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hello Facebook yes I know this is an impromptu brief teaching tonight something I was feeling in my spirit and I felt led to come and share with you I know you weren't expecting me I know I didn't put up any I didn't pre put up notices we thank you for this but nevertheless I just wanted to share with you so about 30 minutes two things I want to cover in 30 minutes the first thing I want to cover is fasting you notice I've been talking about this quite a bit quite a bit I've been discussing fasting and the reason why I'm doing that is because I need you guys to get in with it the years winding down today is already the 11th and before you know it we will be entering 2018 listen you can get a jumpstart on all of that if you right now decide to engage in a class I've been getting tons literally tons of emails as it relates to fasting not so much what to do most people know what to do but I've been getting a lot of testimonies from fasting people aren't under especially the the three-day Drive I've had some folks that have written to me and say Kevin what is a three-day drive fast well a three-day Drive fast is three days no breaks just no sorry no break no water no food all right consecutive three days you're not breaking at all it's a very vigorous part in fact I was telling a friend of Mines the other day that I found my forty day fast to be much more easier than mine three-day pass so I suggest to you guys to put aside some time before the concludes to engage in the class I promise you you won't regret it I promise you two things number one like I've said in all of the videos that I've taught about fasting expect be in anticipation for your dream level to increase to I mean just go off the charts alright why because revelation is coming forward even have some of the craziest dreams ever but truly they're not crazy right those dreams down I also advise for those of you that don't like writing will then purchase yourself one of the little voice recorder even your cell phone your cell phone as I can help you built-in voice recorder as soon as you wake up from those dreams you begin to record the dreams record exactly what you saw in those dream because see during the time of the fasting you're gonna be getting revelation like crazy God is gonna be revealing to you the things that has challenged you spiritually that has been causing you not to go forward physically a lot of times when you have these fast you always have these nightmares or crazy people chasing you dogs chasing you or you always dreaming about dark environments and all of this stuff and the Lord is basically showing you through these dreams how the enemy has oppress you with fear anxiety attack panic attack so here it is all through 2017 you've been paralyzed by the spirit of fear and not being able to fulfill that which God has been calling calling you to do so many of you if not all of you should have been much much further than where you are right now but fear has paralyzed you you've allowed the opinions of others you allow the the words of others and all of this other nonsense to to destabilize you and I'm telling you man if you want to get back on track please do a fast if it is your first time I do not recommend a three-day pass I do not recommend and extend it fast if you have never in your life went on a fast before or if you have engaged and won but never completed it then I strongly suggest to you that you do in a one or two day fast from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day you're going to do a two-day files do from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. one day and do from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. the next day when you're gonna eliminate food and water or you're just gonna eliminate food make that decision now I don't expect for you or suggest that you do tomorrow what I do expect is that you prepared this week for your fasting next week all right so there are certain foods that you need to start cutting out now I truly suggest that you really really begin to fuel yourself with a lot of fluids particularly water I mean really drink what am I crazy if you're gonna prepare for that fast next week try to get yourself on some fruits and so on that will help you reduce the other foods that you normally eat and what you want to do is prepare for this fast for next week ok write down what you got on this farm or don't just go on a fast because you want to go on a fast if you want to go on a fast because you tired of being broke you want to go on a fast because this March is just going crazy you want to born a fast because you want more of God in your life you want to experience the supernatural you want to you want your ministry you want your life to be about science and oneness or you want to know the gifts that God has within you you want to know what you're here for what God has called you to do then again you prepare aside from that physical aspect of it in terms of the food part of it in the water you now begin this week you begin to go in the scriptures and you retrieve scriptures that are relevant to the fast that you want to do if you're looking for a husband if you're looking for a wife and you want the one that God has chosen for you before the foundation of the world then you're going to retrieve scriptures for example I think the scripture here I think is Genesis chapter 1 chapter 2 somewhere about there God says that our it was not good for the man to be alone and that he brought in my help meat and mine should leave his mother and father and teeth his wife these are the scriptures you want to include in your prayer during your fasting I 100% recommend that you're fast in terms of your praying be saturated with scriptures I cannot put enough prep points our beautiful prayer points are awesome in terms of calling down the fire and so on and I don't object to that however what I do recommend is you saturate yourself with Scripture you're predators I speak from experience not only in my personal life but through my advising others the testimonies has been I mean crazy off the charts so saturate why is this because God and sub says to us he says remind him of his word not that he forgot his word he's not a forgetful God see but it's just word that he placed emphasis on and again I give the Scriptures all the time he says that he's watching over his word to perform at his word cannot return unto Him void his places word above his name heaven and nature possibly would not want it'll never spoil all of this here places the emphasis on his word so I think it would be wise spiritually if we incorporate and saturate our prayers with the Word of God many times you guys see me pray I am constantly putting the Word of God because if he says that that has worked not returning them boy so I'm praying I'm incorporating my desires and what I want I'm intertwining his word in that okay and that's key so you have to incorporate the Word of God and again don't email me and say Kevin ever since I started doing this man all have Britten's it supposed to break loose you know people do like this some chocolate like the devil reubenmaster in your life for X amount of years like like he just gonna run away once you start no but this fella is gonna fight tooth and nail to maintain your life which he called your his territory so you got to show this brother that you you have reinforcements which is the Spirit of God so saturate lace your prayers with the Word of God some of you may say well Cameron I don't know where in the Bible to look for scriptures on love or scriptures or forgiveness and so on no problem you go to Google I'm sure everybody have a smart phone a laptop what-have-you you go to Google and you put in let's say you fasting on promotion if you don't want promotion and you go in there you put promotion or elevation advancement slash scripture or Bible and it's gonna give you relevant scriptures in the Bible that I highly recommend that you write down you go and read and again you put these things on people so now when you begin to pray and you can open your eye and pray you could pray reading father I'm reminded of your word your word declares that promotion don't come from a sorry from them to the e sort of s but it comes from above some 75 you begin to remind him of his word as it relates to forgiveness father your word declares that you don't forgive seventy seven times seven and it's difficult for me God to forgive my sister my brother whether is from the church or blood brother or sister or friend who cheated on who probably slept with your husband or slept with your wife that's a difficult thing to get over it's a difficult thing to to get past the divorce when you came and therefore keeps but the other party decided to change their mind and want to move on with their life that and mess around other people and you kind of you know you're gonna stay there and take this book no no no no no you need prayers you need to ask God to let His Holy Spirit through his word excavate that bitterness and anger because that's normal that's nothing where when when when the divorce come in and you become angry and especially if someone is lying on you and Corsi that's that's listen let's be real that stuff is real so you got a deal with it from a realistic perspective and personally you will never get over you need the Spirit of God to assist you and not only overcoming that but forgetting about it altogether or putting in the back of your mind so that ever whenever you see that person rather than that butterflies that come to the bottom your stomach oh I'm good and you want to choke up well then you know the Lord will remove that from you if you're fasting about your children again you get the relevant scriptures proverbs chapter 11 verse 21 Dohan join and handle wicked shall not be unpunished but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered