Canguro English live homeschool | Monday 16th March

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hello everybody and welcome to the first day of kangaroo English homeschooling I hope that you are all well I hope that you are all safe and I hope that your friends and family are not you know terribly affected by the horrible virus situation that we have at the moment I'm I'm so excited to see so many people here from from all over the world I received lots of emails and messages from from teachers from from all over the world and in general in general I noticed that the the level of of the students is kind of low level to intermediate level so today's class okay today's class the first the first 45 minutes to 1 hour okay so the first hour approximately will be will be a low level low to intermediate level okay for for for low level students and then after that I'm going to answer some more advanced questions okay so for the first for the first 45 minutes to 1 I will be speaking very slowly we will be doing some very kind of basic stuff okay and then after that more advanced okay so if you are and if you're an advanced student then maybe you want to come back in an hour okay I want to say hello first to all of the children okay all of the primary school children and high school children that are affected by by the virus okay I know I know that it's that it's awesome there's no school no school it's awesome but we never stop learning okay learning isn't learning is not sitting in class memorizing things okay learning is being curious curiosity is learning so that's what you need for the next for the next two weeks for the next month okay you just you only need curiosity curiosity is how all children learn okay children break things children pull the legs off insects children fall over children do all of these things because of the curiosity so that's what you need today okay so no more talking no more talking from crucial no more talking from Christian let's let's let's begin the class okay so today today we are going to do a class about a virus okay we're going to do a class about a virus but this you okay apologies okay I figured it out apologies apologies okay remember this is live okay technical technical problems okay so this is a unicorn virus and and what happens is this is you before this is you normally and this is this is you with this horrible virus here okay this is the virus and when you catch the virus then then you grow you grow a big horn out of your head and this is this this is this is a virus that can affect anybody with the horn and and also you when you have when you have the unicorn horn you you become you become addicted to rainbows okay so all you want to do the only thing you want to do is just play in rainbows okay it's a hot it's a horrible virus like a horrible virus and but but you you you don't have the virus okay you are safe from the virus in fact you are living in a basement okay you are sorry let me I'll put this back on here okay you are living in our basement a basement do you know what do you know what a basement is okay so let me figure out I do this a resin so if you have a house or a building okay the basement is under the ground okay here's the front door so this is your basement here okay so you are living in a basement under the house so it's you here okay there's you and some other people okay so it's you and maybe and maybe your your your best friend your best friend and maybe maybe your enemy I don't know I don't know okay so yes you're living you're living in the basement now remember that outside the basement okay so out here out here in the real world these are all of the people affected by the unicorn virus okay the unicorn people okay so but but here you are you're safe down in the basement okay safe in the basement now the first thing the first thing I want you to do is I want you to describe this basement okay oops describe the basement now to describe the basement we are going to use some adjectives okay we're going to use some some adjectives now remember remember you are living in this basement for maybe a week or two weeks or one month or maybe years maybe years living in the basement so what is the basement is it is it decorated is it is it is it what's another what's another question we can ask is it decorated or is it kind of industrial right you know is it only is it only you know pipes and joobs and and and maybe a boiler maybe for for the heating maybe now now we know we know that that in English we have adjective plus noun okay so the adjective goes before the noun so let's try let's try to make a full sentence okay a complete sentence like for example it is objective okay it is what okay so let's have a look at some let's have a look at some responses here we've got some great some great adjectives here okay so we have creepy and spacious oops that's not the right key oops spacious it is claustrophobic all right I'm not I'm not a good typist as you can see it's claustrophobic it is okay it's gray and dusty I like it what else have we got here okay it's also wide and cold some some great some great adjectives here creepy okay creepy is like a synonym for scary right if a place is dark and cold and [Music] there's noises scratching noises and creepy noises okay that's creepy with ghosts and there's some other spacious okay spacious lots of space okay that's a great adjective claustrophobic claustrophobic means that it's very kind of tight okay and small and you feel you feel trapped you feel like there's no space claustrophobic and spacious are opposites basically okay gray gray and dusty I have a confession to make a confession okay my desk my desk is very dusty so for example look this is my speaker here you can see my speaker well this this is my my my little notebook and look there's lots of dust dusty and also widen cold okay so cold I think is easy wide narrow wide narrow okay some great some great adjectives here okay so you can you can see in the comments there's lots of great adjectives okay nice nice so here you are down here you are down in your basement okay with the unicorn the unicorn virus people here okay outside outside but there's a problem there's a little problem okay you have no supplies supplies supplies are things like our food food is supplies water is supplies