Undercover Man (1936)

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it sure is pretty country around here looking over it make you feel actually had seven drinks or hurts bad news yes indeed you know my dad once said to me Stevie said my dad was a great dad Kevin thought on the end of his nose together they about booted him to other people's business you know I kind of take after Dad but up to the present telling my nose has been somewhat did you do anything kind of what I thought hold up okay.you so we go and then sit on me sorry ma'am I did that kind of hooding right well you certainly did what if I hadn't you'd still be lying down on the floor and it wouldn't be am i doing yes I put it mattered right there where your head would have been I'm sorry I was so rude I'm Linda Forbes I live at Kean cortex I'm Steve McClean just passing through I see now that everything is peaceful and we're kind of friendly like I'm somebody telling you something I know Kevin ruckus we just passed through is that anything you yeah it's not exactly new we've had a good many since I've been in the core thing that's still you know bet they haven't caught anybody no they haven't sounds interesting you know I might try a handout of myself yes come on I think I'll take a walk outside and listen to him squawk about the stagecoach holdup on time well Holly judge howdy howdy 8 reckon you're mighty glad to have Linda back home again yes sir sure has been lonesome without her thank you daddy your bag miss me did I miss your eyes you did no I got held up near the Ford what did he get nothing the hell up the stage and didn't get nothing that's right thank for that young fella over there he's mighty handy with his gun he got two of them the other scooted looky here stranger maybe you're a mite too quick on the trigger maybe how you know there wasn't aiming to take the coach looks to me like you've tvz company out in a couple of passengers you can go back and pick him up they're still there he won't have any trouble recognizing them they've got mass long listen McLain this is my father judge for right there to know your judge let no you who say this is a spring look howdy fringle howdy McLain I reckon we all owe you a debt for your action today yes sir Linda's been telling me how you saved her life I'm beholden to you sir it wasn't anything joyed I just happened to be hand at the time you're putting it modest son Linda and I are grateful aren't we Linda grateful is hardly the word and I do hope to see you again soon and I hope you get to Ho hey eat the box - um - no had order to hold it over just a male going through why'd you find out about it they don't know much about him except is hanging around Hawkes town for about a week what come on well they've Stroger picked a fight with him he out broadly covered him and just laughed at him out John late mm-hmm where's he going twin forks Bart oh pardon well if here you got another gun yeah you better get it nails with yarn so you can't drop it the next time you need it huh hey thank you going no that's Table nine kind of taking a Sansa to the scenery want to look it over glad to hear you change your mind about leaving this missing MacLean how is there anything we can do for you you could help me out a bit judge if you remind you glad to if I like it round here will enough to stay on I'm going to need a horse well that ought to be an easy order to fill given Patrick's got a string located just beyond doesn't play maybe mr. MacLean would like to come to suffer oh pardon me for being thoughtless licking MacLean when you come up and sit down to supper with it that's the muddy appealing idea judge buckboards right over here bye-bye Hey look he forgot his grip I'll open it hurry up well what do you think about him I think he's grand and you had them furiously thank you ma'am he likes you see that's mutual I had a long talk with him last night and he was telling me he's done an awful lot of you he did yeah I told him that was mutual - I gotta string along with him you know what they say about horsemen come on team let's ride along the river you know I have never met up with anybody whose ideas are so pleasing like now take my dad oh you and your dad come on and it's like we've got company oh it's a spring go is that anything to be so joyful about howdy miss lane there hi honey McLain howdy fringle just ridin over to see you fall eat oh I recognize find him home along about this time we were hoping you'd join us but of course it is business oh sorry but I've got to see the judge you see he's all head up about the way things is going down at the cross I should think you would be too I am miss Linda being the judge gonna get together and check up things and Jake I'm up short you can tell the dirt you can count on me to help if he's a mind to I sure well we need men like you around here McLain say why don't you drop in to my place sometime and we can kind of plan things out Thanks maybe I'll do that that's fine make it soon goodbye folks Hey he wasn't riding over to see your paw wasn't he no like him well dad likes him he does without him there wouldn't be any law all around these parts might be a smart idea if he took the riding the coaches hey bingo ride the stagecoach sure then it wouldn't be some any holdup what are you talking about when he got noise around that ace was riding why those Road agents would split the wind getting out of this part oh there