that same right but the end of your way meaning you didn't counsel with god will lead to destruction proverbs 19 21 says there are many ideas or devices in our hearts many things that we desire but god says only his conscience shall prevail father let your counsel dominate my life and every area of my life right now in jesus name so let's go back now we've just read the law the right act that god had told israel in deuteronomy chapter 7 verses 1 to 4 he says do not make no covenants with these people they are wicked evil people and guess what the canaanites were beautiful on the outside pretty attractive handsome people they good looking which are all of the the the ingredients to reel us in but god will know their heart who want nothing to do i'm telling you don't follow them because and when he says they're gonna pull you away from your god i know for the most part when you hit a term you think in terms of you're just gonna drop god and go serving out god no you're gonna spend so much time fussing and fighting it you don't have time for no god you're gone because see this relationship that is not of god there it is of chaos listen either something is of god or it's of the devil this isn't blessed if if the devil slips something in your life then he can control it however he choose and a lot of men and women who god has called to great ministries will tell you they have had major issues as it relates to relationships because this is one of the primary areas that the devil handicapped them and prevent them from going after their gifts in terms of uh their ministries and so on so you've got to see god particularly in those areas as it relates to having relationships and particularly being married because a relationship could hinder you from ever completing the will of god in your life all because it was never of god and the enemy slipped that counterfeit near to you and that kind of fit had you so messed up in your mind had you so miserable and grouchy that you were just totally turning off from praying and seeking god and following the things that he has called you to so you have to ask god's will there so here it is the bible says in joshua chapter 9 and verse 14 it says but they did not ask god counsel verse 15 says so joshua made peace with them and made a covenant okay now we just registered it wasn't supposed to be coming into that he made a covenant with them to let them live and the rulers of the congregation swore not only did they make a covenant they the leaders of israel now came together and swore what i mean they agreed but who do they swear by see this is key right here they swear to god in heaven because remember they weren't idol worshipers the children of israel so the bible says that in verse 15 which is a very powerful verse it says so joshua made peace with them or he accepted to give me nice okay i believe your story be cool with you all come on and the bible goes on and says and they made a covenant with them to let them live so the covenant here the agreement between the gibeonites and the children of israel is that the children of israel will protect them and allow them to live i'm making a point here now because with every covenant instituted in that covenant our penalties when the covenant is a breach and the word breach there means to violate the original agreement to to be in default of what we agreed to so the bible goes on to say here verse 15 so joshua made peace with them and made a covenant with them to let them live and the rulers of the congregation or that's israel swore to them verse 16 of joshua 9 says and it happened at the end of three days and they had made a covenant with them that they heard sorry that they they heard that they were their neighbors who dwelt near them meaning that after the covenant three days after they made this covenant now israel is about to discover that the gibeonites were filthy liars that none of what they said were true they were actual inhabitants of canaan they did not come from the fire country in all of the dirty lies that they told them none of it was true it was all fabricated joshua them now realize this and this is the part i want us to go into right here so verse 17 says then the children of israel journeyed and came to their cities on the third day now their cities were gibbeon and all about the big words verse 18. but the children of israel did not attack them because the rulers what they wanted to do now was to kill they give me a knife but they couldn't do it they couldn't do it and this is what i'm trying to show you now even though god made a covenant with the children of israel and he gave them a command he says don't marry none of them and in fact he said to kill every last one of the the canaanites which were inclusive of the gibeonites but after they made a covenant this see this is why i've been teaching you all and all that god did not give spirits dominion he gave man dominion here's why this is important to know because even though god gave them a command they were able to supersede the command by creating a covenant and swearing to god on it and they swear that they said the gibeonites we will we pledge and we vow to protect you and never to kill you so god order that and so when they found out that these guys were lying to us the congregation not the leaders the congregation wanted to kill him but the leader said no no no no we can't do that we can't do that because there's a covenant in place and as a result of this covenant even though god gave us the original command to kill them we superseded that by now uh doing a sub clause in the covenant of god now giving them the right to be protected by us isn't that interesting isn't that interesting see this is why you need to know these spiritual laws and knowledge and covenants and and all of these other spiritual legal terms because these are the things that are the root causes of you not getting ahead in life but you don't know but nobody's teaching you these things so all you're saying is why the blessing ain't coming okay i i sowed the seed oh i spit around seven times or oh i rubbed the oil on me or i prayed and i fast and i i call on jesus but i still ain't seeing no results but no one said to you that your grammy or your mummy who was a quote unquote christian went and made coverage with devils went to obia altars went to witchcraft waters and went to uh witch doctors for solutions and different baths that they gave them in different things to put on their personal drink nobody told you that nobody told you that when you was a child that your grandmother who also was a christian was advised to have this person beg you in a particular concoction to protect you from the spirits not knowing that these were all covenants and as a result of that those traditions according to the laws of god has caused the word of god to be of no effect in your life they tell them church so now when you go to the past and say pastor listen man i could be real which i'm really getting frustrated i've been living for the past three years no fornication i stopped smoking i stopped drinking i'm doing none of those things and there's no change in my life this don't make no sense to me the pastor would say well there got to be something you're doing because god worked here at night see he's limited he doesn't understand the spiritual principles and laws that's governing your life he doesn't know but alters he doesn't know about covenants he doesn't know about spiritual injunctions and spiritual ordinance he don't know about that so he can only go as far as what he know and you're now more frustrated because you think there is anyone who should be able to advise you he should be a spiritual leader am i right so therefore you need to know for yourself come and study it just like me and everybody else study the laws the principles because that's what they are that's now imposing itself on you through what you did or did not do it's as simple as that so they wanted to kill the gaming knights but the leaders say hey you're forgetting we made the pledge to it y'all forget who we made the covenant we swore to god that we will protect them as long as they exist and unless we want god put a curse on us you better take it easy with these people but watch what happens next the bible says here now in verse 17 of joshua 9 then the children of israel journey and came to their cities sorry verse 19 then all the rulers said to all the congregation we have sworn or we have made an out to them by the lord god of israel are you hearing this he says we have already covered it we have already swarmed god we swear to you that we will protect the gibeonites even though you told us to kill them so god says okay i gave you dominion over right i cannot take my dominion back for me because you're doing something i don't like so i gotta respect your dominion and this is what god is doing here god is respecting the covenant but this can cause israel and and did see what i'm showing you is biblical protocols and laws that you would now have something to negotiate in your mind with when you see things a movement where they should be moving in your life even though you're doing what is right and you're not limited to the the the the the limited teachings or preachings you're getting there has to be something and whatever that something is it's spiritual and in its root and it's and in its origin simple as that so he says we have sworn to god we can't shut these brothers down verse 19 then all the rule is said to all the congregation we have sworn to we have sworn to them by the lord god of israel now therefore we may not we can't touch them i just i just think that it's just so powerful god told you and you in deuteronomy chapter 7 verses 1 to 4 to kill all of them to forge no covenant with them what you did was you forge a covenant you violated the laws of god as a result of that now you can kill him even though the original law was the killer so now you swore to your creator who honors your covenant now you got to protect the very enemy among you jesus you you yes the very people who will take you out you unknowingly forge an allegiance with them forge a covenant with them and your covenant is you sword of god that you will protect the very thing god says and kill you it's the same thing admiring somebody who god didn't call you to be it cannot work it will never work this is not the eye this is not the plan of god this was not a part of his will for your life so all hell is going to break loose but while it's breaking loose in your life it's breaking loose legally why because you covered it with that person and you swore