batteries supplies are things that you need to survive okay you have no supplies this is a big problem this is a big problem so we have to erase the how can I erase this okay here we go so what you need to do is you need to leave the basement we'll go this way you need to leave the basement and go to the shop okay this is very important you have you need supplies okay you need to go to the shop it could be a shopping center okay with different types of shops okay it could have a supermarket okay it could have a hardware shop so hardware is things like tools okay tools like hammers let's look at some whoops no that's not the right one let's let's have a look and see about your vocabulary here I turn this off okay let's let's let's do some vocabulary okay so who can tell me what this thing is called as you can see I am a fantastic artist I I went to to art school for many many years oh I went to art school for for thirty thirty years to learn how to draw this this object so who can tell me what this is very good guys okay so that is indeed indeed indeed indeed that is a hammer okay that is a hammer look at my writing it's beautiful hammer okay let's do a different tool okay a different tool what about this one here again I went to art school for many many years to learn how to draw like this okay maybe that's not a good drawing I'm trying I'm trying here okay and that goes with this thing okay look at that isn't that beautiful okay look at that so so what what are these these two objects here these charges here well ago V gurveer Singh has been very specific and called it a claw hammer which is very good so this here this is the claw like a bear a bear has claws when my my wife in the morning has claws okay so very good very good we have we have a lot of people with the correct answer okay so this is a screw driver okay a screw driver and we have this is this is two words right because this here this is the screw okay and drive okay so we're driving driving driving screw driver okay there's a screw driver and okay okay maybe maybe it does it does look similar to a military tank yeah this is my drawing of a tank okay here's a tank Haggar best artist in the world okay this is a tank oh boy oh boy okay and one one final one final one here what do you call this thing because this is probably very important in a zombie and not a zombie in a unicorn with the unicorn virus what do you call this thing maybe that's not a good picture and you can use it you can use it to make a hole right you can use it to make a hole this this beautiful thing very good guys very good a lot of people a lot of people know what this is called this is called a shovel okay so I noticed a lot of people are also using the word Spade okay so in general in general okay a spade has a square head okay like this it's square and this one is round okay and this one is big big and this one is small more or less okay more or less important tools important tools okay so now we are going to make a shopping list okay so remember you are living you're living in the basement you are living in the basement under the house away from the unicorns okay you are going to escape go to the shopping center okay the shopping the shopping center or in American English they will call it the store okay there's store is is more common in American English okay same difference shopping center restore okay so you're going to go to the you're going to go to the shopping center or the store and we're going to make a shopping list okay so I want ten things we're gonna do we're gonna start with we're gonna start here with five so I want to start by by adding tape to the list tape do you know what tape is this is my tape okay this is this is the best tape this is a gaffer tape okay it's this is this is the best because you don't need scissors to cut this tape you can just tear it like this okay beautiful and look it's it's it's square okay gaffer tape now let's look at the pronunciation of tape what about the difference between tape and tap ok tap and tap so you can see that tap is ah-ah-ah and tape is a a ok but this this e the e is not pronounced ok it's not pronounced so if we have if we have consonant okay consonant and then vowel and then consonant this one in general will be short okay so we have turn ah / okay tap so it's consonant vowel consonant this one here is short tap but if we have consonant vowel consonant vowel okay normally an e okay normally an e at the end then this one will be long like for example a okay so if if you have consonant vowel consonant vowel normally this effects this here okay it makes it long like the alphabet a/e I owe you for let's look at another ELISA let's look at another example for example let's look at these two okay so this one will be short okay and this one will be long hat Hey okay let's let's look at let's look at another one another example with a different ending what about this okay let's look at that short long bet Beata okay so this vowel here makes this one long okay now this is in general okay in general in general not not a not a hard rule in general okay so let's let's make our shopping list so I have started with tape so now I want I want to see guys I want you to give me to give me the shopping list let's say let's go let's do this so many different types of tape electrical tape masking tape sell the tape packing tape okay Victoria rogoff's Kerr has added something very important here okay toilet roll it's true I mean even okay so I live I live in a very very very small I live in a small small town in in the middle of nowhere and this I took this I took this photograph at my supermarket look nothing there's the there's no products in the supermarket the supermarket is basically empty even I look this is this is the pasta okay you can see a majority of the pasta is is gone it's and milk also milk look at this there's no milk it's a problem it's a problem okay let's have a look at some more comments here okay so Oh noodles noodles are very important let me switch back here yes noodles so noodles are similar to spaghetti but Asian okay it's Asian spaghetti noodles and they're fantastic because it's easy to prepare easy to prepare okay someone says an electric generator electric generator who was that let me have a look here electric generator electric generator