Desert Phantom (1936) JOHNNY MACK BROWN

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] la [Music] [Applause] h [Music] I feel kind of embarrassed friend trying to make a display of shooting before folks who were born with guns on their hips kind of gives me stage fright too and I just nicely wouldn't do it either but my boss refuses to send me a paycheck otherwise my next demonstration I'll show you that gigantic shells are sure fire thank you ladies and gentlemen but all the credit does not go to me all you've got to do to end your own misfire worries is to use gigantic shell the initials my friend stand for Billy Donovan Yours Truly in in my next demonstration you will notice our shells do not fou the gun so bossy go a cow grow in TAS about to get jumpy over little fireworks come on open up now just a little sulur for your belly ache so bossy so there it goes take it [Applause] easy you're laughing H what so oh I beg your pardon Miss Jean I didn't know it was you I'm sorry doc it really was funny I guess the cow thought of it was good for her it was good for you too can't sound these fools that have to come to town to do their shooting just like the range wasn't big enough oh I suspect you want me to look at your mayor's hoof no I just Dred in to tell you it's all healed thanks to you doc how much do I owe you I'll send you a bill ain't had time to figure it out yet how's your pop and things at the ranch any better look doc The Phantom of El Monty Del real again no Phantom uses real lad I wonder what all the shooting's about don't know well there's one way to find out go and see don't forget to send me that bill doc here's something that will appeal to you all three bright and shiny $10 gold pieces fresh from the me but they are not mine they belong to the manufacturers of gigantic shell now listen carefully friends and they may belong to you my employers are ready and anxious to take them on the accuracy of their ammunition there's no strings attached just a straightforward proposition if there are three of you in the crowd who are willing to risk a dollar three silver dollars one silver dollar each all you've got to do is to toss them in the air all three at once and for every dollar that reaches the ground before being hit by a gigantic bullet the owner gets one of these bright and shiny $10 gold coins you mean that we can toss up three silver dollars and you agree to plug them all while they're in midair not agree exactly but if I don't the fortunate owner gets one of these bright and shiny all right young fell I'm on well as they will go for it so am I thank you gentlemen now there's someone else I'll be the you realized Miss will it hit dollar is liable to knock your goly West I'm willing to take that chance all right that's how you feel now then we'll have to identify your coins so give me your names and call out their date Dean Hower in 1889 Jean helerin 1889 Jim day 1887 Jim day 1887 Bob Davis 1890 Bob Davis 189 0 all right are you ready whenever you say gigantic all right you three step this way all right give me your money Jean Bob here we [Applause] go that's because I use gigantic shell that's good rifle shooting son but out here a man keeps his health with a six gun and six gun sh a gigantic special it's good I know I can't show you fellas as much in the way of Gunplay but this act is on the program so here go show us gigantic shells are on sale at your local stores don't take a look at that D I've never seen anyone from the city shoot like that before perhaps my clothes fool you miss they just part of the show I cut my teeth on cahide out in Arizona how much do you earn in this little show I've been asked that before but used it by someone who has a gra to settle you have no enemies have you I don't know some people say it's a phantom but whatever it is it's already killed my brother so a man with your shooting skill would be right useful um I'd be interested in a 3030 if I could have one made especially for me I think I can arrange that there excellent I wonder if you'd stop at my place on your way west well certainly I'll be glad to and no obligations either way we'll be expecting you then Tom more perhaps double a bar Ranch anybody can direct you hey you're all right dude I didn't know a city F could shoot like that I'd hate to tangle with you young fell come over and wet your whistles Charlie here'll look after your outfit than pretty faces can get a man in a heap of trouble dude besides we got some drinking to do all right what it be fellas make mine ride right straight whis well boss name is you my friend here is drinking on the house give him the best what it be gigantic milk and S we don't mix no fancy drinks here Amigo well if you have the cow just use a squirt bottle what's the matter dude don't they drink liquor where you come from give them a shot of whiskey out of my private bottle Steve yes no no just the soda no offense boss but