on that pulpit or whatever before god in mind this you said uh through sickness and health for rich you made all of those elaborate degrees but someone who you were never supposed to be with now all hell breaking loose in the marriage lord what wrong what i do wrong lord i live and write i don't sweetheart on this woman i don't cheat on this man why that got nothing to do with it you are in you are involved you are connected to something you never ever was supposed to be with it's as simple as that there's no two ways to land it same thing with israel israel connected with something they were never supposed to be with when god said in ephesians chapter 1 verses 3 to 4 that he has blessed us with all spiritual gifts and all spiritual blessings and heavenly places do you think the giving light was a part of that no so therefore there's a way until man that may seem right but at the end of man's way he is guaranteed failure he is guaranteed sorrow he is guaranteed all of that negativity that comes along with going against the commandments of god it is simple as that you won't need no no committee no prophet to prophesy nothing this the law already prophesied what the end result was going to be then you would have made that decision let's quickly jump to this because i want to make this last point so the scripture now goes on to say here in verse 20 this we will do sorry this we will do to them we will let them live least wrath be upon us now this is the elders of israel now who understand spiritual laws now the rest of israel saying kill them they trick us kill them but israel understands spiritual lord and leaders of israel the elders so the eldest says here in joshua 9 verse 20 it says this we will do to them we will let them live because if we don't least wrath be upon us because of the oath listen to this now because of the oath which we swore to them so your own covenant now working against you because you were involved with something that you were never supposed to be involved with now ain't that a revelation go back to the marriage because marriage is covering it he's saying here that if you are connected if you are about to marry someone that as you are not supposed to be but that covenant that you are making with that person it's going to work against you it's the same thing here and unchanged verse 21 here says now in joshua 9. it says under ruler said to them let them live but let them be wood cutters so what are the israel leaders doing now they are now adding a sub clause to the covenant and what is it they're about to curse the gibeonites so he says okay you got us you caused us to forge a covenant with you that now enables us to automatically protect you whether we like it or not but this is what we can do we can add some water that's covered he says let's uh where's that now in verse 21 and the ruler said to them let them live okay but let them be wood cutters and water carriers for all the congregation meaning that forever and ever and ever as long as this covenant exists the gibeonites will be slaves to israel now here is where this is so serious the the generations of the gibeonites to come before they even born have that slave spirit on them because of this covenant that was made way back in the time of joshua man you see see i i just try to take my time to this because i will bring this home to you today not just with obedient witchcraft you know but secret societies [Music] freemasonry eastern star the benevolence lords all of the what who are you making those covenants to that is now going to enslave your family who god you make it because it ain't got you over general because whatever you are making those pledges to your family can pay for it and this protocol that i'm showing you now is a is a classic example of what's happening to your family because of your affiliations and the oath and pledges that you have made to those secret societies he goes on to say in verse 22 then joshua call for them now this is after the elders now place a price on them the elders say you will be wood cutters for us and you will be water carriers this is a part of it then in verse 22 then joshua called for them and he spoke to them saying why have you deceived us saying we are very far from you when you dwell right here in canaan verse 23 now therefore this joshua you are cursed so joshua is now cursing them you are cursed and none of you shall be freed from being slaves woodcutters and water carriers for the house of my god so you know what this mean now this means now that the future generation of the gibeonites their children are born into this world they raise their children they want their children to go to college get a good education all of these plans they have for them but what they didn't know was that their ancestors forge a covenant that is causing them and will cause them never to succeed in life and to always be a slave to someone else and this is what happens in the world of sorcery this is why i talk about it so much because so much of what you're dealing with right now in terms of you not being able to go ahead is because of what someone else committed to and as a result of their bloodline connection to you it has limits your progress in life your father and mommy and all of those who in their regalia enlarged in an illuminati and freemasonry regalia they do not understand the spiritual implications when they made vows and pledges and oaths to whom who did you make it to because you couldn't because god had a part of it god that's to draw you in but god is not a part of no lord skeptic god is not a part of no no no uh freemasonry and eastern style no who are you making those pledges to because whomever you're making the pledges to will be what spiritual entity will control you and your family it's as simple as that who are you making those sacrifices do because listen to me carefully because whoever you're making them to is controlling the destiny of you right now along with your children you gonna believe me the law says it it's as simple as that so here it is now a covenant that should have never been made has been made between israel and the gibby knights who were also part of the land of canaan the canaanites this should have never been done because we've just uh sought for ourselves in uh deuteronomy seven verses one to four where god said to them do not make no covenants don't don't kill them in fact because their their heart was committed to their demonic gods but when they deceivingly had that covenant constructed that joshua was found on joshua say okay we can't kill you because we can bring right on ourselves so what we can do we can add to this covenant and he says as long as you all exist on the face of this earth you will be slaves you will be woodcutters you will be what careless for our god you will serve us so i can assure you right now if whomever come through that lineage of the given eyes today if they haven't come to jesus christ where they can break the curse whichever capacity they're in right now is one of slavery because their ancestors their ancestors their ancestors created that for all their lives eons now remember joshua when this happened now i want you to turn now you want us to go back to second samuel 21 and back to verse one again remember now what is happening here in in second time you're chapter 21 don't read it for you verse one it says now there was a famine in the days of david king david for three years year after year after year no water dropping on this place that mean they have no harvest no nothing everything just slowing down because you know water is the light source round there and the bible says that david inquired of god because he couldn't understand david was following all of the the the abrahamic rituals and the festivals and the power everything they were doing right but nothing was happening and now god answered uh david and he says the reason why this is happening to y'all is because saul for his blood thirstiness had killed some of the gibeonites uh-huh and as a result of him killing some of the gibeonites it says that a a curse has come upon israel now the thing about it the time frame between when joshua and the gibeonites established this covenant all the way down to where david now and the israelites are suffering a famine is 500 years my god man you hearing this what could be over your life now that happened way back in the 1700s through your bloodline through the 1600s to the 40 you have no knowledge of and no one is teaching you how to go farther i break every covenant every pack every allegiance every oh whether my mother or father was a part of a large or freemasonry whether it was a part of whatever they made oats too outside of you i renounce i reject i i disassociate myself from it because i refuse to let the wrath and the negative consequences and curses run its course in my life deal with those hidden covenants you're gonna believe me i just i i give you all of the scriptures to show you that you need to deal with it deal with it in prayer and fasting listen i don't want you to believe because you go on a fast for whatever reason and not deal with the covenants that the cup is going to automatically break no no when those covenants were made they were specific so you be you may not know what the specificness of them were but you your pressure me father i may not know what the specifics are but every covenant every pledge every oath every allegiance to whatever grouping anything that was outside of you father send your fire destroy it in the name of jesus break its power and it's legal right from off of my life i repent of what my ancestors did from the beginning of where he did when it was the 14th century the 15th century the 1900s whatever year time they did it in destroy that covenant in the name of jesus the christ break the consequences break the penalties break the evil from off of my life and by extension my future that none of us would suffer and repeat what every other generation went through because they were ignorant to these things that our ancestors were involved with every secret society pledged that our forefathers engaged in through messianic lodges through eastern stars through witchcraft through ober through voodoo every tradition that they engaged in our grandparents and even parents who were ignorant of these things and put certain things on our persons our baiters and special ritual bath to protect us from what spirits father we i renounce whatever whatever thing that they have given us to drink whatever concoction to have children to conceive to to to win the love of other people and we were ignorant