Psalm chapter 112 verses 1 to verse 3 which says praise ye the Lord blessed is the man that favored the Lord and delighted greatly in his commandments for his seed shall be mighty upon the third and the generation of the upright shall be blessed welcome riches shall remain in his house and his is his his generation sorry well anyway you go read the next piece to that so I'm step to 112 verses 1 to 3 so these are the scriptures that you want now why am I telling you this listen you're going into next year and I want you to hear me very very carefully you're going in turn next year right there many people who start out with us in January of this year with the expectation just like you that they would be radio baby out right now and a lot of them didn't make it crabby mommy uncle Ari brother friend co-worker they all probably deceased well you know and all we have his memories of them now what if just saying now what if they had fasted the year before knocking down the spirit of death that had that the had them on the register for 2017 you may be on the register for 2018 your death might be in January your death may be in Feb you don't notice but you could shut it down especially this coming from the enemy so what you do you wander fast now you come against the spirit of death and sickness and disease in them all that crap which you've been battling with for you don't sit back and be a victim you know I was doing I was ministering on a service the other day and I was explaining to them to many of us right we sit down we see cancer rip our family apart we see the men in our family getting all destroyed from this prostate cancer breast cancer for women we see high blood pressure that and we sit back as so-called believers and read for our turn no no no man you shouldn't be waiting for your turn you need to get up off your butt and go deal with that devil so you don't wait for him to come to you you go to him and how do you go then you go and fasting and prayer and you begin to shut it down in the spiritual realm so when Satan timetable for your debt that was supposed to come next year February February and go but that wouldn't be seeing you so deal with these matters now through prayer through fasting jesus said to his disciples after they would have had a challenge with delivering this young man was possessed by strong demonic forces and they couldn't free this man or deliver him from the spiritual bondage that it was in and you know the story then they took the child to Jesus Jesus deliver him and the disciples the students Central Mass how come he couldn't do it and he said to them you know besides of the unbelief he saying this particular kind here this particular devil this order or level of demonic activity it will only come out through prayer and fasting so that scripture in there is empirical evidence that prayer alone in some cases is frivolous it cannot it cannot fix or provide the solution which you're seeking so Jesus and sub says that you have to incorporate with your prayer fasting you have to make a sacrifice with your temple with your body and I hear people say all the time when I was on a fast and I watched no TV and you know I didn't benefit all we've got are you know fast what faster days I never read a member easy kill say he went on a fast he watched on TV I didn't read where a bit Jesus was in the wilderness and whatever no a fast is you gonna stop eating or you gonna stop drinking or both and primarily you're not eating anything you you you're crucifying this flesh so the spirit man and you could come forth okay you need a lot of wisdom you need a lot of understand more importantly knowledge for nexium okay I give you the scripture all the time problems eleven verse nine B through knowledge shelter just be delivered so deliverance the key component in deliverance is knowledge okay who telling you what if you go into a church your favorite pasta or your so ever and then not when they're talking to you about knowledge and nowhere in their solution is incorporated so when you're talking to you about deliverance and nowhere in that solution for deliverance is the word knowledge you need to turn your ears off you need to stop listen to them don't listen to them in fact need to pack your bag get over that place why because we have said it to you over and over and over and over again not Kevin this is what the scripture says over chapter eleven verse nine big and it says that through knowledge nothing else through knowledge shall the just be delivered it didn't say through knowledge some of them come and put you their hand on you and scream Devils on you it didn't say through knowledge you have to soar see and then called me chimney it didn't say through knowledge whatever leaves your hand leaves go like garbage that's nonsense bunch of trickery take your money nonsense foolishness I'm giving you scripture deliverance for you and many of you could attest to it many of you that have followed my teachings because you write me all the time you give me testimony after testimony and I'm happy that Cindy now is doing a blog where she's putting up testimonies of people so you will see for his hand that people who follow the scriptures not Karen who followed the scriptures that I that I give to them which is from the Word of God they're not the relying on me Kevin isn't the one but this super power I am NOT a superhero I'm not a spider-man I spin unveil all over the place and no no no follow the law the more you acquire the knowledge of God deliverance will automatically be a portion you don't have to spin around seven times you don't have to read a book seven day plan to a better life you don't need a four-day plan to a better you know soon knowledge and what is that knowledge the Word of God the Word of God you obeying his rules you stay away from those things he says stay away from you consecrate you worship Him you do those things and what are you doing you are you are literally tormenting the spirits that thought they won't I don't hold on you you know they said you know they sing in their little camp right now those demons he was giving them this infamy they're not supposed to notice how can we oppress them if they're being exposed to this understanding no see and that's what happened in Sunday after Sunday Bible study after Bible study it's the same old rigmarole but the expectation of a different end result it will never happen let's now make applicable the Word of God don't let's just hear it no more say that's a sweet boy oh brother Kevin was off the hizzy that day he was off the chain that was a bad boy yard yeah well let's make it better by practicing it let's now put it to use all right so get on offense do it trust me you will see changes things are gonna get worse I told you that a million times when you go on and you you won't know how you know what you want a real fast first of all you don't have one obstacles in the world before you get on the fast everything is gonna try to prevent you from going on it because those invisible agents that has been oppressing you in various areas of your life if not all of the areas of your life they understand the law if Mary get ahold of the Word of God if Peter over here whose son isn't some serious problem with Peter get all of the Word of God and started repeating Doha enjoying it under wicked shall not be unpunished when they see them the righteous shall be delivered and he and if he fool around and believe that in decree that those demonic forces know that I have to pay they know they got enthalpy so what are they gonna do now just like anybody who have possession of something if someone is coming to take something from you that you listen all hell been break-in loose in you to fight for what your is no different in the realm of this world those evil forces that were attached to your life evil forces of poverty backwardness fear anxiety attack panic attack fear of the unknown all of these things that were literally being controlled by foul spirits and with your cooperation through you succumbing to it a farce will shut all of this down you need to go on offense I know what's gonna happen to see you know I know you know it can happen this year and I pray to God you don't fall victim to it this year you're gonna hear for those of you who want a change in next year I hear God saying sow seed and I hear God saying the bigger the seed the bigger the bridge of garbage nonsense lies straight from the pit of hell nonsense but they should have been pumping you but it's the Word of God why aren't you giving me knowledge why don't you give me no scriptures like brother Kevin always gives me scripture after scripture after in fact but a camel is causing encouraging me he don't realize it to to read my Bible because I never knew these things were in the Bible before and I find that the more I read it the more I like what I'm reading because I'm getting an understanding now the scripture says to us in proverbs chapter 4 verse 7 11 it says that in all thy getting sir no it says that sorry wisdom is the principal thing what principle mean that which is voice in place that which is on top but just primary so it says wisdom is the principal thing but watch what it says next but it says in all thy getting getting what don't wisdom in all that getting you must get what understanding what is understanding understanding is this is comprehending how something operating wisdom would say if I get a car I could get to work quicker that's wisdom understanding is how do I operate the car so you see you could acquire all the knowledge all the wisdom and but if you don't have an understanding on how to apply it or how to operate it then you have a problem so scripture st. was in all your getting get understanding right there you should start praying father cor I hear this fella tonight man this is a revelation for me father I I know what I want i what