liquor doesn't mix with gigantic [Laughter] accuracy and you saw the hole in her hat with your own eyes doc yep must have been less than an inch above her head a man must be getting pretty low when he starts taking pot shots at a girl unless maybe it is a ghost cut him Donovan I've never heard of a ghost going gunning before me neither but it's all Plum mysterious started when her brother was killed killed more than a year ago shot right in the ranch house living room nobody around except just her and her stepdaddy then the ranch hands begun getting lead poison always the same just a rifle shot then a bullet but never a clue until there ain't a cow hand left that'll work on the doua bar anymore I open I'll stay well Doc it's up to you I'll risk a blue has anybody got a grudge against the family n your soul none of it makes reason unless it's rustlers and that don't make reason either because there ain't enough cars left on the doublea bar anymore for Rustler's bait three cards all one here how many cars doc H give me two and don't be stingy with the aces be I pass pass here I'll better blue you win doc that's him four whiskey Steve and have waiting on the bar the same once more Steve make it quick hey Steve this time making five we would be greatly honored if the tender would join us at the bar much obliged but I don't drink oh well then perhaps you oblig us with a dance don't shoot Pedro my the chief [Applause] D ah he go that way [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] oh [Applause] for who's there Billy Donovan gigantic shell I wouldn't disturb you but I saw something very queer I couldn't tell whether it's a man or woman oh did did it look like a phantom well I don't know I never seen a phantom but but whatever it is it's in the house now it came in through the rear window why why that's my stepfather's room and he's a very sound sleeper let's see he's a legs paralyzed that's strange the window's locked well it looks like I've been imagining things pool fellow are his legs completely paralyzed he can't walk a step then you really don't think you saw anything well I guess not you know Miss when I'm driving late I doze off and dream things awfully plain like they were real especially tonight I I heard a lot of talk in town about a phantom shooting around here well I guess you better get back to bed and I'll go look after my horses and report for Duty the first thing in the morning then then you're going to stay sure if you really want me that's the crazy way I've just acting oh I do want you to stay only only you'll be in terrible danger and that settles it I've always been interested in go and this will give me a chance to find out more about him good night I suppose you know you can't ride the r range in a rig like this I sure do miss but I left town in a hurry and sort of neglectful last night now I've got to go back and express that stuff to my former boss along with my resignation but suppose you change your mind something might happen and if you decide you don't want to stay on I thought we settled all that last night you know Miss I'm easy to hire but hard to fire that's it the warning it always happens that way and then well you must leave you must I can't let them kill you too don't get rough up Miss I've been shot at before and I figure when somebody's trying to scare me off a job well they they're just interfering with my my rights as an American citizen that's all I shouldn't have asked you to come here and why should you stay it'll do no good they'll only kill you sometimes a man just happens to meet up with folks he'd rather die near than then go on living away from is your step father up yet yes a half hour ago don't you think it's about time for him to meet his new Ranch Hand yes only of course since you're determined to stay that's strange I left him here just a few minutes ago dad oh Dad where are you here I am what do you want I heard a shot a moment ago and who oh Dad Dad tell that's Mr Donovan the man I told you about that shot you heard was evidently the same a warning my stepfather Mr Jackson Mr D I'm glad to know you Jean tells me you're setting yourself up as a phantom catcher maybe if that's what I have to catch but there wasn't anything Phantom likee about that bullet that was fired just now kind of losing interest in your job on account of it not at all as a matter of fact I have a feeling it's going to be right interesting I'm glad you think so but if you want to stop lad I can't say anything about it all the help I can give you is to tell you to be on your guard it's liable to come again any time or any place first five were killed on on the Range Dutchman down at the Corell and Arthur that's Jean's brother was shut down right in this room who I've heard I was sitting right here and Jean was show him where you were sitting Jean that's it exactly she was sitting there reading now if you you stand over there by that couch little