where where our are we I'm a little bit lost here sorry no there's too many I can't find I can't find who that was apologies lots of great lots of fantastic suggestions here soap also very important okay also very very important soap right which is very different from this one okay you do not wash your hands you don't wash your hands with soup unless maybe I don't know unless maybe unless you're desperate okay it's so oh I love I love the movement look at that oh yeah and there's this there's lots of people with great great suggestions fantastic suggestions about about about some ideas so some of my favorites let me let me just let me just delete this so 910 okay where's my mask on here I like this one birthday cake of course when when we when we are in the basement we need we need things to make us feel happy right we need happy things ooh okay what about this power sad mole also very important very very important because yeah paracetamol is is good for all of the unicorn the unicorn headaches yeah a lot of people talking about disinfectant right this in fact as well very important very important internet that's not that's not really a thing that's not really a thing okay what about honey honey honey is good because it does not expire so expire means to to go bad to go off to become inedible right does not expire and of course finally number ten number ten is pizza force because let me let me just talk life without Pizza is not life of course so now let's continue let's continue our our little story okay so you you have arrived at the shops okay here you are and you have your bag of things okay your big big bag of things and outside are all of the unicorn people okay now now here okay here in the the Attic okay so we have basement basement and attic below and above okay with basement attic so here in the Attic let me just let me just write this a bit a bit nicer apologies okay here here in the Attic we have some other people okay some other people who are not affected they're not affected by the unicorn virus okay they're they're not affected by the unicorn virus and you want to help them you want to to tell them where you're hiding okay you want to leave them a note okay so you're going to leave them a note here okay and the note will say where who you are where you live where you live and whatever else you want okay whatever else you want be creative I can be creative this is your moment to to write a note so here in in the YouTube comments okay you have 200 characters okay a short note and to do this okay to do this we can use present simple and present continuous there no yeah so what's what's the difference between present simple and Present continuous okay so let's have a look here okay so this is time I should have done a bit higher apologies time okay time now if we have okay a moment a moment in time then we can use we can use present simple present continuous past continuous present perfect etc etc okay it's a question of perspective okay English tenses are about perspective so let's let's have a look at our whoops let's have a look at present simple okay so the simple tense is something that it exists here okay the present simple the present simple is independent of time totally independent of time it is something which is true okay something which is a fact for example for example present simple I am Australian I'm Australian this is this is a true fact okay it's independent of time I am tall at all independent of time true facts okay present simple what about let me arrange this right this is okay here we go what about the continuous okay the continuous or it's also called the progressive okay so we can say present continuous or present progressive look at this progress okay present continuous is talking about an action in progress we are here we are here living in the moment okay we are watching this this happened it's experiencing this thing happening right now this is this is the present continuous present progressive so you would say I'm Australian my name is Christian they're true right they're true but but let's look at the progressive okay there comes in u.s. progressive okay we would say i am living in our basement oops I am living in a basement right because it's uh it's it's it's a temporary thing right here we are at this moment at this moment in time temporarily living in a basement I'm I'm not living in a basement as a true permanent permanent true fact it's because of the unicorn virus I'm living in a basement so leave a note so now I want to see your creativity please please I want to see your creativity I want you to write a note and and leave it for leave it for the people this one for example I love this one let me just see if I can make it a bit smaller okay here we go look at this okay how can I make it smaller and there we go there we go look at that I'm living in a basement over there now it's unicorn free what a fantastic adjective its unicorn free you can grab some pizza and come by if you don't have horns yet so good okay I love this I love this piece of vocabulary okay a grab so you know we have different some different verbs which are similar like grab pick ha take catch this is a common common question okay the difference between catch and pickup okay this these two these two these two words here so grab and pick up and take very very similar very very similar meanings right grab and pick up a tape very similar catch catch with an object okay with with an object catch is only only if the object is in the air okay catch you cannot okay you cannot catch this pen okay no because it's it's not in the air okay this is not catching this is picking up look okay it's no coincidence grab also grab also means you know fast and quick okay that's the difference pick up grab grab is fast grab is quick okay let's have a look at some more some more notes let's have a look at some more notes okay this one is from Thomas Beale insky okay I am so stressed by sitting here in basement for so long I need more toilet paper buy it for me please I'd be very nice of you I am desperate okay so it's that is really good okay it's really good I I understand it perfectly okay there's some little little little problems okay here we have something missing here there is a little problem something missing right who can tell me who can tell me