to these things not knowing that we were tying ourselves to evil altars that is dictating the course of our lives today father break it right now in the name of jesus break that spirit of divorce break that spirit of of of of anti-relationships break that spirit of barrenness and backwardness break every evil demonic spirit that is associated with the pledges of the past that is governing our lives today you have to take it from that perspective if not you you hear what the scriptures say just now in deuteronomy chapter 21 verses one it says that there was a famine in the time of david year after year after it was gone it was gonna keep going on until something was done now i don't have the time to go into this i'm gonna do a part two where we can show where david had to surrender some of the men of sworn to be killed in order to amend the covenant that was made in the past so that now rain could fall on the land you know what i can make no part two we can finish this right now when we continue to read here let's let's put it down this can take us less than 20 minutes and i know you enjoyed it i know you want to hear more we're going to read here now in a second samuel 21 and we're gonna look at verse two it says so the king called the gibby knight so david now after being advised by god that hey look here the reason why the drought is happening over israel is because this is a result of a violation of a covenant where saul king saul the first king of israel violated the covenant that was made between israel and the gibby knights when he decided to kill some of the gibeonites so when you have a covenant which is the agreement between two people that has been breached meaning that one of the parties now violated the covenant then the only way that whatever penalty is being issued as a result of the violation can be uh there has to be an amendment through atonement the word atonement means to repair or to make amends or to fix which has been uh violated as it relates to this covenant so in verse 2 of uh ii samuel chapter 21 it says so the king which is king david called the gibby knights and spoke to them now the gibeonites were of the children of israel they were part of the children of israel because of the covenant they wasn't supposed to be there they had no right to to them until uh the covenant made them a part of it so the children was a part of the church so that the giblets were part of the church of israel but of the remnant of the amorites the children of israel had sworn protection to the gibby knights but saul had sought to kill them in his zeal for the children of israel and judah verse 3 of second time 21 therefore king david said to the gibeonites what shall i do for you i'm good what shall i make atonement circle that word he's saying to them what do i have to do now to fix this see when you whoever violates the covenant now becomes subject to the other party what is it that you need me to do now to to fix this violation what do you require of me so that we can be friends again and that this covenant where both of us our ancestors agreed to can now continue its course so here's what the gibeonites have to say or maybe not okay so verse three says therefore david said to the given night what shall i do for you and with what shall i make atonement or how should i repair that you may bless the inheritance of the lord you know yes did you all hear this david is saying to the gibeonites who were literally from the amorites literally from the land of canaan who god originally tells to care god says you almost kill them because they are wicked people they love ritual and evilness david said what do i have to do for you the gibeonites to bless us the people of god you you see how powerful the covenant is to the extent now that because israel have violated their undercurse and in order for that curse to be reversed into a blessing they have to get the cooperation of the second party and you did you read this [Music] this is why you ain't got to be in this to begin with you know listen when you i keep telling you all you know you keep going to these object people in this tarot card reading in horoscope you have no knowledge what you are doing to you and your seed spiritually all you're dealing with is disciples and you ain't seen no big spirit or evil let's jump out of it when it happened right away when you went to to consult with these things so you feel you cool you are not cool because what you have done was open up the spiritual gates and forge covenants through your participation where now you gonna be affected negatively and not just limited to you but do you see it god said in his word it is his law deuteronomy 28 15 he says if you do not hack into my commandments and do all i will ask you to do then the curses shall come upon you and what's going to do overtake to overtake means to go ahead so to go ahead means that they're going to be waiting up there for your future generation generational curses so these are the implications that follow what you just see as nothing oh you know big deal reading horoscopes and so what if i look there i'm aries and i'm a capricorn and capricorns are strong and gemini are beautiful nonsense the spiritual implication of these things are going to limit your life spiritually and again by extension the your seed are going to pay tremendously for it and you know what's even most unfortunate they don't know why they're not going ahead they don't know why they're not prospering they they are frustrated and fed up with life some of them even commit suicide because they they feel there's no hope there's no purpose to life but all of this is happening because you and i and our ancestors engage in things that god says leave alone don't mess with it because it can have a long-term spiritual implication on your yourself when you see it so now he's asking their uh enemies basically that's what they are what what what would we you gotta bow now what do we have to do mr gibby knight so so you can revoice the curse on us you you see apocalypse says god said now i'm gonna i got nothing to do with this because i told you what not to do so therefore you don't come to me go to the enemy sort it out with your enemies because because you made this agreement with your enemy and i was the one that presided over this then you got to fix it with them then you'll not need to come to me because now power has changed hands when they violated the covenant powers of change that's just when you was a child of god and you go to these different secret societies or you go to these witchcraft people power is changing hand you are saying god i want you no more i can deal with the witchcraft power i can deal with the devil power because that's what they're all about and this is going to be the penalty you got to now submit to the evil powers and this is what's happening here so now david and israel got to now humble themselves and go to the enemy and the bible says here in uh joshua sector ii samuel 21 and verse 3 it says therefore david said to the given knights what shall i do for you and with what shall i make atonement that you may bless the inheritance of the lord well that's crazy verse 4 and given i said to him we will have no silver we don't want no gold from saul or from his house nor shall you kill any man in israel for us you know what he's saying keep your goal keep your silver and we don't want just anybody from israel to die no no no no no no we we calling the shots here we determine what what what we want he goes on and says he says so he said okay whatsoever you say i will do for you now this is king david this is one of the most powerful warrior kings of israel got to submit to the enemy now verse five of second time the twenty one it says then they answered the king which will give you knights as for the man who consumed us and plotted against us that we should be destroyed from remaining in any of the territories of israel let seven men of his descendants be delivered to us and we will hang them before the lord and gibeah of saul whom the lord chose and the king said i will give you them so to give you a nice request was we don't want any men from israel and we don't want your silver and we don't want your gold this is what we want we warn the children of the man who kill our people and that was soul give us seven of saul's descendants to hang before god so that this curse could be reversed yeah so therefore now the gibeonites call the shots remember these are these are enemies of god these are enemies of the children of israel but the covenant brought common ground so god will honor your covenant of marriage even when you marry the wrong person go whatever covenant if you join the lord god is gonna honor that covenant and what is honoring it that's what you want okay my hands off it this is what you want so whatever happens from here you all deal with that you you you've been told not to marry this particular person the prophet tells you this uh everybody who got eyes to see saw the future with this person you said that god told you okay finish i can't question would you say god tell you but know this god is gonna honor that covenant you say for better for voice through sickness for for and and health and all these other things god has got to honor the covenant israel god honored the covenant why is he honoring it because he's given man dominion over the earth not himself not the devils not spirits he said he is giving you dominion a dominion means to rule dominion means to have authority dominion means to have rulership over a particular area so when you go make these subclauses and join these other covenants that you are not supposed to be a part of god isn't going to come then chastise you god is going to come then around you no he's going to honor your covenant so you are now considered with the bible called a legal captive the enemy got you in this camp legally because you signed onto it you decided to be a part of this when the scripture has clearly dictated to you that if this is not of god the best this could bring to you is trouble and misery the best this could bring to you is turmoil an unnecessary problem that's the best it can do for you so therefore god will honor your covenant people around me on this all the time you know they fuss me kevin i am i don't care what you believe i i have given you what the bible say i there's nothing that i've made up today i've given you scripture after scripture precipitation line up online the protocol spiritual protocols that be overlooked nobody speaks about these things these are the root causes of the physical things that's