you go come on tell me about your dad oh well honey when dad was going on 73 he was kind of losing interest in life so he took up knife fighting night fighting ha ha ha that's enough come on he's going into aces now come on oh just have a little friendly game want to sit in that can come later you mentioned a while back something about wanting to talk to me that's right Joe behind my hand and friend closer like I play my own humor and keep them up Richard Jones rusty old on sheriff you keep out of these days I'm not keeping out of anything that goes on in my place of business you're a hundred families this year just between me and him piers mighty I hand it to me and I ain't likin what do you got against it a gun I'd be much obliged you take it out of my bag what's this all about well I delete him a card on the table just yet but if one had what rusted me is here about him is true you ought to be hung up you are making a mistake he's used to it you keep your mouth shut and you hear me out ease we're waiting well they ain't gonna be no ropes catching I'm gonna run him out of town well I run oh the Coyotes out without no objections and I hate a stand-in for none now gents I want you to all bear witness that I ain't taking no part in this and I'm still protesting the sheriff section I'm a Devitt I knew men to come go along and see that everything is on the squirtable board company I'm staying here all right but I'm letting go right now that's the way you took up agin me either setting on to well hit new one that's enough of that Justin lament Sheriff I'm right mournfully leaving now you get going and keep it going thanks Jerry and it won't stop to pull no wildflowers when he's well out of sight let him have it and make no mistake you better tell him rusty and make sure he leaves what to buy it boys I'm gonna wait here for rusty all right sir hey let me down hey hey who's hurt hey let me lose welcome home hey let me news let me down where's that ruler let me out here let me go one more peep out of you and a dead buzzes will drop out of this tree oh my leg it's broke this say what's the idea jumping on top me out in the trees you double-crossing down I didn't jump on you I fell out of the tree you never leave it puppy you I can't understand it it don't sound like him I thought a heap of that boy I figured you want to know the straight of things so we come here first I don't believe a word of it well miss Linda knowin how things were between you and him I didn't expect you to what are you living for sheriff why it's that old rheumatism of mine died hurting me again hmm now Linda my judge the minute we got him outside of town he broke down and confessed didn't hear us it sure did set off his horse just a blur Bern and I thanking me over and over again for letting him go a grown man crying just like a baby it made me sick flown this custom it just makes my blood boil to think that I didn't get myself a cowhide and word out on all the hooked him all over town so everybody can see and I will the next time that is if I ever I beat him face to face again but I reckon they hate no hope for that howdy Sheriff probably laying up in the Gulf by now with the buzzards making a meal of it yeah and I thought I'd first release acting like he was his brother yes you're done it for these but well that's what I owe my success to it was your brains boys that they was guilty of for set him up gave oh hammer I'll go this huh didn't do so well right out of grub we didn't I didn't get here and I'm pretty hungry I like stinky partner I just got cleaned out maybe the boys laces can fix you up mmm-hmm what you believe what do you mean coming into my place playing on that contraption I thought I'd squeeze out a few tools and get enough but something to eat well squeeze out your tunes for bail on the girls up on the back trail well I'm not interested much you want get out hey what's the matter old-timer stumble over something okay not exactly I was in there play my old concertina so I could scrape up enough to get something to eat and a big fella the boss I reckon roughed me up and kicked me out I can't figure it you must be making some mistake while the boys in there right friendly yeah well one of them wasn't a minute ago leastwise that's weird peer to me that's funny when I play the harmonica for I'm the holophone War have a hard time quitting come on I'll show you all right but if you don't mind I'll stare Mike behind you little desert rat again he's asking for it this time he's gonna get Hello McClay you're a sight for sore eyes see what'd I tell you partner just can't figure it out Bingle my old friend here what's your name partner Slocum dizzy Slocum my old friend did he hear says someone put the boots to him and threw him out now that ain't friendly now I'm right sorry about that but what happened here today was still a rank than me I apologize mr. Slocum there you are dizzy that's fine ain't it shall I play no not just yet looks like you and the sheriff of got things settled you know I figured that when he cooled off he'd see things different yep when the sheriff came down to earth he saw things much different now ain't that fine step up to the bar I'm setting them up come on dizzy hey hey I got a TV howdy Sheriff just in time to join the reunion McClean I got a bone to pick with you here's a doozy he's hungry sure AM sheriff MacLaine's been telling me all you and him was buried the hatchet