what's what's missing here I'm so stressed by sitting here in basement for so long what's missing who knows okay so we have we have a few different a few different options here and it's really interesting right it's really interesting that we have basically three possibilities right let's look at the three possibilities we have our verb and this other and this okay what's the difference what's the difference between art and the and this so ah okay let's imagine that we have this thing okay this is a thing anything could be anything right this thing now this person here okay they this is the thought okay so this person knows the thing okay this person knows the thing this person here they don't know the thing okay they're like what thing what thing what thing now if you know the thing if you know the thing that we can use the okay because the is specific okay when I say there it's similar to this it's saying the thing okay the thing that I know in my head the thing but this person he they don't know the thing they're going to use our or arm okay because it's not specific we don't know the thing so for me okay for me because because this this are this note okay this this this note is in our shop okay and the people okay they don't know they don't know me they don't know my situation they don't know anything it's more correct okay it's more natural to say our basement because the other people okay these people these people they don't know okay they don't know though they don't know the basement okay and this again so this this is also it's also specific right this basement this basement but then it's a note you know I can't I can't say this basement it's a note so okay I need more talk about by for me please I'd be very nice of you there is there is one more little problem okay one little one more little problem here okay I'd be very nice of you let's let's have a look at at this okay so I'd could be where's my equal sign here it could be I would or it could be I had two possibilities two possibilities for this so it depends it depends on the verb after okay it depends on the verb after I would be correct I had B no no no no no impossible impossible so there we go I would be very nice of you okay but it doesn't make sense unfortunately okay because we're saying I would be nice of you I would be nice of you known not I not I okay so let's let's think about the let's think about the logic okay so let's say it's a nice thing okay he's the he's the the nice thing you gave me a present you gave me pizza you gave me you gave me a massage okay there's the nice thing okay now here's me okay this is me so do we want to say I would be nice of you or it would be nice of you okay this this is the nice thing this is not the nice thing okay so it would be it would be very nice of you it would be okay okay let's have a look at another note because I did see a very funny note from G Gian Luca Suffredini I love it I love it okay let's look at just one more okay we're gonna do one more and then we're going to go to some questions from the audience okay so hi I'm living in a basement near here oh and look look at the article I'm living in a basement good job you can come taking some good food don't come if you're a complaint e person ooh it's very good it's very good again again just two too little too little baby-baby problems okay so this is the problem here taking some good food okay so again love drawing the picture okay so here is place okay here's a place now if I do this it would be to bring bringing is going towards the place and if we move in this direction then this would be to take okay bring towards the place and take away from the place now it depends on your perspective right so if I'm here I would say bring see I'm living in a basement so we would say bringing some good food because my perspective is here right my perspective is here but imagine imagine if my perspective is here imagine if I say I live in a basement you can go from the shops taking some good food right because now now the perspective is correct right so the place is the shops the places the shops and you're taking it away from the shop to the basement okay so it's a question of perspective okay perspective so many things in language our perspective honestly okay and this one this is my final this is my the final thing okay final thing a complaint he person love this okay so there's a rule in English okay where we have noun noun plus y equals adjective fantastic rule a beautiful rule right so for example we can say we can say complain would be plus y would be complain me complain me now sometimes sometimes we have irregular adjectives irregular adjectives okay that don't they don't follow this rule okay complainy I mean complaining you can say complaining I understand you perfectly right I understand you perfectly but it's not the most common not not the most common form of this adjective actually I would say that we would most likely we would say a complaining complaining person okay it's like a you know or you could say a whiner a whinger a or a compote you can use this as you can use this as a noun okay if you are a complainer okay or as rag as rughead hobbitses if you are fussy or whiny yeah again so so you know we have multiple multiple forms multiple forms okay so listen let's let's talk about some homework okay a little bit of a little bit of homework for the some homework for the lower levels okay so I have this unicorn story okay this unicorn story and it is called it is called the flying deer wait yep okay it's called the flying unicorn by Jessica Goodall where Dana and Nicola Pereira okay you can easily find this story on the internet it's a great story very short like five paragraphs and for example this is the this is the first paragraph here okay she was a very special unicorn and her tribe considered her one of the greatest creatures in the world for Sarah had wings and she could fly okay so lots of very simple vocabulary okay so reading is very important okay very important for your English okay reading is is a great thing you can do okay so please Google Google this this story I'm going to put I'm going to put a link to the story down below okay I'm also going to put a link to a worksheet that I made for this class okay it's a worksheet about the unicorn virus for teachers