helped me to understand help me to to understand what's going on behind the scenes the scripture says to us especially in the book of Proverbs it speaks of wisdom knowledge and understanding in a gender she particularly that of knowledge and wisdom now that's interesting because in Isaiah chapter 11 verse 2 it also speaks of wisdom knowledge and understanding as spirits it says God will give him the spirit of wisdom the spirit of knowledge and the spirit of oneness wonderful you should be writing these down now for your fast for either I hear your word and I'm gonna remind you of your word according to Isaiah 11 verse 2 and I'm asking you just like Solomon did I'm asking you Father for the spirit of wisdom going into 2018 even now I will wait for 2018 give it to me now let me start out dissemble entering into 2018 with the spirit of wisdom the spirit of knowledge the spirit of understanding console and mic the scripture refers to these entities as spirit so when you ask God for wisdom you're asking him literally for the spirit of wisdom okay wisdom is in a chip that you plug in your hand not in a computer chip wisdom like angle okay like jealousy the spirits so you're asking god father remove the spirit of ignorance from me remove the spirit of me not knowing remove the spirit of me being in the dark and and and release upon me I'm asking you to release this spirit of wisdom of knowledge of understanding particularly that of the spiritual room so I could see beyond what is physically being presented to me all right next thing father now release on me the spirit of this ernment so that I will no longer make superficial decision based on what I see but let your Holy Spirit guide me the scripture says in Psalms chapter 32 verse 8 I love it that's what it says it says that I will instruct thee and teach thee and show thee a new way which thou shalt go and I will watch over the with mine eyes this is spirit the Lord speaking now he says he's the one that's gonna instruct you now for the most part the instructions from God aren't going to come from a physical perspective many of you said on the time the spell of the Lord spoke to me oh I felt something in my spirit right but you know how you're gonna hear a lot more clearly go on a fast start fasting make fasting at this if you've just fast one day out of every week watch how your spiritual senses are going to amplify watch our your decision-making is going to be more precise and more beneficial to you watch how your understanding is going to increase but you have to find us nobody wants to make the sacrifice no one and I was sharing I think I was sending out a day on the show it's amazing right then the Christian will find every excuse not to fire us not to pray not only you tell the fellow who go into the witchcraft doctor right listen if you want this solution you need to go to the graveyard at 12:00 two o'clock in the morning and we need you to sit in the back or some hole somewhere until daybreak and no matter what happened you don't move that fellow will do it to the tea wine cuz he's serious about what he came to see only the Christian wants someone serving him all the time only the Christian was someone who lend a hand and guiding them all the time no you have to take the initiative and begin to discipline yourself how much longer are you going to live a life of depending on someone else people get upset with me all the time I don't want to say that email so I don't fall off with them I don't let me tell you why though if you and I have chat matters by facebook what's up I called you you call me and I give you the full breakdown whatever your situation is I can tell you I tell you what expectations are gonna happen I tell you how you meet and get in the one Accord and fight because this is gonna be an intense fight in the days ahead I give you the breakdown I provide all the scriptures I provide all the videos I provide all of my blog citement with hundreds of articles aside from that I sacrifice my time to make sure you get a fresh word basically every day or every other day on all of my facebook pages what more do you want from me every second okay doing this fast breaking loose on me okay and so what so you want me to do you want me the comment cradle in my arm and pat you on the back and tell you but see I am NOT going to put up with that you are a soldier for the Lord I am called to teach you I am doing my part you need to build up whatever it is and begin to move in bonus you that's why a lot of people become disappointed with Church you know they become so attached to a past or Bishop and fall in love with them not the Word of God and the minute that pass to disappoint them on a pastor care and meet with them or or the pasta isn't whom he claimed to be or they disappointed all these men of God are no good and they won't go but they business so I so goes sin and good health but you go something gonna have that do what you got to do do not put your trust in Kevin I cannot put enough emphasis on that I am NOT just saying I am not your God I am NOT your poison interpreter what I am is a teacher I am a rebel leader of the Word of God and I do everything in my power to make sure you have three resources there is there's no dream that you could come to me in it that you can't figure out yourself if you follow the teachings none but I know what you want you want me to bring a silver platter and grateful to serve you that will never happen in this life now I know you're mad and stay mad but you can learn in the end you know what I glad he did that to me because you know what he did he never allowed me to depend on him he allowed me to put my pending or sorry my trust in God and everything he said to me he give me the scripture for it and everything he said to me point me to the Bible and [ __ ] everything he did he keep pointing me to God every time I come to hear me say okay now you take that word straight the board he never say oh well call me later and I'll give you a word no no no no no he leads you straight to Christ because he ain't Christ and he never be Christ and that's where a lot of preachers go wrong when they get a big crowd following them they think everything's about them not Kevin no way mm-hmm I got a wife and a family so I had to finish of this I gotta be with my wife and family so you need to depend on Christ all of the resources and yet go on my blogs what Kevin and a you ain't got blog every Saturday Cindy and I given word after word excuse me you know when you're nobody acts even $1,000 see you when you're nobody acts so you get a free you go on YouTube video after video after video giving you divine revelation I've had people as far as South Africa Malaysia Australia people from every corner is own writing us like crazy thanking us praising us in terms of God will bless us for the revelation that they've put into practice and see the manifestation in their lives I've already contacted a few people corvax to use their testimonies and I'm gonna do a video I'm not gonna put their name there and I'm gonna read their emails and the results that they got from following the simple Word of God they didn't wait on heaven they wasn't waiting on an email they read the stuff they realized that what I was saying there was things that were totally about their life so he said okay we got a solution we've been praying to God for answer the answer yeah we don't need to follow the guidance no more be done God the answer let's take the answer and let's now put it to work stop being lazy stop being lazy because you know what's gonna happen now you're gonna go straight into 2018 that same mentality waiting for someone to bring your world and when that happening in your world ever could come off the street and talk nonsense in your head and that's another round or oppression another five more years you got a league for a true man of God to come and release you so don't get mad at me appreciate me that I will help you appreciate the fact that I want you to be strong to help other people all right that's what you need to be you cannot be depending only on someone to help you if you pray to God and God send someone like me or anybody else and provide you with answers that resonate to your life take advantage of it take it what else you want again I'm not gonna bite you I'm not gonna move created you to sleep and it will never in this life happen now you don't take this information and put it to use don't want to call it me know this matter because I'm not gonna listening over there one more thing I want to cover before I jump over this last point there people who come to my side right they don't believe the things that I say which is really the Word of God I don't the problem with every point sin is entitled in your opinion right but don't you come on my side now I've blocked several people of every social media thing that I have you don't come on my side trying to pump your nonsense if you don't believe then you go to the next person oh you don't subscribe to all right when I see people coming in to my site for example I could be doing a teaching on dreams of disease right then someone will come on and say well well I don't believe in that because I had a dream about my granny and my grandma told me some stuff that was true and when I did it it for okay that's good that's fine you go elsewhere that you don't come here with that because when you come into my space and you're trying to sit on the Word of God is not true there's no discussions you want to leave that there is no why are you doing this there's no back and forward there's no explanation you will be deleted forever there from every from my YouTube Facebook Twitter every account that I have where your name is will be deleted and block indefinitely it is a simplest thing see people need to understand this especially y'all that follow me don't allow people to come and pull you off of your alignment