further over if you don't mind now maybe if you'd turn a trifle like you was looking at that picture hanging on the wall there that's it to a te Arthur standing there Jean was sitting there reading and I'm sitting right here when all of a sudden must have been right behind me in the hall a rifle pops like a clap of Thunder gets Arthur through the heart soon as we get our witch together we search the house but don't find hideen or hair the windows and doors all locked the rooms empty and let me well suffering Bobcats dude how come you changed all your fancy clothes when I decided to change job oh come in Jim much o blig morning Jean morning how was your orary old hide Tom I don't notice much difference Jim sit down I haven't got time this morning I was just riding by and I thought I'd pet you last night's mail oh I got a letter here myself that might interest you written by a fell in St Louis he wants to buy a ranch and move Southwest she's got the Run of things the intimate he's got about 15,000 to spend why that's ridiculous doua bar Ranch is worth three times that much sure it is but I thought on account of the way things is happening guess I'd better write him and tell him he'll have to raise the Auntie you'd be wasting your time Mr to day doublea bar Ranch isn't for sale but I appreciate your interest that's the spunk Jean you still got one of the best spreads in Texas all you've got to do is to run that Phantom killer into his hole likely that's your job gigantic I have some Notions in that direction I hope you run on to him before Salazar runs on to you you Salazar sure that's the fell you Tangled with last night and once his feelings is hurt they don't get cured until he turns the laugh on the other fellow if you see Salazar before I do tell him that Billy Donovan a degan's brother-in-law is looking for him I'm not figuring on getting that chummy with Salazar so you better pick yourself another messenger so long folks so long Jim you're cutting out a right smart job for yourself son taking on Salazar and the desert Phantom all at once Salazar has never been beaten to the draw what is it what did you do to Salazar nothing compared to what I would have done if I'd known who you was I guess I'll be hitting out for town but you haven't had your breakfast yet wait just a minute and I'll fix you some ham and eggs so you see Ed eagan's wife was my sister and when Ed found out what they had done to her he went crazy Mad which of course is fatal when you figure on shooting it out with Salazar well that's why I came to Texas with my side show hoping against hope that someday somehow I'd find the man that murdered my sister and brother-in-law 3 years to find him and then I didn't even know him well I've got to hurry off the town now and on my way back I'll amble up to the butes and do a little investigating Billy be careful please of Salazar I don't want want anything to happen to you don't worry about me Jean what I knows best is the ills and pains of horses and bvin and a little about dogs and cats and fowls come on now be a nice ducky and open up your bill but when it comes to human ailments I don't set myself up as knowing anything however I don't have reason to think that old Tom Jackson ain't paralyzed permanent and penty perhaps you're right doc but it seems to me a man could pretend to be paralyzed might easy that is if he wanted folks to believe he couldn't get around yep I reckon he could only I don't see why old Tom Jackson should seor Donovan's rigs tight outside of Doc Simpsons hey give me a little drink [Applause] out then Jackson himself has no legal right to any part of the ranch no Henry Holland that was Jean's path fixed his will that way left everything to his wife after her to their children Jean and Arthur now that Arthur's dead everything's Jean be careful that you don't choke him now the AA bar used to be the best spread in the sand of Texas that is before the rustlers and this Phantom got down to Serious Business everybody figures that Salazar done the rustling but this ghost walking is plum mysterious some folks claim that it's a phantom of the Old El Monty mine El mon mine what's that well that dates way back when the doua bar was still a Spanish Grant the old Grandy found a rich streak of gold and silver after taking out a lot of ore the streak petered out so he done some more tunneling but he couldn't locate the vein anymore after that he went to raising cows come on sweetheart just one more spoonful there that ought to pep up your inard it's nice afternoon is it not I hear you have engage a Mr Donovan who expressed desire to meet me I come with great pleasure to accommodate Mr Donovan isn't here he I don't know where he went so then perhaps I better wait oh no you mustn't do that he he'll kill you ah it is very kind of you to express such grave concern for my safety for that perhaps you deserve a kiss Salazar is always pleased to accommodate