Fusion 360 Drawing Basics — #LarsLive 64

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hey how you doing welcome to livestream number 64 thank you so much taking the time to join today's livestream if you're watching this you are watching the recording still haven't got anybody in the livestream just yet that will just happen in a few seconds thank you so much for taking the time to watch this today's topic is drawings basics so we're gonna go into fusion 360 and we're gonna cover pretty much what you need to know about creating 2d drawings all right I can see we already got icig in here we appreciate you guys taking the time to join livestream don't forget as usual down in the description area sorry down in the description area of the video you will find my email address large duck christeson around Escom send me any future topics you would like to see on these live streams alright let's get going so let's jump into the fusion here and by the way before we get into the drawings just want to make sure that you are aware you have an orange bar up here on Saturdays so this is this is livestream number 64 it is September 27th 2017 and this Saturday September 30th the servers will be down from 5:00 to 7:00 Pacific time you can still work local remember that you can work local but but you will not be able to upload to the class for those few hours what it's a Saturday it's most people should not be working all right let's get into some drawing basics here so first of all let's get a model so I just thought I would go all the way back so let's use this model here so I am going to right click and I'm gonna copy that over to our live stream folder just to keep the the original model this is the one you can get if you're watching the videos absolute beginner you can download that data set so let's copy that over it's gonna take a second for the servers to to get up-to-date all right there it is and let's open up that model and take a look at it all right so like I said this is about 2d drawings so a lot of people have asked me to create on this video covering kind of like buttons in the 2d package of a fusion 360 and I picked this model because it's kind of an assembly and I hope some of you guys have already went through and actually modeled it up so in here we have our model and there's two things that's kind of things I want to show you about this so if we go down in the drop down and go to drawings you will see that there is two different versions you can go from a design or you can go from an animation now in a previous live stream we covered how to use our animations but what we can do with animations with 2d drawings is we can create that exploded view that you many times one if it is an assembly and we're gonna start with that just because I think it makes the most sense so you have an assembly you have a couple of different components in there and you kind of like want to show them how they put together so let's go into animation workspace for this now if you remember from our live stream about about animations this is not really rocking scientists just remember you have this time line down here and you need to know that if this time line is out here and you start moving things around many times you're kind of trying to place things you will see that when I let go i XE capture that view and if I hit the play button you would like to see that I just I just made that so that's kind of live down here now the way you get around that let me just hit it and hit delete on my keyboard move it over here in the red area I don't know what that icon is suppose to show like a red cupcake I don't know what those um and now you can rotate it all you want and nothing gets its captured in here so that I think that's that's probably important so what I'm gonna do to make my exploded view here for my drawing is I'm gonna drag the timeline out here whenever I have the view and then I can go up here I can do a transform components' and this is literally just a move command that you probably are already pretty familiar with inside of fusion so I can control select two screws here and I can kind of like drag them up to where I want I want to keep them within somewhat and within the screen here let go and hit OK and you will see that that down here it just captured those two screws moving up now if I move the timeline again a little slot I could go up and repeat the same thing with the lid and and I could move that up to a certain distance and hit OK and you will now see the dead it's being recorded here so now if I hit play well we get this we could also get rotation on the screws and stuff like that and you can play around with with all these different things in here if you haven't already you know you can make things shorter you can have the lit start moving earlier in the process you could have it end at the same time two screws up like I mean this is so this is animation not really and you can turn it into a video up here that's not what we're after here what we after is for our exploded view for our drawing so I'm just gonna hit the Save icon here and give it a name you should always do that all right so now with this we can go into our drawing and we can say we're gonna create a drawing from the animation aspect and it automatically knows that that's gonna be what is called storyboard and in here you can you can choose to do a couple of different things it knows the storyboard you can choose to create a new drawing in here from scratch remember that we just did a live stone about how to edit your title block so that when I access they'll have mine in here from scratch you can do ISO or a SNe that really depends on what stat but standard you're gonna be using if you European or American we don't leave it at ISO and metric and just hit okay so now our drawing view opens here and you will see that our exploded view is brought right in here so I can click anywhere to place it and this would kind of like you know for this part here this might be kind of like think of this as a drawing package um that I am that I'm creating here so this could be like the first page of this drawing package kinda like show how this thing is assembled at any point I can click on the view I can right click and hit edit view and kind of I get this box back again so I could make it shaded if that's what