governed in your life today that is causing you not to go forward so having said that who what who in your family your father is a mason 23 degree are you proud of that you like all of the regalia and the match and all of that stuff okay fine that's beautiful what are the implications what are the spiritual implications who are they making pledges to when you get to those different levels and you have to make an oath you have to come into a good who are you coming in agreement with i need to know because see whomever god you are swearing to that will be the god that will preside over the agreement when we look back in this case when joshua and the children of israel made a covenant with the gibeonites they swore to god they say god we swear to protect the gibeonites so now who's presiding over this covenant god who is honoring this covenant god so what you think is going to happen when israel decided to play crazy one day and say you know what we don't want to live up to this covenant no more then god have to now allow the penalty to run his course even though he told them not to get involved with them even though his original command was to destroy them but now he got to honor it so god said i gotta protect him you you made the covenant with them so if you do wrong to them not because you're my people that mean i must take you aside no no no no the covenant has now made that null and void you have excluded me from this you you you rejected the spirit of discernment you rejected what the spirit of truth was saying to you by not messing with them in fact you rejected my word in uh deuteronomy chapter seven verses one to four when i told you not to mess with them but you did it and now you've brought me into president obama preside over it and i'm gonna be fair because i'm a fair god and that is even though they are your enemy you have covenant that and you must protect them so you better protect them because if you don't they'll all help them break loose in your life and i ain't gonna stop the hell from breaking loose because you covered into it so back to today if your people is involved in lords and i know some of them watching now they know they're probably cussing me too but don't care because this bible this bible the original covenant dictates to any in any other covenant that when you decide to go against the laws of god there are pre-determined penalties that you will automatically engage in whether you like it or not whether you believe it or not it doesn't matter so when you when you see cancers breaking out in your family when you see strange accidents breaking out in your family and all of these negative things you say lord where are you you know what he can say to you would covenant was made what government your daddy was a grand master your great-great-granddaddy really you proud of it now from that point now look at your family from your granddaddy work yourself oh your great-great-granddaddy look at all your fam family members the ones who are living and the ones who are there now look at the negative patterns and i bet you will be able to trace all the murray back to granddaddy who opened up the spiritual doors of demonic activity when he made those pledges when he made those agreements when he made those oaths who was he making that too i can finish with this right here and i want to look at do two scriptures i want us to look at i'm gonna close right here the first one i want us to look at is deuteronomy chapter 32 verse seven and we can bring this baby to n right here 32 for 17 deuteronomy 32 for 17. let's start at verse 16. you don't want to meet chapter 32 verse 16 and verse 17. in my bible it says it says in verse 16 of deuteronomy 32 they say they provoked him which was god to jealousy with foreign gods verse 17. so number 16 with foreign gods with abominations they provoke him to anger verse 17 they sacrifice two demons not to god to god small g they did not know two new gods small g new arrivals that your fathers being your ancestors did not fail let's look at another one the last one here first corinthians 10 verse 20. so what what what this bible is basically saying that's why i got these two scriptures for you whatever uh establishment you're a part of and when i say establishment i'm talking about secret societies or uh black magic or dark magic whatever it is and you have to make pledges and oats and covenants and blood sacrifices and all these other things clay that's not of god so the bible in these two scriptures is distinctively showing you that any pledges you are making to any unseen being or entities or secret societies and the basis of those things are not god he said it is automatic that you're making the sacrifice and the pledges unto devils and it is those devils that's gonna run the course of your life and by extension the lives of your family let's look at this last corresponding uh scripture which is first corinthians chapter 10 and we're going to read from verse 20 first corinthians chapter 10 and we're going to read from verse 20. here's what it says it says rather well actually let's go to verse 18. beginning at verse 18 first corinthians chapter 10. beginning of verse 18 it says observe israel after the flesh are not those who eat of the sacrifice partakers of the altar verse 19. what am i saying then that an idol is anything or what is offered to idols or anything verse 20 rather that the things listen to this carefully now which the gentiles sacrifice the magenta ancient will be representative of people that are outside of the fall of god they're not christians they're not believers so this this is what they mean by the gentiles verse 20 says rather that the things which the gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to who demons and who not to god so what the scripture is basically saying here simply this that anyone who is involving themselves in any type of sacrifice in terms of uh rituals like uh sorcery and and dealing with the spiritual world or secret societies and different things you gotta do you know like in the secret society they they put you in a casket and they're certain rituals that you do these rituals these sacrifices these pledges these uh commitments and agreements and and so on speaks up even though they're physically seemingly harmless speaks of a greater spiritual implication the reality is the ritual that you're participating in or the the sacrifice or the pledges or the agreements again that is outside of god is you now agreeing of giving right to these spiritual entities that you cannot see you don't you're not even aware of it all you think is you pledge into your to your brothers i'll [ __ ] up all these other things not knowing that behind that behind that is a principality that you're not aware of you have no knowledge of that you are tying yourself to and as a result of it your family can get talked about it meaning those seeds that come from your children grandchildren and so on so in verse 20 of first corinthians chapter 10 it says rather that the things which the gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons and not to god and i do not want you to have fellowship with demons verse 21 he says you cannot drink the cup of the lord and the cup of demons you cannot say you come to church and say use a member of this church or you as a christian or you are an apostle or a deacon or a bishop but every time trouble come your way you down in the back there to the the witch doctor or you planting certain concoctions in your yard or you pour in salt around the corners of your home or the base of your yard or you mop in your floor with with spirit type and time or you putting garlic on your poison to protect you from spirits or putting pneumonia see he says you you you can't drink of the table of god you can't say i believe in god and nowhere conform against me shall prosper see stop that mess up those lies you cannot be saying that but the minute brother kevin turner's back you can't wait to yakuza ammonia bottle with mud balls in it behind your daughter so no spirit or or to urinate in front of your door so in case somebody put something on for you somehow the urine is going to stop the evil spirit from attack let's read it again verse 21 of first corinthians 10 he says you cannot drink the cup of the lord hello and the cup of demons you cannot partake of the lord's table and of the table of demons so basically the scriptures making it unequivocally clear crystal clear that any form of sacrifice any form of pledges any form of covenant any type of agreement outside of god you are doing it unto devils i don't care what i'm really under i don't care if it's free masonry or or paid masonry it don't matter if it is not of god they're not going to tell you that they're not saying now when you make this pledge to go to the next level in this society they're not saying to you that you are literally committing your life committing your spirit and by extension your future generations to demons they don't they're not gonna tell you that but this is exactly what is happening this is the bad part though i'm finished the bad part is forget you your generations to come just like in this text i gave it to him i took my time to go through it was 500 years later from uh joshua chapter nine all the way to voice uh uh samuel chapter 21 a span of 500 years that this covenant between israel and the gibeonites were made that during that period and the bible does specifically say when what what time it happened or what time frame but saul had killed some of the gibeonites meaning that saul who was a part of the israel nation violated the covenant that was established between the gibeonites and the children of israel which is clearly stated in joshua chapter 9 where israel swore to god that we will protect you we will make sure nothing go wrong with you paul sorry saul in his arrogance and his blood thirst kill some of them rejecting any covenant that was made as a result of it 500 years later under king david rulership when they were doing everything right in the sight of god they still weren't prospering and no ruin was coming on israel to uh to to to bring their crops forward it wasn't happening but the bible says that david inquired of the lord father why is this happening we're doing what are we doing wrong lord god says because of what saul did so i'll kill these people whom you had in a covenant with who you shouldn't have had a covenant with but nevertheless i honor that covenant and as a part of the penalty now you are suffering a drug you are suffering a recession you know that make me think on right now even when i look at my