with God you finally find something that makes sense you've been practicing at a new good seeing result don't allow the devil to use other people to pull you away from knowledge now if I'm saying something that is not biblical and there are no scriptures to back it up man you have every right to get on my case I encourage you but if I'm telling you the Word of God and you let some Joker from around the corner here who coming up with a one ideology so there's a certain set then they subscribe to and that SEC watch them become their God everything is I'm gonna call the name but everything that they reference is just title of the site that they say that's an item nothing in here but God Jesus Christ deliverance spiritual RAM you not hearing that so why you listen these people know I had a situation or the other day I'm done with it's not a situation and a date I'm going back to this lady de semanas email and she was really getting on my case you saying to me Minister Cameron I love your teaching I think you're a good teacher but I think you were wrong when I come to dream about their people and she been the corn that grandmother dad died so years ago and the grandmother came to in a dream and told about some situation of was gonna happen some kind of accident with something and she followed the advice of her grandmother and come to find out that what a grandmother told in a dream turned out to be true so normally I would just delete these they don't even bother with it because I really say that to say on this but I thought that that's what I have thing chance so I said to her before I got hundred I said listen is the word of God priority to you that's number one is is there any other word that can supersede the word of God so she said no I wrote I emailed up all of the scriptures that I had about dreaming of the dead and how it's forbidden for us as believers of Jesus Christ to have any participation but such practices I gave almost scriptures right I didn't go to Matt's nation I said these are the scriptures are you going to believe a dream over the Word of God I gave her the scriptures about masquerading spirits how devilish can come to you as your loved ones and deceive you which is exactly what's happening in a dream I gave it a spirits about familias this description about familiar spirits half for ministry will obviously have knowledge about your ancestors and yourself and masquerade and give information listen to this if the familiar spirits and demonic forces are planning an accident for you next week won't they be the best people to come and tell you that there's an accident that's gonna happen next week and not only that disguise as your deceased mother so anyway she wanted to go to market for and so I told her I pray to the Lord will restore you in your spirit and I pray that you would eventually come to the truth but from this point forward I don't have no more fallacious you this conversations only you are the leader and block from my own and I was the end of it it's learn to discuss no more there will be no backward and forward though the Bible says do not run onward with with genealogies and foolish question don't you finish with that if God would say XYZ there's nothing to discuss I don't care how much degrees you have I don't care you could be dissing theology it don't if you're saying something that is contrary to the Word of God or you're putting another poison above the Word of God I have no more discussion for you I will not entertain you I don't want here nothing actually once you make that clear of me that that's what you can do I am finished with you there is nothing to discuss you will be blocked to every degree of being block on social media with me I there was nothing we could discuss no more after that so there's no even don't even call me don't write me don't email because I will never in this life respond know you'll never happen alright now I'm going with this talk to you about the fast I tell you the importance of it I tell you the things that you need to do in class somebody wrote me down today tell me say Karen I'm breastfeeding she and I go on a fast consult your doctor okay - not a doctor tell you what the fast does and all of Kentucky doctors speak with the Holy Spirit let the Lord let your doctor guide you remember now we're not you know gonna be foolish in these things we're gonna put our lives and risk in these things we're not gonna say Oh God when will will provide yes he will provide but he also gives you five senses - so on the speaking time we got a big one it's about these things last thing I want to cover here last thing I want to cover here Isaiah chapter 54 he loved it beginning at verse 11 verse 11 - verse 17 I really want to get into this very briefly here very very powerful scripture the most common one of the most common passage of Scripture that is repeated in verse 17 that says that no weapon that is formed against us shall prosper and I would get into that very deeply in the next couple of minutes but Isaiah 54 beginning at verse 11 says o thou afflicted toss with temps tempest and not confident beyond I will lay thy stones with fair colours and lead i foundations with sapphire excuse me verse 12 of Isaiah 54 says and I will make thy windows of a gate and the gate of carbuncles and all thy borders of pleasant stones verse 13 of Isaiah 54 and all thy children shall be taught of the Lord Serkan that has a great prayer point when you go into fasting God you say that all of children shall be taught of you and it says ungrate shall be the pace of that children that many of you your children are suffering mental issues or or and I said mental issues depression anxiety a lot of them are have tumultuous relationship and he never recovered from those relationship that the guy or the girl scarred them heard them cheated on him and they never got past that God says here in the scripture he says that that that day children great shall be their peace you to clean this in your prayer remind him of his word God didn't you like it it hurts me to see my child in that room locked down 24/7 as if their life has ended no that isn't what your words say so I'm gonna come against that skirt of depression I'm gonna come against that spirit of confusion and hopelessness with the Word of God so verse 13 I love it of Isaiah 54 says and all thy children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be the piece of that children he didn't just say they will have peace no no no no I love this he says they will have great peace so you need to decree the clear prophesy in your praying and fasting for your child father you promised that my child will have great peace my heart to see my child walking around like a zombie this isn't the child and I brought in this world no the enemy is trying to hijack the destiny of that child so you you take your sword which is the word of the Living gone right here in verse 13 of Isaiah 51 remind God of his word he's gonna honor his word verse 14 of Isaiah 54 says in righteousness shall now be established thou shalt be far from oppression no huh for thou shall not fear and from terror for it shall not come nigh Lea these are promises from God that you need to really really I mean saturate your prayer with this verse 15 behold I love this they shall gather they show they shall surely gather together in stock much enemies now behold they shall surely gather together but God says but not by me I love this so what God is saying here is that even though you're fast and even though your print even though you're trying to get back online with him he said don't believe not your hand we can take a break don't believe that Jeremy's gonna sit back and fall down and say hmm careful it's getting into the quadrate now so let us never sweeter he finished no no no no no no no the scripture is unequivocally clear the scripture says here behold they shall not might be all your enemies shall gather together but I want you to see the catcher because in this particular scripture is not limited in terms of enemies to those that are physical flesh and blood now kind of same to you earlier when you decide the corner Fox or you really try to get back on track with God the scripture is saying that the spiritual forces that were already fighting you in whatever area of your life getting your finances but in your mind you don't you know job your co-workers or whatever he says when you begin to apply my laws and pray and fast he says behold they shall surely gather they will have console spirit of depression spirit of jealousy spirit of pride how we can deal with Kevin today my this is a second big one on a fast this is the second in a word on the sword of the Living God he's been using which is the Word of God against us we have suffered much casualty in our camp how are we gonna deal with him so the scripture says in verse 15 of Isaiah 54 he says behold they shall surely gather together but God says listen carefully but not by me I'm not the one doing this but watch what God promises God says but also ever shall gather together against thee not might I love this but shall fall for your sake what am i bringing this up I'm bringing the son because I'm trying to show you the importance of consistency you see it don't matter if things get worse they don't matter you all know fast to save your house but the hosts got taken from you don't give up keep fast and keep praying keep intercede keep being consistent and this is why I'm on this thing I'm tonight because Christians are too inconsistent the minute one piece of problem come oh Jesus our Lord I tired it is a day just seconds every time you put one step forward what's the nonsense the common emote no let me put one step forward you got to take two step back Jesus Lord of my season we can't rob two pennies together oh my god back and the taxes coming up missing missing damn nonsense isn't it there on the fastener and look