I I think would look a little bit better preference and another thing that is important to know about in this view is that we can use tables so up here we have a table so we can place that table and a Nexus snap to intersections you will see kinda like I get a so now I get a green square up there so kind of like snap into that but it's kind of neat and and we get this table here I'm gonna come back to this table in just two seconds another thing you need to know is you can create balloons so you will see here that there is the table gives it an automatically zoom in gives us our magnet item one two three it gives us quality gives us pot number but is whatever we call things over here there's description area and material so we can actually balloon things in here so if I go over and click balloon we can click and you will see right need some occurs it actually says what what what we want to select a select component add so I can select this screw here and I can place a balloon for that I can select that one or maybe one that one to the lid and the box itself and I get these different balloons that are the same as what is up in the description area so number three so item number three is the screws to is the lid and one is the box so that's perfect but be aware of that there's a couple of other things you can do up here you can actually renumber things so if I click here it will ask me what number don't want to start on so think about like if you had a huge assembly you wouldn't have to start with one and go through all of them but this is pretty small one so I'm just gonna say that I want this to be number one and then it still wants to know what is number two so I can select that same one and number three I want to be the lid and X is what it did was it re number everything up here in the pocket so that's that's kind of cool so you can do that also be aware of you can align balloons what can be kind of nice so you know I might look at these balloons here and kind of say that I want to be able to align them so I selected all of them I'm gonna hit enter on my keyboard and then I can kind of like select I get this live it orange line visible line it can kind of like align them in a way that I think will will look a little bit more professional maybe second place them like that so that is good to know last thing I promised we talked a little bit about the part list up here or the Bill of material whatever you want to call it so like I said the item numbers think we got that's quantities it's kind of cool keeps track of everything right one thing over here is the material you might look at you say well the screws could be made out of steel but this one here is not this is a plastic conduit box how do we change the material but it's actually linked back to your model this is the great things about these 2d drawings is they actually link back to your drawing so if I go back to our mod get back into the model environment if I right-click on the box here and I go down you will see that this we've already been inside of appearances but that I sex is something called physical material and if you click on that one you might think that you are in the appearance dialog box it looks similar but this actually has signed to the material so if I go into plastic I can assign I can assign material to different components so maybe abs plaques plastics I'm not sure if that actually what this contour box is made out of it might actually be something else but whatever um so when I click here if I save this again I always recommend that you're adding this kind of stuff so Burson description changed material so the steel is meant to you if I can talk inside inside the the steel is default inside of inside of fusion but when I go back to the drawing all right I clicked a couple of times so now I probably just made Fusion all right there we go when you when you go to your drawing so with in here when I get into my back into my drawing you will see that everything is still steel but up here I get this indicator that is telling me that the drawing is out of date so it knows that we saved to version three adding the material so if I click on this little one you will see that everything updates including my view and now we got that ABS plastic also important to say that this description also comes from our model in here so if we for example look at these screws if I right click so in here we just change the physical material we could also go in there we can change the properties of the part and in here you will see there is that description so I actually if you watch the video whatever you did this pull these out of McMaster you can do the same thing you know k go through kind of the same saving the thing go over here click update hope that you miss them go away that's kind of annoying and you will see that that gets brought up here on the pod list that it shows up as McMaster so that is kind of like the assembly thing by the way if you didn't watch the livestream I did on the title block how to customize this go and find that and and how you enter anything in the title block is just by double-clicking in here and you get access to all the different fields and you can insert an image just by double clicking inside of the title box here's how bringing that up okay all right 15 minutes in let's jump over and exit get into all the different settings that is inside a 2d drawings so on to create another another drawing we can actually just click on the plus sign down here so this kind of like becomes our overview page I would say so let's go in here and click quick add and we get a new piece of paper to draw on and I'm gonna go up here and insert a base view you will normally that normally happens if you're just creating a drawing directly from the design so this would pretty much be if we went in here and click from design again we get the option here we hit okay well let's just do it anyways and we will end up with another new drawing here but actually one and it already has a base view in it but I actually want to cancel out of this because I want that extra drawing view down here so I can switch between these two drawings so I'm going to insert a base view and it pretty much just pulls in our model here so be aware of that as a base view and you will see that you get all different kinds of options