Get fluent English in 2020 | 9 tips to help you succeed at learning English

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hello and welcome to kangaroo English my name is Christian and today is Monday the best day of the week and it's a new year 2020 and I know that for a lot of people their new year's resolution is to finally succeed at learning English to get fluency and I think that that's a great objective a great goal because English is a truly useful international language but the truth is that this year just like a lot of other years most people will fail and so I want to give you 9 tips to help you to really succeed at learning English this year now something you need to know about me I don't care whether you like or subscribe to my channel I don't have an app or a website or a course to sell you I'm not interested in your money I am only interested in seeing you succeed whether this is your first time trying to learn a language or maybe you learned English at high school and you're trying to get back in or maybe you've been studying English for 10 years and you're not getting the results you want I hope that these 9 tips will help you and tip number 1 is to stop watching YouTube videos watching youtube videos will not help you to become fluent in English top 10 ways to say this top 10 vocabulary words for business this and that it's a literal waste of your time the only way that you're going to succeed at learning English through practice so get off YouTube and Facebook and Instagram and go out there into the real world and actually use your language tip number two don't believe the lies there are so many people who start their learning process by downloading an app subscribing to a website buying a course book and a lot of the marketing for these products is learn English the easy way learn English in just five minutes a day get fluent in ninety days all of those things are lies pure marketing the science and the experience of any good language teacher will prove to you that all of those things are lies and what happens is when you believe those lies when you believe that you can learn a language in five minutes a day when you believe that you can get fluent in three months you will fail and you'll give up and you will not succeed I want you to be skeptical if somebody tells you that learning English is easy they're lying if someone tells you can learn English quickly they're lying if someone tells you that they have the system they're lying now tip number three is directly related to that and that is that you need to have realistic expectations the science tells us that it will take you about 30 years to reach maximum fluency 30 years now when a lot of people hear that their first thought is are well 30 years I give up I don't have time I'll be dead in 30 years but here's the thing that is the truth and knowing that that is the truth actually gives you the freedom and the patience to succeed because I know that if you believe you will learn English in 90 days you will definitely 100% fail but if you know how long it takes how hard it is then you can prepare yourself mentally and with your motivation to really follow through for all of those days all of those years all of those weeks all of those months and enjoy the process on the way tip number four now when you download the latest language learning app or you subscribe to that website or you open that course book what you normally find are grammar exercises and vocabulary memorization exercises that's great they are part of language but they are only that grammar memorization vocabulary is a tiny part of language it is not the complete solution so you can devote a little bit a small percentage of your time to that and then devote a vast majority of your time to actually practicing and using the language tip number five forget about exams language exams are a terrible way to measure your fluency in fact language exams are not designed to measure fluency language exams only tell you how good you are at doing language exams now I can understand if you need to do an exam for maybe immigration reasons or because you need to travel or go to university that's fine but realize that it's just a piece of paper just a certificate for that specific purpose the only real way to measure fluency is to say I can have conversations I can understand when people speak to me I can write emails and read books and do all the things that I want to do they are the true measures of fluency sitting in exam doesn't tell you anything tip number six stop trying to be a native speaker most courses and apps and YouTube videos try to push you towards this magical goal of being a native speaker native speaker accents native speaker grandma native speaker mmm culture but guess what you are not a native speaker stop trying to achieve something that is impossible to achieve you are wasting your time and your energy you do not need to be like a native speaker to have successful communication to have opportunities to travel to work to study all of those things do not require you to imitate somebody from another country your English will be a result of all of the experiences that you have had in your life your beautiful accent the way that you construct your sentences the things that you like to talk about the vocabulary you have all of those things are part of you and part of your identity so stop trying to eliminate them and be fake tip number seven realize that mistakes are learning all of the science including computer modeling tells us that if you don't make mistakes you don't learn mistakes are learning but it's really important that you pay attention to your mistakes you engage the power of noticing you can't continue to make mistakes you make mistakes and you learn from them tip number eight use your English to do things that are meaningful to you that is basically the summary of all of the language acquisition research in the world there is no substitute for actually using the language so if you really want to succeed this year use the language to do things that are meaningful to you and finally tip number nine have fun language learning is really really really hard and it takes a really really long time and it will not always be fun but it should mostly be fun you see learning a language isn't about the language itself language is just a tool for communication and when you're learning a new language the fantastic thing the beautiful thing the fun thing is it allows you to express your ideas in another language the form isn't important what's important are your thoughts and ideas if you're not using language to communicate then you're not really a language user you're just a student an academic somebody who's doing it for the mental challenge but I'm sure that that's not your goal for 2020 to become an English grammar expert you want to be an English speaker so remember the reason that we have language is for communication and remember to have fun I'm Christian this is kangaroo English and I'll see you in class [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Canguro English
Views: 114,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learning english, learn english, english teacher, english grammar, grammar, how to get fluent in English, 2020 goals, how to succeed at learning English, english learning tips and tricks, learn english conversation, learn english grammar, learn english accent, learn english app, learn british english, learn american english, learn english like a native speaker, learn english in 30 days, learn english fast and easy, canguro english, kangaroo english, canguru english
Id: jgDH8-JPxjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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