or for anybody who wants to who wants to do this at home okay so come back come back later when this class is finished and we can we can you can download you can download the worksheet and you can also download the the story again the unicorn story okay so it's time it's time to move to a more advanced level okay so so if there's any students here okay any intermediate to advanced students or really students of any level if you have if you have a specific question okay about grammar or vocabulary or how to learn English if you have a specific question tell me in the chat okay tell me in the chat and I will send you a link to a zoom classroom where we can talk okay so I'm going to I'm going to to to wait for you I'm gonna wait for you to wait for somebody to to tell me their specific problems okay not not all of their problems you know just their just their language problems not their personal problems although hey if you want to tell me your personal okay so so if if there's anybody here who wants to talk to me right now on zoom' okay then I just want you to just right tell me what it is you say hey I want to know about this and then I can send you a link to the zoom classroom okay so I need to know what your problem is first okay I'm going to wait very patiently for okay let's okay I mean Hardy so I think there's there's an interesting question here from I mean the Hardy okay I mean a Hardy I am happy to I'm happy to answer your question I'm gonna call you on zoom' okay if you if you have zoom installed so if you want to so that I can send you the link privately okay send me an email here send me an email here and I can send you the link to the zoom classroom okay okay here we go here we go okay okay okay [Music] okay so this is the this is the super interesting part of the class obviously okay so I look I think guys there's lots of there's lots of great questions here so just send me an email okay send me an email to to my address here so that I can like so that I can email you the link okay that's all you have to do okay just send me an email and I'll send you a link we can we can chat on Zoom I would love to hear from I would love to hear from where is the original I would love to hear from whoever is I mean a hardy asking about couldn't able to okay okay let's let's um let's see if we can talk to Roberto okay this is my email address this is my email address okay I'm just waiting for I'm just waiting for our first guest to join let's see let's see how it goes here hello sir can you can you hear me now I hear you back I able to see you yes unfortunately because my camera is being used for youtuber the YouTube I can't use it also for zoom I'm sorry dad worried so please tell me introduce yourself I am Roboto 40 okay I'm b1 plus a student and and now I in this lesson last week I tried by Skype the connection was really bad because all Italian citizen are connected holidays yes of course the internet is under enormous pressure right yes and morning is a little bit so I just would you like you if you can explain better the difference between so in such in a freezer when I have to use such or such are so ok ok no problems well well actually I don't know if it's possible are you using a telephone to for this company yes okay well I'm sorry that you can't see the video at the same time I apologize worried but basically there's actually three well for four different possibilities right because we have I'm going to just switch here to my writing pad we have so and we have such and then we have such a yes yes okay such as so and so let's start let's start with the words are so okay so when when you use the word so can can you give me an example of the word so in a sentence I'm sorry taken back okay okay good so I'm just going to type this out I am so excited so in this in this sentence I'm so excited what what type of of word is it like what is it what is it doing in this sentence so I am explain more Van Van Van I am excited that is something I saw in I see I am so excited when I I'm more than excited exactly exactly very good so it's it's about it's about making the adjective more intense right we're intensifying that I Joseph like so excited so so happy so so unicornia right yes but can you can you think of any other ways where we use the word so can you think of a different sentence different way to you so let me a second is so a difficult moment for Italy for all world in this moment because of coronavirus iris okay okay so like you know now now I can understand your your difficulty right okay okay so because he spanish okay sure sure okay well listen basically the answer really simple so we use so directly with the adjective so you would say yes I'm so excited so happy whatever but when we use such right yes then we need to use it with a noun okay okay so you would say for example I am such an idiot right okay you know what I mean because because in this case we're not intensifying an adjective we're intensifying a noun okay oh really it's so easy miss way yeah so so so basically before you said that I think you said that right now this is such a difficult moment exactly exactly very good okay okay okay easy very thinking this way is easier yeah yeah so that's very different but but we can also use so in in a conversation to make like a little break right you could say yes yes yes listening so another way I mean for example the last time for long Lucifer leaks I mean I mean I mean so I understand what there is like so right yeah but basically so it's it's an it doesn't really have a meaning what it does is it tells it tells the other person that you want to change the subject yes suppose between each yeah it's like so yeah okay this is this is boring let's do the next one right like that that's the idea thank you so much thank you thank you it was a pleasure to talk to you sir yes I follow you from since a lot of fear sir when I start my English journey and I'm so happy to add that mr. Chan sir thank you so much No thank you sir I appreciate it thank you bye bye I may go bye-bye wow he was he was super cool awesome awesome that was that was really nice that was mr. Roberto so cool okay let's send a link to Pablo now we're gonna talk hopefully we're going to talk to Pablo best DJed oh what a great name yeah okay so let's um request it from aureole who