over definitely explore our the different options in here you can change what you want to be the orientation so you can go in here right now it's at front if I went into right you will see that the view changes for that I think I don't think too much about I think front works pretty well and all I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click wherever I want to place this I'm just gonna click to place it and and then I can hit OK over here in the menu and I get that kind of like view up here however you will see that it's the entire box with the screws and lid I got in I actually probably want to break this down into drawings of each individual component or at least of the box and the lid the screws we're purchasing so probably don't need a drawing of those you can just turn that off the other components over here so here we can create by unchecking these we only see the box that's kind of handy so now I want to create some projected views of this here so I can go over here I can click on the icon up here to create a projected view so it says on my courage to select the parent view so I can select that and as I drag down you will see that it will now place a a projected view down here don't actually continue doing that so I can also place one over here or over here depending on what you you kind of want to see you can also show kind of like an isometric view so exci what I can do here is I can just place this view right here and and then when I'm done I'm just gonna hit enter and as I'm hitting that enter you will see that it kinda like creates those different views now what is important to know is that you can always move these around so this isometric view for example if I go up here and click on the move command I can select that view and then go over and hit the point to part for example and then I can move that you up to here that's where the isometric view normally would sit and again I can right click on that I can select the view right click on it and hit edit view and I might decide that I want that to be shaded because it's more like a representation that getting any dimensions from it I can even choose to go over here and say well you know what I need it to be to be bigger a small or all whatever whatever you want in here this is going to leave that so now you got that you and and and this kind of like goes for the remaining of the city you can also rotate and actually what can be kind of handy sometimes if you're bringing in something and if I click rotate and then select that same you you click on rotate button and again it finds an axis to kind of like rotate around so that can be kind of handy if there's certain area you really want to show really well all right um next things that you should probably know about and by the way I should say this so I when I started out in the industry I lived in Europe so I was all into ISO and then when I moved to United States is all asme so I'm not gonna try to fully dimension this part here because mice I'm probably not quite up to standards I would think but that's that's okay I'm not sure if I lost the webcam or not all right well you know what I am NOT gonna write too much about it nobody needs to to look at me if we alive then we're going so next thing over here in the menu is maybe that we want to do some section views so section views are pretty easy to use you click on a section view click on the view that you want to through the section on and then you select where the line should go from now I know what I like to make sure that it snaps to the area you want you can see it starts to snap to it so we can snap it into so this line here and I could actually continue if I want to break further through but anyway you're done just hit enter and you will get that section view now the software's might have to know depending on what way you're looking at this you will see that if you look at the arrows next to the a it's looking this direction and if I move it up here it looks that direction so it's not enough to know in what direction you are you're looking at and I don't know why I just lost it well I got all kinds of good computer issues today so let's try that hit enter and we're gonna place it up here there you go and let's go and hit enter here now of course um I can always move it if I want to now this is maybe where somebody who's better at the standard as me will say that's not allowed but I think it is so just gonna move it down to underneath here and also be aware of that you can grab these arrows so we need to grab these arrows we can kind of move them out a little bit if we who think that that will be more beneficial like that so just just be be aware all right so that's important um you can also do detailed view but of course it is a nice thing to click on detailed view and you can select the view you want to do a detailed view on and you can kinda like create an arc around that and you can place a detailed view out on your screen here a CV so we get a detailed view out here now the next thing so we kind of like went through from started over here base view projected views we did our section view what is this down here detail view what you can create over here over here you can do different center lines so we can exit go in here click on this sound line here and we can display by clicking of this edge and this edge that we have a center through here we can also click on the next one here to do Senna marks so for example in this view up here you might want a center mark to go through that's that's important to know the third option over here is that's extension but can be really nice so what that is is if you have radius here you want that mention through the intersection you can select two edges and it will create edges for your dimension to go to so that is important I'm gonna skip that I mentioned just for one second and talk a little bit about we can add text over here so hit text and you can place a note somewhere so you just click and you kind of like say whatever you want the note to be in and many times these type of drawings have like specific notes in them so for example break all edges maybe the consider if it's gonna be anodized though powder-coated or something like that so this is the the note you can add you can even do the text font and all that stuff over here that's good