at the garbage being spewed listen he said - oh I didn't read in there just now we say I will stop them know just how God got a role to play you got a role to play your enemies got a role to play also and I'm talking your enemies in the natural and in the physical I'm talking about human agents and spiritual agents which are influenced into human agents so he says behold they meaning that this not one but this is a group having console on your destiny how are we gonna bring him back to depression how are we gonna make him feel like there's no hope well let's keep at it because guess what Christians don't hang in there for long the minute dig back up on something they just try to give up everything he says behold they shall shortly gather together God says but this a me I'm not the one doing this but he says listen I also ever shall gather together a gangsta shall fall for thy sake the prayer point father God in the name of Jesus Christ my physical and invisible enemies that are plotting against me that as console against my destiny my life that is trying to frustrate me during this fasting during this prayer during me trying to line up and live a righteous life so that not only me will benefit but my seed father you promised in your word that even though they shall gather they shall fall for my sigmoid let them fall according to your word let them become confused let them become frustrated let them just give up and say you know what leave the cabin fella know this was good prevalent for 16 behold I have created the Smith that bloweth the calls in the fire and that bring it for an instrument for his work and I have created the waster to destroy oh and love why 70 him I know you love it too it says no weapon this is just now that is formed against thee shall prosper let us pause now let's pause because I know you're like to repeat that and guess what it would appear as if some of those weapons are prospering but listen carefully what he's saying here he says no weapon that is formed I'm gonna get fix a sword to stop Kevin with he says even though it's being formed it shall not prosper listen this no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper the the intent of the weapon shall not come to fruition it doesn't mean that the weapon wouldn't stick you it doesn't mean that they wouldn't throw it at you it doesn't mean it might hit your head listen carefully he said to put for something to you know the word cross for me look up the word prosper he says whatever the intent is it will not come to fruition it is not saying that the weapon wouldn't hit you it is not saying that the weapon may not delay it may not say that a wait a minute the weather may not set you back it did not say that it says the overall intent of the weapon shall not prosper shall not come to fruition shall not manifest itself again why am I telling you this because the Midd the co-worker lie on you on the job I do on the fast and the boss demote you you believe that the weapon of prosper which you don't know if you remain consistent God is using this Ferrer still to elevate you above the boss hello see but you so torn upon you so disappointed in God you cried and Karen I want to try the corn everybody trying to figure what happened and never ever gave your Christian discipline an opportunity to manifest itself no weapon formed against you shall prosper listen you lose in the house he lose in the car you loosen the wife the husband the boyfriend the children go on whack that's not prospering you know it's not prospering let me tell you why the scripture says to us in Romans 8:28 it says that all things will work together or in harmony for good now let's read what it didn't say it did not say all things are good mm-hmm it says all things will work together and the word all means the good and the bad so the good and the bad that's taking place in your life is necessary to give an end result of good you know our Christian school you know the word all things mean to them only the good things I just get a new car oh praise the Lord Oh hallelujah god is good all the time all the time God is good so does he leave Church somebody write off the card look at the devil just like I said you know what I read I read all things he says when you got the good car and then the good car was written off he says old things are working in harmony all things the the the loss of the job the demotion the problem all of these things according to the spiritual laws must be incorporated in this thing to produce an end result of good for you he did not say all things were good he says all things are working together to produce good for two categories of people those that love God and those that are called according to his purpose so what does this mean if your situation right now it's not giving you the end result of good then it's not over this is not the end whatever is going on it's not prospering because God has promised you all let's get all what does the word all mean everything that is inclusive of this particular matter so view on the job catching hell but someone I prophesied you some time ago that you gonna get a promotion but all you've been seeing is the emotion they're lying on you they're cutting your wages and you're getting reprimands it is not over because this part of the whole thing is just a piece now some good make something else what's come along to produce good for you in the air all things I will here slow you don't come tell me no nonsense but what they doing you I don't work here I stop talking like a defeated Christian speak the Word of God father but I'm disappointed right now they cut my wages today and I already can't make ends meet father they let me go off the job today but I must rely on your word that is consistently resonating in my mind that all things was wood together for good no weapon formed against me shall prosper now what is the part we missing when let's finish read description Isaiah 54 verse 17 others finish right now no weapon that is formed against the V sound possible okay so you gotta find it did they possibly know but in finish you are prejudging a matter before it's concluded because the conclusion for the christian says that it shall work for your good in the end so if this isn't panning out good for you it is not the end no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper oh I love this piece cos this is the piece right here when you'll give up and it's probably why you always catching the hell no weapon formed against thee shall prosper I love the scoring of this year highlighters please and every term that shall rise an angsty and also cannot word judgment so can all day day they probably get it right now kind of trying to concoct your demise they're speaking on one Accord we gonna make sure you know Excel we can make sure that marriage fail we can make sure they gonna be the bottom and never a talk we can concoct a Dem when they go to court to make sure they lose that case we can come together and we can devise an evil against them and what do you do you do nothing you go contrary to the bottom part of this law listen to what it says and every tongue every every even your Christian brother who speaking against you and every tongue that shall rise against the in judgment what does that mean when they say something about you that is contrary to what God says about you when a person say I wish he died that's a judgment against you I wish she never prosper I wish you never I wish you marry the wrong poison in your marriage be a that's a judgment against you oh yeah I wish she never get one it's a judgment against you whatever they are saying that is contrary to what God says about you it's a judgment against you but that's what I am indeed with them according to the scripture it says every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment did you read God shall condemn it I didn't read that they said apostle or maybe Bishop no no God is now passing the responsibility of us to condemn words of gangsta's not only words that we hear audibly the words that we don't hear farther there they are right now speaking against my promotion speaking against my advancement speaking against my salary speaking against my marriage father every judgment against me I don't care what coming from mummy-daddy sister brother enemy I don't care who I condemn it in the name to condemn means to do you know I'm making the judgment to shut it down he says any don't ever eat all that has rise up against you against means to resist you scripture says in judgment it says you must condemn it and you know why I bring in the scripture tonight too many Christians waiting on the Lord to do something he will never do o Lord send fire Jesus not self I own them deal with them God no need to deal with nothing not what I read here because what I'm reading here he given you the authority to shut down whatever they say but when you pray father even though I cannot hit him whom ever has a conspiracy who members conspiring against me whomever is speaking against the will of God for my life God has given me the power and the authority to condemn it I condemn it even whatever sickness they speaking on my life I condemn that sickness whatever for anti-progress i condemn it wherever insanity or hopelessness or whatever they listen listen carefully let me tell you why you need to condemn it again just look at another Spurgeon law 4 verse chapter 18 it was 21 very clear it says death and life reside in the power of the tongue as could be that's what it says now let's read what it didn't say it did not say death in life only resides in the believer talking I didn't read that death and life only reside in the Apostle - oh no I didn't read read o death and life only reside in the great teacher tongue I not redone what I did read is that the statement is generic meaning that death and life is in everybody's tongue so where a person is a genius