wants to know about with such and such as okay so I'm so excited such a um I like the Italian food I should probably put my screen on shouldn't I such as pizza okay so in this case such as equals for example okay you can substitute such as for example I like Italian food for example pizza or I like Italian food such as pizza it's a perfect um it's a perfect perfect synonym more or less right I am such a pizza lover say this is one piece of liver pizza lover okay so I am just waiting to see if we are going to be joined by we're going to be joined by another guest now [Music] interesting okay let's have a look so I haven't seen any sign of life from from Pablo unfortunately so okay so I am going to see if I can talk to Adam let's see if we can talk to Adam about direct and indirect questions I'm excited about direct and indirect questions actually I'm just thinking it's been it's been a long time since I since they taught kind of a grammar class you know so maybe maybe someone will ask me a question and and I'll be I don't know I have no idea you know some sometimes I get emails from people asking about if they can move to Spain and have classes with me you know or if they can have intense classes with me for four six weeks or two months and you know look you can see that I'm not doing anything special at all you know I am NOT an English teaching guru this is this is basic stuff this is stuff that that we you know that we know we know how to teach and learn languages okay it's just it's a question of practice okay you know if if if you come to to my school this is what I do okay look at this this is nothing special there's basic stuff so you know I'm you know I want I want you to know that there's no secrets right - to this it's all of the all of the really boring stuff right work hard and and and be consistent and just use it just use it all the time that's it that's it no magic formula okay so I have not heard from that person either okay let's let's see if I can get okay let me see who else sure let's see if we can get join us on the line so outlook as I said before this is my first my first attempt at live streaming talking to other students so I think that this this experience can definitely be improved okay okay let's see who we have here Adam hello can you hear me Adam I cannot see you and I cannot hear you so yeah I think maybe you need to you need to turn on your camera turn on your microphone so I have a question here from Wahid Allah honey fee who says that his boss told him that he was green and he wants to know what does it mean what does it mean if you're green it's a good question basically green means that you are naive you are you have no experience you are yeah an experienced an amateur basically okay so we've also been joined by Jonas but again unfortunately it seems as if Jonas can you hear me hello [Music] so I have two people here in my zoom room but I unfortunately cannot see or hear either of them so yeah that's great let's hello Jonas can you hear me Adam can you hear me good how are you I can I can I can't see you I can only hear you okay no problems yeah cuz um okay hello sir how are you I can I can see you now perfectly yes unfortunately you can't see me because I'm using my camera for YouTube yeah but I'm but please tell me so how can I help you but I have some doubts because the when I performed is that kind of exam I get some frustration I I want to from you that you as your teacher watching we recommend a to continue Sturge out from for the exam I needed to find out another way to get your fluency because I think that this kind of the exam is a kind of defect some the other two earning money because Sicily I have some much problem but there are some part of that salmon like user English that you needed to perform some interpretation you need to read a long test you need to find out your correct answer for me our anti 50 minutes is not a good enough time for doing that what's your opinion about this yeah so so listen exams English exams are really not designed to test your level of English okay English I have to remove echoing yeah yeah apology so yeah English exams basically are designed to test your ability to pass the exam okay okay and and and we know that we know that because if you take a native speaker and you put them in an exam situation they don't get a perfect score okay so okay it's not about it's not about your level of English it's about the preparation that you do for that specific exam right sorry you know if if you want to if you want to get good marks in an exam then you need to know the format of the exam you need to plan your time really well you need to know what you know what type of vocabulary they want you to to learn and they have so that's why they have like official official books for the examined because really it's it's about passing that specific thing it's not about your general level of English okay now I'm working but but imagine imagine you go to the exam especially if you're talking about the first certificate or IELTS you know good like a high-level exam I came to pass an exam like that you you need to know about the world a little bit right because okay these exams have open questions so maybe they'll say what do you think about crime and punishment do you think that criminals should be put in prison forever or do you think the criminals should be you know rehabilitated etc etc now yes my to answer this question part of it is yes you need the English grammar and the English vocabulary etc but you also need to have some ideas right you need to have the rules and creativity some imagination you need to know how you really personally feel about this subject yes and so and so apart apart from knowing about the format of the exam and knowing about the vocabulary of the exam you also need to just be curious about the world in general right yes right you know yes I mean what's what can I ask what what's your objective in in in passing this exam what why do you want to do it I I said to my goal about the exam because they my mentor they cursed wretch de classe the English class that I have been starched there he prepared myself for it if I do next okay but my taste is not to get a good score or to show that she I have the International certificate from Cambridge my intention to get to get fluency