the Bey stay away from her I've got the drop you take another step and I'll shoot tell seor danovan I will be back thanks for the horse doc I'll return him just as soon as I locate my R well you better not go looking for it now appears to Me Like Somebody Salazar maybe is setting a trap for you the best way to cross him is to ride back to the ranch but don't follow the road take the trail that turns off about a half a mile up and it'll bring bring you in back at the butes much obliged I think I'll take your advice for for I'm going to ride into town and see what's keeping Billy [Applause] Donovan where'd you get that rig well I found it up the roadways the driver was tumbled on the dashboard wounded I lugged him up to my place and wounded how how badly I can't say he's resting some easier but he ain't recovered enough to name himself so I thought I'd pick up his rig and oh what's the matter miss you know who he is yes I I think so would you take me to him well sure I'd be glad to and youd take care of him while I locate a doctor we'll make better time if we tie up the Buckboard here and travel [Applause] [Music] [Applause] horseback [Applause] for for for all right Jackson we're going back to the house you've got some explaining to do come on snap out of it paralyzed eh can't walk a step no use Jackson You're Not foolish anybody you saw me I I was walking you bet I saw you I felt it my legs must be all right again say what are you trying to put over now they've got feeling both of them they are all right just like I've dreamed every night for weeks that's what I dreamed that I was walking and now you saw me for yourself Donovan Donovan when did you get back what kept you I figured you might help me answer that Jean did she find you where's Jean now I don't know I say what are you talking about she started into town to find you well let's see maybe she's back no you go ahead I want to make it alone oene oene my place is right up that trail we leave the horses here the going will be pretty tough for them we'd make it much better on [Applause] foot [Applause] [Applause] there's my place over there here they come just the way the chief figured let's get out of sight right this way Miss from what you say it must be this Donovan fell he's in that room there see Senor Donovan is is find the handkerchief you drop I think Pedro I want you should see he do not lose his way you will perhaps Wing him but do not kill I want him to be a witness to a wedding ceremony before he' die [Applause] she's here yeah in the bedroom there a key you I hope you will forgive me for not knocking senorita where is Billy Donovan he will come to us very soon I have make request that he be witness for the wedding wedding as soon as you are ready [Applause] Bonita is not as Grand as I should wish because the time to select have been so very short for which I am very sorry but in any G the Senora Salazar will be the Envy of every seora Salazar I Senora Salazar why I'd rather die first oh but that would be great disappointment I invite my my friends here for wedding celebration I should regret very much instead of wedding we should celebrate the funeral you're not frightening me before I do that I should die first that is not good either because if I die I cannot celebrate and if you die perhaps would be best if we have the funeral for seor Donovan you wouldn't do that not if it is the Senora Salazar who ask her husband not to I'm going now you may come out as soon as you have changed [Applause] go on raise him it's only the reception of Our Guest up it [Applause] too is [Applause] sh [Applause] for senorita is nearly ready in in just a minute when the priest is come pretty soon we must not keep him [Applause] waiting get your money down well there's enough of this PO drinks these a celebration sure here is to my most beautiful senorita there's Pedro coming up the trail what this fool thing about he's come back without this Donovan what you do Pedro where is careful SAS are there a gun in your rib turn around Now where's Miss herin she's inside we'll go in and get her you lead the way and I'll be right behind you and one false move from you or any of your men is all the excuse I need to pull this trigger get going likely it's not Pedro's name was bad it's tough work winging a man when he' been Dr up to shoot for the heart we'll stop here Salazar wait put the gun away he'll kill me I've got a gun against his back and if you don't want Salazar punctured you all better be right quiet and peaceful reach high you armd where is she Salazar in the room over there oh Jean Jean gather up the Firearms first Jean then you and I are riding back home perhaps you'd better tell your men Salazar that it'll be a foolish notion to follow us you're going along that'll make you a right-handed Target in case of trouble hold up Salazar those poor horses been standing there all night it's been a pretty busy 48 hours for them and