to know you will also see that you can add text with leaders what kind of like can be nice unlike if you're looking at these holes here can place the text out here and we maybe say that that's an m3 by and then you know I would probably do some kind of a text and you can do depth all also be aware of that there is actually symbols you can add in here so all these simple so you can say depth here that many times you'll see that on drawings too so now we kind of like have that depth showing showing up there so that's happening over here these symbols over here has to do with either a surface finish and give you a Geiger B for that you can also add like datums so this is called GD&T we talked about that in the livestream where we did we talk about tolerances and how to add clearances and things like that so be aware that those are in there so you can add a simple you can select an edge here move over and when you hit Enter you kind of like get this option to add the different GD&T if you are familiar with that you can you can add that kind of stuff in here and add G B and C in here so just be a note of that alright let's wrap this up with the two last things you need to know about but we are going to go into the dimensions in here and dimensions and printing out let's talk about that so it dimensions you have smart dimensions whatever you want to call it in here and this works pretty much like you would inside of working with you know inside of sketches now a couple of things I got to point out though that is important for Justin Escape here first of all you can click on in you could move these up and down you can also grab the leader here and move that around or whatever you want to place it now got a couple of questions about this one is to overall decimal places after the fact that you can actually control that down here in annotation settings should be going here you have a linear position and you can actually change that to kind of like whatever you want to do oh you can double click on the on the dimension itself and you can change it in here if you want to for that specific dimensions you can add alternative units so we can get the inches in there if you wanted to you can change add symbols like we talked about you can add tolerances in here too so you know again this is something we talked a little bit about in the whole clearances and and intolerance live stream you did a while back so all that stuff is important to know it's in there also maybe this is a good view up here I'm a big fan whenever I am doing dimensions or drawings is to use the ordinate dimensions what that means is we click on this you will first place kind of like your cero and then from that point on let's replace it on the other side you can place all the dimensions that kind of comes from that cero you'll see how I was kind of like adding all these different dimensions in here for us to to kind of add in here so you can do that and you can also select them all you can line them all up the only other want to think you see this different ones in here another one that I think is worth is you can exit enter that mentioned break - so you see how these two dimensions kind of like they're crossing over each other probably rearrange them a little bit I could start grabbing you know this dimension up here and I could move that one up a little bit so that will let me kind of like move these around like this so I could organize like this but you can actually also go in and do a dimension break and you can select the dimension that you want add a break to and they will kind of like break the line for that other dimension that I like to favor is the baseline dimension and what that really does is just you place a based dimension and then everything kind of the same way it gets gets added from that so if we're selecting this 28 here then everything is kind of like coming from that now of you a mess but it's gonna come from that basic dimension in there so it's kind of like adding from the 28 to the 39 to the 63 of course I got text that is a whole place on top of each other but I think you get what I'm saying and don't forget you can always move these around and work with these different domains just like that all right we hit the 30 minute mark might have some issues with the internet I'm sorry about that I definitely lost my camera um but nevertheless last thing I want to show you is the output so you can taxi from right in here of course I can save it and it's getting saved into for hit save here I can save this whole drawing into our live stream folder so we can get that in there we can use that right but also many times you want to create it as a PDF and when you do that you will see that it exit comes up as this current sheet all the sheets can open up in your PDF Reader and it will print it out as a PDF that you then Frank can print the last thing also annoying in here that you can put in the DWG in here to post it out as that I think that that's going to wrap it up became a little messy of a drawing but and of course you can you can also dimension all the detail views and the section views we did down here now I'm not gonna come back a camera because I lost my camera it's just one of these technical difficulties with these live streams and if we're having some issues with the streaming then I really apologize for that let me know what you think hit that thumbs up if you like this if you don't thumbs down I will review this maybe just record it and put it up if this is all crap I'm sorry for wasting its time tomorrow we are gonna be back at our normal time whatever is normal 2 o'clock Eastern um so definitely chime in for that I'm gonna do what I like I know I'm gonna do I'm gonna end the broadcast and they come into the live chat and say say hello everybody so hope you have an awesome day thank you so much for joining today's live stream and I hope to see you again soon take care guys
Channel: Lars Christensen
Views: 68,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Autodesk Fusion 360, Fusion 360, Design, CAD, 3D, 3D Printing, CAM, CNC, Tip, Beginner, Lars Christensen, #LarsLive, akn_include, Drawing
Id: uinJ2I_SgKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 8sec (1868 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2017
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