because of it is I I dedicate to myself every day okay not you only one hour but three hours I like to read about too many things for instance in economy health system coronavirus that she writes fragile where nowadays okay but she last yesterday when I was performed exome I got totally free states I think that child I lost more than six hours to perform that some is bad i I think that I I there is a there are another possibility which I I could do many things different things yeah well well listen this this this is my opinion okay my opinion is that um but basically I I don't want you to think that the exam is a measure of your fluency okay okay because there are lots of students out there who have c1 who cannot communicate I know I know you know this right you know and I also on the other hand I know lots of students who fail these exams who have fantastic English right yes right if if if you're using the exam to kind of motivate yourself and to have an objective for the future I think that's great but please do not use the exam to say yes I'm fluent right you know okay you know that you're fluent when you can have a conversation with me what you're doing is right now okay yeah and that's it you know I mean there's no there's nobody who can give you the stamp and say you're fluent right yeah it's it's just a question of can you do the things that you want to do yes yeah yeah I following are you're using Instagram you post many talks about that that she burned a the books don't like that yeah cheated I think that I burn - Jesus Christ is not nothing it Thanks I think that you had fun to communicate out sighs you have many possibility to get fluency okay and the result is much better then look that you richly aha holy angel boring text in order to find out you the corrections not make any sense my appeal yeah yeah exactly exactly I mean you know you know how difficult it is to study English and yes and if it's and if it's boring oh my god it's even more difficult so yeah well I I hope that I hope that I may be answered your question a little bit I hope yes you answer thank you so much for your kindness and your time as well thank you so it was a pleasure to talk to you me meet you bye bye teacher bye bye I'll speak to you later you know you're my buddy oh okay yeah that was super cool super cool guy okay okay okay I'm going to talk to I'm gonna talk to let's see who else is here [Music] let's have a look here see if we can talk to this person here okay I'm going to just do one more I'm just gonna send a message to one more person yeah we're gonna see to see if we can get someone one final student online but yes I need to I need to improve this this experience for the for the future okay Ruslan has a very good point here the reversal has a very good point about the pronunciation of of can't it's very true okay let's have a look yeah Tony Tony 32 says it's like IQ tests if you practice you can get a high score but it doesn't mean you're a genius yeah it's very true actually I I am I bought I bought this book called intelligence by Stewart Richey which is a book that I recommend it's only very short it's a short book it's got you know it's kind of easy to read and it really it really opened my understanding of what intelligence is and and what it means to be intelligent so if you are interested in if you're interested in the subject of intelligence yeah I think it's a great a great little book yeah a really nice little book so yeah unfortunately it doesn't seem as if I can I have anymore let's see okay I'm gonna try this one here as well okay so this is my final this is my final attempt to to connect with somebody I think tomorrow yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna try something different tomorrow to improve this experience so you know I like okay here we go here we go we have mr. Pablo hello Pablo can you hear me Pablo I cannot hear you your microphone is muted okay and I can't see you either I cannot hear you I cannot see you please sir can you please sir can you unmute your your microphone and turn on your video Wow well no I know me you I cannot see you ma'am hello who's speaking these can you please so can you hello mute your your microphone got a couple of connection issues unfortunately Adam I cannot hear you or see you either Pablo cannot cannot see you cannot hear you well yeah it's not really it's not really it's not really working out the the zoom thing so let me just let me just quit this okay let me just answer let me just answer one question from the people here in the in the group okay let me see if there's an interesting question here okay have a look sorry just bear with me for a moment while I am while I look for a well I look for a meaty meaty question okay so someone were earlier was asking about about can and be able to okay and this is this is a this is a really a really interesting question okay a really interesting question so let me bring up my board so let's let's have a look at modal verbs okay so modal verbs are verbs that cannot exist alone all right for example you cannot say I can I can I can what okay I can't what so a modal verb can only exist with another verb like I can run I can eat right I can swim etc okay modal verbs exist to help to give extra information okay the mode oops wrong button a modal verb gives extra information about this verb okay that's what it does the modal verb tells us things like a modal verb tells us things like probability okay probability is it 50/50 is it 70 70 30 and it also they also tell us about ability okay ability probability and ability now for example you say I can eat pizza okay that's that's talking about ability I I have the ability to eat pizza great what about this one I might eat pizza this here is talking about probability right like 5050 I could eat pizza maybe I need pizza maybe not you know I have 50/50 it's about it's about probability okay so this this is the job this is the job of the modal verb to to help verbs to give us extra information now there's two categories of modal verbs okay we have modal verbs which are true modal verbs okay and then we have what are called semi modal's so a true modal verb is a modal verb that has no conjugation no conjugation so for example might like it's impossible to say yesterday I might've oops I might add no