where a person is a dunce where a person is black white educated not educated that poison tongue is a lethal weapon and that person can speak against you but God says I've now put a sub clause in my law that even when that happened you don't have to become a victim of it he says now you must condemn it father right now I condemn I condemn but my mother said over my life over the years I condemn what my father said my Grammy said my friend everyone who spoke secretly behind my back I'll probably never hear those words what they said but I condemn it father God it will never let their words become foolishness let their words against me let the judgments levied on my life through their words for could've gone and never take shape in my life father I renounce father I denounced even those words prior to the understanding that has been taking shape in my life I reject it in the name of Jesus I refuse to come an agreement ignored lead to the words I didn't speaking against me so you have done right and stop sitting back and letting people see these things you see them over in the corner great time they get together and they were spinnin looking at you you think you think they say use a decent poisoning you think they say you some good decent child go on it you wait or not no no no no far from it father you said we do you submit then we don't I love about the scripture and in our in our proverbs 18:21 it didn't say you need a group of people to agree with you I like that it says death and life is in the power of the tongue I don't need a brigade I don't I could be really a sitting down and I know they over there talking about me I consider a dear father every word just like how death and life is in the power of their town death in life is in the power of my tongue and I'm gonna take the power of my tongue and cause every evil judgment spoken of me by them and [ __ ] I pray that their words will become foolishness I pray that their will to become nonsense father God every word every sentence every paragraph against my life i voice it in the name of Jesus let it become a boomerang let it go back to them who's sending it to me they will have they will never see my demise or anything that they're speaking negative against me it will never manifest in the name of Jesus no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper and every and like that would circulate every every stir what every deer means if your Bishop talking about you if your posture if the voodoo man talking about if the spiritual is calling your name on some altar right now Bible says death and life is in the power of the tongue you know what I like about a tool you don't have to be safe to use that particular law did you see that the description in fact you know understand idea let's go right there maybe from the shrine yeah I'm done let's go here to proverbs chapter 18 because you know what maybe maybe I'm quoting it wrong okay so let's let's let's let's get the proof here proverbs 18 verse 21 death and life are in the power of the tongue and day that love what is the if here the death or the life that they speak and then I'd love it listen now shall eat the fruit thereof mm-hmm as we dare again death in life by the Prophet know today when I read death in life by the witchdoctor I did not read that it says death and life are in the power of the tongue so anyone that's living and has a tone and when they speak they're either gonna speak life over situation or they're gonna speak death to it in any event whether they are we're of it or not whether they are cognizant of of it or not they are they are a participant they speak their participating in a law that's gonna affect a person that's gonna affect a place that's gonna affect an environment and all this other stuff where they do it jokingly or not inaudible I did not read if you do it jokingly it wouldn't take effect I didn't read that see I'm pointing these things or what it didn't say because some time will come with Ronnie and say well you know God if you're joking you know what no I'm not ready you're joking or not you know why cuz the Bible made it unequivocally clear by your words what'd it say you should be what justified by your words you should be one condemned so don't say to me when if you're joking with these things what you mean you're joking so when you when you make a mistake man child or not staying so ruffians in the Bahamas Lord and then to take some cake as oh Jesus I mean the government is listen what you sayin man see see stop playing this Christian thing man stop stop stop quoting the scripture to make people know you know the scripture say because the scripture working against you because here it is you telling me let die death and life is in the power of the tongue but then right after that you tell me how tough things are right after that you tell me man this government making it so difficult for people right after that you tell me Trump here ain't no good and and this one in it listen so you think the death lights the shut down when you joke about it or or you throw and shine on it no no and this would be question need to know the question will not be successful in their lives if they continue to be hypocrites hypocrites mean you're gonna telling people the scripture you're good at correcting somebody else so I said I don't speak that but a minute they turn their back and somebody caught me with somebody was all Lord Jesus what next Lord every time I put one step we're gonna take too bad my court I mean if one thing after another jesus wept listen what you say in mind you usually you see because use the damn about you Soul Train you don't even realize you in invoking a judgement on you you see here let I'm gonna dummy speak even on themselves for me let me get them agitate it to the point then I ain't gonna send no one to Christ on them what he can place themselves how did he do that every time I put one step forward I gotta take to Bob Jesus Lord I ain't got two pennies to rub together my god I must be crazy I mean listen what you sayin correct what you sayin and why really put an emphasis on this especially for those who are going on the fast especially for those who are on the fast what's the thing such you can you should not be on a fast and speaking negative nonsense you should not be drowned and fussing the people on a flash should never be listened when you wanna fast you are at the peak of spiritual warfare and the very devils who you come down see if you are actually working with them when you begin to other negative nonsense okay so you need to I just want to have this little conversation with you to bring these things into perspective so that now when you begin to engage on these high level spiritual warfare fights such as fasting you need to know what you're dealing with and stop being a co-conspirator to your own demise because that's what you do it whenever you think about what you say think about it stop telling your child the child stupid stop telling the child a child and be just making their power stopping stop telling that girl you know good and whorin just like your mom and then when the girl grow up to be no good and horrid you shop you surprised you will know God I'll cover this happen death and life still reside in the power of the tongue it didn't change and you decide to utter those vile words no it's still there the afterlife is in a child talking death and life is in an adult Oh doubt death and life is an everyone who is living around were telling me here death and life resign right now so considered a nonsense you are sooo particularly when you wanna fast particularly when you claim to be you and consecration for God listen to what you are saying listen God told through the prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 58 in the initial verses they were angry with God and say not even I'm not fast and the fast didn't work in Isaiah to check them he said listen when you go know fast you went for strife huh use force and trouble cousin in a non living a regular life and you call that a fast if that's not the fast I call you - no no no no no it's a day when you Afflick yourself by not eating my not drinking okay and the purpose of this is you're gonna break the bands of wickedness undo heavy burden set the oppressed free and break every yoke Isaiah 58 and six that's what a real fast does but you don't go on a fast and cussing and talking gossiping in fact if you go down to Scripture some more it tells you that when you put away the pointing of the finger meaning you speaking evil of other people then shall these things happen he says then shall the Lord hear you so that mean he was in the enemy before wait so a fast is coming to set order a fast is coming to realign you spiritually and I'm telling you the the evidence that you are on the right track in your if you are on a fasting you're not dreaming at all if you are on a fast and everything going perfect in your life you're on the wrong fast I tell you that right now if you go on a fast in your boss your wife your children and nobody giving you hell and everything is smooth sailing for you you want you are not on a fast if you are on a fast and you are not having crazy dreams and dream after dream after dream and none of that is happening well I don't know what you're gonna be running fast but you wave you definitely ain't or no no fast fast okay so I strongly suggest if you want to know the evil forces in your life if you want to know what's been hindering you all of 2017 and even beyond the Amin behind all of that before night go on of us qualifies in the dreams that you were going to have and what you hear me and they're gonna be nightmare after all that you are seeing in the spiritual realm the demonic forces that's been limiting and restricting and harassing your life and that's what a faster it's so when things get horrible and it's going to get horrible it's gonna become fast