I'm glad to hear it well I hate a wanton the glow of hair cut but I'm warn you that me and Russ is gonna keep an eye on you that being the case there's a little matter needs talking over don't bump into me at night cause in the dark I can't tell friend from foe ah that's one on you Sheriff step up to the bar name it a bit him up you know McClane I'm gonna be right sorry after you leave us another where I met and leaving oh no no I didn't mean it that way what I'm trying to say is that having you around sort of liven the place up well we aim to please that right dizzy that's right shall I pray now not yet rusty have you met my friend dizzy no visits addressed sad boy way to meet you Bob divestiture now not officially well you must be too serious Darius have you met my partner dizzy no I ain't busy sure need to meet you Sheriff howdy you're meeting real folks now dizzy mmm see that gents to my friends McLain and his partner dizzy that's mighty kind of agenda but it doesn't seem right to drink to yourself kind of thought dissing me here to drink to somebody else what do you think busy what you matter with us oh nothing buddy just need etiquette that's all to you Jeff sheriff what is but the thing it's been warm and they've had a busy day play I ain't never hear that played so sweet before thank you ma'am I reckon the folks in the street faces coyotes howling oh no oh nothing of the sort you know you me could make some of them big camps and clean up hey that's a smart idea we could call ourselves dizzy and Steve players of admiring music that sound grand when do we light up when I give the word but right now I got a little business to attend to nail the sooner the better it's plumb second what is these the ways hand on you to that you're looking hobbled and hogtied but it's you jus worried about me I'm gonna do the dealin from here on and I'm gonna stack the deck understand why do you suppose McClane Asoka know about hanging around across him well there's the judge's daughter leave her out of it all right he engaged passage through the fort's on the stage didn't he but he could all hear he I know he did and he'd have gone through to the forks of something he hadn't expected come off what does that ace they took the strongbox off and they're holding it for Thursday stage you're right I know I'm right he's after the box the same as we are we've got to get the jump on it what are you even to do you are gonna shoot it out with him right here on the street me yeah and Rusty's gonna help you me sit down both of you get this straight rusty will be a piece behind you when you meet up with McLain rusty will be packin a rifle and keeping out of sight you go up to McLain you tell him it's your him let the Crossin ain't big enough to hold both of you I do know ace I know you don't but you listen to me you tell McLain that when you throw your hat to the ground you both go for your guns but hey he beat lace to get to the draw and you know leave you ain't gonna throw your hat to the ground Oh II don't know when you take your hat off like that rusty browser but what's the judge in the rest of them are gonna say that that I've got that figure too will tell him you was doing that you walked up to mcclain to ask him a few questions when you took off your hat to mop your head he went for his guns rusty suspect him as much had him covered and plugged him to save you oh well that's different and I'm a hiding with a rifle that's right and when it's all over we'll give you a boat oh thanks you sure everyone Dre's clean just came out of Grady's lunchroom hi hi get going ain't nothing can go wrong nothing can go wrong nothing no reason why you can't stay at my cabin there's plenty of room why would put you all that rude now that's it all right be sure and key didn't cover rusty oh sure sheriff but don't you get between him and me yeah huh oh no no now you keep your eyes open and keep out of sight and remember the signal sure howdy Sheriff I'm glad to see you up in the boughs kind of taking sudden-like wasn't you hi ain't here to trade words with you became that's all what's on your mind this town ain't big enough to hold me in you Oh step back am i dizzy sheriff I'm not leaving so it's up to you to pull out if you're a mind to well I give you fair warning I'll then we'll settle this thing in the usual manner on my hat hits the ground we go for a gun are you sure you ain't sort of dazed huh imma giving you a fighting chance for your life how you doing a ticket I reckon I'll have to as much as I hate it sure you won't change your mind you Heena talking yourself out of this my friend I'm not trying to and I'm not your friend get ready and the last message is sheriff hmm you ready get ready what's the matter cherry a little something go wrong turn around when I'm seeking you I have an idea whose brand you're wearing share it you might as well have the tool handy Pringle likely is not you'll be electing a new sheriff and while you're making up your mind I've got some declaring to do and I don't want to be interrupted while I'm at it I'm not much of a hand at speech making so I'll get down to cases I like the town I like some of the folks in it and I'm not leaving until I'm in the notion and if anyone tries to cross me his hide is likely to be hanging on my cabin door now pass the word along for your friend in the tent yeah come on dizzy you see a thought your hands your muckle headed blunderer - Oh pick