okay there's no there's no conjugation for might might only exists in one form it's a true modal verb semi modal's are different semi modal's can be conjugated for example half do okay I have to eat all the pizza or if I if I want to talk in the past yes I can say I had to look I'm I'm conjugating this this modal verb okay so that's the difference between true modal verbs of semi modal verbs very important difference okay now let's let's look at our verbs I can I mean stop here can and could right now are they are they the same verb no no they're not they have two different meanings okay can is about ability no oh my god I can't write let me try again okay ah bility okay cat is about ability could is about probability okay so they're they're totally different totally different meanings totally different verbs and one of them is semi modal and the other one is is a true modal verb okay so could could is a true modal okay but can is a semi modal so let's let's look at some conjugations right probability I could eat pizza okay good I could eat pizza which means could eat pizza could eat salad could eat lasagna okay it's about probability about probability let's look at it if we talked about yesterday yesterday in the past right I could have eaten pizza okay so you can see here that I apologize for the quality of my writing I could have eaten pizza if we want to use if we want to use this this modal verb in the past we cannot conjugate it okay there's no conjugations I could have eaten pizza in the past probability so yesterday yesterday I could have eaten pizza could have inglis Anya high probability right future tomorrow I could eat pizza no conjugations okay the the context tells us okay the context we say tomorrow tomorrow I could eat pizza no conjugations this is a verb a true modal verb of probability now let's look at sorry I'm reading the comments now let's look at ability ability ability is a semi modal verb can so let's look at present tense I can eat pizza okay wonderful I can eat pizza I'm saying that I can do it man I have the ability whoo yeah I can do it but what about the past what about the past we can conjugate this verb we can say yesterday I could eat pizza okay so now this is not this is not this could here is not this could different could we're talking about we're talking about ability now so yeah yesterday I could eat 12 pizzas this is not probability this is the ability yesterday I had the ability to eat 12 pizzas okay not not some not not probability okay I can write I could drive if I learn how to do it hoorah so that's conditional so okay so now here's here's that here's the important question what about if we want to use in the future okay what is what is the conjugation of can what is the conjugation of this semi modal verb for the future can anybody guess can anybody guess I'll give you a clue it's in this word here I believe okay ability look I will be able to okay so the verb I gave the conjugation of can in other tenses is to be able to okay this is this is just a conjugation you can use it in the future I will be able to eat pizza in the past I was able to eat pizza these are actually synonyms right could it be able to so I yesterday I was able to eat pizza present perfect I have been able to eat pizza present perfect so that's the yeah I'm sorry I went off the screen sorry I I went off the screen down here and I apologize so anyway I hope that that that clears any misunderstandings about about can encode and be able to and so something that because someone before was asking about conditionals and but basically something something that I want to talk about tomorrow is I want to talk about how these these these these parts of language right so conditionals and modal's and relative clauses okay all of these things are constructions okay what I mean is we we cannot look at language in little pieces okay like like like like for example right for example if why is this not writing okay here's the word go right here's the word go tell me what is it is it present tense is it future is it is it part of a phrasal verb is it you know what does the word go mean right because it could be it could be it could be I will go it could be it could be for example I'll go go let me rub it out oh yeah oh yeah yeah it could be I will go out all right or maybe even it could be I go every day right now this verb okay this is present tense talking about habit here this is a future plan here this go is part of a phrasal verb which has a specific meaning of like having a party we we cannot look at language in little pieces because depending on depending on all of the other things around it changes it changes so you know all of these classes where where where students where students are forced to you know like study to do like sentence diagrams and you know it just it doesn't it doesn't help it doesn't help students okay we we need to be teaching them about about constructions and about language in about language in context not fill in the blanks and tell me what does this word mean okay so and this is this is this is part of conditional so so so basically I I want to talk more about this to talk more about this tomorrow so it's it's unfortunate that we need to meet spec yeah it's it's unfortunate that the the live chatting didn't work very well but tomorrow tomorrow so I just want to say thank you very much for watching please stay safe out there you know follow the follow the instructions of medical professionals and you know people people who know about the about the virus and how to stay safe and I'll be back tomorrow at the same time at eleven o'clock and I'm going to try something different and let's see what's let's see what's the best so please come back tomorrow with more questions and I will I will answer so lots of love guys take care out there and and yeah try and try and stay curious I'm Christian this is kangaroo English and I'll see you in class bye bye guys bye
Channel: Canguro English
Views: 32,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canguro, learning english, learn english, english teacher, english grammar, grammar, esl, linguistics
Id: xay4v6q83SA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 43sec (7063 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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