during the fast but all that mean is it's working all that me is that the the demonic evil forces some generational curses some you brought in yourself some people projected at you you are now seeing it firsthand and the evidence of that is in reality during the fast all hell is gonna break loose and you shut down right here some of the initial things during the fires inside you know as fast working listen before the fires you probably gotta skip couple hours without eating you you could probably skip couple hours alone having a drink of water when you mean business and you going there for us that demon of hunger can jump on your neck that demon of tur skin can put you in a headlock but all this mean is that what you are doing is right Kevin what do I do what happened you begin to quote the scriptures father your word declares that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world your word declares that I can be all things through Christ who strengthens me father remove this headache remove this fatigue remove this an insatiable desire to eat or to drink see you own on your own you I call labor at Christ so what that mean is you when those things come at you you call on Christ father invade my life right now and give me the spiritual power to overcome this hunger to overcome father I will finish strong father I will complete the fast and make a sacrifice unto you because I need answers I need deliverance I need a breakthrough so I refuse to give up it after you see the fast uuuuugh you didn't succumb to the eating and you didn't succumb to to the drinking the next thing he's gonna bring his confusion a society from the the headache part didn't finish her that the the insatiable desire to eat in the drink and the headaches okay you dealt with that so the next thing the enemy is gonna bring to break this fast is to bring confusion and frustration so all of the sudden the children fighting each other and doing crazy stuff and the husband or wife come home and just start carrying on sit read in silence let them cuss let them carry on Ukranian father God send your spirit of peace your word declares in Psalms 119 verses 165 that great piece of day that love thy law and nothing shall offend them your word declares in Isaiah 26 verse 3 it says you O Lord will keep me and perfect peace as long as my mind is stayed upon you father help me to keep my mind upon you so that I can have the peace in the midst of this chaos because I am not giving up I'm gonna finish my tree day fast I'm gonna finish my seven-day fast I'm gonna finish my 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. class I don't care what happened I'm gonna I'm gonna finish this because I need answers from you I need deliverance I need breakthrough I refuse to take a step in the 2018 only to repeat the nonsense of 2017 a [ __ ] habit so you got to mean business okay no more playin man no more no no no no no no oh Lord nothing here you've got a mean business you've got to be consistent I tell you people out there who are into sorcery whatever that [ __ ] or warlock tell them they don't question it you mean imagine you go into the would be my own host and you say you want a baby and this fella bring something look like feces in and he tell you drink it you don't say well excuse me mr. wish doctor what is that feces in that you don't do that what you do is you go to the for week or so like he tell you you go there to everywhere you go in the graveyard get some gravy I doesn't put it in here and you drink it you don't know what in there that could be cyanide for you know what you do it so why so difficult you do the things of God and God isn't requiring you to do nothing as filthy as that no so the obey Mack you get to do anything what women tell you sacrifices children if you wanna be rich you've got no partner man I don't question him not gonna ask him why you won't none of that but they said going too fast for two days oh my god my kidney had no Lord my back that's not even on the fast one might never come up with what all of this to you you see I just want you two to get a cross-section of what I'm saying here when it's time to get into serious business for the god you claim to love and serve and the Gordon want to release so much revelation to you I say the people all the time and I really finish this time I say the people all the time I didn't get where I am by being complacent or being lackadaisical I can tell you one thing you know what got me here the pressure of my enemy is the pressure of those who insists on seven places and hexes and spells and hardship my way I didn't know it then and the idea of not getting ahead even though you have everything physically to succeed but you know there's something stopping you but you can determine what it is that's what kept me in my Bible that's what kept me when I on a seven-day faster or 21-day fast or 14-day faster tree because I was I was determined that this thing got to break but I was also determined that what I was dealing with was in physical why because I wasn't locked up I wasn't enough prison I wasn't in Kathryn and I didn't have any stuff on me so why wasn't I going forward just like you and I was sitting and the preacher after preacher telling me so this and I been solid I've been doing it and so and so and I saw not dollar not to listen I saw thousands of dollars and just like you've eaten or not I noticed my season then some guy will talk on TV TBN or a word network and say there's somebody out there again and you're sitting out in front of the TV and of course all of a sudden from the TV and God says if you make the sacrifice of sowing this all right I couldn't wait to sooner call them and give them your credit card and you say Lord let this letter let it come true this time not please Jesus let it come yeah let it come the bill collectors in US and I come from my money okay the mortgage might say I'm gonna hear your story because before you send my money to DB I need you to pay me for it okay let me tell you what made the difference to me like I can I can never stop quoting the scripture when I came into the scripture of problems xi was 9b and changed my whole life my whole life change through knowledge shall just be delivered and with the Holy Spirit delicately showed me is that anyone who subscribes to those things they're trying to take a shortcut to the Word of God and they will never get to their destination trying to do that there's no scripture no scripture you'll find that didn't jesus never did it jesus never had a seed so in life Paul never had it Timothy never had it none of them John the Revelator never had it okay Peter never had a thousand dollar line no read the Gospels read the Old Testament everything was based on knowledge every form of deliverance every time Israel was about to be attacked by the enemies in the Old Testament they went to God for knowledge what was most father what should we do should we pursue that or should we sit still did God was acquiring a seed from them never you've never read it when when the Israelites went to fight more happened Amalekites he says go boost did he say give me a see know what you would see is they fast and the fast brought a revelation from God because go get after the fast quad send a prophet to prophesy you shall go and restore everything that you are Oh or take all the enemy but you never see you never you never see with Jehoshaphat when the Syrian I'm not assuming I mean when are the ammonites the Moabites and the children of non sailors coming after you never saw the Bible says that Jehoshaphat was so afraid and I'm damn tired Judah fasts you never hear he collects a scene I never end up never read it I never read when not gotten that trouble okay and when Abraham his uncle went to petition God for him to get him more of Sodom and Gomorrah God didn't say give me a seed for this no he didn't say no he didn't know so what I'm saying to you can never ever never take my way next thing they ask you for see it now am I saying don't give see every Church need to be supported every church named Kai Knights to pay people to pay but if they saying to you give a seed so got to meet you needing heal you don't do it go to the Word of God through knowledge shut that just beat the nerman deliverance is going to come so the scriptures to the Word of God through the application of it I've done it many have done it then that's why a lot of look like what I didn't I was on a break and given up on God but I didn't I kind what I did I stuck it out and I finally came across that particular scripture and I took it from there and every success in my life particularly that in this program came through spiritual knowledge through knowledge shall the just be deliver some encouraging you tonight to to don't take I know your situation may be pressing but that does not mean that you need to take a shortcut and a shortcut me and you notice these guys mommy's coming late late in the night like three four o'clock in the morning where they know you opting in but I even pay these bills and as fellows gonna come on TV if you have you sent to this miracle water and you drink it or rub it on your for you know in a back your hair or whatever God is gonna give you the certain nice just nonsense witchcraft Oh be a poodle get out of here please things come laden with demons get a motor down no even order it cut off a TV actually go in the scriptures you begin to read the Word of God Father speak to my spirit guide my heart Lord your word declares that there are many ideas in a man's heart but only your console shall prevail problems nineteen restores who Lord let your console dictate and dominate my life from this I give you full authority to let that which you have console before the foundation of the world concerning me let that man of of my life anything untrue did that fly the would let it feel in my life even if I want it because I'd know if