you too but we'll have a chance to catch up on some sleep now it's lucky you found that that old map of the elm Mighty mine or else I'd be worried about the lead slinging Phantom but I can't see what the map of the El Monte mine has to do with the Phantom perhaps Salazar here can tell you more about that than I can what about it Senor oh all right then there'll be plenty of time to explain after we get back to the ranch Jean I wonder if youd Dy the rig in Salazar and I are going on ahead all right see who that is Jean it's only Jim day hello Donovan glad to see Alive and Kicking we were some worried when doc Simpson's horse came back empty saddle that's the reason I rode out here see what had happened oh morning Jean ni Salazar you and the the senior getting quite chummy eh we are going to part company just as soon as I can take him in and turn him over to the law so you let your foot slip at last Salazar well son I got to hand it to you nobody ever got evidence enough to hold him on before uh what are you charging him with attempted kidnapping is enough to jail him on but the before I'm through it's going to be for the murder of arthor helerin I've almost got enough proof now that he's the Phantom when you takeing in just as soon as I get Miss helerin home safely you can do that before then if you want to see here I carry a deputy's badge or I just use it to stop ruckuses around the saloon but it makes it legal to turn your prisoner over to Law and Order right now and me and sudden death will have him in the lock up inside of a half an hour well I I guess that would hurry things up some much oig [Applause] what did Jim day mean about finding doc Simpson's horse and being glad to find you alive I've got a lot of things to explain but I guess I can tell them straighter after I get a wink of sleep it's not really a miracle dad you see when you were awake your conscious mind got the idea that it couldn't make the nerves in your legs behave uh well it couldn't but when you were asleep your subconscious mind got to work and and I know it's kind of mixed up but I'll get you a book that tells all about it I have to ride up to the north pasture and bring those calvs back I can do that now you look as tuckered out as he does better take a nap right for f I've waited 3 years for this chance Salazar but I couldn't take advantage of it at your hideout because I needed your accompany to get Miss Callin back here safely if it is your desire to shoot me why you do not pull the trigger somehow I never feel right about shooting a man without giving him an even break soon as I get my gun I'm going to return Yours then we'll start the draw at the same time that is exactly as I would wish it for 10 years I am known as the fastest draw in all Texas now they tell me you're disputed such difference of opinion should be settled put that in your holster all right when you're ready say the word way all drop congratulations Senor Salazar what where did he come from I think I know they look kind of small guess I'll have to size them up with some tracks in the basement it's a sense they don't match of course he could have been wearing oversized boots but I doubt it you see there's a tunnel on Neath this floor that runs through the old M shaft at the top of the but that's where this so-called Phantom did all the shooting [Applause] let don't I I'm done for so you're the Phantom killer huh yes and you let Salazar get away yes he was the only one that knew I wanted this Ranch because I still don't understand why Jim day did all the killing he discovered a new vein in the old mind and he wanted to scare everybody else off so he could get possession of it oh that just about explains everything doesn't it all except one thing what's that well it started that day when you were so sad on tossing that silver dollar in the air I don't see anything to explain about that maybe there isn't only see do you realize it's been only two days ago mhm maybe an hour off one way or another is that what you wanted to explain I know but it kind of leads up to it it seems like I've lived 10 years in these two days you've done more than most men do in 20 I'll settle for 15 say do you think that's long enough for a man to know a girl before well before he ask her to marry him that probably depends on the girl and maybe on the fellow why do you make it so tough on a fell to say what's on his mind I oh darn it all Jean you're the girl and I'm the fellow well why didn't you say so in the first [Music] place
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 122,437
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Keywords: Johnny Mack Brown (Film Actor), FREE, classic movies, classic movie, filmstruck, MOVIES, CLASSIC, #classicmovies
Id: sDhL5VPcxtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 14sec (3914 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2015
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