country and many other economies over the world who going through such a terrible time financially what could our forefathers have done what could our leaders have done for power to win an election to be in power who god did they go to and forge a covenant with evil entities they got the position they won the election but as a result of it the law now got to suffer because of a coven that was in place for their own selfish gain these are the things you need to think about when a husband and a wife competitive on their jobs and will do anything to get power and decide to go and sit to the table of devils via obey and voodoo and witchcraft and secret societies not knowing that even though they will get what they've been there for but they're getting other things that they were not aware of and by extension their family are going to suffer in the end so as a result now years later your daddy your great great you learned that your great-great-grandfather was a 33 degree or whatever or you hear your your grammy used to wake witchcraft she was a witch or your grandfather was a warlock okay fine they are dead and gone but you see according to the spiritual protocol that we saw today it don't end with their death why because the original creators of the of the covenant between joshua and the gibeonites they've been dead over 500 years to this point as we got here in and for samuel chapter 21 they've been there but the covenant don't die so the covenant still speaks to their destiny as long as nobody deals with the covenant so i said all of that to get to this point if you're a christian right you've been saying for one two three five ten years and you realize that the only thing you hold into you recognize that you have the title question but you are not receiving any the benefits of the christian i can guarantee you right now one thousand percent that there is a covenant embedded in your life that you don't know of that you have no knowledge of but if you do your history if you go through your family lineage i'm gonna promise you somebody in your family was sat to the table of devils and when i say sat to the table of devils this is what i mean they were either involved in freemasonry or secret societies or they were involved in the occult some way somehow as a result of that they forged covenants for whatever reason and those covenants are speaking to the destiny of your lives today get this piece even though you are a christian now what do i do kevin okay cause kevin i don't know who did one i don't know i mean i hear poppy might have been this but no one was sure furthermore all my life i came to a a a generation of preachers but watch this watch this you came to a generation of preachers but watch this a lot of those preachers are involved in free masonry and secret societies uh-oh and they are totally going against the law of what we just read in first corinthians 10 verses 18 to 21 god says how you preachers could sit to drink up the cup of the lord and drink of the cup of devils do you know the implication that this is bringing upon your people upon your children not because your hair didn't get cut off by god right away or life still seems to be daddy for you that thing's going good no there are spiritual time release in place that everyone in your family at some point in their lives life is going to do a 180 and they're going to begin to go backward in life that is not my opinion that is not my conclusion that is what the scripture said this scripture wasn't put in the bible because god had nothing else to do god is showing you true spiritual protocol that's what i give it you know that laws rules ordinance prince these this book here is is the law the spiritual and physical laws of the universe and god allowed this one story to be here in the book of joshua 9 to show you that even though you are in covenant with god whenever you decide to covenant with something else then the provision the original provisions of the original covenant would go up you put on suspension now you may say well kevin i'm into you you know why didn't you kevin because guess what that's the old covenant that's the old covenant and and the new covenant superseder okay you know what it is garbage but i can go with you for argument's sake the scripture tells us and i i believe it's in matthew 15 or matthew chapter 7. jesus the pharisees came to him one day and they begin to challenge him they say rabbi which means teacher how is it that you could sit with your disciples and you all could eat without washing your hand this was a big tradition of the church of the pharisees and and and these fellows by the liberal church leaders and jesus said you you people are something else he says here it is he says you regard the traditions of men higher than the laws of god but watch what he says next he says because of this he says your tradition and what is a tradition something that has been handed down throughout the generation but nonetheless he says because of your tradition the word of god has become of no effect in your lives so you know what i mean here you are in church every sunday and then doing the everything you could do and jumping around and giving everybody the impression you holy and endow but they don't know that garlic you got in your pocket they don't know you just finished walking your floor before you came to church to say no spirit because mama don't show me once you've done mob this floor you know spirit could come up in here they don't know none of that but what they do see is that you've been saved for 20 odd years and nothing has happened in your life your children are on drugs your daughters have the children ain't nobody will marry them your sons are bombs and everything going backwards but all you can do is call on god but no one including yourself understand that the law is running you its course in your life and how is it doing that jesus said because of your tradition because you choose to hold on to those things that have nothing to do with me those things that were handed to you it says it is suspended the promises and the blessings of god in your life and by extension the lives of your family so here you have it today they've been saved for 30 odd years all 60 70s they died broke died riddled with cancers and diabetes had their fingers cut off they told cut off their foot cut off these are christians and all of these things that the average man suffered they suffering even though all day life they was in church all day like they screaming jesus is mighty they could dance they could do all that they know every voice they know all of that but no one ever told them mama that thing needs to be put now that is not of god papa you still got these lords perfectly listen here this is not of god and it is causing the things of god not to take shape in our lives you are holding up the promises of god for us through your tradition no one ever told them that so all their lives they continued with that and now because of the paraphernalias of the evil one they are now susceptible for cancers and diabetes and heart disease and all of these things that come along with it but it ain't finished there because when they off the scene that baton of failure and sickness is now passed on to their children and nobody is picking up yet or i don't throw away daddy's stuff this is large stuff and this is remind me a pop-up and i'm going to keep this right here yeah you can give it a okay keep it in you know what that becomes now that becomes a point of contact where evil spirits get legally freely trafficked in and out of not only that home but the lives of the occupants of that home and that family because of these things see this is why these teachings are necessary because it takes you away from this fake world in turn and this is what i mean where all you hear about is blessings god is going to turn it around god is going to i don't even hear that how long you've been here that indiana that happened let it happen because god can make it happen god has suspended his promises because of your tradition father i break every covenant father i break every hex father i break every spell father whatever has happened from from the beginning of my lineage throughout the courses of each generation whatever they participated in whatever secret society whatever lodge whatever paraphernalias that they have whatever was buried whatever was used in times of being attached to my family to a secret society to witchcraft that has tied us lord to their evil altars and covenants father by the blood of jesus by the power of god by the new covenant and the words of the cross which jesus performed to set us free break me from that evil sever me and my family and definitely father i refuse to be ignorant i refuse to walk the same way that my family members walk and fail in life i refuse to be father scattered every evil covered in every evil altar that is dictating my destiny that is dictating my children's destiny even my great-grandchildren who aren't born as yet who have been programmed to fail through the evil devices of our ancestors father destroy those covenants in the name of jesus i speak to every altar that has been erected whenever to be consumed by spiritual fire in the name of jesus father i pray right now that just like in the days of sodom and gomorrah when you rain down physical fire and brimstone against those two wicked cities i am asking you father god in the name of jesus that the spiritual covenants that was created in the past father let your fire rain down like you rained down fire down from heaven in the days of elijah and destroy the altars destroy the agreements destroy the pacts destroy the oaks destroy the allegiance that our ancestors committed to to whatever it is that was outside of your will that is dictating the course of our lives today father send your fire send your destructive power to annihilate to obliterate indefinitely the courts the chains the shackles the restrictions that has us held spiritually that is causing us not to go forward physically i refuse to to be in line and to be next for failure i reject failure i renounce failure i renounce defeat i renounce cancer i renounce diabetes i renounce heart disease i renounce alzheimer's i renounce dementia every piece of sickness that came along through those covenants i rejected in the name of jesus i will not spend my money on dr bills i will not spend my moneys on losses in life every evil also that is speaking to my life that is dictating that i fail that is dictating that i lose that is dictating that i will not be able to save money or to advance in life i now speak