it's not from you it can be trouble to pay man your word declares in probably 16 verse 25 who says that there are many so there so we and to us that we see him right but you promise you guarantees in this scripture in this law that even though this way may seem right to us we are guaranteed failure and I don't want to say you're not so the fact if I'm in love with this place love not mine to yet oh I won this job that I haven't caught me yet but if this is not your console for me because I know according to the scripture but the end is going to be then removed my desire from it and now realign me with the right passion and desire for butchery of caught me to be a part of but I do not want to be a part of something that has contrarily to your law that is contrary to your well because you promised in your word proverbs 16 verse 25 that the end thereof of what seems right to me will end in death or destruction and I don't want to be destroyed so let your console guide me let your console leave me father every weight that has on me in the realm of the Spirit every burden that is not of you release me from it release my mind initially and I release me spiritually and physically so I could read your word without interruption so I could focus and concentrate and meditate upon your word the Bible says to us make a finish for true this thing the Bible says to us in our Psalms chapter 1 it says pessimist of man that that I don't sit in the seat of the scornful and whatever and I love verse 2 and I said he and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water watch this now that will bring forth his circle at word his food in his season I love that we run by that all the time so this is my prayer father father I don't want somebody else food in their season no no no no align me to where I will encounter or collide with my fruit in my season my food your word says and I shall be like a tree if I meditate upon your word yeah this world if I meditate upon your word he says that that said I will begin to produce my food in my season I will be like a tree planted by the rivers of water no tree by the wilderness of water mean that you will have the consistent supply of God meeting your knees but how is what is gonna happen let's go back up in the scriptures and it says the man that meditate day and night I'm reading the Word of God I'm going to understand it I may not move it though and vow an or let me but in tomorrow because as I'm reading the word which is spiritual I'm feeding my spirit man so it may not make sense to me but you know I cannot make sense because when I give it to these conversation just like I'm doing now the scriptures just become verbatim I never sit down and practice them and never sit down and write them down to sound like I know the word no no the Holy Spirit responsible for that the scripture said the Holy Spirit when bring to your remembrance the things of Christ which is his word so I don't have to go reciting scripture to remember to impress you no no no no my job is to get it in me and this is good and he's gonna fight you so I'm gonna so while you want to fast you're gonna read read read read read read I don't care where you read from but I would prefer you read from the book of Proverbs but just keep reading really Kevin I didn't read four scriptures and guess what I don't remember that my read no more but not you ain't feeding a physical man remember you would really respect your spiritual and your spiritual food is the Word of God scripture says that the Spirit of God Jesus Christ that split became flesh this is his word so you feel yourself feed it every day every day even if you read one two verses a day don't ever leave your house no ever let a day go by without you getting some food in your spiritual system which is the Word of God because every day you eat physical food to take care of your physical body so why are you being malnourished by not feeding a spiritual man to the one of God which is spirit so I'm done tonight I think I've given you more than enough tips to get on that fast man get on that fast when I start - next week I'm gonna do a tree they drive fast but I can't wait I can't wait I team's a brutal one last three days drive fast my god boy I was tough but listen I was determined and listen the spiritual and colors for are incredible and that's one of the things I look forward to when I start the fast I mean the spiritual where I'm just become alive when I love that because I when I go to that spiritual world I go in there with confidence and the confidence is the Word of God I began to lick those scriptures when they come in review them headaches and all that greater is He that is in me than hidden sin the world I love that scripture I can do all things especially getting over the static during the fast I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I am the head and not the tail above only and not believe I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and during this fast I'm gonna repeat proverbs 11 verse 31 probably never most everyone says that the righteous which is me and you it says that the righteous shall be recompense in the earth so much more the wicked and the sinner the scripture says that the expectation of the righteous is gladness or the expectation after my fast I expect gladness yeah there'd be some bumps along the road yeah they can throw some javelin at me to discourage me but forget them because I know what the end result it is going to be the Bible says you know Hebrews chapter 11 verse 35 it says cast not away your confidence for it is this confidence I shall work for you a great recompense of reward God is gonna recompense you but in this case he says great the word recompense means to give you the equivalent of what you've lost in the past McCall says I'm not gonna give you the equivalent I said a great recompense of reward according to Hebrews 11 and 35 the word great means to go beyond so he said am I gonna give you equivalent I'm gonna exceed that to confirm it a corny vision 3 verse 20 he says I God will do exceedingly and abundantly and above all that you could ever ask think according to the power that worketh in you mrs. power Kevin well according to Roman's to the latter part of that chapter it's Paul says I'm not afraid or shame of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the problem is the power of gospel of Jesus Christ for is the power that worketh unto salvation that would also means deliverance like no seed often don't make me get on that again I scarce on my man I'm nonsense don't see it get the Word of God in you and see we'll come to you get the Word of God noon those things that you were once running behind shall not run after you the scripture says in Matthew chapter 6 verse 33 it says seek ye first make this primary in your life make this the principle of your life seek ye first the kingdom of God what he says now because it could be a reversal in the realm of the Spirit the order has changed he says seek ye first the kingdom and all these things what are these things the things you were once running behind will now come after you you see then and we apply the law you make the law work for us the enemy wants you to go against the law how do you do that by violating the scriptures one of the most greatest and most grievous violations is I fit in six and twelve it clearly says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but everyday we cuss and I'm talking about our neighbor brother system you are fighting class really glad you're in violation of the scripture at that point your enemy may be at you spiritually and of course will take shape in your life because the word says in proverbs 26 verse 2 it says that the curse causeless cannot come but if you're violating the scripture having recourse to come upon you so right now you should ask what father I repent by small in these laws I'm hearing tonight all of these scriptures that this young man is giving me I was in direct violation of your law I did cause on my mind just Edinboro I did talk evil about my boss I did all those things I was fighting flesh I was in violation of the Ephesian section 12 where you clearly dictate that I must not wrestle or my fight is not against flesh and blood that's what you said in your word but you also said in your word in 2nd Corinthians 4:18 it says that we must not focus on the things that are seeing instead we ought to focus and make our attention on the things that are not seen for the things that are not seen are eternal dear spiritual so father we repent right now for focusing in an area that we have no business fighting which is physical instead Lord realign reassess our attention on the unseen world such as the spirit of jealousy the spirit of pride the spirit of fornication musk adultery the spirit of setback delay the spirit of poverty and furmity these are the things that we ought to be challenging so father God during this fast during this time with you empower me through your word to don't to not fight people but to fight the spirits are encouraging and influencing and mentoring these people to challenge your servants you have a great night I hope that she was blessed by this what was supposed to be a very brief teaching but I felt incumbent to come and share this with you for those who are going on a fast those who are considering it then what your main focuses should be on this fast you have a blessed night in the mighty and matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen and
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 53,093
Rating: 4.8864355 out of 5
Keywords: Fasting, Judgement, Spiritual warfare, Spiritual insight, Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Spirit world, Spirit realm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 34sec (5314 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2017
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