up your pain Linda morning dizzy is steve around no ma'am he ain't didn't you meet him down at the river how was the meet him at the river what made you think that Wow boy bring him a note a little while back and Steve said he had to meet you there did you change your mind she must have forgot something just can't tell nothing about girls pretty work Joe I couldn't have done better myself thanks when the rocks get through messing them up he won't be so easy to look at too bad horse much this tumble and he hit his head ha ha would you kill us right Mike Holden hey darling what's wrong we're bearing sad news partner is it about Steve yeah we were just in time to see him thrown from his horse Lytton the river it landed right on his head and the water carried him away it sure is too bad yeah we stopped along the way and pulled some wildflowers we figured we owed him that much where did they generally put him usually put him on the door so I've hid hanging on the latch it might look real nice there too bad he wasn't running down the street in town why Ida dumped him right in the sheriff's left I don't like the way folks around here is a toy me neither we'll give them something to talk about after we clear up is slammin AB come in here first they're about do it the Express office now to snake the box out of the safe by morning we'll be well on our way let's step into the bar in case anything goes wrong with the Express office and folks can't point a finger eyes yeah in case they get caught slim and Abbas doing it on their own yeah then we can make an example of them the agent left a window open for us nice of him it's gone what yeah come on how again is pitted out these according to my ideas then we separate and take care of ourselves it's gone what the safe was open and the box was gone McClane he beat us to it when I come in the safe was open but the box was gone they didn't take nothing but the box I got an idea who done it well whoever done it must have dropped this I found it on the floor this morning it's Maclean's now that I reckon you believe what a bit of time to tell you judge come on we'll wait here till they report to us about the robbery it was McClane robbed the Express office all right the agent found his mouth organ by the safe he can't skin out of this come on I don't want to miss seeing him swing do what I told you did it and meet up with me like I said I'll get around behind the cabin yeah yep howdy judge Dave this thing's that needs a lot of explaining we gotta have a talk with you I'm ready in waiting you don't mind I take your gun all right judge so long it's you well gents what's on your mind plenty maybe you know something about the Express office being robbed last night maybe I see that Judge he admitted I said maybe you need to say no more we got plenty proves why boy look around oh so that's how it is a you're throwing in on the side of McClane and helping him to make a getaway what are you talking about we're taking charge from now on AB get down and grab that box and hand it to slim come on yeah come on damn it come on no nothing down there sure is that all sheriff what by joke bullet hate take a look at this I see Jesse retrace it it's gone hate it I reckon it is that's enough he admitted it bragging boys come on we'll string him up hanging me ain't going to find the box well I reckon but the time will you hold you up and down three or four times you'll be plum ready and willing to talk maybe hey cleanly in the other policy is got miss live in the strongbox there scooting away with him come on everybody hold on judge it's a trick to try to get us a wave don't you believe in said I seen him did this took up on MacLean here judge and he just a lie and tried to save him he's not lying and it won't hurt none to find out Hey this thing is just about cutting me into well give it a ham let him carry it awhile all right we'll hold it up oh yes don't there ain't no passengers come on you two put that box inside flip get in there and take care of the girl I'll do the driving have you seen anything of a couple of Homer's and a girl yeah stole the culture went thattaway hey maybe all right everything is right peaceful like honey but Steve darling I'll tell you all about it after I deliver this bundle into town funny Steve whiten secret life of the world father's best nobody knowing pull me to Jordan Lee knife dang up yeah well now you're me and he we sort of work together is that so yeah what surprised me nah now that the sheriff nursery jumper it's a judge making me shout why didn't you tell me see my job sorta call for working in the dark if anybody known what I was up to I would not gotten very far but from now on you're going to tell me everything aren't you see I don't know little rest day oh you and your dad you know dad once said to me Steve you said you know you always call and see he was going on 95 when a tornado blew the barn away dad last orders and Hilda steady in there for four hours when the wind died down the barn code right on top of dad kind of slowed him up a bit he was like a great it's cool father for someone hitched a ride hey dizzy Oh
Channel: Tone
Views: 421,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Westerns, Johnny Mack Brown, Suzanne Kaaren, Ted Adams
Id: K4LBpE5pjxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 37sec (3397 seconds)
Published: Wed May 25 2016
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