to that altar as a man of god as the one with god says that greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world father let your holy spirit which is greater in me speak to that altar and command that also to be consumed to be demolished to be obliterated and to have no effect on my life no effect on the lives of my children my grandchildren my great your word says and those that love you you will bless to a thousand generation so therefore father god i know and you said in your word this is your promise you said in your word proverbs chapter uh uh 11 verse 9 you said that through knowledge shall the just be delivered well i am the just these people i'm speaking to they are the just and it is through the knowledge that has been given us today that we are delivered i receive this knowledge in the name of jesus this knowledge will free us this knowledge will set us forth this knowledge will slingshot and catapult us to where we should have been at this point in our lives every stumbling block in the realm of the spirit every petition every invisible and physical being that the enemy has put in place as a result legally of the covenants of the past father now that we believe by faith that those covenants those evil agreements those pledges those whatever has been destroyed then automatically the physical the invisible and invisible must move to the side while we go forth in the name of jesus christ i speak to everyone watching me right now if your parents if yourself or anyone was tied to any evil demonic freemasonry large eastern star witchcraft or bear voodoo any sacrifice any agreement any covenant any pledge any oath anything that was outside of the will of god for your life that has tied you to their wicked demonic table of devils i reject it right now for you in the name of jesus i come in agreement with your faith and ask god to destroy the spiritual cause and the spiritual limitations and the spiritual restrictions that has prevented you from being married that has prevented you from being wealthy that has prevented you from having a healthy life i come against it by the fire of the living god by the blood of jesus christ i speak the words of the cross against every evil entity in the name of jesus every form of backlash that will come to you as a result of this knowledge today father fortify your angelic host to destroy them in the name of jesus every uh opposition every backlash in the name of jesus right speak i'd be creative and i declared i speak to your body that has already started the process of cancer that has restarted the process of diabetes that has already started the process of heart disease that they're contemplating cutting off some part of your body as a result of that altar that is speaking to your destiny father i pray for complete and total restoration to those who believe your word today because your word declares that through knowledge shall the just be delivered so i pray right now father god that you will open up their dark understanding and empower them according to your word in isaiah 11 and verse 2 where you promise that you o lord will give them a spirit of wisdom a spirit of knowledge a spirit of understanding might and courage i curse that spirit of fear that has limit you in your walk with god that has caused you to doubt and not to move on in the gifts that god has given you where you have been limited by that spirit of fear god said to tell you it is just that is spirit and you must bind that evil demonic force and chase it out of your life with the word of the living god by repeating and saying he god did not give you a spirit of fear never gave it to you he said instead he's giving you power which is his word love and soundness i come against every spirit that has been challenging your mind that has been sending you out of your head that is bringing confusion frustration and fatigue to your life i curse it in the name of jesus spirit that has been tormenting these people that is causing them to lose sleep that is causing them to worry about things that are gonna change father i break that christ in the name of jesus that curse that has been established that they don't even know about from the past father i renounce father i reject father i disassociate them from every covenant that has tied them to a life of misery to a life of failure to a life of defeat to a life of limitations to a life of restrictions no more i cut it from the very root i cursed from the i cursed with the fire and the blood of jesus christ right now this day you will go forward this day you will advance this thing go through his angelic host will escort you to where you should have been at this point in your life i speak it i decree it i declare it i call it for in the name of jesus i believe in the power of god i believe in the blood of christ i believe in his angelic host i believe in his word and his word cannot lie his word says that through knowledge proverbs 11 and verse 9 be through knowledge shall the just be delivered i speak that i decree i declare it father you said in your word today lord that in proverbs chapter 19 verse 21 you said that there are many desires there are many devices in our hearts there are many things that we want to accomplish there are many things that we want to do but you promised you said in this particular law that only the things that you have considered yourself from concerning us shall come to pass or be of any value father every plan every plan that we have that is not of you every plan that is not tied to your will every plan that you did not counsel on prior to the from the foundation of the world concerning us father make sure those things don't come to pass in our lives can disconnect us from any person any place any situation that is not of you father remove us from it in the name of jesus your word says father god lord that in proverbs 16 25 that that there is a way unto us that may seem or appear to be right but you you you put a close in that law that dictates the end result if we choose to continue in those things that appear right to us and you said to us that we don't have to wonder what the end result can be you said that there's a way unto us that seem right but the end thereof the end the conclusion will be death would be destruction father father whatever it is that we've connected ourselves to that we went on our own feeling we went on our emotion we went on the advice of others we went because a panel for someone else so we figured we'll panel for us father whatever it is we don't want to be destroyed in the end so therefore remove us from the situation from this place from this place and from this thing even though it may be hard even though we're gonna uh emotionally have our claws in it father through your holy spirit through your power remove our clutches remove our claws from this thing this person this place that we have grown so close to not knowing that the end of this is gonna pan off destruction gonna handle sorrow it's gonna paddle failure for us so father i'm asking you according to your word you said in your word in ephesians one verses three and four that you have already blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly or spiritual places father i pray right now that now that the curses the pledges the hexes the allegiance to the table of devils through ourselves and ancestors have been annihilated and destroyed now reconnect us with your original plan reconnect us to what you originally had in store for us before the foundation of the world catapult us slingshot us fling us into our destiny and realign us the way we should have been at this point in our lives every curse every hex father whatever it is that our ancestors did they're the key whatever they did lord we repent we repent lord i repent of with my mother grandmother great great great all the way back to the beginning with my father grandfather all the way back beyond the fortune whatever they did that was contrary to your law whatever they did to covenant with devils and as a result the the consequences of that covenant has limit us father break it from us in the name of jesus destroy it from us in the name of jesus lord i refuse to live the rest of my life in spiritual restrictions i refuse to succumb or to accept what has happened to my ancestors it happened to them because they were ignorant you have exposed us to truth we have the opportunity to change our destinies and not to become conformed to what they went through because we have your knowledge therefore father god let this knowledge permeate our spirit let this knowledge cause us to be doers of your word let this knowledge like you have promised transform our lives proverbs chapter 11 and verse 9 through knowledge through not through money not through miracle seed not through miracle water you said through we dealt with knowledge today through knowledge shall the just be delivered the protocol for deliverance for the just the righteous the believers of jesus christ is that he or she must expose themselves to the knowledge of god and to be participants of that knowledge to be set free or unhindered from what has been holding them back spiritually so i pray right now i pray right now in the name of jesus that this this is a new day this is a new day for many listening to me many watching me now and i will watch this in the future that the curses have been broken over the agreements and the covenants and the pledges and the oath that our ancestors and even ourselves have made to any secret society any large any eastern anything that was outside of the perimeters of our lord and savior jesus christ we reject re-renounce mama papa great grammy whoever poopy poo in them whatever they were involved with and they are related to us we reject it we break the curse we break the curse we we dissolve the curse in the realm of the spirit by the power of jesus christ by the blood of jesus christ by the word of the living god now i speak upon our lives right now the laws of god as it relates to this realignment that god has caused us to be realigned to based on his word today and those laws that i speak into the atmosphere that absolutely no weapon form against us shall prosper every tongue that has risen up against us in judgment particularly as those former covenants were concerned we condemn them the bible says not god not the pastor not the apostle he says every tongue that has risen up against you and judgment we must condemn it father we can be we abide by your law we condem we condemn we condemn every word spoken over our destinies through evil covenants to cause us to live a life of backwardness we condemn any incantation we condemn every curse we condemn every oath we condemn every allegiance we condemn every pledge we condemn every agreement we condemn every evil covenant we condemn every evil also we condemn every evil voice we condemn every evil sacrifice that our ancestors were involved in looking for for luck and healing and to be unfixed looking for powers from demonic kingdom when in turn they were levied with walker says father i refuse to be ignorant i refuse to be stupid as it relates to these things when your law speaks otherwise be rejected now in the name of jesus every false prophet that has placed their hand on us and gave us false prophecies of death false prophecies of sickness every time they prophesy to us they say to us to prove to you god is speaking to you there's a pain here there i reject that god ain't giving me no pain to prove to me he's speaking to me i reject every false prophecy over your life over my life over the life of our seed every evil word that was spoken over us by false men and women of god we revoice the christ we break the evil rule of our lives through those words the law says that there's death and life in the power of the tongue therefore god all of the death that was spoken over us i reject it in the name of jesus and i speak the promises of god will run its course overwhelmingly in our lives from this point forward in the name of jesus christ so every false prophet every false prophecy that has that has set our life backwards that has hindered us that has anchored us to a place that we should not be you must reject it why because as a christian unknown christian death and life is in the power of your tongue as a christian or non-christian god has given you man dominion so you must speak to the evil that is speaking to your destiny you are not going forward because there are evil covenants and place or word place that was speaking to your destiny when mama and papa and grammy and whomever else put their hand to evil whether it's through secret society or whether through sorcery and witchcraft and mobile they have been setting limitations on the next generations lives this day lord that covenant has been broken and is broken by the superior covenant which is the laws of jesus christ we break we renounce we reject every evil covenant if you've been having strange accidents in your family you've been not being able to go forward you cannot be hired you've been educated and still there's a curse but the curse comes as a result of a covenant father every covenant that has established anti-progress in the lives of those listening to me right now i command i speak i decree i declare that the fire of god will burn in the spiritual realm the evil covenants that is generating and dictating to this person's future now lord i pray now that they believe i think that evil covenant has been broken lord realign them on the original plan that you had for their lives let the doors of opportunity begin to fling and fly open for them right now i pray that people will come looking for them for their talent in the name of jesus christ there will be no more delay there will be no more hindrance in your life there will be no i curse the spirit of the league i curse the spirit of sabbath i curse the spirit of limitations i curse the spirit of restrictions everything that has been spoken over your life by your mother by your father by your guardians by your teachers by your siblings every negative word they said you were foolish they said you will never make it they say you will suck sorrow by this cup full every negative word that they have spoken over your life this day is destroyed by fire this day will proceed no further this day those words will fall to the ground in the name of jesus and this day the word of the living god for you that says you are the head and not the tale of bugs only not beneath will take shape in your life and begin to escort you to the original destiny that god has called you to i burn it by fire i burn the evil covenants and the evil words by fire that has been chapped that has been shaping your life to to restrict you and determine no longer will you be a legal captain as a result of the covenants that they have done in the past this day god is gonna catapult you god is gonna revisit you with the opportunities that have missed you god is gonna revisit you with the people that he's put in your life to advance you but the evil powers that was over you caused the spirit of rejection that caused them to reject you i curse that spirit of rejection in the name of jesus christ no longer will people reject you people will embrace you who can advance you people will love you who could advance you people will seek you out and give you favor like never before the word of god is declares in the book of of of psalms chapter 5 verse 12 he says that he will bless the righteous and with favor shall he encompass him about as with a shield the bible says in proverbs chapter 3 verse 3 he said we ought to not forsake mercy and truth but bind it upon our necks and write it upon the tables of our hearts and in so doing shall we find favor and good understanding before god and man i prophesy good understanding i prophesy favor over your life everything that had you weighed down every spiritual burden that never belonged to you it only came upon you because of the family you are connected to who put their hand to wickedness and as a result of it you're carrying a burden that never belonged to you but the bible says that god will break that yoke and i break that yoke from over your life that invisible spiritual burden that you've been that that in the spiritual realm had programmed you for failure no longer will you fail no longer will you be limited no longer will you be slow you will take off in the realm of the spirit because the spirit is the original place where everything is birthed when everything is is conceived i prophesy i speak i decree i declare that this third day of june 2017 there's been a change in the spiritual realm as it relates to your life this day will be a memorial in the name of jesus christ where you began your progress in life no longer will you be limited no longer will you be delayed no longer will you be disappointed no longer will you be denied no longer will that sickness dominate your life like i said from the christ cancer i curse the negative evil demonic generational pattern of cancer be it uh uh prostate cancer whatever cancer that is forming in your body i curse it i command it to be passed out in the name of jesus it will take no shame that christ cannot take shape because it has been annihilated it has been dissolved in this day it has been broken in this day the curse only had power based on your ignorance the bible says that his people perish because they lack knowledge but we receive of the knowledge we understand today that there was a covenant involved and as a result it would be coming against the covenant and we will destroy that every evil altar every evil sacrifice every evil voice that has been speaking to your spirit that you can get cancer like grammy or you can get cancer like papi no no no there will be no cancer here there will be no diabetes here there will be no lack here there will be no sickness and disease and poverty there will be no depression and loneliness there will be no fatigue and frustration and confusion these are things of the enemy's camp that came as a part of the curse and the covenants but today the covenant is broken thus those things that came along is broken i curse it from the very group i reject we reject in a minute we come together as a corporate body given praises to our god for giving us his word to put to an end the wires of the evil one i outfit you with the whole lamb of god your helmet of salvation your breastplate of righteousness your shield of faith your soul which is the living word of god your belt of truth and your shoes shut with the preparation of the peace of the gospel of jesus christ the word of god says in exams 34 7 for he has given his for the angel of the lord and can't run about those that fear him and you do you fail and they will deliver you the word of god says in psalms 91 verses 11 and 12 he says for he's given his angels command over you to keep you with all your ways that if you as much as dash your foot against the stone these same angels these invisible beings will lift you up in the spirit to protect you from the evil one father i speak father i decree father i prophesy i speak decree prophesy i declare you say we decree things shall be established i decree healing from the crown of the head to the sword of their feet i decree financial restoration in the name of jesus and that every loss you have suffered whoever has robbed you you've lost your home lost your car lost your dignity lost your pride restoration has come today because the curse and the covenant has been destroyed by fire in the name of jesus christ you will not suffer from which your incest to suffer from you will not suffer from the things your parents suffer from you are not a part of that right no more you are not on that trap you are not aligned on that anymore that road will never be your portion in life god has picked this moment and this time to put you on his original course and catapult you to where you should have been i speak to the lord south east and west and all points in between that the favor of god will come upon you to make up for everything that you have lost from before the day you were born i speak right now that every opportunity that you have missed will come double for you in the name of jesus christ every opportunity will come double for you every opportunity will revisit you i speak the spirit of revisitation will enter your life and run its course in your life and that you will be compensated for everything that the enemy has stolen from you i prophesy i come in agreement with the word of god in proverbs chapter 6 verses 30 to 31 and it says that if the thief be found who is that thief the enemy who has been robbing you through those evil covenants but he's been robbing you legally through the ignorance of our ancestors and involving themselves and free masonry and witchcraft and eastern stars in this nonsense but guess what this day the covenant's been finished done finished done no more legal right no more no longer are you with the bible calling legal captive you are not legally captive by the enemy you have been freed because the curse the hacks the spells all as a result of those evil covenants have been destroyed by fire in this day so therefore only good can come your way every spirit now try to revisit you to reinforce their evil it will never happen father i block it even now your word declares father god in in matthew chapter 12 verses 43 to 45 that when an evil spirit has been excelled it's been expelled it says that this evil spirit goes into dry places seeking rest or looking for another territory or human host to inhabit and it finds that and so now revisits its former hosts but it sees that the former host has been maintaining their deliverance from father god based on that scripture not only do i pray that those who have been delivered today maintain their deliverance but they will excel in knowledge so that when this spirit come with seven more that are more wicked than him still will not have the legal rights again to enter into these people's lives therefore i pray that god will overwhelm you with spiritual knowledge and you would have a spirit of discernment that even though there are no physical signs to detect the devil in that person to detect the devil on this jaw to detect the devil in this situation but the spirit of discernment will make it unequivocally clear to you that something is wrong at that moment you begin to declare the word of god father whatever is here that is not of you that has come to hinder my progress i curse it from the very root whatever they have placed in my chair whatever they put in my home whatever evil they have told to the boss let their words let them become sole participants of the things that they have said your word declares father god in psalms 109 verse 17 it says he that loveth curses then let it come upon him and he that delighted not in blessings then let it be far from in your word declares in psalm 7 that let their own wicked dealings fall upon their own heads and the ditches that they have dug for others father god let them become participants of it themselves this is your word this is your law this is the law of sending it back to sender that we speak that we decree that we declare even now in the name of jesus lord i speak over their children right now who is once under the will of the evil covenants i break that spirit of rebellion i break that way with spirit i come against that spirit of disobedience and anger in that child frustration i come against that child that is just totally rebellious to their elders rebellious to law and authority i come against that spirit it is a spirit that is a that was upon them as a result of the evil covenants but because the evil covenants are broken the child is set free and don't even know it yet therefore father god every spirit that will revisit that child will fail in the name of jesus that child will go on to be a success that child will take everything bad that has happened in the past and it will become a testimony for their ministry that they would be able to encourage other people that the lord god almighty the creator of the heaven and earth had visited them and changed an altar and has become an intervention in their lives i speak it i decree i declare it i call it fought even now in the name of jesus finally father i pray over everyone that's watching me now hearing me now will hear me in the future let your spirit invade their lives and break the spirit of procrastination break the spirit of laziness come against that lackadaisical spirit that has been stopping them from doing what you have called them to do writing books singing teach whatever it is that you are calling to do that has caused them to be sitting on their gifts and that enemy has been sitting on their shoulder causing them not to perform in their gifts father i cursed in the name of jesus father i command that spirit to be bind in the name of jesus to be tormented before its time and to be cast into the abyss in the name of jesus christ i pray that they will go forward now unhindered that you would reinvigorate them father god that they will have an energy and a passion like never before and that a spirit of boldness would rest upon them and they would be totally enthusiastic about performing the things that you have called them to do whatever has hindered them man woman whatever lord several those things from their lives that has been calling them back time is short and the enemy was successful thus far and eating at the quality of their lives but no further will that proceed lord we break it in the name of jesus we destroy it by the power of god we come against it by the blood of jesus christ and we pray right now that that home right now that is experiencing total chaos mommy against daddy daddy against mummy children against parents disobedience unrighteousness disrespect it is a devil it is a demon and more than likely it's as a result of the themes that people in the house are involved with not knowing the spiritual implication that comes along with it father let your wisdom let your knowledge permeate that place and destroy the evil altars in the name of jesus christ we speak and be decreed we declare it we call it fought in the name of jesus father i bless you father i honor you father i praise you and i thank you for hearing our prayer but primarily father god for honoring your word and your word says father god that that through knowledge shall just be delivered i love that true knowledge true knowledge not nuts miracles see it's not miracle oil that is not what i read proverbs 11 and verse 9 through knowledge knowledge is to be aware knowledge is the word of god the word of god makes us aware of the root causes of the things that's hindering us it is the spiritual root behind the physical things in our lives and he promises that through knowledge shall the just be delivered therefore father what i see in the spiritual word that says whatsoever things we desire when we pray we must believe that we have received it and we shall have it in the name of your son jesus christ amen and amen i thank you for your time i i feel complete right now because i've been studying this for a while now and i and i know god has impressed upon me to to give this to his people stay in the word of god obey the word of god there is a promise to every piece of obedience of the word of god there's also penalties for when you disobey the word of god from this day forward you should never get up in the morning or go to bed at night without putting on the whole arm of god kevin how do i do that you prayed on you and for those of you who can't remember the full armor and say you have no salvation and i'll let you say lord i pray your arm over me right now i as i'm about to go to sleep tonight as i'm about to engage in dream warfare i pray the whole arm of god not just you you got children okay you can't be everybody go father i over junior over my daughter over my grandchildren i cover them with the whole armor you know why because your law says god in ephesians chapter 11 and chapter sorry ephesians chapter 6 verse 11 and verse 13 it says that it is this armor that will cause us to stand against the walls of the enemy so that tells me if i don't have it on i can't stand against him even verse 13 says that for it is this armor that will cause us to stand in the evil day so when you wake up in the morning father i fit myself along with my family my marriage my wife my finances my mind my children everything that concerns me i cover with the whole arm of god you say that before you go to bed you shut up when you wake up never be unarmed there's a specific reason for the armor even though you're a christian don't ever let them fool you that because you're a christian you don't need the armor if that was the case then they would have no reason for it to be mentioned in the bible put on the whole arm of god once you have the whole arm of god practice repeating scriptures not to memorize them when you read in your bible god would always point out a particular verse that for some reason you can't get past you always come back to it speak that every day every day and it's just saying lord you said in your word no weapon from any weapon that has been formed against me in this day any weapon that has been formed on my jaw any weapon that has been formed on this interview any weapon that has been formed with promotion coming up or pay increase that normally before and they will always skip me lord now i know better i break every curse everyone's speaking against my destiny my friends who are jealous of me and i don't even know but speaking behind my back i condemn every destructive word that they are saying to prevent me from getting where i need to be i revoice it let them deal with the very things they dealing with they're speaking over my life instead i speak advancement for me catapult me to where i should be cause me to get that promotion if it is a part of your plan for my life as usual i had pleasure i think more than you and uh bringing this teaching i hope that you were edified and you take the uh necessary scriptures i as usual would ask you to share the video and to also go over yourself because a lot of times we miss a lot of things uh in the teaching that god would deal with us on and i i strongly recommend that you you revisit this tape and put and make practical the things of god that has been uh taught here today you have been free today god has broken the covenants and you believe that today god has sent his servant to give you his word his word clearly dictates that through knowledge through knowledge i gotta put emphasis on that you could sow all the money in your in the world that ain't gonna change your situation you could get all the american approach in fact you could eat the miracles i need to change nothing let's say what the law say the law says not kevin opinion not your opinion not the government opinion but the kingdom of god law says and this lord dictates to the same and the same world the kingdom law says in proverbs 11 verse 9 proverbs 11 verse 9b through knowledge shall the just be delivered through knowledge we have given you the knowledge today you have the knowledge i've given you i'm talking about taking my time and break down the scriptures and bring it all together for you take that knowledge and the application of that knowledge will bring deliverance to you god bless you you have a great evening thank you until we meet again in jesus name
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 177,258
Rating: 4.7895365 out of 5
Keywords: Pledges, Oaths, Covenants, Spiritual warfare, The spirit realm
Id: XeBI8Niocdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 23sec (8603 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2017
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